THE GLEANER j GRAHAM, N. C., JULY 2, 1942 ISSUED KVEKY TUUH8DAY J. D.KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE Eutered at *tu i'oatoffloe al Graham. N. C., as HM ood-claM matter. The largest revenue bill, $42,. 800,000,000, in world history, was approved and concurred in by the United States Senate ir 31 minute3 on Tuesday, the last day of the fiscal year. We offer no apology for devot ing so much space to the war. It is the biggest man-made event in human history, and no other has or will affect the destiny of more Americans and the people of other countries. Secretary of the Treasury Morgentrau announces the quota of war bonds to be bought in July is one billion dollars. The quota isi apportioned among the States. The largest quota is $171,596,000. North Carolina's quota is $12,153,000. It was made known a week ago that Major General Dwight Eisenhower, former assistant chief of staff for the United States, was in London' to take charge of the American forces in Europe. On his appointment the opinion is based that a second front will soon be establisjhed against Germany. When Prime Minister Winston Churchill got home from his con ference with President Poosevelt, he found Great Britain in tur moil. His countiy.nen were blam . ing him for reverses in the Egyp tian sector. Some wanted to de pose him aod set up a new lead ership. Somewhere in that part cf the world, several thousand j ears ago, a nation was delivered from The leader had gone away to cc nfir in behalf ? f his people. In his absence they had set up idols and were rebel lious'. Notwithstanding the lead er's absence, his people went out every morning and gathered manna for the day. Argentina and Chile, two of the South Amerioan republics, still maintain some relationship with the Axis. They did not go all the way with the 21 Ameri can republics, and sever complete diplomatic relations. They want ed to keep on selling beef, wool and minerals to the Axis. There are many German residents in Argentina. In fact, most of South America is honeycombed with fifth columnists. Several! weeks ago, notwithstanding the semi-friendly relations, a Ger man sub sunk an Argentine ship. Demands were made on Germany for an explanation. The matter was patched up. Since that time 4 other ships have been torpedo ed, one of them 3unk. Argentina is not in good humor about the assaulta, nor is she receiving whole-hearted sympathy from the si3ter republics. In truth some of them may feel that she is getting her reward for her aloofness, and that "you can't tnade with Hitler." The sinkings of shipping on the East coast has passed 325, and before the week is ended will amount to 350 or more, if they continue at the same rate as during the past few days. The enemy is sending them to the bottom about as fast aa they are being launched from the ship yards. Some sinkings of enemy ships reported but the number is far behind the losses of Ameri can and others of the United Na tiona Not only are we losing the' shipping Gut the cargoes and a' large number of men. The loss of men according to late reports, | approaches well toward 350. It is. not a pretty picture. We will have to step-up production, orI the situation will grow more serious day by day. The loss of j so much shipping presents an other serious phase; it is the stalling of the delivery of war materials to the nations depend ing upon America. We are mak ing the goods, but, unless they are placed where they can be used, they count for nothing. RUBBER . Saving rubber hasi been dinned i into the ears of the public, hour ? by hour and day by day, for ' more than two weeks. If the ' Government did not need it, so much dinning would be foolish, but it is needed to keep the war machines rolling. It is as vital for carrying on the war and winning as shoe-leather, and j ammunition. The dfinning is believed to ' have fallen upon many d<uf ears, I else the time for gathering scrap rubber would not have been ex tended for another ten days. If those who are so carelesi in the use of rubber and knew howdifficult and under what haz ardoas conditions it is procured ,they would slow down and drive J more carefully. | The supply of rubber from the ,Flar East has been completely |cut off, but fortunately there is limited production of this valu able material in South America,, [in Peru and Brazil, but those countries are not prepared and equiped to get it in quantity to meet the demands*. The United States is trying to help the producing countries to meet a part of the demand. | This country has agreed to spend $5,000,000 for rubber develop ment in Brazil asid $1,125,000 in Peru, ajid will help other cooper ating South American repiblicfi It requires an army of men properly equipped to produce rubber in quantity. Dr. Earl N. Bressman, direc tor of the agricultural division of the office of inter-American Affairs, told a United States sen ate committee that a prelimina ry equipment order from Bnazil included 5,000 tapping cups, 5, 000 machetes 10,000 filesi, 5,000 