THE. ALAMANCE GLEANER Vol. LXIII GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1937 No. 30 IVeivs Review of Current Events ATTACKS BRITISH ENVOY Jap^viator Shoots Ambassador to China . . . Congress Adjourns . . . Fails to Pass Most of 'Must' Legislation A breathing spell! Members of the 75th con gress, happy in adjournment, at last, file out of the C/apitol in Washington. S 22dwtuul W. JUicJaUul SUMMARIZES THE WORLD'S WEEK ? Western Newspaper Union. Jap Airman Courts Fate A JAPANESE army aviator pre ** cipitated the gravest interna tional Far East crisis since the fighting began in Shanghai, and per haps indeed since the Boxer rebel lion, when he swooped down upon a Chinese road to Ptyir machine gun bullets into an automobile flying the British Union Jack from its radia tor. One of the bullets pierced the body of Sir Hughe Natchbull-Huges sen, Great Britian's ambassador to China, as he sped in the car to attend a conference with British for eign service officials. The ambas sador, a veteran of 30 years in the service, was' rushed 50 miles to Country hospital where an operation was performed. Sir Hughe was the highest rank ing British official in China, where Great Britain has enormous inter ests at stake. He was attacked by a Japanese airplane which did not even have the right of a belligerent ? since no war had been declared ? while his conveyance was flying the British colors. The last comparable incident in China was the Boxer rebellion of 1900, when the German Ambassador von Kettler was shot and killed in Peiping. Hooray! School Is Out! PVEN if there were more than a ?*-' few threats of "Wait'll I get you after school," the nation's lawmak ers were happy as schoolboys at the end of the term, as the first ses sion of the Seventy-fifth congress came to a close at last. The sena tors and representatives, fairly bogged down with months of wran gling, much of it futile, through the intolerable Washington summer, were glad of release, even if such release carried the implication that there might be a special session in October. But the legislators left the Capitol in the realization that the session just ended will probably become known less for what it did than what it did not do. i'our out of five of fresiaeni Roosevelt's major "must" meas ures it did not pass; the fifth it passed only with reservations which put a new complexion upon it. Congress did not pass the wages and hours bill. After being passed by the senate in unacceptable form, with the understanding that it would be improved in the house, the bill was still buried with the house rules committee when the bell rang. Congress did not pass the new crop control bill which includes Sec retary Wallace's "ever-normal granary" project. It was agreed that this legislation be brought up during the first week of the January session or the special session. It did not pass the President's de sired legislation for re-organization of the executive department. It did vote the White House six new sec retaries, though. It did not pass the proposal to increase the membership of the Su preme court by six justices, who would apparently be selected with a view to insuring the constitution ality of New Deal measures. By a vote of 70 to 20 it permitted a sub stitute measure, which would have added the justices one at a time, to die a natural death in committee. In addition to failing to enact this legislation demanded by the chief executive, congress defeated the Norris bill to create seven "little TVA's," and the crop insurance bill, proposing a revolving fund of $100,000,000. The senate failed to ratify the sanitary convention with Argentina, modifying the restric tions on imports of meat and lire stock. However, congress did: Pass the Wagner low-cost housing bill, but with restrictions on the unit cost which will, it is charged, make the program virtually unavailable for New York and other large cities which constitute the principal slum problems. The $526,000,000 measure was on the President's "must" list. Pass a sugar quota which may be vetoed by the President. He threat ened to veto such a bill it it limited the output of Puerto Rico and Ha waii to 126,000 and 29,000-?hort tons annually, and it does just that. Extend the neutrality law to pro hibit the shipment of arms, am munition and implements of war to belligerents or extension of credit to them. Pass the Guffey act, creating a commission to fix prices and control the marketing of bituminous coal. Appropriate $1,500,000,000 for work relief in the current fiscal year. Pass a bill to outlaw personal holding companies and other al leged means of tax evasion. Passed a reform bill for the lower courts, designed to speed appeals to the Supreme court and permit the Department of Justice to intervene in cases involving the constitution ality of a statute. Ratified the Buenos Aires "peace treaties," which include a consulta tive pact for common course of ac tion when war anywhere threatens the American republics. Extended the CCC three years. The President had asked that it be made permanent. Passed a farm tenancy bill