THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0 , APRIL 22, 1937 Local News ? Corn Planting time ? d o g wood blooming ? old tradition. ? Just a week of April left to taxpayers in which to list their property for taxation. ? The special term of Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases will convene next Monday with Jadge Cowper presiding. ? An old fashion Bquare dance by the V. F. W. of Alamance Post 192u was given Tuesday eve ning at Gantz Lake. String mu sic for the occasion. ? The Junior Order memorial service at the Baptist church Sunday morning was well attend ed by the members and they heard an excellent sermon by Rev. R. P. Ellington, himself a member of the Order. ? It appears there will not be a great many changes in appraised value of property for taxation ex cept in new constrnction during the past year. From year to year these matters are readjusted and new values are taken care of. ? It will require 1999 petition ers to make it mandatory that the County Commissioners order an election on the liquor store plan provided for by the Legisla ture. Starting this work the pro ponents needed abont 400 more signers, which they are confident of securing. ? A late news item says wheat prices took the worst decline in years a few days ago. It did not say when or if the decline would reach the house wife's pantry budget. You know it is a long way between the wheat trading market and the kitchen pantry bin. ? A goodly number of Miss Christine Young's Graham friends attended her recital at Elon Col lege Tuesday evening. Miss Young, talented in music, will graduate at the commencement and receive her music diploma. Miss Young is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Young. ? It is of interest to note that Mayor George Isley of Raleigh has been nominated for re-elec tion. He is a native of Alamance and a son of John H. Isley of Burlington. Once before, only a few years ago, an Alamance man, not a naiive, but made his home in Graham a few years and mar ried an Alamance girl, was mayor of Raleigh. It was T. B. Eldridge who moved his residence from Graham just 55 years ago this month. ? Burlington has a real fight on for her schools. The voters will say next Tueseay whether they are willing to pay a little more tax that their children may have much better school advan tages. It's a bold statement to make: If the plan is defeated, it will be by those whose children most need better schooling. The best things that come to individ uals and communities are not purely hand-outs, but the things they get by sacrifice and work. ? Revival services will be held at Graham Friends church, begin ning, Sunday, May 9th, conduct ed by Mrs. Perchie Key of Galax, Va., who conducted a very suc cessful revival service at this church last October. Good sing ing will be an attractive part of the service. This will be led by Rev. John M. Permar, the pastor, assisted by Mrs. Permar. The services will be held each eve ning at 7:30. Everybody is in vited. The Furniture Show. The chief attraction In Graham this week is the Green * underalrned. duly au thenticated, on or before tbe Wat day of April 1MB, o.r thla notice will be pleaded In bar of their recorery. All paraoaa Indebted to aald eatate will pleaae make immediate ?ettlemenL Thi. apm^.i-T. J JLJ0UDA? Adtnl^^a^^H^A^rawa. The Bank of Haw River At Haw River, North Carolina to the Oom mladoaer of Banks at tha close of buslnees, on the 8 st day of March, 1987. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, and c**h 1 tenia In prooeaa of col lection. $ 49,760.28 United States Government oh Illa tions, direct and, or fully guaran teed 6,000.00 State, county, and municipal obli gatlons 31.4tt.74 Loans and discounts... 79,754.86 Overdraft* Banking house owned, Kh furniture and fixtress, $866... M6.00 Other real eetate owned, includ ing $4,416.41 of term land 4,916.4 1 Total 61'.*,T*L? LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Deposits of Individuals, partner ships, and corporations: [a] Demand deposits 69,456.72 [bj Time deposits evidenoed by savings pass books~~~ 67,149.42 [c] Other time deposits - 6,000,00 United States Government and postal savings deposits- - ? 1,000.00 Stats, county, and municipal depoe its.~ 1,774*87 Certified and officers' checks, letters of credit and travelers' cheeks sold for cash, and amounts dus to Fed eral Reserve bank [transit sooount] 632.01 Total Deposits 6106.113.U2 Total Liabilities Excluding Capital Aooount... .... 136,664 .62 Capital Aooount: (a) Capital stock and capital notes and debenturest ...........