THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0.. MAY 13. 1937. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY J. D. KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE KnUred at the Postoffloe at Graham. N. C , as aecond-claM matter Safety Conference On May 20-21 the 8th An nual Statewide Safety Confer ence will be held in Winston Salem, Gov. Hoey opening and making initial address. The conference will cover the field of industrial life as well as all modes of travel and trans portation. In all a higher de gree of safety is the aim fur those using the device as well as the public. When one speaks of safety, naturally the operation of auto mobiles is the first thought, but it must be remembered that there is more or less hazard in the operation of every mechani cal device. The Conference is to cover all. As a curb, all cannot follow the suggestion of the California college president, Dr. C. F. Cheverton, in regard to auto mobiles ? incarcerate them 10, 30 or 60 days as a means of punishing the violators of the law, ihe same as disarming a man likely to make harmful use of a gun. Pie With A Twang From reports down Raleigh way the distribution of political favors is causing some discor dant notes. The supporters of "Sandy" Graham in the first primary feel that they are not getting a square deal, in that, had they not rallied to Mr. Hoey in the second primary, another than Mr. Hoey would have been gov ernor; and now that they help ed in a time of dire need, when favors are being distributed, they are left dangling in the air. The treatment seems to be making a sore spot ? uatural ly it would, when and if over tures were made. Mr. Hoey is at the throttle now, but there are enough of those who were not with him in the first run-off to make his going a little precarious. Faith unkept in politics is no more ex cusable than elsewhere. George VI Crowned The crowning of George VI in London Wednesday was a world event. It was witnessed by millions. Thousands from all quarters of the globe flocked to London to look on. The cer emony went off without a hitch. It would have been the crowning day of Eld ward VII, had he not preferred the love of Wallis Warfield to being King. During the event he was in se clusion in France, "listening in", but doing nothing to mar the brilliant event for his brother. Edward's wedding day is now a matter of interest. The Brit ish government is opposed to the royal family having any part in it. The family think and feel otherwise. Blood is thicker than water. Exceedingly Scarce Speaking about the appoint ments to office being made by Gov. Hoey, the Roxboro Couri er naively observes; "You will find men in office who have not served well and faithfully his party just about as scarce as pereperation on the face of the WPA. workers." Tragedy of the Hindenberg Last Thursday evening as the great Zeppelin Hindenberg was settling down for anchorage at Lakehurst Field, New Jersey, she burst into flames, and fell to earth a burning, roaring in ferno. She had aboard 36 passengers and 61 members of the crew. The fatalities are about equally divided between pas&engers and crew. One person was caught and lost his life by the falling craft. Th<! death toll aggregated 35. The Hindenberg had made around 20 trips over the Atlan tic, and she was considered proof against weather condi tions. Bu' she floated, filled with inflammable gas, and this was her Nemesis. A number of other lightei than-air queens of the sky ways have come to grief, and with appalling fatalities, but this is the first Qerman-oper.ited air ship to have had a passenger fatality. Though nothing man made is indestructible, yet uudaunted he starts over again, and other dirigibles will be built, perhaps safer than any heretofore pro duced. T h o President is back in Washington frotn his fishing holiday in the Gulf of Mexico, but finds his court reorganizing plans no nearer a settlement than when he left. With su preme courage, or something else, he refuses any compro mise. The fact is Congress rub ber-stamped everything he pro posed for four years and it "spoiled" him. He will not be permitted to remake in a year the fundamentals which real statesmen spent years in m*k ing and that have stood the test for a century and a half. . The Pasiing of a Landmark To make room for the new Chevrolet saleroom ami garage under construction next to the Oaeida Mills on W. Harden street, one oi the oldest dwellings in Gra ham wag razed. We believe it was known as a McStlurray home. However that may be, at one time it served as a manse for the Pres byterian church, being immedi ately across the street from the church. Back in the early 80's and earlier, Rev. B W. Mebane, the then pastor of the church re sided there. As time rolls on, the old latdmarks vauish, until now there remains less than a dozen of Ihem in the original or modified forms as they were in antebellum days. The Making of Skeptics I?it any wonder that there are skeptic*? They said the Hinden burg was '"diiater-proof" ; the Titanic was '"unsinkable" ; Amer ica was '"too proud to fight" 1 n the world war; Mr. Hoover's elec tion would assure continuance of "?prosperity"; Mr. Hoey couldn't be elected governor of North Carolina over opposition of '"rad - ical" Democrats; Italy wouldn't dare rape and subject Ethiopia for fear of other European