to help share croppers. Railroad Strike Threatens A NLY successful mediation by ^ the United States government appeared as a chance to prevent a nation-wide strike of 350,000 railroad workers as railroad representatives flatly refused the 20 per cent pay in crease demanded by the "big five" railroad brotherhoods in Chicago conference. Federal mediation would auto matically postpone the strike 30 days. The national mediation board named Dr. William M. Leiserson, one of its members, to conduct hear ings. Planes Land Without Eyes AT OAKLAND, CALIF., civilian and army fliers proved that air transport planes can now be landed under conditions which prevent the pilot from gaining the slightest glimpse of the ground. Using only a radio beam ? for "eyes," pilots made 100 perfect "blind" landings at the airport there with a Boeing 247-D plane, of the type now used on several of the nation's commercial air lines. The cockpit windows were cov ered with metal screens to prevent their sneaking so much as a peek at the field. Many pilots flew the ship and, although some of them had never operated that type of plane before, not a single landing was made outside the 200-foot run way. So successful were the tests, the bureau of air commerce, army, navy and commercial airlines rep resentatives present agreed that the system would be adopted for the country as a whole. Andrew W. Mellon Is Dead ANDREW W. MELLON, reputed ly one of the four richest men in the United States and secretary of the treasury in three cabinets, died of uremia and bronchial pneu monia at the home of his son-in-law at Southampton, N. Y. He was eighty-two year* old. Japanese Turn Tide CUCCEEDING in landing thou sands of reinforcements from its transport ships, the Japanese ap peared ready to turn the tide of ground battle in the undeclared war in China, while their navy threw a blockade around 800 miles of the Chinese seacoast from Shanghai nearly to Canton, in South China. Only at terrific cost were the re inforcements getting ashore. Many entire landing parties were blown to bits as they attempted to take shore positions under a blaze of machine gun fire and in the face of artil lery shells and land mine explo sions. More than a quarter of a million men were reported engaged in the fighting along a front stretching from Shanghai northwestward to Tientsin, Peiping, Nankow and Changpei, deep in Chahar province and north to the Great Wall. At the northern end of the front the pro- Japanese Mongol troops of Prince Teh battled combined Chi nese regular and communist armies. Japanese reported the cap ture of Kalgan, capital., of Chahar, shutting off Chinese communication with Mongolia, while the routed Chi nese troops fled to the south. Jap anese forces broke through the stub born Chinese defenses at Nankow pass and penetrated the Great Wall. They were reported to have suc ceeded in escaping narrowly a stra tegic Chinese maneuver which would have trapped 30,000 Japanese troops south and west of Peiping. Chinese positions south of Peiping were dom inated by the well-equipped, well trained and mechanized Japanese army, which captured the com manding high land. But despite all this activity to the north it was upon Shanghai that the full horror of the war descended. The international settlement was lit tle safer than any of the rest of the great port, except, perhaps, the native district of Chapei, which was gutted by flames and torn by bombs and shells. After two weeks of fight ing in Shanghai, there were report ed to be 5,160 casualties in the in ternational settlement and the French concession, including 1,760 "fatalities. Guffey's Unholy Three OINCE the fight on the President's ^ court plan began in the senate, it has become more and more obvious that a serious split impends in the Democratic party ranks. It was not a secret that certain of the sena tors and representatives were marked for extinction, fish fries and harmony dinners notwithstanding. But few expected the bombshell that broke when Sen. Joseph F. Guf fey of Pennsylvania, in a radio speech just before the end of the session, openly named Senators O' Mahoney of Texas, Burke of 'Ne braska and Wheeler of Montana as senators who would not return to Washington after the next elections. Burke summed up reply of the three men attacked when he said that if Guffey's statement were true "we might just as well forget about Jefferson Island and harmony din ners and get ready for a real bat tle." Admiral Yarnell Protest! UNCLE SAM was brought nearer than ever to the unofficial war in North China when a~ shell ex ploded on the deck of the Augusta, flagship of the United States' Asi atic fleet, killing Freddie John Fal gout, a seaman, and wounding 18 others of the crew. The ship was lying at anchor in the Whangpoo riv er in the heart of the International Settlement of Shanghai. It was im possible to determine whether the shell had been flred by the Chinese or Japanese. Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, com mander of the fleet, warned the gov ernments of both nations against shellflre over American and foreign warships. The President and the State department werq inclined to leave diplomatic overtures to the military, naval and diplomatic offi cers in China. Santander Falls to Franco SPAIN'S thirteen-month-old civil war drew one step nearer to a close as Gen. Francisco Franco's army captured the city of Santan der, last important government out post on the northern coast. As the insurgent troops filed in to occupy the city, it was apparent that the re maining government army of 50,000 men was trapped in the hills south east of the city in an area IS miles square. During the last of tfee twelve days of Franco's furious thrusts, the city's streets had run red with the blood of anarchists' victims, as thirst, hunger and terrorism crazed the populace. By the thousands, civilians were fleeing by sea? the only way ? to France. Every avail able craft was put into service; hun dreds even attempted a getaway in rowboats, canoes, dories and other small craft, some of them using im provised sails made from sheets. Making Giants for the Brussels " Kermesse " THESE weird looking "Northern Giants" were made for the Brussels Kermesse that was pre sented in the Belgian pavilion at the exposition in Paris, France. Bedtime Story for Children By THORNTON W. BURGESS SAMMY AND BLACKY BOTH TALK AT ONCE Two tongues at once are one too many. And better 'twere there were not any. HICH means that when two people try to talk at the same time it is very unpleasant for them selves and even more unpleasant for others who may have to listen to them. When Blacky the Crow came flying out from deep in the Green Forest so excited that he was cawing at the top of his voice Sammy Jay had at once flown to meet him. Now, Sammy was just as excited, and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. You see, 1 Or Course, All the Little People Within Hearing Hurried Over to Find Out What It All Meant. he knew that Blacky had found the stranger who had so excited him. Now perhaps the little people of the Green Forest and the Green Mead ows would believe him and no long er think him crazy. But they didn't! No. sir, they didn't! Instead they thought that Blacky the Crow had gone crazy, Baby Nicotine V2 'aHHi The champion to end all baby nic otine champions ? presenting Miss Patricia Benefield of Atlanta, Ga., who puffs away heartily at pipe or cigar at' the tender age of six months. She is shown with her fa ther, enjoying an after - dinner smoke, while he perforce smokes a cigar since the young lady haa ap propriated his favorite pipe. too. Never was there heard a worse racket than Sammy and Blacky made as they each tried to talk louder and faster than the other. Neither was listening to what the other was saying, which in itself was very impolite, even if they were cousins. Worse still, each kept interrupting the other, and, you know, there is nothing more impo lite than to interrupt when another is speaking. But neither seemed to mind in the least. Each kept right on talking and growing more and more excited. Of course, all the little people within hearing hurried over to find out what it all meant. But they couldn't understand at all what Sammy and Blacky were talking about. You see, Sammy and Blacky interrupted each other so often that all that those who were listening could make out was that there was a great big stranger in the Green Forest, a stranger who wore black fur and was as big as Farmer Brown's boy. Now, none of the lit tle people knew of any one as big as Farmer Brown's boy unless it was another boy or a man. But Sammy and Blacky said that the stranger was not a man. So all their neighbors shook their heads sadly and said: "They're crazy," and then again shook their heads sadly. "Too bad," said Jimmy Skunk. "I always thought Blacky was smart, very smart, but there cer tainly is something the matter with him now." "Yes, sah, there certainly is," said Unc' Billy Possum. "Some thing's wrong with both Br'er Jay and Br'er Crow. They're foolish in their haids." "Do you suppose it's catching?" asked Bobby Coon. "You know, Sammy Jay had it first and now Blacky has it." "What's all this fuss about?" de manded a new voice. It was Peter Rabbit's. He was all out of breath, he had hurried so. You see, he had been way up in the Old Or chard, when he heard the scream ing of Sammy and Blacky and he had started right away, for, you know, Peter would feel dreadful to miss anything that was going on. "Nothing, only Blacky the Crow is just as crazy as his cousin, Sam my Jay," replied Jimmy Skunk. "Blacky says he has seen the same stranger in the Green Forest that upset Sammy so. Just listen to those two, birds! Did you ever hear anything like it? I'm going home." With that Jimmy Skunk turned his back in disgust and start ed up the Crooked Little Path that comes down the hill. Bobby Coon and Unc' Billy Pos sum started for their homes, and Danny Meadow MouSe began to fun along one of his little paths to get as far as possible from such a noise. But Peter Rabbit suddenly sat up nrtth his eyes popping right out of his head. He had just re membered the strange