$36,000.00 (b) Surplus 7,00040 (c) Undivided profits 1,161.83 (d) Reserve? 8^88 [el Total Capital acoount....^ 87,046,70 Total Liabilities and Capital $172,780.32 On Mch. 31, 1967, the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was $18,947.00 Assets reported above whlchwere eligible as lsgal reserves amounted to $42,967.83. tThls bank's capital is represented by 200 shares of first preferred stock, psur value $76 per share, retlrable at $76 per share; and 100 shares of common stook, par $100 per share MEMORANDA Pledged assets, eiocpt real estate, redis count#, and securities loaned: [a] U. U. Ooyernment obligations, di rect and fully guaranteed, pledged to secure liabilities ? 96,000.00 (e) Total - ? ? 16,000.00 (Secured and Preferred Llabllites: [a] Deposits secured by pledged assets persuant to requirement of law [e] Total. $6,OUO.OO 1, 8. A. Vest. President of the above-named bank, do solmnly swear that the above state ment Is true, and that the Schedules on the back of this report fully and correctly repre sent the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. A. VEST, President, J. A. Long. Jr.. ) W. O. Crutcfleld, V Directors. J. A. Long, J State of North Carolina, 1 County of Alamance, j Sworn to and subscribe before me this 16th day of April, 1967. and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. Wm. T. Brooks, Notary Public. My commission expires March 1&, 1W38. [Seal.] Girls Wanted To Fill Well Paying Positions As Beauty Experts Complete Course $75.00 For Information Write King's Beauty School 229 S. Elm Street Greensboro, N. C. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE E. J. MEtNHARDI, WELL KNOWN EXPERT OF CHICAGO, IS COMING HERE AGAIN. He will personally to U Durham at the Wuklarton Duke Hotel, on Tueaday ??It, April 3nh. fro at 1.-00 P.M,to S :00 P. M. and 7:00 P. M. to H.-OO P. M. Mr. Melnbardl aaya: "I bare bad JO year*' experience w 1 1 b tbouannda of Ruptured Men and I will fire yon Tain, able Intonation without charge Poel tlTclj no iurrery, medical treatment* nsed. [Only Ben are lnrlted.] Thla rlalt la far white people only. "My Shield produce* Immediate reeult* ?n the aTert|t, regardleea of the olie or location of your Rupture? no matter how much yon exerelae or ?train."? No leg ?trap* and no cumberoome arrange ment*. "My Shield la waterproof and may be worn while bathing. It may be remoted at night or worn continuously until no longer deal red. Caution. I huee no representative*. Kferybody muit oee mo peroonally. 1 haye been coming hare for ttfteen year*. There la no chargu tor demomtratlua. Remember the name MEINHARUI. Beware of Imitator* who copy thla no tice. ADMINISTRATOR'S IfOTIC* * ______ Havln# qualified ma Administrator of the estate of 8. T. WtfiUff droctMd^ l?W of I Alamance oounty, Nortii Carolina, thla la to notify all persona holding eWu a#ainn his estate to preeent ante tone duly re rifled, on or before April *4th, 1M, or thla notice will be pleaded In bar of their leoorery. All peraone Indebted to the eetate will pleeee make immediate payment. Thla ltth day ot April* im* KGBBRT TBUITT, Administrator, Oho Karen. W. C. Young Man Wanted to help in Western Auto Associate Store, West Harden St. DALE CRAWFORD, Owner. "Nothing is required of me, I think, that cannot be done with joy." "If I cannot grasp Qod myself, I can look at some of His works, mnch thus the hem of His gar ment." Notice of Change of Voting Place Notice is hereby given that the voting place for the West aide of the Town of Graham has been changed from the Town .Hall to Patterson building, N-W. corner Courthouse Square, where the elec tion will be held on the first Tues day after the first Monday in Hay. Notice is further given that the Registrar will attend at the Town Hall for the registration of voters on al] days as is required by law for Mm to attend the polling place. But the election will be held at the place first mentioned above. This the 12 day of April, 1937. Alamance County Board of Elections By "Mr*. A, M. Carroll, Chairman. C. M. Horner Secretary. iIMAm. A WOMAN WHO NEARLY WILLED HERSELF TO DIE Prof. Dorm Id A Laird, director of Colgate University's psycholog ical laboratories, discusses the straufte case of ? woioau who al most succeeded iii williug herself to die. Rend thin startling story in the April 25 issue of the Amer icao Weekly, the bite magazine which conies regularly with Ibe BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERI CAN. Your favorite newsdealer has your copy. LIST IMMEDIATELY AND AVOID THE