THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., DEC. 31, 1942 Local News ?Ring oat the old, ring in the new. ?Tax listing begins tomorrow and continues through January. ?We wish you a happy New Year?Tomorrow is January 1st, 1943. ?The Connty Commissioners meet in regular monthly session next Monday. ?Highway officials report roads in worse shape than for the past two or three years. ?Graham had no "white way" and the usual colored lighting tor the 1942 Christmas. ?The public schools have had their usual Christmas holiday and will open again next week. ?It's more than a week since the shortest day, but the full supply will keep on growiu^ shorter. ?It was a quiet holiday season here. Only an occasional fire cracker was to be heard. Almost like three Sundays in a group. ?Beginning next Monday there will be a 10 per cent advance in the price of flour but bakers' bread will be held at the present level. ?With a heavy down pour Tuesday night a six day rainy season ended. There was more sunshine yesterday than for the whole week before. ?Members of Connty Council of agricultural workers will meet at the Agricultural building Sat urday morning at 11 o'clock. The meeting was postponed from last Saturday. ?Miss Sarah Bell Thompson was hostess at bridge on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, at her home on Albright avenue, when she honored Mrs. Alton Utley, tbe former Miss Denoy Tate, bride of the fall, and Miss Lila Bell of Raleigh, her house guest. ?Dr. Jack Darren JNeese, sun of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Neeee, re siding in Burlington, has com pleted his medical school work for his M. D. degree at Duke medical school and is planning to take one year of internship in snrgery at Duke hospital before goiug into active duty in the army, holding a lieutenant's com mission. He is a graduate of Eton college, where he was out standing in student activities. ?Arrangements have been completed with the leaders of the Union Ridge neighborhood to landscape the Union Ridge church grounds January 5. John Harris, extension landscape spe cialist of State college, will assist with the project. The church was organized at Union years be fore Alamance county came into existence, and is more than a century old. When a poetoffice was established it was named Union Ridge. The grounds are spacious, which was the custom in the early days. Pre-Christmas Events Airs. Tom R. Harden entertain ed the Needlecraft club for the annual Christmas party at her home in the country on Friday afternoon, with eleven members present. The decorations in the home were all Christmas-like. A Christmas program was present ed. The Jacob A. Long chapter of Children of the Confederacy were entertained for their Christmas meeting on Monday afternoon at the home of Misses Helen and Edna Jones on N. Mlaple street. Miss Helen Jones, president, pre sided, and was assisted by the chapter leader, Miss Mary Coop er. Sunday afternoon in the Pres byterian church a Christmas candle-lighting service was held. An impressive pageant, "Like Stars in a Dark World," written by Mary Howard Poole, was pre sented by the young people un der the supervision of Mrs. Wal ter R. Harden and Mrs. W. E. Harrop. Between 40 and 50 took part in the pageant. Miss Elsie Bos well of Greens boro spent the holidays with her father, W. H. Boswell. The Office of Price Adminis tration estimates 1942 farm in-' come at |15,600,000,000, 79.3 per cent over 1939, the highest in history and a full billion high- i er than the previous 1919 peak, j PERSONAL Miss Mary Weeks spent Christ mas day in. Greensboro with hei sister, Mrs. Ralph Coble. Llent. Vernall Ivey of Ft. Bragf is spending the holidays witl his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ivey. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin MoClurt were week-end gnests of Mrs. Mo Clure's mother, Mrs. Wooten, in Chad bourn. Col. Willard C. Goley from Fort Jackson arrived Christmas eve to spend the holidays with bis family. Mr. and Mrs. James Beeeon ol High Point are spending the hol idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clande Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Brown McCoy of Charlotte are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. White, daring the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Barnes of Richmond are spending the holi days vilh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. David Mclntyre were wtek end guests of the let ter's sister, Mrs C O. Lowe, and Mr. Lowe, in Greeusboro. Mrs. Bill Sloan and little dau^li