THE FEATHERHEADS ..*?!=?_ ^VJEUL, MED? <50LNJ. ONI A S/ACATIOM _ /"'SEAM? K trip This tear f / -erect J GoT ANY ( PLANS r ses-t'm - HAVitf' SOME" -TARGET PRACTICE MR. MEAUS2 rj -{nes? ha-ha? ) BouSHT "THIS / Tor. the ^ouklftlfp AMP I'M SHONifKr HlM HOW To USE IT V ?* PlUL I iEZ SHOULD HA\/e \ I &0U6HT "Tvvo-THEKJ \ ( *TH' B^E COULD . J 7 HA^e WAM, Too / r~" / rusr \ i 6nct, V?PVH II M ill 3(oolqjf'ffp (ffcR&KS 5i-r more fUN OUfO' CHIt-TOOl'-? VlEAriiEeS fHAM TM1 Kit* fo ^ Pleasure for All \r ^ ( "^As i ' O T T+f A- ! MEA&L-Eb jy, Kyi y*wwr*oDV 60T VJ^oo"Pm?* Cou64 tbo^ t i'm m a "o ^ at mv j ^ ( mavj-w j P/i,. wAM-r/v ^?.r\~i I Vnr ev?M'. / " I ILL 4>o SOME-H f [ "Pi-ACE. VW+tElte. \ I S?Me.l*>u3>j>v's 6oT j j Su^-r^im' Co- CO p? S'MATTER POP? And He'll Catch Something Else When Maw Hears This .. . *? ^ , P . lo. ? ^ 9 ? ?? ?> J By C. M. PAYNE II' "REG'LAR FELLERS" / DO VOU ? / RE-Avl-tZ-E IT & ' HALP i E-IC*MT, \ and YOU \ STIUU OP ? ^ / AWi JUS' A Ltu' \ ( V^HIUE. LOKtGE.R.,\ \ I'M UP TO THE. \ / PART WHERE THE \ / COW BOX AK' TKEl , [ INOiAK AT^EL / V AT THE ED6E C*= TMEL / > WHE.H 1 WAS S. / YOUR \ ( I TO 0*0 TO \ V ?tO WITK "Tv-AEl I I^CHlCKLNb ? W>- ? / D?D TwE \ / Chickeks S\_^.E_P ) / IKk THE HOUSE 0?. \ f DID you HAPTA J 0*0 OUT IK* THE / coop i Not Eggsactly MESCAL IKE Br s. l. huntley^ /ousvjec I IE UlT ^ivjtY ->uOP VJOP"^. K^I >i PV JvgOMOe ^ I /wuotrs TU' Vr > ! """E " ? ^~\\A. T?_f utlM | |_E ?? Y\ ?>?-EOVJ ) J ^o-E e^ED/ Cc.-aQ^?/ A ( OO SijM s, If so^esi-oov)/ j^?c>o<>'Nj' ^ \ \ -Lk-OT U4 / PAsjTMER GOT I >' U M OQUvS V u^O^I J r^.T' J!N-f 1 L n?*T?>^oY'-1 ae-cxj^ su?oe<) " k -jakj* tmesj ir me __ gits up anj' goes V ;a mov1g. we'll x^ou/ j ? / me was jesr ? f^estisj1 There's No Telling About Muley .. i Our Pet Peere By M. G. KETTNER RAINED OUT !y GLUYAS WILLIAMS JOSI" ri 6?ME 15 ABOUT t> BttW SCHE60DV AK NC .HCES m RWUlNb I I I I I ( ASSUSfS EYBJVOtit PCT rf WWV AMOUNT" Tc ANY -UUST AFEv/ tWORJ Wis' 'NCRtASES. PCi' fe OOTiMKTlfM.lV TC OMPS KP?AKi>.'C> IP W WE WEST, MC? Cfi LESS III .1 I ? rro) ?as:k6 VP tc* a moment, shouts tiav' ball ahp sets (same etwfcd WWPWTElV If STWH5 RWN'iMfc A611N. DP?5 T& ?teP TH&R ERRIES UP 9V 1EU.1W6 THEM lf"> liTT.Hft OP S REMARKS WrtR "fcE OUTTiE'-^ HRS Si's FOR CCvER. O0f if>YS RS'NR HARDEST BTORE rr C.EA% c?, EC HE ON PlAV 6AU. rr tdors an?6tN&iy ?ua tie 6Ame err, STtll MRistXlN N6 THAT JT THEV D vWitEP ICMeER IT KtVlB HAVE CLEARED Feu), $ Little I Smiles? AMBIGUOUS She was a very beautiful young daughter with a head of blonde curls that people are forever complimenting. Naturally, the mother has become a | little self-conscious regarding her I child's looks. The other day the two of them boarded a Lee road bus and the mother [ absent-mindedly put a dime In the box. Said the conductor: "The little girl's fare." "Yes," returned the mother com j placently, "Isn't she?"?Cleveland Plain Dealer. NO BON-US ' -? 1 Cat?Why are you going to get an other home? Dog?Cause the people I live with are vegetarians, that's why. A, Real FeeH Johnny, age six, had been the guest of honor at a part} the day before and one of his little friends was re garding him enviously. "How was it?" he asked. "Did you have a good time?" "Did I?" was the emphatic answer. "I ain't hungry yet!" Elusive Candor "Remember," said tie pompons at torney, "that you are expected to tell nothing but the truth." "I'll try to do sc," answered the timorous witness. 