the gleaner I GRAHAM, N. C, MOH. 9. 1944 Local News ?County Agent Jere W. Basou attended a meeting of 8oil Con servation io Durham Weduee d?y. ? Marriage JiceDaes issued in (be eouuty totaled 80 in Februa 23 weDt to white couples, ? w 'negroes. ?A total of 216 men from Gra ham aod Burlington draft boardi went to Fort Bragg for pre-indue tion examination last Friday and Seturday. ?Repairs to oourthouse ceil iogs, minor school bus repairc were recommended by the grand jury iu its report last week. Courthouse oper ation was report ed efficient. ?Two specialists from the of-1 flee of the [J. 3. Collector of In-1 terual Revenue will he in the postofflce in Burlington from now through March 16 to assist bef ud died citizens in filling out then income tax returns. ?Observing National 4-H Club Mobilization Week, the 800 conn-1 ty boy and girl members hav< beeu making a drive this week for new members. Each elnb I divided in four groups. The win I niog campaigners will be guest-1 of the others at an April county-j wide rally. ?Recent additions at the L Banks bolt library are B. Behel man's "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep", Charles L. McNichols "Crazy Weather", John R. Carl goo's "Under Cover" and, gift* from the local U. D. C., "Schoo of the Citizen Soldier" and Dong las S. Freeman's "Robert K. Lee." School's Plane Assured Qrabam school children pur chased >38,810.95 worth of war stamps dnriug the Fourth Loan Drive, more than twice enough to bay the army trainer plane it eoveted. The school set .the plane, costing $15,000, as its goal. Last year a jeep was contributed by the school. Girl Scouts Will Collect Waste Fats Begiuning last Saturday morn ing, the Girl Scouts will collect waste fats each Saturday. A1 housewives are urged to give their support to this war aid. Ir is one of the simplest, yet one ol the most important war aids on the home front. The glycerine produced trom waste fats from yonr kitchen is vitally needed ti> help make explosives. Pat the fat in a tin or metal container, not glass, and have it ready wheu the Girl Sconte call for it. No amount is too small to save. Sellers Candidate For Re-election Hon. Walter R. Sellers, mem ber of the state legislators from Alamance connty, has announced hie candidacy on the Democratic ticket for re-election. Mr. Sellars is one of the ooun tys well known bosineee men, having for many years been man ner of the D. A. Sellars and Sons Deparment store in Barling ion, and he has served several terms as a member of the board of county commissioners and the county board of education. Dr. Johnson's Hospital Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Summer, of Eton College, announce the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Honey cutt announce the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Johnson, announce the birth of a daugh ter, PrisciUa Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Don Frederick, of Rolling Road, announce the birth of a son, Frank Lashley. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lambeth, of Burlington, announce the birth of a son. ^rs Win Again Graham high school boy's basketball team continued their jwtory march last night with the defeat of Waughtown in the Piedmont Open tournament in Greensboro. The final score was ?-2l,with the Graham boys JO to 6 in the lead at the half, uneup and individual scores: forwards, C. Horner, 4; D. Foust, t- Center, D. Horner, 2; guards, Rpbertaon, 13; Garrett; subs., prison, 10; Stutts, 2; Strat Iord, Drummond, BoiVfri PERSONAL J. T. Neese has gone to Lang ley Field, Va., where he haa ac cepted a job. * Dr. Will S. Long attended the Firemen's Convention in Salis bury this week. Brigadier-General Don E. Scott of Richinoud. Va., spent Tuesday night at his home here. lire. Frank W. Moore has re turned from a visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. Clyde Jordan, in Eliza bethtown. Pvt. Wm. T. Stratford, A AC, arrived Sunday to spend a 10-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jones had as their recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas aud Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lively, of Durham. Sgt. Nancy Riddle, WAO, now stationed at Langley Field, Va , is spending a ten-day forlougb with her mother, Mrs. R. L. Rid die. Dr. Clara McCaoley, professor of music at the University of Tennessee, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ernest Tuompson this week. ^ L. H. Linens is visiting his son, Sgt. Kenneth L. Linens, who is stationed at Camp Kearns, Salt Lake City, Utah. Sgt. Linens is a patient in the post hospital. Elliot White, of the Bowman Gray Medical college, Winston Salem, spent last week-end with his mother, Mrs. W. E. White, who recently returned from New York city. Mr. and Mrs. George