THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., APR. 25,193.",. I8BCKD IVKBY THCK8DAT J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. Entered at ttie -'oilofflc* at Graham. .N 0.. an ??- Att-ol&a* matter No one will envy Mr. Roose velt his job of placing the re cover}- appropriation. The sales-tax problem is still unsettled. No one knows what will be the final result. Dispatches report 74 killed and three times as many in jured in automobile accidents durintr the Easter holidays. At this rate, loss of life will not be long in assuming the proportions of the Formosea earthquake. Formosa, a Japanese-owned island, was visited by on earth quake Sunday in which a quar ter of a million were rendered homeless and near three thou sand killed and thousands in jured, which makes ii one of the most destructive in history. Silver is having its inning. The price has been boosted to 77.07 cents per ounce for newly mined silver. The miners will be happier. If the rate contin ues to advance, the prospect is it will, it will i it be long be fore the dream oc William Jen nings Bryan comes true. A substitute liquor hill has passed its secono reading in the House at Raleigh and tacked I on to it is a State-referendum which will c< st a large sum in time and money. It would be better if provision could be made for raising the necessary revenue without the turmoil in cident to a State - wide vote which will be attended with more or less bitterness and en gendering enmities which will last long after the battle is over. President Roosevelt is cloth ed with the spending of the largest sum of money ever com mitted to one man, the sum of *4,880,000,000. If h e shall spend it jud iciously and accom plish the purpose for which it was appropriated?wiping out the depression and ending un employment, he will earn the thanks of the entire country. Of course ho will set up agen cies to handle different phases of the gigautic relief fund. The lingers ut thousands of job hunt ers are itching to have a share in the distribution, not that it may accomplish the objects in tended, but for what they can appropriate to their own use. No such waste should be per mitted or.tolerated. The charge has already been made that the greater part of the funds here tofore provided, have be-n spent in the administration. The same economy should be prac ticed in the allocation of this fund as a good business firm does in handling its own monies. Charles Gaslin of I'fafftown, For syth County, has cleaned 12 acres of his farm woods damaged by sleet last year and saved over 40 cords of good tire wood. /. 11 the brush was used to stop gullie?. Melville Dairy Farm Producer ol That Rich Jersey Milk Pbonc 653-W I Timely Farm Questions Answered At State College Question:- What can be done to kill flea-beetles in mv tobacco' fields? Answer:- Dusting with the "1 I iu 0" mixture is the only effective j control for flea-beetles This mixture is made by mixing one pound of Paris Green to five | pounds of Arsenate of Lead For j newly set plants this should be applied at the lateof three pounds to the acre. For half-grown or larger plants the application should be increased to from four to six pounds an acre. Thin mix ture will also contiol hook worms. Further control can be had by plowing up the plant beds and killing all plants immediately af ter setting is completed. Question:- How much milk should be fed a young calf? Auswer:- Feeding for the first week should be from six to ten pounds a day, depending on the size and vigor of the calf. A safe rule to follow is to feed one pound ot wnoie uiilK lor eaen ten pounus of live weight. This amount should be increased from one to two pounds during the second week if the animal has a good ap petite and does not show signs of indigestiou. Care must be exer cised, however, in making this in crease as over feeding will cause scours. After the second week the whole milk may be gradually changed to ski in milk at the rate of one pound a day. (Question:- At what age should young chicks be removed from the heat? Answer:- As a usual thing chicks may be removed from best when they are fully fealherel, that is, if the spring weather is normal. Where the days are warm, but the nights are exceptionally cool the heat should be continued un til the nights are normal. To takeaway all neat would cause] considerable trouble in ihe flock and weaken its resistance to dis ease. The owner must use care ful judgment in this matter as there is no arbitrary limit to the removal of heat. JERSEY CATTLE SALE An auction sale of Jersey heif ers to be used in 4-H calf club work will be held at Fowler's sales stables, five miles west of Oharlotte 011 State Highway No. 27. Twenty calves, selected from leading North Carolina Jersey herds, will be on display. The selections were made by A. R. Morrow, Iredell County farm agent; Kope Elias, livestock man ager of the Morrison Farms in Mecklenburg County; and