THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C.. MARCH 24, 1938 Local News ? ? Auy complaint at the weather for unsuitableness for out-iluor work lately is out of order at the present time. ? When winter is late, it is a saying that "Winter lingers in the lap of spring," and what is it when spring arrives early and curtails winter? ? Deputies from the Sheriff's office razed a booze plant, newly set up and operating, in Coble township Wednesday. The pro prietor was conveniently ab sent. ? It may be a little previous to say "Springtime has come, gentle Annie , for most of us have known the weather to do fantas tic things in the latter March and early April days. ? Fine weather for gardening, livery family should have a small garden plot that can be tended without outside help. The prod uct would supplement the family living, besides affording a Que opportunity for healthful exer cise. ? A meeting o f tax listers, named by the Board of County Commissioners, scheduled to be held at the Courthouse tomorrow afternoon, is a reminder that the tax listiug will be around again on April 1st and for the remain der of that month. ? The store room on W. Harden street, recently occupied by the Western Auto Supply Store, is being fitted up with counters and shelves for the opening of new dry goods store which will be op erated by A1 C. Wilkinson, who has had around tweuty years ex perience in merchandising. His home is here and he has many friends who will wish him suc cess. ? The big concrete block which supports the traffic light at the in tersection of N. Main and Harden streets ia a bad target for careless or incompetent drivers. At an early hoar this morning a car ran into it. The car was badly dam aged and the driver suffered pain ful injuries. The block is large enough to be seen, but occassion ally someone, to his sorrow, fails to loo* ahead and avoid it. ? Two truant girls, aroand 16, giving their names as Louise Pen nington and Estelle Bragg, their home as Mataoka, W. Va., were taken in custody by deputies Monday evening just out of Haw River and put in jail for safe keeping. They said they left their homes Saturday night, hop ing to find a place they'd like bet ter and get work. Sheriff Stock ard called their home over long distance, but at noon today noth ing had been heard. ? Judge Cooper A. Hall of the General County Court has given oat a note of warning to "driving drunk" automobile operators. The 1100 fine and costs judgment does not seem to be an effective cure, and the intimation is that a road sentence may be used to help the situation. This is a re minder of the story in the old Blue Book, where the farmer tried what virtue there was in stones after turf failed to bring the bad boys down from the apple tree. Miss Alice Westmoreland spent the week-end at b e r borne in Thomasville. Miss Fannie D. Moore spent the week-end with Mrs. Albert Simpson in Greensboro. Rev. and Mrs. Watt M. Cooper of North Wiikesboro spent Mon day with his sister, Miss Mary Cooper. Miss Ertel Carlyle and Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor of Lumberton spent a while here with relatives of the latter yesterday afternoon on their way home from a visit in Greensboro. Meedames J. J. Henderson and John B. Stratford visited their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. U. Kernodle, in Danville yesterday. Mrs. Kernodle has been under hospital treatment for ten days and is much improved. The Craven County Farmers Club will promote the ridge meth od of cultivating tobacco and the use of the 3-8-6 fertilizer under the crop on light soil, following a discussion by L. T. Weeks, ex tension tobacco specialist. Cotton yields per acre were in creased an average value of $11 last year where growers treated their planting seed with the two par cent Otraan. PERSONAL Maj. J. J. Henderson attended court in Y ancey ville Monday. Larry Burgees, at State College, was at home for the week-end. Mrs. J. L. Johnson visited Dr. E. L. Bowman in Lnmberton San day. Mrs. J. M. Moon and Miss Lola Moore spent Tuesday in Greens boro. Mrs. Bees Wilson and Miss La la drowning were iu Greensboro Saturday. Miss Molly Parker of Land is spent Sunday with Mrs. Sam T. Johnston. Mrs. Alfred H. Mebane