The Alamance gleaner V VOL. LXI. GRAHAM, IS, C., THURSDAY DECEMBER 26, 1935. NO. 47. North" China Moveslv.r "Autonomy" II This scene at Tientsin in 1932 is being re-enacted as Japanese troops are being massed in North China, where it is expected they will be used to enforce the declaration of "autonomous" governments in five provinces. Armored trains, such as the one shown at left above, have carried the troops inland. In the insets are Gen. Ho Ying-chin i (left), forced to vacate Peiping, and Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese dictator. By WILLIAM C. UTLEY TWENTY-FIVE counties of the province of Hope!, in North China, on November 25 declared themselves divorced from the central Chinese government at Nan kins, and set up an autonomous, or independent, government under the leadership of Yin Ju-keng, commission er of the demilitarized zone. The 25 counties aggregate approximately 8,G00 square miles and are inhabited by 5, 000.000 people. The Yin Ju-keng government, it is believed, will prove to be the first effective culmination of an "autonomy" movement that may gather under its wing the five provinces of North China, namely Hopei, Chahar, Suiyan, Shansi and Shantung. Such autonomy for these provinces would mean the com plete failure of the Chiang Kai-shek dictatorship north of the Yellow river. More than that, it would probably mean the spread of the rapidly ex panding Japanese empire farther into the Asiatic continent until Japanese* control on the continent would he ex tended over an area approximating China itself In size. North China would become little more than another Man chukuo. To the average observer and cer tainly to the Nanking government the "autonomy" movement is purely a Jap anese project. Yin Ju-keng is famed for his willingness to "co-operate" with Japanese military leaders. IIis wife Is a Japanese. Japanese army officials have been ' reported to have been fostering the J autonomy movement secretly for many months. Only In the past few weeks MaJ.-Gen. Kenji Doihara, of the Jap anese army intelligence corps, and famed as the "empire builder" of the "land of the rising sun" has arrived on the scene and has openly worked for the secession and autonomy of the five provinces. It is certain that he will not he satisfied with a victory only | in a few counties of one province. And the Japanese army has hacked him up I to the extent of warning Gen. Chiang Kai-shek not to interfere. Quirks of Japanese Politics. It is, of course, true that Tokyo has j hinted that Doihara Is overstepping his authority, and that Japanese troops i have been mobilized lately in these ? provinces only to protect communica- I tions and maintain order in the face of any civil outbreaks or communistic uprisings. However, it is customary I?r the military faction in Japanese politics to assume the aggressive, with the rather mild objections of the civil- j Ian government as something of a bluff j tr> appease the Injury felt by foreign j nations who have interests in areas . where the Japanese empire is ? i panding. I It is known that in Peiping and Tien- | tsln autonomy demonstrations have j heen instigated by the Japanese. One the most spectacular demonstrations In the latter city, and was staged hy 300 members of the famed Chinese "Dare-to-Die" army, many of them wearing new uniforms closely resem bling those of the Japanese army. They left thtrir uniforms in their headquar ters in a lecture hall afterwards?fcr the Japanese soldiers to collect. Ob occasions handbills exhorting the pop ulace to revolt In favor of an auton omous government have floated to earth under the roar of airplanes?which could only have been Japanese. Jap anese soldiers have constantly moved inland, even through the Great \yill of China, to make sure that no railroad cars will be allowed to pass to the south where they might be loaded with troops of the Nanking government and returned. Nipponese army officials have confiscated Chinese school books and removed from them passages which might be construed as anti-Japanese. And these, same officials have repeat edly been accused of hiring profes sional Chinese agitators (at 40 to CO cents a day) to stir up trouble. I The Japanese claim is that the auton omous movement i.i a natural one en ! tirely founded and furthered by the Chinese ifi the provinces involved. I They point out that the Nanking rule I drains these already poverty-stricken