THE GLEANER OtiAHAM. N. C., JAM. 16, 1941 USUKD KVEBT THLH8IIAT J. D. KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE Entered at <nt PoMofflea at Orataam. N. li, ae 5?nad^:laee matter. The inauguration of President Roosevelt for his third term takes place in Washington Mon day next. It does not look well for labor, strikes being planned and going on while the country is bending every energy toward preparing defense against invasion of a foreign enemy. It is not a patri otic attitude. Under the control of that enemy labor would labor and the pay envelope would _ be materially reduced. | Not in the history of the world, in the same length of time, has so much property in value been destroyed, as in the past few months in Europe. It continues to go on day by day.(If and when the sponsors of the present distinction in Europe have finished up there, there is a dread, not ill-founded, that this hemisphere, the Americas will be the next objective. The fear that that will be the case, is causing billions to be spent for defense and equipment that otherwise would be unnecessary and when it is over will be of little real value or use. The bot tom of the seas is being strewn with a jumbled mass of sunken ships and towns and cities that were centuries in building are being reduced to a mass of ruins. It is tragedy in the surpurlative. Governor Broughton Governor J. M. Broughton in ducted into office last Thursday made 46 recommendations to the legislature in his inaugural ad dress, They have been boiled down to 20 major points, as follows: I 1. Continue a balanced bud get. 2. Keep the sales tax but add exemptions for "essential food for home consumption," and make no substantial changes or additions in taxes. 3. Provide retirement pro grams for all state employes, in cluding teachers. 4. Enact immediate laws pro hibiting the unrestricted selling of socalled fortified wines. 5. Adopt a resolution Im mediately applauding President Roosevelt's defense and aid-for Britain programs. 6. Provide a new congres sional district and reapportion legislative membership, both on the basis of the 1940 census. 7. Provide adequate appro priations for higher educational institutions, public schools, vo cotional education, adult educa tion, reasonable expansion of the public health program, state hospitals and institutions, and for reasonable Increases in teach ert salaries if it can be done with available revenues. 8. Provide reasonable secur tiy for teachers in their jobs; set a goal for a standard nine months school term and a 12th grade; consider advisability of submitting a constitutional a mendment to vest a board of ed ucation with all of the staters authority in school administra tion ; and consider raisjng the age for compulsory school at tendance from 14 to 16 years. 9. Provide state aid for pub lic libraries. , 10. Provide for strict a&er ence to "the principle of a state highway systemtake note that "much of our primary road sys tem must be revamped or re built provide a budget which would not necessitate highway fund diversion; and make ade quate provision for farm-to-mar ket and home-to-school roads. 11. Provide adequate appro priations to help the state be come a great livestock state; with provision for an adequate structure for displaying live stock included in the program. 12. Relieve the highway pa trol of tax collecting duties and enact new legislation outlining its work and removing it from the realm of politics. 13. Provide forest fire pro tection funds from the general fund; devote net proceeds of game and fish purposes; supple ment and extend geological fa cilities ; expand the jdSvision of commerce and industry; estab lish a state office in Washington on a stable basis; and provide in creased funds for ttie fight for lower freight rates. ? 14. Provide for training prisoners in useful trades. 15. Provide for the fullest 1 possible cooperation between the 'federal and state governments on all matters; especially if new laws are needed for home de fense purposes or to control fifth column or subversive activities. 16. Absolutely bar slot gam bling machines. 17. Provide an eastern North Carolina tubercular sanatorium. 18. Give special considera tion to the forthcoming report of a special commission studying wage and hour legislature. 19. Give much attention to law observance and law enforce ment. 20. Have as short legislative session as possible. The Legislature The legislature met in advance the day before the Governor ai*i State officers were inducted into office. Hie first thing was organi zation, as follows: The Senate: John Larkins, Jr., Jones County, President Pro Tem; S. Ray Byerly, Lee County, Principal Clerk; L. H. Fountain, Edgecombe County, Reading Clerk; and Herman Scott, Chat ham County, SeTgeant-at-Arms. For the House: Odus M. Mull, Cleveland County, Speaker; Shearon Harris, Stanly County, Principal Clerk; H. L. Joyner, Northampton County, Sergeant at-Arms; and Ralph Monger, Jr., Lee County, Reading Clerk. Lieut.