1 HE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., FED. 27. 103(1. ? . ? - ? IMOBD RTKfcV THGUDaT I. D. KERNODLE, Editor. II 00 A YEAR. IN ADVANCE. ?m*r*4 It ui? ?omomo. ?IVrtUB. H ft. ?? Gubernatorial From now on till tho decision is made in tho June primaries, the public will hear plenty a bout gubernatorial candidates. The long winter has kept down the fever, but louger and warm er days will bring about a change. However, Dr. Ralph W. Mc Donald of Winston-Salem, who started the campaign 'way back last year with a full-head of steam on, has kept right on, ?urmonnting all wither bar riers. "Machine" j>olicies and the galea- tax are among the thing* which he moot vigor ously condemn*. He claims the approval of leading citizens. He is quoted as saying, a day oraoago, "I hare just begun to fight." With this attitude and two other candidates with tho goal in view the campaign will wax interesting. Hon. Clyde R. Hoey only re cently caiuo out, definitely, after much speculation as to whether he would be in the raoe. He is known to be one of the State's most effective cam paigners. He knows what he wanta to say and how to say it and he will bo heard with in terest by a hont of friends. Tho Shelby man has a strong hold upon the people of the Western counties among whom he has spent his life. Lieut ? Gov. A. H. Graham i Sandy ) of Hillsboro, oast of the center, is not a recently found candidate. His friends have had him in the race for many months, perhaps ever since he was chosen Lieut - Governor. Daring the two sessions of the State Senate over which he has presided, his prospects for ad vancumeut have not waned. It w* mentioned a few days ago that there was some sort of a proposition for him to stand a aide this time and be assured of tbs Domination four years hence There is no intimation that he will give that any con sideration. It has just oome out too, that Mr. lloey was after securing V. S. Bryant of Durham as his campaign man ager. A magnifying glass is not necessary to see through that which would mean an ef fort to divert from Mr. Graham some of his logical ?upport On account of the family relations between the Bryants and Gra hams, this gesture is destined to oome to naught but it is politics, nevertheless. Others than these have been mentioned as candidates for the high office of Chief Executive, but they seem to haw faded out of the picture- At this writing it aoems th?t the elect orate can prepare their ballots for one of the three mentioned above ? wo mean those who purpose to support a Democrat ic candidate. ? Former Got. Albert Cabell Ritchie of Maryland, in his Mth year, died aboat 1:30 Monday night at his apartment in Balti more of a cerebral bemorrhiage. Ho was one of the Nation's out standing citimna. For 15 years he was Governor of Matytaad, the record in that ottos. Got. Nice, Republican, Got. Ritohie's SDcessor in 1M4, whom Got. Ritefcie defeated for tho office in ltU. oaii he had know* Oor.i ' _ * 1 . Ritchie intimately for 25 years and that "He was one of the truly great men of thia country." Hia name was be fore three Democratic conven tion* an a Presidential candi date, at New York in 1024, at San Francisco in 1928, at Chi cago in 1982. Aside from the requisition upon bis time in public office, he was also a great lawyer. For 13 years he was professor in law at the Univer sity of Maryland His father was Judge Albert Ritchie of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore, and his mother was of the dis tinguished Cabell family of Vir ginia. Congressman W. B. Uiustead will have opposition for the nomination for Congress from this district, the sixth. His an nounced opponent is a fellow townsman, R H Wat kins, Durham men-bant. He plans an active, aggressive' campaign. He is a strong Roosevelt sup porter with some reservations. He is 40 years of age, and has beeu farmer, World War soldier, travelingsalestn|in. law student, retail merchant, aud some other things not to bis discredit. He believes the ultimate solution of the unemployment problem must center about an aggres sive "back to the land" move ment ? he could have no better plank in his platform. Herein be goes hack to a basic funda mental. "Back to the land" should be preached from every house top. Here with a mod erate amount of toil a liveli hood is assured, and, along with it, happiness and freedom and liberty, which tower above the mere possession of filthy lucre. By all means let him prealh "back to the land", and whether he geta the nomination or not, if a few only follow his advice, he will have performed a worth while service. Odds an' Ends Up in Massachusetts a 50 y ear-ago romance has bloomed anew. They had loved and parted, aud now Mrs. Annie E. Coburn and Calvin J. Morse file notice of intention to wed. "He preferred to wait for his father's estate,'' said the young wife of the son of a German baron, in her application for di vorce tiled in Chicago. His excuse for not working is that it is "undignified". His sort of dignity ? there's too much of the kind? does not tally with her ideals. There