THE GLEANER QRAHAM, N. 0., AUG. 26, 1938 Local News ? Not mach change in the weather ? hot in the day bat cool er at night. ? T h e women of Bethany church, south of Graham, are giv ing a sapper at 5:30 to 9 Saturday evening to aid in the building fund for a new chareh. ? The Orand Jury last week called attention to the fact that many of the Justices of the Peace had failed to file their reports with the Clerk of the Court. ? Next Wednesday night, Aug. 31st, will be the 52nd anniversary of the Charleston earthquake. It came around 11 o'clock. The older citizens here remember that many were greatly frightened. ? The Oxford Orphanage sing ing class will give a concert at the Courthouse on Wednesday even ing, August 31st. It is hoped it will be well patronized. A worth while entertainment is assured. ?On Wednesday night about 9:50 a woman named Mrs. Mary Frazier of Burliugton was hit and fatally injured on No. 100 near Burlington. Harry Carter, 19, the driver cluims it was unavoid able, but is held in $1000 bond. ? The five negroes who shot in to a negro congregation at Rock Creek in Patterson township Sun day night, were captured b y Sheriff Stockard Wednesday and lodged in jail. Fortunately only one person waa wounded and not seriously. ? Mrs. Ernest Marshal), south of Graham, who operates a hatch ery, was a victim of chicken thieves last Friday night when aboat 30 of her white leghorns were stolen. Several weeks ago more than 60 of her Plymoath Rocks were stolen. ? The Alamance Historical As sociation, of recent organization, will meet at the Agricultural Building on Saturday, September 10th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Like many other counties and commu nities, much of the history of Al amance is traditional. If the As sociation shall be able to preserve the traditions and dovetail them together and keep passing events in ship-shape, it will perform a service that will be worth while and duly appreciated in the years to come. Judge D. J. Walker Passes After an illness which confined him to his home for the past two years, Judge Dan J. Walker, 52, died Tuesday afternoon at his home in Burlington. The funeral service will be conducted at 3 :30 this afternoon from The First Presbyterian church in Bur lington. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie Hurdle Walker, two daughters, Miss Annie Hur dle Walker, and Miss Becky Jane Walker; three sons, Dan J. Jr., Jimmy, and Edwin, of the home; one sister, Mrs. Doris Anderson, of route 1, Burlington; and two brothers, R. R. Walker of Kerr, N. C., and M. S. Walker of Bur lington R. F. D. Judge Walker was born and reared on the home farm in North Alamance, attended school at Oak Ridge, and finished his liter ary education at the University at Chapel Hill in 1913. Two years later he was licensed t o practice law, but taught for four years after his graduation. He then located In Burlington to practice his profession. In 1916 h e was nominated and elected Clerk of the Superior Conrt of Alamance County. He was serv ing his second term as Clerk when he resigned in 1926 to accept the judgeship of Alamance General County Court, being the firtt judge of the newly established court. After the expiration of his term he resumed the practice of the law. In 1933 he was the member of the State senate from Alamance. Judge Walker was a gentlemen of pleasing address, and being a ready speaker be was often called upon to address sundry organiza tions and gatherings. He was possessed of a fund of anecdote and good humor that enhanced his popularity as a public speak er. His illness at other times than his last and his death cut off his career. He had many friends who will hear of his passing with deep regret. Revisions Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace has announced that re visions will be made in tobacco quotas where the allotment teems inequitable. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Leon Flanigan and children are at White Lake thia week. Mr. and Mra. L. H. Kernodle and son, Loylek, of Danville were here (or a while yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Farrell and son, Durwood, spent last week-end at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Rich left yesterday for White Lake to spend the remainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farrell and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Saanders in Galax, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dolph Long and their niece, Miss Lynda Rid dle, have returned from a visit in New York City. Mrs. James Bishop, Jr., has been called to her old home at Eastman, Qa., on account of the' illness of her mother. Capt. 3. G. Foster went to Rox boro last Friday to spend a few days visiting in the home of Mr. and Mra. Casper Jones. Miss Mamie Parker returned the first of tlie week from several weeks visit with her brother, Junius Parker, in New York. Miss Cora Harden Stratford is returning home this evening after spending the summer at Miss Fan Holt's Keystone Camp at Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kins and little daughter are visiting at bis old home in Darham. Mr. King is manager of the A. & P. store and it is his vacation. Mrs. A Lacy Holt and daugh ter, Miss Catherine, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holt and son, Albert, spent the week-end with the for mer Mrs. Holt's daughter, Mrs. Roy Long, at Brevard. Mrs. Heenan Hughes, Mrs. Fos ter Hughes and young daughter, Holt, and Misses Mary Tome and Sara Catherine Hughes left Sun day for White Lake where they are spending the week. Dr. and Mrs. Will S. Long and Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Long and daughter, Margaret, spent Wed nesday afternoon with the former Dr. Long's sister, Mrs. S. A. Hoi leman, in High Point, who has been ill for a long while. Mrs. H. W. Scott left last Sat urday for Manteo to see the "Lost Colony" and from there to visit historic Williamsburg, Va. In Raleigh she was joined by her sisters, Misses Mamie and Lillian Turner. Lonnie Ezell of Lubbock, Texas, and Thos. Ezell of Phoebus, Va., were here the latter part of last week and the first of this visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Ezell. The former is a teacher at one of the Texas State institu tions, while the latter is with the Phoebus branch of the Govern ment printing office. Killed at Graham Station Mangled beyond recognition the body of Joseph Womble, 32, was found at Graham Station early Wednesday morning. The body was identified by finger prints, there buing nothing on the torso left to identify. The man was hit about 100 feet east of the sta tion and parts of the body were found scattered around 100 yards away. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Womble of Hills boro. Other survivors are his wife, two daughters, a son, four sisters, and three brothers. He was born in Graham. McBride Holl Has Another Birthday After one passes his three-score andten, a birthday anniversary is an event. The way up there is not crowded. Of one striving for success or eminence in any voca tion, we say "there is plenty room at the top." The same is true of the upper brackets in the span of life. Mr. Holt celebrated a birthday Sunday. We saw him Monday. He was cheery. He had risen early and had made a coo pis trips to bis vegetable garden before old Sol began to beam too furiously. By the way, a vegetable garden has been one of Mr. Holt's hobbies for many years. It was a hobby that contributed materially to the pleasure and comfort of the fam ily and often made glad his neigh bors who were not so fortunate and suocessful in truck growing. Back in the spring Mr. Holt had a rheumatic attack that put him out of commission for loco motion, but from that he has al most entirely reoovered. The Oleaner joins his friends in wishing him many returns of the anniversary event Dr. E. C Laird, Former Resident, Dies in Greens boro, Burial Here Monday Dr. Edward Chambers Laird, one time resident of Alamance ooanty, died at the home ot his son, Thomas Holt Laird, in Greensboro at 6 o'clock last San day afternoon. He had been in ill health for several months. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Cora Holt Laird, a son, Thoma? Holt Laird, and three grandchildren, Louise Holt, Mary Chambers and Chambers Goode Laird, me funeral was conducted from Graham Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon by Rev. J. E. Roberta, assistant pastor of the first Presbyterian church of Greensboro and Rev. W. K. Harrop, pastor the Graham ohurch, and intertaent followed in Linwood cemetery. Dr. Laird was born in Boydton, Va. , October 9th, 1854, and was a son of Dr. Alexander and Urs. Virginia Chambers Laird. He was a graduate of Virginia Mili tary Institute and the University of Maryland, taking his medioal training from the latter. He was resident physician a t Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va,. Battery Park hotel, Asheville, and Mountain Park hotel, Hot Springs, for a number of years. In June, 1880, he was united in marriage with Miss Cora M. Holt, daughter of Got. Thos. M. Holt, at Haw River. For a number of years he resided at Haw River and practiced his profession. His uniform kindliness and courtesy won for him a place of esteem and affection among his clientele, and he is still pleasantly remem bered by the older citizens of this seotion. Reunion at Cane Creek Quaker Church Aug. 27th On Saturday, August 27th, the descendants of' the pioneers of South Alamance will hold a re union at Cane Creek Quaker charch. All of them and others are invited. Long years ago, years before the Revolution, the Quakers had settled up and down Cane Creek and they had their own churches and schools. After they knew there was a Great West many o f the des cendants migrated t o a newer country. Heretofore the reunions for a number of years have been held in the name of one or more of the pioneer families. It is to be dif ferent this year? it's for the de cendants of the pioneers. In former years the reunions have brought back from the North and West descendants of the pioneers. Again this year the promoters of the annual gath ering are expecting to have visit ors from among those who have made their homes elsewhere. ?. P. Dixon of Graham, Route 2, himself a pioneer descendant, from the start of the reunions has always taken an active interest in getting the kith and kin togeth er, and for the coming event he hopes to have a large gathering of thsoe far and near. Some one will be able to tell the assembly of how well and worthily many of the descendants have wrought in the various walks of life. County Tax Rate May Be 1.13 The Board of County Commis sioners was in session Wednesday. A budget (or 1938-'39 was sub mitted to be finally passed on at a meeting later. It calls for ?400,991.47 ? last year it was $401,190.96. The tax rat* last year was 91.18; for this year it Is hoped to reduce it to $1.13. There have been some material sayings through financing, taking over the operation of the jail and in tax listing, which enables the Board to be more liberal to the school system. The all-time health department la an item of expense that the connty has not heretofore had, but no one should seriously object to tnat. The Board finds around a mil lion in new buildings, principally dwellings, added to the county's taxable property. Jurors were drawn for the two weeks term of the Superior Court which will begin on September 12th. ? Among those here Monday at tending the funeral of Dr. E. C. Laird, besides Mrs. Laird, the son and grandchildren, were Lynn B. Williamson and Mrs. M.B. Wyatt of Greensboro, T. Holt Haywood of Winafa>a-8*lem, a nephpw, and lira. Bruce Wright, of Raleigh, a sister of Mrs. Laird. ?UB8CBIBK FOB THB QLBAN** Went to See "Lo?* Colony" Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Tate, Mrs. R. L. Walker. Jr., and Mrs. N. E. Sykes and daughter, Mary Ellen, went to Manteo for the week-end, and saw the "Lost Colony" pageant and enjoyed It. Grass In Peanuts Many peannt fields in Virginia and North Carolina have been re ported as abandoned after heavy rains brought on a n extreme grassy condition, says E. Y. Floyd, of State College. 1 Dear Sirs \ i| If you have a ^ . N. i poor dinnw tonight, it'* our fault. The wife spent her , afternoon reading "She Painted Her Face,** our new serial. Incidentally . . . why don't you read it? The Publisher NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCB COUNTY. In He General County Court Samuel 1^ Wilson, Plaintiff, Tl Bernlce Pryor Wilson, Defendant. The defendant Bernlce Pryor WiL. son will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has oeen commenced in the General Court of Alamance County, Nath Caro lina, to o^tap an aosoiute divorce and the defendant will take no tice that she 1? required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk ct the Geo?ta) Cgunty Court o f Alamance County In the Court - house In Graham, N, C., pn the 12 day of September, 1938, and ans swer or demur to the complaint in aaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief demanded in the complaint, This the 10th day of Au g, 1938. E, S, HURRAY, dork General County Court gf Alamance County. WUUto* C, Perdue, Atty. Why Suffer with Colds-Pain ?