ter, Sarah, have returned from a week end visit with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hamilton, in Lnmber ton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnnsnker and children of High Point were guests of Mrs. Hnnsncker's moth ?r, Mrs. W. R. Goley, on Christ mas day. Mrs. James Roney and sister, of Graham, and Billy Hester, of Burlington, spent Sunday with the Henry Roneys of the Cross Roads commnnity. Miss Dorothy Fonst was maid of-honor for Miss Frances Alex ander of Durham on Saturday, when she was married to William Berkley, also of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. George R. Roes of Raleigh and son, Corp. Wil liam Roes of Fort Bragg, were gueets of Mrs. Roes' mother, Mrs. W. R. Goley, Christmas day. L. H. Kernodleand son, Lovick Harden, and Mrs. R. L. Holmes of Danville, visited the former's father, J. D. Kernodle, Sr., and other relatives here on Christmas eve. Dir. and Aire. 8. 8. Holt were in Greensboro for Christmas day where they were joined by their daughter, Mrs. John Harden, Mr. Harden and their children of Sal isbury. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Adderton and little daughter, Sarah Proc tor, of Lexington spent Sunday here with Mrs. Adderton's aunt, Mrs. J. J. Henderson, and Major Henderson. Miss Llla Bell, who has been ihe guest of Mrs. Ernest Thomp son for several days, returned to Raleigh Tuesday. 8he was ac companied by Miss Sarah Bell Thompson, who will visit Misses Sarah and Frances Crowder there. Mrs. J. T. DUlehey of New Tork is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. W. C. Moore. She was accompanied from Baltimore by her nephew, Ben Jesnak, from Dr. Phelpe school, who is spend ing the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Ben Jesnak. Mrs. Alfred Harrell and chil dren, Julia and Billy, of Rocky Mount, are spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Walter E. Bason. She was also accompa nied by her niece, Miss Mar jorie Bason, who had been her guest for several days. Corp. Harry Johnston of Rip ley, Tenn., stationed at Fort Bragg, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Johnston; also Mr. and Mrs. Johnston had Mr. and Mrs. Derwood Thompson of Durham as week-end guests. Mr. Thompson is connected with the quartermaster division at Camp Bntner. Kelly MoClure of Raleigh is visiting J. T. Neese for several days. Rev. J. L. Foster of Elon Col lege visited friends here Wednes day morning. J. D. Foust has returned to Greensboro after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Foust. Miss Betsy Thompson left Tuesday afternoon to visit Miss Sarah Coe Hunsuckec in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ro*s. Jr., of Lynchburg, Va., were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mra Lawrence G. Nicholson, during the holidays. Mr. Ross returned home on Tuesday, while Mrs. Rosa remained for ?longer visit, New Year Greetings Below we are printing a letter of "good wlsbea for a happy New Tear." It ia from the Southern Railway and signed by Holoombe 1 Parkea, and B. E. Young and II. i C. Yancey, the firat, aaaiatant to i the president, the other two, ex eontlve representatives. There ia ( no mention of the Southern ex . oept what ia abown on the letter , head. Here ia the letter In fall, except the namea at the end and without the position they hold: 1 Dear Mr. Kbbn'odlk : Nineteen hundred and forty two will aoon belong to the his 1 toriana, whose writings will teach onr children's children that Amerioaus worked and fought and died In 1942, to preserve for them the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". It has been a year to try men's souls. But every American knows now that the courage of American fighting men and the production genius of American industry have brought us twelve months nearer Victory than we were this time last year. Today, united and oonfldent, the nation faces a New Tear that ia certain to be brighter for the forces of decency?and darker for li" forces of evil. Tnus, sharer of a better tomor row, we express the hope that you will have plenty of good news for Page Oue in 1943? and extend to you and your staff?our cordial good wisues for A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. HiU of Sanford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Green on Tuesday. Mrs. Izora MoClure of Raleigh was a holiday guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Nicholson. % Mr. and Mrs. David Long were week end guests of Mrs. Long's sister, Miss Blanche Bishop, i Walnut Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moore have returned to their home in Hoffman after visiting his moth er, Mrs. J. C. Moore. Mrs. R.L.Holmes and L.H.Ker nodie of DanviLe spent yester day evening here with Maj. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson. Bill Green has returned to Duke university after .spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Green. Mrs. Lavona Crutchfield of the Cane Creek community is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Hal lie Moore, on Melville street. Corpl. and Mrs. Carroll Elling ton have returned to camp in Tenn., after visiting his parents. Rev. and Mrs. R. P. Ellington. Miss Bessie Anglin returned to her home in Richmond on Sun day after spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. L. G Nichol son. Miss Marea Yount has return ed to Duke university, after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Yount. Mrs. Ray Moore and Mrs. Archie Boswell returned Mon day from Maoon, Ga., where they visited their husbands, stationed at Cochran Field. Mr. and Mrs. E. M Brummitt and children. Dink and Don, vis ited relatives and friends in Kernersville and Winston-Salem during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stuart and children, John and Sylvia, of Shelby were guests of Mrs. Stu art's mother, Mrs. J. C. Moore, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Barnes and son, Harper Henderson, and Maj. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson spent Saturday with Mr. Barnes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Barnes, in Lillington. Miss Madeline Nicholson re turned on Tuesday to St. Pauls where she is a member of the school faculty, after spending , the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leonard ( and children of Asheville, Mr. , and Mrs. Broadus Cullers and children, of High Point, and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Williams of Dan ville, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams, dur i ing the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bacon and their young cousin, Tommy i Bacon, of Hillsboro spent the 1. holidays with Mrs. Bacon's pa ! rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Green. ' Misses Ersell Boswell and 1 Mary Scott Henderson spent the ? holidays with the latter's brother Jack Henderson, in Norfolk. ? ?' - ( ' Miss Vernon and William Miller Watts Wed In a private ceremony, at the First Baptist church in Burling ton, Monday afternoon at 5:30 oY-lock Miss Sarah Elizabeth Vernon, daughter of Mrs. John Henry Vernon and the late Mr. Vernon became the bride of Wil liam Miller Watts, son of Mrs. Overton Ludwell Wattsi and the the late Mr. Watts of Charlotte. The vows were heard by Rev. A. D. Kennett, pastor of the church. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, John Henry Vernon, Jr. Mrs. Watts graduated from Burlington high school and Meredith college in Raleigh. She received her Master of Arts de gree in political science from Duke University. Mr. Watta attended National Business college in Charlotte and Davidson College. He is man ager of the Old Dominion Box company. During the ceremony Mrs. Car rigan played "Hearts and Flow ers" by Tobani which she had played at the wedding of the bride's parents which had also taken place on December 28. After a brief wedding trip the couple will be at home in the Spoon apartments in Burlington. Over 20 Million Pounds Scrap Industrial firms in North Carolina dumped 21,053,307 pounds of oastoff materials on the nation's scrap pile during the monthly period ending December 20, W. M. Parsley, industrial sal vage manager, reported on 24th. The total included 20,473,593 pounds of iron and steel, 267,600 pounds of brass, copper and aluminum, 27,573 pounds of rub ber, and 734,541 pounds of rag3, paper and miscellaneous mater ials. Collections for the month in clude only totals of 310 plants reporting to the industrial salv age office in Charlotte. North Carolina industrial salvage committee is headed by B. B. Gossett, of Charlotte. The committee only recently began functioning on a statewide basis. Not Planning To Take Spare Tires. # Rubber Administrator William Jeffers explains, "there is no likelihood in my opinion that the fifth tire of automobilists will be taken by the government." In the event the synthetic pro gram did not. work out as antici pated, he said that "because of the absolute necessity that the maximum of farm production must be carried out and that if there was any indication of any shortage of tires, then there was always the reservoir of the fifth tires on autos and those of cars in