"Now I Lay Me?" This child was hurt when ? tornado (truck Tupefo, Mississippi, necessitate Ing msdleal and nursing cars for hundreds? cars which In many cases could not havs been given without Red Cross assistance. It Is s (Ins trlbuts to tha organization that the young bsnsflclarlea of Its hsalth and relief services In variably place themselves In the handa ef tha Rsd Cross with a complstely confident, "Now I lay me ? Red Crogg Potential Life Savers Number Nearly 2,000,000 First aid and life earing certifi cates Issued b7 the American Red Cross since the start of the service 26 years ago now number 1.888.702. During the past year the Red Cross qualified 222.03 persons In first aid and taught water safety and rescue ? methods to 80.911. This army of First Alders and Life Savers Is one of the great safe ty factors In the nation. They are trained to give Immediate first aid at the scene of accident, thus saving many lives and preventing perma ] nent Injury. Red Cross training In eludes skill In treating for shock splinting fractures, checking arte rial bleeding, applying artificial res plratlon. towing drowning persons to safety, and In the safe handling of boat and canoe. Red Crou volunteers, framework ot the organisation, last year gave a total of 1,707,220 hours of aerTtce, producing 685.074 garments, 4,366,718 surgical dressings, 16,773 Christmas bags for soldiers, tailors and marines serving overseas. Perhaps the most Important undertaking ot thai* generous contrib utors to the public welfare la the mak ing of braille books for the blind, with (42,000 page* printed daring the past twelve months. Of the 16,500,000 school children en rolled In the Junior Red Cross societies of 52 nations, more than half are mem bers of the American Junior Red Cross representing >4,881 schools in this country. RED GROSS HIGHWAY ! POSTS AID INJURED 1,000 Function At Key Points To Give Emergency Care To Traffic Hurt Highway flrtt aid stations. Mt BP by th? Red Cross to (It* emergency ear* to rlctlms of traffic accidents, are tar ing lire*, according to Jamei L. Fleier. rice chairman In charge of domeatlc operations. "More than 1,000 of our emergency post* are already operating In 47 states and thousands of others frill soon be established at key points along Arner tea's highways." Ur. Fleeer stated. The Red Cross highway posts are concentrated at danger spots la rural areas when medical aid <s not readily available. The Importance of this cov erage of the open road, the Red Cross holds. Is glren sharper emphasis by the fact that there haa been a ISO per cent Increase In rural traffic fatalities during the past twelve years. The project was Initiated last year on a national scale as a practical - ap proach to the highway accident prob lem. The Red Cross felt that it could best apply Its strength by succoring those who continue to be 'njured pend ing a reduction la the highway accident rata through legislation and safety edu cation. "Our program brings first aid skill to th*.*e*M of accident In an effort to reduce the nnmber of paraoas killed and oalaed In aatomobO* mishaps," Mr. riaaer said. "Our highway Brat ald er* are not medical men la any s*sse, but It la their Job to turn the fnjirad over to th* medical prof ess! oa (a the be*t shape posalbl*." Th* Bad Cross highway posts are ** tabllshad at gaaolln* service statlona. tourist homes, rural police and Are de partments. Th* paraoaaal of th* poaU are trained by th* Rad Croae la trst aid, standard first aid aqatpmsat Is; la stalled at *ach station, and Identifying signs tor th* benefit of motorists an erected besld* th* highway at both ap proaches to th* station. fte attendants of thaw roadsld* MlU Jflfi 45*U7 M rolua (Mr their ??rricaa through th? Sail Crow and may wilder Do clrcnmstano? accept par for caring tor the Injured. To complement the highway Srst aid nations, the Red Croat ban announced formation of mobile nnlta. Sere raj thou sand trucks which regularly ply the highway In the c crane of routine work will be equipped with Drat aid klta. Orlrere and crewi will take eouraea in both (tandard and advanced flrat aid. and each truck will be Identified aa a Red Croaa mobile unit. More than a hundred trucki are already operating. "The highway police of eight itatea who bare finished tret aid training will loin tbla army mobilized to cut acci dent fatalities and prevent complica tion of minor Injuries through mishan dling at the scene of accident." Mr. Fleser said. "We recelre reports from our first aid stations dally, telling