shotguns, 250,000 shotgun shells Ipnd 3,000,000 anti-malaria tab lets. It is estimated some 40,000 tappers are now at work in the Amazon basin, and it is hoped to ha,ve 20,000 more equipped during 1942. The workers have to cut and fight their way through the jun gles, infested with mosquitoes 'and other poisonous insects and deadly snakes atfvd reptiles. Hence the workers have to carry quinine and other anti-ma laria medicines', and shotguns and knives to kill and fight off the snakes and reptiles. The gathering of rubber is anything but a picnic holiday job. LATE WAR NOTES That China is putting on stif fer resistance to Jap invasion and inflicting upon them some heavy losses, is evidence that supplies are leaching China from Britain and the United States. The supplies are going by freight through the o r. ? i ? The Japs are suspected of try ing to establish bases in the Aleu tian Islands for the purpose of attacks on Siberia ar.d Alaska. America is watching them. The Nazi and Red armies have had a continuous clash on the Russian front with increased fury for the past week. The los ses in men and material have been enormous, but tne Reds have withstood and checked Hit. lei's big offensive. In East Africa, the British huve been pushed back by the Germans. The situation is re garded as serious for the Allied , Nations. < i Reports from Australia, Gen- i eral MacArthur in command, in- ' diuate that the Japs have been 1 hit some hard blows, but there', lias been nothing specially deci-j rive. J Freighters of the sky are in creasing the volume of their busi ness. Before the war is over heavy freight will be shipped around the world through the skies. It is being done right new on a Jirge scale in carrying on the war. ___ . The conviction of the Ameri can Medical Association, and the District of Columbia Medical So ciety for conspiracy to restrain trade was confirmed this week by tht United States Court of Appeals. The cases will be appeal ed! through the United States Supreme Court. No restrictions on individual lailroad or bus travel now ex'sts, the Office of Defense Trunspor tation advises us. It couples this information with reminders and pointed hints that "planning a vacation close to home this year will not only relieve public trans portation facilities this summer but will be a patriotic gesture." Victory Day 4th of duly Celebra tion On Saturday will be staged a big 4th of July celebration in Burlington, sponsored by the American Legion. It is for the entire county. Every patriotic and fraternal organization is urged to take part in the event. There will be band music and speaking and in the parade will be included the various civic organizations. The C. S. O. Held Meeting in Courthouse On last Thursday evening Citizens Service Organization held a business meeting in the courthouse. It wa3 made known that there are over 3,000 mem bers in the various units in the county, composing two full regi ments, and enough colored mem bers for a full battalion. The commanding officer i3 B. Everett Jordon, Rev. James S. Cox, the ,'ounder of the C. S. O., was made brigade chaplain, Col. John B. Stratford, wa3 named chief of itaff, Dr. D. E. Robinson wa3 ippointed medical officer with the rank colonel. Maj. Jam&3 Rogers was given command of the colored battalion. A picnic wa3 planned to be held on July 4 at Alexander Wilson school. ? ? What Ifou Buh With WAR BUNDS * Ships of the Destroyer type com prise the bulk of our fighting ships in the American Navy. Their aver age displacement is about 1800 tons, and they are fast, powerful, and hard hitting. They have been par ticularly effective in convoy duty and gave a good account of themselves in the Coral Sea engagement. They cost approximately $3,600,000 each. Every Nayy shipyard is turning out Destroyers in record time. They are essential for our two-ocean Navy. Purchase ot more and more War Bonds will assure all-out pro duction of these vital units for the Navy. Buy every pay day. If ev erybody invests at least ten percent of his income in War Bonds we can do the job. U.S.TrtMryDrfartmfl Because tin cans are likely to ax transportation' and othfir fa cilities needed for war purposes, Federal authorities are urging the public to U3e fresh foods ac much as possible. Latest figures of the U. S. De partment of Agriculture reveal that th^re were ?3<2,')00 more persons employed on American farms on June 1 than on the! same date a year ago. MYSTERY OF THE FACELESS GIRL?TRUE LIFE STORY Exciting story from real life in ? which a noted author tells of the case ! yt a murdered girl whose death sent j Tour men to the gallows and six to prison, although her murderers were ' never caught. Don't miss this unusual itory in the July 12th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY rile Ills Magailnc Distributed with tire Baltimore Sunday American Od Sale at AU Newsstands I PRESS THE BUTTON By G. II. Enfield To say America is the home of the free doesn't moan that one hasn't to pay rent. ?