THE GLEANER OR&HAlf, N. 0., APRIL ?3, 1937 188 USD EVERY THURSDAY J. D. KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ?at?r*4 at la* CortoBo# ?tOrmbaB. I.OhU muj?4Un utMr. The fury of the Spanish civil war after nine months is un abated. When they are through with it, they will still have a reign of bitterness, and a coun try wrecked and devastated be yond the hope of restoration for generations. Governor Hoey has let it be known that he is on the side op posed to liquor stores in North Carolina. His record is that of a temperance and prohibition advocate, but he will let the other folks do the scrapping, and will make no speeches him self. There would be no great impropriety in bis taking part, but be should not be unduly criticized for his "hands-off" policy. One and One-Half Billions Plus If the one and one- half billion dollars asked "for relief' by tbe President were all the country would breathe easy. But the House is not satisfied with that, proposing an increase of another billion or more -.which cannot be without imposing more taxes. The President's urge for econ omy should be heeded, to fore stall fresh taxes, but the pace set for spending during the four years has gained so much mo mentum that it will make a nation-wide jar when the brakes are applied. But the brakes will have to be applied or ? The situation is such that the Secretary of Treasury has for mulated a program of borrow ing 150,000,000 at weekly in tervals to meet current demands. Government receipts from sources of revenue have fallen largely short of estimates, bence the borrowing. The government no more than an individual can keep on ?pending in excess of income without financial disaster soon er or later. New Reasons Hearings on the proposed Court reorganization still bold the spot-light interest in Wash ington. It may be two weeks or longer before the hearings are cloeed. Compromises have been pro posed, but they do not meet with faror. Some believed re cent decisions by the Court, es pecially the favorable decision on the Wagner act, would change the attitude of Court ohange advocates. Spokesmen for P r e s i dent Booeevelt appear to have been inspired to accept nothing but his pronouncement. No 5 to 4 decision meets the demand, though it is better than an 8 to 1 decision would be. One must conclude, therefore, that the Administration is determined to say what shall or shall not be constitutional by "packing" a Court that will do its (Mr. Roosevelt's) will. The Constitution clothes the President with power to nullify acts of Congress by the veto, which cannot be overridden, except by a two-thirds vote. In that he is clothed with more power than has the Supreme Court It is a dangerous situation, manifests a greed for power, and to make so great a conces sion is to jeopardize the liber ie ties guaranteed by the constitu May Be All Summer Job This Supreme Court Issue Makes Congress Uuruly. Washington, D. C., April 20, '37. ? Wheu the "horse play" is over about the Supreme Court aud that fictitious iaaue is laid ou the political shelf, the Administratiou will have more time to give to the programs for mauaged recovery. Like lianquo's ghost the NRA in streamlined clothes i h sulking around In the political suburbs, ready to show up at the firs' fa vorable moment. It ia evident that the Prraiur decision clears the fog. The Legislative branch u f Government i s showing many signs of being uuruly. Owing to this condition one may expect oc casional fireside chats by the President to back up a concern d plan which the New Deal suppli ers will carry on to stimulate pub lic sentiiuenteverywhere "to back up the President." And so ibe war ou Capitol Hill in Washington, like the siege of Vicksburg, will go on. It's anoth er one of those sieges that may take all summer. Interviews With Old Ex-Slaves , Being Sought. i The Washington office of the Federal Writers' Project through ' its branches iu the Southern 1 States, is attemptiug to collect i autobiographical stories by ex- i slaves to be obtained through iu- \ terview. , Such docauieutary records by the the survivors of a historic period in America are invaluable, both to the student of history and to creative writers. ^ The state of Florida has already secured a collection of such sketches remarkable for their col or and humau iuterest. It is the hope that North Carolina may produce a series of similar wortn i and in this we are