Scenes and Persons in the Current News ? 1?Albert B. ("nappy") Chandler, Democrat, who was elected governor of Kentucky. 2?Beautiful facade of the Philippines legislature building in Manila where Manuel Quezon was inaugurated first president of the Island com monwealth. 3?Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt acting as sales lady at the exhibition and Christmas sale of Val-Klll furni ture and metal crafts In New York. . Electra, the New Presidential Yacht Here Is the new Presidential yacht, Electra, one of the new coast guard patrol boats that has been fitted up to ! supersede the Sequoia. It Is larger and faster than the old boat and has accommodations for the accompanying se cret service detail. - rt ? TTT 1 1 T 1 ? T ? l ?^ . _ society would .Legalize Lotteries i _ ] The fact that larger headquarters were needed attests to the momentum f of Mrs. Oliver Harrlman's move to legalize lotteries In New York. Members ( of the committee are opening a huge batch of mall sent by entrants In the t Slogan sweepstakes, at the new headquarters nt 501 Fifth avenue. I Dartmouth oki-Jumper Leaves for Olympics Richard H. Dorrance of Dartmouth jniversity, photographed as he sailed wwr iimi "?Wt-rviaJlllllWMMIIMI??Ml or Europe to take part Id the winter Hymplc games. He will compete In he ski lumping at Carmlsch-ParteD tircben. Germany. Monument to Mexican Independence Leader Tbli huge monument, designed by Gullermo liulzand, bigger than the Statue of Liberty at New York, hne been erected In Mexico In bonor of Don Joee Maria Moreloe. the famoua priest who joined the independence Movement la 1810. % ?? L-v ^ From the President to Shirley eniriey temple, petite movie star, wears a big dimpled smile, caused by a letter which she received from President lloosevelt. appointing her bis special messenger to deliver his autographed photograph to Bill ICobUison, colored dancer, who appears with her In a cur rent release. The President also Included a personally signed photograph for Shirley. Air Pilots in Triple Wedding in Mid-Air nigh over the watchers at the women's championship air races and stunt pageant at Long Beach, Calif., Municipal airport, three alr-pilots took lifetime co-pllots In a triple wedding, held In a transport plane. Left to right: Euli Phjlpott, Eva Hife, Farrls Smith, Opal Rife, Larry Ghyst, Pearl Clark, and Rev. George W. Cassldy In rear. Sweden's Royal Taste Leans to Champagne V King Gustaf V of Sweden Is always ? good sport. Here be Is pictured pouring a glass of champagne at the opening of a new restaurant New Coal Commission at Work MMBMaaaaaMMMMMMMM???8B? Should the Guffey coal act not he knocked out by the Supreme court, these men, members of the new coal commission, will have In their hands the welfare of many thousands of miners. Seated, left to right, are Walter H. Maloney, Chairman C. P. Hosford and George Acret; standing are C. E. Smith and Percy Tetlow. Student Soldiers Defv Anti-War Meeting ? j o Marching In tlfelr R. O. T. C. uniforms as a gesture In support of military preparedness as best Insurance agalnsl war. the student soldiers of Boston university made a dramatic appearance at the mall, at an anti-war meeting denounced as communistic by police. This picture shows the head of the university procession carrying Hags and banners as It swung toward the common. Haile Selassie's New Palace If tli* Italian lnradera don't prevent It, Emperor Halle 8elaaale of Ethiopia irlll aoon occupy thla bandaome new palace -In Addla Ababa. I I Heads FERA and WPA Social Work Activities Miss Josephine Brown of New York who was appointed the new adminis trative assistant in charge of sociu' work activities In both the FEHA and WPA. For ten years she was on the staff of the Family Welfare Associa tion of America aa associate field dl motor. _ I Petal Pillow or Bag for Pajamas Br GRANDMOTHER CLARK " \S\S ^ This is the dainty pillow that you have wished for but, being eWnslve, possibly did not buy. Here's your f chance to sew up this one ami the cost will be very little. This can also be made Into a pajama bag. This package contains silk at,.I rayon cuttings in white and peach sufficient to make the dainty petals; also full directions for sewing peia's and pillow. The work is simple and ycu will be more than pleased with tbe beautiful results. Paekage No. 40 sent postpaid for 40 cents. Instructions only, 10 cents. Address Horn. Craft Co., Dept. A, Nineteenth and St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Inclose a stamped ad dressed envelope for reply when writ ing for any information. I'M SOLD It always works Just do what hospitals do, and the doctors insist on. Use a good liquid laxative, and aid Nature to restore clocklike regularity without strain or ill effect. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the real secret of relief from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular Dr. Caid welfs Syrup Pepsin has become. It gives the right kind of help, and right amount of nelp. Taking a little less each time, gives the bowels a chance to act of their own accord, until they are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin con tains senna and cascara?both natural laxatives that form no habit. The ac tion is gentle, but sure. It mil relieve any sluggishness or bilious condition due to constipation without upset. a?. Failing of Mirroi* The reason we can't see ourselves ns others see us Is because the mir ror always holds something back. Still Coughing? No matter how many medicines you nave tried for your cough, chest cola or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul sion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. . if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) WNU?4 49? Quick, Complete * Pleasant ELIMINATION Let*8 be frank. There's only one way fcr I your body to rid itself of the waste ters that cause acidity, gas, headaches, bloated feelings and a dozen other dis comforts?youT intestines must function. To make them move quickly, pleas antly, completely, without griping. Thousands of physicians recommend Milnesia Wafers. (Dentists recommend Milaesia waters as an efficient remedy for mouth acidity). These mint flavored candy-like wafers axe pure milh of magnesia. Each wafer is approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed thoroughly in accordance with the direc tionson the bottle or tin, then swallowed, they correct acidity, bad breath, flatu lence, at their source and at the ram 3 time enable quick, complete, pleas j ent elimination. Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and 48 wafers, at 35c and 60c respet I hvely, or in convenient ti"? containing , 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately an adnlt dose of tnillr of magnesia- An good-drug stores carry them. Start using these delicious, effective wafers today. Professional samples sent free to reg istered physicians or dentists if requa*' is made en professional letter head. SELECT PRODUCTS, Incorporated +402 23rd %U Long la lend Cfty. W. Y