Between Fighting in Solomons What wise man, two years ago, would have predicted that the lonely Solomon islands, strewn in the path of the route to Australia, would today be a show-down battleground of the United States and Japanese forces? i U. S. marines took a vital air field from the Japs on August 7-8, on Guadalcanal island, in the Solomons. Since that time the Japs have spent lots of money, men and ships trying to take it back. To keep it has cost Uncle Sam much in money, men and ships. But Old Glory ? is firmly planted on Guadal canal, and on other islands of the Solomon group. These pictures give you in timate close-ups of life as it goes for our boys in these em battled islands. t In picture at top a marine re moves his whiskers during a lull in the fighting near the front lines on Guadalcanal. Right :jChow call for jungle fighters. A lunch of soup, meat and bread is served up to the marine troops near the front lines. Set afire by a Jap bomb hit on the hangar in the background, this marine fighter plane was pulled into the open by leathernecks who used chemicals to extinguish the flames. The plane, a Grumman Wildcat, re turned to the air. Shown above (left) is a captured enemy field piece. Above (right) the girl he left behind him is not forgotten by this ma rine standing in his fox hole. Left: Coffee is dis pensed by the barrelfuL Before this crude leanto on Tulagi island. Father James Fitzgerald, beloved navy chaplain, says mass for marines of an amphibian tractor unit. Father Fitzgeralds home is in Chicago. Shark-noted army fighters tuch at these have combined uith navy and marine planes to take a heavy toll of Jap aircraft in the continuing battle for the Solomon islands. ? ? i .. r "i . ~~ ? i Snow White Furs to Fit Every Purse Fill Winter Style Picture By CHERIE NICHOLAS CNOW white furs whether costly i " or of the surprisingly inexpen sive types are writing a fascinating I chapter into the current winter fash- i ion story. Style-alert college girls, 1 'teen-agers, careerists, ladies of i more leisure, all are clamoring for i the new white furs so outstanding i in the fashion parade these days. The younger set's preference is for 1 "sportsy," casual types like the cape 1 of white lambskin or the coat styled ' in boxy lines, or the lumber jacket versions that are part of fur and part of red or green wool. These young moderns, having discovered how adorable these white furs look with their white jersey or white cor duroy date dresses, are setting up a hue and cry for "any kind of fur, just so it's white." The opera throngs pay homage to exquisite ermine which all goes to show that enthusiasm is running high for white peltry whether it be surprisingly inexpensive or of the costly patrician type that costs a "pretty penny." For out and out flattery it's the lovely snow white furs shown this season that will give it to you. Wear a snow white neck-piece (one of the smart new stole types). Or, if it is a coat, jacket or cape, or a com plete ensemble including hat and muff that you choose, be assured its white magic will make you look your prettiest wherever you go. All dressed far skiing, sleighing or skating is the merry-faced maid en above to the left in the illustra tion. Hers is typically a sports outfit. The jacket is for the most part of white fur, with just enough bright wool fabric to stress color contrast. The gloves and the hat of white fur complete the ensemble. Capes like the hooded white lamb skin type centered at the top in the above picture are going over big with the college crowd. This sort of cape is one of those treasurable posses sions that can be worn over one's suit in the daytime or over one's winter sports outfit. And for eve ning it makes the perfect wrap with one's party frock. You'll love the flattery of its face-framing hood, and the fact that it is a reversible type lined with Breton blue water repellent poplin makes it perfect for all-purpose wear. So, you see, being made to "weather" the weath er this cape not only ranks high in flattery but is ever so practical as well. Trending to the somewhat shore formal is the smart white coat to the right. The fur is white South American lamb. Here is a style right coat that can go everywhere and be in perfect taste. The portrait in the inset shows how exquisitely white ermine is at tuned to jewels, to a smart formal hairdo and to the environs of for mal functions. Note the designful detailing of the neckline. At many dinner parties the long, sleek black dinner gown worn with pearl jewel ry, and topped with a tiny white ermine dinner hat, with a dainty white fur muff carried for effect, constitutes the perfect formal cos tume. With daytime suits little white fur hats are worn, for fashion is placing emphasis on white millinery this season. Add white gloves, white fur neckpiece and a muff for the en semble de luxe. Often the hat is of black velvet or felt with a bow or swatch of white fur. Beleased by Western Newspaper Union. 