j people by excessive taxes, and at the I same time gives them little or no bene I fit. But the Chinese people in the ter j ritory literally do not know what it Is I all about. They are confused, bewil y dered. Like Chinese everywhere, they j have no interest in politics. That, fn-t j deed, has been the chief stumbling block in the path of Gen Chiang-Kai I slick's attempt to unify China under one government. To the educated Chi nese, an "autonomy" movement Is a joke. Yet Nanking's hands are tied. While there are not enough Japanese troops in North China today to enforce the rule of Japan's army chiefs. Nanking knows that troops could?and would? he speedily dispatched from Corea or Japan Itself to meet any emergencies. Accordingly, at a nod from Japanese officials in Tientsin or Peiping. Chinese officials comply. Two outstanding ex amples of this were the recent retire ment of the mayor of Peiping. known to oppose the autonomy movement, and I the return of Chinese Minister of War I Ho Ying-ehin from Peiping to Nan I king, both at the suggestion of Japa nese officials. Tokyo Ignores troiesis. Nanking's protests to Tokyo are lg nored because of Japan's Insistence that the autonomy movement is strictly of Chinese origin. Vet it is known that j in all of these autonomous govern - | raents planned, the administrations j will have to he decidedly pro-Japansese. That the government of Yin Ju-keng In ilopei Is to be the model for other pro-Japanese autonomies to come Is I apparent from his declaration: ! "From today the demilitarized zone I will be separated from the central ! government and will institute and carry out r.n autonomous regime a ; the first voice of n federation of provinces I with a view toward maintaining peace In eastern Asia. "We. the undersigned, hope that the people, the public organs and the mili tary and political leaders of the vari ous provinces will rise up with us to suppress the criminals and arch-ene mies of the nation, to draft a consti tution. and choose wise and able men for the administration of the country." This Is directly in line with the pro-^ gram desired for the five North China provinces by Doihara, the "empire builder." And only ? few days after the proclamation. Gen. Sung Cheh yuan, commissioner of the Chinese gar rison at Peiping-Tientsin. upon whom Doihara is known to have exerted ex treme pressure, circulated a telegram proclaiming the Intention of Hopei and Chahar provinces to form an autono mous state. What Japan Wants. What does all this "autonomy" busi ness mean for Japan, for North China and for the rest of the world? For Japan it means political economic and Industrial control of another great slice of territory that once-belonged to China. There is much cotton in Hope! and opportunity for planting more, to take the place of the cotton that Japan must now Import from the United States and from India. There is iron ore and coal, vastly important in building the naval parity which Japan is demanding from Great Britain and the United States, although not Enough iron and coal, according to research scientists, to warrant the expense and the responsibility of complete Japanese I conquest and government of North China. Such a complete subjection would undoubtedly be ruinous to Japan, al ready financially lnirdened as she is. Much better to allow these North China provinces to govern themselves, under the "protecting" wing of the Japanese army of occupation, with free trade privileges for Tokyo. Great isntain. tne unirea states ana other powers would be far more seri ously hurt commercially by the estab lishment of a "Manchukno of North China" than they were by the estab lishment of the present Manchukuan rule itself, for their commercial inter ests In North China are much greater. As a result. Secretary of State Hull and Sir Samuel Hoare, British minis ter of foreign affairs, simultaneously demanded Japanese explanation of apparent violations of the Nine-Power treaty which guarantees the territorial Integrity of China. This treaty, s'gned by the nine leading powers of the world, with the exception of Russia, at the Washington conference of 1922, was formed as the organic Interna tional law to apply to all future con troversies in the Far East. All of the signatories are bound to respect not only the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, but the administra tive Integrity as well. Secretary Hull claims that this provision Is directly involved at the present time because "an efTort is being made to bring about a substantial change in the political status and condition of several of China's northern provinces." Other provisions of the treaty bind the signatories not to support any agreements designed to create "spheres of influence" for their nationals. And still another requires them not to seek "any arrangement which might pur port to establish In favor of their in terests any general superiority of rights with respect to commercial or economic development of any desig nated region of China.