THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., DEC. 22, 1938 Local News ? We wish you a very joyous and happy Chris un&s, we oertaily dot ? At 7 :30 Friday night a Christ mas program will be presented by the 8unday School at Bethany. ? At 4o'clook Saturday afternoon . a Christmas treat will be given the Sunday school at the Christ ian ehuroh. v ? According to the weather re ports, it appears that pleasant j crisp weather will prevail for the ' Christmas Reason. ? The congregation at Graham .Christian church on Sunday morn ing enjoyed a vocal program given 'by the Cox Sisters quartette (Miss es Lillian, Gladys, Fletaand Mary Cox) of Ramsuer. Their father, Rev. H. V. Cox, was with them. ?A program of appropriate Christmas Bongs has been given by Miss Betsy Thompson, daugh ter of Mrs. J. Mell Thompson, ^'each afternoon, beginning last ?i Friday. She sings in a loud speaker in M. R. Neese's store. She sings well and conld be heard ( .for several blocks around. ? On Tuesday evening a party was given the Times-News car riers by Mrs. W. L. Cooper and Miss Mary Cooper at their home on N. Main street. The latter is the Graham correspondent. Each of the carrier boys received a present from the newspaper man agement. ? four family reading matter is important, more important than you might think. It. should be clean, wholesome, instructive, interesting. Seven publications one year for only $2,00 ? a half price offer that will be good for a short time only. The combina tion will afford reading for the whole family, town or country. Do if now before the offer is with drawn. v _ ? Mn. Sallie Roberts Hams, widow of R. 0. Hargis who died 30 years ago, 011 Sunday, 11th inst., celebrated her 89th birth day. She makes her home in Meb ane with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Cora Sharpe Hargis. Her only living child is Mrs. J. R. Pender itraat of Mebane; there were three ., others, a daughter and two sons. There are eight grandchildren, one in China, and the othere at different points in this State. The occasion was celebrated with a sumptions dinner attended by mora than 20 of the family. ? These are at borne for the holidays : Fred Williams from Campbell College. Miss LacilleWalker, teaching at Mocksville. f. Marvin Yount from Dake Uni versity, James White, teaober io Emory College, Valdosta, Ga. Kent Stratford from Davidson College. Miss Mary Elizabeth St^tford from Greensboro College. Julias Thompson from Coyne Electrical College in Chicago, hav ing completed the coarse, ? Don't foget those less fortu nate than yourself when enjoying (be abundance with which you hare been blessed. Remember: It is more blessed to gire than to receive. The crambs that fall from some tables would be a feast toothers. It's a many-sided world that showers life's good things on some while a next-door neigh bor is in dire need and want and suffering the pangs of hunger. Jt should be the joy of somebody to tarn ? ray of hope and sun shine on their bleak li?ee-=-nay, more, it is a duty. If you have it to spare, don't forego the joy of making some fellow e real lire happy for a day. There is no more opportune and appropriate feaaon than the Christmas time. ? -A marriage of annsual inter est will take plaoe at Graham Presbyterian church Friday, to morrow, afternoon, when Miss Betty Soott will be united in mar riage with Robert Benton Mc Kensie of Rockingham. Miss Scott is a pretty branette, attrac tive and popular, the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Soott. On the paternal *lde she traces , ? her ancestry back to the pioneers of pre- Revolutionary days in Ata man oe and Gailford eountiee, who have constituted a type of the beet citizenship. She is an alum na of St. Mary's College In Ral eigh. Numerous delightful cour teeies hare been extended her, * and her many friends in Graham and beyond will wish her a most happy wedded life. PERSONAL Miss Emily Neese, at Salem College, has arrived home for the holidays. Miss Mary Lena Green, at Greensboro College, has arrived for the holidays. Miss Jean Gray Soott, at Sweet Brier College, is at home for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Craven Davis of Phillips Chapel oommnnity spent 8nnday with Mrs. Sam T. Johnston. Simqn J. Hadley of 8now Camp community was apleasnt caller at The Gleaner office Tuesday. Miss Ellen Hardee, at Queen's Chioora College, Charlotte, came home Friday for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Holt and family of Goldsboro spent the week-end with Mrs. Ben B. Holt. Misses Dorothy Fonst and Nan Rogers, at Woman's College Col lege, are at home for the holi days. Jim Slay