asking your co- , operation. If any readers of the Alamance Gleaner know of an old ex-slave , who might be available for inter view, the information will be much appreciated if forwarded to Mrs. Harriet Works Corley, Fed eral Writers' Project, Uuntley Stockton ? Hill Buildiug, Greens boro, N. C. Watches Once Small Clocks Watches originally were small clocks and were worn hung from the girdle because they were too ' large for the pocket. TAX LISTING DATK DURING APRIL. Notice of Foreclosure Sale DCA-4553-M. B. A. Smith Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by R. A. Smith and wife, Joy Belle smith, to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee, dated November IS , 1931 , filed for record in the Registry of Alamance County, North Caro lina, on December 15 , 1931 , . ani recorded in Book 116 Deeds of ' Trust on page 89, the undersigned as the duly appointed substituted trustee (see Book 114, page 80-82 of said Registry) will offer for sale at public auction, at the Courthouse door In aaid county, in the City of Graham, at 13:00 o'clock, taoon. Monday, May 17 , 1937, and wiU sell to the highest bid der lor cash the property describ ed in said deed of trust as fol low*: A certain tract of parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina; adjoining the lands of Main Street, Summit Ave* Lots Nos, IS, 16 and 17, and described aa follows : Beginning at an iron bolt on Main St, and corner with summit Avenue , running thence with U ne of Summit Avenue, N, 39 deg. 15 min. W. 80 K. to an iron bolt in line of Summit Avenue, and corner with Lot No. 16} running thence with line of Lot No. It, N. 56 deg. B. 138.8 feet to an iron bolt corner with Lots Nos. IS and IT; running thence with line of Lot No. IT, 8. 41 deg. M min. B. W ft. to an Iron bolt in Une o f Main St.; running thence with line o f Main St. south 50 deg. is mla, W, 140 J It. to the Beginning, and being Lot Noj It in Block"'I" of the subdivision of Central Height*, a blue print of which is recorded in the office of the Reg later of Deeds for Alamance Coun ty, in Book No. 2, page No. 47. Being the same land conveyed to Hebane Real Estate Ad Trust Co., by deed from John H. Clapp, (wi dower) dated October 1, 1917 , and recorded in Book No. 62, Page No. 19S-195. Being the same land conveyed to Central Loan & Trust Company by deed from Mebane Real Es tate & Trust Company, dated 15th Sept. 1926, and filed for regis tration 10 A. M. Sept. 22, 1926; In the office of the Register of Deed* for Alamance County in Book 87, Page 66-57; and the same prop erty conveyed to Central Invest - ment Corporation by Trustees in Bankruptcy for Central Loan & Trust Company, Burlington, by Trustees' deed dated April 6, 1929 , filled for registration on the 3rd day of May, 1929; records 1 in Book '95, pages 216 and 218. Being the same property this day conveyed by Central Investment Corporation to B. A. Smith by deed delivered contemporaneously with the delivery of this deed of trust, the deliveries being parts of one and the same transaction, and the money hereby secured being a part of the purchase money for said land. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and other assessments, If any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default in the payment 9f the Indebtedness secured by the iforeaaid deed of trust and is made pursuant to demand made jpon the undersigned by the hold ?r of said indebtedness, Keswick Corporation, Substituted Trustee. ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY MUBT BE LISTED. Notice of Service by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Before the Clerk William R. Capps, Ellen Capps Holt and husband, H.M.Holt Dora Capps Manc.'vidow, Betti9 Capps Martin and husband, Samuel B. Martin, Etta Capps Mo&er and husband, W. L. Moser, Elsie Cipps S.vkes and husband, A. Eugene SykeB, Alice Capps Shepherd and husband, Charles P. Shepherd. < Josle Capps, widow of H. J. Capps, Normati R. Capps, Helen Capps Staodfield and husband, James i Standfield, H. J. Capps, Jr. Mark i Andrews Capps and Dorothy Jane Capps, children of H. J.Capps, de- , ceased, the last three being minors ; Louise Capps, Thorean Capps and ? wife, Mrs, Thorean Capps, Earsley , Capps, and J. J.Neff and wife, i Ethel Neff, and Security National Bank of Greensboro, Trustee. The defendants above named and more particularly Louise Capps, J. J. Neff and wife, Ethel Neff, and Tho- i rean