** Claim Treaty Was Misnomer. Japan's claim Is that such a thins a* the territorial and administrative In tejrrity of China never existed. Meanwhile, the course of the Jap anese empire becomes clearer and | clearer. Pescadores and Formosa In 1805; Port Arthur In 185#; Rtraftih In 1005; Corea in 1010: mandates over the Pacific Islands north of the equator In 1020; the puppet state of Manrhti kuo"V} 1032; Jehol added to It in 1033 ?Are the next to he the puppet state* of Hopel. Chahar, Suiyuan, Shan*i and Shantuns? C Western Newspaper Union. France Is Again Closing Her "Iron Gates" INDICATIVE of the state of unrest In Europe Is the fact that France has re established Longwy, a border town that made history in the World war, as a gar rison town. The 'troops are seen march ing through the city gate to take up the watch on the eastern frontier. But he couldn't. They allowed him no rest. He was becoming very, very tired. He could no longer bound light ly over fallen logs or brush as he had done at first. His lungs ached as he panted for breath. He realized that even though she should escape the hunters. It would be to meet an even more terrible death unless he could get rid of those hounds. There would come a time when he would have to stop. Then those hounds wonld catch up with him and tear him to pieces. It was then that he remembered the Big River. He turned toward It. It was his only chance, and he knew It Straight through the Greeg Forest, out across the Green Meadows to the bank of the Big River Llghtfoot ran. Fob Just a second he paused to look be hind. The hounds were almost at his heels. Llghtfoot hesitated no longer, but plunged Into the Big River and began to swim. On the bank the hounds stopped and bayed their disap pointment, for they did not dare take the Chance to follow Llghtfoot out I Into the Big River. ? T. W. Burgess.?WND Service. ~ BEDTIME STORY FOR CHILDREN By THORNTON W. BURGESS HOW LIGHTFOOT GOT RID OF THE HOUNDS DOOR LIGHTFOOT! It seemed to * him that there were no such things as justice and fair play. It was bad enough to have hunters searching the Green Forest for him, watching at the places where he was accustomed to drink, searching every hiding place. Had it been just' one hunter at a time against whom he had to match his wits It would not have been so bad, On the Bank the Hounde Stopped and Bayed Their Disappointment. ,bnt there were many hunters with ter rible guns looking for him, and In dodging one he was likely at any time to meet another. This In Itself seemed terribly unfair and unjust. But now, added to this was the greater'unfair ness of being trailed by hounds. Do you wonder that Llghtfoot thought of men as utterly heartless? You see, he could not know that those hounds bad not been put on his trail, but had left home to hunt for their own pleasure. He could not know that It was against the law to hunt deer with dogs. But though none of those hunters looking for him was guilty of having put the hounds on his trail, each one of them was willing and eager to take advantage of the fact that the hounds were on his trail. Al ready he had heen shot at once, and he krifcw that he would be shot at again if he should be driven where a hunter was hidden. The ground was damp, and scent always lies best on damp ground. This made it easy for the hounds to follow him with their wonderful noses. Light foot tried every trick he could think of to make those hounds Ipse the scent "If only I could make them lose It long enough for me to get a llttfe rest it would help," panted Lightfoot as he paused for Just an instant to listen to ? the baying of the hounds. To Match the Car This chic ne,w starts hat for winter | Is made of automobile npho' ery fab ric. Influenced hv the n'f - n-!ve Inte riors of the IftW mode's, r <? desfjrner selected taupe mo'i.Vr v ivet with the new "breathl ,g hark that makes It soft and easy to tailor so milady now may hare a hat to match her car If she chooses. / * MOTHER'S ? COOK BOOK 3 Codfish Balls. 