THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C , NOV. 5, 1936 Local News ? Burlington- Graham Literary Club met Monday afternoon witb Mrs. Don E. Scott. ? Graham Gardeu Club wet at 3:30 Tuesday afteruoou witb Mrs. J. Harvey White. ? It rained Tuesday night aud is somewhat cooler, but fine weather continues. ? A special term of the Super ior Court convenes Monday for the trial of criminal cases. ? The County Commissioners ou Monday adjourned their regu lar monthly meeting till next Monday on account of the elec tion. ? Graham Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy is holding its monthly meeting this afternoon at 3:30 wi'h Mrs. E. P. M cClure. .i . i #?? ?*???* are M esepe ad vanced in loana to coop entives, while 318,878,072 waa loaned Ao co opers tires by the ageacier -of th Farm Credit Administration' is the United States. WIN $1,000 FOR CHRISTMAS Play the fascinating Movue Stat; and Title Qame. First pri se fl, 000. Many other cash award*. Fall details in the Baltimoce San day American. On sale at all news stands. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. alamancb couirrr IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Jamm Wood row Stack, rtatatUC rm. | Unabelle Stack By Her Ouardian Ad Litem, Mn H. H, Livjn^ood, Mndu* The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above baa been commenced 1 n the Superior Court of Alamance County by the above named plain - tiff for the purpoae of securing an abaotnte divorce from aaid defen dant on the /rounda of two con - aecutlve year* of aeparation and llviaf apart aahuaband and wife; and that aaid defendant win further . take notte* that ahe i* required to be asd appear before the under - i Biased. Clerk of Superior Court j of Alamance County, at hla office in the Courthouae in Graham, N. CL, gp the 4th day of January, | 19JT, then and there to anawer or demur to the complaint in aaid action or the plaintiff will appty to ' the Opart for the relief demanded in the aaid complaint Dated thia 4th day of November, 1 lfM. K. iH. MURRAY, aerk Superior Court Albert J. Moreau, Attorney For Plaintiff. - MEN I will select men to train for electrical refrigeration and air conditioning poai tinng Experience unnec eesary. Write Dept. E, Kef. Bog. List Inc., Warn* Building, Youngwtown, Ohio. + ^ CHICKS 666 MA.L.A.?IA COLDS Uomi-T>l>l(U int BOONE THE TAILOR 209 Main St Burlington, N. C. "I feel cheered up at mealtime and after../' aaytTONY MANCRO, ltMOKM ?Olf CMARP. "Wfcrn I enjoy Camel*," Tony add*. "I bm ? i fadfag of mm ?fecvard." MEWMEZL CAMERAMAN, Dooglaa Dnpoat (sbn*l r*tx*t?:"C?in?U in ? big aid to my dlgcation. I tm ok* Ctmfli at mcaU and ate faring* caucus COfTUll 1 'Q?ACCOt Melville Dairy PRODUCERS OF* THAT RICH JERSEY MlUC PHONE 1278 ym. ... Dt mat mini D? mt my ?*1 U ym 4*. I till you Am Hjvcl/. Im r? y*. r??H I Hd ym npmtt Tkm dm* ku MM /?|W* our MURDER MASQUERADE By Inez Haynes Irwin What Bp* nttarad tha faarfol daatfa mtwci to Dr. "kef BlaiHa? Paaeafol Satnh, (ha quaint viflac* Boaton'a South Short, foand itaaH MlilliUil by a tifhtaninc band a I <*ar a* aach aad arary raapattad dtiian cama under aorraB lanaa of tha Law! Oaa of than had nordarad "Aca" BUUa . . . b? who waa It? , ToaH 8ra aad braatha tha aiyatary of tUa violent daath as Mary A*ary aad Patrick OHIriaa, matron aad paBca ahiaf, work hand in hand to eliminate tha inn nr ant aad brine tha gnOty to Joatfea. YaaTl ba faadaatad by eight yaar oM Sylvia Sard, Mary Avar/a aia ca who playa aach OB hnpoftast part Id tha caaa. Aad yofll be refraehed by the lack of hard-boiled charactara aaaaSy praaan t in myatary atoriea. "Murdar Maaqaa . . . above tha stance fa ?a riala of ha type. M a*a a axd*? To Appear Serial? IN THIS PAPER ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION AIR CONDTTIONING Hen? Prepare for peaitiona tar Air Conditioning and Electric Be Itlpnlical Marreloui apportu nltee for trained men Actually more joba open ? than trained men to fill them. Let na help joa get a rood -paying poaitioa aa we have helped nandreaa of othera. Pre pare at home la apare time by low coat, eaaj-par plan. Actual ahop practice alao Included. Fair educa tioo And neceaaarj to qualify for training. For interview write giving age, plana and preeent occupation. Utilities lulwhl Initio 404 N. Weill St. Chicago, m. Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of an or dar (t the Superior1 Court of Ala in a?C0 County made and entered the Mb day of October, ltM, in a ?pedal proceedinga therein pending en titled "L. B. Way et al ?< Mra. Lola Wa y et al," the under aigned Commiasioner will, on Saturday, November 7, 19K; ?t a rOO o'clock, P. M , at the courtbouae door in Graham. Alamance County, North Caroli na, otter tor aale to the higheet bidder for caah, the following de ter! bed real property ; Being a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Patter ion Townahip, Alamance County, it hie h aaid tract or parcel of lud if bounded on the Eaat oy the public road leading from Oakdale School bouae to Liberty and oo trad ed oo thr North by the landa for merly belengfog to Thomaa Dixon (now owned by the late Alfred Spoon), and bounded on the Weet by the landi formerly belonging to Cleadenln and Seymour Alldred, and bounded on the South by the landa formerly belonging to J. S : Patteraoo, containing IIS 1-3 acres, I more or leaa, and being the landa known aa the Franklin Way 1iom? plaae, of which the aaid Franklin Way died eeiaed and poaaeeeed. Place of SALB ; Courtbouae door, Graham, N. C TITO of SALB: Saturday, Nov ember Tth, UM, at ?{M P. M Tarme of Sale : CASH. ThU the Sth day of October, 1M*. T.C. CARTBR, ?UMCmXBB FOB TBM OUAHI