pow er*; that Goliath would surely chop Uttle David Into t mince meat ; that Edward would never quit the thronO of the British em pire for a woman ; and that Brother Noah would never need a boat,? Greensboro Recqrd, A new milk route, started in Polk county less than ten months ago, ia now picking up about sixty gallons a day from thirteen farmers. America'a first globe map fac tory was founded by Jamea Wil son at Branfort, Vt., in 1813. The heart of an ordinary adult pumps about one gallon of blood a minute. Timber wolves sometimes have been broken and trained to draw sleds. Tea is used as a drink by a greater number of people than any other beverage in the world. : Colder Months Best To Grow H?y Crops j Succesa usually smile* on the dairy farmer who grows his hay crop during the winter and early spring months, according to F. R. Farnham, extension dairy specialist at State College. i This plan, to a large extent, overcomes failures often encounter ed due to a lack of rainfall when summer grown hay has been de pended upon. Farnham aaya farmers have found that winter cereal hay crops pro vide an excellent roughage if cut at the right time. ! Most authorities now agree tha>. the correct time to harvest small grains aiid legumes found in the | mixture for cereal hay crops cornea when this hay contains the largest 1 quantity of digestible nutrients. I Therefore, says Farnham, It has been established that the stage of maturity will determine the nutri- j tive value of the hay when cut. I When plants are permitted to be come over- ripe, the fibre content in- 1 creases and the protein decreases. ' Cows do not relish over-ripe hay of this type if It has been stored over a period of sev?ral months, and will not produce as much milk when fed such hay. For winter hay crops, such as oats, wheat, barley, vetch, and Austrian winter peas, the bloom is the best indicator knowq for time of cutting. Harvest the hayt at the end of the bloom period, Farnham advises. When harvested at this time, the hay i& palatable, high In pro tein, and will provide valuable roughage for dairy cows. Old Age Pension About the last notoriety achieved by Dr, Townsend was on the day he was sentenced to jail for con tempt of a Committee of Congress. What hnppened about that sentence nobody knows. Out the good old doctor never saw the inside of the jail, and it is not likely that he ever will. Imprisonment for him is apparently as remote as is pos sible favoraole action by Congress concerning his plan. To all appear ances the scheme is dcfunct. In passing it is of interest to realize that victory for old-age pen sions is no longer a matter of doubt. The whole political machi - nery of the Government appears to favor such a system of pensioning, to include everybody who is not self-sustaining beyond the age o f sixty-five 1 \? EH ?. M. BNFIBLD A COMMON PHILOSOPHY Roses are to cheer awl not to scorn. Love is not to pltiy with but to work with. The failures of uiost people are on the inside. Qod will not coino in until oth er personalities go out. Trouble is given to climt? over and not to sink under. Some people flit from pleasure to pleasure as the humming bird flits from flower to flower. No one who lives like a fool can nope to ena use h King. Untroubled life never realizes mighty achievements. The places one goes soon be come places one stays. When a vocation is made too easy, society will not receive the mosl good. CUTOUTS FOR CHILDREN Something different! Boys and girls can bntld their own world with the Diorama canta. A new feature in the Conic Weekly ot the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMER ICAN. Oet your oopy from yonr favorite newsdealer. Encourage Home Production Says Senator Ellender Urges Farmers to Spend Money At Home Id a recent message to farmers U. S, stcator AUen J. Ellender of Louisiana, member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Foieatry. points out that there is np available source of nitrogen manufactured in this country? in Virginia, and further that part of the raw material required in th'e manufacture of American made ni trate of soda Is produced in Louis iana. Ho says '"Formerly all of our nitrates had to re importeed. For thi? we Bent large suns of money abroad each year. By using the domestic nitrate of soda, commonly known as the "Arcadian", can now keep this money in cur country, em ploy our own people in its pro duction, and thereby encourage i n - Justly at home. '"AS the price Ot all nitrate o f soda is the same and as field tests it cur own ey peridental stations show oce to be as good as the other. I urge our people to use the domestic made product." Women Interested in Radio Recipes. | Farm women are always interest ed in timely recipes, specialists of | the Home Demonstration Division ' at State College have discovered. As an example, nearly 100 re quests for preserving strawberries came in after Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris, extension economist in food | conservation and marketing, gave a talk on the Carolina Farm Fea tures program over Station WPTF, Kaleigh, in which she mentioned several recipes. With the strawberry season flour ishing, farm homemakers are in terested in preserving some of the fruit for use during those months when fruits and berries are scarce. Mimeographed directions for con serving the berries were sent to all those who had requested the recipes. Mrs. Morris and others in the department expressed themselves as being well pleased with the res ponse which has been shown by farm women to the weekly home demonstration program heard each I Thursday. Raymand Earl Dnnn >md Evon Brinson wore cowned Kins and jQueeii of Health in Pamlico coun ty at a recent 4-H Acbievcmeut Day. " ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate ot w. T. Wagstaff deceased, late of Alamance county. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons holding claims against his estate to present same to m* duly verified, on or before April 24th, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their iecovery. All persona Indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th day of April, 1987, EGBERT THUITT, Administrator, Qlen Haven. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB, Having qualified as administrator of the of H F. Andrews, deceased, late of Ahfm.Dee County, this Is to notlfyallper sons hololng claims agalnstsaid estate to nresent them to the undersigned. duly au thenticated, on or before the 2 l?t dayof April l&js.or this notice will be pleaded In oar 0lAl ^'persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This April 3UUi, 1867. J H J0RDAIf> Ad,ulnl8tr.torMK.UteN^HkKuAudrew., EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor ot the will of W. F. Mawyer. deceased. late of Alamance County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at iiraham. North Car olina, on or before the 10th day of March, 1WW, or this notice will be pleaded lb bar of their recovery. All peraons lndebud to said eatate will please make Immediate payment. This the 5th day of April. 1887. O.O. THOMPSON, Executor. ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified aa Ad ministrator of the estate of Balelgh A. Wall, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, thla is to notify all persons having claims against the eatate of aaid deceased to exhibit them on or before the 10th day of May. 1W8, or thla. notice will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleass make immediate settlement. This 1st day of May. 1U37. J. O. ATKINSON. JR., Administrator, 104 Oullford Dank Bldg., Greensboro, N. C, ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified aa administratrix of the eatate of H. J. Cap pa. derensed, I late of Alamance County. North Carolina. ; thla la to notify all persons having claims I against the estate of said deceased to exhibit tbein to the undersigned on or before the 1 10th day of May. ItftH.or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoverv. I All perwon* Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. Thla May Sth. 1?7. MBS, JOttIB CAPP8, Administratrix, 'j. 8 Cook, Attv. Don't let 1 qour cotton JIUSTj THERE was more cotton rust in the South las!; year than ever before reported. Have you checked on the fertilizer you applied at planting and made sure that it contained enough potcsh to carry your cotton through to a full crop and the profits you expect this year? It is not too late to add the extra potash recommended by ex periment stations to control rust and reduce wilt. Use a nitrogen-potash top-dresser which will apply 50-100 pounds of muriate of potash per acre and make the application immediately after chopping. Consult your county ageni or experiment station on your soil require ments. See your fertilizer manufacturer or dealer about nitrogen-potash top-dressers. Write us for further information. American Potash Institute, Inc. INVESTMENT BUILDING WASHINGTON. D. C. SOUTHERN OFFICE: MORTGAGE GUARANTEE BLDG., ATLANTA, Trustees' Sale of Heal Estate Pursuant to the power and auth ority contained in a certain deed of trust dated the first day of April, 1932, executed by J. P, Barbour, W. R. Massey and wife, Mary Massey, T. L, Stanford and wife, Alice Stanford, to E.B. Thoma son apd L. O. Lohmann , Trustees , which deed of trust is duly regis - tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, N. C? in Book of Deeds of Trust, No. 116, page 138, securing the payment of certain notes more par ticularly described therein, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebt edness, the undersigned Trustees will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, on Monday, May 31st, 1937; at 13:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real es tate, to- wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed aj follows J Beginning at a point on the Northwestern line of South Worth Street, which point is distant s. 55 1-2 deg. W, 100 feet from the intersection of the Northwestern line of South Worth street with the Western line of Fifth Street; thence along a line dividing the , lot herein conveyed and lots num- ! ber? 2 , 3 and 4, N. 34 1-2 deg. W. 145 feet to the southern line of lot No. l! thence along the line of lot No. 1 S. 55 1-2 deg. W. 45 feet to a point; thence S. 34 1-2 deg. E. 145 feet to ia point on the Northwestern line of South Worth Street ; thence along said line o f South Worth street N. 55 1-2 deg. E. 45 feet to the point of begin ning, and known an d design ed as as lot No. 5, as shown on plat made by A. C. Linberg, Engi - neer, dated January 27, 1932; and being the tame property conveyed ? I to J. P. Barbour, W. R. Massey and T. L. Stanford, by south Atlan tic