THE GLEANER ? GRAHAM, N. C-, JULY 19,1945 ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY J. D. KERNODLE, Jit, Manager ItLOO A YEAR IN ADVANCE^ Entered at the Pietofflce at Graham, N. C.. u eeccnd-daaa matter. A PRINTER'S REQUEST By John H. Ourtin When I shall die. without much fame ... or shame, just plant a tree and, near it, plant my frame; for folks will come to rest there in the shade, and they will still amuse me?I'm afraid. Let none feel sorry?save your tawdry tears. I'll have the kind of rest I've missed for years. I'll just stretch out and yawn and wait 1 1 11 At- - .....U ana see . . . now weu me ?oriu gets on without much me! There may be time enough to comprehend the love of "enemy" and hate of "friend." There may be time to learn the reasons why no goods have worth that good ness will not buy. But, if there isn't, then these thoughts will pass, while I remain ... to fertilize the grass. Mowiag Mlthlii There is probably no piece at farm equipment that suffers more from poor adjustment and lack of car# than fee mowing machine, lfoet cut ting troubles of the mower can be traoad to the cutting bar. This bar is a vital part of a mower and consists of a aerlea of shears whose blades must be kept sharp for bast results. The two parts forming the shear* art known as knlf* sec tions aid ledger plates, and they must be properly adjusted along the entire length of the cutter bar. Th* knlf* bolder must keep the section* down against the ledger platee with out binding and without too much oUavavuta Tn ranalrlng m mnwav It la nscgasary to r*movs all tha broken or badly worn knife aectlona by shearing them off. Thie la eaally done over the anvil by cutting out tha riveta. If tha guards have be come dulled, they may be sharp ened by (rinding them to a blunt point. Guard* that are too badly worn or have broken ledger platea ?hould be replaced. Badly wow (hearing platea or knife holder* can. alao be replaced, and it 1* very important that all guard* fit mugly against the cutter bar. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified a* Administratrix of the estate of James Albert Nichol son, late of Alametoce County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all per sona having claims againat the estate of eald deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2. Mebane. North Carolina on or before the 2lrd day of Juna 1(4*1 or tgils nottds will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All peratals Indebted to said ls*tate will please make Immediate payment. This, the llth day of Junes 1(41. ROZELLE NICHOLSON. Ad mlnlstrakix of James Albert Nicholson. Deceased. , Louis C. Allen, Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified a* Executor of the Estate of Cella Cates, deceased, late of Alamance County, N<$-(h Carolina this Is to notify all persona havlnng claims againat the estate of said de CttMd. to mctilhtt them to the undtf. aimed, at Burlington, North Carol km. on or before the 7th day of July, 1I4C. or thle notice will be pleaded fct bey of their recovery. AU peraona Indebted to Mid eetate will pleaae make Immediate payment Thle, the Ind day of July. IMS. THOMAS W CATER Executor of CelM. Catea. Do. ceaaod. Louie C. Allen. Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Alamance county, Plaintiff, e?. * W. V. Huff I nee. George Patton, Wil liam Hufflnea. Otto Snlpea Ralph Patton. Llovd Scoggfcu, at al. and all nereona who have or can have anv Intereet In the real property deacrlbed In the complaint, Defend ? dents. The defendanta William Hufftna Otto Snlpea Ralph Patton, Lloyd Seog gtna Patay Owen and huebaaid. Prank Omen, Howard Patton md wife. Mia Howard Patton. Richard Patton and wlfa Mra. Richard Patton. Marvin Patton and wlfa Mra Marvin Patton, A Good PUce To Meet A Better Place To Eat Nick^bCafe Lather Patton u4 wife, Mrs. Luther i Patton. Allan Putton and Loretta Pat. < tea. and all other paraona Interested < In the premises who hara disappear- I ad and cannot ha lodated, and persons i whoaa names and whereabouta are I unknown, and the possible heirs or as- < stances of such persona will take no- I tics that an action entitled aa above < has been commenced in the 3uperior I Court or Alamanee County. North i Carolina for the purpose of foreclos- i Ing property tax liens In favor of the i plaintiff, Alamance County, fot the i years l?t? to 1S44. Inclusive, upon a | tract