THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., DEC. S3, 1942 ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY J. D.KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE Butered at ?lu Foatoffloe at Grab am. N. C., at ^ OQd-claJM matter. The Victory 5 per cent tax be comes effective on January 1st. It hits the low income brackets. Within a few days a new Con gress and new State Legislature will assemble. Let us be thankful that the legislature lasts only sixty days. ? mm Adieu to 1942! None of us will ever see its like again, nor will we have any regrets about it. All of us are looking-hopefully to the future, when the war will be over and world peace shall reign once more. It is hoped, too, most devoutly, that it will come be fore the close of 1943. During the year closing today American shipyards turned out 750 merchant vessels. President Roosevelt asked for 8 million tons and the request has been met, it is reported from Washington. Of the number launched 53 of them were turned out by the shipyard at Wilmington, this state. Eleven classes of food prod ucts have been permitted to raise prices, under orders of the OPA. In the list are cereals, canned fish, sugar, canned vegetables, coffee, rice and lard. It is expect ed that grocers and wholesalers will make small increases in prices on food stuffs. It can't be helped. THE WAR The Christmas holidays have not slowed down the global war on the several fronts. On the Russian front the Reds appear to be pushing the Nazis back more vigorously than here tofore, taking many prisoners, killing more and seizing more supplies. Results have been very much in favor of the Reds. In North Africa Marshal Rom mel continues to flee before the Allies, British, American and Fighting French. The French in j Africa are lending a big hand. In the Southwest Pacific the British are helping the Allies more effectively than heretofore. The Japs are being driven from their positions on several of the islands, notwithstanding their determined opposition. As the days pass the situation for the Allies improves. FOLKS ARE PHONEY When the rationing of sugar and coffee was first enacted, what happened ? People who had purchased sparingly theretofore, rushed in and bought as if their existence depended on them. There was and is plenty sugar and coffee for all, if used in mod eration. The government got jittery?that was enough and it passed down the line. It is wondered what is going to happen, now that a hundred or so articles are to be rationed. Maybe the job of trying to buy month's supplies of everything will be too big and something will be left on the shopkeepers' Bhelves for those who prefer to buy as they have need for it But It wont be that way as long as folks are folks and are phoney about things. Perhaps it would be better not to agitate or talk about ration ing, but go ahead and do it, giv ing, the hoarder no notice. That course would put all on an equal footing and be fair to all. JOBS FOR THE MILLIONS The Department of labor has been weak and womanish for the Past 10 years; the Wagner Act has wagged but it has not work a string of Administration agencies have made a mess out of administration. Finally the War Labor Board appointed by the President recently cracked down on a Chicago mail order house?and according to the company's president, issued an order that "violated the funda mental principles of liberty," in- j asmuch as the company was not engaged in any war activities covered in the grants of power by Congress. The President made the order work after the mail order com pany refuse to obey th WLB. Three major labor unions and the New Deal formed an alliance several years ago for the control