The Alamance Gleaner 1 _ * VoL LXIX GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1943 Na 18 5 WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Nazi Forces Offer Stiff Resistance As Allies Continue Advances in Italy; Russ March Across Northern Ukraine; WFA Announces Control of Milk Sales (EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed In these columns, they are those of Western Newspaper Union's news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.) ____________ Released by Western Newspaper Union. News of Italy's unconditional surrender was greeted with open jubila tion in the garment manufacturing district of New York, with celebrants ankle deep in improvised confetti, etc., as shown above. ? r ITALY: Battlefield, After All Italy's unconditional surrender to the Allies did not spare that country from becoming a bloody battlefield in the war. Trapped all along the Italian boot when the Badoglio government gave up the fight, German forces put up stiff resistance as Allied armies swarmed ashore to occupy the main land. Bitter fighting occurred near Naples and in Rome, where Ger mans were reported to have seized control to establish their own puppet regime, in the name of Benito Mus solini. Meanwhile, Italian service men, told to resist German attempts to prevent them from giving up, ap peared divided in their loyalty to the Badoglio government. While Ital ian soldiers were reported aiding the Allies in the south, the Ger mans claimed many others were standing by the Axis in the north, where the Nazis planned a last ditch fight along the mountain range of the.Po valley. > Escorted by the British navy, three Italian ? battleships and an as sortment of cruisers and destroyers reportedly were steaming for Allied . ports in North Africa, there to join in the fight against Germany. Economic Problem Though Italy's capitulation was of unquestioned military value to the ill!.. 11 nines, its uccupa tion posed diffi cult economic problems. To Cal vin Baldwin of the office at foreign economic co-ordi nation will go the task of straight ening the situa tion. Urst, Italy is deficient in coal, iron and petrole Calvin Baldwin um, though it has quantities 01 mer cury, bauxite and sulphur. Second ly, the country's food production is unbalanced, insufficiencies in grains, meats, fish, oils and eggs offsetting surpluses in fresh, citrus and dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, cheese and rice. Thus, if use is to be made of in dustrial facilities, raw materials would have to be brought in; if ad vantage is to be taken of her peculiar agricultural production, some provi sion of imports of other foods will have to be made. , RUSSIA: Regain Resources Proceeding to shorten their lines In Russia, made more necessary by the collapse of Italy, the Nazis fell back on the Dnieper river, surren dering the vital Donetz industrial basin as they retreated. Farther to the north, the Ger mans' withdrawal put Russia in re possession of much of the fertile farmland of the Ukraine, famed for its wheat and cotton. Although the Reds regained ac cess to coal and iron and foodstuffs, the Germans' destruction of the Do netz's factories and their requisition of tile Ukrainian harvests deprived the Russians of immediate use of these resources. In Moocow, a 234-gun salute marked the Russian successes. CIVILIAN SUPPLIES: Assure Stocks Civilians were assured of supplies of such items as lamps and lan terns burning liquid fuel, bed springs, radiators, furnaces and boil ers under a directive issued to manufacturers by the War Produc tion board. Under the order, manufacturers will set aside a certain percentage of their stock for civilian use. Any attempts of the army, navy, mari time commission or other govern ment agencies to dip into these re serve stocks will be referred to the WPB, which will then determine whether the orders are to be hon ored. WPB's regulation under which it will review requests of government agencies to get goods from civilian stocks, was a modification of a pre vious order, under which the agen cies could only obtain such supplies with a Triple-A priority rating, re served for strategic needs of the highest urgency. SOUTHWEST PACIFIC: Doom Jap Bases Allied troops surrounding the Jap anese New Guinea bases of Lae and Salamaua faced desperate last ditch opposition as 20,000 enemy troops, cut off from all supply from the north, were confronted with surren der or death. American bombers pounded both bases, and at Lae, paratroopers who landed in the Markham valley to the west, beat forward through jungle brush to the outskirts of the town, while Australian ground forces, put ashore along the gulf to the east, closed in from that direction. At Lae, the Japs' main defenses were built in two former plantations on either side of the town. Ter races and groves were fashioned into formidable bunkers, and it was against these that the Allies forces surged. Farther to the south, the doughty Japanese garrison