Through State Capital Keyholes By Bess liiutou Silver. Touchdowns ? Co u cress man Walter Lambeth has scored with thousands of North Carolina home-owners who had filed ap plication for loans with the Home Owners Loan Corpoiation but whose papers had not reached the ( legal division at the time the HOLC order stopping applications c me through Representative Lam >eth bucked the line in Wash ington and there are hopes that , he will lead the home-owners to vii tory. There has been much ciiticisin of the HOLC in this State. Senator Robert R Rey- > itolds aud Congressman Frank Hancock made it so hot that Al- j len S. O Nea! was given the gate aud Scott Noble placed in charge 1 o( HOLC administration in North 1 Carolina. Congressman Lambeth is suspected in many quarters of having his eye on the Blount Street Mansion ia . ileigh. < Serves Again?The appoint meat of Jame.- L ^icNair, Laurin burg, capitalist md sportsman, as ( a uiemljer of the Board of Con servation and Development has brought praise from sportsmen passing through Raleigh euroute east for duck, goose, quail, deer, 1 and bear hunting. Mr. McNair is i a former member of. the Old Stale i Highway Coiuun sfon and him self points a wic-od shotgun and < baits a templing hook. Capital Punishment?The elec tric chair at State's prisou is go ing o get some attention from the 1 coming Legislature. Dr. Charles A. Peterson, prominent Spruce Pine physician and Republican ' member of the House from Mitch ell county, is expected to intro duce a hill to chauge the method from the electric chair to death in a lethal gas chamber. It is also expected that efforts will be made to give the judges power to im pose life imprisonment sentences in cases where the jury returns a verdict of guilty of a capital of feuse but recommends mercy. That would untie judges hand from the mandatory death sen tence and take a great load off the Governor and his Parole Com missioner. Rang The Bell?Last week Key holes told you that Capus M. Waynick, who had resigned his post as North Carolina Director| of the Federal Reemployment program to return to his editorial desk 011 the High Poiut Enter prise, might get another public appointmeut. Before some pa peis had the opportunity to pub lish that item Mr. Waynick was appointed Assistant Chairman of the Slate Highway and Public Works Commission, clothed with all 'he powers held by the Chair man, E. B. Jeffress, who has been critically ill for two mouths aDd is not expected to recover. Just another occasion when Keyholes was abend of the news although confidential information prevent ed publication of the whole story. Home Run?Governor Ehriuir hailse hit one over l he fence when he appointed Capua Waynick As sistant Chairman of the Highway a id Public Works commission. It is expected that he will succeed Mr. JefTress as Chairman and that keeps this important job in the populous Piedmont section. In addition the Assistant Chair man will appear before legislative committees next session atid that's where he shines. He made an ex cellent record in the 1031 House of Representatives and iu the 1033 Senate aud enjoys the confi dence of members of both branch es. That means a lot when it comes to ironiui; out difficulties. It has been charged iu the past that the Governor didn't know how to make ci mpetent appoint in nts in line wi ll political wis d in. Such a charge will no long er hold water ?ith those who specialize in the gentle art of pol itics. Holding Hi" Horses ? Lieuten ant Governor A. H. (Sandy) Gra hom isu't in any hurry to start his campaign for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination in the primaries of 1930 The Lieu tenant Governor is first concern ed with making a record as pre siding officer of the 193-5 Senate. He well knows that announcement of his candidacy for any other political office would cast the shadow of suspicion on his every act during ttiat session. He'll make up his mind about running for Governor after sutveylng his own record as second in command But you can jot this down on your cuff?Sandy Graham is not a dead issue in North Carolina politics?watch him. Want The Money?Times be ing what they are everybody and bis brother working for the Stati- of North Carolina is going