THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., MAji 5, 1938 Local News ? Pleasant Grove school closing exercises are being held this week. ? Rain is much needed; the grass on lawns is turning brown, it is so very dry. ? A term of Alamance Superior Court will convene ou Monday, May 16th, for the trial of crimi nal coses. ? This is national music week, being set apart by the National Federation of Mu8to"Clubs for ob servance in every city, town and hamlet in the Uuited States. ? The annual convention o f disabled World War Veterans will be held in Burlington May 29-31. It is expected around 300 veterans and visitors will attend. ? At Cedar Cliff church a home coming celebration will be held Sunday, beginning at 10 o'clock. The opening address will be made by County Superintendent M. E. Yount. ? Saturday being the second Saturday of the month, it is pay day for shareholders in Graham Home Building company, and not too late yet to take shares as of the second Saturday of March. ? A young 12-year-old negro boy named Leon Walker broke into jail yesterday for entering the home of J. DeWitt Foust the day before. He took a small amouut of money. Police Officer Herbert Ausley made the arrest. ? Receipts at Graham postoffice are showing a healthy increase. The receipts for April were $1, 169.17, an increase of $130 82 over April, 1937, and for the first four months this year they were $4,737.82, an increase of $577.89 over the same period in 1937. ? Residents of this section were a little frightened a few days ago, lest a frost or freeze come and damage fruit and young stuff. How about folks in New Mexico, Nevada and other far west sec tions who had snow that reached a depth of as much as eight inch es? * ? Thieves raided the smoke house of John Graham, Jr , at McCray, Faucette township Tues day night and carried away 12 nice hams and eight shoulders. Sheriff Stockard sent out a broad cast, calling on storekeepers to look oat for persons offering such for sale. ? The annual home-coming ex ercises will be held Sunday at Union Christian chnrch, Union Ridge. Dinner will be served on the grounds. Morning services will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. M. Stevens, and the af ternoon services will be conduct ed by Rev. W. F. Wisseman of Greensboro First Christian chnrch. ?Suits for damage and person al injury, aggregating $10,100.00, were filed in the Superior Court here yesterday by Mrs. Ella Mae Andrews and her husband, J. R. Andrews, against Harold Cox, growing out o f a n automobile crash at the intersection of West Elm and Maple streets, in April. Mrs. Andrews asks for $10,000 for personal injury. ? Mrs. L. G. Gowens announces the engagement of her danghter, Miss Mary Ruth, to Dr. John A. Ingram of Greensboio and Rox boro. The wedding day has not been named. And on Saturday evening Mrs. Gowens gave a mis cellaneous shower for her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Gowens, who have just moved into their pretty new home, next to her own on N. Marshal) street. ? On a charge o f attempted criminal assault on an 8-year-old girl one day last week, at Elon College, Earl Linville, aged 30 years, of Glen Raven, was com mitted to jail Tuesday in default of $5,000 bond to await action of the Superior Court. The case was heard before T. H. Perry, J. P. The girl was assaulted a s she walked along a street and thrown over a hedge. The barkiug of a dog frightened him away. ? The annual May Day pro gram at Salem College is sched uled for 5 o'clock Saturday after noon, and in case it rains it will be postponed till the next Satur day. The event is expected to draw a crowd of at least five thousand. It will be outdoors and will be in Grecian mode and will tell the story of the first May Day held in the ,1th century B. C. Miss Betty Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott, will be one of the 13 Attendants to the Queen, Miss Virginia Lee of Kincton. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott via. ited in Raleigh Sunday. James White, at Univ. N. C., was at home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hall spent the week-end at Chriatiansbnrg, Va. Miss Elizabeth Moore, at Wom an's College, was at home San day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eaaon and chidren spent Sunday iu Qreens boro. Rev. J. L. Foster of Elon Col lege is spending the day here with friends. Mrs. A. C. Smith of Mnllins, S. C., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hal Farrell. 