Snack on a Frosty Night?Broiled Wienies (See Recipes Below) Wintry Snacks , The cold, frosty evenings with their full program of basketball *>l/ia guinea, sicigti nut parties, skating and other winter time amusements call for piping hot, hearty snacks to take care of brisjc ap petites. While in warmer weather. the family could raid the ice box, now the problem is slightly differ ent, as hot food, satisfying but still simple, is in demand. Here's a dish that just seems to ' fit the bill: the broiled wienies and hot potato salad pictured above. Of course, hot potato salad with wienies is an old favorite but there's a touch of something new in the wienies broiled with cheese and the green beans around the potato salad to add a touch of color. *Broiled Wienies. Select two to three skinless frank furters for each person to be served, two will do nicely for the girls and women but better count three for the men and boys. Split the frank furter and insert a strip of Ameri can cheese. When almost ready to serve, pop into the broiler and cook until cheese melts and browns. Hot Potato Salad. (Serves 6) 6 potatoes, boiled with skins on Hi cup finely chopped onion 2 hard-cooked eggs, diced Salt and pepper ? slices bacon, broiled until crisp, crumbled Peel potatoes and cube. Add re maining ingredients. Just before ready to serve, mix with this hot .dressing: Cooked Salad Dressing. 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon yellow mustard 1% tablespoons flour 1 fegg yolk Hi cup water 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon butter Blend dry ingredients, then add egg yolk and blend until smooth. Add water, then vinegar, stirring constantly. Cook over boiling wa ter, stirring all the while, until thick. Remove from Are, add butter and serve hot, mixed with potato salad. Spaghetti is and has been for some time now one of the reigning favor lies among noi dishes to serve in the evening. Here's one dish you'll like be cause it's both tart and satisfy ing, with plenty of cheese and sauce baked right into the long strips of spaghetti: Baked Spaghetti. (Serves 8) 1 pound package of spaghetti 3 small onions, chopped fine I tablespoons oil 1 pound ground beef % pound sausage (in the bulk) % pound mushrooms % teaspoon pickling spice 1 teaspoon salt 4 small cans tomato sauce 4k pound grated American cheese Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water 12 to 18 minutes. Drain and run cold water through It. Saute on ion, ground meat and sausage in oil until brown. Add mushrooms, spice, salt and tomato sauce. Simmer slowly for 40 minutes. Put thin layer of spaghetti on bottom of but tered casserole. Then add a layer of sauce, then cheese, another layer of spaghetti and so on until all sauce, cheese and spaghetti is used. Bake 30 minutes in a moderate (350 degree) oven. Another tomato-meat dish which is guaranteed to be aces with your guests dropping in after a basket ball game, sleigh ride or what-have you is this: Tamale Pie. < (Serves 8) 1 medium-sized onion, chopped 3 tablespoons oil lti pounds beef, cut in cubes 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 large can tomatoes (2t4 cups) 1 cup yellow bantam corn 1V4 cups corn meal ? ' 5 cups boiling water 1 teaspoon salt Vi cup grated cheese Brown onion in oil, then add beet and cook until brown. Add salt, chili powder, tomatoes and com and cook slowly 1 hour. Add com meal to salted water and cook 15 minutes, stirring frequently. Cool mush, then line buttered casserole dish with a 1-inch layer of the mush. Pour in meat-vegetable mixture, then top with remaining mush. Bake in a moderate (350-degree) oven for IVi hours. During last quarter hour, sprinkle top with cheese. Serve with a sauce made by heating one can of tomato soup to which has been added 1 can of ripe, pitted olives. Are you one of those homemakers who is always looking for one dish that ran ha mnri ified and yet seem to be differ ent every time it's served. I think baked beans is one of those dishes, and be cause of its newiy appeal you can serve n onen. Bean and Sausage Bake. (Serves 4) 1 small onion, sliced Vi pound link sausage 1 can baked beans 1 tablespoon pickle relish 1 tablespoon chili sauce Place onion on bottom ol casse role and lay sausage on top of on ion. Bake in a moderate oven IS minutes, then drain off excess fat. Combine beans with onion, sausage, pickle relish and chili sauce. Re turn to oven for 20 minutes to re heat. If you have only eggs, don't ever despair for they have excellent pos sibilities as snacks. Try scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon fried crisp and brown and crumbled, or broiled sausages. Omelets made with a slice of American cheese before they're folded are menu tempters, as are omelets made with a tomato sauce folded over them before serv ing. 'Peach Crisp Podding. 