- TAKE COOK'S -? ccc And B* Raliavad Certificate of Dissolution Htate ot North Carolina Department of State ' To AU to W bom These Presents May Come? Greeting: Whereat, It appear* to m y satisfaction, by dnly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof depoe Iced In my office, that the Olen Karen Knit ting Mills, Incorporated,* corporation of this State, whoee principal office Is situated at the town of Olen Raven, County of Alv mance, State of North Carolina, (Allen Brwln Gant, Secretary being the agent therein, and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," prelimi nary to the Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Bow, therefore, L, Thad Bore, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation, did on the SOth day of July, 19S8. file In my office a duly executed and attested consent In ; writing to the dissolution of saM corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, 1 which said consent and the reoord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file In my said offloe as provided by law. In testimony whereof. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at BaJeigh, this SOth day of July, A. D. im THAD BURB, Secretary 01 State [Seal of the State 1 of North Osrolina | EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Harln? qualified u Bxeoutrlx of the wlU of SMtoh lrrln Moor*. ItoMwL 1st* of Ale ooaatr, North Oarollna. thla i? to no J MtMl ha vine olatml against the t* of the Hid dacaawl to exhlbl t them to dertlxaed, on or befora the IHIit of ?' will be pleaded la the undersigned, on or befc August, IMS, or this notice bar of their recovery. persona Indebted to Mid Mint* will j make Immediate settlement. Thl*'tMU?raxafc?T>iooii*, ?xvx, Buriln#ton, N. C. Long, Loo? * Barrett, Attn. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Hsvlng qualified u Exeoutrtx oi the will of Krastus B. Hnfflne, d?o?M*d, 1a t? of /' manoe oounty. North CaroUna, this !? to __ tiijr all persons bavin# olalms against the Mtati of the said deceased to exhibi t them to the undersigned, oo or before the let day of August. 1 we. or thle notloe will be pleaded in ber of their recovery. All pereooe Indebted to said estate will pleaee make immediate settlement. This, the 2ftth of July, lltt. STELLA OOX HUFKINB, BxVx, Burlington, N. C. Long, Long * Barrett, Attys. Do No* CUmb Over lf,5M rett The hlghe*t point to which ? hu man being can ascend without In volving danger to lit* is 18,800 foot NOTICE! Land Foreclosure SALE Under and by virtue of the >ower of aale contained In a cer ain mortgage deed dated March L?, 1932. executed by Charlie Har rey and hia wife, 8ailie Harvey, o J. L. Catea, who later aMlgn id the note aecured by the aald nortgage, together with the aald Town of Graham/ North Carolina Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Year Ended Jane 30, 1938 Receipt*: Property, Poll and Dog Taxes $ Tax Costa, Interest and Penalties Graham Water Commission Licenses and Fees Street Assess meats Notes Receivable Cemetery? Opening Craves Sale of Town Lot Recovery on Damages to Town Properly Other Miscellaneous Receipts Notes Payable CASH BALANCE ? Jnne 30th, 1937: General Fond Sinking Fand Total Cash To Be Accounted For Disbursements: Administrative Office i Police Department Fire Department Health Department Cemetery Street Department Insurance Donation ? Graham Library Donation ? Playground Capital Outlay Debt Service Notes Payable Bonds Retired Sundry Expenss 32,540.68 618.52 5,81500 1,670.24 798.30 425.00 122 50 100.00 91.50 65.87 3^20000 7.00 2,828.68 t 3,152.50 1,176.95 5,442.94 1,392.80 622.00 955.00 12,832.19 634.69 840.00 150.00 1,315.00 16,117.74 200.00 2,937.02 179.10 145,547.61 2,835.68 48,383 29 Total Disbursements 48,383.29 |t Cash Balance ? June 30, 1938 434.46 1 < MARY TOME HUGHES, Clerk. * Town of Graham Water Commission Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Year Ended