of Me bane is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. C. Moore. Miss Gladys Auiick is home from Sebring, Fla., after a stay of several months. Mrs. M. M. Teague, Jr., of San ford is here visiting her sister, Mrs. George Kivett. The Z. T. Hadleys returned Friday from a week's pleasant stay in Washington. Mesdames Burton May, II. W. Scott and John B. Stratford spent Monday in Greensboro. Mr. aud Mrs. & B. Bradshaw were Sunday afternoon visitors with relatives in Durham. Mrs. Donald Cates visited her mother, Mrs. J. W. Sykes, in High Point the past week. Misses Maud and Lillie Line berry visited their home in Siler City during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith of Spencer spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. E> Smith. Miss Ruth Brasden of Brown Summit and Miss Ersell Geanes spent the week-end at Rose bo ro. MissJuanita Gowens spent the week-end in Roxboro with her sister, Miss Mary Ruth Gowens. Mrs. W. B. Quakenbush is home from a week's visit with her sis ter, Mrs. A. L. Henley, in Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harden of Greensboro spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. J as. P. Harden. Miss Mary Catharine Proctor of Woman's College was the gaest of Mrs. Harper Barnes last Sun day evening. Mrs. Jesse Evans and daughter in-law, Mrs. Tom Evans of Dan ville spent Sanday with Mrs. J. D. Albright. Mr. and Mrs. William Harden and young son spent Sanday with her sister, Miss Lucille Johnston, in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and two daughters of High Point spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hodge and Mrs. C. F. Whitlock and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Cook. Mrs. W. E. Abernethy and daughter, Julia, of Shelby spent the week ? end with her sister, Mrs. S. S. Holt. Mr. and Mrs. James Bee son of High Point spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Moore. L. B. McCoy of Charlotte spent the week-end with Mrs. McCoy, who is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Will E. White. Misses Alice and Mary Leigh Bradshaw spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Dewey Covington in the Hawfields community. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kluttz and daughter, Martha Anne, of High Point spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunsucker of High Point and the tatter's mother, Mrs. W. R. Goley, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wiliard C. Goley. Mrs. P. R. Harden, who spent the winter in Durham with her son, Ray Harden, has returned and ia visiting her sons, Turner and P. R., Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and family spent Sunday in Bladen boro with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis. It was the lattera' golden wedding anniver sary. Mrs. Carl Britton and son, Mar shall, of Greensboro, spent Sun day with her siaters, Misses Fan nie and Lala Browning. Also A G. Maasey of Caswell county was a guest. Miss Bettv Scott, at Salem Col lege, spent the week-end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott, and had her room mate, Miss Katheryn Holmes, ol Edenton, as her guest. Hampton Buckncr Passes at I Home in Burlington. After a week's illness Henry Hampton Bnckner, 71, died at 11:45 Friday night at hia home in Burlington. The funeral ser vice was conducted by Rev. F.W. Paschal from the Rich and Thompson funeral home in Bur lington at 4:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and burial was in Lin wood cemetery, Graham. Mr. Buekner was a son of the late Jesse J. and Martha Ronsley Buekner and a native of Chatham county. He is survived by hia wife, Mrs. Florence McPherson Buekner; three daughters, Mrs. A. B. Page, Norfolk; Mrs. A. M. Wagoner and Miss Regina Buekner, Bur lington ; a sister, Mrs. J. C. Stout, Friendswood, Texas ; two brothers, J. M. Buekner, Graham, and J. J. Buekner, Siler City. Mr. Buekner came to Alamance with his father's family when a young man. He lived in Graham for many years. He was well known and highly esteemed for his sterling qualities by a host of friends. He had been a memoer of the Junior Order in Graham around 35 years, also a member of the Red Man