of the nation's working men. John L. Lewis reminded Presi dent Roosevelt that CIO had giv en him its financial support and stuck by him, and expected him to stick by the CIO. The New Deal has usually guessed wrong in backing labor leaders Green, Lewis and Mur ray. That famous trio has over played its hand too often, and the New Congress is preparing to amend the National Labor Act or pass workable new labor legisla tion. Meanwhile, Paul McNutt, the new Manpower Czar, is still working crossword puzzles, searching for 50 million answers on how to control all the jobs in the country. The competence and ability of Mr. McNutt is not questioned, but Washington shares the uni versal opinion that "he hasn't a chance." A judicial review or admin istration decisions has been sug gested by Senator OMahoney who directs attention to the is suance of more than 500 Execu tive orders by the President in 15 months. 'To say that Con gress intended to make such a surrender of its legislative func tion would, of course, be the sheerest nonsense," declared the New Deal Senator, who now de mands a program that "would reassert the right of the people to make the laws they must obey," which he adds, "would ae a reassertion of a fundamental principle of our form of govern ment." A greater variety of plant life exists in the thermal belt of Polk county, N. C., than in any other section of the United States, it is said. The little ftrl tugged gently at her mother'* sleeve "Now, Mother?" she asked. "Now can't we write my letter?" "Why, of course, Betsy," Mrs. Car son grinned. "Are you going to write it or am I?" "Well," Betsy sajd. "Maybe you'd better kind of say it to me. Only I'd love to write it/7 "All right, then, Miss Carson, take a letter, her mother said, walking slowly up and down the room. "Ready? 'Dear Mr. Morgenthau: The way I save money for War Stamp buying is to steer all the smalf household jobs toward my ^ daughter, who is eight years old. She is so keen about buying War Stamps that I know all the money I might have paid to lomennn #1*p (or doinf the job* will go toward Vic tory when paid to her. Now make a liat, Betsy. "Win dows washed, 60 cents. Apples picked from under the tree, 29 cents. Emptied trash cans, 4 cents. Sold string beans from the garden, IS cents. Sold strips of spoiled film to children (or sungazing, at one cent ? yard. 20 cents. Total,91.24. Yours helpfully, I hope,"?and then I'll sign It at the bottom." Betsy was puffing like a grampus from her labors. The tall, painstak ing letters tottered bravely across the sheet of paper. Gravely Mrs. Carson took the pen to sign. "Mother, would it be the proper etiquette U I signed it too?" "Perfectly proper. I think," Mrs. Carson said without a smile, and handed the pen back to Betsy. (Letter from an actual commu nication in the Ales of the Treasury Department.) ? ? ? ?very member of the family sheold invest In America's future. Make certain at least 16 percent of | the family's total income is pledged to victory no later than New Year's DSP. U. J. TVnjary Dtpmtmtm I C. F. Parri?h, poultry exten sion specialist of N. C. State col lege, estimates that North Caro lina poultry flooks will produce 70,000,000 dozen eggs this year. Notice of Sale. By virtue of ? Judgment made and entered in an action in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County ve. Guy Johnson and wife. Ossie John eon, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, January 25th, 1948 ( at 12:00 o'clock Noon, EWT, ut the Court House door in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Graham Township, Alamance County. North Carolina, and being Lot No. 3. in Section 6. of the Plat of the Avenue Land Company, plat for which is recorded in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, North Carolina. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten pec cen? of his bid, when the same is knocked down to him. and the balance upon confirmation. This. 21st day of December, 1942. LOUIS C. ALLEN, Commissioner EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE TO. CREDITORS Having Qualified as Executrix of the estate of Etta F. Gant, late of Ala mance County, North Carolina, this ,'s to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said Etta F. Gant to exhibit them to the undersign ed at R. F. D. No. 5, Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the 11th day of December. 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ? will please make Immediate payment. This the 8th day of December, 1942. ANNA G. JEFFRIES, Executrix. Long, Long & Barrett, Attys. NOTICE _____ ? SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT John William Menefee, Jr., Plaintiff, - vi - Ann Purmort Menefee, Defendant. The Defendant above named will take notice that a summons In the above entitled action was Issued against said Defendant on the 18th day of December, 1942 and that a Complaint was filed In said action in which the Plaintiff alleges that he is entitled to an absolute divorce for two years separation and that said sum mons Is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court on or before the 20th day of January. 1943 and the Defendant wlil take notice that she is required to appear and answer or demur to the Complaint or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This, 18th day of December, 1942 SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk Superior Court A. M. Carroll, Atty. Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of a Judgment of the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, In an action wherein Rich A Thompson Funeral Service, Inc., et al, were plaintiffs, and Hattle Dlzon, Executrix of the Estate of Cicero Dixon, and the other heirs at law and devisees of Cicero Dixon, were defendants, the undersigned Com missioners will, on Monday, January 25th, 1942, at 12:00 o'clock Noon. EWT, at the residence of the lata Cicero Dixon, In Newlln Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, upon the premises described below, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property: A certain tract or parcel of land in Newlln Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. D. McPherson. w. A. McPherson, and others, and. Beginning at a stake In the north ern edge of the Graham Road, corner with C. D. McPherson; and running thence N. 2 deg. E. 22.10 chains to a stake, corner with Lot No. Three; thence In a westerly direction 22.29 chains to a stake, corner with W. A. McPherson; thence with the line of W. A. McPherson. 8- 2H deg W 12.22 chains to a stake, corner with J. D. McPherson; thence with J. D. Mc Pherson, 8. 27H deg. E. IS chains to a stake, corner with J. D. McPherson: thence with J. D. McPherson, 8. 2 Vs deg. W. 9 chains to a a'ake In the northern edge of tha Graham Road; thence with the Graham Road In an easterly direction 9.01 chains to the beginning, containing 92% acres, mora or leas. The said property is soli subject to the dower of Hattle Dixon, widow ; of Cicero Dixon, which dower part of ] said property Is described as follows: i A certain tract of land In Newlln j | i '? : Townihlp, Alamance County, North Carolina, and beginning at a stake ut ' [V. A. McPheraon'a corner in W. L. < UcPheraon'B line; thence eaat with W. L,. McPherson's line 298 yards to a itake in W. L. McPherson's line; hence north 184 yards to a stake ,n j >ld road; thence west 200 yards to a I