storage." He added "our every effort is to keep America on wheels and the spare tires are much better in the possession of the autoist than stored in some warehouse." A survey of potental woman power for labor reveals that ap proximately 15,000,000 women are gainfully employed, less than 23 per cent of the total female population. A Good Place To Meet A Better Place To Eat Nick-s Cafe ORAHAM, N. C. WANTED:? I Girls for cafeteria work. 16 years of age up. No experience necessary. Write or apply to Harvey's Cafeteria, for Interview, 105 east Main street, Durham, N. C. poultry? Poultry nutrition has become a real science. EXCELSIOR FOULTRY FEEDS are made under scientific supervision. We Invite you to visit our plant tfnd laboratory, Franklinville, N. C. The Randolph Mills. Inc. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Floyd E. Mann, de ceased, late of Alamanco County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims a gainst the estate of the said Floyd E. Mann to exhibit them to the undersigned at Graham, North Carolina, on or befora the 17th day of December, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This, 14th day of December, 1942. MR8. MILDRED MANN, Administratrix. J. 8. Cook. Atty. DEATHS John Franklin Williamson, 78, of Burlington, died suddenly at 10:45 Christmas day, while on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. J. S. Hawks, in Gibsonville. He made his home with another daughter, Mrs. A. C. McAdams, Burlington. Funeral services were held from the Rich & Thompson chap el Sunday afternoon with the Rev. George W. Swinney, pastor of the Glenhope Baptist chufth officiating. Interment in Pine Hill cemetery. A native of Montgomery coun ty, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson. He was the widower of Mrs. Adel aide Martindale Williamson, and was a member of the Glen Raven Baptist church. Surviving are four daughters, four sons, 22 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren. Felix Ronald Ward, 41, of ' Durham, died in the state hoepi- . tal after an illness of 8 months, i Funeral services were held from the Mount Zion Christian church 1 near Mebane, with interment in the church cemetery. Surviving are his wife, two children, to sisters, a brother, and a half brother. Mrs. Betty Wilson Frazier, 85, died Saturday night at the home of her son, Robert L. Frazier, in Burlington, after illness of two . days. Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon from the residence, with the Rev. Lacy Marshall and the Rev. A. C. Correll officiating. Interment in Pine Hill cemetery. A native of Henry county, Vir ginia, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wil son and the widow of James M. Frazier. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church of Spray. Surviving are a son, Robert L. Frazier, Bujlington; a sister, Mrs. Charity Stone, Burlington; , four grandchildren; and five , half brothers. Miss Nannie Elizabeth Hagood 1 62, died Sunday morning at the < home of her sister, Mrs. J. T. 1 Sparks, Burlington, after failing '? health of four months. She was a ' native of Danville, Va., but had 1 made her home in Burlington ' for the past 12 years. She was a member of Keen Street Baptist church in Danville. Funeral services were held ( from the residence at 11 o'clock , Tuesday morning with graveside , services to be at Leemont ceme tery in Danville, Va., at 2:80. J The Rev. 0. W. Perrell and the , Rev. C. J. Andrews officiated. Surviving are four sisters; 10 nieces and 6 nephews. Lindsay Alexander Hinkle, 82, died at 4:30 Wednesday, last week, at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. E. B. Kinney, route 5, Burlington, after nine months of failing health. A native of Davidson county, he had made his home near Bur lington for the past six years. He was a member of Calvary Bap tist church and a member of the Junior Order council, at Lexing ton. Funeral services were held at Calvary Baptist church at 10:80 Saturday morning. Interment was in Floral Garden cemetery, High Point. Surviving are six daughters; five sons; 28 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. W. E. Platton died last Thurs day at his home in Cynthina, Ky., following an illness of several months. '. He had been a reident of Ken tucky for the past 25 years. He was a native of the Haw fields section of this county. He is survived by his wife, the form er Miss Anna Reed, of Paris, Ky.; two daughters; a brother and three sister, all of Alamanoe county. Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Win ningham Walter, 68, diedTues-, day morning at her home in At lanta, Ga. The body was brought to Bur lington for funeral services, today, at the Rich & Thompson chapel with interment to follow in the Pine Hill cemetery. The Rev. A. D. Kinnett, pastor of the First Baptist church officiating. Mrs. Walter was a native ot Alamance county, the daughter of the late Jesse H. Winningham and Mrs. Isabel Thompson Win ningham, and the wife of the late Frank A. Walter. Surviving are a son, Gaines W. Walter, Atlanta. Ga.; a sister, j and. three brothers, I __ _ ? * " ' ' f a GIFTS from HADLEY'S - are - Gifts At Their Best Happy Birthday In December HlrtkttoM TVIdUone OPTOMETRIST Successor to Dr. L. H. Allen Eyes Examined?Glasses fitted Upstairs next to Lamm's Clothing Company Borlingtoa. N. C. Dr. V. H. MEWBORN, JR. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Ths undersigned, baring qualified as administrator of the estate of George a. Jeffries, deceased, late of Alamance County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tbe 21th dag of November, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This, ioth day of November, 1*41. U A. LUTTERLOH, ?> Administrator. B. P. Jones, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified els Administrator of the estate of Allie Farmer, deceased, late of Ala mance County, thl# is to notify all persons having claims against said es tate to present them to the undersign ed on or before the 24 th day of No vember, 1941 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate srlll please make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This, 20th day of November, 1942. 8. S. 8HOFFNER. Administrator. Bnow Camp, N. C.. Route 2. COMMISSIONER'S RE-SALE REAL PROPERTY Pursuant io an order of the Superior ?ourt of Alamance County made in 3peclnl Proceeding No. ZOO, entitled Gold Miles, et ale. vs. Watne Miles et lls'.th* undersigned commleeioner will ;f(er for re-sale to the highest bidder, ipon the terms hereinafter stated, the ollowing described real properties mown as the James Miles Estate, at he Courthouse door in Graham. N. C., in Thursday, January 14th, 1*41 at 12:0* c'ctock. noon 1st TRACT: A certain tract or par wl of land in Pleasant C rove Town ihlp. Alamance County. North Caro lna, adjoining the lands of Henry lone*. James Miles Estate. George Klmbro and R. W. Vincent, more par ticularly deecrlbed as follosrs: Beginning at a rock and Iron stake, corner with Henry Jonee and James Miles Estate; thence with the said Es tate N. ?? deg. 22 min. W. CI2.2I feet lo an iron stake; thence again with the said Estate N. 1 dea. 21 mln. E. 481.72 feet to a rock at persimmon tree, cor ner with the Estate and Oeorge Klra bro; thence a new line with the said Klmbro N. 22 deg. 44 mln. W. 442 feet to an Iron stake; thence another new line erlth the said Klmbro N. 44 deg. 24 mln. W. 22* feet to an iron stake; thence another new line sritb the said Klmbro N. 40 deg. 27 min. W. 2247.7 feet to an Iron stake, corner srlth Klm bro and in the line of James Miles Es tate; thence a new line with the said Estate 8. 24 deg. 02 mln. K. 2*40 feet to an iron stake a new corner srlth the ?aid Estate in R. W. Vincent's line; thence with the said Vincent 8. 4 deg. 24 mln. W 142.4 feet to an iron stake at mouth of branch Into Jordan Creek; thence again with the rslr Vincent and up the said branch as It meanders 8- 2 deg 44 mln. W. 2*2.04 feet to an iron stake: thence 8. * deg. 14 mln. W. 1*2 feet to a stake; thence 8. * deg. 44 mln. W. 44 feet to a stake; -hence 8. 72 deg. 14 mln. E. 10* 44 feet to a stake; then ce 8. * deg. 14 mln. W. 127.22 feet to a stake; thence 8. 7 deg. *4 min. E. 122.7 (set to an Iron stake in a branch near marked hickory and gum tree, corner with R. W. Vincent; thence again srlth the said Vincent and Henry Jones 8. 4 deg. 27 mln. W. 1444.7 feet to the be ginning, containing 24.0 acres, more or leas, being a part of the James Miles Estate as surveyed and platted bg W. T. Hall. C. E-. July and August. 1*42. Bidding will begin -m the above Trtct No. 1 at $2.0**.**. 2nd TRACT: A certain tract or par cel of land in Pleasant Grove Town ship. Alamance County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands cf NewtOn Thompson,Sherman Corn. James Miles Estate, Jack Tate. Nemoina Miles, Henry McCauley and Alma A. Kerno dle, more particularly described as fol losrs: Beginning at a hickory tree, corner with Newton Thompson and 8herman Corn, running thence with the said Com. 8. 24 deg. ? 