of Salamaua was pounded from the sea, as well as the air. Cruising close to shore, Al lied naval vessels trained their big guns on the waterfront, smashing in stallations. Resisting to the last, a handful of enemy fighters rose up to challenge the bombardment, but two were shot down and a third dam aged. MILK QUOTAS: At Current Levels In order to maintain production of butter, cheese and evaporated and dried milk products, the War Food administration announced sales of fluid milk will be controlled through the establishment of dealers' quotas. Quotas will be based on dealers' current deliveries, permitting civil ians to purchase more milk than they consumed in 1942, but less than they might if supplies were avail able. Sales to hospitals, pregnant and nursing mothers and children will take precedence over other de liveries, it was said, and sales to homes also will receive special con sideration. In heavily populated urban areas where the milk situation is particu larly acute, the program will first be established. Administration ex penses will be paid by an assess ment on milk handlers. CHINA: U. S. Air Force Grows The Japanese have sent a new Zero into Chinese skies, one with ? ?:i:? ? lllgllCI celling and better diving ' characteristics, but gradual re inforcement of the 14th U. S. Air Force is making it more and more of a threat to the enemy's defen sive and econom ic outpost on the Chinese main land. Shipment of T r? DO- a. Gen. Clair* Cbennault 11 1 liL A * B ^guuung r-ooa 1.0 inc itvn nnr gives Maj. Gen. Claire Chennault a speedy fighter to use in combination with bombers at his command. Although the 14th AAF has been used in support of Chinese land ar mies and for pounding Jap commu nications, storehouses and industrial installations set up in occupied sec-1? tions of the country, it looms of greater strategical importance as a threat to the Japanese homeland if northern bases are gotten. AGRICULTURE: Less Cotton Continued hot, dry weather caus ing considerable deterioration in the western portion of the cotton belt, was a contributing factor in the de partment of agriculture's forecast as of September 1 of a 1943 cotton crop of 11,670,000 bales, 7 per cent below the August 1 estimate. Lint yield per harvested "acre was indicated at 25.7 pounds above the 10-year average, but below the rec ord 1942 figure. Regions hit hardest according to the department of agriculture, in clude Texas, where production esti mates as of September 1 were 375, 000 bales below a month ago; Ar kansas, down 200,000 bales; Okla homa, down 125,000 bales; Mississip pi, down 120,000, and Tennessee, down 45,000 bales. Wheat in Loan Because farmers are able to ob tain more for their wheat on the market than the $1.28 a bushel ad vanced on loans by the Commodity Credit corporation, pledges on the 1943 crop approximate half of the total prevailing at this time last year. Then, 94,418.000 bushels were being held by the U. S. On the 44,355,725 bushels in loan, $56,964,137 was paid out,' the CCC stated. Warehouses held 39,370,000 bushels, and 4,985,459 bushels were stored on farms. Officials estimated that the entire 1943 loan stock would not exceed 200,000,000 bushels. As of September 8, the govern ment held about 127,000,000 bushels of wheat, and was disposing of 1V4 million bushels daily for feed in def icit areas. RUBBER: Synthetic Hopes High It all of the necessary materials going into the manufacture of syn thetic rubber can be supplied in 1944, production should approximate 850, 000 tons, Bradley Dewey, newly named rubber director, declared. Even as Dewey spoke, the War Production board ordered 12 major textile mills to devote their facilities exclusively to the fabrication of cot ton and rayon tire cords. Previous ly, the mills had been making cot ton duck for the army. Production of synthetic rubber in September will exceed 30,000 tons, Dewey said, and tires made from the material are equal to all but the top grade from natural rubber. Next year, a minimum of 30 million tires will have to be made and distributed for essential civilian driving, Dewey added. CONGRESS BACK: Studies Draft, Taxes The question of deferring fathers and of raising an additional 12 bil lion dollars in taxes confronted con- , gress when it resumed sessions. Consideration of a proposal by Sen. Burton Wheeler to postpone in HnpRAn of rfada until January 1 loomed in the sen ate, while Rep. Andrew J. May declared he would offer a bill to not only prohibit drafting of fa thers ? but also setting a limit on the size of the army. Presid e n t Rep. Andrew Mit Roosevelt's re quest (or 12 billion dollars of new taxes to raise total receipts to 90 billions a year is expected to arouse bitter debate in congress over meth ods (or obtaining the money. A sales tax, preferably on manufac turers, a spending tax over certain exemptions, and increased income and corporation taxes have bees suggested as revenue sources. To Get Bigger, Better Crops, Farmers Should Toss Their