Kivett and eon, Jerry, of Greensboro, and Mre. Roy King, of Asheboro, spent last week end with Mrs. Peter R. Harden, III, and Mre. William Blair, Jr. Mr. and Mre. W. R. Harden spent last week end in Leaksvill* with their daughter, Mrs. L. B. Hardeety. Mr. Hardesty and their daughter, Anne, are recov ering from attacks of flu. Hu bert M. Carter, 1-c, left Mon day to return to Norman, Okla where be supervises the Instruc tion of WAVES in airplane me chanics, after a three-day-leave visit to his mother, Mrs. Dora Carter. Corp. Peter R. Harden, Jr., who has been stationed at Camp Lejune, New River, for the past months, lett last Thursday for Camp Elliott, San Diego, Calif He spent the past week end with Mrs. Harden at their home 6n West Elm street. Mrs. George R. Ross, of Ral eigh, is spending the day today with her mother, Mrs. W. R. Go ley. Mrs. lone Scott Thompson will accompany her home for a visit with the Rosses and her daughter, Miss Betsy Thompson, student at St. Mary's. 0. J. Coffin, dean of the school of journalism at the the Univer sity of North Carolina, Chape Hill, was the guest of Mrs. Harper Barnes yesterday. He was ac companied by Roy Parker, pro feasor of journalism, and Mrs. Parker, who visited Mr. Parker's aunt, Mrs. W. C. Cooke. Mrs. S. S. Holt and Mrs. J. M Buckner are attending the con ference of the North Carolina Woman's Society of Christian Service in Wilson, which con cludes today. Mrs. Holt was elected recording secretary. Miss Alice B. Green, sister of W. B. Green, is addressing the confer ence on her missionary work in China. ? ? I IT /I Mrs. Long Entertains t. v. v. The Graham chapter, United Daughters of Confederacy, met at the home of its president, Mrs. J. Dolph Long, last Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. S. S. Holt read a paper, "Southern Litera ture of the Sixties," prepared by Miss Mary E. Parker, who is now with her brother. Junius H. Parker, in New York city. Fol lowing the Drogram, afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Long and Mrs. G. Larsen, associate host ess. Consairs Fete Soldiers and New Members Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. A. M Stack, Mr. and .Airs. Denzil Geanes, Miss Caro lyn Perry, Miss Margaret Price. Miss Sara Seigler, Billy Mc Adams and Calvin Dempsey were introduced into member ship of the Corsairs Dance club at its informal dance Saturday night at Stonewall Springs. Spe cial guests for the dance were soldiers from headquarters de ' tachment No. 1 of Camp Butner. In the Armed Forces Private First Class Jamee B. Roach, sod of Mrs. Maggie Davis Roach, of Haw River, has been promoted to corporal. He is a sqaad leader with the 3rd Infan try division of the Fifth Ariny in Italy. Promotion to first lieutenant of Lt Lawson P. Wynne, of Qibeou ville, was announced Saturday at Boca Raton field, Florida, a tech nical school of the AAF traiuing command. Fred William Smith, Saxapa haw, is now an integral member of the amphibious forces of the navy. At the completion of his preliminary training at Bradford Camp, Vs., Smith was assigned to the crew of an LST for active duty. Pvt. William E. Welch, Jr., sou of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Welch, of route two, Elon College, is learn ing at the Parris Island, S. C., marine base bow to become a leatherneck. Ralph T. Isley, of vtebane, has recently been promoted to the rank of captaiu, announced by the war department. Captain Isley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Isley. He attended Me bane high school aud the Uoi versity of Noith Carolina, from which he graduated in 1941 with a bachelor of science degree. He' attended the Lou Foote flying school and the air corps techni cal school of Lowry Field before being stationed at Key Field, Miss. Cpl. Lacy B. Allen, of the army air forces, entered the service in August, 1942 He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Allen and husband of Mary McKinney Al len, of Graham. He served nine months in Alaska and the Aleu tian Islands, and is now stationed at Tonopah, Nev. William C. Glosson, sou of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Glosson, of Graham route 1, has been pro moted from the rauk private first class to that of corporal He has been in the army since May, 1943, and is now serviug as a field in structor. Bonnie 0. Thompson, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Tbompsou, of Gra bam, entered the service in Au gust 1943, and is now stationed in Florida. Charles Lewis Wilkerson, sea man, second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie W. Wilkerson, of Graham, in the navy since Octo ber 1, 1943, and is at present ou sea duty. George W. Shepherd, Jr., of Graham, and Joseph C. Somers, of Elon College, route 1, have completed pre flight aud primary training and are now assigned to the Baiubridge, Georgia, army air field as aviation cadets. Jerry D. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wilson, of Haw River, entered the navy iu Au gust 1943, and received his boot training at Bainbridge, Md. He is now stationed at Houstou, Texas. Lester J. Holland, seaman, sc, whose family resides at Swepsou vilie, is now an integral member of the United States navy. He has been assigned to the crew of an LST for active duty. For the past week pvt. Robert Vaughn and Mrs. Vaughn have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Vaughn, route 2, Bur lington. They have uow returned to Urbana, III., where they will make their home while Private Vaughn is stationed at Cbanute Field IU. Home Agents to Attend Agents' Leader's School Miss Katherine Millsaps and her assistant, Mi3s Mildred Marshbanks will go to Winston Salem tomorrow for the Agents Leaders School. Demonstrations by Miss Julia McKeever, assist ant clothing specialist of State College, and Miss Elizabeth Wil liams, assistant home manage ment specialist, will be observec and later shown to local Home Demonstration clubs. Full Schedule Ahead for Home Demonstration dote Miss Katherine Millsaps, Coun I ty Home Demonstration Agen {announces the following scheduli of Demonstration Club meeting j next week: Monday, March 13 I Hawfields club meets at thi i home of Mrs. Harvey Mann Tuesday, Eli Whitney-Green Hil at Mrs. J. C. Guthrie's; Wednes i day, Shallow Ford at Miss Flor 'ence Cable's; Thursday, Ston; ; Creek-Union Ridge at Mrs. R. 1 J Walker's; Sunnyvale at Mrs ' Cheatham Syke's; Friday, Beth any at the Hut and Eurekj club at Mrs. E. F. Holt's. A! meetings called for 2 p. m. Thi month's topic is "Meat Stretch en." I Ralph Scott Announces ( Ralph H. Scott, prominent business man, farmer, civic lead- c er made his first bid for public 1 office in announcing his candi- i dacy for county commissioner in i the May Democratic primary. 1 Mr. Scott, general manager of ] the Melville Dairy, was born in ] Melville township and was grad- : uated from State College. He is 1 a former president of the N. C. 1 Jersey Breeders association, past president of the Burlington ? Kiwanis club, is now in his sec- J ond term as president of the , Burlington chamber of com- , merce. He is a deacon in the Hawfields Presbyterian church and a mason. I } John Shoffner Passes A shock to the hosiery mill in- ( dwstry as well as the entire com munity was the death of John , Shoffner, 52, leading Southern | industrialist, in Miami Beach , last week. Funeral services were con- 1 ducted from the Alamance Lu- , theran church of which he was a j devoted) member, deacon and . benefactor, on Tuesday after noon. Rev. C. Lee Shipton, pas- ( tor of the church, conducted the rites, assisted by Revs. H. G. 1 Fisher of Kings Mountain and D. I. Offman, and Dr. J. L. Mor- < gan, president of the N. C. Lu- ( theran Synod. m J . ii. -* iL _ l r/ie aeatn ui uie uuisumum^ j industrialist closes an inspiring success story in the annals of I North Carolina hosiery manu- i facture. j Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Julia Wiggins Shoffner; seven sisters, Mesdames J. Tl Black and A. R. Clapp, Alamance; Mrs. r a llred. Raleigh; Mrs. Horn Allrect, Hillsboro; Mrs. Jesse Mav. Burlington, Route 1: Miss es Lizzie and Gene Shoffner. Ala mance; and one brother, Claude Shoffner, Alamance. D. A. R. to Meet in Graham Mrs. W. Ernest Thompson will be hostess to the Battle of Alamance chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, tomor row afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Dr. W. S. Long will be guest speaker. DEATHS Funeral for Edwin Lee Tate, 75, who was found dead at his home in Alamance church com munity Monday afternoon, was held at 3:30 p. m yesterday at Forbis and Murray chapel. Bu rial was In Bethel Presbyterian church cemetery, McLeans Title. Mr. Tate was a natives of Al mance county. He worked as a printer most of his life and for many years was an employe in the Gleaner office. He left Gra in 1890. He was the cousin of A. D. Tate, R. B. Tate and Mrs. C A. Tarpley, and these Graham relative and Mrs. A. D. Tate at tended the funeral services yes terday. Charlie Newton Tamer, age 50' died at his home at Haw Hirer, Tuesday morning at 4:30 o'clock. He had been in declining health for two years. Fnneral was held Wednesday from the Haw Hirer Methodist church by Her. A. C. Eden. In terment was in Lin wood cemetery at Graham. Surriving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie K. Tomer, foor sons, Oor ' poral Clarence V. Turner, with the United States army orerseas; , Wllmer Eugene, J. C., and Charles, Jr., of the horns; two 1 sisters, Mrs. 8. L. Thompson, of ( route 1, Haw Hirer, and Miss ^ Annie Torner, of Oraham. Carlos