'John G.i Turner of Raleigh spent the week-end with the T. C. firadshaws. Mrs. J. S. Cook sptfnt Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Edgar Hiu ton, at Bynum. Mrs. S. J. Lisk and daughter of Albemarle spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Euliss. Dr. and Mrs. E. I. Nott and Mrs. John Woods were visitors in Greensboro Sunday. J. L. Amick and daughter, Miss Gladys, visited relatives in Gret na, Va., a day or so ago. Miss Bernice Dempsey of Greensboro spent the week-end with Miss Laura May Holt. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bradshaw and Mrs. T. W. Bradshaw were Sundav visitors in Durham. Miss Bill Goodman of Concord spent the week-end here with her sister, Miss Loaise Goodman. Mrs. J. Clyde Auman of Thom asville was a recent visitor with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Johnson. Mrs. C. A. Compton of Conway was a recent visitor here with her parents, Mfc. and Mrs. C. O. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McCoy and F. L. Lashley of Charlotte spent the week-end with Mrs. Will E. White. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neblett of Atlanta were Saturday night guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Harper Barnes. Miss Mary Rath Gowens of Roxboro spent the week-end at home with her mother, Mrs. L. G. Gowens. Mrs. Charles Stinnett and Miss 1 Lynda Riddle of Raleigh spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dolph Long. Misses Sara Catherine Hughes and Alyne Pegg were week-end visitors with Miss Laura Jane Neese at Hi/h Point College. Mrs. W. A. Wood returned Monday to the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. C. D. Moore, after spending the winter in Roanoke, Va. Drs. Herbert S. Long and Fred S. Caddell spent the first of the week in Winston-Salem attending the convention of the State Den tal Society. J. D. Kernodle, publisher of this paper, and his granddaugh ter, Mrs. Harper Barnes, on Mon day night attended the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Josepas Daniels at Raleigh. Mrs. James D. Proctor of Lum berlon, who spent several days here with relatives, returned home last Friday, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. J. Hender son, who returned Sunday eve ning. Maj. Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Harper Barnes met Mrs. Henderson in Fayetteville on her return. ? It is announced that U. S. Senator Robert R. Reynolds, by invitation, will address the Junior Order here on May 30th at 7 :30 p. m. The speaking will be in the oounty court house and open to the public. ? A lot of property owners have put off listing till the last mlnnte, and the listers are still accommo dating the stragglers. A. W. Norwood, Graham list- taker, is still almost as busy as he was daring April, and when the books are passed in there will still be some who have not attended to the matter. Maybe they think if they do not list they will escape paying, having forgot the old adage about the certainty of death and taxes. ? A Business Club has jast been launched by the yoong men of Graham. They held a meeting at V F W Park Tuesday night. The meeting nights will be on the first and third Tuesday nights of each month. To the next meet ing, two weeks hence, the ladies will be invited, and there will be music, dancing and refreshments, i When completely organised the club will promote things of inter est and helpful to the community. Graham Public School I Closing. Graham School commencement exercises begin Friday evening at 8 o'clock whea the Senior class will present a play eotitled "The Parting o f the Braves," in two acta. It will be entertaining and pleasing. On Sunday evening at 8 o'clock the annoal sermon will be preach ed by Dr. J. Kenneth Pfhol of Winston Salem. On Monday night the graduat ing exercises will take place, and the literary address will be deliv ered by Dr. W. H. Fraser of Queen's - Chicora College, Char lotte. Journey to Iowa to Consult Specialist. * On Tuesday morning, last week, Mrs. Paul McPherson of Snow Camp community left here on a Oreen ? to notify ail persons ha% log claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to tne undersigned at Burlington. North Car olina. on or before the LMh dar of April, 1??. or this notice will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. ?? All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Tbls 1-Hh dsy of April, JOHN H. V1RNON. Public Administrator, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as Administrator of the estate of Perry A. bhape. deceased late of Alamance county. North Carolina this IslonoUf) all persons having claims ajralnt the estate of the Mid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1?U> day of April. 