'Cover-Up' Style Here you see the type o 1 dinner gown for which best-dressed women are expressing a decided preference this winter. It has the slim lines, the very swank "cover-up" look which is so importantly stressed for formal gowns. The bodice is smooth- i ly molded to accent figure perfec tion and, as you will observe, the narrow skirt has a slit hemline that gives an exotic air to the entire cos tume picture. The decorative pock- i ets dime in glistening beaded i embroidery add the final touch of ' loveliness to this superb dinner 1 gown. i Necessity Revives Home Sewers' Art Now that everyone must conserve in every direction as a wartime vic tory measure, women are turning to home sewing as a means of making the most of what they have. Espe cially is the art of home sewing due for a revival now that traveling and motoring restrictions lead to more stay-at-home days and long after dark hours. This new interest in the "make your own" idea has so impressed merchants there is a movement throughout fashion centers to offer sewing lessons in the larger stores. The reaction to this movement has been most encouraging and the urge to sew is becoming widespread, so much so that it is considered the smart thing to be knitting, crochet ing, doing fine needlework, and many women are so ambitious they are undertaking the family sewing. Lace-Over-Print Idea May Start a New Style A very interesting and refreshingly ! new fashion was recently launched | by a leading designer when a charm ing two-piece was shown in an ad vance collection. The twosome consists of a print dress complete in itself for general wear. For dressier occasions it is designed to serve as a slip under an exquisitely sheer black lace dress which is made to complete the en semble. The print dress was also shown topped with a lace redingote. There is every reason to believe that this lace-over-print idea will develop Into an important vogue. improved"""""" uniform international Sunday i chool Lesson By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D, D. %*l?asrt'b?*wSuTra NtmJSmUr ttesft Lesson for January 3 Lauoa subject* and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council at Religious Education; used by permission. THE GLORY OF THE SON OF GOD LESSON TEXT?John 1:1-14. v GOLDEN TEXT?And the Word wu made fleah, and dwelt among ua (and we beheld hla fiery, the fiery aa at the only befotten of the rather), full of fTace and truth. John 1:14. A New Year! It brings a thrill to our hearts, for even in this year of our Lord 1943 we may look for ward with expectancy to God's blessing upon us and be hopeful that better things are ahead. Yet we do so with a sense of sadness as we realize that our world is so far from God, and with a deep feeling of responsibility for our life and tes timony in the coming months. There could be no better way to begin any year?and certainly not this year?than by the study of God's Word. This should be done in the home and in the church, but may we suggest that this is an espe cially good time to enter into the fellowship of your local Sunday school. Were we to select a Scripture por tion with which to start the year we could not find a finer one than the Gospel according to John. The purpose of the Gospel is stat ed in 20:31 as being "that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name." This first lesson of the series re veals the glory of Christ. I. In the Beginning?the Living Word (w. 1-3). God reveals Himself to man. As the word is the express image of the thought, so in an infinitely great er sense Christ, the Living Word, is the express image of God (see Heb. 1:1-3). In "the beginning," spoken of in Genesis 1:1, Jesus Christ already "was" (v. 1); and He not only "was with God," but He Himself "was God." He, the Living Word, the com plete and final revelation of God as both Creator and Redeemer, was the infinite and eternal God. He came to bring to man the reassur ing message of God's redeeming love. The profound depth of these verses is beyond the deepest think er, but their glorious