and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. In a few words, he was a line type citizen, and many will regret to learn of his passing. Lady Fatally Hurt; Hit by Car. O n Monday afternoon about 4:30, on highway fi2, Mrs. Lillian Garner, f>3, wife of J. Henry Gar ner, was hit by a passing automo bile and fatally injured. She died a t Alamance General hospital about 7:00 o'ilock. Mrs. Garner was going across the road from her home to the barn on the opposite side. The driver of the death car was H. W. Milan, a machinest salesman from South Carolina. He has re sided in Burlington for a few weeks. He is under t2,500 bond. A hearing will be had next Mon day afternoon before Justice Lee Latterloh. Besides her husband Mrs. Gar ner is survived by four daughters and three sons. She was a native of South Car olina. The remains were carried to Jonesville, S. C., for interment. Among The Sick. Mrs. J. Harvey White is at Alamance General hospital for treatment. Curtis Write is spending a day or so at Duke hospital for treat ment and a minor operation. Miss Minnie Andrews, under going treatment at Duke hospital, is improving. Mrs. Heenan Jeffreys is recover ing from a serious operation at Clinic hospital in Greensboro. Mrs. McBride Holt, who has been quite sick for the past week, was carried to Watts Hospital, Durham, the first of the week for treatment. Elon College News Eton College, March 23. ? Dr. J. D. Messick, deau of Eloa College, attended the teachers' meeting in Raleigh where be took an impor tant part. Dean Messick is one of the leaders in Parent-Teacher work in North Carolina. Dr. L. E. Smitn, president of Elon College, is planning to at tend the ineetiug of the Southern Association of Schools which is to be held soon. He will attend to college bnsinefcs oo the trip. Tbe Elon College concert series was concluded for the year re cently with the presentation of several groups of songs and an operette by the Chamber "Opera Company. Miss Maria Matyes, Mr. Raymun Koch and Mr. Rob ert Long were the members of the cast. The Dramatic Club of Elon gare two plays written by their own members, Tuesday night. They were well reoeived by the aadienoe. Tbe baseball team opened the season Monday by pUying the Springfield, Mass., nine. Tommy Williams and Andy Fuller, pitch ers, are looking good. Mrs. Caroline Stack of Salis bury presented a recital for the Elon Muaio club Monday night. Orange County farmers planted an anditional 150 fruit trees in home orchards last week. For the first time in history, 10 farmers o f Jackson connty saved and threshed 4,000 pounds of Korean leepedeza seed for planting on their farms. It is not too late yet to top-dress small grain with an application of soda to stimala te quick plant growth. Honor Roll Graham Public School ? 6th Month. First grade ? Miss Browning: Bobby Fuller, Jimuiie Johnson, Emma Jean Bason, Nettie Ann Harden, Peggy Joe Johnston, Nancy Moore, Eogenla Okey, Opal Roberts, Carol Stockard, Mary Ellen Sykes, Luoy Via. Firstgrade ? Mrs. Wilson: James Wilson. First grade ? Miss Bowden: Doris Bishop. Second grade ? Miss Yelverton : Barbara Lee Shnmate, Violet Rhodes, Carol Lee Robertson, Floyd Phillips, Alex Goley, Ralph Moore, Jimmie Wilson, Jerry Holt. Seoond grade ? Miss Westmore land: Garland Lee, Jimmie Moore. Third grade? Miss Cox: Polly Harrop, Margaret Johnson, Jean ine Moore, John L. Amick, Her bert Whitener, Billie Yonng, Mar garet Jones, Harriet Reaves. Third grade ? Miss Mclntyre: Lawless Ratliffe, Dorothy Batler. Fourth grade ? Mrs. McLeau: Theo Braxton, Mac Cook, Marjorie McGnire, Dorothy Permar, Nancy Pickard, Betty-Walker Robertson, Carolyn Stewart. Fifth grade ? Miss Harden : Al lenene Bay. Fifth grade ? Miss Walkor: W. C. Chaney, Jack Jeffreys, Walter W hi taker, Kaiherine Guthrie, Nancy Wilkerson. Sixth grade ? Mrs. Barrett: Beulah Mae Holt, Virgie Lee Ker nodle, Anne Rader, Dorothy Steele, Margaret Via, Mary Eliza beth Brittain, Helen Bason, Ruth Burke, Virginia Boyd, Helen Bason, Floyd Ellington, Amos Hayes, Grady McCoy, Bill Smith. Sixth grade? Miss Booker: Ru dolph Evans, Charles Russell, Edna Mae Stephens, Annie An drews, Dorothy Ratliffe. Seventh giade? Miss Goodman : Maude Adams, Drucilla Braxton, Betty Cook, Juanita Howard, James