|g A fertile brain is one which pro duces at least a few new thoughts. "God Bless America" is not a re lease for Government officials to play politics. y Wine at dinner, beer as a soft drink, and soc-ial cocktails at bridge parties are not answers to the prayer, "Thy Kingdom come." ? In this day of war and strife Many a soldier is taking a wife. Our Job Is to Save Dollars Buy War Bonds Every Pay Day ? GET YOUR EXTRA SUGAR FOR CANNING . A0"*-' <5 Di*i* jr 3 %?!?'? ) lit | Can or preserve fruits and berries now, and be assured of sweets this Winter. Take all of your sugar ration books to your local Ration Board. With out removing any sumps from your books, they will enable you to get EXTRA SUGAR for canning. For best results and finer flavor, your grocer will fill your needs with your old friend . . ? NOTI CE SUMMONS BYTUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT William D. Lee - v? - Golder S. Lee The defendant, Golder S. Lee, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Alamance County for divorce based upon the grounds of two years' separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is reguired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Gen. eial County Court of said County in the Courthouse in Graham, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 23rd day of July, 1942, and answer Or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for* the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 1st day of July, 1942. F. L. WILLIAMSON j Clerk of General County Court Alamance County. , Long. Long and Barrett, Attys. NOTICE OF SALE 1 UNDER DEED OF TRUST ' Under and by virtue of the power ( of sale contained in a deed of trust 1 executed by Daisy Hufflnes Huffines, widow, to John H. Veraoj. Trustee for ' the Community Federal Savings and 1 Loan Association of Burlington, dated * the 27th day of June, 1941, and re- 1 corded in the office of the Register of 1 Deeds for Alamance County, in Book C of Deeds of Trusts No. 143 at page 218, ^ default having been made in the pay- a ment of the Indebtedness secured r thereby, I will, on r Wednesday. July 29th, 1942, t at 12:00 o'clock, noon, 8 at the Courthouse door in Graham, t Alamance County,North Carolina, of- t) fer for sale to the highest bidder for r I I cash, the following described property: A tract or parcel of land in the I County of Alamance and State of i North Carolina, in Boone Station j Township, adjoining the lands of Kdrg i uson, Miss Roberson, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake Furguson's line; thence North 7% deg. East 73 i ft. to an iron stake, Roberson's corner; | thence South 87 deg. East 39 ft. to an I iron pipe; thence North 2 deg. 45 min. East 107 % ft. to an iron stake; thence South 82 V4 deg. East 61 ft. to an Iron jstske on South side of road; thence South 1 deg. West 179 ft. to an iron stake; thence South 80 deg. West 114 % ft. to the beginning, containing 14,277 sq. ft. This being the same property con veyed by J. M. Apple and wife, Mary A. Apple, to Miss Daisy E. Huffines, by deed dated the 16th day of March | 1918, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeeds for Alamance County, in Deed Book No. 60 at page 533. This the 27th day of June, 1942. JOHN H. VERNON. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Sophia M. Sharp, de ceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this is tip notify all persons having claims against the es tate of the said Sophia M. Sharp to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Route No. 1, Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of June. 1943 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 20th day of June, 1942* D. I. OFFMAN Administrator. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Pauline Bright, Plaintiff, - vs - James Bright, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as! above has been commenced in the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Ala mance County, in Graham, North Carolina, on or before the 13th day of July, 1942, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 11th day of June, 1942. F. L. WILLIAMSON Clerk General County Court, of Alamance County. J. J. Henderson, Atty. Notice of Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Real Estate In Coble Township. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court in the Special Pro ceedings entitled J. Gurney Holt. Exe cutor, et al., against Lila Noah, et al. the undersigned commissioner will, on Saturday, July 11, 1912 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, unci mr saie a.