message of redemption is simple enough for the understanding of the youngest child. We may receive truth which we can not fully understand and be blessed by it. n. In the World?the True Light (w. 4-11). He is both the life and the light of men. In fact. His life was the light that shined (yes, and still shines) in the darkness of this world, revealing God's love. But the world did not receive the light. His own world knew Him not (v. 10). How tragic! Yet even deep er is the hurt of verse 11?His own people received Him not. And it is so today. Nations re fuse His light upon world problems and try to fight them out. Class hatred; capital against labor; the "have" against the "have not"; yes, even the bitter fightings between professed Christians, all bespeak the fact that the shining of the "true light which lighteth every man" has not been permitted to penetrate very far into this dark world. However, it has reached, by God's grace, into the hearts of believers, and there it has brought forth glori ous results. ill. in me eeuever?rower ana Glory (w. 12-14). Those who receive Christ are born again. It is not a matter of "blood," that is, of family or heredity. Nor is it "by the will of the flesh," that is, by natural instinct or develop ment of an inherent divine spark. And it is not by "the will of man," for it does not come by human will power. It is "of God," a divine rebirth which gives power in the Hfe, and authority to declare one's self to be the child of God (v. 12). This is all so clear and so altogether de sirable for both time and eternity that one wonders why all do not at once turn to Christ as Saviour. Have you? The believer also sees in the Word which "was made flesh and dwelt among us," the glory of "the only begotten of the Father." All that such an expression means we shall not know until we reach eternity, but that does not prevent the believ er from beholding, by the eye of faith, his glorious Saviour, the One who is "full of grace and truth." John, the "man sent from God" (v. 6), was a witness to the Light to the intent that men "might believe." We, too, are to be witnesses, and that includes every one of us who knows Jesus Christ as Redeemer and Lord. If we will all thus fulfill the re sponsibility and privilege which is ours, we may see in 1M3 a real re vival of spiritual life and power. No need is greater than that, and we could raider God and our fellow men no greater service. This New Tear's Sunday is the right time to make a start Shall we do it? fMffERNTWl j[I) SEWINQ CIRCLE qjfl 1703 1690 * Enchanting Set. ENCHANTING is the word for this fragile, feminine gown and jacket, yet you make the set with the utmost economy of material and sewing energy. The angelical ly shaped top of the gown is fitted with a few darts, the waistline is controlled with ribbon! Finish both the gown and the becoming jacket with lace. ? ? ? Barbara Bell Pattern No. 17Q0-B la de signed for sizes 12. 14. IS. II. ? and 40. Corresponding bust measurements 90, 32, 34. 36. 38 and 40. Sire 14 (32) gown and Jacket require 5>/? yards 35 or 39-inch material, 5 yards ribbon. Soft Suit Frock. IXTHEN you want to look your * * very prettiest for him . . . rely on this soft suit! The jacket, tying at the waist magically pro duces graceful curves at this point, the dickey fills in the neckline with flattering white, and the skirt flares gently. ? ? ? Barbara Ball Pattern No. UM-B is de signed for sizes 11. 13. 13. IT. It. Carre sponding bust measurements 29, 31. 33, 33, 37. Size 13 (31) Jacket with. % skm requires 1% yards 39-inch materia), skirt and trim for jacket 2 yards, dickey. % yard. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 1M Seventh Ave. His Task Enclose 20 eento to coins tor each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Name. Address - ^ COLDS'MISERIES ^ PenetrO achaagetPeoetro?modern medroafaoaiaa mutton ??? baaa. iu. dmibia aupptrkML Happiness Within From our own shelves our joys must flow.?Nathaniel Cotton, 1 Christening Gift When an American battleship is named after a state, the state pre sents the vessel with a gift, usually a silverware service, one on record costing as much as $30,000. I ? no ribbons, now:::.. cake* baled with Clabber Girt ? blue ribbon winner. at State Mid County Fair. ? give place to b? rafts, wafftos and quick braadi as Clabber Girt play* it* part in the nation'. nutrition piugiaa. in nuNiafia of himn HULMAN 4 CO. - TBUUE HAUTE. IND, foundtd 1|4| B**vina Wisely Ojr ? v ? ^ > rffg *?* ?? 1r~" | ri iMfitfj