Investment Corporation, by deed dated April 1, 193-2, The puithaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit ol ten percent of the purchase price to show go?d faith. This the 30th day bf April, 193". E, B. Thomason, L. O. Lohmann, Trustees. W. D. Madry, Attorney. Trustees' Sale of Real Estate Pursuant to the power and auth ority contained in a certain deed of trust dated the first day of April, | 1932, executed by J. P. Bal-bour, W. R. Massey and wife, Mary Massey, T. L. Stanford and wife, Alice Stanford, to E.B. Thoma son and L, 0. Lohmann , Trustees , which deed of trust is duly regis - tered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, N, C? in Book of Deeds of Trust, No. 116, page 139, securing the payment of certain notes more par ticularly described therein, default having been msyie in the payment of said indebtedness, and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebt edness, the undersigned Trustees will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, on Monday, May 3lst, 1937; ?t 12 :00 o'clock, noon, the following described real es tate, to-wMJ All that certain tract' or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northwestern line of South Worth Street, which point is distant s. 55 1-2 degrees W. J 45 feet from the Intersection of the Northwes tern line of South Worth street with the Western line of Fifth St; thence along a line dividing the lot herein conveyed and lot num ber 5 adjoining it on the East, N, 34 1-2 deg. W. 146 feet to the Southern line of lot No. 1 ; thence along said line of lot No. 1, S. 55 1-2 deg. W, 42 feet 'to a point; thence S. 34 1-2 deg. B. 145 feet to ? point on the Northwestern line of SootV Worth street ; thence along said line of South Worth at. N. 65 1-2 deg. E. 45 feet to the point of beginning, and kn own an d designated as lot No. 6, as shown on plat made by A. C. Linberg, Engineer, dated January 27, 193 2; and being the same property con - veyed to J. P. Barbour, W. R. Masse y and T. L. Stanford, by south Atlan tic Investment Corporation, by deed dated April 1, 1932, The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of ten percent of the purchase price to show good faith. This the 30th day of April, 19ST. Ej B. Thomason, L. O, Lohmann, Trustees. W. D. Madry, Attorney. Notice of Foreclosure Sale DCA-4553-M. B. A. Smith Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by B. A. Smith and wife, Joy Belle smith, to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee, dated November 15 , 1931 , filed for record in the Registry of Alamance County, North Caro lina, on December 15 , 1931 , ani recorded in Book 116 Deeds of Trust on page 89, the undersigned as the duly appointed substituted trustee (see Book 114, page 80-82 of said Registry) will offer for sale at public auction, at the Courthouse door in said county, in the - City of Graham, at 13:00 o'clock, inoon. Monday, May 17 , 1937 , and wxll sell to the highest bid der for cash the property describ ed in said deed of trust as fol lows: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina; adjoining the lands of Main Street, Summit Ave., Lots Nos. 15, 16 and 17, and described as follows : Beginning at an iron bolt on Main St. and corner with summit v Avenue, running thence with li ne of Summit Avenue, N. 39 deg. 15 min. W. 80 ft. to an iron bolt in line of Summit Avenue, and corner with Lot No. 16; running thence with line of Lot No. 16, N. 56 deg. E. 138.8 feet to an iron bolt corner with Lots Nos, 15 and 17 ; running thence with line o t Lot No. 17, S. 41 deg. 10 min. E. 82 ft; to an iron bolt in line of Main St.; running thence with line of Main St. south 56 deg. 15 min. W, 140.5 ft. to the beginning, and being Lot No. 18 in Block"'I* of the subdivision of Central Heights, a blue print of which is recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance Coun ty, in Book No. 2, page No. 47. Being the same land conveyed to Mebane Real Estate te Trust Co., by deed from John H. Clapp, (wi dower) dated October 1, 1917 , and recorded in Book No. 62, Page No. 193-195. Being the same laDd conveyed to Central Loan & Trust Company by deed from Mefaane Real Es , tate & Trust Company, dated 15th Sept; 1926, and filed for regis tration 10 A. M. Sept 22, 1926; in the office of the Register of Deeds Tor Alamance County in Book 87, Page 56-57 ; and the same prop erty conveyed to Central Invest - ment Corporation by Trustees i n Bankruptcy for Central Loan & Trust Company, Burlington , by Trustees' deed dated April 6, 1929 , filled for * registration on the 3rd day of May, 1929; recordol in Book <95, pages 216 and 218. Being the same property this day conveyed by Central Investment Corporation to B. A. Smith by deed delivered contemporaneously with thedelivery of this deed of trust, the deliveries being parts of one and the same transaction, and the money hereby secured being a part of the purchase money for said land. This sale will be made subject to 1 all outstanding and unpaid taxes and other assessments, if any. This sale is to be made on ac count of default In the payment of the indebtedness secured by the aforesaid deed of trust and is made pursuant to demand made upon the undersigned by the hold er of said indebtedness Keswick Corporation, ' Substituted Trustee. ?? ' ? ?

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