-Gov. Harris presides over the Senate. Hie legislators started out on a spending spree by increasing the salaries of four State offi cers, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer and Superintendent of Public In struction, by ten percent, rais ing the salaries from $6,000 to $6,600. The raise was made to "equalize the pay" of constitu tional officers. It would have sounded better to the folks back home to reduce the pay of the others?would have shown some spirit of econ omy. It is a hard proposition to satisfy a public officer when his pay comes from the public fund. Down in Charlotte, the State's largest city, the mayor's salary is held down to $1,600. There they are Cleveland Democrats who hold to the motto, that "public office is a pubic trust, not a private snap." Taxes are plenty high and hard enough to pay, without im posing any odd time burden. When it cornels to spending, the one-gall us fellow back home, pulling the bell-cord over a mule to grind out a meager subsis tence for his little family, should be kept in mind?he is a citizen, a small cog in the wheel, but a necessary one. Free Enterprise Medicine Here in the United States we live under what is graphically described as a free enterprise system. It permits any man to go as far as his abilities will take him. It places no barriers in the way of progress and ? achievement. It believes in the dignity of the individual?as op posed to systems which make the individual the slave of the state. All of us know what this free enterprise system has produced. It has given us the highest standard of living in the world. It has given the typical worker a higher paid job and a shorter work-week than is known any where else. It has given the ave rage man and woman more of the luxuries and necessities than their counterparts enjoy in any other nation. It has given them more security, in the form of homes, insurance, bank deposits and other forms of saving. All of this has been done un der that free enterprise system ?the individualistic system, so to speak. And that system has given us more than goods andj chattels. For example, in the field of medicine we can see a gain what private enterprise achieves. In 1936, there were 11.5 deaths per each 100,000 of pop ulation from diphtheria In Ger many. There were 8.6 in Eng land. There were but 1.5 in the United States. There is one qual ified physician for each 767 peo ple here?as against one for each 1,069 in England, and for each 1,307 in Germany and one for each 1,596 in France. In the totalitarian states, where gov ernment dominates medicine, and the bureaucrats pick the doctors, almost all diseases are increasing. Here all are decreas ing?and rapidly. So does American medicine, like American industry, serve. It is private medicine?it is "free enterprise medlcineL" No other system ever devised by man has done so much for the great masses of the people. i . ? REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Bank of Haw River of Haw Hirer, In the Mete of North Caro line. et the cloee of buatneea on Deo. (I, lttt. A 88 HTM Loana and dlaooanU (Including noorerdrmfu)..._ $ Si.Me.12 United 8 la tea tiorerhmenl obllfa Howr. direct and guaranteed ltJUO.OO Obilfstiona of state and political BubllTlatons 23.016.00 Caeh. baienoea with other banka. Ineludlnf reeerre balancee, and caah Itema In proceea of collec tion - ta.S30.e3 Bank premlaee owned I 1 furni ture and Uturee, ISM 10 leea Hit UUO Real aetata owned o'ner than bank premlaoa Nona Other aaeete . .. tse.oi Total Aaeeta Sl7i.?t? LIABILITIES Demand depoatta of Individuals, partnerships. and oorpomtlona . S Time depoeluot In llvldusla. part nerehlpa end oorporatlona eijll M Depoeila of United Htatea Govern ment (Ineludlnf postal aarlnfa) ? 1.too.00 Depoaluof Htatea and political sub divisions ? _____ 1171 Other Deposits [eertided and oHoara' - ohecka. etc.] SJ60.7I Total Depoalu SlJl.tf7.ei Other liabilities. Total Liabilities [not ineludlnf subordinated OC! I rations a bown beiowl ? susoetJi CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital S 11.00# 00 Surplus 10.000.00 Undivided proflu? UH.I1 Haaerree (and retirement acoount for preferred oapltal] ? 7.Mb 00 Total Capital Aeoouata MJI7.I1 Total UebtUtles aad Capital As oounta. fl7tJS3 a Thla bank's capital oonateU of $ of capital 00tea aad debeataree; Bret preferred ?took with toSal par value of SUJOOOO. to tal retirebla vales RLOOOJO aod ooaaaaou stock with total par value of SM.OOOJO. MEMORANDA Pledaed assets [end aecurtUee loaned] [booh value): [e] r. s. Government obligations, direct and fuarnataed. pledfed to secure deposits and otbar Ha btuuet i.ioo ji Total 1.400? Si. [a] On data of report the re quired le?al reeeiea araloee do podta of this bank waa. IS lb) Assets reported shoes which were ellflble ee leaal reeerre emooated to- I.E. A. Vest, Pre.Idem of the ahove-oaiaed Sana, do solemnly swear that the above atatoment la true, end that It fnlly aad oor recUr represents the true stats of the sevsml matters herein oootaloed end set forth, to the best of aj knowledfe aad ballet. E. A. TRET. PreWdeoL Correct?Attest; J. A. Aldrldege. ) W. if. Crutchfleld. > Directors J. A. Loof. J BUM of North Caroline. 