1??. or this notice will be pleaded 1n bar or their recovery. All persona indeoted lo said estate will pleats make Immediate settlement. This the 12th day or April, ltt* T. L, HUFFMAN, Administrator of Perry A. Sb?rpe, Deceased. B. P. D. 4, Burllngton.N. C. Allen * Madry, Attorneys. . j Notice of Salet of Real Property Voder and by of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Com* of 4 iamance County made in the special proceeding" entitled *'W. Luther Catea, Admlniatrator of the estate of Daniel Anthony^'vs. Frank | Anthony et als," the under?Urhed Co nm'sMoner w*l, ?n Monday, M,y 16th, 1938, at 11 :00 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Gra . ham, Alamance County, North Car olina, offer for sale- to the high est bidder for cash, the foll0w - InE described real property, to-Wit: All that certain fact or parcei of land In Burlington T0wnst,ip Alamance County, N0rth Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. H. TUrrentine, Catherine Ross, Sall{e and Francea Sharps and otheKand bounde3 as fol'ows : Beginning at a white flint rock corner with said Frances Sharpe and Turrentlne, rOnnihg thence g 55 3-4 deg, W. 13 chains 95 lk? to a rock corner with said R0* thence S. <4 1-3 deg. E. 3 chains 60 link" to a rock corner wjth Sajd sal'ie Sharpe in said Ross- | i n e : thence North 56 1-2 deg. E. H chains 6 links to a rock corner with said sallie Sharpe in France? Sharpe a line; thence N 42 deg. West 3 chs, 72 yaks t? the be - ginninj, contain]^ 5^3 acres, more or less, This property was conveyed bv deed dated the 2oth day of Aug 1898, by Eliza AnthOn7 to Daniel Anthony, recorded in Deed Book No, 20 at page 520, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, N0rth Carolina. Thisthe Ijth day of Aprjl jMS. JOHN H. VERNON, Commissioner, Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCB COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Special proceedings, James Baldwin, et al T* Frank Baldwin, et aJ? heirs-at-;*w ot the late Thomas Baldwin. The defendants. Frank Baldwin and wife, Ida Baldwin, and Annie Vincent will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court ot Alamance County, N0rth Carolina, to sell reat estate Bjtn?t . ed in said County and described in the petition, filed in this cause, for the purpose of division ; and the said defendants wjll fur ther take notice tha' they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, on or beford the ln. This the 13th day of April 1338 SARA MURRAY, Asst. Cl?rk SiJJwriOr Court. John R, Hoffman, Att}\ Notice of Execution Sale NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCB COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Under and by virtue of execu tion" directed to the Undersign Shtriff fiOm the superior c0urtof Alamance County in an action en titled, "A. Col!in?, plaintiff, vs. W, R. Jiassey, Defendant " Bnd in an?ther action entitled, "'The Day ton Rui.ber Manufacturing companyt Plaintiff, vs. City T;re Company. Ine.. W. R Massev et al , De fendants," I will, on M?nday, May l6th 1938 , at II :00 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse Door In Ora - bam, Alamance County, North Car olina offer for sa'e to the high est bidder for cash to sati5fy sa;<| execution* al' the right, ti'le (^J?d interest whjch the sajd W R. Massey, defendant, ha* in the fol lowing described real estate,to-wit j First Tract: Being lots num - bered 33 and 3* of the West End Ball Park property |n Bur>|ngtoD rosnahip, Alamance Count?, North Carolina, as shown by pla* record ed in the Office of the Rogist<.r of Deed* for Alamance C0unty in Book of Plats 3 at page Ts. Second Tract; Being lot* num bered 13 to IS inclusive and loia numbered 5< to j7 inclusive, ol Block 17 of the W N. Th0mpson property, plat for which js re; corded in th? office of 0** Reg ister ?f Deeds for AtimegCe County in Book of plat* t it pages 2? ana ??, and the (otfow, ing part of lota n<>mbered X? t0 22 of said block of property . b?. ginning at a atake od tie North side of Shoffner Avenge in the line between lot* Nos, lg ?od i?; unnlna thence ? lj deg. jo East 15?^T feet t