Willis, 39, of 809 Broad |. etreet, Burlington, died in a Greensboro hospital, at 10:90 a. I m. Saturday, following a critical illness of one week. His death '. was attributed to pneumonia. Funeral and burial were held e Monday at Arapahoe In Pamlico i county. | Surriring are three sisters aod * three brothers.. j Roy Daris was called to Bladen boro Wednesday night by ths ' death of his father, W. A Daris, . who has been ill for the past ' year. Services will be held at h e Bladen bo ro Presbyterian * ! ? hurch tomorrow afternoon at 4 * o'clock. I i. Jack Thompson risited bis l. mother, Mrs. 8am Thompson, this i week on his war from Tolane II Unirersity, New Orleaos, to the s Unirersity of North Carolina, . where be will be a student in ths i Nary training program. rhorch News The Young Woman's Business ircle of the Baptist church met Monday evening with Mrs. Way le Dawkins. Miss Mary Kather ns Holt, chairman, presided, diss Eva Kent presented the urogram, "The Kingdom of Righteousness for the Wreck tge in Europe", assisted by Vliss Holt. Mrs. A. B. Holt, ana drs. H. G. McElroy. Circles 1 through 6 of the VIethodist Women's Society for Christian Service met this week with the study of "Fellowship in he Gospel". Circle 1 meet Monday night with Mrs. P. H. Amick. Mrs. W. r. Martin, chairman, presided. Vfrs. Foust Thompson led the de votional and Mrs. Charles Cates inducted the program. Circle 2 met Tuesday night with Mrs. Dan Rader. Mrs. J. S. Bowman, leader, presided. Mrs. r. M. Johnson conducted the pro gram. , Circle 8, Mrs. George Stafford, leader, met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Casper L. Jones. Mrs. T. C. Moon gave the devotional ?nd program. Circle 4, Mrs. W. B. Green, leader, met Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. T. Hall. Mrs. fT. M. Johnson was a visitor and con ducted the Bible study. flirplp fi. Mrs. Zollie Foster. leader, met Monday evening with Mrs. May Utley. Mrs. Eve lyn Todd was joint hostess. Mrs. Comann Isley gave the devotion al and Miss Elizabeth Hanner the program Circle 6, Mrs. Ph) good for five pounds. Ex pires March 31. Sugar stamp No. <10 (Book 4) good for five pounds of canting sugar until February 28, >1945 (13 months). F. B. L CHIEF WARNS OF JUVENILE MENACE What is responsible for tbe alarm ing lncreaae In Juvenile delinquency"* Why do many boy* and glrla wander from their homes. J. Edgar Hoover, director of the F. B. I, reveals where tbe blame Ilea and offers suggestions for Its correcUon In a new chapter of this exciting -cries. Look for this article hi t^e March 19th Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY America's Favorite Magazine with tl?> Baltimore Sunday American Order I'm lost Newsdealer w Workers to a Michigan .refia ? ary toed ay a Terr low, fate* 2f* low leading to the pay offleo. m O* It la taueribed, "Ton wffl Tr loara to tack lower it yoo don't Bay a Bend." Like to (eel j important? VooTJ be Important ? to your country, and to your OihllDf men It you take over a vital Job In the Army. In the Women's Army Corps yoall pet expert Army training that may pare the way to a postwar career. You 11 bare a chance to iaproe your skill or learn a new one?to meet new- ptopietj see new places, base experiences you 11 remem ber ail year life. Get fun details about the WAC at any V. 8. Recruiting Station. Or write for interesting booklet. Ad*?es: The Adjutant General, Mil Munitions Bid*. Washington SS.D. C. (Womens la essential war Industry most hare rrleast from their employ er or the .V. 8. Employment Serrtcs.) 4? A Good Place To M??t A Better Place To Eat Nick's Cafe OMHAM. N. O. "ThttoU neutrality of am impartial judga*?Burka ; sir"^ i 4*1 U?Curtt. aeroplane make* II 11.11.1?tul Mai trip to ? New Yak. 1908. < Supreme Court offline 1 ; Vr^S ni w cotton on. I'?i 1 flKjftr?14?American Legion ooo SXftil celved In Parte. 1919. jMhl A r W?Open Bm direct oabie ' rkJLw /? between New Yak and r?&s *????? , ?*$> *-?(T| St Patrick-. Day-Four ] * P' amy plane* Part round- i . ^^r^the-worid Bight I9M. ^ ' ' 1 11 1 11 1 HADLEY'S "The Jewelers'' Graham, North Carolina MADAM WELLS ?/fh I am here to help all Men and Women Pr/; ~ who are burdened with Sorrow and Discon pw/ tent. I also give advice on all matters per \J[ / taining to one's life. Come and be convinced. SPECIAL READING $1.00 Everybody Welcome ? If You Have A Problem You Cannot Solve Don't Fail To Consult Me. COLORED WELCOME HOURS DAILY - 9 A.M. TO 10 P. M. Located in Trailer, on Route No. 49, Just out of Graham City Limits, Across From Grabur Silk Mill. HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN D MILK Science Sqys? Use Homogenized Vitamin D Milk for Delicious Flavor . . . for Tastier Meals . . . for Better HealthI Melville Dairy Phone 1600 Burlington, N. C. *' :Tr?7vT> ' jy.. y