| ? OUR COMIC SECTION ? | Fv Peter B. Peeve ~| H KP c KJ ? & s A T T E R P O P By C. M. Payn? rHEY! HOW DtD MX) GET ALL. T AIN'T TWISTED, DOP THOSE ARE. 1 ^-tyaHoeb.-Tool EUTMQUVE. I ?SOTtM OH ^ t3ACKVwARD J p o IP ?y L Minor won GET ME A PENCIL PLEASE. MA I WARD OR SOPT ? ? it "i fn ruiaitim mi OH !, SOPT ! rM WRITING A LOV6 LETTER! Farmer McTmrUh fell In a well where 'the- eater an eeven feet deep, and cold. Hie ?Me. who had 4MB Willi (fl ia. fmijfrti down to him: *TU ring die dinner beO so the boy* win come and pull you up." "What time k It?" McTaviah yelled back. " Bout half-past ten." "No. dang it, let 'am work till dinner time. I'll swim around until ?Hiii *? WI8ECRACKEK "HulloI What art tboaa red mark* en roar coat?" "Ruat. My tailor eaid thia etufl would wear like iron." *!' kiii' . aiii* nidi thin i? urn "Friend." Mid Plodding Pete. "1 want to Mb yeu a favor." "I haven't time to listen to you," said the pedestrian. "I suppose you're expectin' me to ask you fot money." "You needn't I'm brake." "Well, Jes' to show dat I'm a good feller an' don't carry no ill will. Jes' wait here till I panhandle up an' down de block a couple o' times an' I'D lend you some." HI. Phi Hipr Jr mg m over, make tests and shake their heads as if they thought they were the kind of ears that MIGHT wear out too ear ? - ly in ure. wnen J think it is all over they go over my feet, which are in swell shape like most Americans on account no body in this country uses feet any | more. Everybody either drives an > auto or is a hitch-hiker. Their feet are good now, but wait until they have been doing army patrol six months! ? ? ? Well, anyhow, I barely get in on account I am six points short of being the Perfect Man and once had asthma. Yours for a war anybody can get Into, . ?Luke. ? ? ? WOMEN AND DEFENSE <"E. V. MeCoUam at Johns Hopkins told the meeting that the women of America could help In the defense program by seeing that their menfotks got proper food."?News Hem.) Ladies, would you help defense? Would you make your country * stronger? Feed your menfolks with more care Do not serve that hash much longer 1 Do you want our coastline safe From the batterings of Dover? Have a heart and do not chirp, "Hooey, this was Just left over." Are you for preparedness? Do you want the future sunny? Cut that old line. "Sorry, but We're Just having cold cuts, hooey!" ? s ? In this business of leasing war supplies to England, Elmer Twite he 11 hopes we don't wind up with noth btg but a mortgage oo a couple af tmoke screens. ? ? ? Well, nobody can say our defense program hasn't a lag to stand on. ? ? ? SIMILES As unconvincing as a held magi cian. ? ? ? As well spaced as a banquet menu. Martin Ragaway. Ik HouseholdNeuJS En // S Afflux COLD-WEATHER HOSPITALITY (See Recipes Below) ? What if the radio weatherman does predict a drop to 10 degrees Kalrkor varnl TV\nt is no reason to put all hospitality in cold storage, too. Not if our grandmothers could have get togethers even when they had to drive the horses through the snow and stay the whole day! And so, no matter how blustery the weather, clubs will still have their afternoon meetings, there will be cheerful teas in church parlors, and friends will drop in informally to spend the evening. If it is warm . inside and there is fragrant, invit ing food in the offing, the sharpness of the wind won't matter. You will want to have a few new recipes at your Angers' ends to make such cold weather hospitality easy. If you are feeding the club, using the bridge table method, you might serve beef Creole in individu al rice rings, a plate of celery hearts, carrot sticks and stuffed ol ives, together with hot rolls of your own making. Let the dessert course be coffee and an eggnog pie?a creamy yellow chiffon pie with a thin coverlet of whipped cream and a dusting of nutmeg over the top. If you're planning a tea, remem ber that hot Russian tea is super fine with cinnamon doughnuts, split and toasted. For informal evening affairs at your own fireside, hot cof fee cake with currant jelly and cof fee will be enough to serve. If you have a wooden cheese board or a handsome plate, show it off with a collection of cheese and crackers and a bowl of assorted fruit like that shown in the picture above. Russian Tea. (Makes 14 servings) 1 cup sugar I cup water ' 1 S-inch stick cinnamon % cup orange juice (3 oranges) 8 tablespoons lemon juice (2 lemons) 1 12-ounce can pineapple juice (1% cups) 1% quarts water 1 cup strong tea infusion 1 lemon (for garnishing) Boil 1 cup of the water, with sug ar and stick cinnamon for S min utes. Ada juice 01 oranges, lemons, and pineapple juice. Boil orange and lemon rinds in % quart of the water for 3 min utes. Strain and combine with the fruit juice mix ture. Add the re mainina 1 miarf of water. s2?t aside. Just before serving, heat the fruit juice mix ture and combine with the tea in fusion, To make the infusion, pour one cup of rapidly boiling water over 4 level teaspoons of tea. Let steep 3 minutes, then stir briefly and strain. Serve the tea hot in tall glasses or cups (% cup to a serving) and garnish each with a slice of lemon. Eggnog Pie. 