OUlMMd by Wlltim Newspaper Onion.) WTPOBACCO ROAD," that A painfully realistic drama of life among the poor whites that has been running for years and years on Broad way, has reached the screen at last. There's been consid erable speculation about what would be left of it when it became a picture, since practical ly all of it was highly censorable. Well, just about nothing got by. Most of the sizzling dialogue of the original version was omitted, of course. The characters have been changed. The result is a rather in nocuous movie with a few beauti ful camera shots. ?*? Dennis Morgan says that the only time he was ever broke, hungry and desperate was the day he became a full-fledged movie star. Morgan, who is co-starring with Merle Oberon in Warner Bros.' "Af fectionately Yours, '' was discovered by Mary Garden when he sang "Don Juan" to her "Carmen." She called the atten Dennis Morgan tion of movie scouts to the handsome and popular young singer. "I signed at a good salary and thought 1 was sitting on top of the world," he said. "Instead, I found myself, broke and hungry, sitting out In the desert in a broken-down Ja loppy." He didn't understand that a yearly movie contract provides for a 12-week layoff without pay. He bought an ancient auto and headed West. But his layoff period came llrst. The days of the glorified bathtub are back. In "Ziegfeld Girl" Lana Turner, as one of ______ the glorified show girls, steps into a marble tub wearing her jewelry, includ ing earrings and a tiara, and apparent ly nothing else. Though the much publicized episode of the Anna Held milk bath will not be used, the scene witn Lana is based i... xarner on an actual occur rence, when a slightly tipsy Follies Girl stepped out of her bathrobe and into the tub wearing her hat and Jew els. But when Miss Turner slips out of the bathrobe there's a flesh col ored bathing suit on her, as well as the jewels. *? What kind of noise does a planet make when it explodes? That's what a group of serious-minded men in Miami, Fla., want to know. They're bringing "Superman" to the screen at the Fleischer Studios, and in one of the opening scenes a planet explodes?only "Superman" in a rocket ship, escapes. Max Fleischer thinks it ought to be very, very loud; Dave Fleischer thinks it ought to be a combination of heavy gunfire, earthquake?and an apple breaking in two, much multiplied. Unless somebody thinks up some thing more satisfactory, the apple wins. ?*? LutM TatU* hu played, to date, 2.SSS different radie rales; she's se ranch to demand that she dashes (rem one rehearsal directly to an other. Here's hsr (ermala for suc cess?Master your own art; keep year mind open to suggestions?ner er think you're too food to learn frosn others. That may be respon sible (or the fact that she's feae on and oa, when so many radio stars rise to the top quickly, and then sink oat st sifht even (aster than they rose. Larene pats over a role with her Toice alone; doesn't rely sa restores, make-ap or costumes. Paul Schubert is naval expert (or the Mutual chain because he plays the accordion. Mrs. Schubert has a nice voice, and when she auditioned tor the chain some time ago he went along and played the accordion tor her as an accompaniment. That in terested him in radio. A couple of months later he phoned the man who'd handled the audition. "Do you remember mo?the man who played the accordion?" he asked and made an appointment tor an interview. The appointment re vealed his extensive study and writ tog experience in connection with naval affairs and presto I be was signed up immediately. ODDS AND KNDS?RidamA AHm mU Jb*pm Pryor Ira* Mr mm plmti tk? Jay /or PraWa "Pamomr Die*"; liria. aa ?a Vi?aMa>A*Iif*rlii a, c A CYCU Of HUMAN UTTEMIiNT ADVOITTSINO glVCS yOU DCW ideas, f\ and also makes them available to you at economical cost As these new ideas become more accepted, paces go down. As prices go down, more persons enjoy new ideas. It is a cycle of human betterment, and it starts with the printed words of a newspaper advertisement. JOIN THE CIRCLE Q READ THE ADS