is disruption brewing in the teachers' ranks as to whom they will support for Governor. Dr. McDonald, gu bernatorial candidate, has been tossing big chonks of sweets at the teachers, anent the sorry compensation allowed for serv ices. Some of the most san guine members of the profession want to commit the teachers in mass to the support of the Doctor. There seems to be a bit of independence on the part of some of the teachers when it comes to the commiting point which forebodes a row in the ranks. An heir is barn to the Wool worth fortune. The "happy event" oocured Monday in Lon don. Barbara Huttoo first mar ried Prince Alexia MdivanL She settled on him a aiaabte fortune and earned him on n j round tW - world tour. She shortly tired of his sporting proclivities, established herself at Reno and procured a divorse. Three months later Alexia was jkflM is an automobile tod dent. On May 14th, last year, (be day after the divorce waa granted, Barbara married Count Haugwitz Keventlow of Denmark, whom she met in Europe on her world tour. The U. D. 0. down in Texaa do not think there is a place for ~ "Buffalo Bill", William Cody, in the art exhibit of The | Texas Centennial. He was a Union spy duriug the Civil I War, which they think disqual ify him. A mother in Maryland, Mh. Ellcu Shields, former purse, saved tbe life of her 3-year-old ' boy. He had been sick from pneumonia. When he sudden ly stopped breathing, she preyed her lips upon hia and forced her breath into bis lungs. This she did for 20 minutes un til resuscitating apparatus could be brought. ; A Freshman milker at the college of Emporia, Kansas, 1 was loaing time walking up the 1 dairy cattle. To overcome the delay, he installed an alarm 1 clock to wake up the cattle. Two years ago P,aul Shaver, serving a S-year term at the State's prison at Raleigh, es caped, joined the army, and waa sent to Hawaii. His iden tity was established through | finger prints. He is now on his way back to serve out his term of imprisonment. AMERICAN BEAUTIES Another full-page picture of a lovely girl, reproduced in all its original colors from a- painting by nn eminent American artist will appear in the American Weekly (issue of March 1), the big maga zine which comes every Sunday with the Baltimore American. <4et your eopy from your favorite newsdealer. NOTICE! Land Foreclosure Sale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale Contained Br a b$t-tatn deed of trust executed on *be 4th day of February, 19S3, by A. M. Iijrjr and ?ife, Tena Tsley, to U (J. Blakey. Trustee, and recorded in Book of I>eeds of Tru?t No. 112, pa^ee 25-27, in the office or Register !of Deed* for Alamance County, North Caro lina, default having been made .In the payment of the note -secured by said ds*d ol trust, and the payee owner and holder thereof ha via/ demanded that taid Deed of Trust be foreclosed under the power of nk contained therein, the under signed Trustee Nrffi, or Monday, March isth. 19M. at" II * o'clock, noon. at the Courthouse door In tbe Town of Q rah am. North Carolina, offer for sale at 'public auction to tfcfc high est bidder lor cash, the ffollowinj; described property: A certain tract ftr parcel ol land in Albright Township, Alamance County, North 'Carolina. l>ounded as follow*: ' . , Bejinnin^ kt three chrstauf oaks in the Prtss< Uw near (the Bass chimney; thence Bsst to a stone called for In dee? from fT. C. Pou?t to Willis laley ; thence North Ich. M Iks. to * Stone; thence Bast 4,7} cha. to |?a stump; thswoi North ? cha. to Rasst to a thence with the aforesaid branch following its Hisiim Ut a atone t ft. Soethweet of ttrj* wiQowoak; Premsfl Hoe, containing 50 acres, mar* 9f liu Being land of I which Wgllt MV 'died alezed and. po leaHi (AD meaaurments taken from deed (Mm T. C. Fou?t to Walls (la ley. Dated Jan. 5th, 1190). Alao the following tract of land In Albright." Township, Alamance County, and described as follow* : Joining the lands otf 'Willis .Isley, Henry Holt, O. K. Foust al.. 'and being known sa the John (' Piles place, containing twenty acres, mors or lest, toeing the home place of said 8. S. Shoe and his wife, Louisa Shoe, fcoth now deceased. The above property will oe sold subject to increased tofdl as .by law provided. This Hth d*y 'of February, 19J6. t. J. BLAKBY. Trustee. Coulter & Allen, Attys. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the power of a ale contained in a certain mort gage deed, executed by W.S. Hod gin and -wife, Neally Hodgin. an the 24 day of November, 1925, and re corded In Book 105 M. D? at 190, in the office o( the Register of Deeds for 'Alamance County, North Carolina, default having been 'made in thf payment, the undersized will sell at lh? Courthousa Door Tn Graham, North Carolina, to the highest bidder 'for cash, on Saturday, March 7th. 19J8. at M :00 o'clock, noon, the following described real estate i Lying and being in Patterson Town ahip, Alamance County, North Carolina, and bounded las follows i Beginning at a stotoe in the Pat terson line, running West 2J , poles to a stone; thence North 59 poles to a Stone on Hill Pond, at high water mark ; thence up South side of pond Us far. as Patterson's, for | mall v Headen tract goes ; thence . cross the "head of pond with aald ' Headen line to high water mark on North tide of pond ; thence down | North tide of pond to a high water I mark to a %tone; thence North li pole* to a 'atone; thence East! IS pole* to a atone ; thence from this atone down to fcreek ; thence below a walled up spring on the original Bunttq tract; thence South acroia aaid creek to Ithe beginnln g of the original mill lot, containing 6 1-4 acres, more or less. This the 1th day of February, 19J6|, fOM NIXON, Mortgagee. T. K. Vail, 'Arty. Liberty, N. 