4mln. E. 44.4 feet to a roefc. womer Wtth qhenndu Com and e? Jamas Miles Estate; thanes a naw Una with tha Batata 8. St dec. St min. B. 4 II.S fast to an Iron stake, corned with Jack Tata In tha James Miles Estate's line ; thanes a nsw 11ns with the said Tate 8. 10 dec. ST mln. E. SSIT.T fast to an Iron stake; thence another new Una with the said Tate 8. IS dec- 24 mln. E. ISO feet to an Iron stake: thence another new line with the said Tate 8. St dec. 14 mln. E. 642 feet to a rock at persimmon tree, corner with the said Tate and Jamas Miles Estate; thence with the said Estate N. St dec. ST mln. W. TT.SS fast to an iron stake In Old Hlilsboro Road; thence acain with the Estate and Nemonla Miles N. Si dec- ss mln. W. S04.4 ft. to a reck thence with the said Nemonla Miles 8. 4 dec. 0T mln. W. 1SST.0 leet to a point In the Union Rldce-Murray's Store Road, corner with Nemonla Miles In Henry McCauley's 11ns (Iron stake set on this line N. 4 dec- ST mln. E. f .4 ft. from the corner In the road); thence alone the road and with the line of Henry McCauleor N. S4 dec- 4S min. W. 496 ft. to an Iron stake In the said road, corner with Alma A. Ker nodle in the sold McCauley's line, thence with the said Kernodle N. S dec ST mln. E. 1260.4 ft to an Iron stake (Iron stake set on this line 14 feet from the corner in the road), corner with Alma A. Kernodle; thence acain with the said Kernodle N. "2 dec. Ok mln. W. 1044.S feet to an Iron stake, corner with the raid Kernodle In New ton Thompson's line; thence with the said Thompson N. S dec. IS min. E. 410.4 feet to a rock and Iron stake: thence acain with the said Thompson N. 4T dec. 0T min. W. 1022.6 feet to a rock In north bank of Jordan Creek; thence acain with the said Thompson N. 4 dec. 40 mln. E. 668 fee: to the be ginning. containing 15 0 acres, more or less, and being n part of the fcamea Miles Estate as surveyed and platted by W. T Hall. C. I. July and Auaust. 1041. Bidding wiU begin on the above Tract No- 2 at IS.TS0.00. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, one third three months and balance six months from date of sale, all deferred payments bearing interest at 6 per ctnt from sale. This sale subject to advance bids. This, SSth day of December, 1941 CLARENCE ROSS. Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S LAND SALE ! Under and pursuant to the order of the Superior Court of Alamance Coun ty, made in that certain special pro ceedings entitled, "Tom Fuller. Ad ministrator of the estate of James Fuller, deceased, rs. Elizabeth Peddi ford Fuller, widow, et al.," the under signed Commissioner will sell at pub lic auction at the courthouse door in Graham, on Saturday, January 2nd. 1)41, at 12: Of o'clock. M.. all of the following described real property, to-wit: First Tract: ? certain tract or par cel of land in Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Joseph Tate. Able Grlffis and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a black oak, corner with Wm. Benson and Constance Sel la rs; thence W. 12.07 chs. to a stake by the road; thence Southerly with the road 11.20 chs. to a stake; thence S. 42 4 deg. E. with the old road leading to Mebane'a Mill, the said road being the deriding line between the Albert and McCallum lands, 00.45 chs. to a gum In said Tate's line; thence his line S. 884 deg. E. 15.80 chs. to a white oak. his corner; thence S. 2.15 chs. to the creek; thence up said creek as it meanders 40.25 chs. to a poplar; then ce N. 22 deg. W. with Able Griffls' Une 8.95 chs. to a post oak; thence N. 45 4 deg. W. with said Grlffis' line 54.79 chs. to the beginning, containing 129 | acres, more or lees. 8econd Tract: A certain tract Or parcel of land In Alamance County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of James Fuller. Chas. Maynard and others, and lying on North side of Back Creek Into the North end of my lands, and containing 15 acres, be the same more or less, it being the lot of 18 acres I purchased from my father; thence across more or lees all the 13 acres lying on the 8outh side of Back Creek and adjoining the lands of Brown Vincent W. N. Tats and others. Excepted from the Second Tract is the 2-acre tract sold and conreynd by James Fuller and wife to Hassell Haith and wife. Terms of Sale: Purchaser will be required to pay one-third of his bid in cash upon confirmation, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months from date of confirmation, de ferred payments to bear interest at six (?) per cent *?d title to be re tained until purchase price Is fully paid. Sale made subject to advance bids and conflmatlon by the Court. This, the 2rd day of December. 1942. GEORGE A. LONG. Commissioner, Long, Loaf fe Barrett Attys. i?. . i