THE GLEANER QBABAlf, N. 0.. DEC. 32, 1938 inUID ITIBT THCBIOAT J. D. KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE KsWrad at th< Poctoffloe at Orftbam, N. C., aa aaeonl-elaM matter. Christmas. The emblem of "Peace on earth, good-will to all men" is Christmas, the anniversary cel ebrated as the day oh which a Savior of the world was born in Bethlehem of Judea. He was a gift by the Creator to the world for the redemption of the human race according to prom ise. At the advent Wise men fol lowed His star to His birthplace, carrying rich gifts. Hence the anniversary ever since has been the day of gifts, good will. It is also a day, in more re cent times, on which the family cirple is re-cemented and joyous greetings are extended. May all in some way contrive to make those about them glad and happy. It is a holy day that should be observed with seemly rev erence. Pan-American Policy In the Pan-American parley in Lima, Peru, all is not in ac cord, bnt the representatives of the 21 American republics are striving to work out an agree ment that shall save them from a spectacle such as is now going on in Europe an<Ttfther parts of the world. When the United States was formed there were disagreements and diverse views. Concessions were made, and the result is that now the United States is the greatest Republic on earth and the rich eat country ? a country in which the individual enjoys more free dom than in any country in the whole world. Proposals have been made to which there are objections, not ' for any self-seeking advantage, but for the protection and pro motion of tiie best interests of all. All seem Agreed that a one thing must be the prevention of aggression from within and from without, especially from without The "Monroe Doctrine" is in favor, beoauso all recognize that for a century it has saved some of the weaker countries from foreign domination. It will be a great day in his tory, if vital differences can be composed and ironed out. Just what Anthony Eden's mission to this country was or who sent him is not definitely known. He met the President and talked with him. That's about all anyone knows. He is now back in London, and is not talking for publication, but there is nothing to indicate that be is displeased with what he heard and saw. The Nazi German Govern ment is reported making over tures to the United States along , trade lines. On account of the Nasi policies ? territorial ag grandisement, Jewish oppres sion, etcetera, so many nations have~iost confidence in Hitler's empire and hare curtailed their taade relations, that Germany Is feeling it acutely. Every Country should beware of Ger many's fawning. It means all for Germany ? no special good to any who grant concessions. China has gained ground against Japan's invasion in recent days. Japan is offended that the United States is favoring China financially. Of course! Don't* (or ? Merry Christmas A Merry Christmas to you and yours! Aud remember ? it cau'l be merry unless it's safe. Fire is the great hazard of the holiday season. It has tuned many a gladsome celebratiju into a horrible tragedy; for the victims of holiday fires are ueually eh i * dren. So ? here are some dou'w for the holidays that will pay you tremendous dividends in the coin of happiness and safety. Don't use candles on your Christmas tree. The tree itself is highly inflammable aud it, to gether with tinsel decorations placed near blames, may causi; a holocaust in your home. Electric light sets are inexpensive, safe aid satisfoctory. Don't permit children dressed in flimsy cloth or paper holiday costumee to be in a room with op^D flame of any kind. Fatai burns can be suffered in an in credibly brief period of time. Don't give children gifts that require the use of explosive chemicals, fire, steam or other hazardous elements. Don't allow a mess of discarded Christmas package wrappings to accumulate. A carelessly dis posed match or cigarette may cause them to burst into a fire that will switfly get out of con trol. Dry Christmss trees presont a major hazard ? dispose of yours M soon as the holidays are over. And ? last but not least ? don't take a chance of any kind. Be constantly alert. Have yonr fun safely. European War Power Europe's armies are much larg er now than in 1914. Rnssi i has almost 20,000,000 men in ber forces today, as against 4,000,000 then. France has 6,200,000, as against 1,380,000. Britain has U1<S, 000, as against 808, 000. Italy has 7,125,000, as agai net "2,000, - 000. Only one central power, curiously enough, has no great ly Increased forces ? Germany, with 3,600,000 soldiers now, as against 3,350, 000 These figures include reserves. ? Nam* Chloe of Greek Origin The name Chloe, of Greek origin, means "blooming" or "verdant." It waa the summer name of Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and poeta have often used it as a name 1or a shepherdess or rustic maiden. St. Paul mentions a Chloe of Corinthia. Although pretty and melodious, Chloe has never been in common use and no prominent bear ers of it have been found in the archives of history. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. Alonxo Peele Sykes and wife, Maude Andrews Sykes, vs. All the Heirs of Eliza Truitt Hastings (Names and Addresses Unknown). The defendants, all the heirs of Eliza Truitt Hastings (whose names and addresses are unknown), will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, in which the plaintiffs pray for an order directing a sale for the purpose of division of the following described land, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of landi in Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John S. Turrentine, the heirs of Daniel Albright and others, and : bounded and described as follows: " I Beginning at a hickory, Turrentine's , corner on Albright's line; running thence South 45? East 7 chs. and 60 links to an old stump, Turrentine's , corner; thence with his line North 45? | East 14 chs. 60 links to* a post oak another of Turrentine's comer; thence North 45? West 7 chs. and 60 links to' a black oak, Jacob Albright's comer, thence with his line South 46? West 14 chs. 60 links to the beginning, con taining twelve acres, more or less. 1 And said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County in the court house, at Gra ham, North Carolina, on the 11th day of February, 1939, and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 20 day of December, 1938. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk, Superior Court, | Alamance County. C. C. Cates, Jr., Attorney, Notice of Sale of Real Property Under and by virtue of the power , of sale contained in that certain Mortgage Deed executed on the 14th day of May, 1937, by J. E. Marlett and wife, Emma Willard Marlett, and recorded in the office of the Register , of Deeds for Alamance County in I Mortgage Deed Book 128 at pages , 486 and 487, default having been made in the payment of the .indebtedness secured by same, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Alamance . County, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1939 at 12:00 O'CLOCK, NOON, the following described real property, to- wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Graham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining Andrews Street, Second Street, Lot No. 5 of Block "EH", C. P. Thompson and others, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at. an iron stake in the southern margin of Andrews Street and the eastern margin of Second Street, running thence South 2 hi deg. W. with the eastern margin of said Second Street, 200 feet to an iron stake, comer with lot No. 5 of said Block "EM"; thence N. 88 deg. E. with the northern line of said lot No. 6, 75 feet to an iron stake in the line of said lot No. 5, corner with said Thompson; thence N. 2% deg. E. with the western line of said Thompson about 192 feet to an iron stake in the southern margin of said Andrews Street, corner with said Thompson; thence N. 87 % deg. W. with the southern margin of said Andrews Street, 76 feet to the Beginning. It being 75 feet off the western ends of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Block "EH" of the subdivision of part of the L. Banks Holt land as surveyed by Lewis H. Holt, County Surveyor, March, 1929, a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for Alamance County in plat book No. 2 at page This sale will be made subject to advance bids as provided by law, and will remain open for ten days from date of sale to receive advance bids. This the . 