to ask for increased appropriations from the next General Assembly. Ami by the same token they stand a much better chance of geti ing at least a part of what they want than they did two years ago. The members of the Geueral Assem bly and the State Tieasury are all in much better condition and with the cost of living bounding upward the chances are that a somewhat fat'er pay check will greet all the State hired help during the comitig bienniuiu al though the increase may not be enough to buy a house and lot or even a Rolls-Royce. Hot Spot ? Watch for a double barreled attack 011 the electric chair during the next Legisla ture. A bill to abolish capital puuishm-ut in North Carolina would not occasion anv great sur prise at the capiral and Or Charles Augustus Pete son, Re publican, who will represent Mitchell county in the House of Representatives is all set to toss a measure into the hopper that would substitute lethal gas for the electric chair. The Doctor has in . Je a study of the gas ex ecutions now used in a few States and has all the dope ready with which to back his proposal. Criminal Law? Recent execu tions have been t'o lowed by vo cifercous discontent with State statutes which permit a person who beyond all doubt hired an other to do a murder to escape the death sentence while the man who committed the deed ofbn pays with his life. Another law sent four men to the death chair for the murder of one in the Taylorsville bank robbery case. Si ill another cise recently sent ? iree negroes to the chair for kill ing Howard Jernigan, Sampson county white ma n. It is not at all unlikely tiiat efforts will be made to revise these laws to make all parties in a hired killing equally auilty while a para loxial effort may be made to coufiue the death punishment to the party committing murder. Prospects for revision of these laws are not bright alth >ugli any move in that direction will be of interest to every citizen. Jobs?Lieutenant Governor A. II. (Sandy) Graham and Secre tary of State Stacy VV. Wade have long been besieged with appli cants for jobs during the Legisla ture. Over on the House side of the Capitol the Speaker will have jobs to disti out but since there is a three-cornered battle between Representatives Robert Grady Johnson, of Pender, Laurie Mc Eachern, of Hoke, and Willie Lee Lumpkin, of Franklin, the appli cants can't tell just which way to turn at this lime. But when one of them is elected?woe be unto him. LeRoy Martin and Tbad Kure, unopposed for Chief Clerks of the Senate and House, respectively, are also hearing from the job-hunters. Somebody is due to receive a big disappoint ment since, ill these days of econ omy, legislative jobs no longer grow on trees Surprise?Persons engaged here in collecting advance iuformatiou on views of members of the next Legislature express surprise at sentimeut recorded in favor of a change in the State's prohibition laws They will tell you that more than the expected number oi solous would legalize liquor sales under strict supervision aud taxation. Old political heads arouud I he capital shake their gfey locks, h iwever and opine that th.s is not the time to at tempt revision of the dry laws. From all judications this situa tion is lixely to result in a clash of considerable porportions but the odds still appear with Drys. Head Men ?Chairmanships of important legislative committees are beginning to attract attention I in the Capital City. These posts are particularly significant be cause of the fact that most legis lative work is done in committee and action 011 the floor is more or less a cut aud dried affair. The attitude of a committee chair in tubas a vital relatiou lo the chances of a bill becoming law. Vou ciu't tell who will be who iu the Hou-e until (lie Speaker is elected but in the Senate it is a different s ory siuce L eutenaut Governor A if. (S ndy) Graham will h ive the app hutments again this year You might not tie far wrong in a guess that Senator U L. Spouce, of Moore county, aud Seualor Hirriss Newman, of New Hanover, will head the fill finauce aud appropriations com mittees, lespectively, ia the Up per House B >tb have played important parts on these com mittees in the Lower House aud their views are uot