Capps and wife, Mrs. Thorean ; Capps, will take notice that an action and Special Proceedings entitled as ' above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the purpose of i obtaining an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, directing the sale for division and for divid ing the) real property and the person al property left intrust, all under and pursuant to the Last Will and Testament of the late Andy J. Capps, mc". for the farther purpose of de termining what interest, if any, the said respondents take in and to the said real property and personal prop erty of the said Andy J. Capps un der and pursuant to the terms of his said Will. Tho said defendants and respon dents will further take notice tha,t they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said County In the Court house in Graham, North Carolina, on or before ten (10) days after the 10th day of May, the same being the 30th day of May, 1937{uid answer or demur to the petition and complaint filed in said action, or the petitioners win apply to the Court for the rellef demanded in said petition. Done this the 15th day of April. 1*7. B. p. MURRAY, dart Superior Court. Alamance County. Long, Long * Barrett, Attys. R and G means ? RENEWED AND GUARANTEED! Many Used Car bargains offered by Ford Dealers are R&G cars. They are the cream of the Used Car market. You must be satis fied or you get your money back ?like that! If you want the very best Used Car, look for the R&G emblem. It insures 10096 satisfaction or 100 fa refund. YOUR FORD DEALER I'M GOING AFTER ONE OF THOSE FORD DEALER USED CAR SPECIALS!" If you are interested in a good Used Car at a rock-bottom price, you'd better grab your hat and rush to your nearest Ford Dealer's too! He is well-stocked with Used Cars because of the enthusiastic acceptance of the 1937 Ford V- 8. Every unit in his entire stock of used cars and trucks now bears a special sale tag. He has the make and the model you want? and it is priced to sell pronto! You'd better step on it. Because of these rock- bottom prices, and because FORD DEALERS ARE SQUARE-SHOOTERS WITH ALL CUSTOMERS, the big rush is on. Turn to the classified section? then hit the bargain trail! Mortgagee's Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by E. L. Williams and wife, Minnie J. Williams, on the 27 day of October, 1930, to lecure a bond therein mentioned, and recorded in book 119 of M. Ds. at page 152, payments of the same being now over due, which has, not been paid, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Graham, at 12;00 o'aioCk, noon. Saturday, May 1; 1937 ; the following real estate: In Albright Township, Alamance County, North Carolina; described and defined as follows: Beginning at a rock, formerly a black Jack, corner with Bivens , & tanning thence 9 2-3 deg. ,W, 1.98 chs. to a rock on the West tide of said road ; thence with said road as it meanders, N. 7 1-2 deg. W. 4.50 chs. N. 10.75 W ; 7 chs , N. 14 W. 8.30 chs. N. 15 W ; 3 chs N. 3 1-4 W. 2 chs. North 2 71-4 Weat 1 cha. North 7 chs; North 32 West 2.60 chs , to a post oak tree, corner with Coble ; thence N. 87 W. 17 chs. to a black gum and rock, corner with heirs on the North aide of said road ; thence 5 1-2 W, I0,T# chs. to a rock, cor ner with said heirs line; thence with said road 8. 15 1-2 E. 10.23 cha. to a maple tree on the N. side of Whitehead Creek ; thence down aaid creek as it meanders > East 2. 10 chs. South 71.20 East J cha. S. 53.45 E. 7 chs. south 16.15 Weat 2 chains to a black gum tree on the south side of said creek and corner with Rigstaff ; thence S. 16A5 W, 2 chs. to a black gum tree on the south side of said creek, corner with Riggstaff ; thence South 20.30 deg. West 10.70 chs. to a rock, corner with Shaw; thence S. 63.40 E. 22.46 chs. to a rock, corner with Shaw in Bivins line; thence N. 8.40 E 8.35 chs. to a rock, corner with said Bivins; theoce N. 69 E. 7.15 cha. to the beginning an d containin g 11 acres more or leas. Except th excluded from said tract two lots of two acres each sold off from the above described property ; o n e lot to Mary Paynee, deed recorded in book 106 at page 40, and one lot to D. M. Blackweli deed in book 104 page 285, said two lots not being offered for sale. The said tract was conveyed to E. L. Williams by the undersign ed by deed recorded in book 108 page 333. Time of sale: 12 ;00 o'clock M? May 1, 1937. At Courthouse. This, March 31, 