? ? OUR COMIC SECTION |~j | Events in the Lives of Little Men [] a regular gold mime . ^er^a we musthwepmoup i about a ouwtbrtj j^pthof jum right inthat^ejalf^ YllSav we pip. 1 (USEABLE "TOW THAT aTCHER'5 NOtf, AMP HAVE SOME rmn6 if ft m fop JAJAU i PercHA ^ ? ?M A T T ? E R P O P By 1 C M. Payn? mm p o p > ?y J. MUNor Watt II I W S^rX MON(V rr^ / A \ VI Money; ?Y +|AT?t?J /rW A Ny Money ) ?4 aw J 1 7 > r 3> ? ?*? 1 vjit-^OUT I ,t ' A ip i give you that pen knife you'll have . to oive m^a nickel.' I m/venY got a NICKEL ? ive 6OT a DIME - IF I GIVE VOU THE 01 ME, WILL VOU Give Me TWO PENKNIVES ^ 11 1 ?? __ "He new thanked you for what you did." "Hia gratitude was probably too deep for words." I ^ Party CWttes A woman oa a party Una took down tba receiver, but tba Una was tn Sha haard another woman re mark, "I Just put soma beans on to cook, so I thought I'd call you up." Soma time later tba first woman again triad to use the Una. The other two women ware still talking. Impatient to make bar call, the first woman broke in, "lfadam, 1 smell your beans burning." There eras a scream, receivers slammed; and tba Una waa open. T>? ? She?What's the ekcitement in your neighborhood? He?Going to pool our interest! end buy a community watermelon. HousehoklNeuJS ? ? : ? " " . IF IOm ENTERTAINING THE BRIDE ($ee Recipes Below) No sooner is the June bride back, from her honeymoon, than the busi ness of cooking for two begins! Feeding her new husband will be-an , important part of the bride's respon sibility, and any of the successful homemakers she knows can tell Iter that perfectly cooked meals for a hungry husband help to keep the matrimonial ship sailing merrily along. So, why not a kitchen shower for a bride?using for gifts the inexpen sive little gadg ets" that will make her hours in the kitchen pleasant? Those are the things the bride isn't likely to buy herself and the very fact that they are small and inexpensive means that she isn't apt to get them, either, among her wedding gifts. Small, matching pottery pots tor chives and parsley to grow an a sun ny kitchen window sill, make a thoughtful gift for a kitchen show er; a set of pastel tinted bowl cov ers is practical and very moderate ly priced; butter paddles, a trench potato ball cutter and small earth enware pots for baking beans are out-of-the-ordinary kitchen gifts. Any bride will bless you for starting her kitchen library for her?with her own copies of my homemaking book lets ; Better Baking, Easy Entertain ing, Feeding Father and Household .Hints. And speaking of a kitchen library ?why not start a collection of fa vorite recipes for the bride? Have each guest at the shower bring her very choicest recipe, neatly writ ten on a card for the bride's new recipe box, with the donor's name and the date of the party just for fun. Give her the recipes, too, that make up the menu for the day. Food, for a kitchen shower, should be "homey," and informally served ?and planned to give the bride sug gestions for her own cooking and baking problems. Menu for . a Kitchen Shower. Noodle and Tuna Casserole Spring Vegetable Salad with French Dressing Butter Orange Rolls Cheese Scones Angel Food Cake Strawberry Sherbet Coffee Fresh Strawberry Sherbet. (Serves #.) Combine 1 cup of crushed straw berries and I tablespoons of lemon juice. Scald 1 pint of milk, add % cup of auxar and stir until dis solved. Soak 1 ta ? blespoon of unfla vored gelatin in 1 ' tablespoon of cold water for S min j utes and diaaohre In hot milk. Add I 3 beaten egg yolks, blend, and re ' move from flame and cool. Add fruit mixture to milk mixture and fold In 3 beaten egg whites. Assem l ble Ice cream freezer. Pour sher bet mixture Into the freezing con - tamer Adjust dasher and cover tightly Then fill the ice chamber with a mixture of 3 parts chipped | ice and 1 part salt and turn crank slowly for about S minutes to freeze. Kepack and allow to harden. Orange BeOS. (Makes 18-30 rolls) H cup sugar 1 teaspoon orange peel (grated) 3)8 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 88 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 4 tablespoons shortening 1 egg H cup milk 3 tablespoons butter (melted) Mix tt cup sugar and orange peel thoroughly and allow to stand while making rolls. Sift and measure the flour, then sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Cut in the shortening. Beat the egg slightly and add the milk. Stir into pie flour mixture. Turn onto a lightly floured* board and knead 30 seconds. Shape' into a long narrow roll and roll out into a rectangle to? about 18-inch thickness. Spread the dough with the melted butter and the sugar and orange peel mixture. Roll up-like jelly roll and cut off in 88-inch pieces. Place rolls, cut side down, on a well Fruits and vegetables are the mainstays a! summer meals. Watch Eleanor Howe's column next week tor suggestions on New Ways of preparing 'and serving them. greased pan and bake about 20 min utes in a hot oven (425 degrees). Barbecued Steak. (Serves 6.) 2 pouncu. round steak 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons vinegar % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 teaspoon onion, grated 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 teaspoon chili sauce % teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon brown sugar Cut steak into pieces for serving and sear in frying pan. Melt but ter, add vinegar and all other ingre dients. Heat thoroughly and pour over the seared steaks. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for ap proximately ltt hours. Baste fre quently with barbecue sauce while baking. Prize Angel Food Cake. ltt cups sugar 1 cup cake flour 1% cups egg whites teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cream of tartar * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Sift sugar once. Add % cup of It to the flour and sift together 3 times. Beat egg wmtes with rotary beat er until frothy, add salt and cream of tartar and continue ucavuig uuui eggs "7 hold their shape. Add sugar gradu ally, beating thoroughly after each addition. Add vanilla extract. Then fold in the flour, % at a time. When all flour is in, fold a few additional times. Then place in large un greased angel-food pan. Bake in a moderate oven (325 degrees) for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Invert and let cool in pan. French Dressing. % cup salad oil 14 cup lemon Juice or vinegar 1 teaspoon salt Paprika to color Few grains cayenne ' Place ingredients in covered Jar. Chill thoroughly. Just before serv ing shake vigorously. There arc many ways to vary trench dress ing. The acid may be lemon Juice, vinegar, or half and half. A few drops of onion Juice may be added, or shake a cut garlic clove with the dressing tremoving it before serv ing). Dry mustard may be added. Worcestershire sauce may also be added, as may creamed roquefort cheese. Cheese Scones. 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder V4 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon paprika Vi cup shortening % cup American cheese (grated) % cup milk 2 teaspoons prepared mustard Sift together the flour, baking pow der, salt and paprika. Cut in shortening. Add cheese. Than add milk and prepared mustard which have been mixed together. Roll out to 44-inch thickness on lightly floured lyard. Cut in triangles and bake in a hot oven (425 degrees) for about 20 minutes. Percolated Coffee. Allow 1 tablespoon ground coffee to each cup of water. Place coffee in strainer part of percolator. Add cold water. Adjust top. Heat until coffee Just begins to percolate. Then turn beat very low and allow coffee to percolate slowly ? to 10 minutes. Do not boil. newaiesklag Booklets to the Jena Bride. These four practical booklets aa homemaking pre an ideal present for a new bride: Better Baking .?????????,..10 cents Easy Entertaining 10 cents Feeding Father 10 cents Household Hints 10 cents Send 10 cents in coin for each book you order, to Eleanor Howe, ?It N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, and be sure to indicate a*-, actly which books you want OUJauae br Waxen li-ae'i OstaaJ . - - ?- j AROUND ri? HOUSE Items of Interest N?tlj?Hw?2jtfe Strained honey, mixed with cot tage cheese, a few broken nut meats and soft butter makes a de licious filling for sandwiches for the school child's lunch bpx. ? e ? Te protect the surrounding wall when cleaning electric light switch plates, cut a hole the size of the plate in a piece of cardboard or heavy paper and lay it on the wall so that just the plate is exposed. ? ? ? A teaspoon of mixed pickle spices tied in a small bag and added to the water in which fish, ham or tongue is boiled, will add a very pleasing flavor. ? ? ? When refilling a feather pillow crush a small block of camphor and mix in with the feathers. This will keep tbe'feathers "fresh" and will help to preserve them. When lighting ? birthday cake always light the candles in the middle first and those on outside last ? ? ? Alter a blanket has been washed and dried pin it on the line and beat with a carpet-beater. This makes the blanket beautifully soft and fluffy. ?( I l Grasping Passion Control your passion, or it will control you. SW,TCH / TO SOMETHING / fi . ''1 I YOU'LL UKEW-^^S g Copr-1*40 b* Uoo Company HMM | i ft Conceit in Weak ? v Conceit in weakest bodies strongest works.?Hamlet. m 0 With Friends They are never alone who are accompanied by noble thoughts. Every NORGE ROLLATOR REFRIGERATOR is backed by the reputation and the resources of the treat BORG-WARNER CORPORATION, world famous manufacturer with 20 factories in 5 states Whea yoa boy i4?lwt(M refrigerator, took witely to tko latere. Look toyeart ahead... or ae. Look beyood tbe refrigerator at it tteedt today, ?aw aod bright aad glaaaiiag. Vitaalize tha greater aaada which it aay be called to mat ia the yean to eoaev Cooeider tha tatitlaetioat of ?arrica wall re adored that aaa com oaly from a product ably eag?? ?eared aad ably beilt by aa organization azpariaaoed ia precitiow Saekaa orgaaisatioo if Norge, backed by tbe reeooroae aad aogiaeariag ?kill, tha teatoaed repaUtioa aad world lam of tha great Borg-Weraaa Corporatioa whoaa eaore of feotorias employ thtnttaadt ia bra ita tea. Yea win look today, of aoana, at tha ode aa aad leate rat that diltia* gaith tha Norge nirigarator ia iu bald... at tha highlight! af detail aad daaiga that are wiaaiag taah high eoalaia thronghoat tha world, la tha big SR-d madal, aa tbowa abort, yon will ad aura extra tixo aad ample capacity, 0 froazar of etaialaaa ttaal, tbe aoaeaoiaaaa of tha axalatira Headei rotter aad Coldpoek, tha tlidiag the I rat, glace* oorarad drawert aad CaOarat. Yoa trill appreciate tha timpla tb< titacy of tha refrigerant cooled Rollator Co Id-Maker whiah Norge baa bath to almott uabelierable limitt af praaiaioa lor liletimt tarriao. Bat talari yoa decide, look ageia at tha record of integrity and acUaremeat which Norge bat made ia the patt. That, wo wbatit, it lha rttaia yoa alio my look far to tha fatora with faith ia Nero. ? Before You Buyt .