of essential care given to traffic casualties on the spot and of lives actually saved." This and many other Red Cross pro grams of equal value are supported by "<e people of America during the an I Roll Call for members. This year 'oil Call will be held from Novem to 26. Flower With a Past Medford, Ore. ? Oregon has con siderable reasons for believing that its state flower, the "Oregon grape," is of native origin. Dr. G. A. Arnold, paleobotanist at the State university, has established the fact that it has been growing for the past 30,000,000 years. Battlers Plentiful Lamar, Col. ? It is reported that there are a large number of rattle makes on the prairies this year. Dinosaur Trail Found in Texas Extends 75 Feet Austin, Texas. ? A trail made 50, 000,000 years ago by a prehistoric, three toed dinosaur wading in the tidal flats of what was then ? gulf covering half of Texas, is being reconstructed at the University of Texas. The trail ? the longest at dinosaur tracks known ? shows plainly 17 footprints of the monster. The trail was found in Cowhouse creek in Hamilton county. Other dinosaur tracks were dis covered in the vicinity, but none equaled the find of Cowhouse creek in scientific importance. The footprints, extending 75 feet along the bed of the creek, had been made by the 25 foot animal as it took steps five feet in length while searching for food, Dr. H. B. Stenzel, geologist, said. The muck the dinosaur walked In was turning into limestone, trad the tracks left by its three toed feet were preserved. W. S. Strain, field man lor the division of geology of the univer sity, supervised the work of quar rying out the footprints. The stones have been shipped to Austin, and 11 of the 17 tracks will be exhibited at the university this summer. NOTICE! Sale of Heal Estate Under Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the power of Mle contained in > certain deed of trust executed by John M. Lee and wife, Agnes Lee, on the 20th day of April, 1933, securing the payment of a certain bond describ ed therein, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, North Carolina, in Deed of Trusfc Book No. 119, Page 29, default having been made in the payment of said bond and in terest thereon as provided and set out in said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, November 30th, 1938, ?t IS :00 o'clock, noon. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for CASH, at the Courthouse door of Alamance County, North Carolina, the follow ing described real estate, to- wit, Adjoining the lands of John C. Robertson heirs and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt in Robertson's line; running thence with N. Park Avenue South 48 deg. East 92 feet 9 inches tc| an iron bolt; thence North 36 deg. 45min. East 355 feet to an iron bolt ; thence North 83 deg. West 113 feet to a rock ; thence South' 36 deg. 30 min West 287.1 Jeet to the beginning, containing sixty-seven one-hundred ths (67-100) of an acre. On this lot is situated a seven room dwelling. This the 23rd day of October, 193 6. D. R. FONVILLE, Trustee^ The Christian Orphanage Plant ELON COLLEGE, N. C. Established by the Southern Christian Convention 1904 This building was the first Christian Orphanage Building. It was opened in 1907. This was the beginning of Orphanage work in the Southern Convention. The other two buildings in the Christian Orphan ago Plant are outgrowths of this building. Since this building was opened in 1907, 418 children have found a home and care at the Christian Orphanage. ? - ? . ? . I This is the Christian Orphanage "Baby Home" building where more than thirty .''tots" have a home. This building was opened in 1929. ?? ii in ii ?? Tbia Christian Orphanage building is known as Johnston Hall. It give? ft home to thirty or more larger childfeft, Tbia building was openedin 1927. The Orphanage Is supported by Sunday School monthly offerings, special Thanksgiving offerings and individual contributions. Chas. D. Johnston, 8upt, Elon College, N. C. Notice of Foreclosure Sale DCA-3556-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust from B. J. Vestal and wife, Cordie Vestal, to Carolina Mort gage Company. Trustee, dated the 15th day of July, 1928, and record ed in Book 111-T, Page 80, Regis try of Alamance County, State of North Carolina, the undersigned as the duly appointed substituted trus tee (see book 114, page 80 of said reg.) will offer for sale at public auc tion at the Court house door in said county, in the City of Gra ham, N. C., at 12:00 