1937. J. Wiley Bradshc-r, Mortgagee. Hurdles Mills, N. C. J. S. Cook, Atty. 1 Notice of Sale of Land Under and t>y virtue of the auth - ority conveyed by that certain deed of trust signed by S. F. Cobb and wife, LiUie Mae Cobb , dated the 31st day of August, 1929, and recorded in Book 112 at page 29 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, the undersigned trustee Trill, at ?t 12:00 o'clock, noon. ? Wednesday, May 5th, 1937, at the Courthouse door of Ala mance County, Graham, N. C. , sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land , to- wit : A certain lot or parcel of land in Haw River Township, Alamance Co unty, State of North Carolina; ad Joining the lands of W. H.P ayne, Mr. Dodson and others; and bound ed as follows : Beginning at an iron pipe, cor ner 175 ft. from the original cor ner of the old Home tract inline with the Thompson place now owned by the Central Loan & Trust Company, running thence N. 35 degrees 37 1-2 mln. W. 1405 ft. to a rock ; thence S. 89 1-4 deg. E. 326 ft. to corner near old road ; thencc N. 5 1-4 deg. E. 1043 feet to a corner, about 50 ft. from Boydi Creek ; thence S. 88 1-4 deg. K. 924 ft. to a rock, corner with Payne and BosweQ; continuing on 8. 84 deg, 30 mln. B. 435 feet to a corner with the Dodson tract; thence with Dodson S. 7 deg. W. 2002 feet to a rock, corner with Gant; thence S. 77 deg. 45 min. W. 802 Xeet to the Beginning, containing 60 acres. According to plat made by W. T. Hall, C. E. , August! .3, 1929. [ This sale is made on account of default in payment of the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust, and a ten percent (10) Cash deposit will be required by the highest bidder at the sale, said sale to remain open for advance bids as provided by law. This the 31st day of March, 1937, J. DOLPH LONG, Trustee. Long, Long & Barrett Attorneys. Notice of Sale Tender and pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Ala mance County, made in Special Proceeding No. 1696, entitled; "Catherine Simmons Walker, et al. ; vs. Sarah Turner, et al. the un - dersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction at the Courthouse Door in Graham, North Carolina; on Monday, May 3, 1937, at 12;00 o'clock, noon, the following described real prop erty: That certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Ala mance County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Walter O. Adams, the late Benjamin Thomas, and others, and boun ded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone formerly Emily Boone's corner in Christian Isley's line ; and running then ce West his line 9 chains 92 1-2 Iks. to a stone, corner in Benjamin Thomas' line; thence South 1 deg. West with Thomas' line 10 chs. and 50 links to a stone, comer on the North side of branch ; thence down said branch as it meanders to the Isaac Holt old road where Walter Adams line passes to ai stake; thence Northwest with said road It chains 79 links to the beginning, and contain in g 11 acres , more or less, and being the same land conveyed to the said Hannah J. Simmons by Isaac simmons by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Deed Book 23 at page 306. To be less that certain lot sold off by the said Hannah J. Simmons to W, J. Mansfield, containing 2.29 acres, deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County In Deed Book 51, at page 163. Terms ot sale; One-half (1-2) cash and balance to be paid with in six (6) months from date of confirmation, with interest at six percent (6) on deferred payment, to be evidenced by the note of the purchaser. Sale to be made subject to advance old* and con firmation of the Court, This the 6 day of April, 1937. Walter D. Barrett, Commissioner. Long, Long & Barrett, )fctty?. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THH SUPERIOR COURT Before the Clerk. Carlisle; Mann Kitchen ? vs. Newton Lester Kitchen* The de/endaht, Newton Lester Kitchens will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the General County Court ol Alamance County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute di vorce on statutory grounds 4 and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, N. C., on the 7th day of May, 1937 ; and answer or demur to the complaint io said action, or the plaintiff will appty to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. Thisthe 7th dsy ol April. 105:. B R MURRAY, Clerk General County Court to! Alamance County.