radically di vergent from those of Mr. Gra 1 ham aud the administration j Teeth?Don't get i' >Dto your head that North Carolina dentists are going to quit their efforts to get ethics inscribed on the statute books just because the Supreme Court reversed them ou their pros ecutiou of Dr. J. E. Owens, Asbe ville dentist and close friend of Senator Robert Reynolds. The tooth drawers are already at work on plans for a bill to be pre sented to the next Legislature which will make the carelessly iii cline 1 of their tribe w,.lk the etrauht-uud-narrow or surrender their license. Incidentally they j aim to keep the molars of the pub lic in better repair at a saving of money by kicking the unethical out the well-known window. Has Help?If kinship has any thing to do with it Senator Paul Grady will be President Pro Tem >f the next Senate, in the opinion o those who profess to know their politics and genealogy around the ancient and houorable Staje Capitol One sucn gentle man points out that Senator Gra dy and Robert Grady Johnson, Representative from Pender aud ils > cindidate for Speaker of the House, are cousius. This same man luakes the seemingly ex travagant statement that almost all iheGrad>s, Outlaws aud Max wells iu this State are kinsmen. If that is half true it gives Mr. Grady a good start over bis op ponent, Senator Carl L. Bailey, of \\ asmngton Couuty. But don't | be misled. Mr. Bailey has his following in the Senate where Le played an important part in schoo', tax and game legislaticn two years ago. Looks Sure?It's no longer auy secret that powerful pressure is to be brought upon the General Assembly to divert highway funds into other channels. Newspapers are advocating such actiou, in some instances. Motorist are now said to be paying half the State revenues, albeit, many county roads make difficult traveling for faruiera. If gasoline and license! money is turned into other chan nels the roads will not improve aud automobile taxes will not de-; crease. Hold Everything?Don't get ex cited by recently revived publi cation of the prediction that Tarn Bowie, Representative from Ashe County, will run for the gu bernatorial nomination in 1936. Of course, Mr. Bowie may run but his close personal friends say that he will not oppose Congressman It. L. Doughton if that worthy bt cides to seek the honor and arou nd Raleigh, it is a generally accepted lact that the Congressman, also a close personal frieud of Mr. Bow ie's is planning to do that little thing. What Mr. Bowie does will depend largely upon what Mr. Doughton decides to do, in the opinion of mutual friends of these poli ical big-wigs. Eleven surveys for rural elec tric power lines have been com pleted in Greene County. An increased interest in con serving trees and reforestation has been noted lu Edgecombe county, says R. \V. Graeber, ex tension forester at 8late College. NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate in Burlington Township I nder and by "virtue of the power# vested in me by an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County in the Special Proceeding entitled "D. J. Walker, Administrator of the esiate o! Abram Walker and Agnes Walker, deceased, vs. George C. Walker, et al.," and being No on the Special Proceedings Docket of said County, I, D. J. Walker, as Commissioner under Court order, and administrator of the estates pf Abram Walker and Agnes Walker deceased, win, on Monday, December 3lat, 1934, at IS.'00 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at tbr Courthouse door of Alamance Coun ty in "Graham, N. C., the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel or land lying an J beingln Burlington Town : ship, Alamance County, State of ? North Carolina, adjoining the lands ot Carrie Martin (now John M Coble), John Hazel, one Roberson Lincoln Street and Others, and wore particularly bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a rock a "corner on said Martin's line and on Lincoln Street; thence North 10 deg. K. 386 ft to |S rock corner "with aald Mar tin's line ; thence South 73 1-g deg ! W( 95 (ft. to s Tock ; thence S. 1-J dog1. W. 386 ft. to a rock with ' line of Lot No. 17 in plat; thence North 73 1-2 id eg. E. 95 ft. with Lincoln Street to the beginning, containing 36670' sq: ft., and (known o9 Lot No. 18 In plat of said lands upon which is (located a three room frame house. This real (estate Will be 'sold sub ject to the confirmation of the Count and will be held open (for twenty (20) days after eale for the recep tion of increased bids or objections to confirmation as provided by Jaw This, 24th. (la/ of Novemoer, 1934. D. J. 