o'clock, noon. Tuesday, November 17th, 1936. and will eell to the highest bidder for cash the property described in said deed of trust as follows : That certain lot or parcel of land in the City of Burlington, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. T. Aus ley, J. H. Brooks and others, and fronting on the North side of Front Street, and bounded and de described as follows ; Beginning at an iron bolt corn er with said Ausley on North side of Bald Street; running thence N. 12 degrees E. 137 1-2 feet to an iron bolt in said Ausley' line; thence S. 69 1-4 degs. E. 58 1-4 feet to an iron bolt in said Brook's line; thence S. 8 3-4 deg.W. 1241-4 feet to an irop bolt corner with said Brooks on North side of said Street; thcMC WitS said Street N 82 1-2 degrees W. 60 1-2 feet t;p the beginning. Being the same property con - veyed to B. J. Vestal by deed from J. B. Cheek and wife, Anna Cheek, dated October 27, 1919 ; and filed for registration on the 13th day of November, 1919, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for the County of Alamance, State of North Carolina. Recorded in Book 57, Page 506. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid tax 's and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment if the indebtedness secured by the iforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, 16th day of October, 1936. KESWICK CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee. Notice of Sale of Land ?Under and by virtue of the authority conveyed by that certain deed of trait signed by J. M. Ivey and wife, Fern Ivey, dated the 13th day pi March, 1930, and recwded in book lt3 at pa^e 155 in the office of the Re^Hter of Deed* for Alamance County, the underpinned truitee will, M) 11 ,00 o'clock, Boon Monday, November 16th, 1?38 , at the Cpurthooae door of Aim Banco Cganty, Graham, N. C. ,*ell at public auction lor cash to the highest bidder, the following land , to- wit: A certain lot or parcel of lai d in Graham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, bounded aa follows ; A tract or parcel of land lying and being in Graham Township, Tows of Graham, fronting SO ft on B. aide of Courthouse Square of the said town, and more parti cularly described as being Lot No. 1 in a plat of iota in the said town of Graham known as the Whit - sett sub-division which said plat is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in plat book No. 1, page 40, and reference is hereby made to said plat for a lull and complete description of the aaid lot No. 1, and being the same real property conveyed to J. M. Ivey of the first part by Warranty Deed from W. S. Oakley and wife, Mabel Oakley, dated November 26, 1923; as recorded in the office of Re gister of Deeds for Alamance Co unty in deed took No. 94, page2C8, together with any and all party wall rights of the parties of the first part, in and to the adjoining properties. This sale is made on account o'f default in payment of the i ndebt edness secured by said deed gf trust, and a ten percent (10) cash de posit will be required by the high est bidder at the sale, said sale to remain open for advanced bids as provided by law. This the 9th day pf October, 1936. J. DOLPH LONG, Trustee. Long, Long & Barrett, Attorneys. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the authority conferred bydeed of trust executed by Marion P. Nicholson and 'wife, Hazel Lambeth Nicholson, to R. D. White, Trustee, dated the 10th' day of March, 1936, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trusts No. 124, page 184, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, the undersigned Trustee, ?will at Mt 12 :00 o'doci, noon. Monday, November 23rd', 1936, at the Courthouse Door of Ala mance County in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash tq the highest bidder, (the following described real property ; All that certain tract or parcel of land with the building and im provements thereon situated I n Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining Front Street and the lands of Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Company and others, and bounded aa follows, to-wit: Beginning at a corner with Lot No. 11 on West Front Street, run ning thence ?with the line of Lqt No. 11 S. 2 deg. 30 min. East 158.15 feet to corner of line with Lot No. 6 ; thence with' the line of Lot No. 6 S. 84 deg. W. 70 feet to corner with Lot No. 9 ; thence with the line of Lot No. 9 N. 2 deg. 15 min. W. 158 feet to corner on West Front St.; thence with the line of West Front Street N. 84 deg. E. 70 feet to the Begin - ning, being lot No. 10 of the property surveyed by Lewis H. Holt, July It, 1922 : plat of which Is recorded in Book No. 2, page 3, in the Register of Deeds O f - fice of Alamance County, North Carolina. This mle is made on account of default in the payment of the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust This 21st day of October, 1936. R. D. WHITE, Trusts John H. Vernon, Atty. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCH COUNTY IN THB SUPERIOR COURT. Rhode*- Collins Furniture Co. v*. J. J. Miller The defendant, J. J. Miller will take notice that an action entitl ed as above hai been commenc - ad in the Superior Court of A 1 a maaco County, North Carolina, seek ing Judgment in the aum of One Hundred and Sixty Three Dollars J16J.00), and that certain personal property of the said defendant las been rsjiu? iwi by the plaintiff nder claim aad delivery proceed ing, and the dsf endant win IiUW er take notice that he ia requir ed to appear at the office 0f the Clerk gt t?? Superior Court of Alamance County on the 14th day of December, 1936, and answer or demur to the complaint in laid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief de manded in Mid complaint. Thi? the IS day of October, 193?. Sara Hurray, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. Cooper, Curlee & Sanders, Attys. Notice of Foreclosure Sale DAT-A-190-M Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trait executed by T. J. Rouse and -wife, Nellie Rouse, to First National Company of Durham, Inc., amd Union Trust Company of Mary land, Trustees, dated the 1st day of July, 1928, and recorded in the Registry of Alamance County, State of North Carolina, in Book 105, Pages 427-428-429, the undersigned as the duly appointed substituted trustee (see Book 111, page E86 of said registry) will offer for sale at public auc tion at the Court house door i n said county, in the City of Gra - ham, N. C., at 12 :00 o'clock, noon. Tuesday, November 17th, 1936 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the property described in said deed of trust as follows : That certain real estate situat ed in the County of Alamance, Town of Burlington, State of North Carolina particularly de scribed as follows : Beginning at a corner on the Westerly side bf Front Street, running thence with the line o f said Front Street South, 33 1-4 deg, East 65 feet to corner, which said corner is 58 feet with line of Front Street in a Northwesterly direction from the intersection of Front Street and Hoke Street, on W. W. Rlppy'a lot; thence with line of said W. W. Rippy South 55 dog. West 163 feet to a cor ner, W. W. Lashley's line; thence with line of said W. W. Lashley North 84 1-4 deg. West 50 feet to corner on said Lashley's line; thejjce North 18 1-2 East 25 fedt to corner on said Lashley's and Rippy'8 line; thence with line of said Rippy North 50 1-4 deg. E. 180 feet to the beginning, being part of lot No. 2 of the division of the W.W. Rippy property on Front Street. Same being accord ing tp plat and survey of J. E. Williams made in November, 1928. The above described survey of J. E. Williams made in November, 1928. Th? aboVe described property is now occupied by T. J. Rouse and wife, Nellie Rouse, as their homo place. This Bale will be made subject to all outstanding and tin paid tax ? es and other assessments, if any. This ?aie is to be made on ac count of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured oy the aforesaid deed of trust, and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the holder of said indebtedness. This, 16th day of October, 1936. KESWICK CORPORATION, Substituted Trustee. NOTICE! Summons by Publication In The General County Court. NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY Walter Marsh, Plaintiff, ?a. Charlotte Wade Marsh, Defendant, The defendant, Charlotte Wade Marsh will take notice that an action entitled as above has been lommenced in the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute di vorce, and the BeXendant will take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk ?f the General County Court of Alamance County in the Court - louse In Graham, N. C? on the Uth day pi November, 1936, and mwer or demur to the complaint n Mid action, or the plaintiff will ippty tg the Court lor the relief lemanded la said complaint. This the 9th day of October, 1936. Lillian I. Bailey, Jerk Ex Officio General County Court, Deputy. mnigm c; Purdue, At*y,

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