OUR COMIC SECTION | PETER ^ B. ' PEEVE s ?M A T T E R P O P By C. M. Payne WHO J PIE. POR BREAKFAST ?1 f MO! J \ FOR UJNCH? YES? r \ E.AT YOUR J ^ PORRIDGE, f OKAVI-T ( "THEN &IMME I MY LJUHCH V^how j okay okay, okay : ( . A 1 r+^Nl-M W *' J 1 ' YE-S'M. ( YE-5'M) p o ? IP ?y J. Millar Watt HE SHOULDN T HAVfc ' TAKEN LESfOKJS IN DEPORTMFNTEpV L FROM A { $/ a FOREIGNER I i W+4V NOT" ? PEGA use COOK) APTER - JPN - W WAS / DEPOCPTSO ! SPENDTHRIFT ? III i "Grace spends an awful lot of money." - "Not a saving grace, then?" That'i Different "Mr. Swiggs?Er?ah, that is, can ?er I?will you??" "Why, yes, ray boy; you may have her." "How's that? Have whom?" "My daughter, o' course. You want to marry her, don'tiyou?" "No, sir; I just wanted to find out it you would endorse my note for $100." "Certainly not. Why, I hardly j know you." I NOT VERT GOOD AT THAT "He is as good as his word." "Yes, but he uses such shocking bad language." ISw UPhfflipr Jr ALL FOB THE BEST > Apathy has flown the coop, ynconcern has hit the floor; Selfishness has looped the loop, Dopiness is now no more; Silent are the "gimme" boys, AH obstructors get the "bird"; Gone is all light-hearted poise? REALISM is the word! . .. J - 41 Now it isn't mere routine, When the dangers round us roH, Just to gambol on the green \ Waiting for a Gallup poll; Nutty rallies now are out. Stilled are antis this and that; On soap-boxes f;w now spout . . . We're a nation AT JVE BATI in. Sleeping at the switch is not Now the leading enterprise; Mikes no longer get red hot From the breath of wild-eyed guys; Arguments are down the sink. Discord's had a run-out pill; And no little h ink-dink Tries to thwart a nation's wilL IV. Now committees full of men Who are anti-everything Take the. count of "eight . . . nine . . . TEN!" (Though some paid officials cling); Pussyfooting now is out, Half-baked ranters stop their acts All the country, there's no doubt, Sees the truth, and faces FACTS! V. Hedgers crawl into a crack. Compromisers slink away; Ten per centers now fall back, Trimmers haven't much to say; Racketeering labor rats (And a lot of bosses, too), Cease their very costly spats Under the red, white and blue. VI. Critics crawl Into their shells, Know-It-Alls now take the skids; Experts have bad dizzy spells. Grown-ups do not act like kids; Sunk are armchair leaders all. Hooey has been booted far; Now at last we stand or fall SEEING THINGS JUST AS THEY ARE! I - ' ? ? - ON THE SPOT ("In case of an air raid alarm: Lie down immediately on your stomv ach . . .") About his paunch Dad was always defiant, But now he wishes he was much more pliant! ?Debchi. ? ? ? New York will attempt to jail any body refusing to get off the street? during an air raid warning. If thi: is really tried we predict that al traffic will be tied up by long line? of Black Marias taking folks to th? hoosegow. * ? ? THE CALL Remember the Arizona!? The Cassin, Downes and Shawl For every one the Japs got Let's make it three or four! Remember the Oklahoma? , And good old Utah, tool Each hit makes more efficient Old Yankee Doodle-do. ? ? ? , FLEET SHAKE-UP (With apologies to F.P.A.) Kimmel and Martin and Short?they are out! Heeding the umpire's cry; Out, one-two-three as the scorekeep ers shout "Tinker to Jacobs to Pye!" ? ? ? PEGGED You must pay the piper Is what I was taught, And I've always found it A distressing thought. But now, with costs soaring, I think it is nice To know that the piper Cannot raise his price! ?Anne Linn. ? ? ? If the rubber ibortafe fete serious what will this country do for chicken sandwiches. And slam chowder? ? ? ? AIN'T IT SO Of all poor friends on whom to call The "friendly neutral" topa 'em alL ? ? ? Elmer Twitchell says that nothing unnerves him as much as Mayor LaGuardia urging everybody to let nothing disturb them. ? ? ? The Wright brothers 38 years ago at Kitty Hawk first proved a heavier than air machine could fly and it is this department's guess that if the brothers could have foreseen the future, they would have scrapped the thing before the try-out. ? ? ? "Golf and Tennis Balls to B < tlfitk a caapaa aa tka back. S < Heigh ns tka braadba pat j! HERE'S WHAT VOV WIN Too km 133 cluneal to win. If rev Baud in mom than one entry, ' rcnr cbnncea of winning will h that much better. Dca't delay. < Start thinking right now. j IMfrin. . . SURAS paaA TIM prim. . . . WMwM S prime af $1 AM . SAM aaaA S prime ef SSJS . l&Maaah 1SS prime of a eartea US MB S5SRM