I tlC. VjJL.HA.EN UK ; GRAHAM, N. C. JULY 10,1941 Local News ?Bountiful rains fell Friday night, Saturday and Saturday night and again this morning. Worth millions. ?Mr. and Mrs. Ohester Hunter, Guthrie street extension, an nounce the birth of a son, Carl Lee, on Saturday, Julj 5th. ?The Baptist church circles held their regular monthly meet ings Monday afternoon and night with the various leaders in charge. ?Dr. and Mrs. Sam Vest and Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Long at tended the Alamance County Med ical association meeting and pic Die supper at Union Ridge on Tuesday evening. ?Mrs. John H. McPherson's Sunday school class of the Metho dist church picnicked at Kimes ville Lake Tuesday afternoon Besides the class a number of ethers attended. ?The Four^i here was as quiet and orderly as a Sunday. Folks did a minimum of rushing around, [t was a sort of serious stillness, indicating that the present day world events are not regarded as matters for fun and frolic. ?Attending a zone meeting of Alamance and Chatham counties Methodist Woman's society of Christian Service in Pittsboro on Tuesday were Dwight Brittain, Mrs. ?. H. Gilliam, Mrs. J. M. Buckner and Mrs. J. S. Cook. ?On last Thursday evening Don Scott, Jr., entertained a num ber of his young friends at Scott's farm off the Chapel Hill road and ?Mt of Haw river. The party was in honor of his cousin, Miss Mary Hampton Scott of Greens boro. ?A session of evangelistic ser vices at Hawflelds Presbyterian shurob, conducted by Dr. John EL Williams of Atlanta, 6a, be ;an last Sunday and will close on ;he 17th. Services morning and >vening. Rev. N. N. Fleming is >astor of the ohurch. ?Little Uiss Sallie E. Zacbary lad a birthday party, her fourth tnnlversary, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Zach iry, on highway 54, just east of own. For the pleasure of the ittle folks, Mrs. R N. Cook di- j -eeted the games and told stories. ?Monday was meetin; day of I .he Auxiliary circles of Graham I Presbyterian ohurch. In the at- ' ernoon Nos. 1 to 4 met at differ- I int homes, and in the evening Joe. 5 to 8 held a joint meeting : bt the ohurch, had a picnic sup >er, and held separate business | neetings. ?The County Commissioners it their meeting Monday awarded | he oontract for remodeling eouu- \ y jail to H Frank Mitchell, low , >iddsr, for $30,808 Separate , too tracts for plnmbing and heat ng ware made. Total contracts aggregate 139,430, almost double As original estimate. ?On the Fourth a conoty-wide I ?tenia was held by colored farm tt, farm women, boys aud girls bt Miles' Chapel eh urch and nhool in Unity oommnnity, near )mksy,s mill, Pleasant Qrove ownahip A speech was made >y J. W. Jeffries, Negro District kgent. The pionie was in charge 1 >f Mrs. C.8. Wilson, Negro Home 1 tgent, and Pies Corbitt, Negro Parm Agent. The crowd was en ertalned with base ball and oth- i ir games. Carmichael-Watson Engagement Dr. and Mr*. T. U. Carmichael if Rowland announce the en casement of tbelr daughter, Jrace, and L. J. Watson, Jr., of ffingate. The wedding will take 1 >laee August S. Thla announce nent is of speoiat interest to her nany friends in Oraham. Miss Carmichael taught publie school nuaic in the Graded school the >sst three years. *4cw Comers to Graham Graham Oily Hostess, Mrs. Has, E. Saunders, reports the ol lowing recent additions to Gra lstn's population: Mr. L. D. Wright and child, Iharon, at 909 W. Harden street, i rom Reidsrille. Mr. and Mrs. James Oates and ihlidren, James, Newford, Gleo, 3"sy, Billy, Joe, Jewell and Patty, ! in Orabam - Shepsonrllle Boad, i rom Bnrlington. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stoat, at Fount apt., North Marshall street, 'com Snow Camp. < PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Oleo Owens are spending the week at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Joe James spent the Fourth in Washington and Norfolk. Mrs. Roy Renn of Raleigh is visiting her mother, Mrs. P. R. Harden, Sr. Elliott White, spending the summer at Morganton, spent the week-eud here with friends. Mrs. Earl Carnthers had Mrs. L. G. Vaughn of Stokesdale as har guest over the week-end. J. D. Fonst of Greensboro spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. DeWltt Fonst. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Rogers and children, Patricia and Ted, spent the holidays at White Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thompson of Asheboro spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. Mel Thompson. Mrs. J. C. Moore' and daughter, Miss Dorothy Moore, spent the week-end at Manteo and saw "The Lost <Jou II] ". Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and son, Jackie, of Greeusuoro were guests of Gen. aud Mrs. Dou J? Scott on the Fourth. William Ross of Raleigh and Lt. George Ross of Baltimore, visited their grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Goley, a day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Noyes of Charlotte spent tjhe week-end with her sister, Mrs. Charles A. Thompson, and Mr. Thompson. Mrs. J. S. Cook visited her sis ter, Mrs. Robert J. Moore, at By num and another sister, Mrs. Tom Pace, at Maxton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Guthrie, Miss Helen Kent and Edgar Crab tree have returned from a trip throngh Tennessee and West Vir ginia. Mrs. Mary O. Ward and daugh ter, Mrs. E. May; Jr., and baby have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf in Dover, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Van MaeNalr, Jr., of Richmond came Snnday morning to spend the week-end with her parents, Gen. and Mrs. Don E. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Core have returned from a trip to Philadel phia. Going, they n s e d the "Skyline" highway and visited < points of interest* Mrs. Joe Holt and danghter, Miss Jolea Holt, Miss Panline Owens, Jimmy Cross and Marvin 1 fount have returned from a visit to Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hawkins returned Monday from a visit through the holidays with her sis ter, Mrs. H. D. Wilson, and Mr. Wilson, in Greenville. Miss Panline Norket of Char lotte has retnrned home after vis iting her brother, David Norket, and Mrs. Norket on East Elm street for the past week. Dr. Sam A. Vest of Charlottes ville came Monday and left Wed nesday. He visited Mrs. Vest and the'children, and his father, 9. A. Vest, in Haw River. Don B. Scott, Jr., and Miss Mary Hampton Soott of Greens boro, who went to Mo re head with Catherine and Roger Gant on the Fonrth, retnrned Monday. Lient. Col. W. C. Goley, W. deR. Soott, Wlllard and Also Gol ey, Bill Scott and Jack Stratford visited the Scout Camp Cherokee on the Fourth and had picnic ?upper. Mr. and Mrs. Alien O. Tate end daughter, Miaa Denny Tele, and Mrs. Mary Walker spent the hol idays visiting various points of interest ia the western part of the State. Geo. Don E. Seott came home on Wednesday, also Lieut. Col. Wilsrd 0. Holey and Major H. B. Moore, all from Port Jackson, 8. C, and spent the week-end with their families. Mr. and Mrs. Twyman Clark and children, Jimmy and Marion, and Ethel Morley have returned to their home in St. Petersburg, Fla., after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gilliam. Mr and Mrs. Pete Harden and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Compton left Thursday for Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Harden visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moffitt, Jr., in Wilkes Barre and the Compton* vis visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mel lon in Towando. Returning they stopped in Baltimore and visited Mrs. Irwin Bodein, the former Virginia Tate MeLean, and Mr. Bedien. Tbty arrived home Sun day. Gov. Broughton to Spook ot Alexander Wilson Picnic on Aug. 30 Got. J. M. Broughton has prom ised to spook ot the onoasl com munity picnic ot Alexander Wil son school on Saturday, August 80. These on nasi events ore largely attended, and prepara tions are being made In anticipa tion of the usual large tarnont. John B. Stratford left Wednes day on a business trip Soath. He carried his son, Jaek, with him. Mrs. M. G. Flanigan left Tues day for Ashevllle, where she will spend the month with her sister, Mrs. J. P. Goodman. Mrs. J. H. Moeer, Mrs. Walter R. Harden, Mrs. Mel Thompson, Mrs. Katherlue Watson and Miss Betsy Thompson left Wednesday for Montreet to attend the Pres byterian Training school. Slade Rathbnn of RoekTille Centre, L..L, and John Joeobson of Staten Island, who are attend ing the Naval Training sehool at Norfolk were reeent guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. R. N. Cook. Billy Ward, attending Summer Taw school at Wake