PBBK" ' >j i , . '? Fun for the Whole Family Ul?* > ?? I PRIVATE 1 | BUCK | H Clyde lewis M Ltufa, "I think I've found the trouble, Buck. The gas tank's empty!" | J CROSS = I TOWN E By 3 Roland Coe E R PL iJBJS "The government doesn't like hoarders, mom!" SPARKY WATTS By BOODY ROGERS i 1 600PM6MT/ ^ Ml Fg BUTTEP TW KIP IN TH' VTOMACH AN' KNOCKEP HIM SELF COLPEJZ THAN AN V WUJO/ nsr-^\ r Mg.mm.r i vwu. -5iqm e i tm contract | \ iu. make sou j )a championT^ I ^1? ! , REG'LAR FELLERS?A Big Shot ( ueT IT BE SAID THAT ^ f JAMEt OUSAN, JUNIOR., A 1 TOOK A TIP WHEN V. MS. HEARD IT/ J THAT'S THE IDEA, DUOAN, >. IF YOU HAVE THE BIG BUSINESSMEN OF THIS TOWN BACK OF YOU, J YOU CANT LOSE.' ^r^r~z ? By GENE BYRNES jl f SO THAT'S TH- SECRET } ( OF iUCCElS_eHl V WeLL,WIU./ . ?V n i ^ THE.Y OONT ^ COME ANY BiackER. N THAN BANKERS ? LETT'* a Rg. ! IpKsiiiii 3LSU3|5j?J j* ougam l_ cohpah/ H-.3J.-s. I RAISING KANE?Allez-Oop! By FRANK WEBB I I (pUNKV/ ? WAS 3XIBT /IN MV SPARE TIME I SHOULD f ? I TEACH SHAGGSI SOME tricks^ fl 7 with My ABiLiry and J / \ PATIENCE, I COULD DO \ IwONDEdS WITH him >/J (youMEAN like) \THIS, POP jy ? MV SIMS. VOUNS LACry. ? YOU MADE these suns ft in ji6 time. oont H^yTHE^eu GOOD! BETTYS PRETTY PftOUO Of HER NEW RECIPE FOR BUNS. YOU CAN 1 MAKE THEM EXTRA fAST_ANO THEY HAVE I. CORA VITAMINS^ hr3IS2H SO THE NEW STYLE IS EXTNA VITAMINS FOR BUNS,NOW! IS I IT HARD TO DO? J i just bake with j fleischmann's [ yellow label "/east: thats the only yeast that ha6 vitamins a anod as well as the vitamin/j? v 1 errrrs richti and remember, au. 1 these vitamins in fleischmann* ? yeast co right into whatever i vou bake with no creat^^^b ? loss n the oven . WE'O BC LOST WITHOUT THE NEW ELEISCMMANN'S YEAST RECIPE BOOK. YOU AND GRANDMA WOULD LOVE J EVERY RECIPE IN IT; LETS SEND M FOR A P1HC COPY FOR HER ^ RIGHT TOOAV.'j FREEI 40-pogo, Full-color book with ovor 60 rtdpM. Writ* Standard Brands Inc, grjjTMmngton Vmt, N?w York, N. Y. | MP -AdTWttMMBt. I Time to Check and Recondition Tractor Points for Checkup Routine Are Listed If you want to save yourself some exasperating moments in the field this spring?and make your tractor last longer, too?W. C. Krueger, ex tension agricultural engineer at Rutgers university, suggests you thoroughly check and recondition the tractor now. "It doesn't make any difference whether a tractor has been in stor age all winter or whether it has been in occasional use?it still needs a general reconditioning," Krueger says. And he lists some of the points of the check-up routine as follows: If battery equipped, make sure unit is fully charged and that all connections are tight and that the battery is firmly supported and braced. ? Take out spark plugs, clean and re-gap and replace those with ap preciably worn terminals. Oil magneto, wipe out distribu Perry Thompson, Indiana farmer, gives hungry tractor a feed of pre cious gasoline and gets going. tor cap and flush impulse coupling with kerosene, lubricate. Flush the water cooling system thoroughly and fill with clean rain water preferably. Tighten all con nections and replace worn or gum my hose. Thoroughly clean oil filter or in stall new element. Thoroughly clean air filter accord ing to instructions; change oil in oil bath type. Check and flush entire oiling sys tem by first pouring a mixture of gasoline and light lubricating oil, half and half, into each cylinder through the spark plug hole and crank the epgine until the mixture hit been forced out ft the holes. This washes old oil from cylinders, valves and pistons and helQ$ loosen piston rings. Use the same mixture for flushing the valve operating mech anism under the valve housing cov er. Flush the crank case with kero sene, drain and refill with proper grade oil. Drain gear box and crank case and refill with specified grade of lubricant. Thoroughly grease and oil all points as specified in the lu brication chart. Start the engine and operate slow ly, watching for any unusual condi tions. Sticking valves can be loos ened with kerosene applied to the valve stem. Pasteurize the Cream To Keep Butter Sweet Many farm people, making butter for home use for the first time in many years, are anxious to learn how to keep butter from developing a rancid flavor. According to For rest C. Button, professor of dairy manufactures, Rutgers- university, the answer to this question is pas teurization of the cream. "The heat of pasteurization makes inactive the raw cream enzyme, which causes deterioration of the fat," Professor Button explains. "Pasteurization is a simple proce dure: Just