of Randolph-Macon College, Va., is visiting in the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. A. Thompson. Dover Heritage of Greenville, S. C., has come to speDd the holi days with his grandmother, Mrs. J as. P. Harden. Rankin Carnthers, Stratford May and Billy Ward, at the Oui vereit.y, Chapel Hill, are home for the holiday*season. Noma R. Wood of Gibson ville visited his sisters, Mesdames A. Lacy Holt, J. C. Moore and Chas. A. Thomyson, here Monday. Mrs. J. W. Webster and son and daughter, Don and Fern, near Mebace, spent Sunday with her mother, Mis. J. H. Mann. Misses Elizabeth Pomeroy, Jean Gray Scott and Catherine Thomp son and Mrs. Harper Barnes at tended a luncheon in Greensboro Tuesday given by Miss Elizabeth GantJionoring Misa Betty Scott. ? Graham postoffice has been a busy place during this week, handling Christmas mail. Up to today for three days an average of 10,000 pieces hhve been han dled. ? On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Thompson enter tained for Miss Betty Scott and Robert Benton McKenzie who will wed tomorrow afternoon. It was a very delightful party and at tended by about 160 guests. Expecting to See the Rose Bowl Football Game. It is learned the following are planning to go to Pasadena, Cali fornia, to see the football game be tween Duke and Southern Cali fornia at the famous Rose Bowl on January gnd; Chas. A. and W. Ernest Thomp son, Clarence McBane, L. B. Brad shaw, Jolly and Darrell Moser of Graham ; Henry Roney of Mebano; George Isley, Swepsonville; Mor ris Cash of Burlington. There may be others whose names are not available now. The fan6 are to leave 'next Mon day morning. It will take about fonr days to reach Pasadena by rail. Tickets will be passed out after the passengers get aboard. If 6,000, that's the estimate, there will 1 e 4t le&s t half a dozen train loads. DEATHS Thompson ? Mrs, Sybel Kemp Thompson, 80, widow of 8. R. . Thompson, died at 6:15 Monday morning at ?be home 0 f her son, J. C. Thompson, In gwepsonviils, after an illness of four weeks. She was a natlre of Chatham. Surviving are one dauyhter and three sons; 23 grandchildren; 17 great-grand children, and two sis ters. Funeral services were held ?t p*np Creek Friends ot>nrob, of which she was a member, at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Fuquay ? Mary Alice, 10, daughter of J. L. and Dorothy Marshall Fuquay, route 2, Bur lington, died at 3:30 o'clock Fri day morning at the home of her parents. For fopr years she had been la declining health. Besides her parents she is survived by one brother and two grandpar ents, J. W. Fuquay and M. M. Marshall. Funeral services were oouducted at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon from Gleuooe M. E. ohorch and interment was in Pine Hill cemetery. FREE? To any one sending me a stamped envelope with their address and the name of the paper in which they saw this ad, 1 will send a herb recipe that complete ly cured me of a bad case of rheumatism ? absolutely FREE. E. L. McMINN, 14 Central Ave., V. 0. Graham Public School Honor Roll The following is the Graham Public School honor roll for the third month. First Grade, Miss Browning: Sara Kate Davis, Mario Moore, Nancy Moser. Seoond Grade, Miss Yelverton : Carol 8 took ? rd, Emma Jean Ba son, Mary Ellen Sykes, Eugenia Okey, Nancy Moore, Nettle Ann Harden Bobby Fuller. Third Grade, Miss Cox: Carol Guthrie, Carolyn Moon, Carol Lee Robertson, Barbara Sbomate, Floyd Phillips, James Wilson. Third Grade, Miss Mclntyre: Betty Glenn Logan, Elsie Lineber ADMINISTRATOR* NOTICB, Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Waldo T. McBane, dec'd, late of Alamanoe County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present Ihe same du?y verified on or before the 26th day of Novembers 988, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 21st day of Nov., 193& 0. G. MoBANB. Administrator, Houte i* Hlllaboro. N C.. B. N. Riddle, AU*r, Jackson. N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate or Margaret Holt Lowry, deceased, late of Alamanoe oounty( this Is to notify all persons harl Fifth Orade. Miss Walker: Mae Cook, Wlllard Goley, Oliver Paris, Pauline Cheek, Marjorie MoGnlre, Betty W. Robertson, Car o 1 y n Stewart, Myra Sykea. Sixth Grade. Miss McDonald: Katharine Guthrie, Agnes Kelly, W. 0. Chaney, Billy Fuller, Jack Jeffreys, Conway Rabertson, Wal ter Whitaker. Seventh Grade, Miss Goodman: Margaret Via, Dorothy Steele, Mary Brlttaln, Virginia Boyd, Bill Smith, Warren Gnthrie, Floyd El lington. Seventh Grade, Misa Morefield: Mary Ragan. Eighth Grade, Miss Dunlap: Ka ra* Youot. Ninth Grade. Miss Craven: Bat