| THE ALAMANCE QLKANKK, GKAHAM, N. C. Your Tax Monty Helps U. S. Build Battlrahips As Uncle Sam's mammoth naval building program gets under wag, Rear Admiral C. H. Woodward, com mandant of the Third naval district, drives the first rivet to lag the keel of the new United States Battleship U. 8. 8. Iowa at the Brooklyn navy yard. Observing the ceremony are Captains C. A. Dunn of the navy yard, (left); T. B. Rieheg, production officer of the gard; and Commander J. E. Kieraan. The public was not invited to the keeMaging, because of the necessitg for privaog and speed. 'Dog House' Would Be Cool Place for Summer ?of members at Bear Admiral Byrd's Antarctic expedition ware given the utmost care and attention. Wa seetieu d the Baat Base camp pictured above was called "Dog Town" bp members of the expedition. Bash da( tad a* MMdaal hat supplied to him lor the duration of bis stay which was mads snaf and comfort able agadnsi Ihe AnUretie weather. The Eskimo dogs were specially trained for hauling sledges and were re- . guided as extremely Important members of the party. Antarctic birds may be seen In the background. ECt J ' ? . / Son Gets Pilot Wings From Father ii Marble Champion Gee R. C. IMiirtw Jr. Is *bowa ptaaiac the wtafi of a fnll V. 8. nr |M ahlam, Lieut. B. C. Richardson ID, after ha (Tadaated traai the pUet trminln* coarse at Kelly Field, Texas. Liesteaaat Richardasa to a Wast Pointer, class of UR. Bs eomplstod >M hears to As air aai CM hsars af freoad instmetiea to wta his Wtofi. Speed in the Water Their Specialty Fire at the tpeediest mermaid* t* America wate a greetta* from IE a aprlagbeard at Ude Beack, L. L where they are eajeyiac the inmmer xwimmhu mm Each a champion la her held, the girl* left U right are: Lorraine Flecker, Harriet Taylor, Mildred OTIemnll, Gloria Cellea aad Helm Rain*. CeUeettrely the (trie heM nine title*. IMnflai an other contestants hi the National Marble taanameat, Doaflas Oppertnan oI Pittab?r(h. Pa., was stunned Marble Champion a( America at the New York World's fair. Ha wea a fald-pUted crown and KM la cash. 'Lefty's' Daughter Poslnf proodly at Ike Boston, Mesa., General hospital is Mr*. Ver non Gomei, mad her fad hern, a hehy firL The Infant's dad is famed > "Lefty" Gomes of the New T?t Yankees. They're Ready to Defend America's Coast Manning coast defense gnns win be one of the Important military operations in the new defense program of the United States. Members of the 207th coast artillery of New York are shown receiving instructions in their duties. A number of regiments of the National Guhrd, particularly along the Atlantic seaboard, are being transformed into coast artillery units. They will he trained to repel attacks coming from either the sea or the air. Regular army coast defense units are likewise being expanded. England Moves German Prisoners to Canada Hie Germans have landed in Canada, aa this photo shews. But they came as prisoners of war and not aa conquerors. The above detachment are shown marching through train sheds in Quebec, on their way to Canadian prison camps. Canada was regarded as aa extremely safe place for these prisoners because they am all specialists, including air pilots, parachutists and navy men. Originally imprisoned in England, they were moved to prevent danger daring Hitler's attack on England, . ? ? ? Willkies Look Over Their Fan Mail Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L. Willkie are shown at week an a laundry basket tall of congratalatory letters and telegrams. While the avalanche el mes sages that tallowed Willkie'? nomination tar the Presidency at Philadelphia tapered off somewhat, they eonthmed to receive bnndreds of letters every day from all parts of the conn try. The Republican nominee took a short vacation before opening his drive for the Presidency. Sonja and Husband on Honeymoon Soaja Hcnle, skating star and a favorite among movie fans, la pic tured hen with her husband, Daniel Seed Topping, whoa she married recently in Chicago. Topping, milbooairo sportsman, is president ut the Brooklyn Dndrrrk football team. This is Scale's Brat venture la mat rim on j. It is her hnshand's third. She b XI and he is M. Refugee Princess Princes* Ton Starhemberg, wife of the former vice chancellor of Austria, ia shown with her son, John. The princesa, a refugee (rem her Nasi-rated native land, is ia Amer iea pleading the cause ot refugees seeUng a haves here. French Fighter i - . On. flharlas #o flaala, akr secretary of war la Paul Reynaud'a cabinet, who head* a French war committee la London to eoattano the war a|alwt Germany. Hehaajaria dictien orer ail French citiaeaa la e-y'?a Reduction of Starches Good For Arthritis By DB. JAMES W. BARTON (Ueles?