put the cream into a can or pail; place this container in a large kettle, boiler or other suit able container partly filled with wa ter; place this on the stove and bring the cream to a temperature of 1*5 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. A shorter method is to heat the cream to 165 to 170 de grees for 10 or 15 minutes, but the 30-minute method is the standard procedure. The cream should be stirred while being heated. When the pasteurization process is completed, Professor Button says that the cream should be cooled to 50 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and held at this temperature for at least three hours before churning in order to insure firm butter granules. The Vanishing American The farm laborer, today's vanish ing American, has disappeared down one of two separate channels?the armed* forces and industry. A high percentage of the skilled specialists who operate the mechanical gadg ets of both army and navy have been from farms. Equipped with the rugged physique that comes from long hours of hard work in the open farm boys have been gratefully ac cepted by all the armed forces and are serving their country well. ? Araba Go Dry Arabs rarely drink with their meals. If they become thirsty during dinner, they stop eating. They believe thirst is nature's warning that they have . had enough. I There's food reason why I'AZO eiat men! has been used by au many million* of sufferers from simple I'Mew. First. I'AZO ointment soothes inflamed areas ?-relieves pais and itch inc. .Second. PAZO ointment lubricates hardened, dried parts?helps prevent cracking and soreness. Third. FAZO ointment tends to reduce swelling and check bleeding*. Fourth, it's easy to use. FAZO oint ment's perforated File Fipe makes ap plication simple, tkerougk. Your doctor caa tell yeu about FAZO ointment. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP ? When bowels are sluggish and yoo feel irritable, headachy, do as millions do ? chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing-gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A-MINT before you go to bed, taking only in accordance with package directions ? sleep without being dis turbed. Next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINT "io< Attaining True Wisdom Not by constraint or severity shall you have access to true wis dom, but by abandonment and childlike mirthfulness.?Thoreau. f For Restlessness and 1 Crying Accompanying 7 \ TEETHING / If year baby happens HUMPHREYS \ \ to be restless, wake- / \ ful and fretful while M 1 teething, try Humphreys J I "81' Not a sedative. Con- I I tains no habitrforming 1 a drugs, but is a mild, % / pleasant medicine long used, by \ V homeopathic doctors. 30f. Try Ut M aHiPBRm I '^-Homeopathic Medicines I Since 1854 J ;r COLD ?1 dr? tabIIts, NOSSEALOROPS TOUGH ORO?. Try "Rnb-My-TW? ? Wmtefel I I.I ^YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM-. (HOT HASHES] If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzi ness, distress of "Irregularities", are weak, nervous, irritable, blue at times?due to the functional "middle-age" period In a woman's life?try Lydla E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound?the best-known medicine you can buy today that's made especially for women. Pinkham's Compound has helped thousands upon thousands of wom en to relieve such annoying symp toms. Follow label directions. Pink ham's Compound Is worth trying! H One ounce makes six gallons fl I of aphis spray... Full dire? V tions on label. ? Insist on fl V ?m factory sealed packages. I H mscco nawsKnuinm ? v anrotsiKM. mcocrauTO S|Tk>ig ? IOUU Villi KIMTUttT 'G-Man* in Army In army slang, a G-man means a soldier on garbage detail, while a "slum burner" means the cook. WNU?4 14-43 May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its harry and worry. Irregular habits. Improper eating and drinking?ita risk of exposure and Infec tion?throws heavy strain on the work oi the kidneys. They are apt to btuomu over-taxed and fail to filter ax esse add and other Imparities Iron the life-string blood. You any sailer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting op eights, lag paina, swelling?feel constantly tired, nerrone, all wont oat. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder am some times burning, scanty or too Inguanl urination. Try Dean's Pifle. Down's help the kidneys to pom ok harmful excuse body waste. They have had more thaa half a century of public approval. Are reeom mended by grateful users everywhere. Afh poar asffiftlsrf