Ivey, Evelyn Perry, Vera Pierce, Grace Lee Steele, Cora Harden Stratford, Nancy Thom son, Marea Yonnt. Seventh grade ? Miss Moorefield: Herbert Lutterloh, Grover Brown, Harrison Jones. Eighth grade ? Miss Dunlap: Bettie Bason, Marjorie Bason, Ar lene Whitener. Eighth grade ? Mr. Foster: Junius Davis, Allen Tate. Ninth grade ? Miss Lineberry: Margaret Oldham. Ninth Grade ? Mr. Hook: Rus sell Lawson, Sam Ward, Elliot White. Tenth grade ? Miss Gant: Mal colm Larsen, Virginia Carrnthers, Edna Davis, Geraldine Leeburn. Eleventh grade ? Miss Church: Billy Green, Kathryn Coble, Doro thy Foust. Alamance Wants Veterans' $1, 500,000 Hospital. A Veterans' hospital is to be built by the Government at some point in the eastern hall of this State at a cost of $1,500,000. Government agents are out look ing for an eligible and suitable location. Hoping to secure the institution for Alamance county, Burlington, Graham and county officials are cooperating in an ef fort to get it for our county. To that and a meeting of officials and other citizens of the two towns and county was held in the court house last night. Burlington has offered a 117 acre tract near Highway No. 62, about four miles south of the city and about the same distance southwest of Graham. Repre sentatives of the two towns and the county held a conference and agreed to finance the water sys tem for institution, estimated to cost about $17,600, if the location offered is acceptable and Ac cepted. The proposition should appeal to the citizens of the oounty. It is a rare opportunity, and should the offerings secure the hospital for Alamance it will be a prize well worth the price. Wherever it shall be located it will be per manent and sustained at Govern ment expense. Wayne county farmers are find ing that there is money in poul try. Last week a group sold 3,608 pounds of call birds for $587.44. Dr. C. F. West of Kinston has planted two acres of badly.eroded land to pine trees in testing the recommendation of the Extension Service in on one way to reclaim abandoned land. John Shields of the Hothouse community of Cherokee county treated his leaped eza field with a coating of manure from his dairy barn and secured better lespede za as well as a stnnd of bine grass and White Dutch clover. SUBSCBXHB VOf TOT OLBAVU More than 300 tons of ground limestone have been used on M? ron oonnty farm lands since Jan nary 1st. Mindful of the need of home grown freeh fruit, Edgecombe landowners have been increasing the planting of fruit trees this winter. REPORT or THE CONDITION OF The Bank of Haw River ?t Haw Elver, North Carolina, to the Com missioner of Banks at the close of business on March 7, im ASSBTB Cash, balances with other banks, and cash Items in process of col lection .. $ 2TJB16B United States Government obliga tions, direct and fully guaranteed ti, 000.00 State, county, and municipal obli gations 37.587.07 Loans and discounts 78.W7.24 Overdrafts - ....... None Banking house owned, furniture and fixtures, $874.00, depreciation, $90j0Q- _ 78L00 Other real estate owned, 4,424.76 Total...... .. $155,578.64 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Deposits of Individuals, partner ships, and corporations: [a] Demand deposits 51,042.19 [b] Time deposits evidenced by eavlngs pass books 58,964.39 [c] Other time deposits 5.000,00 United States Government and post al savings deposits 87.74 State, county, and municipal depos it*. 4*2.41 Certified and officers' checks, letters of credit and travelers' cheeks Hold for cash, and amounts due to Fed eral Reserve bank [transit account], 006.50 Total Deposits $116,183.23 Other liabilities 1.279.84 Total Liabilities Excluding Capital ^ Account 11 7,403.07 Capital Account: (a) Capital stock and capital notes and debenturest $25,000X10 (b) 8urplus . 8,000.00 (c) Undivided profits - 258.57 (d) Re serve J 4,867.00 [el Total Capital account 38,115,5? Total Liabilities and Capital $155,57*.M On dat& of report the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was $11,032.00 Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserves amounted to $27,935^8. tThls bank's capital Is represented by 200 shares of first preferred stock, par value $75 per share, retirable at $75 per share; and HQ, shares of common stock, par $100 per share. 