'C.' Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed, executed by .W. S. Hod gin and wife, 'Cornelia Hodgin. on the 7th ^ay ?f May, 1929. land re corded in Book '113, M. D.. at page 158, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment, the undersigned will sell at the Courthousa Door Sn Graham, North rCarolina. to the highest bidder Tor caaih, on Saturday, March 7th, 1939, at IS :00 o'clock, noon, the following described Ireal estate i Lying and being in Patt?raon Town ship, Alamance Cpunty, North Carolina, and bounded a? follows ; First tract known as the Mill Tract : Beginning at a stone Jn the Patterson line, running thence West 22 poles to a stone; thence North 59 'poles to a stone on the Mill Pond at high wat r mark; then ce up South aide of said pond as far as Patteraon's family tract goes; thence across said pond with .the old Headen Una to the high water mark on the NortH tide of Mid pond; thence down North aide of said pond %t hi?h water mark to a stump ; thence fcorth 13 poles to a atone; thence Ernst 18 poles to a atone; thence from this atone down to the creek; thence down the said creek below a walled up spring on the original Head en line ; thence South across said creek to the beginning icorner of the origi nal Mill lot, and containing 6 1-4 acres, more or less. Second Tract 4 Known 'as the J. A. J. Patterson land on North' aide ol the mill pond, adjoining the lands of John Holt, C. A. Hlnshaw. and others, bounded "as follows: Beginning at a stake on the North aide of the W.S.Hodgin Mill Pond, Eanes line at high water mark thence East down alaid pond at high water mark to a stone, corner of Hodgin'a Mill lot; thence Bast 18 poles to a atone ln: C. A. Hinshaw's line; thence North with Hinshaw's line to a stone, John Holt's corner ; thence West "with Holt's line 78 poles to a stone, "Holt's and others cor ner; thence South 20 poles to a stone in the edge of the pond ; then ce IWest 4T /poles to the beginning corner, and containing 11 acres, more or less. This mortgage covers all of the land awarded by flaid Pat terson on the North aide of the said mill pond. This the 4th d%y of February, 1938. ,W. H. BULISS, Mortgagee. T. R. "Wall, Alt j. Liberty, N. 'C > Notice of Foreclosure. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In' a (cer tain mortgage deed executed on the 11th day of February, 1928, oy D. E. Moran and wife, Bettie Moran. of Alamance County North Carolina, to H.R.Payne of 'Alamance County, North Carolina, "which said mort gage deed la duly recorded In the office of Register ojf Deeds of Ala mance County, "North Carolina, in Book of Mortgage Deed* No. 103. at page 104, default having been made in the payment of the note secure! "by said mortgage, the said mortgagee, H. R. Payne, and J. G. and L. W. Prltchett, assignees will, on Saturday, March Hthl 19J6. at 11 ;00 o'clock, noon. at the ^Courthouse door ol Alaman ce County, in Graham. North Caro lina, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder the following described property: A certain "piece or tract of land lying and "being tn Alamance Coun ty, State 'of North" Carolina. ;in the City of Burlington, Burlington Township, and defined and describ ed as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands 'of H. R. Payne, an 'alley 20 ft. wide. Means Street Unow Ma ple Avenue) and others: Begin ning at the tpoint of intersection of said alley and Avenue; running thence N. 34 deg. W. .46 ft. 10 in. to a point in concrete drive (5 in. N. W. of "brick pillar of Filling Sta tion on lot on S. W. side of sail Avenue 52 ft. 2 in. S. E. of wSd Paynes lot; thence 90 deg. S, 66 deg. W. (H. S.) 64 ft. to an iron bolt on N. aide of said Alley; thence S. ad 1-4 deg. E. 79 1-2 it to the beginning, containing 1488 square feet, more or less. This sale is madef on account of default in the payment of |the in debtedness secured ny said mort gage deed. This 12th 'day of February, 1936. H. R. PAYNE, Mortgagee. J. G. & L. W. Pritchett, . Assigne?s. Dameron & Young, Attys. AUCTION ..S-A-L-E.. 20 Small Farms 20 At HICO On No. 93 Between Graham and Saxapahaw AT 10:00 A. M. SATURDAY, FEB. 29th Adjoining Above Property 20 HOMESITES 20 VERY DESIRABLE LUNCH ON THE GROUNDS Valuable Prizes Given Away - TERMS EASY - DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND PENNY BROS. - - - THOMAS BROS.

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