'But I won't know how far I have succeeded until you have gotten through with the cross examination." A Good Imagination Schoolmaster?Now, Willie, If the earth's axis is an imaginary line, can you hang clothes on It? Willie?Yes, sir. Schoolmaster?Ha, ha. That's good. And what sort of clothes, Willie? Willie?Imaginary clothes, sir. SO WHAT "It's a long lane that has no turning.* "Squared another grudge against somebody, eh?" Waiting List The young couple was talking over finances and the husband remarked: "Won't it be wonderful when we're out of debt." "I'll say," returned the young wife, '"I've got a whole list of things I'm going to charge when that day comes." ?Indianapolis News. Preference "Do you like a man who quotes poetry?" "Well," replied Miss Cayenne, "he is usually better than one who relies yn original conversation." Mexican Imbroglio Host?What do you think of the Mexican Imbroglio? Guest?Well, I confess I like our plain old-fashioned fruits best.?Path finder Magazine. HU Specialty "Why did yoti break your engage ment with Tom?" "He deceived me. He told me he was a liver and kidney specialist, and I found out that he only worked In a butcher shop."?Stray Stories Maga zine. Weakening "What would you do If a man kissed you?" "Scream. But I'm terribly hoarse today."?Lustige Kolner Zeitung. Domestic Success Woman?My daughter is taking a course In domestic science. Friend?How Is she making out? Woman?All right, in Infer. She j writes that she Just made the scrub ; team. * Learned It at School Girl Friend?How did you happen to j . become a chiropodist'; Chiropodist?Oh, I always was at the foot of my class at school, so Just 1 naturally drifted tnt this profession. WITH AN EYE TO COOL SIMPLICITY rATT Kit N The smart girl has one eye on the budget and the other anticipating a rise in temperature?and makes a cool decision to include several summer sports in her wardrobe right now. It took a lot of ingenuity to design that clever yoke-cape-panel in one. It makes sewing so easy, and briefly, that cape is much cooler than a sleeve. Pattern 9354 sports an action pleat back and skirt Just to help you "get places." If you find a simple flat neckline becoming, omit the dashing revers (but we like 'em). Very correct for spectator sports, of fice wear or week-end jaunts. Make it up in washable sport silk or shantung. Try a novel "cork" buckle and buttons. Pattern 9354 may be ordered only in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 4 yards 36 inch fabric. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, ADDRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Complete, diagrammed sew chart Included. Send your order to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 232 West Eight eenth Street, New York. ON THE FLY PAPER Manager?Where is the Human Fly? Fat Lady?He got into an argu ment with his wife and she swatted him.?Answers Magazine. Where Ignorance Is Best "He gays I look like the best dancer on the floor. I wonder if I should give him a dance?" "Nope, better let him keep on thinking so." When the Game I? Over "Fortune favors the brave." "Not if the brave buy wildcat stocks."?Pathfinder Magazine. Everyday View? "How was the scenery on your trip?" "It ran largely to tooth paste and smoking tobacco." Just Dreadful Edith?Did you suffer much when you had tonsllltfs? Ethel?Awfully. I couldn't speak a word for two days. Jl!