Plows on Junkpile, Says Expert < By ELMO SCOTT WATSON R?l*aaad by Vaatorn Ntwipapar Unloa. THOMAS GRAY, the famous English poet, has made im mortal the plowman who' 'home ward plods his weary way" and for two centuries the plowman and his plow have been the theme of song and story, build ing up the idea that they are the benefactors of mankind. In fact, "Venerate the plow" was the motto engraved upon the medals offered by the Agricul tural Society of Philadelphia early in the Nineteenth century to stimulate agricultural experi mentation, and more than a doz en of our states have the plow as one of the symbols in their great seals. In the face of this tradition it may come as a shock to most Americans to be told that in stead of venerating the plow, we should look upon it as an en emy of agriculture and the tool that is responsible for "all of the erosion, the sour soils, the mounting floods, the lowering water table, the vanishing wild life, the compact and impervi ous soil surface" which have be devilled the American farmer in recent years. Yet that is ex actly what an agricultural ex pert tells us in a new book. He is Edward H. Faulkner and his revolutionary idea is developed in the book "Plowman's Folly" pub lished recently by the University of Oklahoma Press. And lest it be tnougnt tnat ne is only a tneorisx, a "visionary" and a "book farmer," let it be added Immediately that he is the son of a successful farmer, that he was trained in agriculture at Williamsburg Baptist institute (now Cumberland college) and at the University of Kentucky, that he has been a county agent in Kentucky and Ohio, a Smith-Hughes teacher of agriculture and a soil and crop investigator in private employment. Moreover, he has carried on his ex periments in garden plot and on a farm scale on land which he owns in Ohio and by his crop yields has translated theory into solid fact. At the beginning of "Plowman's Folly," Mr. Faulkner says that his book "sets out to show that the mold board plow which is in use on farms throughout the civilized world, is the least satisfactory implement for the preparation of land for the produc tion of crops. This sounds like a paradox, perhaps, in view of the fact that for nearly a century there has been a science of agriculture, and that agricultural scientists almost to a man have used and approved the use of the moldboard plow. Never theless, the statement made above is true and capable of proof. Much of the proof, as a matter of fact, has come in left-handed manner from scientists themselves. The truth is that no one has ever advanced a scientific reason for plowing." He then proceeds to examine all the reasons that are given for plow ing and points out their inconsisten cies and even absurdities. "Assum ing plowed land to be better for plant growth, we should find grass growing more freely on plowed land than on similar unplowed land near by," he points out. "Weeds, too, should show preference for plowed land. Volunteer growth should take over and develop more rankly after land had been plowed than before. Is this so? Observation is that, un til plowed land has subsided again to its former state of firmness, plants develop in it quite tardily, if at alL When dry weather follows the plow ing, it may be weeks or even months before either natural vegetation or a planted crop will make normal growth. The fact is that 'bare' land, which notably erodes worse than soil in any other condition, consists al most wholly of land that has been disturbed recently by plow or culti vating implement. The only other bare land is that which has been denuded of typ soil by erosion or other forces. There is significance in the fact that erosion and runoff are worse on bare land, and that bare land is defined above." The effect which plowing has upon this top soil is the principal reason why the author of "Plowman's Fol ly" considers this instrument an en emy, rather than a benefactor of agriculture. In fact, the principal thesis of the book is that it is wrong to plow natural fertilizers deep into the soil and that this natural fertiliz er?crop residue and green manure crops?should be incorporated into the too.soil (which, as everybody >? ' This pretty firl seems to be heedinr the an cient injunction, "Ven erate the plow," as she examines what has been preserved ot one of the first three plows made by John Deere, the Yankee blacksmith who invented the first successful steel plow in 1837. recognizes, is the really good soil) just as Mother Nature does it in a forest or a meadow. Disk Harrow Better. "We have developed some useless theories in that field," declares Mr. Faulkner. "Men tftve come to feel, for example, that centuries are nec for ?he development of a pro ductive soil. The satisfying truth is that man with a team or a tractor torn th g0Od, haITOW can mix into the soil, in a matter of hours, sufficient organic material to ac complish results equal to what is accomplished by nature in decades." !t ? the diak kanw, rather ?an the plow, which should be the farmer's principal instrument in pro ducfo^more and better crops. Here The organic matter disked into the *P 1104 decomposes ?nd adds to the fertility of the soil but acts as a sponge to hold moisture where it is needed. Faulkner be lie vesthere is a capillary movement of water upward from the subsoil When the surface of the soil contains ST&KE top Uyer not e^.h?