12th day of December, 1938. CHARLES P. THOMPSON, Mortgagor. Wm. I. Ward, Attorney. HOWOOVOU GCT 60 MUCH WORK DONE ? feMy NERVES WOULD BE m-i A WRECK ( LET UP LIGHT UP < NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCB COUNTT. Id Ihe General County Court Ressie > Billings T* Rufus Billings The defendant above .named will take notice that an tvAioa entitled as above has been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina for divorce, and the said defen dant will further take notice .ha he is required to be and app ar at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County, in Graham, North Caro ir* on or before January 16th, 1939. ( and answer or demur to the com plaint in said ac* ton, or ttieplain ?tifif will apply to, the Court (ar the relief demanded in eald com plaint. This the 15th day of December 19 3 8 P, L. WILLIAMSON, Qerk General County Court. John J. Henderson, Atty. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCB COUNTY. In The General County Court S, A. Kerr Mrs. Naomi Kerr. Hie defendant (above named will take notice that an action fcatftled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina for divorce, and the said defen dant will further take notice that she is required to be iaod appear at the office of the Clerk of the General OOimty Court 0 Alaman?? County, in Graham^ North Cai o'ii a on on before January 46th. l93fc and answer or demur to th? com plaint in said action, or thep'an titt will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in bald com plaint. This the 15th day of December 19 3 8, "P, L, WILLIAMSON, Clerk General County Court of Alamance County. John J. Henderson, Atty. NOTICE! Notice of Summons And Warrant of Attachment NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTT IN THB SUPERIOR COURT May Smith ?a. R. O. gaatth J The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa oeen commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County on the 20th dav of September, 1938, to recover (reason able pup port and maintenance for herself and children ; Now, therefore, the defendant will take notice that he Is re quired to appear within thirty davs and answer or demur to the complaint filed In this action or the relief demanded will be grant ed; The (defendant will further take notice that a m- arrant of attach ment was issued on the 20th day of September, J938 in the aoove (entitled action by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, which warrant is return able, aa provided by law, at the same time Bnd place as is t h e above described summons. This the 25th day of November, tISI. B. JH. MURRAY, CierV Superior Court. T. C. Carter, Attorney. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the authority conveyed bv that 'certain deed of trust signed by L. R StockarA and wife. Nellie R, Stoekard, dated the Sid of Aug . 1W4, and recorded in Book 121, at pag* 141, In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, the undersigned Trustee, on Thursday, December 22, i9j?, at 1S;00 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door In Oraham, Alamance County, North Carolina, offer for sale at PabUc Auction ' to the highest bidder for cash the following land, to- wit: A Certain lot or partfel of land in Qraham Townahip, Alamance CountJ, State of North Carolina/ad joining the land* of the North aide of Albright Avenue and other*, and bounded aa follow* : Lota Noe, it, it, SO of Block "C of the p'at of land formerly own ed by the Walker heir* and known aa the Walker property 'In the town of Graham, which said p'aiieduly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in plat Book No. J, page 14, to which reference ia hereby made for a more p?rfact and complete description of ths said real property. This sale la made on account of default In payment of the jn debtednesa secured oj said Dee; of truat, and a ten percent (13) cash deposit will be required by the highest bidder at the sale, said sale Cto remain open for lad vance bids aa provided oy law. This the 21 day of November, 1 9 S 8, J. Dolph Long, s Trustee. Notice of Summons And Warrant of Attachment NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SCPERIOR COURT. Dt E. May and Clara; S. Mav, Plaintiffs, ?a. W, E. Sharps and eallie F. sharpe, Defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North 'Carolina, for the re covery of an indebtedness due bv the defendants to the plaintiffs as evidenced by a certain bond for the principal sum of $2700.00 and interest thereon executed by the defendants and deliverej to the plaintiffs ; and the said defen - dants will further take notice that they are required to Appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for "said County }n the Courthouse in Graham, N. C? on the JO day of Januarv, 1939, and answer or demur to the Icon v plaint in said actjoh', or the plaintiffs will apptty ito the Court for the relief