1, 8. A. Vest, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true, and that It fully and correctly repiesents the true state of the several mat ters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. 8. A. VEST, President, Correct? Attest: J. A. Long, *) W. Q. Crutchfield, / Directors. J. A. Aldrldge, j State of North Carolina, County of Alamance, 8worn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of March, 1838, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. Wm. T. Brooks, Notary Public. My commission expires March 16, 1940. [Seal.] U Certificate of Dissolution 8 tale ot North Carolina Department of state To All to W bom Tbese Presents May Come? Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof depos ited In my office, that the L. Banks Holt Mauufacturlng Ooaspany. a corporation of this State, whose principal office Is situated at No. 222 West Harden Street, In the City of lington, Ccunty of Alamance, State of North Carolina, (Panl Stevens being .the agent therein, and in charge there of. upon whom process may be served), has complied with the lequlrements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," prelimi nary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dlssoluion: Now, therefore, I, Thad Bnre,|Becretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said oorporatioo, did on the 10th day of March, 1938, tile in my office a duly executed and attested consent la writing to the dissolution of said corporatioo. executed by more than two-thirds in inUr- , est of the stockholders thereof, which *ald certlfic te and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In thy said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof. I have hereto set my hsnd and affixed my official seal at Kalelgb, this lOtd day of March, A. D. im THAD EUKB, Secretary of State r Seal of the State 1 L of North Carolina | M. Q. Broadwell of Holly Springs, Wake county, has In stalled a complete water ay stem in bis farm borne at a coat of $305. Blue print* for the instal lation were secured from the State College Extension Service. The Modiste Sewing Shop / OVER DeLuxe Cleaners Mae Mason, Mgr. Phone 746 - ^ CHECKS 666 co..vDS Liquid. Tablets FEVER Halve. Nose Drops first day Headache, 30 minutes Try MRub-My-Tlsm"? World's Best Liniment EXECUTOR'S NOTICE % Having Qualified as Executor ot the will of John fc. Covington, deceased, late of Alamance County. North Carolina, thl* is to notify all persona having claims against the said estate to present them to the under signed, or his attorney, on or before tbe 5th day of March, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tbe'.r recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will S lease make Immediate payment, to the un ersigned. This March 1st. 1?M. B. E. ALLRBD. Executor of John D. Covington, dee'd. L. D, Meador. Attorney. Knife Lost? Reward: A small old knife, smooth white boue handle; two blade*, one in either end, tbe words, "office kuife," ou one *ide ilinost worn off; lost Friday, Feb'y 18th, somewhere between W. J. Nicks' store and Postoffice, it is believed. The knife itself is of suiall value, but for its association tbe owner would like to recover it A re ward of its ful! value will t>? paid for its reluru to Tbe Uleauer of fice. Why Suffer with Colds-Pain ?- TAKE COOK'S ? ? ccc And Be Relieved NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCB COUNT?. IN TflB SUPERIOR COURT Special Proceedings N, P. Huffman Herbert Clarke, Sr. The defendant above named win take notice that an action entitled as above haa been commenced in the Sup erior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to sell real estate situated in said County and flkaerlbed Uj tKfl petition Hied in this cause for the purpose of di vision ; and the* said defendaht will further take notice that he is required to appear before t h - Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, on or before the 25 day day of April, 1938, at the Court house of said County In Oraha-n 1 North Carolina, and answer or de mur to the petition in said actjun or the plaintiff will apply to thf Court for the relief demanded I n said petition. This the 22 day of March. 