^W'tef-,but U able to fa* ceive it from below. Conversely when the soil has been plowed, the loose layer at the surface loses its capillarity while the layer of green manure plowed under actually insu lates the upper surface of soil from the subsoil. This "blotter" is often the reason why a crop shows lack of moisture wnen there is moisture in the sub soil. The crop has used all the moisture in the loose layer of top Can get,no more from below untilthe organic matter plowed un der has become completely decom posed and packed. Although the author of "Plow man's Folly" believes that the harrow is the farm tool which should m.or* end more replace the plow he admits that it does have its limita Ihu'mti difficult to handle on side hills and it won't work so well on stony soil. Nor is it the complete answer to tte question of how to get rid of weeds. He concedes that there la no such thing as completely weed less farming but he does believe thst the system of farming which he ad vocates tends tq get rid of weeds while the plow tends to encourage them For every time land is plowed, seeds are buried for future sprouting. Then when it is plowed again some of the seeds are brought to the surface for growth, while more seeds are turned under to await their torn to sprout, and so on, ad in annum. 'aulkner'a plan of using the diak harrow rather than the Plow, the weeds are mixed ut> into the top sotl and their seeds are never very for below the surface when such seed grows into a pi?-t and the plant is cut, then there is no reservoir of seed far under the ?rtace to take its piece. Gradually a field may get rid of weeds entirely, ?n??r-u*r*J!ut Mort mature! although, of course, there will aV ,y*y.'..b' .*??? we?da grown from ?ee^that is blown or carried into the Not a New Idea. But the problem of weed control Is, after all, of lesser importance than the problem of preparing the ?oil so that it will be mora produc tive. In advocating his plan, Faulk doe? not claim that it is new . n?w ^technical discoveries are to be aired here," he says In his first chapter. "The discussion is con cerned wholly with reducing to prac tical terms, employable in any body s backyard or an any the scientific information possessed for decades but hitherto not put to any extensive use." Moreover, he does not just advo cate a theory but he cites his own experience to prove that his theory is practicable. For example, there was the way be demonstrated its validity with the tomatoes which be transplanted, even though he shocked some of his neighbors with what they considered his "careless methods." First he harrowed down a crop of rye that had grown three feet tall, mixing rye and soil until hardly a trace of vegetation remained. Then he marked the land off in rows, using an instrument he designed himself to pack the worked soil of the rows firmly. This was done to patch the soil back together so nature's capillary action?carried on by the plant root system?could keep on elevating moisture to the surface for his tomatoes. He cleaned all the dirt from the roots of his tomato plants and laid them along the rows on the surface. He covered the roots with rich soil and packed it down by foot By late afternoon every plant set in the forenoon was pointing toward the sky and "by the following morn ing every plant without exception was standing upright" No water was used in transplanting, and that was sufficient evidence that nature's own watering system was at work. Prise Tomatoes. Not only did the tomatoes live, but his neighbors who had been du bious of his "careless" methods had to admit that his was "the finest field of tomatoes in the neighbor hood." There was further proof of the fact when he sold his tomatoes, for he received as much as 2S cents a peck above the top price in the Cleveland market "One reason for this was the exceptional weight of my packed pecks," Mr. Faulkner ex plains. "Fifteen pounds is the stand ard weight of a peck of tomatoes. It was not unusual for a peck of my tomatoes to weigh 16 pounds and many weighed 17. Most local to matoes that year weighed from 10 to 14 pounds to the peck." What the author of "Plowman's Folly" did with tomatoes, he also did with sweet potatoes, cucum bers and beans. And lest it be thought that his methods apply only to "garden truck," let it be recorded that they apply also to field grain. Several years ago he began "nudg ing" the United States department of agriculture to experiment with his theory of "surface-incorporation." Finally one of the leading agrono mists of the department set up a demonstration. "Perhaps