'WALKER, Administrator of Aoram Walker 'and Agnes Wal ker, deceased, and Commission er under r Alamance County, on Monday, January 7th, 1933', at II 00 o'clock, noon, the following described real prop erty. Trmrt No. 3 N.CJt.R, Company property, on Big 'Falls Road, a cer tain tract or parcrt of land in Bur lington Township, Alamance County adjoining the lands of Big - Fajli 1 " " ? - ^ ----- . Road, Dr. J. H. Pitman, Marshall ? Thompson, and other*, bounded as ' follows; I Beginning at an Iron bolt corner i with Dr. J. H. Pitman, on Northwest side of Big Falls Road, 100 feet : from corner at Intersection of tBig Falls Road and a 50 foot street; i running thence with line of said road N. 64 Beg. 30 mln. E. 128 feet 2 inches to hi) Iron twit, corner with said Marshall Thompson; thence with line of said Marshall Thomp son Nj. 4 deg. E. 135 feet and 3 Inches to corner With Alamance Ids surance & Real Estate Co.; thence with the line of the Alamance In-' surance & Real Estate Co. N. 86 deg. W. 113 'feet and 1 Inches to an lronr bolt, corner with the said Dr. J. H. Pitman ; thence with the I line of the Bald Dr. J H. Pitman, B.| 4 deg. W. 201 feet and 9 inches, to thef beginning .being a part of lots Nost 31 (and 46 lof the sur vey of the N. C. R. R. Property, ac cording to a plat made of the same by Lewis H. Holt. Oct. 15th, 1909. ( ' This sale is a re-sale and bid ding will commence at >93.50 and will be lleft open1 for advance loids as provided by law, ? This December 22nd, 1934. J. R. QUALLa Mortgagee D. J. Walker. Attyj C o ill 111 i s s i o n e r s' He-Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the po wer vested In the Undersigned Com missioner by judgment of the Su perior Court of Alamance County in a Special Proceeding therein pending, being No. w herein Robert L. Renigar et al are petitioners and Treva Mae iBowman et al, respondents. I wll'l sell at the courthouse door lrt Graham, North (Carolina/on Monday, January 7th, 1935, at XI o'clock noon, the following described rea'.l prop erty in Burlington Township, Ala mance County, State of iNorth Car olina. located on Highway No, 83 and described in the Blue Print of the sub-division of the (Renigar land, which is recorded in Plat Book No. 2, page 109 in the Office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County. This is a re-sale and .Willi be made subject to confirmation! by the Court and advanced bids and the bidding on the various lots w i 111 begin as follows; Lots Noa. 3, 4. 5 and 6, Block '"B" at seventy-one dollars and fifty cents (71.50) -on each lot Lots Nos. 3 to 11) both inclusive, Block "A" at twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents (27.50) leach Lot No. 20, Block "A" at eighty eight ($59.00) dollars Lot No. 22, Block "A" at ninety dollarB and (seventy tfive cents (>90.75); Lot No. 23, Block "A" at sixty eight dollars and seventy-five cents ($69.75) 1 ix>t jno. :n, moan "a" at one hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty centa ($137.50) Lot No. 25. Block "A" atJeighty two dollar^ and fiftyi cents ($92.50) Lot No. 26, Block "A" at sixty five dollars and no cents(J65.00) Lot No. 27, Block "A" at eighty eight ($98,001 dollars Lot No. 33, "Block "A"'at seventy one dollars and fifty cents ($71.50) Lot No. 85 Block "A" at sixty 'dol lars and fifty cents ($60.50) Terms of sale twenty percent cash on day of sale, the Balance ione thlrd in four months, one-third !r eight months and one-third in twelve months, with interest from date of sale. ' , This December 22, 1934. JOHN R. HOFFMAN Commissioner Sale Of Valuable Farm Property Under and |>y virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by Ed Miles aDd , wi'e, Luxeoa Miles, on the 21st dai ' April, 1923, .and recorded in Book 76 . Page 61, we will on, ? Saturday, January 19th. 1935. at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Ala 