demanded in ?ald complaint. The defendants will fur ther take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by t(he undersigned on the 3rd day of -ember, 193$, against the prop erty of said defendants, which warrant is returnable befoie the undersigned at the time And place above-named for the return ot the summons. This the Srd day of December, 19S8, B. H. MURRAY. Cleric Superior Court. Long & Ross, Attys. Notice of Re-Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Ala mance County made in a gpecja' proceeding entitled J. W. Hens ley, Administrator, vs J, L. Hens ley, et al, the undersigned Com missioner will on Saturday, December 24th. 1938. at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the court-house door, in Gra ham, sell at public auct ton to the highest bidder the following de scribed real propety: A certain .tract or parcel of :aod in Alamance County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of Thom as Durham, Tate Street, and other* and bounded aa follow*: Beginning at a stake with J. M. Fowler, running thence N. 65 1-1 degrees W. 1SI min. to an iron pipe, corner with aaid Thomas Dur ham on the east side of the St. ; thence N, 18 degrees East 85 1-1 min. to an Iron pipe corner with lot No. 4 on east side of aaldst thence South 65 1-2 degrees Bay 134 1-2 minutes to an iron pipe corner lot No. 4 in said Fowler line; thence Sooth 21 3-3 degrees West 85 feet to the beginning, containing 0.16 of an acre, more or lew. Being the property conveyed to H. T. Hensley bv deed dated April 2J, 1911, by B. J. Blppv and wife Mary Blppv, and re v corded in Book 71 at Puge 559 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County. Terms pf 0tlg; 0?e third cs^h, on? third four month* from (date of ] confirmation, one third eight month* from date of caaflrmatlon. This 1* a re-sale and bidding will Win at fSM.OO. Thl* 8th day of December, ma. HARPER BARNES, Commissioner NOllCE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THB SUPERIOR COURT T. E. Green, Executor of Peter Thomas Klapp, deceased, TS Ruth Klapp Ipnmarried) ; Minnie K, Green ; Maude K, RoToina and hus band, O, C. Robins; Henry L. Klapp tiunmarried) ; Byron Clapp (anmarrled) and Frances L, Dees and husband, Ralph Dees, The defendant Byron Clapp will take notice that a proceeding en titled as above ha* been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North' Carolina, to. sell lands to make assets topav debts of the decedent, Peter Thomas Klapp, and to (pay bequest* under the will of Peter Thomas Klapp And the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is requir ed to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, la the Court House at Graham, North Carolina, on the 9th day of January, 19S9, and answer or demur to the pe tition in aald proceeding, Or the plain&f will apF^T to the court for the relief demanded In said peti tion, This the 2 day of December, 19S8, SARA MURKAY, Asst. QBrk Superior CotirH Notice of Sale of Real Property ?MM ? Under and "by virtue of the power of sole contained in that certain Mortgage deed executed on the 15 day of September, 1931, bv (John L. Steel and wife, Mary (steel to Sallie Faucett, and recorded in the Office of tha Register of Decide for Alamance County in Mort gage Deed Book 115 at page 374, default having been made jLa the payment of the indebtedness se cured by same, I wlUwel^fct pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door In Graham. Alamance County, N, Carolina, on Saturday, December 31, 1934, mt 13:00 o'clock, noon, the following described Teal prop erty, to -wit: A certain tract of land lying ail being in Alamance County, North Carolina in Thompson Township, and described as follows, to-wit : Adjoining J, H, Whltaker [now Ed Crawford; ) W, R, Coble, B. M, Cook & Co. and others : Begin ning at a rock on south bank of a branch comer with said Coble, Whitaker and W, C. Kirkpatrlck, running thence down said branch as it meanders S, 87 3-1 deg. W. 4 chs. South 74 0eg\, West 3.69 cMq, Booth 4* 1-2 deg. W. 83 Iks, to a rock in said branch Cor ner with said Cook & "Co; therice South 42 deg. East (B. site '41 Ue?) 7 chs, to a rock 10 " Southeast of a pine tree, corner with aald Cook an4 Co. ; thence South 63 3-4 deg, 1 (S. S. 64 4-2 deg.) S.S4 chs, to ? rock or iron bar comet with said Cook and Co, In patd Whitaker Jfne; thence 42 3-4 ?d??, East (B, S. 2 deg.) 7.85 eh* to the Beginning, containing ? 