the intent was to dis prove my theories," writes Mr. Faulkner. "On the contrary, the outcome of the tests completely con firmed them . . . The results of this official experiment proved that, by working organic matter into the surface instead of plowing it in, the resulting grain yield could be as much as SO per cent greater. The very first year of this trial showed such a result." And these are only a few of the il luminating facta to be found in the 161 pages of "Plowman's Folly." But they all lend emphasis to its author's contention that "the sooner we make ancient history of many of our pres ent farm practices, the earlier ere will realize that the Garden of Eden, almost literally, lies under our feet almost anywhere on the earth we care to step. We have not begun to tap the actual potentialities of tbs soil for producing crops." Waahiugtea, ?? C. ALLIED CO-OPEEATJON'BETTER Officials who have attended all the big strategy powwows?Washington, Casablanca, Washington again, and Quebec?declare that there is pro gressively better Allied co-operation, and a gradual disappearance of the friction which beset earlier confer ences. In the dark days just after Pearl Harbor; the British were plugging for an all-out war against Hitler, while the U. S. officers, outraged over Pearl Harbor, were out to snip the Japs. The decision to swing our weight with the British was made only aft er President Roosevelt had exer cised his authority as commander in-chief and overruled ambitions U. S. plans for the Pacific. After that decision, there came disagreement about where to strike in the European theater. U. S. army staff officers argued in favor of a cross-channel operation, but Chur chill and the British staff shrank from spilling blood against the steel and-concrete shoreline of France and the Low Countries. Instead, Churchill wanted the U. S, army sent to North Africa, to aid in the reconquest of die Mediterrane an. Again. Roosevelt supported Churchill against his own military chiefs, but not until after strong de bate in the inner councils. Another issue was the question at aid to Russia and Britain, winch U. S. army and navy officers wanted to cut down from the Roosevett-Hop k ins-Churchill estimates. The Rus sian cause was upheld against all comers by Harry Hopkins, and Maj. Gen. James H. Bums, executive at the munitions assignment board. Burns' favorite remark is. "Thoan Russians are kiTling mare Cti than anybody else, and they might to have the equipment to keep up the good work." The major decisions that have come from all the controversies have now borne favorable fruit. The Mediterranean is cleared. U. S. forces have been tested tmder fire, landing operations have had fun dress rehearsals for the bigger job of crossing the channel, and the Russians are "keeping up the good work." i So when foe British and Ameri cans get together now, there is much more warmth than at one time There still are some friendly differ ences as there must be when strong men sit down together, and it is re ported that U. & military leaders still chafe at lack of action across foe channel. But on the whole, suc cess is making the road easier. ? ? ? MILK SHOKTAGE Most serious food problem facing the civilian population at the mo ment is' the threatened shortage at milk. White House farm advisers vara that we will have a very real and acute milk famine on our hands un less the War Food and the Office of Price Administra tion act quickly to adjust the prica of feed grain for dairy cattle. Due to higher feed costs, dairy farmers, especially m the East, are unable to sell their milk under OPA price ceilings and stay in badness. Dairy farmers in Pennsylvania and other Eastern states, hard hit by the drouth, have been *~*"g as much as $33 per cow because of lack ef pas ture. As winter draws on, the pas ture problem, plus higher feed costs, arill vitally affect milk production all over the country. So far the War Food administra tion, under its new chief, Marvin Jones, has done nothing to meet this pressing problem. B$it unless he does the President wfll be urged to take matters fat his own hands and arrange for feed price subsi dies through legislative action. Fail ing that, he can, by an executive order, provide feed funds from the Commodity Credit corporation. ? ? ? CAPITAL CHAFF C Adm. Ernest J. King, commander in-chief of the U. S. fleet, has tiro residences in Washington?a spa cious home at Observatory Circle, and the yacht Dauntless anchored at the Navy yard. The admiral lives on the yacht, and his family lives at the Circle. C After the Ramirex revolt, the Nazis closed down their short-wave efforts to Argentina. But now that Ramirez has proved to be so friend ly, the broadcasts have been re sumed in full force. ^ Madame Chiang Kai-shek eras vary sick on her homeward airplane trip, by way of Africa and India, The pilot aaid, "The weather was rough as (he devil and da was Is n pretty bad way. She dkfot say n - word the entire trip." ( ?