June 30/ 1938 Cash Balance ? July 1, 1937 Rscaipta: Total Funds To Acoount For Disbara?m?ntei Electric Current Insurance Track and Anlo Expense Telephone and Telegraph Surety Bond Premiums Legal and Auditing Gasoline, Oil, etc. Supplies and Repairs Commissioners' Fees Water Tax Printing and Stationery Fuel Postage Meter Deposits Refunded Salaries Purchase oi Automobile Miscellaneous Extensions Remitted to Town of Graham Total Disbursements Cash Balanoe ? June 30, 1938 Water Rents and Taps Meter Deposits Total ) 22,773.78 478 50 8,034.33 673.43 173.73 35.46 5000 203.50 421.20 295.16 174.00 80.00 85.36 47.50 142.15 309.00 4,715.00 250.00 25.55 3,825.46 5.915 00 398.38 23,252 28 23,650.66 123,465.83 ! 184 83 i 23,650.66 MARY TOME HUGHES, Clerk. wsm&CMf??2 MM T. BOM M) hiw inhun baM W gnm it. Hi ?on " Prom oparitac*. I kaew Cam! bmiunhou. fwilbonhftwlwl? mortgage, to O, DarVJ CurtH paid mortgage being recorded In the otflce of the Register at Deed* lot Alaaanc* County, North Car olina, ID Bosk ol Mortgage Deed* No, 115, at page 47% default hav ing bee? pad* In the pajmeat of he not* aeeuieB 67 aafd nort - gage deed, the undersigned will, on Monday, Auguat 29tH 1?M, * 11:00 o'clock^ feKK**. ?t the Courthouse door lo the town of Graham, Alamande County, North Carolina, offer far Bala at public auction to the highest bid der, for cash, the following de scribed real property : A certain tract or parrel of land lying and being Id Alamance Co unty, Burlington Township, State of North Carolina, defined tad de scribed as follows: Adjoining the lands of J, L. Catee, street tad others, being Lots Nos, 18 and If in the subdivision of J, L.Cates lands, recorded is Plat book No. ) at page 10, In offlce Register of Deeds of Alamance County Id court louse at Graham, North Carolina, lpon which there is a cottage of our or five rooms and a small louse on back of tot. This sale subject to advanced ids as reqnfced by lav, This the t3rd day of July, U38. O, D, CDBTXB, Assignee of mortgagee Urn, L. Robinson, Attorney, National Bank Bufldtng, Turlington, North Carolina. Notice of Sale Date n>3 by rtrtufi of an or ler pf flie Supealut Court of Uamance County, North CaraQb*. nade in a special proceeds ea itled C, Q. Somers et al ~r-ja?t reter Pritchett et al, the nafci - igned commlasiooer win, paths 2nd day of September. UN, at ISM o'clock, agon. it the Coorthooss door to Ora lam, North Carolina, offer far aa'e 0 the high bidder tar eak he following described real prop tjJ ' A certain tract 6r parcel of and io BarHDftOd Townahip. AU :oonty, Stats of North finiHas >d)atotog the lands of Bea Staley, V. J. Kirkpatrtck, M. Mr A .Hi nd Miss Staler and others, and ?ounded as follows, viz.: JltfH iag at a atone corner pf Bea Italey and M, McAdama ; thence !ooth * 1-2 decrees West ?.* hains to a stone {n Kirkpafcriek ine; thence S, T4 degrees East .50 '?I'tiM to a stone a new car ter; thence X, S3 degrees East i,13 chains to a stone; thence IT. 1 1-1 degrees West chains to m ash tree on the sooth bank of Sards Creek; thence op aaid reek as it meander* S.M chains :o a poplar on sooth side of said leek; thence SoatM S3 deg. W. 1.&5 **?<"? to a stone to Ben Stale; 'a line; thence sooth' <1 deg 10 miK, W, 135 chains to the beginning corner, containing fire teres, more or less, Ten percent of the purchase price mill be required when the lama Is knocked dowa and the bal mce upon confirmation, This the 1st day of August. IBS, W, D. MADBY, Commissioner. NOTICE Summons by Publication VORTH CAROLINA ILAMANCB COUNTY In lb* General CoontJ Court klr*. D. Lee Browning:, Plaintiff. John C, Browning, Defendant. The defendant, John C. Browning. * ill take notice that an ictlon entitled aa above has bees commenced in the Qeneral County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the a*ld defendant ;that the said defendant wfll farther take notice that he Is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Genera] County Co'irt of Alamance County in Graham, North Carolina, on or before the ith day of Auguat, 1938. and answer or demur to the complaint filed it said action, or the plaintiff will *p lr to the court for the relief demanded in aald complaint. Thla Wth day of July, 1?38 SARA MURKAY, Awistant Clerk General County Court of Alamance County. Paul Strickland, Attorney. ? mmm