Forest ool e*?, spent the week-end with his pareuiH, Mr. and Mrs. Win. I. Ward. He hid as his guest, John Holden of Louisburg, also a sum mer law student. Mrs. Ben Holt accompanied Miss LaVerne Porter field of Haw River to the Holt cabin near Pitts boro Tuesday. The latter took her Sunday sehool class of ten girls down for a camping trip for the remainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thompson < and little daughter, Patsy of Knoxville, Tenn , who have been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amick on Airport 1 road, and his parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. A. Thompson in Haw River, returned to their home Tuesday.' Miss Catherine Millsaps and sister, Dr. Vera Milisape, of Washington, D. 0., who is her gaeet; Miss Barbara Vinal, scout worker in Burlington, and Misses Elisabeth Long and Dorothy Moore left Thursday for Manteo to see 'The Lost Colony", and re- | turned Sunday. Mrs. J. D. Hunt, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I L. Amick, has returned to her 1 home in Qretna, Va. She was ae- J oompanied by her daughter, Miss i Virginia Hunt, who is spending the summer with her grandpar- I ante and attending summer I school at Woman's eollege. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Barnes of Richmond came Thursday eve ning and spent the Fourth and the week-end with her parents, Major and Mrs. J. J. Henderson, and to be present at the birthday party of their little son, Harper Henderson, who is spending the summer with his grandparents. Mrs. J. P. O'Brien of Hamlet spent the Fourth of July holidays with her mother, Mrs. H. W. Troltinger in Burlington, and with ber sister, Mrs. Herbert Long. Her yoong daughter, Nancy, who accompanied her here, is remaining for a two weeks' vis it with he eoosin, Margaret Long. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Long had as their guests on Sunday evening her mother. Mm. H. W Troillnger of Burlington, and sister, Mrs J. P. O'Brien of Hamlet, with her little daughter, Naney, and Mm. J. N. Williams and daughter, Miss Lena May Williams, and Mrs. Marvin Seoggs of Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Wil liams retained on Sanday from t two week*' trip to Naehrllle, Teon., where they rial ted their daughter, Hit Broadue Caller, and in Aabertile, where they via ited their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Leonard. They were aeoompa nted home by Mra. Culler and lit tie eoa, Dickie, for a riait. Mrs. J. M. Buekuer and da ugh- i ter, Mlas Amy Boekner; Mr. and i Mrs. 1. A. Albright and John A1 , bright of Mebann, and a eouain, J. I. Doer of Colombia, 8. C., re- : turned Monday from a ten days riait with relatives in the middle week They risited the former's nephews and nieeee in-law,, Mr. ami Mrs. Carl Bayliff aad Mr. and Doyle Bayliff, la Chioago; a ?later, Mrs. Sirs bayliff la Noble rllle, lad.; Mr. and Mra. Morris Stewart in Covington, My., and Mr. and Mrs. George Allen in 1 Knoxvllle, Tenn. A He Striae You can save money on your magazine reading and "get the beat", if you take advantage ofi of the offer printed in this paper now. . _ Master Harper Henderson Barnes' Fourth Birthday Master Harper Henderson Barnes' birthday is Jnly 2nd, bat the oelebrstion was deferred till the 4tb, eo his parents, Mr. and Mia. Harper Barnes, ooald get off from their duties in Richmond and join in the festivities. The party was at the home of the honoree's grandparents, Msj. and Mis. John J. Henderson, on Priday afternoon. It being Independence Day, to kens and everything possible were made to harmonise?in red, white and bine. Suitable arrangements were made for entertainment?in play as well as in satisfying the young appetites. About SO of America's future citizens were present. They had a good time on a perfect day, and it is hoped they will remember and cherish It as a day of happy child hood on the birthday of their native country. Dates Set for Tobacco Mar ket Opening At their recent meeting at Vir ginia Be eh, the Tobacco Asaoei tion of the United States named the following dates for opening j warehouses for the sale of leaf: j Georgia, August 8; South Car olina and border markets, Au gust 12, east North Carolina, An- ! gust 2d; middle belt, September I 2; old belt (Virginia) Septem- ' ber 16, and Virginia dark mar kets, December 8. The convention