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin 14 cup cold water 4 eggs 1 cup sugar V4 teaspoon salt 14 cup milk 14 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla 14 cup whipping cream Let gelatin soak in cold water for S minutes. Beat egg yolks until light; stir in 14 cup of sugar and salt. Gradually add milk and cook over boiling water until it is the consistency of custard, about 5 min utes. Stir constantly during cook ing. Add softened gelatin to custard mixture, stirring until it is com pletely dissoldtd, then add nutmeg and vanilla. Chill the Oiling until it is partially congealed. Beat egg whites until frothy. Add 14 cup of sugar gradually, beating until the meringue stands in stiff peaks and will not flow when the bowl is par tially inverted. Fold meringue into partially oongealed custard mixture, pour mto a baked 0-inch pie shell and chill in the refrigerator tor 1 hours or longer. When ready to serve, spread a thin layer of whipped cream over the top and sprinkle with additional nutmeg. Streusel Coffee Cake. - (1 9-inch cake) 1V4 cups general purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 14 cup sugar Vi cup shortening 1 egg Vi cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Sift flour once before measuring. Then sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Cut in shorten ing with two knives or a pastry blender (or rub it in with the fin gers) until the mixture is like coarse cornmeal. Blend in well-beaten egg mixed with milk. Than stir in va nilla and beat just enough to mix well. Pour the batter into a well greased 9-inch layer cake pad. Sprinkle with streusel topping. Bake 25 to 30 minutes in a moderate oven (375 degrees). Streusel Topping. Vi cup brown sugar (firmly packed) 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon Vi cup chopped nuts 2 tablespoons butter (melted) Mix flour, sugar and cinnamon to gether. Blend in melted butter and stir in chopped nuts. Pecan Confections. (Makes 2 dozen 2-inch cookies)^ 1 egg white 1 cup brown sugar (firmly flacked) 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup chopped pecans Beat the egg white until it will stand in stiff peaks, then gradually beat in with a rn tary beater the brown sugar. Stir in flour, salt and chopped pecans. Drop the mixture from the tip of a spoon onto greased cooky sheets, spacing the cookies at least 2 inches apart. Bake in a very slow oven (275 degrees) for J 25 minutes. Cool somewhat, then remove from the tin onto a cake cooler covered with waxed paper. Cheese Beard. 1 3-ounce package cream cheese 1 t-ounce package Liederkranz ? cheese 1 8-ounce package Swiss cheese 4 114-ounce wedges of Camembert i cheese 12 radishes Crackers Arrange as desired on a large plat* or wooden cheese tray. Rice Rings. S cups cooked rice (hot) % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons cream Add salt and melted butter to cooked rice. Beat egg yolks with cream and stir into rice mixture. Grease 6 individual ring molds and pack rice in (irmly. Place in pen of hot water for 8 to 10 minutes. I Remove from molds and All centers with beef Creole. BREAKFAST ON SUNDAY MORNING If Sunday morning is the oc casion for a leisurely family get together, why not make it the high spot of the week with a fresh-from-the oven plate of hot muffins? You'll find recipes for delicious fruit muffins, spicy ten der cinnamon rolls in Miss Howe's Cook Book "Better Bak ing." There are dozens of other recipes tor quick and not-ao-qulek cakes and cookies in this booklet, all of them tested and approved for their goodness. To get a copy for your recipe shell, send 10 cents in coin to "Better Baking" care of Eleanor Hows, 919 North Michigan Ave nue, Chicago, Illinois. /""UTOUTS like this are a happy *-J idea to be used tor plants you grow indoors. You can add inter est to the flowers you keep in the house and to the attractiveness of your rooms as well if you use boxes in clever designs like these. Bits of plywood are cut out with jig or coping saw, painted and nailed together to make the boxes. ? ? ? Pattern ZSJ07. 15c. bring* the kitten, pup and hen and rooater motlta together with the needed directions. Send order to: AUNT MARTHA Box IK * Kansas city, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No Name Address At Close Speaker's Remarks Had Become a Nightmare The dinner came to an end, and the chairman called for silence. "Gentlemen," he began, "I will now call upon Mr. Long, our dis tinguished guest, to speak." The guest rose and was greeted with polite applause. At the end of ten minutes he was still speaking, but when at the end of half an hour he had not finished the patience of his listen ers began to get exhausted. In the end the speaker wound up with: "Speaking is nothing to me. As a boy I used frequently to talk in my sleep." "And now," a drowsy voice was heard to exclaim, "you talk in ours." Vatican Currency Under the terms of a financial convention ratified between the Vatican and Italy in January, 1931, the Vatican state issues currency. Recently, new coins bearing the head and armorial markings of Pope Pius XII were put into cir culation. The Vatican coins are of the same value, material and dimensions as the Italian coins, the only difference being in the mint ing. HoJp to Mbn Matisse of v [FEMALE] PERIODIC COMPLAINTS Try Lydla R. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to help relieve monthly pain, headaches, backache and ALSO calm Irritable nerves due to monthly functional disturbances. Pink ham's Compound Is simply marvelous to help build up resist ance against distress of ^difficult dsys." Famous for over 00 years! Hundreds of thousands of girls and women report remarkable benefits WORTH TRYING! , Nothing for Nothing Set it down as a fact to which there are no exceptions, that we must labor for all that we have, and that nothing is worth posses sing, or offering to others, which costs us nothing.?John Todd. MOTHERS... mmm. mMMm gs;gT'?Poqw*dy?s Indispensable Supports Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indis pensable supports.?Washington. next time in Baltimore HOTEL ?? HOTEL PERFECT HOTEL SERVICE ? Homtlik* Atmoipku* Bites begin it $2.00 per day Too Cam Alm> tmfor VJUMM|C U ? ANCIl5oil