THE GLEANER Local News ? Superior Court will cooveue Monday for the trial of erimiuitl CI8W. ? UurliiiKlou over - subscri bud the |5,CKXJ necessary lo secure the old pjsioffice nu.ldiug fur its library. ? Christmas seal sale m t> slari right aw.ty. The proceeds ot ibe eale are used tor ireatmeut ol tu berculosis. ? All public schools of Ibe couuly are observing Thaulioeiv i ii Day (luUaj ) and will uot re sume Worn uulll Alouday. ? For 91.30 Ibis paper aud The Patbtiuuer, Washiuglou uews magazine ? lells all abot)t what's going 111 at ihe Nallou's Capital. ? Wiuter tiuie is readiug liuiu ? take cam of the eutire family at auiail cost tua big saving ? see big adr"Pleuty of magaziue val ues." ? Save iu cost of your readiug matter. See club couibiualious <* iih The Uleauer. You save al most half. Chose the group yon line best. ? B. F. Audrews, iuer<>hauttf>ut at Scott Hosiery Mills tor a uuui ber of years, has sold his slock of goods lo the OJell store, N. Alain strefet. ? It's Thanksgiving Day ? a National holiday, aluiust as gen erally observed as Christinas. And, by the way, it's justa month till Christmas. ? Alnniance alauiui association of Duke Uuiversiiy and its aliirn uae, also, banqueted together at Alauiauce hotel iu Burlington Tuesday night. Dr. J. M. Or moud of the University faculty was speaker for the occasion. ? Since last Friday there has been a record spell of November cold weather. The cold wave spread over the South Eastern states from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic coast. Iu the North snow and sleet have beeu plen tiful. ? A goodly delegation of Gra ham folks are at Chapel Hill to day to see the Va. -Carolina foot ball game. On last Saturday, at Durham, Carolina wouover Duke 14 to 6, witnessed by a crowd of more than 45,000, and on Satur day at the Duke stadium Pitt, one of the country's crack teams, will contend with Duke for houors. Another record crowd is expected to see this game. ? The Jr. Order District Con vention for the 15th district, com posed of Alamance aud Chatham couuties, will be held at Siler City on the afternoon aud even ing of Friday, December 3rd. M. G. Flauigan, District. Deputy, is seuding out the prjgraui of the exercises. Addresses will be made by Lieut.-Gov. W. P. Horton and State Councilor Victor R. John sou and other stale officers. A large delegation from Alamauoo county is expected to atteud. Mrs. James H. Dixon Dies at Her Home. Mrs. Mary Lea Enoch Dixon, 56, wife of Jauies 11. Pijou, died suddenly late Tuesday afternoon nl her home three miles soulheait M Graham. Besides her husband, *he is survived by two daughters, i son and two brothers. Funeral services were conducted from the home by Rev . W. E . Harrop. Burial at Mt. Uermon. Elon College Faculty R?cit?| Next Monday Nljht. The first faculty recital by the department of music of Elon Col lege will be given Monday eve ning at 8:16 o'clock in Whitley Memorial auditorium. H e | e o Chamolee, director of voioe, will giug a group of German songs and a group of modern and Chinese songs. She will be accompanied by Professor Flelcher Moore. Dr. Stuart Pratt, bead of the musio department, will play a group of piano solos aud two groups of organ solos. The public is cordially invited to hear these performances. One hundred bushels of Kobe lespedesa seed from three acres is the reoord reported by M. ft. Hair, Fayetteville, Route 9, Cum berland oonnty. Seven pare bred Holsteins and tour pure bred Guernseys were sold by Fors) th farm< ? to visit Ing farmers from Northampton and Pitt counties last week. PERSONAL Miss Mabel Walker was a week end v in i lor in Charlotte. Mies Irene Harris spent Sunday at her home in Siler City. L. H. Keraodle of Danville was here Tuesday on business. Miss Rebecca Harden returned Saturday from a trip to Bluedeld, W. Va. Sir. and Mrs. W. M. EulitS spent last Saturday at Cool Spriu#s. Mr. and Mrs. James McBride, , Holt speut Sunday in Hillsooro aud Durham. Mrs. David McLean spent the week-end iu Williamsburg and Richmond, Va. Miss Matlie Watson speut the week-end with Mrs. J. W. Holt near Bnrliugton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seburn of Oreeusboro speut Sunday with Miss Rebecca Harden. Miss Emily Lee, teacher iu Durham county, speut the week end at her home here. Miss Denny Tate, at Flora Mac douaid College, speut the week end at her iiuuie here. Miss Fannie D. Moore spent the week-end with Miss Verua Jones at Black Mountain. John B. Stratford spent the Br.