Make Jabot Solve "Weighty" Problems PATTERN MS L .1; Ira Our stylist had leisure hours In mind when she designed this grace ful afternoon frock for the woman of larger proportions. The soft jabot cascades down the bodice in grace ful folds, concerting those extra povftds and curves! The bodice gathers in front to a double-pointed yoke, another slenderizing feature with Its diagonal lines. Medium length sleeves puff, then bug the fore arm below the elbow. Crepe is a perfect medium for this pattern, but In satin you'd have an all-season "best dress." Do choose sparkling novel buttons and buckle. Pattern 93.'U* may be ordered only 1n sizes. 1G. 18. 20, 34 36. 38. 40. 42, 44 and 4G. Size 3G requires 4 yards 39 Inch fabric. Complete dia grammed sew chart included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME. ADDRESS. STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., 232 Wesf Eighteenth Sr., New York. N. Y. AS SHE IS SPOKE Teacher?1 am very disappointed In the way your son. Jimmy, talks. Only today he said: **l ain't never went nowhere." ? Father?He did? Why, the your.g whelp has done traveled twice as far as most kids his age.?Success ful Farming. Unwelcome Arrival The Nurs^? What do you think of the new baby sister the doctor left for you? Little Elise?I don't blame the doctor for wanting to get rid of It. But why did he pick on us??Detroit News. Broadened Views "Do you approve of women lr. pol itics?** "Certainly," said Miss Cayenne. "We should tie Riven every oppor tunity to discuss public affairs in stead of private gossip." Old Tightwad I Jason?Did (he doctor treat you yesterday? llurja?No. lie charged me $3. THE FEATHERHEADS ' "> IL 'S'L* Aw, Dry Up! FINNEY OF THE FORCE Solution "REG'LAR FELLERS" I Using His Head S'MATTER POP? Willyum Takes the Whole Works By C. M. PAYNE MESCAL IKE B? 3. L. HUNTLEY T n?~~ My! My! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! I Our Pet Peere By M. G. KETTNER WAKING UP By GLUYAS WILLIAMS (OopyrttM. by Tin Bell Syedieau tiK ) GUARD AGAINST FLEAS Fleas will breed Id carpets, crack, In the fl"or or any other sul'ab.e place where the eggs may drop, p takes only 17 days from the time an egg Is laid to produce a flea In goo,) biting condition. The Insects "are renowned In scientific circles as t|? carrier of many diseases. The do. flea sometimes carries egg. of , tapeworm, which when swallowed causes worms in dogs. Occasionally tapeworms In children are caused by dog fleas accidentally getting into the mouths of the children To guard against flea infestation of dwellings animal pets should he frequently dusted with any insect powder made from dried pyrethrum flowers. This Is harmless to ani mals and human beings. If a house becomes infested the rugs, cracks In floor and other likely breeding places should be sprayed thoroughly with any ot the liquid spray insecticides. ^7.MPZ7 SIMON MET A PIEMAN AND ORDERED THREE OR FOUR; HE NOW EATS TUMS WHEN HEARTBURN COMES . . . DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE I Stop SAYING "NO" TO FAVORITE FOODS rC isn't only pie that disagrees with some people. Many say that even milk gives them a gassy stomach. The very best foods may bring on acid indigestion, sour stomach, gas. heartburn. Millions have found that Turns quickly relieve acid indigestion. Munch 3 or 4 after meals or whenever smoking, hasty eating, last night's party, or some other cause brings on acid indigestion. Turns contain no harsh alkalies, which physicians have said may in crease the tendency toward acid indigestion. Instead an antacid which neutralizes stomach acid, but never over-alkalizes the stomach or blood. You'll like their minty taste. Only 10c. VI | iff FOR THE TUMMY NOT a UkXATlVE^^?mmov to c*?it rDCCa This week?at your druggist's?Beau ? 1tlful 5 Color 1935-1936 Calendar Ther mometer with the purchase of a 10c roll of Turn* or a 25c box of NR (The All Vegetable Laxative.) J&ggjrflh PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM jK2||py^^B [Removes Dandruff-Stops Hair Falling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair StvweV 60e and J1.(A) at Druggists. WffMI />^HlaeoxOiem. Wka..Pat