THE GLEANER ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY jl. D. KERNODLE, Editor <1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE IQi tired ?t the Poetoffloe at Graham. N, C., m Micond-claM mailer. If Not, Almost, Dead To keep the country's business i from sagging, which it has been doing in recent weeks, the Ad ministration's court reorganiza tion's program has been over shadowed and may be complete ly smothered. But there is some history in it that is worth remembering and giving passing notice. A nationally circulated pub lication sent a questionnaire to 12,585, newspapers in every one of the 48 states. The only answers asked for were yes or no. There were but four ques tions to be thus answered : 1 . Do you favor, or feel there is an urgent need for, a bill to permit the President to oppoint additional Justice? of the Su preme Court? Answers ? 9.6 percent yes, 90.4 no. 2. Do you favor, or feel there is an urgent need for, a law requiring a two- thirds vote of the Court to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional? Au swer ? 2 8. 3 percent yes, 71.7 no. 3. Do you favor, or reel there is any urgent need for, a bill forcing justices to retire at an age fixed by law? Answer ? 28 percent yes, 72 no. 4. Do you favor, or feel there is an urgent need for, a Consti tutional amendment limiting the authority of the Supreme Court over acts of Congress? Answer ? 11.7 percent yes, 88.3 no. An investigation of the an swers returned shows that in only two states, Delaware and Rhode Island, majority answers were given to any, not all, of the questionnaires in the affir mative. The replies show also that on ly a small percent of the papers thought enough of the issue to make any reply, doubtless re garding it as defunct. If it is not dead, it is a chronic' invalid with little or uo hope of being restored to its feet again. After all, newspapers "are on ly the expressions of individuals, and no doubt a popular poll will show about or near the same percentages as those expressed by newspapers. The League of Nations does not appear to be able to do any thing about Japan's iuvasion of China ? slaughter and devas tation goes on notwithstanding. The wage-hour bill before CongrefaS is doubtful of passage, j It appears that it cannot be shaped np to suit labor leaden, Congressmen and employerr ? never will. A strike is on in the rubber industry in Akron, Ohio. Some 19,000 workers walked out. It's a sort of hazardous way to start through the winter when more food, fuel and clothing will be required. The anti-lynching bill prom isee to hare hard sledding, not because the unlawful act has any advocates in Congress, but because it carries with it a heavy penalty on the county in which the crime may oocur. It is chiefly opposed by Southern Congressmen. No county is im mune against the flaring up of a mob on short notice, and to penalize the whole county for the unlawful acts of a mob of a dozen or two, does not appear to bear the s^amp of justice. The Status of Punitive Retail Taxes The current status of discrimi natory chain store taxatiou is graphically revealed iu a survey prepared by the Iustitute of Dis tribution As of September 9, a dozen states had such lawn which are now iu the court*. And in a number of stale*, law a are bring advocated. While the vaiirus stale laws vary greatly in detail, tliey aie all predicated upon l he name priucipal ? that there is au iulier eut wickedness aud dtuigec in size. Thus, iu Idaho, h single store under a retroactive iicotite tax pays $5.00 ? while a chain with 20 stores must pay $600 per year each. ,?Iu Pennsylvania, the tax ou the first store ? and risi * to (500 for each store over 50u. Chain systems almost invaiu bly started from oue small stoic, owned by a merchant with energy aud progressive ideas. They gnw large for but one reason ? because they gave good service that the cousuming public liked. No busi ness cau start, much less gtow large and successful, without pub lic p. ilrouage and approval. Thus, w hen we attempt to limit the size of chains or destroy them by law, we deprive the consumer of ecpnoinij benefits. We attempt to prevent him from palrouiziug retail agencies to which be loo^s for good products at low prices. We penalize the efficient in the interest of the inefficient ? .tnd everyone pays, through iucrea>ed cost of living. mere seems to be a slowing <.f ibe mania fur punitive taxa tioo of chains. Government fig. urea demonstrate 'but the inde deudent merchant it in nodaugcr of extinction, and dues more lh3 chains to a rock, Scott's corner; thence 87 1-2 deg. East 8 chains to a rock, Scott's corner; thence N. 3 3-4 deg. E. 12 chains 97 links to a rock, Scott's corner; thenco south 87 1-2 deg. E. 12 chains 44 links to a rock, Scott's corner; thence North 3 3-4 deg. B. 11 chains and 75 links to a rock In Mebane road, Scott's corner; thence with old road and Henry S. Moser line s. 76 deg, W. 9 chains and 13 Iks. South 65 1-4 deg. West 5 chs. 50 links S. 83 1-2 deg. W. 15 chains 8. 56 1-2 deg. W. 3 chs South 69 1-2 deg. W. 3 chslns and 50 links S. 62 d eg. W. 6 chains South 58 deg, W. 5 chains South 69 deg. W. 3 chains and 13 links South 81 1-4 deg. W. 11 chs and 65 links, and S. 56 1-2 deg. West 3 1-2 chains to the first station, containing 125 acres, more or less, being land conveyed to French H. Smith as per deed In Book 86, paga 573. This property Is sold subject to a prior deed of trust to the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, South Carolina. This, the 21st day of Oct., 19ST. J, Buffln Frailer, Trustee. NOTICE! Summons by Publication WORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY In The General County Court Leonard W. Bannister Mrs. Flon( 0. Bannister The defendant above named will tako notice that an action en'ltl ed as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, tor divorce; and the said defen dant win further take notice tha> he is required to appear before B. H. Murray, Clerk of the General County Court , at his office in Graham, North Carolina, on the IB day of November, 1937, and an swer or demur to the complaint in aaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 21 day of October, 1937. E. H. MURRAY. Clerk General County Court. of Alamance County. J. J. Henderson, Atty. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. \LAMANCB COUNTY. In The General County Court Mrs. GoHle Reedy Tl Louis Raymond Reedy The defatidant, Louis R. Reedy, will take notice that an action a s above entitled haa been commenc ed in the Oeneral County Court of Alamance County, North Car lina. to obtain a divorce on statj tory grounds; and the Raid defen dant will farther take notice that she is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County in the Courthouse in Graham. N. C? on the 29th day of November, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will tpply to the court for the relief demanded in aald This the 28th day of Oct., 1937, M. H. MURRAY. Cievk General County Court of Alamance County. Loo g * 8** Attya.