1 County of Alamance f** Sworn to aod eobeonbed before me this tth day ol Jaa*j, Mil. end I hereby certify that lam not aa officer or director of thla baak. WM. T. BROOKS. [?ail! Notary Public. My oommiMtoo expires Mch. IS, l?it I ?! I p II I ? HOW JMUCH TIME DO MEN WASTE? Judith T. Chase, well known quia expert, gives men a chance to .Bpjl out whether they fritter away pre ?. ? "J* < V ? ? * clous moments Which, if used intel ligently, would earn them a pile of money. DoiPt miss this illustrated feature in the January 26th issue of , THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the big magazine distributed) with the Baltimore Sunday American On Sato At All Newsstands * j t J-l .nJg? I Colds AND COUGHS DUE TO COLDS MONIY BACK MMMMTEE Bnynbottte...Ueeit..If not estirelrMtitfied your money will be refunded. MUt 28c NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL, COUNTY COURT W. H. Proctor, * vc - Sybil Christine Proctor. The defendant, Sybil Christine Proc tor, will take notice that an action en titled, as above has been commenced In the Oeneral County Court of Ala mance County, North Carolina, by the pl^itlff against the defendant, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce upon statutory grounds, and that the said defendant will further take notice that she la required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court and ex-offlclo Clerk of General County Court of Alamance County at the oourthouse In Graham, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 10th day of February, 1041, and answer or demur to the complaint filed In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor1 the relief de manded In said complaint. This the 16th day of January, 1941. F. L. WILLIAMSON, Clerk of General County Court. Long, Long A Barrett, Attys. NOTICE PUBLIC LAND RE-SALE Under and pursuant to the Judg ment of the Superior Court of Ala mance County as entered In the caae of A. O. Thompson, Administrator of the estate of D. H. Thompson vs. E. L. Thompson and others, the under signed Commissioners of the said court will offer for sale at public auc tion for cash at the courthouse door In Graham, on Monday, January 20th, 1(41, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, all of the following described real property, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Newlln Township. Alamance County, and known as the David H. Thompson farm on Cane Creek, containing 240 acres, more or leas, and bounded on the North by the lands of John M. Fount and Albert Foust; on the East by O. R. and T. W. McPhernon farm: on the South by tha lands of the W. C. Holman heirs and on the West by the lands of the said Holman heirs and the lands of the heirs of Adolphua McPherson and Sallle Bernlce McPherson. This re-sale to be mads subject to advance bids and confirmation by the Court, and bidding will begin at I4.702.7S. This the trd day of January, 1(41. L. C. ALLEN, Q. A. LONG, Commissioners. ? NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Oeorge Franklin Griffin, et ala, L. A Perrett, et ala. The defendants, W. K. Perrett and wife, llae Perrett; Salem Perrett and or any unknown helre of the aaid Sal em Perrett. and Daniel K. Perrett. de ceased. will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced against them, and other defendant! for the purpoae of quieting tltlV to thoee certain tract! or parcel! of land In Newlin Townahlp, Alamance Coun ty, North Carolina, known a! the 8. H. Griffin homeplace, containing ISO acrea, more or lees, for the reaaon that the aald S. H. Griffin did not hare a registered deed of conveyance filed of record In the registry of Alamance County, from all of the hefra at law of . T. t ? ? THurWl K. P^rrett, deceased, and that the deed *rom (he remainder of said Jielfp.contained an.error, constituting ti cioui^mi the title due to an over eight a^it^a mistake by the draftsman, jhe pfel^yffs claim title by adverse poseseion'f^r mare than twenty (20) years. ? Said defendants will further take notice that ibey are required to appear before -the Clerk of Court at his office in Graham, North Carolina, on the 2th-day of March; 1241, and ans wer or demur to tit* complaint which has been filed, or the said plaintiffs will within the time prescribed by law apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint. This the Tth day of January, 1941. EFFA D. GUTHRlE Deputy Clgrk Superior Court. F. 1>. Paschal, Atty. for Plaintiffs, Greensboro, N. C. FKEL1MLN AKY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of Noith Carolina Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come?Greeting: WHEREAS, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the RIVER SIDE HOSIERY MILLS, Incorporated a corporation , of this State, whose principal office is situated atNo.?l... Street, in thO Village of Haw River, County of Alamance, State of North Carolina(R. K. Lasley being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22. Consolidated Statutes, en titled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Disso lution. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Thad Eure, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 27th day of Dceember, 1940, file in my office a duly exeucted and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 27th day of December, A. D.. 1940. THAD EURE, Secretary of State. (Seal: State of North Carolina Department of State) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a* Executor of tin eetute of Charles C. Trolllngrer.deceas ed, late of Alamance County, Nortl Carolina, this Is to notify all personj 'having claims against the estate of the Hald Charles C. Trollinger to exhlbii them to the undersigned at Graham North Carolina, on or before the 19tfc day of December, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This, 18th day of December, 1940. CHARLES D. TROLLINGER, i Executor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of M. W. Curl, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said M. W. Curl to exhibit them to the un dersigned at 406 Highland Avenue, Burlington, North Carolina, on or be fore the 12th day of December, 1041, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. IA11 persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, 10th day of December, 1940. R. D. CURD, Executor. Dong, Dong dt Barrett, Attys. NOTICE Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by E. V. Workman and wife, Hazel P. Workman, on the 28th day of December, 1938, securing the payment of a certain note described therein,'Which said deed of trust is re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in mortgage deed book No. 134, at page 58, default having been made in payment of said note and In terest theron as provided and set out in said deed of trust, and upon request of the holder of the note thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will, on Thursday, January 30th, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock, noont or within legal hours, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of Alamance County, North Carolina, the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at an Iron bolt on the northeast side of Ruffln street, and corner with Q. C. Mitchell, Mid corner being SOI t-4 (eet southeast of the > southeast corner of Ruffln street and ' Fisher street, and running thence tt. | SS dag. E. 1SS feet to an Iron bolt cor I ner with Q. C. Mitchell and E. B. t Horner; running thence with the line > of E. B. Horner N. St deg. W. St S-4 | feet to an Iron bolt corner with E. B. . Horner and H. B. Walker; thence with the line of H. B. Walker S. tt deg. W. > 12S feet to an iron bolt In line with ' Ruffln street and corner with H. B. Walker; thence with Ruffln street S. St deg. E. tt S-4 feet to the begin ning, and being a part of lots Nos. S24 and 2S1 In the old surrey of the city of Burlington. 1 This sale will stand open for ten ' (10) days for advance bids, as requlr | ed by law. This SOth day of December, 1040. D. R. FONVILLE, Trustee. PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION State of North Carolina Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come?Ores ting: WHEREAS, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de ft posited In my office, that the POX NOVELTY COMPANY, a corporation of this State, whose principal ofdce Is situated at No ~ Church Street, In the City of Burlington, County of Ala mance, State of North Carolina, (C. C. Carter being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consoli dated Statutes, entitled "Corporations" preliminary to the Issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution: NOW. THEREFORE, I, Thad Eure, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 17th day of December. 1240, file In my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on die In my office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed ? my official seal at Raleigh, this 17th day of December, A D., 1540. THAD EURE, Secretary of State. (Seal: State of North Carolina Department of State) HUL^ ?RL* '^v- " ?ll/'VHw tI ill a? McCjTi MipiiH 1 yt."| ? ?8 Pttfcfiador (aookly) 1 yr. ALL SEVEN ? WO American Poaltry journal 1 yr. FOR ONLY 8? Farm loumal-Farmtr's Wifa... 1 yr. ?_ ?S Co-fort 1 ?. $0.00 I W SooH?ra Afrkaltariat 1 yr. ^ I ^ Tkia Newspaper | yj.J ? CLUB He. 2 | Mcair,,0M?tJiiBe1T'. *LL SEVEM Pathfinder (weekly) 1 yr. FOX ONLY Pjg Farm Journal-Farmers W.fe ., 1 yr. _ _ _ Hk$S Household Magazme I yr. $ <>VV Progressiva Farmer 2 yrs. This Newspaper 1 yr. K I THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and || # Any Magazine Listed ip jj,jS newspaper, 1 Yr. r?^Y ^p| II bohi for prk* shown ^ aii ji and Five Magazines yp l#& Magazines are tor One Year Kg? l^||| ^ Bill M*CaU' G^?P1 Ma9azlaM J kM I? ?Sgygjy^- ; r? E|i| fijX&X - a*-w*J JJJ H>&$ KlnMcinl ' 1 T?? 3b5i IJJ Bp-p^ Sports ^Afisld^ ._.. | r?ar rS B|$g SMnSLTotio^ , 'rw jjPfejf " Opsn Ro^qito^)* IN j H>*m? ^ ytrr ' R ? Popular Mechanics . ? IN " Hunting and Fishing 1 ysar R| I HI ^ I^Fbsl^^y^ IN ~ ftac^wiul rmrf^ 1 ysar j?? Y?* ** j ?i^il^'"itii?t'^-''^* WM? 1 {w I I FILL OUT COUPON ? NAIL TODAY |Sli&si?SBiH | ?1 ?1?' I us nclotlBf Ih* I offer desired with a year** eubecriptlon to your paper. V II Bl I vOUPMII ST. OR S T/)/) A Y _ POSTOFFICK R. F. D 1 *- *

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