tracks he had seen in the snow deep in the Green Forest just at the end of winter. Could it be that they were made by the stranger who had so excited Sammy Jay and Blacky the Crow? ? T. W. Burgess. ? WNU Servlc*. THE LANGUAGE . OF TOUR HAND f ? By Leicester K. Davia ? Public L?dc?r. lac ?? The, finger of Unstable Mentolihj ""THERE are a surprising number of people in this world who have far better than averave mental equipment and yet have difficulty in getting anywhere simply because they haven't the concentration es sential to completed accomplish ment. Such Individuals, unfortunately, are always conceiving really bril liant ideas which are practical in every way. But, somehow or other, they are able to carry them just so far* and no farther. Indications of this deficiency are always found in the fourth finger and its telltale characteristics. The Ffoger of (testable Mentality. Several distinct characteristic* mark the fourth finger of this type: (1) Shortness, (J) straightnesa, (J) fullness, (4) pronounced taper. Such a finger is usually well but not over fleshed. The points are smooth, combining with the taper to give the Anger a somewhat peglike ap pearance. The nail tip is gracefully rounded, with full oval nail, sym metrically set. With fingers pressed together the tip is found usually falling midway of the length of the third finger. With hand extended wide the finger stands far away from the third finger. Under backward pressure the entire finger is found to be over flexible. WNTJ Service. FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By Roger B. Whitman HOME PAINTING HpHE last few years have seen * great changes in paints, and particularly in enamel and varnish. Formerly, enamel and varnish re quired many hours, and even sev eral days, -for drying. Now they dry hard in four hours or so. More than this, they are harder and far more resistant to heat, moisture, and chipping than the older types. Paints of many kinds are also quick drying. There is, of course, a very great advantage in this. Ten years ago repainting might put a room out of commission for a week; to day, walls and woodwork can be completely refinished between breakfast and dinnertime. These quick drying finishes are *o easily applied that they are coon TWO-FOOTED MEN By DOUGLAS MALLOCH *T~ WO-FISTED men have gone _ their way, Unwanted in this softer day. But what I'd like to see again At least is some two-footed men. For many men I come across Have one foot that's a total loss. For many men each day I've seen Who stand upon one foot and lean. Some seek to lean upon a "class" To bring "equality" to pass. Some lean upon the promises Of Townsend talking through his fez. Some lean upon the President, Some lean upon the "gover'ment," Although they own the whole ma chine And tax one foot so one can lean. Yet all the men who have pulled through Stood not one foot but on two. Not one success I ever saw Leaned on some bureau or some law. That's why I claim we need again A nation of two-footed men. (That's not the worst that I have seen: For some, alas, sit down and lean.) e Douglas M alloc h. ? WNU Serrlcc. ing into very common use. For ex ample, take the refinishing of a set of kitchen furniture. The first step is washing with soapsuds containing a little ammonia or washing soda to take off all traces of grease, fol lowed by rinsing with clear water. When the furniture has dried, any glossiness of the old finish should be dulled by rubbing with sandpaper. This will also smooth the edges of chipped places and of cracks. One coat of enamel is usually all that is needed for complete refinishing, to be followed, if needed, by touches of a contrasting color when the first coat is thoroughly dry. In painting chairs, they should be turned upside down, and the legs finished first, the under parts of a table are also finished more easily when the table is turned upside down. For a good job. the mixture in the can should be thoroughly blended before using. With a small stick or a putty knife, the solid mass that has settled to the bottom of the can should be stirred into the liquid, so that the whole comes to an even consistency. I think that more troubles with painting come from improper mixing than from almost anything else. The floor should be covered with newspapers to catch spatters. The enamel or other finish should be brushed out with a few quick strokes to spread it evenly, and to prevent the forming of "runs" and of drops. When work is interrupted for a few hours or overnight, the can should be tightly closed to prevent the contents from drying and the formation of a skin on top. The brush should be wiped off, rinsed in turpentine, wiped again and wrapped in waxed paper. Other wise it will harden. ? C By Roger B. Whitman WNU Service. Tucks for the Coed Tucks, tucks, tucks! There are 85 of them, to be exact, in this simple, fine-cutting dress of Stroock's wool en. It is just the thing for the col lege girl to wear, from her first class right through to the afternoon date at the campus tea room.

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