3,35 acre* more or less. This aale will be made pubject to advance bids and confirmation of the Court as provided by law, and will remain open for ten days from date of sale to receive ad vance bids, This the 21st day of November, Hit, Sallie Faucett, Mortgage*. ffm, I. Ward, Attorney. Sale of Valuable Farm Property L-4IT1, Under and by virtue of tha auth ority conferred upon ua in a De d of Truat executed by M. L. Walker and wife, Sirrena Walker, on the 3rd day of April, 1929, and re corded in Book 111, par* 554. w e will, on Saturday, Daceo&er 31, 1*M, ftt UjM o'clock, pson, at the Courthouae door in Ali roance Count/, Graham, N.C., s-1 at public auction for cash to th' highest bidder the followlnj an-*, to- wit; A certain tract or parcel of Ian ! in Alamance County, N.C.. on th> water* of Jordan Creek, adjoin! i j the land* of B. F. Walker, J. M Sha 7 and other* and more partlcul-ir'y Je scribed at follow* ; Beginning a' a rock in Squire*" line comer -vt'h O.C. Walker; thence N. 9 1-2 de/? E. 25.75 ch*. to a rock corn"- la O. C. Walker1* line ; theoca N. 4 le*. E. 45.63 cha. to ? rock in OaMey'n line; thence N. 51 2-3 deg. W. 3.41 cha. to a rock corner; then-e S. 64 der. w. 33.78 cha. to a nock in a branch; thence with the mean der* of aald branch 8.30 1-4 de~. B.I ch*. 8. 1 1-S Ider- ft 1.75 cha, 8. 14 deg W. 65 links, a. 35 de<. W. I ch*^ to Jordan Creek N". bank aid east aide of (aid branch ; thence N. 87 1-2 deg. W.I cha. and 45 lints to a rock corner with Shaw; thence 8.2 1-2 deg. W. 3 Ch*. and 25 link* to ? rock ; thence 8. 37 1-2 deg. E. 3.25 ch*. to a rock corner witH B. P. Trollinger ; thence 8.51-3 deg. E. 7.25 ch*. to a rock ; thence 8. 48 1-2 deg. E. 15 ch*. to a rock ; thence S.l 1-2 deg.W. 25.38 ch* to a rock corner with Squire* on Trol linger'* line; thence 8.84 deg. E. 21.27 ch*. to the beginning, con taining 136.5 acres, more or less and bring" all of tract No. 1 as conveyed to B.O.Walker *by Sarah J., Walker, by deed dated Ang. 8, 1891, which deed ia recorded in book 16, pa?e 222 and a part of tract No. '2 which waa deeded to Sarah J. Walter by R. G.Walke* and wife, Ida A. Walker dated Aug. 8, 1890, and recorded in Book IS, at page 2S3. Thla land is aold subject to a'l unpaid taxea. Thla sale ia made by reason of the failure of M. L. Walker and wife Sirrena Walker to pay off and cH? charga the indebtedness socured by said Deed of Trust, A depoalt of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. -- Thla the !8th day of November, 1938, Interstate Trustee Corporation, Substituted Trustee. Durham, N, C. . Trustee's Sale Coder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of Truit Executed by General R, Carter and hi* wife, Marie Carter, on the 7 day of April, 1937, and recorded 'in 'Book No, 1M at pigo 274, in oflfiee Re* liter of Deeds far Alamance fCqun ty, to secure a bond therein 'de scribed, payment of the uid hav ing defaulted, the undersigned trustee will offer for 'sale at th ? Courthouse door In Graham, for CASH, on Monday, January 2ad, 1931, at II :M o'clock, . nooa. the following valuable real e?. tate, to - wit f In Graham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, knd deacrfb ?d as follows, to-wlt < First Tract? Beginning: "at former corner of J, W. Harden and Pleas Harden, running thence North, (1 J-l deg W, 1.05 t l chs {to an Iron bar, corner of strip of land sold to C; P. Harden *by John Chandler ; thence South 4 deg. ff, 2,73 chain* to an iron bar corner with G. Harden, thence 8 71 1-3 deg East, S.W 1-1 (ha to an Iron bar, corner with George Harden to Pleas Harden** line; thence with Pleas Harden North, 16 deg (W. 31 Unks to a rock, a former cor ner of J, W4 Harden ;th*nce North 16 deg 40 min. W, '14 link* to a rock, corner Pleas Harden, thence his Un? North, ? mln East, 1.99 chains to the beginning and containing 68-100 acre more or leas. Second Lot? BegftJQng at a rerk, corner with Plea* Harden West side of 8, Main street In Graham, thence North, S3 1-4 deg (B, R. 13 1-1 deg) West, 6.M chs to a rock in lino of above described tract, 15 Unks B? of' a Black Ja?k tree, corner of above lot; thence North, ? 1-4 deg. East, It ?Mt to a rock or Iron "bar in said J, Wl Harden old Use; -thence South, 13 1-1 deg Bast, t.ti chs to si rock or ban bar, thence South, 1 1-4 deg West, 10 fset to the "beginning and contaioi&g 0,00 pf an acre, more or leas. On this property there is a tenant house, and it i? located in South Graham, This November ?, IN*. J, S. Cook, Tiarfse. ?

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