itake In W. A. McPherson's line; ihence south 180 yards to the begin ning, in which is the Cicero Dixon iwelllng. The purchaser will be required to ieposlt ten per cent of his bid when the same is knocked down to him, ami the balance upon confirmation of the Court. This. 21st day of December, 1942. LOUIS C. ALLEN. L. P. DIXON, Commissioners. notice summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Alamance County, Plaintiff, - vi - Theodore Haith, Annie Levister, Bud I Haith, Mary Morrow and husband,. I. T. Morrow, George Haith and Maggie Williamson, et al, Defend ants The defendants, Bud Haith, Mary Morrow and husband, I. T. Morrow, George Haith and Maggie Williamson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing property tax liens in fa vor of the plaintiff, Alamance County for the years 1930 to 1941, inclusive, i upon a tract of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, and being two certain tracts ?of land, adjoining G. L. Sellers, and others, containing one-half acre, more or less, and one-fourth acre, more or less, respectively, belonging to tho aoove named and described defendant and in which the said named and de scribed defendants have or olaim some interest, the purpose of the action be lng to foreclose property tax liens held by the plaintiff against the property mentioned above and described In tht complaint, free and clear of any in terest of said defendants, the defend ants having or claiming some interest therein; and the above named and described defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, at the Court House in Graham, North Carolina, within twenty days after the 19th day of January, 1949, and an swer or demur to the complaint filed herein, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ln in the complaint. This, 21st day of December, 1942. SARA MURRAY. Asst. Clerk Superior Court Louis C. Allen, Atty. notice summons by publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Mary Lloyd Tudor - vs - Hal T. Tudor . The defendant, Hal T. Tudor, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Gen eral County Court of Alamunce County for dlvorco based upon the grounds of two years' separation; and the said de fendant Mill further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court Of aald County in the courthouse !a Graham, North Carolina, within thirty day. after the 2nd day of January 1949. and answer or demur to the' complalnt ln actlQn or the plaln_ Uffwlll apply ,0 ,h. court for there "ef demanded In .old comnlaint. the 2nd dfcy of December, 1943. '? l. Williamson Clerk General County Court, for Alamance County Long. Long A Barrett. Atty,. sale op real estate under deed or trust L nder and by virtue of the power of contained certain deed of oat executed by P. W. P1ttman. on the 95th day of November, mo M tr^r "? Wh'Ch "ld d~d of U^ust is duiy recorded !? ,h, office of e ?' for Alamance County. North Carolina, in Mortage Deed Book No. 141. page 969, default tatlll ,"a<,e ,n the pltym*nt of lereet and principle m therein set out. and whereas upon request of the i th# nCt<' thereby soured,! the undersigned trustee will, on I Monday, January 4th, 194J, at 11:90 o'clock, a. m., Offer for sale at public gucUon to the1 highest bidder for cash, at the Court C^Tin ?0^?f A'#manCe CoUBty' North Carolina, the following described real property, to-wit: j A certain tract of land in Graham Township, Alamance County, North ? Carolina, which is as follow*: Facing on Williamson Avenue; ad joining lots 5 and 10 in Block "A" and ? lots 1. 