1 cups diced, dried peaches 2 cups water V4 cup sugar % cup honey Vt cup butter ti cup sugar 2 eggs tt teaspoon each, cloves, nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 Vk cups 14-inch toasted bread cubes 2 cups corn flakes Soak peaches in boiling'water 10 minutes. Drain, add water and sug ar; cook covered for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, add honey and stir until well mixed. Cream but ter and sugar thoroughly, add eggs and beat well. Stir in spices, fla voring, bread cubes and corn flakes. Place one-half of mixture in bub tered baking pan. Spread peaches evenly over top and cover with re maining mixture. Bake in a mod erate (375-degree) oven about 18 minutes. I (Bilnssi by WesWtn Ms?sep? Uanrn.) Lyna Sari: Here are a few quick mack ideal you'll like to paste In your notebook: Baked beans garnished with brown bread, cream cheese sandwiches, placed around the bean pot. You might try the canoed baked beans with sliced > hart. too. It's quick, easy and * driwous. Toasted buns with ham ' 'burgers, cheeseburgers, or ham and cheese slices go over nicely, too. Toasted English muffins with an egg tried or poached with ham are high in favor. This Week's Menu Clear Tomato Soup Veal Cutlets With Sour Cream Gravy Buttered Cabbage Lyonnaise Potatoes Fig, Apricot, and Date Salad Whole Wheat Bread Butter ?Peach Crisp Pudding Coffee Tea Milk ?Recipe Given. + FIRST-AID+| to the AILING HOUSE ^ ?T ROGER (. WHITMAN ^ (? Roger B. Whlunun?WKU Servlcg.) Dark Cellar Stairs A NEIGHBOR of mine was recent ly badly hurt by a fall down the stairs leading from the kitchen to the cellar. Knowing those stairs, I could understand her accident, for going down them was like stepping into a tunnel. The family had planned to "do something about it," but the accident happened before they got around to it. For full safety, an electric light should have been put in the ceiling, although this would have meant somewhat complicated wiring. As an alternative, white paint could have been used?and plenty of it. In the first place, the treads of the steps at the top and bottom could be painted solid white, while white bands an inch or two wide could be painted along the front edges of the remaining treads. These would have shown the posi tion of the steps, even in a dim light. In addition to this, the sides and the ceiling of the stair even could also be white. Had this been the accident would have been pre vented, and needless to say, the saving in doctor's bills would have paid for the improvement many times over. Rough Plaster Walls Textured walls and sand finished plaster can be very? attractive when they are new, but are likely to give trouble later on because of difficulty in cleaning them. Also, home own ers may become tired of the effect, and would prefer to have papered or smooth plastered walls. The walls can be smoothed with powdered whiting, mixed with strong glue size to a sifT paste of the consistency of wall plaster. On sand finished walls, this is applied with a trowel in a layer only thick enough to cover the rough finish. The new plaster can I be smoothed with a trowel or with a rubber squeegee, such as is used for window cleaning. Needless to say, the old finish should be cleaned as* well as possible with a stiff brush and a vacuum cleaner, before put ting on the new coating. A roughly i textured plaster wall should be gone over with coarse sandpaper wrapped around a block of wood, to take off the highest of the rough points. The depressions can then be filled with ! the same whiting-and-glue size i paste, to be applied with a trowel and given a smooth finish. wood r looring A home owner who is planning to build a game room in his basement asks about laying a wood floor over the present concrete floor. One thing to guard against in this is damage to the wood floor by damp ness in the concrete. Any concrete floor laid on the ground, even over a bed of cinders, picks up moisture. A wood floor laid on top is likely to buckle and eventually to rot. The necessary waterproofing can be pro vided by covering the concrete with , heavy tar paper or building felt, stuck down with tar or liquid as phalt. An even better method is to lay the wood floor on the concrete, without nails, by the use of an as phalt cement compound called "mastic." This provides a water proofing layer that binds the wood strips to the concrete as well as to each other, so that nailing is not necessary. This method of floor laying is in common use for such conditions, as is well understood by ; floor contractors. Dark Room Question: The walls of a living room are paneled in dark wood; the ceiling is beamed, with light paper between. The room faces north east. Windows are dormers, a little more than a yard long. The room is dark. Can you suggest any way to lighten it?.. Answer: The most obvious way is to paint