RUSH. NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtaft of the power of sale contained jn that certain deed of trust executed by Levi Anderson and wife, Londer Anderson, on the Srd day of July, lSJfi, securing the payment of a certain note described therein, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register oil Deeds for Alamance Co unty, North Carolina, in Mortgage Deed Book No. 124, page 3*0, de fault having been made in the pay ment of said note and interest there on as provided and set out in said deed of trust, and upon request of rOT ASH ST AH VXD PLENTY OF POTASH POTRSH Makes Cotton Acres BIGGER , YOU HAVE decided on the number of acres planted to cotton this year. The "size" of those acres depends upon the yield and quality of the crop they produce and the profits which they re turn. Cotton rust and wilt decrease the size of a cotton acre. There was more cotton rust in the South last year than ever before reported. Cotton rust ia potash hunger. To control rust and also to reduce wilt, apply 50- 100 pounds of muriate of pot ash in a nitrogen-potash top-dresser immediate ly after chopping if your fertilizer at planting did not contain enough potash. Consult your county agent or experiment station on your soil require ments. See your fertilizer manufacturer or dealer about nitrogen-potash top-dressers. Write us for further information. American Potash Institute, Inc. IsTMtaMt Building Washington, D. C. Iiitkim Offloei Mortgage Qnaran t? BMg.. Atlanta, Q> WORKS UNDER HUDSON RIVER to him right tor h?rty He fichu com pressed air. mock, mad lOO-degree heat? at 6J feet below the surface! "I play safe and smokeCamels, "?eys Sidney S. WetzeL "Camels don't frazzle my aerrea.With Camel ?. my digestion nmspleory smooch." Smokiof Camel sat meals aod after helps digestion in this way: the flow of discs tire fluids ? mJkaJrmt digestive fluids? is increased. mVfGBnON?PUCE-5MOKECftMEI?ll ' the holder of the note thereby a ed, the underlined trustee will, t Monday, May loth, 1837 at 13:00 o'clock, noqn, , 3 offer for me at public auction to the highest bidder for CASH, at the Courthouse door of Alamance Couoty North Carolina, the folio winy de scribed real estate, to- wit: Beginning at an Iron rod on 25 ft. alley with corner Alamance In surance & Real Estate Company (now Chan, Tate and Jack Vonj) ; thence witM said line 8, W, 117 feet to aq iron holt, corner with Lot No. 10, 16 and 17; thence with line of Lot No. 17 Southeast 80 feet to an iron holt, corner with Lot No. 18 and 12; thence with line of Lot No. 12 East 127 feet to sn iron bolt on 25 foot alley; thence with said alley Northwest 80 feet to the be ginning, contain iing 23-100 acres, more or less (for chain of title see Deed Book 31, pages 408-10). This the 7th day of April, 11^7. D. R, FONVILLE, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR* NOTICB. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate o! Richard McRae Clendenin,de?anaad( late of A lama nee county. North Carolina this is to notlf) ail persons ha viae claims agalot th? estate <>t the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the office of Long, Long and Barrett. Attorneys, Qrshai . N. (J . on or before the dOth day of Msra. 1938, or this notice will be pleaded tn bar of their recovery. , All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 25th day of March, 1987. W. a KI RK PATRICK, Administrator of Richard McRae Ciendeoln. ADMINISTRATORS* NOTICB The undersigned having qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Mary A. Roney, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this >s to notify all persons baring claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them on or before the 19th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indented to said estate will ph ase make immediate settlement. This 17th day of March, 1987. HENRY a RON BY, Route 5, Burlington, N. C. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate on*. B. Turner, deceased, late of A 1st? nee county. North Carolina, this is to notify an persona having claim* against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the urn dersigned on or before the 12th day of March, 1988, or this notice will be pleaded to bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 6th day ef March, 19S7. CHAS. N. TURNER Executor, Box 172, Haw River, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Hsvlng qualified as Executor of the will of W. F. Sawyer, deceased, late of Alamanoe County. *orth Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit than to the undersigned at