2 and 2 in Block "B" of Forest Haven, and being lots No. 6, 7, 8 and 9 In Block "A" in the subdivision of the Carl Berg Property, as divided by E. C . Leonard, surveyor, October, 1940, anil recorded in the office of the Reg ? ister of Deeds in Plat Sook No. 4, at page 1, for Alamance County, North Carolina. This, 1st day of December, 1942. JOHN R. HOFFMAN. Trustee. NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate for 1941 County Taxes Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an Act of the General Assem bly of North Carolina,(see Chapter 541 Public, Local ard Private Laws, 1935) i the undersigned Tax Collector of Ala jmance County will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Graham, N. C., on Monday, January 4th, 1943, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the Real Estate listed by the taxpay ers hereinafter named to eatlsfy the amount due the County of Alamance for principal, penalties, and cost of 1941 Taxes. The property to be sold, and the names of the taxpayers who listed the same are as follows: GRAHAM TOWNSHIP Apple, G. M., 1 Lot No. des. .. 14.30 Atwater, L. E., II & L Hwy 64 3.30 Auslev, William H., Heirs, H & 2 Lots Border St. ?Sc 6 Lots Oakley & Border St 18.70 Baker, P. H., 3 Lots Pine Tops, 4.61 Ball, M. N., Vacant Lot Banks St., 2.Co Blackwelder, M. (H., 9 Lota Swepsonville Rd-, 1.10 Boegs, Joe. Est., 1H A Hwy No. ? Bradshaw, Ben. E., H & L Mary E. Holt Prop. .. Bal. 34.73 Castle, C. C., 3 Lots near Hwy. No. 62 2-56 Cates, Mr. A Mrs. C. A~ 17 A Home Travora Rd., 43.99 Cates, Claude, 2 H & L Sid ney Rd 10.24 Cates, ?. Scott, H 3c L Sid ney Rd 16.36 Cole, T. H . H A L Sidney Rd.. 11.46 Coleman, Julian A., H 3c L Ad J Mrs. Piper 8.93 Combs, B. S., Ward Prop 15.29 Conklln, Quincey, 1 Lot Carter Black J-d 19.71 Cook, James G.. H A L Mill St. 6.46 Cook, Mrs. R. N , H & L N. Main St 24.84 Cook, R. N? Heirs, 28 A E. M Cook land, Lot H. R. Rd., H Int. A & P Store, Bal. ... 21.22 Crutchfield, Jack D., Vacant Lot Haw River Rd 1.68 Culbertson, Mrs. J. M., Est., House 3c Lot 6.71 Davis. B. M., Jr., H A L Marshall A Hill St 11.39 Davis, Robert, H A L, Gil breath Rd 18.61 Dixon, Phil S., 29 A Lake side 3c House, H 3c L Hwy No. 87, A 2 H & L Haw River Bal. 69.93 Dixon, R. W., 1 Lot Gantz Prop. 3c H 3c L Marshall St 31.86 Draughn, J. A., 8 H A H & L Hwy No. 87 16.84 Duke, Nolle, 1 Lot L. H. Holt land 1.83 Edwards, Lem, H 3c L near Gilliam Fill. Sta. 5.53 Elkln A Terrell Motor Co., 1 Lot Border St l.HT Evans, Mrs. Carol, Lot Poplar St 2.S1 Evans, Mrs. Pearl, H 3c L Pop lar St 7.70 Foster, H. W. 1 Lot Ward St. 2.20 Foust, D. P., H 3c L L. B. Holt Prop, et al 11.50 Freeman, J. Mark, 18 A Gantz Prop 9.36 Frick, Grady HALS. Main St. 24.83 Gantz, G. B. 8 A Gantz Prop. A 67 Lots Gantz Prop 10.56 Gates, J. T., 1 Lot Doke Wal ker Ld? 2.39 Gllllsple, C. L., L B. Holt Prop 6.72 Guthrie, John H., H & 2 Lots Hwy. No. 87 20.70 Guy, Mrs. M. E.. H A L Hwy No. 87 20.80 Guy, Morris, Lot Border St., .. 4.20 Guy, Mrs. Morris, Lot Border St 0.1? Hanford, Mrs. Ned., HAL near Station 0.22 Hanner, H. T..A Barrett, R. E. 1114 A Hopedale Rd 7.08 Harden, R. E . A Massey. R. J.. 20 Lots Swepsonvllie Rd. 1.54 Harris. Hadley, 3 Lots Gra ber Hgts \ . 10.45 Hatch. George F., 1 Lot Hwy No. 62 2.65 Henderson. Albert, HAL Pop lar St 21.80 Heritage, Mrs. A. R. 1 Lot Washington St 13.20 Hill, Wlnfred Paul, Thompeon Ld. 4th St 6.56 Holt, B. C? H A l McAden St. 11.35 Holt, Mrs. Ben B. Home S Main St. A 2 H Al McAden St 50.53 Holt. Eugene, Home Maple St. HAL Marshall St 34.00 Hufflnes, W. V.. H A L S. Main 8t 11.28 Hughes, Mrs. Mlldrer T., H A L Albright Ave., 15.11 Hunter. J. E. H A L 7.12 J Jaroez. Joseph, Land Hwy 87 A Swep. Rd., House near 1 Hwy. 49 A Thompson Prop. Bal. 48.22 Johnson, C. L, 1 Lot Al bright Ave.. 2.10 Johnson. J. A., H & L Hwy No. 64 2.98 Johnson, Leo, 1 Lot Manley Hayes Prop 2.64 