* puDiic auction to tne highest bidder the following described real poperty, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Coble Township, Alamance County,State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of W. B. Sharpe heirs, T. F. Overman, W. A. Patterson, J. P. Iseley, O. C. Boy, and others, and more particularly bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at a rock corner with said Patterson, running thence S. 46 deg. E (B. S. 41 deg 25 min.) 53.68 chs. tc. a rock, corner with said Patterson said Sharpe's line; thence N. 60 deg. 2 .05 min. E. (B. S. 48 deg. 20 min.) 23.19 chs. to an iron bolt in said Sharpe's line, corner with said Over- ' man, is Public Road to Belmont thence N. 44 deg. 40 min. W. 64.80 ( chs. to a black Oak tree corner with said Iseley and Loy, thence N. 43% * cleg. W. 3.23 chs. to a rock, corner with said Patterson; thence S. 33 deg. 05 min. W. (B. S.) 2046 chs. to the beginning, containing 121.4 acres, more or less. Terms of sale: One-third of the pur- a ?hase price of the said land to be ? >aid by the purchaser in cash; one- a hlrd to be paid at the expiration of v Ux months from the date of the con- c irmation of the sale, and the balance e o be paid at the expiration of twelve a nonths from the date of sale; deferred i* >ayments to bear interest at the rate tl >f six per cent per annum from the a late of the confirmation of the sale, tl nd title to be reserved by the com- ? lissioner until the purchase price is tl 'aid in full; the said sale shall be t< aade subject to the confirmation of n he Court and the said commissioner *>' hall file his report of sale within T ive days after the sale in the office of G be Clerk of Superior Court of Ala tance County, and any person deeir- a< I log to file an exception to the said sale In the way of an Increase bid by at least five per cent of the amount of the first offer, or otherwise, shall have the privilege to do so within ten days from the time of filing of such report of sale, and if no exception thereto is filed within ten days after the report of sale, the same shall be in all re spects confirmed. Sale to be conducted in accordance with Sections 84, 85 and 2591 of N. C. Code. Time of sale: Saturday, July 11th, 1942, at 12:00 o'clock, noon. Place of sale: Court house door of Alamance County, at Graham, North Carolina. The plantation above described is located about five miles south of the Town of Graham, and one and one ?half miles south of the Village of Bel mont, near Highway 49 leading from :he Town of Graham to the Town of Liberty, North Carolina, upon which land is located a six room dwelling, feed barn and other out buildings, and the land is well watered and is an excellent grain and pasture farm with some timber and plenty of wood lur cLii lunu jjuipuoes. This the 8th day of June, 1942. J. GURNET HOLT, Commissioner Burlington, N. C., Rt. No. ] NOTICE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power 01 sale contained in that certain Mort gage Deed executed on the 6th day oj April, 1939, by J. E. AndrewB and wife Helen Andrews to the undersignec mortgagee and recorded in the offlc< of the Register of Deeds for Alamant County, North Carolina in Book 131 at page8 119 and 120, default havlnf been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured by same, I will Mil at public auction to the highest biddei for cash, at the court house door ir Alamance County, North Carolina, or Monday, July 13th, 1942 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land ir Graham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining State High way No. 64 formerly No. 10, Lots Nos 15, 31 and 11 of Block "N", bounded and described as follows, to-wit: | Beginning at an iron stake in th? western margin of said Highway, corner with Lot No. 15, said iron stake being 100 ft. S. 41 deg. 57 min. E. from the intersection of said Highway and Andrew Street; running thence S, 57 deg. .06 min. W. with the southern (line of said Lot No. 15, 200 ft. to an [iron stake in the line of Lot No. 31, [corner with said Lot No. 15; thence S. 41 deg. 57 min. E. with the eastern line of said Lot No. 31, 75 ft. to an iron stake in the line of said Lot No. 31, corner with said Lot No. 11 now owned by A. H. Mauney; thence N. 67 deg. .06 min. E. with the northern ane of said Lot No. 11, 200 ft. to &l iron stake in the western line of said Highway, corner with said Lot No. 11; thence N. 41 deg. 57 min. W. with the western line of said Highway, 75 ft. to the beginning, it being Lots 12, 13 and 14 of Block "N" of the property of the L. Banks Holt Mfg. Co. subdi vision of Block "N" and "O" part of of Block "M" as surveyed and platted by W. T. Hall, C. E. July 1926, a plat of which is recordel in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Plat Book 2 at page 85. This sale will be made subject to advance bids as provided by low, and will remain open for ten days from date of sale to receive advance bids. This the 8th day of June, 1942. CHARLES P. THOMPSON, Mortgagee. Wm. I. Ward, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ? .P. Williamson, Petitioner, - v? - dary Lea Circy and her husband John Doe Circy; John Dickey, Docie McBroom, Bedford McBroom, and all persons Interested in the prem ises, et al, Respondents. The defendants, Mary Lea Circy nd husband, John Doe Circy. Docie ilcBroom and Bedford McBroom, and Jl persons interested in the premises rhose names are unknown to and annot after due diligence be ascertaln d by the above