tie Uasoo, Anna Jeenak, Marjorie Baaon. Tenth Grade, Mr. QUlikln: El liott Whit*. Eleventh Grade, Miaa Church: Virginia Cars therm, Edna Davis. Malcolm Laiaan. Required Na Dof License Until a few years ago, licenses were not required in England en dogs which ware used purely for the purpose of herding cattle. The old law reads in part as follows: "Any dog kept wholly for the care of cattle, if not a greyhound, hound, pointer, setting dog, spaniel, lurch er, or terrier, ana any dog under six months old, is exempt from duty." Get* ? ? . W&tidMeuHi. / Ditact from^ H/gAAl^Oft ^ PATHFINDER America's Oldest, Largest and . Most Widely Read News Magazine PATHFINDER overlooks DO important event . ? . misses bo interesting personality. Crisply . . . dramatically . , . right to the point ... it bolls down (or you everything that goes on . . . giving you both the plain facts and entertaining sidelights, all verified and interpreted. PATHFINDER, fresh from - today's center of "world interest, is the choice of more than a million *..ii i ? i ? ? !1 ? ? s ?n*T ?"?1J 1U1WIUJV.U OU4/JV1 ?wvi a V ? VI J TV VVK? * ntM" FINDER'S nineteen illustrated departments ar? cure to inform and entertain yon too. Other "weekly pews msgailnes sell at $4 to $5 a year. PATHFINDER sells for <1 a year, but for a limited time we offer you a greatly ^re* k duced combination bargain price for 4 V This Newspaper and PATHFINDER 1 Both;;.: Only $1.30 This Offer Will Expire Shortly 7 BIG PUBLICATIONS Each for One Year ? A Total of 124 Issues Qv?SK)RSS Ml! f' \ It \f '<>Ult\ \, 3?! \ Here's What You Get? McCall's Magazine - - -12 Issue* Pictorial Review - - - 12 Issues 'Southern Agriculturist - 12 Issues Good Stories 12 Issues The Country Home - - 12 Issues Farm Journal - - - - 12 Issues The Alamance Gleaner - 52 Issues All Seven < For One Year *[ ] Check here \f you want Progressive Farmer, one year, tubitituted for Southern Agriculturist. Regular Value $4.00 - - - You Save $2.00 - YOU WiLL GET ALL SEVEN publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are already a subscriber to ANY of these SEVEN publications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Mail or bring the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE SIX BIG MAGAZINES each month, and THIS NEWSPAPAR each week? that's 72 magazines and 52 newspapers? 124 issues in all for only $2.00. ORDER AT ONCE because we may soon have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE $2.00 THE ALAMANCE GLEANER: Date Yw, Indeed, 1 want to accept your magazine offer before it la withdrawn. Eneloeed ia $2.00 In FULL PAYMENT for a ONE TEAR'S subecription, new or renewal) to the following eeven publications: , THE ALAMANCE GLEANER 1 year MeC ALL'S MAGAZINE ? ? ? 1 year PICTORIAL REVIEW - - - 1 year THE FARM JOURNAL ? ? - 1 yaar GOOD 8TORIES 1 year THE COUNTRY HOME ? ? 1 year ?SOUTHERN AGRICULTURIST 1 year *[ ] Cheek hers if yow want Progressive Farmer, one year, substituted for Southern Agriculturist. My name is Address Town State Hint to Boutcri "H? who boasts of his family traa," said HI Ho, tha sage of China town, "should not forget that too much pride in tha past is often con strued as an apology for tha pres ent" V Why Suffer with Colda-Pain ?- TAKE COOK'S -T CCC And Ba Relieved Notice a?4fcOreclosare 8 ALE Under and pursuant to the power of sale of that certain 'deed ot trust from John J, Henderson etal. to the undersigned Trustee, bated October IT, 1935, an d Recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County la Deed of Trust Book 124, page M, aaid Trustee will offer for aale public auction to the highest bid der for CASH at the Couthouse door In Oraham, on Saturday, January 7th 1W at 12.00 o'clock, noon, the following described real prop erty, to - wit ( Two certain tracts or parcaJi of land in Graham Township, Ala . mance County. North Carolina *4 Joining the lands of W. I, Ward, formerly C, 8. Hunter. TT. A. A> bright, Tha O leaner Otfiee lot Walk er and East Harden Streets and others, bounded * described as follows ' First Tract ? Beginnla^ at an iron bar in the South ?SHe of East Har den Street and 8 Inches Bast of The Gleaner Office and running thence South M W deg. East 201 feet to an iron bar corner with said Walker and in the South cdz? of said East Harden Street; thence with the lino QfwM Walker South 3 1-4 deg West 213 1-2 feet to an iron bar corner with said T. A, Albright; theoca with Ms line North 86 3-4 deg West 105 feet to an iron bar corner with W. U Ward, formerly C. S. Hunter; thence with the line of said W. I, Ward North 3 1-4 Beg East 105 feet and 6 inches to ah iron bar said Ward's corner ; thence