-t of the week iu the eastern part ot the State ou business. Miss Dallie Hendersou, of Ureeustoro, spent Sunday here wiih her sister, Mrs. S. E Freeze. Carlyle Woolen of Raleigh speut the week-end here at the home of bis sister, Mrs. Oriffiu McClure. Mr. aud Mrs. D. B. Fuller of Prospect Hill spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. T. A. Uolaud, Al bright Avenue. Mr. aud Mrs. H. W. Scott are spending today with Mrs. boon's sisters, |Misses Maimie and Lillian Turuer, in Raleigh. Mr. aud Mrs. Alton Buckner, Mrs. Will Buckner, and Mrs. W. C. Crateu of Pitts boro spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gil liam. Miss Ellen Hardee, of Qaeens Chloora College, Charlotte, came yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hardee. Mr. aud Mrs. Casper Jones and daughter, Clara Hughes, of Rox boro speut the week-end with Mrs. Heeoan Hughes aud Miss Mary Tome Hughes. Miss Mary Ruth Gowens of Watts hospital, Durham, visited he mother Monday afternoon. She was accompanied by Miss Goldie Yaucey and Carl Wilkins. Mrs. R. L. Walker, Jr., Mrs. N. E. Sykes and daughter, Mary Ellen, aud Mrs. J. C. McAdams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Estlow in Danville. Mr. Estlow is the brother of Mesdames Walker and Sykes. Houses Being Numbered. The homes in Graham are be ing numbered. Tbe Graham Boy Scouts have assumed tbe task of putting op the numbers, wnicb is sponsored by the Board of Town Commissioners. If metal numbers are used, the charge is 35 cents to pay for (hero- If paper or card numbers, there is no charge. The town is arranging for street- name signs, also, for all streets of tbe town. When this is done, and with the bouses num bered, it will be an easy job to find the home or place of anyoue, provided tbe street and house number are known, Graham Singer on Radio. The Raleigh broadcastiog sta tion has engaged Rev. John M. Permar to sing over the radio once a week. The hour Is 11 a.m. on Taeadfty mornings. The first broadcast was last Tuesday morn ing. Mr. Permar is pastor of Gra ham Friends chnrcb. Graham people like and appreciate his singing. When he and Mrs. Per mar sing together, as they often do, tbey make a whole choir. Unlike many vocalists, Mr. Permar sings in his natural voice. He does not camouflage or affect. When be has been heard hia ra dio audience will grow. More Graham people will hear him over the ndio than hare hereto fore heard him. Washington county farmers have purchased nine pure bred Du roc-Jersey boars and seven bred gilts from a Pitt cunti breeder in a movement to Improve swine production throughout the pounty. Local 4-H Club Member* For Social Progress Report ( Elon College led by Kdith Bry- ; ant will receive a baudeoine award for submitting ibe winuiug Alamauoe ooaaty report iu the 1937 National Social Projri*?s Program. It has the ohoioe of a Victor Book of the Opera illus- j trated with photos of Metropoli tan opera stars and sceues iroai i mauy of the great opera*, or; three Victor phouograpb records coutaiaiug eight of the most pop ular 4-H olub sougs. Tbe award is made on approval of Couuty Ageut Annie B. Priest, aud the State Club Leader aud ia one of mauy prizes provided by the ? Radio Corporation of Amenoa' in aiding the 4 11 program. Tne local wlnuiug club will, compete for State bouors aud thej choice of a 9100 Victor radio, or portable RKA Victor Keoord Player or Victrola, aud Victor records valued at ?lOO. The ua- 1 tioual wiuniug club receives a| ?460 combiuatiou piiouo^rnp ra- ; dio aud $100 worth of records for : community use. The leader and | live members receive trips to the ! Natioual Club Club Congress in Cbioago Nov. 26-Dec. 4. The club submiitiug the bent radio script will be awardel trips tor its adult voluuteer leader aud oue member to Radio Cny to in spect NiiJ Studios and tour the city. Rockingham county farmers im port Que yielda ut coru this sea son, especially where the noru was plauted after a lespedeznal 4-H Club Congress in Chicago a year from now wfl! be awarded the four sectional winners, and the nation . al winner will receive a |3tt col lege scholarship, | Winners wlB be selected ac cording to the foflowtog score* : General record of dub member, M points) U*t or plantings made in I 1938, 20 points; list or plantings in previous years, 1# points. I Snapshots or photoe and scale drawings showing how planting* have been made and wtH be made i to beautify home surroundings, 10 J points. Story giving experience of con - teatant In homo ground beautifica tion and the benefits derived, tt points. The con teat wflfc doaa October 1, 'wv . r: ; . : :"'nj Price Recession Tempo rary, Says Washingon ? Opposition To Standard Wage* and Hours By J. E. JD1KS Washington, D.CH Nov., 13, 17 Wsahlngton does not share in fears of a sew depression. The recession Baring the Uat three month* is called temporary by heada of oar Government, There la a lot of talk a'jout what wiO be donS about taxation, and domanda from all over the country are flooding1 the Capital to "let up" on activities or measure* that are owing down business. Congraaa apparently reacts to the Banger of bringing private business more and more under the con- j trol of the Government. While labor organization* are crowding in their views for1 further advan - tagea In the way or wages and hours some whole States are oppoaed to measures that would caH back conditions of Govern- 1 moot control each aa existed un der the NRA. Perhaps half the entire United States oppose* what is calked j ?"standard" wages and hours, be cause such a system would change economic structures in alf parts of the country. The South is a great objector, and at preaent there is ? concerted effort of aeven Sou thern Statea to entice manufactur era to locate their plants in those 8t?teai. They hold out the 1 n - j docementa of lower wages and cheaper costs of living, AH these f aetora are important and wIOT be , given propee consideration by Con greaa. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Question? Wh*6 can I do to stop "?pickoatif in ray flock of Leg Horn henst Answer? This condition U un - doubted ly related to Intensity of production, and aa yet no prac tical method of control has been advanced. If any change in diet la made to alow up production,, it It very probable that thia would result in ? neck moult which la undesirable. The moat practical method of approach is to observe the birds frequently and ifomedlately remove those ahowtntT ? prolapse. These birds ahotfld be used for table purposes. Question? How much' plant bed spsce should I seed to plant an ?era of tobacco? Answer? A plant bed that late n yard* equal* wffl normally produce from 1?,0M to If, MM planta which la enough planta to cover two acres. la planning' the beds, how ever, It la wel to aeed extra ?pace SO aa to in sure an ade - quale supply of planta. Where a larger acreage la to be planted It la better to have several small beds widely separated on the farm rather than one large bed. This lessens the hazard of blue mold Infection and other tobticco discs* I"* Question? What do Tot* reccxn- . ! mend lor curing young calve* of indigeetion? Answer? When the first ijrap tomj appear the calf should bp Isolated and its mi'IH feed reduc ed at least one-h/slf. If legume hay la being fed this should bere-> | placed with grass hay until the trouble disappears. A dosd of one to three tablespo , JI I fob oiar isi'2-10 IU&xB'b . _ \ ALL F JJ I ro? o ALL mrt OlfLT 60 THE HOME OFFE'fir THIS OFFER FULLY GUARANTEED i i ; i i i i i i _i i t i r r i i - for wUcfc pImm md m? | lofaAtr with a year's ? Story OB?r 8 I Sfawter EJUX. I I I FRANK MERRIWE AT FARDALE . . . ? Hex*'* a brand near story by Gilbert Patten, the original "Burt Stan dish" who created Frank MerriwelL It will bong back childhood memo ries to adults ... it will provide a refreshing new serial for the younger generation. Fiction's greatest hero has been re-established in this inimitable new story, "Frank Merriwell at Fardale." Youll be de lighted by numerous unusual sequences in this truly different news paper serial. Read to day's installment ... and you'll not want to miss coming chapters! I.N TH4&EAPEF. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qua! I tied an Administrator of Uw estate of T, C. Frazier. ?iecea?ed. late at Alamance county, North (Carolina, tbla |g to notify all persons having claims ag?J * the estate ot said deceased to present th to me on or before th?- 22nd day of X< ber. 193s. or this notice will be plead en m bar o I tbelr recovery. AH persona indebted u> aald estate will please mate immediate payment to the ns derelgneo. 1 his November I, JOHN H. VLSUtUN. Adtz.mistnuoa?r the Estate ol T- C. Fraxier. -1 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION To Whom It May Concern : The part nership of W. II. Aldridge ami WilhftG. Boland, trading as Sanitary Grocery ^ Store, has been dissolved. The under signed will not be liable for any deUa incurred by Sanitary Grocery Score from " date of dissolatioo. This the 27th day of October, 1987. WILLIS G. BOLAND. CHECKS COLDS Liquid. Tab leu Halve. Some Drop* Try "Rub- My-" Why Suffer with Colds-Pain ?? TAKE COOK'S ? t C CC And Be Relieved ADMINSTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified a* the e-iUte or I. H. Tl late of Alamance Count j. North ( this la to notify all peraooe kavUv < against the estate of said di i iisesit r them to the undersigned on or I tober 25, 1*?, or this notice will be piesM In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate vfl p lease mate Immediate settlement. Tills Oct. l?th, 1*7. E. S. THOMAS. Admt. Snow Camp, K. C_ Rt- No. SL Receiver's Notice of Re-Sale of the Re maining: Assets o f The First National Bank o f Mebane, Mebane, N. C. To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to authority of the Comptroller of the Currency of the Vnited States, the undersigned Robt. J. Pom ell, as Receiver of The First National Pank of Mebane, North Carolina, will offer at public sale to the highest bidder or bidder* For cash, at Mebane, North Caro lina, on Monday , December 6th, 19JT, at IS 00 o'clock,