named petitioner, and : 11 persons having or claiming any ; .tercet in the premises, will take no- i ice that a proceeding entitled a, i bove ha? been commenced against I tern in the Superior Court of Ala- t tance County, North Carolina, and | tat the purpose of said proceeding is > secure an order for the sale of the s *1 property described in the petition t ring about J2.91 acres in Haw River ( ownshlp, Alamance County, North sroilna, which property formerly tlonged to Brown Lea, deceased, and IJolns the Joseph Rogers property, I the Martin- McCauley property, the Jullap Baeon property and others, the sale to be made for division among the tenants In common, the reepon dents being Interested In the subject matter of the action, and the said re spondents, Mary Lea Clrcy and hus band, John Doe Clrcy, Docle McBroom and Bedford McBroom and all persona Interested In the premises described in the petition whose names are un known and cannot after due diligence be ascertained by the petitioner, and all persons owning or claiming any interest In the premises will take no tice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Alamance County at the Court House In Graham, North Carolina, on the 11th day of July, 1842, and answer or demur to the petition of the petitioner In this action, or the petitioner will apply to the Court fbr the relief demanded In the petition. This the 11th day of June, 1942. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk Superior Court Allen A Madry, Attys. Trustee's Sale of Land. By virtue of the powers contained L In a certain deed of trust by Charlie B. Enoch and wife, Lucile Enoch, to Cooper A. Hall, trustee, recorded in Book .Page. . . ., of the Regis ter's Office of Alamance County, and default having been made in the pay j ment of the note secured thereby, and at the request of the holder of said c note, the undersigned trustee will of fer for sale and sell for cash to the | highest bidder at the court house door 5 in Graham, North Carolina, on Monday, July 18th, 1942 i at 12:00 o'clock, noon, ? the following described real property. Beginning at an iron pipe on the 1 west side of New Street, corner with Lot No. 2; thence with the line of 1 New Street N. 34 deg. W. 60 ft. to an 1 iron pipe, corner with Lot. No. 4; thence with line of Lot No. 4 S. 65 deg. 30 min. W. 88 ft. to an iron pipe, cor ner wiith Lot No. 4; thence S. 34 deg. E. 50 ft. to an iron pipe, corner with t Lot No. 1; thence with line of Lots Nos. 1 and 2 N. 55 deg. 30 min. E. 88 tt. to the beginning and being Lot No. 3 of Eliza Ellen Love property, a blue ^ print of which is recorded in Plat Book No. 3; Page 122, of the Office _ of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County. The sale of this property is made subject to any and all prior liens. Thig the 10th day of June. 1942. COOPER A. HALL Trustee. NOTI CE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power ot sale contained in that certain Mort gage Deed executed on the 19th day of October, 1940, by Garland L. Whitt and wife, Irene Wilkereon Whltt to the undersigned mortgagee, and re corded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alwiance County In Deed of Trust Book 141 at pages 4? and 48 default having been made In the pay ment of the Indebtedness secured by same, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder 'or cash, at the Court House door In Alamance County, North Carolina, on Monday, July 13th, 1942 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land In Graham Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining State High way No. 62 and 93, Third Street, Lot 18 to 26 inclusive, Lots 14, 16, 16, and 31 of Block "DM", bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an Iron stake In the western margin of said Third Street, corner with said Lot No. 26, said Iron (take being 184.8 ft. N. 2 deg. 46 mln. E. from the Intersection of said Third Street and said Highways; running thence N. 2 deg. 46 mln. E. with the western margin of said Third Street, 99.6 ft. to an Iron stake, corner with Lot No. 21; thence S. 87 deg. 32 mln. W. with the southern line of said Lot No. 21, 200 ft. to an Iron stake, corner with said Lots Nos. 31, 14 and 16; thence S. 2 deg. 46 mln. W. with the eastern line of said Lots 16 and 16, 100 ft. to an Iron stake, corner with said Lots 18 and 19; thence N. 87 deg. 32 mln. E. with the northern line of said Lots 18 to 26 Inclusive 200 ft. to the beginning, It being Lots Nos. 27, 28, 29 and 30 of Block "DM" of Qrabur Heights, part of the L. Banks Holt property C. P. Thompson subdivision ts shown by plat made by W. T. Hall J. E. March, 1939, and recorded In the he office of the Register of Deeds for Uamance County In Plat Book 1 at >age 126. This sale will be made subject to kdvance bids as provided by law, and vlll remain open for ten days from Late of sale to receive advance bids. This the 8th day of June. 1942. CHARLES P. THOMPSON. Mortgagee. 7m, I. Ward, Atty.

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