went on record in unanimous support of the na tional defense program. The following officers were re elected for the ensuing year J. W. Dunnlngton, Farmville, Vs., president; W. W. Goodson, Winston-Salem, A. B. Carring ton Jr., Danville, Va., and L. L. Gravely, Rocky Mount, vice pres idents; R. T. Hubbard, Farm ville, Va., secretary-treasurer. DEATHS 0. P. (Top) 8mlth, 82, promi- c oent citizen and business leader j in Liberty for many yean, died i at St. Leo's hospital Sunday night \ after three weeks' illness. He is j ?arrived .by his wife, a son and f a daughter and three grandehil- a iren. Mr. Smith was a member of a large and influential family. He was a brother of the late James P. Smith of Qraham and has two | nieces, Mn. Mary Purse and Mn. W. I. Holt, who make their home In Graham, besides other rela tives. The funeral was conducted Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock from the Liberty Methodist Bhureh of whleh be was a mem ber. He was also a member of the Masonio order and the Knights of Pythias. Father of Clarence Ross Passes at Durham. Dr. George High Roes, 78, the father of Clarence Ross, local at torney, and one of North Caro lina's oldest practicing physi cians, died in a Durham hospital on the morning of July 4th, fol lowing a period of declining health. He graduated from Wake Forest Coliegte in 1891, from the University of Temessee medical school in 1898 and had been practicing medicine in Durham for 42 years. Surviving are four sons, Clar ence Rosa, of Graham; Dr. Har vey P. Ross, Claiborne C. Ross, and Dr. Ihurmap J. Ross, Dur ham; one daughter, Mrs. David L. Strain, Columbia, 8. C.; one brother and one sister, both of Durham. At one time, in the 90's,he was principal of Oakdale school, Pat terson Township, this county. Rev. J. M. Rhodes, 91, Passes in Florida. Rev. J. M. Rhodee, 91, former president of Littleton Female? College for many years, and the < oldest Methodist mfeiister in this < North Carolina conference, ded 1 late Wednesday night, July 2nd, < at his residence in Bartow, Fls., ' after a lingering illness . He wss also one of the oldest graduates of old Trinity College, ( graduating in 1874. The last rites were held in the . Littleton Methodist Church, with interment in Sunset Hill cemetery. , j , Gay Wire Pretectiea The guy wires of poles alone high- ' war* and elsewhere frequently are I protected by a pipe, through which i the wire la not. The pipe protects the wire by forming a sheath tor it, . sod also provides greater vteibilAy lor those who are taeHned to stum- * Me ?jfr the wires. _ * : JUXUOBUB : "To a showtr of gold out ihingt on | /* I?J pcn eiruf I v ?<^ariyi? I IT J I?Waathar buraau arte*. Uahad. 1870. , 3?Swiaa hlaaad Nazi laadar on trial 1999l i I-0.&Marina Ccspaaa**. ' lishad. 1796. , I Pnia lial fa ? .I I, , ? t?Lxxrocuaon treaty witn Gannany sianad. 1930. >?So urea oi Mlaalaalppi Rivar dfaoorarad. 1832. L-Flnl riamrhnrrt on Lola Michigan. 182a S?Mldgat "Tom Thumb" (had. 1883. t: GIFTS from HADLEY'S - are - Gifts At Their Best Happy Birthday In June ItlrtlutoBC RUBY Criminal of Insert World The mantis likes mHrf for HQ- : tag's sake, and will continue to do I so for the fun at it?long after his appetite has been appeased. Like ' the soldier, ha uses camouflage, and in Slam is garbed in pink with green stripes for wandering undetected over rhododendron flowers. f Army Misfits In Poland, men unfit for the army must work one week a year with out pay in building roads. four Magazine Reading You can cut deep into the cost if your magazine reading and ret more of them for the same noney by taking advantage otf he clubbing offer in this paper, t list of more than 25 to choose rom. Read the offer, think ibout it and act. Dr. V. H. MEWBORN, JR. \ OPTOMETRIST : Successor to Dr. L. ?L Allen Jyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Upstairs next to Tnmm's Clothing Company Burlington, N. C. I'N'rrrrrrrrrrj'j, V u&aynyi. 