of land In Altaigrt Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, be Inr about forty (40) scree of land Ir. ?aid Township, belonging to the above named and described defendants, and In which the said named and described defendants have or claim some inter est, the purpose of the action being to foreclose property tag liens held by ' the plaintiff against the property mentioned above and described In the complaint, free and :lear of any In terest of said defehdanta the defend ants having or claiming some Inter est herein; and the above named and described defendants will further takt notice that they sre requlrted to appaar at the office of the Clerk of the Superi or Court of Alamance County, at the Courthouse In Otaham. North Caro lina, on the ISth day of August, IMS. and answer on demur to the complaint tiled herein, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Thla, the 17th day of July, 1(46. r. L. WILLIAMSON Clerk of Superior Court Louts C. Allen, At(y. ADMINISTRATRIX^ NOTICE Havlns qualified as Administratrices of the estate of L. E. KlrkmaSV de ceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this la to notlty all persona haying. clJma against the said estate to present them to the under slened at Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the llth day of Juhe. 1049, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thler recovery. All persons Indebted lo said estate ertll please make Immedlale payment Thla the ltth day at June. 1*41. KATE N. KIRKMAN, ELIZABETH K. THOMPSON. Administratrices of the estate of It. B. Klrkman deceased, I .ens * Lone Attorneys. NOTICE IUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE OENERAL COUNTY COURT Robert Verier, ? *>. Edith Aod*raoo Varls) The defendant Edith Andereon Var ley. trill take notice that an action en titled aa above haa been commenced la the Oeneral County Court of Ala mance County against her by tho plain tiff for an abaolute divorce upon statu tory grounds aa aliened In the com plaint. The aald defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Oen eral County Court of Alamance Coun ty In the courthouse tc Graham, North Carolina, within twenty (It) days af ter the llth day of August. 1141, aStd answer or demur to te complaint filed in said action or the plaintiff udll ap ply to the Court for the relief demand ed In said complaint. This, the ltth day of July, 1(41. SARA MURRAY, Aas't Clerk of the Oeneral county Lone * Long. Attn. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTT IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURr Sarah E. Gray. m Hubert C. Gray. Tit* defendant above named will take notice that an action baa been begun In the General County Court of Alamance county. North Carolina, It betne an action brought by the plain tiff acainat the defendant for ahaoluta divorce; and the defendant will further take notice that he I* required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County In the Courthouae In Graham. North Carolina, on the Itth day of Auguet, 1*41. and anewar or demur to the complaint In aaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court Ra the relief demanded In aald complaint. Thla. th* 11th day of July. IMS SARA MURRT Aee'l Clerk of the Oeeeral County Court of Alamance County Thomaa C. Carter. Atty. NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. j ALAMANCE COUNTY. | IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT PUanie Motley QUI. Plaintiff. I - ve. - Robert Paul GUI defendant. TRo defendant. Robert Rani GUI. will take notice that aa action mftUled u above has been commenced la the General County Court of Alamanoe County for a divorce baaed upon the frounde of two >eare separation: and he defendant will furthertake notice ' that he la required to appear In the office of the Clerk at the General. County Coi*t of raid county in the . tourt houae at Graham, North Caro- ' Una. on of before the 1st. day of Sep tember, 1945, and aenrwer or demidr rer to the complaint of the p'atr.tiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply j to the Cotfrt for the relief demanded |p said complaint. Thie the 9th day of July. 19te. SARA MURRAY Aest. clerk of General County C lurt. of Alamance Count). William C- Perdue, Atty. NOTICE SEKV1CE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT tnanune upfnci boils. t'latnurr, - vs Vaberry Lotta. Defendant The defendant. Aa