Johnson, Mrs. W. C.. H & L Sidney Rd., Bal. 1.40 Johnson, Guy, 1 Lot Sidney Rd 6.84 Jones, Roger. H & L Giles Longest Prop 14.88 King. O. D., H Mill St 22.41 Kivett, Clark H., 6 Lots Aloha 1.10 Kivett, George L., H & L W. Elm St 82.86 Kizziah, James, H & L Queen Ann St., 10.94 Lashley. T. B., 2 Lots Foust Ld. H 6c L Aloha;6c 10 A Gantz Prop., 19.85 Long, Miss Etta, Bur-Graham Rd. 9.86 Long, J. A. 6c Lasley, R. K., Near Pine Tops 2 Lots; 6 Lots Graham Rd 6.45 Lovett, John E., 2 A Andrew St 6.73 Lutterloh. E. M., H 6c L Williamson St 9.76 Mann, C. R., H & L Market St., 16.74 Martin, E. C.. 1 Lot N. St 2.83 May. C. L., H & L McAden St., 24.01 Meacham, Eva H., 2 Lots Ward St., 3.20 Moser, Cecil, H 6e L? A. W. Moser Prop., 20.22 Moser, Mrs. Evie, H & L Mar ket St., & Vac. Lot Plat 61.. 9.90 Murray, D. D., 15 A Hwy 87... 18.07 Myrick, P. M., 0% A Swep sonville Rd., 13.20 McPherson, William S., 1 Lot Gilbreath Rd. 8.10 McVey, J. W., Land 6c Fill. Sta. Swepsonville Rd 12.27 McVey, Mrs. J. W., 80 A House & H & L Market St., 55.66 Nicholson, George, H & L Gra ham-Bur. Rd 15.89 Owen, Charjie, H & L Sidney.. 14.61 Parsons, C. C., H & L Queen Ann St., Lots Rock Hole, & Improvements, 10.33 Parsons, S. T. Lot near Pine Tops; & H& L 14.01 Perkins, Mrs. A. L., H & L Woods Ave 19.71 Perry, Mrs. Lelia Walker, 23 A Ray Ld., 15% A Al bright Ave, et al., Bal. 30.79 Phillips, G. Cleadore, 1 Lot Wilson 6.96 Pickard, Flake L., H & L Maple St., 7.50 Quakenbush, W. H., 3 A Hwy. No. 54; % A Wilson; & 10 A Wilson Ld., 10.70 Ray, W. D., H & L near Ice Plant 7.68 Raynor, D. L., H 6c L near Midway - 14.14 Reavis, Scott, H 6c L near Travora 6.47 Rice, W. Warren, 8 Lota Gra bur Hgta., 3.56 Rich, Alton B., H & L Poplar St., 18.87 Rich, McBride H & L Climax St 5.50 Riggans, Marion S., H & L Queen Ann St., 15.42 Rivea, M. R., 2 Lota back of Bradshaw Garage ? ^ 01 Robertson, W. J., H & L Market St 12-56 Rogers, B. M., A wife, HAL N. Main St., Old HkL; & a H A L S. Main St., 91-35 Ross, Clarence, 1 Lot Wash ington St., 3.85 Russell, C. C., H A L Hollow gt, Bal? 3.58 Self, Mrs. Georgia, H A 1* .... 18.26 Self, Jim, H A I. Poplar St., .. 24.17 Self, John, HAL Wash. St., . 15.87 Sharpe, Levi, X Lot N. Pine St., 1-65 Shatterly, G. A., H & L Williamson St 16-69 Skenes, J. F., HAL Near Depot 6.71 Smith, D. G., H & L Sidney St., 15.53 Smith, F. W., 2 Lots & House Stockard Ld., & 1 L near N. E. Sykes Ld. Bal. 10.42 Smith, L. L. 1 Lot C. L. Ivey .. 1-10 Stanfield, W . M., HAL Queen Ann St 12.23 Stewart, Miss Daisy, 1 Lot on Dixie St 110 Stockard, Lee R. 1 Lot Whit sett St s-8# Thomas, James, L., H A L Wilson St., 800 Thomas, James Loy, L. B. Holt Prop., 6.92 Thompson, Wayne, HAL Maple Ave. Exe., A 1 Lot L. B. Holt Prop., '.73 Trollinger. Mrs. B. R., 1 Lot Marshall St *-M Whittemore, Mrs. C. A., 17 A Home Zachary Tract; 1% A Hwy No. 54 ? ? ? 8 99 Whitten, George. Lot A Poul try House Wilson lo.ui Williams, C. V., H A L Old County Home, Williams, W. Ashley, Heirs, HAL Mill St., A Store Lot, 16.96 Wood, Horace J., H A L Aloha, 11-0 Wright, C. W., H.A L No. 8 Travora Prop., Bal. 6.4Z Wright, Mrs. Gertrude, 4 Lots Walker, Heirs, 3.19 Wright, W. B., 1 Lot, 1-65 Zachary, W. Lennle, HAL Hwy. No. 87, 19-24 COLORED Brandon, Callie, HAL Lee Miller 3.83 Brown,Daisy, Heirs, 1 Lot Alex Hunter, Heirs 1.42 Carr, Cora, Heirs 1 Lot Hwy 54 2.42 Carter, John, H A L H. R. Rd.; 1 Lot adj. McAdoo; A H L R. N. Cook Ld., 7.68 Chavis, Hattle T., Estate, H A L near Providence 2.88 Covington, Luther, HAL Washington St Bal. 6.08 Everett, A. M., 1 Lot, 2.55 Everett, E. A., .75 A 2 H A L Haw River Rd Bal. 4.83 Freeland, Jim. HAL Haw River Rd 5,50 Fuller, Robert, 85 A Home M. Latta Place 8.76 Bray, Martha, Heirs, HAL Haw