J. W. Hendricks, superintendent of the Piedmont branch station farm near Statesville. GUERNSEY AUCTION The fifteenth annual State sale of Guernsey cattle will be held at the Mahaley Pudding, Salisbury, May 9th at uoon. Forty choice Guernseys?19 cows, 18 heifers, and three year ling bulls?will be offered All consigning tits are free from tuber culosis and are negative to the blood test, said R. 11. Kuifuer, head of the animal husbandry department at State College. NORTHERN* LIGHTS I What causes the Aurora Hore alls? Read this authoritative ar tide about the cause of nature's impressive display Fully illus trated. One of many splendid features in the \merican Weekly issue of May 5. The American Weekly comes each Sunday with the Baltimore American. Your newsdealer or newsboy has your copy. A sale of 1,000 bushels of Irish potatoes was made by Haywood County farmers last week. A Boone T ailoredjSuit Makes a mighty good present lor the young man graduate. Any Color and Style Send the young man In T.N.BOONE The Tailor BURLINGTON. N. C. AVIATION FOR BOYS AND . GIRLS Boys and ){irls who want to read about aviation, learn how to liy and become members of the Junior HirJuien of America, a fast-grow iiik organisation for air-minded youth, should read the Birdmen page every Sunday in the Balti more American. Get your copy from your newsdealeror newsboy. The new raspberry crop of pied mont Carolina will need 20,000 crates for marketing the berries this spring, estimate the county agents. Five pure bred Angus beef cat tle were purchased at the East Ten nessee Cattle Sale at Knoxville by a Cherokee County farmer last week. Gaston farmers have given more attention than usual to their seed sweet potatoes this spring and have used good seed treated for disease before bedding. Nearly all Mecklenburg cotton growers are signing contracts to re duce their cotton acreage 35 percent for the present season. Seventeen Yadkin farmers receiv orl $ 1 9l{d Q*> fnr 794 nonnna rrrnidn vu Y ? ,?v i <> " ?ui i 4. ? i,u|?'ua |jiunu under instructions from Che county agent. By prompt delivery of tobacco adjustment checks, the county agent of Nash County saved grow ers about ?'2,000 in interest on money that would have had to be borrowed for financing the 1935 crop. ADltlNiETft.fiTOR'S NOTICB. Having qualified as Administrator of tlie ? stale of J. H. (*rabaw, deceased, late of Alamance county North Carolina this is to tiotlf> ail persons having claims against me estate of wild deceased to exhibit theiu to the undersigned at Mebane, N, C., K. 1, on or lie fore the &>th day of April, 1936, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recov ery. All persons indebted to *>ald estate will nleit e make immediate oavmeut. ' This itfii day of April, 1U35. J. H. OK A HAM, Administrator. EXECUTORS* NOTICE HaviDg qualified mb Executors of the es tate of W. E. White, deceased, late ol Ala luam e county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against i he estate of the said W. E. White to exhibit the in to the undersigned at Mebane, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of April, ln;w, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. J. a. White. Stephen A. White, Stephen H. Miilender, , Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOfflCR, Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. ttallie Going, deceased, late of Alamance County. Hiaie of Nortn carol ma, tnls Is to notify all persons having claims ugulnst said estate, to present them, duly au thenticated, on or before the Win day of March, 1B3U. or this notice will be pleaded in bur of iheir recovery. All persons indented to the estate are re quested to make settlement at once. This Mar. Zi, 1W5. JOHN H. VERNON, Pub Admr.., As Adra'r estate of Mrs. Sallie Goins. dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having oualitled as administrator of the estate ut lbby tierrlnger. deceased, late of A'amauce County, State of North Carolina, ihis is to notify all persons having claims against said estate, to present them, duly au thenticated, on or before the 30th day of March, 1&16, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. 1 his March 2H. 11U5. A. O. gerring eh. L. D, Meador, Atty. Admr. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE will and testament of Peter Gerringer, de ceased, late of Alamance county, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons bav in* c.aims against the estate of said de ceased to exbloit them to the undersigned execu or at hi 1 residence, near Altainahaw, N. on or before the 30th day ot March, 1WJ6, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All peisons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 19ih day of March. 11M5. A O. - es'ate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Glen Haven, N C., on or before the 6th day of April, HM6. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re i ovecy. | All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, the Jeth day of March, 1985. FKANK JEKKKIES, Administrator ot the Estate of Amy Allen Jeffries, Deceased. Glen Haven, N. C. I K. ?. W. Dameron. Atty. CHEVROLET Good Used and Reconditioned Cars PRICES AND TERriS TOSUIT Used Car Department Klvett Chevrolet Co. Court Square Graham. North Carolina q? MMMMSmtP ' r wuuuTeAKpT J IF I HAVE TOj 1 KILLIOU/r *-6 "Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will leam in no other." APRIL 23?William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avon, born 1564. 24?Russia's Czar declares war on Turkey, 1877. 25? Rebel New Orleans sur renders to Admiral Farra gut, 1862. . 26?New York abolishes the jailing of debtors, 1831. 27?U. S. troops capture To ronto, Canada, 1813. 26?DeWolf Hopper opens in "A Matinee Idol," New York. 1910. 29?King Parjadhipok of Siam *NU visit* Washington, 1931. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Lillie M. Willoughby, ' Plaintiff, va James Willoughby, Defendant. The defendant, James Willoughby, will take notice that .an action en titled as above has been Commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, 'for the purpose of securing an absolute di vorce on the grounds of abandon ment and separation for the statu tory period of time; and the said 'efendant will further take notice that he is required to appear tat the office of the Qerfc of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse In Graham, N. C., on the 21# day of May, 1935, and ans wer oif demur to the complaint in said actionf or the plaintiff will ap rwlw 4-r-i +Vstx fVvnrf (Tnr TAlipf Ha 1" J ? ? ?? ? rranded In said complaint. This thtf 17th day of April, 1935. Ev H. MURRAY. Clerk of the Superior iCourt of Ala mance County. John J. Henderson, Atty. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT E. Li' Calloway, Plaintiff, va. Harlette Calloway, Defendant. The defendant, Harlette Calloway, will take notice that 'an adtlon en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute di vorce on the grounds of abandon ment and separation for the statu tory period of time; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear |at the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse In Graham, N. C., on the 2L3t day of May, 1935. and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court lor the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 17th day of April, 1935. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court of Ala ? mance County. John J. Henderson, Atty. Summons by Puolication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT John Leo Cole, Plaintiff, va Lillie Burk Cole, Defendant. The defendant, Lillie Burk Cole, will takel notice that an action, en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the, purpose of securing an absolute di- I vorce on the grounds bf abandon ment and separation Tor the statu tory period of time; and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear pt the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse In Graham. N C., on the 21sB day of May, 1935. and ans- | wer or demur to the complaint in *aid action or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint, This the lrth day of April, 1935. j B. H. MURRAY. Clerk of the Superior tCourt of Ala mance County. John J. Henderson. Atty. Notice of Trustee's Sale of Real Property. Pursuant to the power conferred j upon the undersigned Trustee "by virtue of that certain ideed of (trust { executed by Bettle Harper, widow, bearing date of April 2, 1932, and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Deed of Trust Book 118. page 19, which said instrument was given to secure a bote of even (date therewith, default having been made In the! payment of said note, in ac cordance wjth the terms of said notej and dee# of trust, the undersigned, will offeit for sale fet public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash the following' described Veal property at the Courthouse r less. Said sala to remain open for ten days for Increased (bids hs provided by law. This 12th 'day of April, 1935. j CLARENCE ROSS, Trustee. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Ray M. Brldon. ; Plaintiff. vs. Louise Brldon, r i Defendant. The defendant, Louise Bridon, will take notice that ,an action en titled as above has been ^commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County. North Carolina. lor the purpose of securing1 an (absolute di vorce on the grounds of abandon ment and separation for the statu tory period of time; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear (jit the office of the Clerk of the Su- j perior court 01 saiu county m u,,. Courthouse In Graham, N. C., on the 2HK day of May, 1935. and ans wer demur to the complaint in said action or the (plaintiff will ap ply to the Court tor the relief de manded in said complaint. This thel iTth day of April, 1935. E. H. MURRAY. Clerk of the Superior