berry Lotts, will take notice that an action entitled j ia above hu been commented in the General County Court of Alamance County for a divorce baaed upon the ground* of two year* separation; and the defendant will further take notice that he la required to appear in the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of aald county in the court houee at Graham, North Caro lina, on df before the 1st; day of Sep tember, 1945, and answer or demuk rer to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This the ?'h day of Ja'y. 1945. SARA MURRAY Asst. clerk of General County Court. of Alamance County. William C. Perdue, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. W.AMANCE COUNTT. IN THIS GENERAL COUNTT COURT Joe F. Bhepanakl, Clair* Lorrine t'cehanikl The above named defendant. Claire Lorrtne Bhepanakl. will take notice that an eat km entitled ae above hue 1 been commenced la the General Cotfcrty Cauft of Conty, North Carolina. b7 the plaintiff to se cure an abaolnte ill. orre from the de fendant upefe the grounds that plain tiff an4 defendant have lived separate aeid apal-t for more than two years next preceding the brim;int. of this ac tion. anu the defendant wii, further take notice that she Is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County, in Hie Court House In Graham North Carolina, within twenty <10) day* after the 2nd day of Auyust. 1545, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the nellef de manded In said action. This, the 45, and answer or demur to the petition of the petitioners filed herein, or the petltimekg will ap ply to the Court foil the relief demand ed in the petltldki. 'nils, the t6th day of June, H4S. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk Superior Court of Alamance County. Louis C Allen-Atty. Notice of Sale! By virtue of a judgmert mm'land entered In an action in the Superior Court of Alamance County, Noctb Carolina, entitled ALimance Cotutiv _ \ John Baxter Murpliy and wife Jose phine Murphy, the undersigned Coml missioner, will, on , .Saturday, August 4tli ( 1945, at 11:00 o'clock a. m E.W.T. H at the Court House door In Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to. the highest bidder for casta, tfte property described as follows: A certain tract dr parcel of land, lying amd being in Melville Township Alamance County, North Careliha, ad joining Henry Long, Albert McCauley, and others, containing 9 1-3 acrsa.moTe or less, amd being the- same teal prop erty described in that Mortgage 4e* -^rf u%s*MWffiMuWtfmL ?'? ?ja I ? NOW IT CAN BE TOLD! Remember tboee dark days in early 1942, when the Axis'tide of conquest was spreading over'the world Idee a plague T^That was when the Trans portation Corps of the War Depart mem^asked the ^Southern Railway System to teach the fine art of rail roading" tojAmerican* soldiers who would some* day have the job of operating military railroads in a dis tant "Heal hi of operations.'' The' Southern's rails were already Beginning to num witn a recoru voi tune of wartime traffic. . jebsssssks: jaatbout charge, on the 200-mile main bneTof. the' Soutbern* between New Orleans and Meridian, Mies. Instruc tion cars and other special facilities were provided, and veteran Southern officers and employes volunteered to serve as "teachers." On March 18,19427the training was begun. And from" that day to the end of January; 1945Tsoldier-r?flroaders worked alongside skilled Southern officers and employes throughout this 200-mile long "school"... on trains, in sbops and roundhouses .7. on tracks, Mk ? ttP ? ? ?^ ,1 V n CTTKiM ana yaras ? ?. warning kto work together'as Vjteam 7learning to railroad?by railroading' To date we have^beenr privileged totrain.'notj^y^our.own'famous Sou thern^poosdredl727dT Railway Operating Battalion, but also three other battalions and the personnel of a replacement school... in all, some 6,000 officers and men. The record shows, too, that when these soldier-railroaders graduated from our "school" and went overseas, they added brilliant new chapters to the history of military railroading on the battlefronts of World War IL So, as these soldier-railroaders gc> highballing down the mainline to final Victory, it is with understandable pride that we mention this txtra war job'of the Southern Railway System ,T7now that it can be told. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM g| tm... , . mmimiki