River Rd |.31 Hunter, Ernest, HAL Nicks Farm Rd 1,42 Hunter, George M., Heirs, 1 Lot Nicks Farm Rd 1,42 Hunter, Henry, Heirs, 6 A Gants Ld. A H A L Gil breath Rd is sj Latham, Jeaae, H * L near Haw River; A M A Lot ? ,4 Long. Nathaniel Tobe, HAL near Haw River j 7, Mayo. Alice, 1 Lota E. Harden st 2.20 Miller L. O.. H A L College St.; Vac. Lot A H A L Ed Tate. Bal. 9 05 Mitchell, Mary Phillips, H A L Gilbreath Rd. 17.99 McPherson, Tom, HALS. Main; A Taft House 11.60 Newlin, Carrie, HAL Washing ton St. j,j5 Nixon, Robert, II A L GU breath Rd. 11.79 Phillips, John, Heirs, HAL Gilbreath Rd 4.24 Rogers, Henry, 2 A. St. Car Line 5.20 Tate, John, {Heirs, HAL Col lege St. 2.48 Taylor, Rosle, 1 lot Harden Ld. 1.55 Teague, Elmo, IMA. Lela Cot ton Ld 8.69 Thompson, Hiawatha, 1 lot W. H. Freeland 4.16 Trolllnger, Chas. C., Heirs, 40 A Home, 16.9] Trolllnger, S. D., HAL Haw River Rd 7.15 Trultt, Ernest, 1 lot Border St. 3.82 Discovery Andrews, J. Ernest, (1941) disc. 1 lot C. P. Thompson Prop.. 6.60 ALBRIGHT TOWNSHIP Bailey, O. T., 3 A. Hwy. No. 87 Mann Ld 18.16 Blvlns, W. H., 6 lots 7.34 Brooks, Claude, HAL Boger Ld ...Bal. 3.31 Capps, D. L.. 23H A. Rect. Ld. 11.46 Coble, Fred M., 55 A. Nicholson Ld.; 33M A. Home Place .. 37.94 Holt, L. P., 87 A. C. C. Thomp son Ld I 84.22 Isley, A. M-, 50 A. Isley Ld. .. 9.39 Lamb, O. K., 1 lot; G. L. Wil liams Prop 3.65 Long, J. P., 70 A. No Des 18.13 Patton, G. M., 30 A. McDaniel Ld 6-34 Plckard, C. F., 71 A. Snow Camp Rd 19.46 Self, John, 2 A. Love Lot Hwy. No. 87 1-55 Sharpe, Levi, 97A. Hwy. No. 87 16.50 Stockard, J. C., 95 A. Home Place 27.15 COLORED Chaplin, Henry, i A. L S. Meadow Ld 2.55 Foust, J. Li., 6% A. No Dee... 4.64 Holmes, Estella, 10 A. Hwy. No. 87 Hal. 2.30 Holt, James, Heirs, 4 A. Holt Prop. & 19% A. Vestal Ld. . 7.69 Holt, John E.. 6 % A. Hwy. No. 87 A 23 A. Vestal Ld 12.90 Ratcllff. Henry, 69 A. Hwy. No. 87 . 21.86 NEWLIN TOWNSHIP Albright, W. J., Heirs, 60 A Mary's Creek 5.13 Brown. H. L., 83 A. Cane Creek 8.33 Cates, E. Q.. 19 A. Hwy. No. 87 10.93 Cates. W. Luther, 2 A. D. 1'. Teague Ld 3.85 Collins, Robert, 1 A. Home Ld. 6.04 Dixon. Ernest P.. Jr., 8 A. H At L Long Branch 27.33 Foushee. Clyde W., 79% A. Hwy. No. 87 13.20 Foust. Lonnle M-. 10 A. Mary's Creek 1.54 Guthrie. Oliver C.. 102 A. Cane Creek 11.84 Henderson. O. H.. 60 A. Mi. Ld. 8.26 Herren. O. R.. 100 A. Home .. 7 44 Hinshaw. A. A.. 216 A, J. M. Griffin Ld 40.34 Kernodle, J. D.. Jr., 50 A. Wm. Comnton Ld 7.15 Kindley. Mrs. Mabel L , 11 % A. Major Hill. 2.10 Marlette. Robert G? Estate, 40 A. Saxnpahaw 4.62 Miller, Mrs. G. G.,143 A. Mile Dixon Ld 14 30 Moore, L. E., 40 A. Near Whitney School 18.51 McPherson, Mrs. Ida, 127 A. Cane Creek 20.89 McPherson, S. H-, 96 A. Cane Creek 18.87 Perry, Bruce T., 116 A. Haw River 17.99 Perry, E. A., Estate, 74 A. Cane Creek 16.94 Plunkett. R. A., 58 A. Cheek PI. 4.62 Riddle, Ralph L., 94 A. W. J. Riddle Ld 16.83 Stout. W. P.. Estate, 82 A. Near Sylvan 26.68 Ward. C. G., 18 A. Alfred M. Shaw Ld 6.68 Williams. Paul, 39 A. Ed Williams, Est 9.43 COLORED Foust, Frank. 88 A. Allen Ld... 4.26 Hunter, Henry, Estate, 133 A. Patterson Ld 11.94 Morrow. Robert, 2 A. David Moore Ld l.U MORTON TOWNSHIP Allen, Lawrence H., 35 A Huffman Ld 13.10 Dtx, Andrews, H 61 2 L Bishop U 7.60 Fargis, F. R., HAL Glen Raven Mills 13.83 Garrison, James, Heirs, 64 A. Garrison Ld 11.00 Hurst. Carl, H & L Glen Rav en Mills 11.46 Morton, J. E., 1 A Home, .... 15.50 Rich, Oscar L.. H A L Glen Raven 11.21 Sutton, Sidney L., Est., 1% A Home, 7.70 Tate, Mrs. Ethel, HAL Adj.. M. Matkins, ...a 7.15 COLORED Moore, Ed, 3 A Simpson Ld., .. 4.40 MELV1LIE TOWNSHIP Hawkins, R. Thomas, HAL 4th St Bal. 3 10 37 A. P. WILLIAMS, Alamance County Tax Collector.