1 mance County, Graham, N. C? leal at public auction for cash, to the Mebane, and others. Beginning at a stake, .Rufus Wood highest bidder the following Hand to-wit; A certalit tract or parcel of land in Pleasant Grove Township, Ala , mance County, adjolning"the land 1 of Sara Ward, Rufus Wood, Jamd Northeast corner; thence N. 3; j.o leg W. 15 chs. to a stake to road; thence N. 16 deg W. 4.60 chs to a stake; thence N. tl dog W. 0 Ph,. o a stake; thence N. 17 deg e. 27.49 chs. to a stake corner of James Mebane line ; ithence V, 33 E. U chs. to a corner with .Tames Mebane lot; thence S. 2 1-t deg W. 16 chs. to a stone, Corner with Sam Ward; thence S. 4 deg 3D mln W. with Ward's line, 21.Kh chs to the beginning, containing 6D.02 a -res, more or less. It being nart of the J. O. Dalley lands as shown by plat and purvey made by Lewis H. Holt, March 11. 1919. This sale is made by reason of th-> failure of Ed Miles & wife, Luvena Miles, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of Iff Percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This 17th dav of December, 1931 Interstate Trustee Corporation Substituted Trustee Durham, N". C. Wm. I. Ward, 'Atty. Sale Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the authority conferred) upon us in a Deed of Trust executed 'by J. s Vincent and wife, Mary Vincent, on the 6th day of April, laig, anfj recorded In Book 10 i. Page 334. we -will on Saturday, January 19th. n35, at 12 :00 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Alamance County, Graham, V. C? soli at pub lic auction*, for cash to the highest bidder the following- Hand, to-wil; Adjoining the lands of Viola G Harrison, A. T. McAdams & Byrd lands bounded and deseria ed as follows; Beginning at a rock corner wtv. 6aid Viola G, Harrison in A. T. McAdams line running thence ? deg W. 15 ch. (to a rock rn-ner with said Harrison: thence S. st S-4 deg. W. 4.81 Ch. to a rockror ner with! said Harrison; thence V. 40 1-2 deg. W. 6.32 ch to a mck corner with said Harrison: thence S. Cfe 3-4 deg. W. 8.45 ch. to a rock in a branch corner with said Har rison ; thence down said branch as it meanders N. 66 1-2 deg. W. 4ch to a rock in said branch with Said Harrison; thence S. 84 1-4 deg. W. to a rock corner (with said Harrison. thence S. 87 deg. W. 9.50 ch. to the center of Stagg 'Creek corner with ! said Byrd (deceased); thence up said creek as it meanders V. 2fi deg. W. 1.15 ch. N. 63 deg W 21 ch. N. 1 1-2 deg W. 2.35 ch. N SO deg E. 3.15 ch N. 45 deg. E.35 ch >' 31 1-2 deg. E. 3 ch. to the mouth j of the branch; thence 21.05 ch. to a poplar tree by the creek; thence N. 3 1-2 deg. E. 3.50 eh to a black oak ; thence W, 2. eh !to a high water mark; thence with high watermark 24 ch., thence S. 73 1-2 deg. E. 1-- to nil fn a mulberry crossing ^ tree corner with! said fiyrrl; thence S. 31 deg. W. 21.40 ch. to a Wild Cherry Tree corner with "said Rvrd ? thence S. 52 1-2 deg East 6.56 ch. to a rock corner with said Rvrd; thence 8. .87 3-4 deg. East 20 ch. to a rock corner with said Byrd: thence N. 1 1-2 deg. East 4.15 eh. to an Old Stump; thence S. 5 1-2 deg. E. 20.50 ch. to the 'beginnii.g and known as the part of (lot N*. 3 in the division of the lands of J. S. Vincent (deceased; ar.d L. A. 1 Vincent (deceased) among the said t iola G. Harrison, Joseph S Vin 1 cent and R. W. Vincent Tract No. 2. Also another part. 1 beginnning at a Black Oak Tree corner with said Watson nnd Har rison, running thence N. 60 1-2 'deg ? 15.75 chains to an Oak St amp. ,cor ? ner with said Byrd and Harrison on the South side of Branch; thenc? N. 50 deg. E. 65.30 chs. to a Rock and Stump corneR with said Ryrd; thence N. '87 deg. W. 15.60 ch. toa ? rock corner with raid Watson : thence ! S. 50 deg. 'W. 66.35 ch. to the be I ginning, containing 103.1 tacres. more r or less, and known as the (other . part of lot of the said division of said lands, less 25 acre* cut from the North end of second tract. This sale is made bv Jrp.a?on of the failure of J. S. Vincent nnd wif", "a -y Vincent, to pay off'and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the (purchaser at the ? sale. This December) 14th, 1934. ' Interstate Trustee Corporation, Substituted Trustee. 1 Durham. X. C. 1 Wm. I.. Ward, Atty. f