THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C , FEB. 27, 1936. Local News ? A son wan born Sunday to i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stacy on ' Maple street. ? Next Monday the County Commissioners will meet in reg ular monthly session. ? Brower Holt has sufficiently recovered to permit his removal to his home from the hospital. ? Graham Public School reces sed Tuesday till next account of the prevalence of *flu". ? Mrs. Burlou May is reported quite sick from bronchial pneu monia at her home east of ?Jra ham. ? Mumford M. Gerringer, Dep uty Sheriff up to about a year ago, aunounces himself a candi date for the office of Sheriff to be voted od in tli?- In p-imtry. ? A tweuiy tou car ot VV A mi perphosphaie was uuloadeU iu Alamance county last week to be used on the farms selected for farm miuageinent demonstra tions. ? A fine baby girl was born to Dr. aud Mrs. Willard C. Goley at Uaiuey hospital oil last Thursday aileruoou. Mother aud baby are netting along all right. Congrat ulations. ? Last Saturday, the 204th an niversary of Washington's birth day, was a national holiday, and the postoffiice observed Sunday hours. Other business went on iu the usual way. ? ? The robins are coming back which, according to the accepted notiou, forebodes the approach of spriug. As yet we've beard no thing of i be oluebird, regarded as the real harbiuger of spring. ? Cap!. Robt. J. Thompson, a Confederate Veteran, it is learn ed, is extremely ill at his home in Burliugton. He is Commander of the Confederate Veterans' or ganization in Alamance county. ?It's raiuing today, following 2 or 3 days ot typical spring weather; but don't allow yourself to imagine that spring is really here. There is plenty of time for more cold weather before the "roses come again." ? The friends of Mr. John B. Siratford, who was severely in jured in an automobile wreck near Spartanburg, S. C., three weeks ago today, and still in the hospi tal, will be glad to learn that he is improving. At beet he will be in the hospital several weeks yet. ? Land Auction ? Penny Bros, and Thomas Bros., well kuown auctioneers, will tell 20 small (arms on Highway No. 93, about four miles south o f Graham, beginning at 10 a. m. Saturday. When land auctions become act ive, it is said to indicate that de pression is really on the wane. ? News comes that Cadet James M. Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Holt, was promoted last week to the rank of Sergeant in Head quarters Company in the Officers' Training Corps of Kishburne Mil itary School, Waynesboro. Va. This promotion appeared in a special order published by Major ?. V. Kerr, Professor of Military Science and Technics. ?Opening Day, Prizes? T x Producers' and Consumers' Ghe change Co., Inc., has its opening Friday and Saturday. First 24 head-of-family purchases will be given special bag of flour. Twen ty-six other prizes will be given purchasers who register ? prizes to be distributed Saturday night. It's a grocery business on Court Square, southeast corner. ? Superior Court ? The Febru ary term of the Criminal Court opened Monday, Judge Marshall Spears of Durham presiding. The nine newly drawn grand jurors were sworn in and the jury eharged. At this writing the work calendared for the court is well under way. This Is Judge Spears' first court in Alamance, and it is being held by exchange with Judge J. Pvul Frizzlelle. ? Dr. Will. S. Long, Jr., as Pres ident of the North Carolina Fire men's Association, spent the first of the week at Enfield and other points, meeting with Fire Com panies in his official capsoity. Last week he was in Wilmington, and that section of the State. His duties as president of the associa tion take him practically all over the State. In performing the duties of his office, hardly any one could get more real pleasure sad enjoyment out of going from place to place and making new friends. PERSONAL Alton Kirkpatrick of Shelbj visited friends here the Brat o the week. Miss Eleanor Walker, at Peaci College, Raleigh, spent the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott and Mrs. Mell Thompson spent Mon day in Greensboro. Mrs. Thomas 0. Hoyle, Jr., ol Greensboro, spent the week end here with her mother, Mrs. W. T Ezell. Mr. M. R. Rives left the first ol the week on a business trip t(i Tarboro and other points iu tha section. Mrs. J. L Johnson and daugh ter, Martha Ellen, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. J C. Aumann, in Thomasville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zachary and Tom, Jr., left yesterday for Clear water, Fla , where Mr. Zachar] will spend some time iu basebal training. Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson re tnr"?-d to Charlotte Saturday od hit u in' 'he continued seriouf illuesn of her irolher-iu-law, Doc F. Noyes. Marriage Licenses. In l he past week the Registei of Deeds has ist>u<)d marriage liceuses to the following: II. W. Walden, Graham, and Estelle Hedgepeth, Burlington. Rowlaml Riley and Annie Lee Burgett, Hillsboro. William H Griffin, Snow Camp, and Mary Ruth Scott. Graham. Jamed Stinson, Jr., and Ruth Allred, Burlington. COLORED Walter Stewart, Whitaett, and Myrtle Byrd, Burlington. Jule H. Glenn Fatally Injurec In Wreck. Jule II. Glenn, 37, a World Wai veteran, Rt. 1, Haw River, suf fereJ a fractured skull and other injuries in an automobile acci dent in Graham about 2 o'clock Sunday night. Three hours latei he died at Rainey hospital. Ed W. Riddle, the driver, and one, Adams, were in the car and suf. ft- red only slight injuries. Th< car failed to make the tnrn in front of the Jacob A. Long home N. Main St., ran into the yard, struck a large stone and snapped off a small tree. Deceased was carried to Hillsboro for burial. He is survived by his wife and e joung daughter. A Four-Year Scholarship. HareV a chance for an Ala mance county boy to win a four year scholarship at State College, It is to be given to the outstand ing 4-H Club member in North Carolina for 1936. The winnei will be determined by his pro duction as shown by his record books; partio:pation in club and community activities; leadership and a story of olub experience* and high school record. In addition, one club membe) from each county in the Stab will be given a free trip to th< 'annual 4-H short course at Stal< College in the summer. These valuable prizes are rich ly worth the effort. New Charters, Charters were issued Frida; by Secretary of State 8tacey W Wade to the following: J. C. Pritchett & Son, Inc., ol Burlington were granted a bosi ness charter to handle petroleuu and its by-products under $2u,00 authorized capital with $300 stock subscribed by J. G. Pritchett, L W. Pritchett and Claiborni Young, all of Burlington. The O. and F. Company, Inc., gf Burlington, which will operate stores under aqthori^ed cipital of 1,000 shares pf stock witji thre< subscribed by Thopi^a p. Cooper Edward b, Cflrlee and gmmersoi T. Samples, all of Burljngtoq. ? Another, Dace Andrews, witl a truck tried to ran over the stop light base, at intersection of f? Main and Harden sts., Monda; night. No damage to base and lights, bat the car suffered somi damage. NEW DETECTIVE SERIES Another series of articles whicl reveals secrets of the Surete French detective policies, will ap pear tb? AnJ'rfP#? Weekly, be ginning March I- Apipricai Weekly pomes eyery Sunday wjt| the Baltimore Amerioan, th< South's favorite newspaper. Toai newsdealer has your copy. Twelve additional farms hav been selected in Jackson count; for farm management demonstra tioDs in cooperation with th TV A. i Freight Train Wrecked at Haw River Monday Morning. I A west-bound freight train of thirty care was wrecked at Haw River about 3:30 o'clock Monday * morning, said to be the worst ' wreck in 7 or 8 years on this di vision. Thirteen care left the i track. Five of the can went off on the south side, down the high embankment. One of them fell , bottom side up in the river and . one with one end in the river. The derailment started at the 16th car from the engine, around. 100 feet east of the Haw river ' bridge, when an arch bar dropped i The cars lumbered across the t bridge, splintering crossties and tearing up the track. The eugine and a number of cars were safely , across the river before the wreck ing started, but the track was torn up for several hundred yards. When the train came to ' a standstill the caboose, in which ? was Conductor L. D. Rochelle, was on the bridge 40 feet above ' the river and perilously near the edge of the bridge. He got out . and reached a phone and called i Greensboro. Roy C. Paylor was ; engiueer. A big wrecking crew i was dispatched to the scene and repairs were made for traius to cross by one o'clock Monday nKhr. While