1938. SARA MURKAY, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. John R Hoffman, Atty. ?i wxs&Jd&ACCO' i ? ? WJ ( IVE BEEN PLANT1N6 TOBACCO FOR \ 20 YEARS. I KNOW CAMEL USES FINER, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS. THEY , BOUGHT THE CHOICE LOTS OF MY LAST < CROP?PAID ME MORE FOR MY BEST N KINDS OF TOBACCO. I SMOKE CAMELS > BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT FINE > TOBACCO GOES INTO THEM / HARRY C. KING knows tobacco bKMM h? grow* It c*Met TOBACCO GROWERS are in a position to speak with authority about the kinds of tobacco that go into the various makes of popular cigarettes. They actually see, at the auctions, who bids highest to get the choice lots of theif own crops. They know what cigarette don get the finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS. They knout it's CamcL "W? SMOKE CHMUS * ? TOBACCO 1 Beause wc mow msAcco?1'" ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having uuaJIned u Admlnlatrator of Ik* eatate oTMre. U. F.TroUnaer, deceaaed, law o< Alanuot oouaty, Nortb Carolina, lb la la to notify all wmaa ba v log c talma iwM the aetata of aalddoceaaed to preeent IWm to ma on or before tba Mb da j of March, 1M*, or thla notloe wtU ba pleaded in ?rw7*u??biad to aald aaWa will pleaee make Immediate payment to the urn deralffnad. This February 26, ISM. B. B. TROL.INGBR, AdminUtimtO*. Carr k Vernon. Alt y. It Is Dangerous It I* danfferoue to aeU a 8UB8TITCTB for 866 Juat to make three or fear cent* more. Coatemera are jgu beat aaaetat loae them and jeii leee joar fcaalam, ??o la worth three or bar tlaaea aa Back aa a SUBSTITUTE. SALVE COLDS prio* Drepe 10c & 25c NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA AXAUANCB COUNTY. EN THB SUPERIOR COURT. Nannie B. Meyer*, Plaintiff, v* T, W. Meyer*. Defendant The defendant, T. W. Meyer*, ? ill take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, Nannie B. Meyers, to obtain an abscAute divorce from the Defendant, T. W. Meyers, on the grounds ot continuous sepaia tion for two (J) years and the said defendant, T. W. Meyers, will further take notice that he Is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Ala mance County Id the Courthooae In Graham, North Carolina, within thirty (30) days from the Z3rd dau thirty (30) day* from the 13rd dar of April, 1938, and answer or de mar to the complaint in the aald action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the *3 d ay of March, 1>3>. B a MURRAY, Cleric Superior Court of Alamance County. - O. W. DUKB, Attorney for Plaintiff, Greensboro, N, C, ? Summons by Publication * NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCB COUHTT. JN THE 3UPBRIOB COURT. Before the Clerk. Jaaper Stephen?, wife and Othen_ mt Pink Neighbor*, wife and other? The defendants Eliza Broach, Cora Broach Rudd, Luther Rudd, In> Stephen* Carden, Lola stephen? Bow man, Arthur Lea Bowman. Willi" M ay Neighbor*, the heir* of Jamea Stephen* who ever they are, Dew ey Broach, Ruth Tstum, Mildrel Tatum, Bfllie Tatum and William A_ Neighbor* will take notice that an action entitled as above h*s been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to sell the real estate for# division among the heirs at law of the said Samuel A . Hen*ley which' real estate I* located in l|e. bane, N. C? and being the aame lands conveyed t0 S. A. Hen*ie7 by J, W. Nicholson aQd wjfe by deed duly recorded Id the office of the Register of Deed* of Ala mance County, North Carolina i a book 67 page 319, that the de fendant* own an interest {a said land and ar? proper Partie* there to ; that this i* on? of th? ease* in which service of summon* m*y be made by publication and this court has Jurisdiction of the sub ject of this action; that the said defendant* will further tak? notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk ef the Superior Co"rt In the CooH house in Graham, Alamance County, N I Carolina on the ?th day o* April, 19S8, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, of the plaintiff will apply to the coort for the relief demanded tn**H?>n> | plaint. This the Mh day of March, 19M, SARA MURRAY, Asst. CJerk Superior Court. R. O. Everett, Atty. Durham, N. C,

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