'JfctL *22* ""-"tuM? FUCK. Sand lor NEW booklet. con taining doiana of bright Maaa to.bh; gto?a your bakNy. Afldiaaa: gu-i.ly J .gawng ?jx., peg T. WU...I.M4I. a. i.y $m? DUE TO COLDS Bur ? bMtta... Uh <.. . U Bi?iy wB kc nfiod'd. met i?c * Notice of Sale. By virtu* of * judgment mad* and inter*d in an action la the Superior Tourt of Alamaac* County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County, r?. H. If. Oliver and wife, Cora Evelyn > liver, at a), the und?H|ned Cam nladoner will, on Monday, July 11th, 1041. at 11:00 o'clock, noon, it the Court Houee door in Oraham, forth Carolina, eell at public auction o the hlcheet bidder for eaah, the property deecrlbed aa followa: The following deecrlbed property, ylng in the Town of Mebane on Ora lan Street, adjoining the tanda of W. K. Mllee anq the Dhde Lumber Ctan >any, bounded and deecrlbed aa fol oara: Beginning at a point on Oraham Itreet 100 feet from the Intereectlen Jt Fifth and Oraham Street*, thence II# feet to W. M. ttllee lota, thaaee| 101.1 feet to a etake on DUde Lumber Company lino, thanoa with tko Dixie Lumber Compangs lino leading toward ruth > troot 1U foot to a point 100 I toot dlatant from Fifth 8troot. being the corner of lot No. tl. thoaoa with lot No. >1 to tho beginning on Oflaham ! Street. It being lota Now 10, II, II of the plan and anrrar made by J. C. UcAdama and Lewla H. Holt of tho Ihompoon Helghta property, doodad to the Mllee-Nlcholaon Company in Not r amber, ltlf. Tho purchaser trill be required to lopodt ton Per cent of hie bid whan the same la knocked doab to him, and the balance upon confirmation. Thla, tho 1th day of June, 1111. * LOUIS C. ALLIEN. Commlaeloner. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. ! Having qualified M Executrix of the tetate of Junes M. Parle, deceased,1 late of Alamance County. North Caro-! Una. this la to notify all persona hav ing claims against the estate of said leceaaed to exhibit them to the under dgned on or before the Ith day of lone, 1942, or this notice will be plead ?d in bar of their recovery. * All persona Indebted to said estate ?111 please make Immediate payment This the 2nd day of Jane, 1941. LATA PARIS, Executrix. John H. Vernon, Atty. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qualified aa Executor* of the *111 of O. N. Hornaday. deceased. late ?f Alamance County, North Carolina, this la to notify all persona having claims ntntfl of odd doom sd to exhibit them to the undesigned >n or before the SSth day of June, llil, or this notice will be pleaded In ear of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said estate *111 pleas* make immediate payment. This the 14th day of June, 1141. f. D. HORN ADA Y R. Z. HORNADAY. Executor*. Inow Camp, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aa Admlnlatratpr If Uu aetata of J. Parka Lindley. de eaaed. lata of tlam^re County. *orth Carolina, thla la to notify all leiaona having rlatmo a gal not tho aa ata of deoeaaed to eahdblt than to he undenlgned at Snout Camp. N. C. ?n or before the l?th day of J^e .141. on thla notice will be pleaded la wr of their recovery. All pereona ta lebted to aald aetata will pleaae make mmedtate payment. Thla Ird day of June. 1ML> J. WEBB LDTOLET Admlnlatrator of J. Parka Undley.' rm. I. Ward. Atty. Notle* to CradHon Notice Ja hereby (Iran that the par*. oerahlp of Cherlle Ivey end Jem^e Ft 1 Harden te thie day dieeolTed mad the ?aid Charlie Ivegr le no leaser reepon Kble for nay of the debta of laid pert Thle June l?, 1M1. CHARLIE IYET JAMES P. HARDEN Hi We take pride is our service end nee ekillad workmaaahip requires the beet equpaoi, wc have recently iaetaDed the FLEX FORM eqaipmeat, which ee to their anginal mi?te ?tell or to qeickly makm Even the BMet "dificalt to finish" or shrank draeHS M ipoed quickly to the firm hwt gentle action of the FLEX FORM. We invite yon to oeD at oar pleat and see the FLEXFORM. DcLuxc OcMtcn GraKeai, N. C. "feme 746 Dr. M. H. Cohen 428 Jeff. Sfd Bld'g, Greensboro, N. C. Will b? in Graham EVERY THURSDAY hoai 12 noon io6pw m. and by appointment Eyes Examined ? Glasses Fitted lsqrire X Hadfcy'i Jnretnr Stere f- : ?m When Yon Buy Magazine*... ^ GET THE BEST I Yoar (dectioa of 3 to C oi the fallow AUfOK ( lag magazines adding op to 1? points %*%M. mad a yeart sohacripcioo to thli ansa- ^ ? ?? w- ?tasy f j |? HERE'S OUR SIMPLE PLAN ?y 1. S4mI Hm Miub. inlr.l ina tU hli?h| ?*. JT 2. Da m< mIm miii tkaa a total ml IS Hala S. AM tfc? >?!?!. iMriH tat ait.to. nltrt.t 4^ la tfca fclaah Ifm >r??l4a4. ?fr ikftlali far ifca f i [ ? a ijt^a .1 nlnlii aa4 a44 tfc?. * ""?ttSSSygj PILL OUT COUPON A NO Hill TOPAlil bvs NMNHMMwami ???MWBHH I ft 4 ST. OR ? I VOfrMVKa R.F.D -7? f " j

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