repairing the dam- , a0e p issetigere and guiil were ? trauslerred. W. W. Weaver, Publish zr of | * State Progress, Dies Suddenly W. W. Weaver, 61, editor and publisher of State Progress, Dur ham, died suddenly iir Duihaiu at 5:20 Monday afternoon, last i week. He was on the street when he had a snddeu heart attack and crumpled to the sidewalk. He was born in Mechanic*! urg, Ohio iHe at one time published two papers in his native Slate In ? i 19.2 he bought the Durham Daily Sun aud since that time he bad been iu the publishing business , in Durham. In the latter part of December , he began the publication of the "Qraham News" which wras cir . culated in Graham. I Wise Sayings , General and abstract ideas are ? the source of the greatest of ) meu's errors ? Rousseau. 1 A man's vanity tells him what is honor; a man's conscience what is justice. ? Landor. Revenge, at first, though sweet, , bitter 'ere long, back on itself re i ooils. ? Milton. All who joy would win must share it ? happiness was bora a twin. ? Byron. What you do not want is dear ' at a farthing. ? Cato. It is well to be taught, even by 1 an enemy. ? Ovid. . North Carolina Folk Lore Will ' Have Prominent Place at Texas Centennial. p i Dallas, Texas, Feb. 24 ? Sever r al North Carolinians, authorities > on American folk lore, will serve j on the national committee for the b National Folk Festival which will be held for two weeks at the Tex . as Centennial Exposition here. The festival will begin Jnne 14. Among those representing North Carolina on the committee are, ,, Paul Green, North Carolina Uni versity, who is president of the festival; Frank C. Brown, Duke r University ; Bascom Lamar Luns ford, Leicester; Dr. Jamee Q. K. , McClure, Jr., Asheville; Lucy 3 Morgan, Penfield; Lunar String . field, Chapel Hill, and Fred L. Weede, Asheville. j Gertrude Knott, national direc tor of the movement, says: ''North Carolina has always been rich in | that material of which tru* folk I lore is made. Th<-' music, dances, p handicraft and tr idiijous ol North Caroljna have t^ec-u disMntf con ( tributiqng tq oflr attempt to pre serve native We ^re planning in Pallas the fiqest folk 1 feetiva) yet h?l4 ( am ?qre that . one or the oqtat4qd|qg featqres of , oqr two- week program will be r the groups from North Carolina, i sponsored by the ' North Carolin j ians on the nati?nal committee." The Texas Centennial Exposi tion opens Jnne 6 and will con tinue to Nov. 29. i , Lime and leapedeza will be - used |n Macon ponpty tfcia seaaoq . in starting the pew ?o|l t>qil4in? i program > The demonstration faro>a In I r Henderson eoanty o lea red an av erage of 8.05 percent on the money invested io each place. e p Community mseiings in thein - tere?t of organizing a branch of a the FC3( have been h?l*teof nde cpnnty, >hl< If to notify *\l par-. : ,,! L._ fbpa hiving cialtna against the eetau. w . [ deceased to them with the under- ! signed. duly authenticated. on or before the lit day pf March. 1W7. or tbl? notice if i|i be pleaded In bar of their reooy VT. AM persona l^debM t? said Estate w'U please make Immediate payment. 11 SALVE COLDS XStSEHU p. 5c, 10c, 25*1 ^??Mt IKAT/TEtT 0*N HO*e? 'The /irn day a man u a gueji. the ucond a burden, the third a put ' FEBRUARY n^l It? Ediaon to granted a pauu n on the phonograph. 1S7I Garden. (rut opera Monday, March 9tlv 1936, at IS AO O'clock, noon the following described tracts or parce'iS of land lying in Burling ton Township, Alamance County, and more particularly described as follows : First Tract i? A certain lot or p arced of land (in the town of Bur lington, Alamance County North Carolina, described and 'defined as ASK ANY Reputable end experienced Dry Cleaner.... "WHAT SUIT STANDS UP THE BEST? M Nine timet out of ten Ke will s?y.... "A Boone Suit" ? ?00 Pick Yours Out Today ? ? ? ? T. N. BOONE THE TAILOR BmbfXM. N.C Melville Dairy PRODUCER8 OF That rich Jersey Milk PHONE 1278 {?lows: Beginning ?t wi trcm bol' o i JamM Street, corner of Atl M Thompion: hence 8. 