the paneling white, or some light color, and the ceiling beams as well. Unless the paneling is very choice wood, the change should be attractive. If the natural finish must be retained, the paneling could be bleached, although this would be a more tedious job. Wood bleaches can be had at a good paint store. Window draperies should be thin and light in color. Floor cov ering should be light. Large wall j ? mirrors will also help. Floor Finish Question: Our old floors were sanded 11 months ago, and have darkened on the parts around rugs that are exposed. How often should they be washed and waxed? Will they darken with frequent washings and waxings? What can I do to keep them light? Answer: Wax is not enough of a protection, for dirt will work through and get into the wood. After cleaning the darkened places, you should finish them with a seal or with varnish before waxing; waxed hard wood floors should not be washed. Dirt should be taken up with liquid wax. Storm Windows Question: Is there anything new in the way of storm windows? I have the usual kind, and putting them up and taking them down costs about four dollars. Answer: Storm windows are now made with metal rust-proof frames that are permanently attached to the outside of window frames. Both glass and insect screening are pro vided in frames to fit the openings, and can be taken out or put in from inside the room, with'but little ef fort. Dealers in building materials should know of them. # Fashion Revives Long Pearl Necklaces and Gleaming Jet __ ? By CHERIE NICHOLAS , TT MIGHT be aptly said that a * woman is known by the jewelry she wears. Certain it is that jew elry accents have a way of showing either refinement of taste, or a love of display. It all depends on wheth er "you belong to the spectacular costume-jewelry group or to the conservative one that holds on to the tradition of quiet elegance. To women who have an inherit ed intuitive sense of dignified glam our pearls are ever the answer to their jewelry preferences. This sea son the style prestige of pearls has ascended to a new high. The big news that is adding to the lure of pearls is the return to favor of long ropes of pearls with match ing bracelets and earrings in the manner of the ensemble shown above to the left in the illustration. The fact that in this instance pearls are worn with a Mack wool knit eve ning sweater is also important news. Time was when jewelry worn with things knitted was taboo. Now it's the smart thing to do. Speaking of the new ropes of pearls, some are unbelievably long and worn in tiers reaching below the waistline. With a siren-slim black satin formal they are the "last word" in smart jewelry. Grandmother's pearl choker is also worn by her smart and style conscious granddaughter. Centered in the group illustrated above you see a modern girl wearing a three strand matching bracelet and pearl earclips. The ring is a little gold bow with a diamond knot. What has been said of pearls may be said of jet. The revival of jet jewelry goes on record as a gesture of utmost style significance. Jet bead ensembles worn with winter white evening sweaters, as pictured above to the right in the illustration, have proved especially popular with* college girls. Groups of clips (called "scatter clips") are being featured this sea son as an alternate with the single lapel piece. The idea is spreading like wildfire among those who like the new and the venturesome. Cen tered at the top in the group pictured above is a style-alert "modern" wearing adorable little bows of three different sizes, with bow earrings to match. They are usable also as com panion clips for square or "sweet heart" necklines. Flattering and highly decorative for a plain dark dress are groups of small clips like - those worn by the young woman posing below to the left in the picture. These rhine stone birds may also be fastened together in pairs to make a hand some brooch and there is all-purpose jewelry that can be taken apart to form different pins, clips and vari ous other items. The earrings be longing to this ensemble are also of bird designs. Bird, bow and butter fly motifs are very much in the jewelry picture this year. Amusing themes are worked into jewelry that "makes conversation" because of its novelty, for instance, the lapel pin worn by the young girl pictured below to the right. On her handknit tailored jacket, done in new stitch, she is wearing a lucite fish with fins of gold plate and rhinestones. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Winter-White The sensation of the present sea son?winter-white wool I Wear it for informal dinners and cocktail par ties with fine costume jewelry of rhinestones. A beautifully designed flower pin and a wide, important bracelet adds glamour to the pic ture. The movement to wear winter white dresses under winter furs is gaining momentum right along. Tiny white hats are chic, also, for immediate wear, especially the new diminutive sailor types with their wing trimming and a whimsical veil. Guest Scoffs Take your boudoir slippers along if you want to when you go away to spend the week-end. But you prob ably don't need to. Your hostess may have learned the modern trick of making "guest scuffs" as they are called. These are part of the equip ment of the guest room in many homes. These Buttons Snap On And Are Simple to Use It is most assuredly a button sea son. The newest use of large pre tentious buttons is to ornament as well as provide fastenings for the dainty**pastel wool jacket suits so popular for immediate wear under fur coats and later to wear without a wrap on a balmy spring day. You can get all sorts of buttons. The newest among them is the but ton with a snap-on base. You draw this portion up through the button hole and then clip to it a handsome over button that looks more like jew elry than a mere utilitarian fasten ing. Wrap Around Some new coats have sleeves cut all in one with the yoke or body of the garment. And they are so fashioned as to wrap around to one side. They concentrate on quality fabric, and when unfurred, as most of them are, they call for a stunning fur muff matched with a flattering fur hat. Evening Capes Capes that have a new look be cause of the embroidery lavished on them in the way of yokes or tuxedo panels down the front are the "last word" in evening wraps. They are, for the most part, made of velvet or fine cloth, and they may be either floor length or hip length. Frothy White Again we have with us, with more to follow as spring gets well under way, the little dark-toned or black dress that is enlivened with "oodles" of frothy white at the neckline and wrists. The new white neckwear is entrancing. Also pastel accessory items are coming out in new lingerie versions. [PATTERNS! SEWING TL CI POLE J 8074(1 l^LLI, CQUARED off with rows of ric ^ rac which run down from each qhqulder and outline the pockets, thisSspat style house dress pre sents such a bright, interesting front that you are going to love wearing it. The open collar has lapels to frame your neckline and side sashes achieve the neat trim fit at the waist which is as flatter ing as it is comfortable. The dia gram shows you how easy it is to make this dress from our simpli fied pattern. ? ? ? Pattern No. 8674 is in sizes 32 to 46. Size 34 requires 4?i yards 3S-inch materi al, 2 yards ric rac. For this attractive pattern, send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 106 Seventh Ave. New *York Enclose 13 cents in coins (or Pattern No. Size Name Address Unoriginal Paintings Among the world's most cele brated paintings that have re quired so much retouching and restoration that no part of the original picture still remains is Leonardo da Vinci's famous Last Supper in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. ? m V/ wKf Quite Apparent A visitor to the Pacific ocean, who lived on the Atlantic coast, was gazing out over the ocean. "The Pacific is bigger than the Atlantic," remarked her host. "Yes, I see that," replied the visitor. Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulslan relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronch itis Original Names Originally, Brazil was called the Land of the Holy Cross, San Francisco was known as Yerba , Buena and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was named the Jolly Corks. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP ? When bowels ere sluggish end you feel irritable, headachy and eTerythisig you do ie an effort, do ae mifffone do ?chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modem chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A MINT before you go to bed?eleep with out being disturbed?next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel mil again, full of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINTTor More Important "We trust. Sir, that God is an our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."?Re ply by Lincoln. tF darling, if we bake at home/1 v f remember,the only yeast with all * these* vitamins is fleischmann's > L ? Pet Cake Vitamin A-J100 Units (hi.) Vitamin B.-150 Units f/?/.) Vitamin D? 400 Units (hi.) Vitamin O? 40-50 Units (Si. Btur.) Vitamins B? D and G ate not appreciably lost in tbe oven, they go tight into tbe brad. I / \ A CYCLE OF HUMAN BETTERMENT Advertising gives you new ideas, f\ and also makes them available to you at economical cost. As these new ideas become more accepted, prices go down. As prices go down, more persons enjoy new ideas. It is a cycle of human betterment, and it starts with the printed words of a newspaper advertisement. JOIN THE CIRCLE Q READ THE ADS

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