OUR COMIC SECTION s 'M A T T E R P O P By C. M. Payne p 10 p ?y J. Millar Watt BUP2N THESE USELESS OLD LETTERS FOR YOU, ^ SIR. ? OUT OF FASHION "Do you think this country will ?ver again be in a stable condition." "Never again? the garage is ev erywhere supreme." * Last Straw Husband (ahgrily)? No money in the house, the gas bill not paid, the butcher threatening us, do money for decent cigars, and you go and buy a fur coat Just because it was cheap I She (white with passion)? Pardon me, it was not a cheap one. BelpfaJ Old Lady? Where can I catcb a street car, young man? Young Han? By the handle of the door is the bast place, lady. HAS HIS NUMBER "Is he reserved?" "There's a girl who think* he is, I know." Style Pendulum Swings to Handsome Ostrich Finery By CHERIE NICHOLAS p'RILLS, feathers and furbelows 1 mark the lady of fashion today and a lovely lady she is indeed, an alluring creature utterly feminine in her Edwardian grandeur. The long post-war cycle is over and with it has gone the tailored career wom an, trim and uncompromising with her boyish figure and her workman like clothes. Back into favor come portrait gowns, picturesque dinner costumes topped by whimsical eve ning hats, nosegays or violets nestling in long fur stoles, opera length evening gloves and back comei 'ostrich feathers placing their glamorous seal on the return to fem ininity which colors the whole cur rent fashion picture. In the millinery field, ostrich sets the style for the new dress hats with their flattering softness. Long sweeping feathers droop gracefully from worldly dinner hats. Lordly plumes toss above high-piled curls for evening or lend height to tiny formal daytime hats for fur-coat wear. All-ostrich toques and bon nets, without a hint of fabric, are cleverly molded, to the head. Not only do ostrich plumes go to the head on bonnets, toques and picture hats for formal daytime and dinner wear, but even tailored street hats use discreet flat-worked feathers or ostrich montures and motifs that are smartly conservative. Outstanding in the evening ward robe are the new ostrich wraps which are designed in any number of types and lengths from brief shoulder capelets to full-length coats and capes. They are in black or white or are superbly colorful. With the present trend to the pure ly feminine, the ostrich muff has re turned to prominence for both for mal daytime and evening wear. Carried with the formal daytime costume the ostrich muff lends in finite chic but it is of two-fold charm when it complements an evening wrap of matching ostrich as pic tured to the left in the illustration. Paquin designs this capelike coat and muff of black uncurled ostrich. Many smaller round muffs of ostrich are also shown that are youthfully pert and extremely stnart for dinner or afternoon wear. The long, long ostrich stole adopt ed this season by the duchess of Kent has unlimited possibilities. It may be draped or wound about the shoulders for protection or simply for flattery. It will be especially outstanding in black, black-and white, pure white or the modish vintage tones. The one shown to the right in the picture is fashioned of long white feathers with black-dyed tips. This season's interpretation of the ever-graceful ostrich fan is unusual ly lovely. Festive fans in exciting shades are carried, also very hand some all-black types that set a thea ter gown or dinner costume off to perfection^ The evening fan pic tured is of graduated uncurled os trich plumes in pale pink with an uncurled ostrich hair ornament in the new deep plumberry shade. The encouraging part of the os trich vogue is that the new feather fashions start with simple items on the hat and fetching little inexpen sive neckpieces and scores of other unpretentious ostrich fancies that are within the reach of any limited clothes budget. ? Western Newspaper Union. Forecast in Silk For the woman who loots ahead when she buys there are some ex ceedingly interesting advance silks on display. For the first new silk print a stylized palm tree design J suggested such as fashions the dress pictured. This print has the advantage of being dark enough to wear for town under the fur coat, and it will continue to be chic for spring in that it is new this season both as to color and patterning. Small neat tailored motifs in high style colors are the desirable print* for Immediate wear. Grand Blouses of Metal Top Skirts A gorgeous blouse in your ward robe is a necessary luxury this sea son. It's left to you either to buy 'em or make 'em. The shops are showing the new glamor blouse in dazzling array. Likewise the fabric sections are scintillating with show ings of gleaming lame in gold, sil ver and color, also rustling taffetas and crisp moires and lustrous slip per satins. A mere remnant of either in the hands of the woman who "makes her own" will trans form into a blouse softly styled or smartly fashioned in the new jacket silhouette. Gold Glittering On Winter Frocks All ma; not be gold that gutters, but in the multitude of short lame afternoon dresses gold is the fa vored basic metal. The gold may be nothing rrfore than a pin-stripe on a black wool or silk background; it may be combined with other leas precious metal threads; or it may completely prevail to form a lavish cloth-of-gold. This all-gold lame makes a strik ing "don't-dress-for-d inner" gown ? so short it almost reaches knee level ? and long-sleeved. 8nng WaistUnes Some of the newest coats and dresses Bt so snugly at the waist line and the hips that a draped lint results. Detachable Hoods Detachable hoods accompany much of the fur coats that have been created to appeal to the college girt who spends much time oot-of doora. SEW Ruth^Cfyeth Spears oJS? I RIGHT SIDE '//r// ft r ? "^FOLD 2 HEM 11 / ENDS 4 STITCH AND 5 TRIM MAKE SECOND STITCHING OF FRENCH SEAM - 6 PLACE HANGER INSIDE RIGHT SIDE ^///// ? Make a bag on a hanger. THIS bag has been a great jsuc cess. Several others can be made for different purposes. They are good to hang in the closet or the sewing room for patterns or small equipment. When traveling I find a little bigger one perfect for laundry. The size shown here requires % yard of bright ticking. You will notice in the sketch that French seams are used. This makes the first stitching of the seams on the right side. Trim close to this stitching, turn the JWtc JESrf It's a Dress "My wife is very busy. She's go ing to address the women's club." "I suppose She's working on the address." "No, the dress." Customer (to head waiter)? Just as a matter of curiosity, did the waiter who took my order leave any family? Qualified "A comet is a star with a tail," said teacher, giving the class a lesson about the stars. "Can any one name a comet?" "Yes, miss," crie4?one little lad, "Mickey Mouse!" Xopsy Tufvy World Customer ? Isn't the price rath er high for such a little pillow? Shop Assistant ? Well, you see, madam, down is now up. Right Road The truck driver was unfortu nate enough to run his car into a house where a woman stood iron ing. Having lost his nerve he did not know what to say and blurted out: "Can you tell me the way to Detroit?" "Yes, straight past the side* board and then to the left past the piano," replied the woman. Or What? Police Sergeant ? Give the pris oner a bath and clap him in irons. Crook ? Gosh! First I was col lared, now I'm being washed and ironed. Is this a police station or a laundry? bag inside out and stitch the seams again so that the raw edges are covered. Punch a small hole in the center top for the hanger hook. Clip today's lesson and add it to the many gift suggestions contained in the books offered be low. NOTE: Mrs. Spears' Book 2 ? Gifts, Novelties and Embroidery, has helped thousands of women to use odds and ends of materials and their spare time to make things to sell and to use. Book 1 ? Sewing, for the Home Decorator, is full of inspiration for every homemaker. These books make the most delightful gifts. Mrs. Spears will autograph them on re quest. Books are 25 cents each. Crazypatch quilt leaflet is included free with every order for both books. Address: Mrs. Spears, 210 S. Desplaines St., Chicago, 111. QUICK RELIEF * FOR ACID | INDIGESTION Respect (or Self A man should take care above all things to have a due respect for himself. ? Pythagoras. It's No Disgrace to Be Gray! Still, in these modern youthful times, it's often a handicap, particularly in the business world. How much better to>