11 W. 1.38 1-1 dm, to ?a Iron ho"t cm the ?nt aid* of Mid James Street ; thence V. S9.M dag X. 3.50 chain* to an iron oo't : thence !T. IS i 1.S6 1-2 ch?. to am Iron bolt, corn' of said Atlae Thompson : theme 8. W.SO dag. H. 3.50 Ichs. to the o* ginning, con lining oy estimation one-h llf an 'ere. more or less. aame being recorded in the offlc- o' the Regiater of Deeda for yAltmanc Qounty In Deed Book No. 44, page* 136-4JO. Second Tract First T^ot i TV ginntng at an Iran hot on the wee side of (James Street and (corner o! Martha Bogga (now Steele); run ning thence N. 89.30 W. J cha. 5r IM. to an Iron bolt, corner of sv<" Martha Bogga; thence S. 19 (W. 1.'6 ch* to is bolt or atona on ltnr? k>? R.L. and J.H. Holt; thence S.W.J E. 5.50 'cha. la holt on . will, on Monday, March 2nd. 19M. at li ;0fl o'clock, noon. at the Courth >use door in Oraham Alamance County, aell to tba high eat bidder for caah! to satisfy ui ' execution, all the following de scribed real property, and kjll of the right, title and interest which (the said Oliver R. McPheraon, the -de fendant, had therein at the tim of the docketing of the said trans script of Judgment in the Superio" Court of Alamance County, to-wi : Those three certain lota or par cda of land ii f Oraham Township Alamance County, North Carolina lying and being op the East side of the paved concrete road from Ora ham to UwepaonvQle, sod being lots Not. % 13 fftt IS at the aub divislon at t he Braxton-Andrews property as gutted and surveyed Vy W. T. (Hall, C. B., 'in OctooeH 1997, a blue -print and plat of whic' are recorded In the office tot tbr Register of Deeds for Alamance Co unty In "Mat Bodk Na 3, at page If. and reference is hereby made to said plat for a more particular de scription of said loAs. The ssle of the said 'property Is being made Tn alt reepect 'a* pre scribed oy law tori th?\. sale of real estate under execution. This Slat day of January, ilttS. IH. J. STOCKARD, "Sheriff, Alamance County. NOTICE! . r NORTH CAROLINA. AUMAVCB COUNTY. tn The General County Court Lila Hughee Patton. ?a. Dan Tattoo. The defendant, Dan Patton. wQl take notice that art action .entitled aa abQVe "has been commenced in t)ya General t"ounty Court dt Aim Whmb County, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce; and ?a)d de fendant will further take notice th*t he is required to appear at the off -to of the Clerk Bx Otttcfo of the Central County CMit at Mid County ?o the Utbi d%y Cat JLfriL i sa^_ -* l(M, and answer or d^nnty to the complaint In aald action, or tfca olaintiff will apply to the Couit fcf he relief demanded In aald (com plaint ' This l*h dtr of February, vlSH. Lili an 'Q. r alley, Clerk Bx Officio Oeneral County Court, Deputy. Wotlce of Sale Under Mortgage. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained fn a certain mort gage dated 'March 1th, IMS. and mstde by Betty Loy to Ihe under signed Mortgagee 'and recorded in the office of ftbe Register of Deeds for Alamance County In Book 90 of Mortgage Deeds, on page M, de fault having been mfade in the payv meot Of the said mortgage, the un dersigned Mortgagee ?will, on Saturday, March 14th, 19M, at' 11:00 o'cloA, noon. at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest fttd der for cash, the following 'land : A certain piece or tract of land lying and being In Alamance Coun ty, State aforesaid, and defined and described aa follows, to-wlt : A certain tract tof land adjoining Mrs. Joe Murray of Alamance Coun ty, North Carolina. Bob Loy, Murphy Loy and Cicero Vincent of Alaman ce County, containing three acres, more or less. The above property will be sold subject to all outs'anding taxes and street assessments. This 10th day of February, 1936. CLYDE LOWE, Mortgagee. Cooper, Curlee '& Sanders, Attys. NOTICE! Land Foreclosure Sale. Under and by virtue at the pdwtr of sale fcontalned W * certain deed of trust dated the 7th May of Sep tember, 1935. fcnd executed by R.A. Garvin and vlfe, Beryl Montgom ery Garvin, to tbiDe the Northwest corner by ihe intersection ofN Mata street and Rolling Road; running thence with the line of N. Matn* Ki. 89 deg. ?0 mln. B. ??? the said pipe; thence N. ? de* a mln. B. ^tth the Une of Rolling Road 5U leet W a ?ake . corner with lot No. 4; running thence I*. SO deg. ? mln. W. ,191.3 feet o staked thence S. 34 w ITS feet to a stake: thence S. 10* deg. 45 mln. ?. l?-? *<** to beginning, 'oeing in *1 So. 3. Block A. Section 1. of th pUt of Beverly Hills - surveyed br A C Linoerg and J. L. Thrower, ' , December. 1987. which plat U recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County. NC.lnPW Book N?t ?. P"*?* ? The above prop subject to increased ofcf as by 1 p Thumh day of u J. BLAKEY, Trustee. CoUUer fc AMpn, Attn <