4 or 5 medium-sized potatoes j 1 cup picked salt cod or \ H cup prepared salt cod 1 tablespoou butter Pepper 1 egg or 2 egg yolks Pare and slice potatoes and cook with picked cod In boiling water until potatoes are tender. Drain/ masb and I beat until smooth. Add butter, per f per and egg. Drop by tablespoons Into very hot fat. 300 degrees F., and cook until light brown. Drain on soft pv per. If mixture Is too soft to hold to gether a tablespoon of flour may be added. The ? finished cakes, however, should be Irregular in shape. If cro quettes of regular shape are desired, add the flour, shape and dip In floor before frying. Garnish with bacon fried in deep fat and with sliced lemon. Scalloped Oyatera. 1 pint oysters 14 cup oyster liquor 2 tablespoons milk 1 cup dried bread crumbs 1 cup rolled cracker crumbs 14 cup melled buter Salt Pepper Mix cracker and bread crumbs with the milk. Put a thin layer In the bot L TODAY DECIDE j By DOUGLAS MALLOCH THE man you meet upon the street Today was yesterday a child," Who yesterday was plastic clay, Cnfashioned yet and undellled. Then came the old the mind to mould, The heart to shape for good or 111; For we may take the child and make Tomorrow's man the thing we will. The woman who Is known to yon Today was yesterday a maid To take, refuse, as we may choose. Then genuine, the masquerade. Thetccame to us the moment thus, To us who surely understood Life's calm and storm, our task to form Tomorrow's woman, ill or good. The chlfd you find with open mind Todi.y In school, at home, or where, Is oi:r* to plan?the woman, man, Tnuiorror Is today's affair. And we who teach, or pray, or preach, The teacher, parent, all who guide. Shall sh*i|>e the will for good or 111? Totw rrow's life today decide. Q Douxlaa Malloch. ? WNU Bervlca. aRY THIS TRICK ? By TOHJAY HARRAH Copyright by Public Ladgur, lac. SUGAR THAT BURNS WILL sugar burn? The easiest way to answer the question is to try it. At the magician's suggestion, people experiment with matches and lumps of sugar. They find that sugar will black en and melt, but? apparently will not burn. That is, not until the magician tries it The moment that he applies a match to the lump of sugar, a bluish flame results. The sugar burns stead ily, the tiny flame eating away a corner of the lump. People will puzzle deeply over this, without learning the secret of the trick. You can mystify your friends time and again with this simple ex periment. But never try the trick ex cept when cigarette or cigar ashes are handy. For you must first dip the corner of the lump into the ashes. Do this secretly. Then apply the match. The presence of the ashes will enable the flame to take hold. Once started, the combustion continues. WNU service. [ siRUQes' j "It's sad but true," says typing Tillie, "but if we don't come back from that two weeke vacation feeling half dead we figure we didn't hava a good time." C Bell Syndicate.?WNT Service. torn of a baking dish, cover with Oys ters, sprinkle with salt and pepper and add half the milk and oyster liquor. Kepeat and cover top with remaining crumbs. Bake thirty minuets In a hot oven (450 degrees Fahrenheit). Crouton Soup. \ cup finely-cut croutons 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons malted milk 3 cups milk *4 cup cream Seasoning Fry croutons In butter until light brown, add milk and heat Mix malt ed milk to a paste with cold water and add. Season to taste and when ready to serve add cream and sprinkle with paprika. Making Sugar From Dahlia Bulbs PROLIFIC flower gardens of the South may soon provide a new Industry, with the extraction of sugar, twice as sweet as cane or beet sugar, from dahlia bulbs. It Is being produced experimentally by Dr. LeRoy S. Weatherby, chemis try professor In the Cnlverslty of Southern California, who believes It may serve as another aid In the war against diabetes, as the new sugar Is more easily oxldizable. The production Is similar to that of beet sugar production, the dahlia bulbs being sliced, crushed, converted Into starch, then Into syrup, from which the fine sugar is precipitated. The photograph shows Miss Florence Shelly, assistant, and Dr. Weatherby inspecting syrup in a retort.

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