with his line North 84 3-4 deg West ?T.? feet to an iron bar corner with said Ward and The Gleaner Office lot; thence with the line of eaid Gleaner Office lot North 3 1-4 deg Bast 105 ft. T 1-2 inches to the beginning, corner and con taining 3810 aq. yds., less 292 a yds, cut off in the said Gleaner Office lot, more or less, this being lots Nos. 5 and ? in the plat of the P, R, Harden lands made by Lewis H, H olt, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County ih Book of Deeds No, S4 at {page 283, except that there has been cut off .there from a lotto which is located the office building of The Alamance Gleaner, containing 292 aq. yds. more or leas, and on this tract is situated the dwelling and out build ing formerly used bv P. R, Har den as a house up to the time of his death, and then by his widow to the time of her death, being the same real property con veyed bv J, T>. Kernodle and wife, to John J, Henderson and deed dated August 12, 1819, reeor i ed in Deed Book 87, page 224. I Second Tract? All of the lohow tag real property lvln g and being in the Town of Graham. ?nd ltd - Joining' (he land* of R, L. Holmes, J, J. Henderson and other*. and described as follows, tp-wit : 1 Beginning at the Northeast cor ner of Lot No, I in the R. L. Holme* land, at shown pa at due and owing, and the Mid Town of OraKam by and throogk Its proper officials baa made demand upon the undersigned Trustee ttaat tbe aak) Seed of trust be fore closed and tie laid real property therein described sold for tbe satisfaction of tbe said debt. Ttteaatd aale will be made sub ject to advance bids land confirm stlon by tbe Court, as provided for sales under mortgages and deeds of trust, This the Wtb'day Of November, till, J, Dolph' long:, Truatee. Wm. I iWard, Attorney. Mortgagee's Sale of Valuable Real Estate Voder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by (WTil Liam L, Roberson and his wife, Joy McBane Roberson oa the 16 day of November, 1937, and recorded is Book 131 of M, D?. at pageaU and 42. in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance Co unty, to secure the payment o fa certain bond therein camedj|default in the payment of the ? ? ? hav ing been made, the nnderaigaed mortgagee will offer for aale toth hlghest bidder for Cash, at the Courthooae door In Graham on Monday, January lad, 1939, at (1M o'clock no oa. the following' valuable land: * In Albright Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, aad beiag Lot No, 1, of the sabdlvMoa of the Sidney B, Holt Home place as is shown by plat in WU book No, S at page 53, and was de vised to Dean R, Holt aa appeal* ? from said Will Book at page f* and described ?J follows, to- wit : In Albright Township, aaid Coho ty, and being a part of lot No. 1 of the Sidney Holt Home place shown by plat in Will (Book ?o.l at page 53, beginning at a corner In the Michael Neeee old Hue S_ 20 1-2 deg. R, 1040 feet from a large tree on the Sooth bank of Big Alamance Creek, ? former cor net of Lot No. 1, of said Holt land, npnnihg thence South. t9 deg East 595 feet to a stake; thenee North 23 1-2 deg. Wert 400 feet to a stake; thence N. 45 deg B 150 feet to a stake : thenee N? 23 1-3 deg W 725 feet to a stake on the South bank of Ala mance Creek; thence down said Creek as it meanders to the mouth at the Stillhouso and Mil* Branch ; thence up aaid Branch ai it meanders to a corner on a linn in said Branch, said line des ignated as Iota numbered 3 aad 4 , thence with said line North 88 deg 40 mln West' 20 chs. to a corner of lot No. 4, thence South 43 deg 40 min West 2.63 chs to a i,mn on (aid Neese's lihe 3.80 chains N-W from said Neese'scor ner, thence N? 25 deg West 10.48 ch?. to the beginning and con - no to 169 acres. If the above described tract fails pail for the amount due on ?aid mortgage then said tract to gether with a 16 acre lot cut oB from said tract will be sold to gether said two tracts being de scribed together as follows: Beginning at a coiner of wie Michael Neese on the South of Qreat Alamance Creek, th?nc? down said Creek aa it meander* to the mouth of the Stillhouae and Mill Branch ; thence xrp aa)d Branch aa it meanders to ? cor ner on a lirfe 1a said Branch, said line designated as lots numbered S and 4 ; thence *ith ?aid Una NortH, M deg*fO w SO chs to a corner of lot No. t; thence South, 43 deg 40 min IWeati J.SS chs. to a corner on said Neeae'a line 3,80 chs. N-W of said Neeee'e corner, then* North SS dag Wast to the feeginnia? and containing ITS to IIS aures a nd being the home place of the | late Sidney Holt and ori which there is a brick dwell lag house, Thts l day December, 1938. Ruth B. Jonea,