< by WmUtb Niwipapii Union. I TT7BEN an individual suffer VV ing for months with pain in hia knee and near-by muscles becomes free of this pain after the removal of his r~~~?? tonsils or one or TODAY'S two teeth, it is HCllTll hard to persuade H ML III him that it was not COLUMN the infected teeth or tonsils that was causing the pain. Then when he sees the dis appearance of joint and muscle pains in others by removal of infected teeth or tonsils, he is fully persuaded that infection is the cause of all painful joints and muscles. , However, infection is not the cause of all cases of joint and nerve and muscle pain. From rapidly ac cumulating evidence it now appears that neuritis ? inflammation of nerves supplying muscles and ad joining tissues?is due in many cases to lack of a certain vitamin vitamin B1?in the-food. It is be cause the nervous system is "starved" by not getting its oxygen that neuritis arises. What causes this starvation? Dr. W. J. McCormick, Toronto, in Medi cal Record, points ? out that lack of vita min Bl prevents the oxygen of the blood ? from passing through ' : the fat-like cover ings of the muscles to reach the under lying nerves. It is b e c a u se t he s e nerves are deprived of the necessary amount of oxygen Dr. Barton that a change takes . - place in their struc ture, and neuritis?pain in muscles and joints?arises. Fewer Starches, More Fruits. It is for this reason that many physicians are now having their patients with rheumatism, arthritis and neuritis follow a diet which cuts down on starches and increases the fruits, vegetables and dairy prod ucts in the diet. The foods recommended because they are rich in vitamin B> are liver, milk, eggs, beans and whole grain products. The use of brew er's yeast in its regular form or in tablets is sometimes effective in re lieving pain, because this in itself supplies the necessary amount of vitamin B1. It might well be said, of course, that infection?undiscovered?may be the cause of the pain, as infec tion uses up oxygen needed by the body processes. ? ? ? Cancer Is Curable If Treated in Time T AST year a band of determined women?The Women'a Field Army?organized a campaign to tell (a) that cancer is a fatal ailment untreated, and (b) that "cancer is curable" if treated in time. So successful was last year's cam paign that many cases of women have been reported Who discovered they had cancer after receiving the army's message, or, quite as im portant, who in finding they did not have cancer were freed from months and possibly years of worry. That the determined effort of this army of .women, to save lives made a deep impression on thinking men and women is proved by the enact ment of the National Cancer Insti tute Bill of Congress, the founding of the Chicago Tumor institute and the establishment of the Child's _ foundation at Tale. ?Ftght Cancer With Knowledge.' Hie slogan of the army, which is the slogan of the American Society < tor the Control of Cancer, with head quarter* at 1250 Sixth avenue. New York city, is "Fight Cancer With Knowledge." Seventy thousand lives might be saved each year if every man, woman and child knew the following "painless" signs of early cancer and, when they appeared, promptly visited a competent physi- - dan. These signals may not mean cancer but suggest afi immediate ?Tf|Tnii)fition r 1. Any persistent lump or thick ening, especially in the breast 2. Any irregular bleeding or dis charge from any body openings. 3. Any sore that does not heal? particularly about the tongue, mouth or lips. 4. Persistent indigestion, often ac companied by Iqes of weight i. Sudden changes in the form or rate of growth of a mole or wart 2 ? ? ? QUESTION BOX Q.?Would cream and gingerale taken three times daily be beneficial for one trying to increase her weight? A?AH fat feeds, tnahidtng (ream might increase weight If the cream agreed with the individual. Best is the big factor in increasing weight A trial of the cream and gingerale eoeld he given for fear or six weeks. Q?Is the cracking sound ef a Joint serious? A-?in most cssss this is nst seri