THE GLEANER T GRAHAM, N. C., MAY 16,1946. . ? - JU ISSUED EVEF.Y THURSDAY J. It. KERNODLE, JR.. Manager " $1 00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ^ Be ered at the Pcatofflce at Qrahfcm, th N. C.. aa aecc nd-claaa matter. ** . fc c< " n .LOOKING \ \ AHEAD - iy GEORGE Sl BENSON ii k CilU/e * B Suit/. Arhtui ' Ii Good Strategy n Congressman Hatton Sumners, in ? my opinion one of America's great- u est living statesmen, has announced [~ his purpose to retire at the end of I the 79th congress. This news first appeared as a dark cloud because men like him are sorely needed to- . day, but in Washington last month ( I was shown the silver lining. Rep. Sumners is "retiring" to a more I strategic theatre of war. J The people of America have a dan- I ger that is common to them all and 1 a common duty to defend them selves against it. This nation's hope i for a bright future depends on a J few facts being seen by a great * many people at once. Americans can be depended upon for action at any time the truth is not hidden from them or distorted beyond rec ognition. Mr. Sumners will soon start talking straight to them, i Powerful Truths "I have watched what my own generation . . . has been doing to the greatest system of democratic government ever evolved through the processes of the ages," said the veteran lawmaker. "By ignoring principles and the lessons of his tory, accepting for our guidance the j theories of men and political ex- ^ pedience, we have made dependents t of our citizens and vassals of our t states. . "By concentration of power and I drafts on the Federal Treasury we J now have a bewildering govern- * mental agglomeration impossible of J democratic control. Wasteful and | inefficient, by nature It is the instru- j mentality of favoritism, oppression i and corruption. It is the destroyer I of self-reliance, self-respect and self- J governing ability without which no ? people can remain free." But There's Hope A public awakening will save this country from any form of tyranny. Mr. Sumners does not doubt this. He said, "Washington is as sensi tive to the changing currents of pub lic opinion as a barometer is to re cord changes in the weather." If acts of congress fail to reflect pub lic sentiment, it is because such sen timent la itself confused or indis tinct to the majority. Mr. Sumners ia taking to the lec ture platform. I wiah him aa wide a hearing aa his profound experi ence deserves. Popular education is the right place to start winning for America a future of freedom. This man has seen Congress sweat under heat applied by political pres sure groups. He sees the need to open a door and admit a cooling draft of public sentiment. And he can do it. Remarkable Record Born in Tennessee, Hatton Sum ner s turned 21 in Texas. His con gressional district (Dallas) has kept him in Washington 34 years by electing him to tha 83rd and all sub sequent congresses. He is a sound thinker and an eloquent speaker. He is a nationally recognized authority on Constitutional Law. He is chair man of the House Judiciary Com mittee and has been for a long time. In a brief and eloquent word-pic ture of official Washington, the re tiring crusader for decentralization ol power said of Congress: "The political backing at a well organized minority is consistent and depend able whereas the backing of an un organized majority is fickle." That's clear. An enlightened public op in ion must supplant loud and selfish minorities as guiding stars ot Con grats. Fira-Fighting The newer technique of fighting a gasoline fire with fog-nozzles, giving a fine spray of water, has achieved dramatic results. A high-stakes test of this water-fog technique eras made last witter In New Haven, when a freight train piled up and a tank car of gasoline caught fire, threatening the main mercantile area of the city. The fire spread quickly, with over 10,000 gallons of burning gasoline flooding the right of-way and endangering buildings beside the railroad. The fire de partment, equipped with fog-nozzles and other log appliances, went into action, using a technique which they had been practicing for the previous six months. In 29 minutes, they reduced the area of fire from sev eral hundred feet to 30 feet in di ameter. In 40 minutes, the fire was ? out. Faster Hay-Kakimg To rake an acre of hay with a team of horses took 42 minutes and Lcost 91.00 as compared to 30 min utes and 79 oanta an acre with a tractor-drawn rake, according to a timed study of haymaking in New York State. Mt Griddle for Determining Right Heat How to know when the (riddle is st hot enough tor the batter is a ?oblem in making pancakes and affles^ especially tor the inexperi iced cook. If the griddle Is too >t, batter may ecorce, and it too K>1, may stick. Home economists test with a drop 1 water. When water dropped on le griddle bounces In a lively man tr, the metal Is just the right heat ir the batter. The griddle is too ?1 it the water sizzles and evapo ites slowly; too hot it the drop eems to explode when it touches te metal. This test may be used i waffle irons that do oot have utomatlc indicators. Another test for the waffle Iron I made with a piece of paper, then the iron is just hot enough, aper placed between the grids rowns in about halt a minute [ the paper takes more than a halt linute to brown, the iron is too ool; it It scorches immediately, x> hot. Uncle Sam Says This fool's cap fits none of my tephews, least of all yon, who earned during the war that the easy ray to save part of your pay was ? sign up on the payroll savings iIan. I am visiting in Philadelphia oday. Philadelphia is the home of he Liberty Bell and Benjamin franklin, who said a penny saved ? a penny earned. If Franklin were kUve, he would revise this state neat to tl saved in C. S. Savings loads are 14 in your pockets ten rears benee. Franklin would agree rtth me that this fool's cap fits only hose persons who think because the ear is over it Is no longer profitable or them to save by buying Bonds. U. S. Trtas*ry L'rfartmrnt NOTIC E! | Town of Graham Tax Sale As provided by law and by order of the Board of Commissioners of the T.own of Graham, North Carolina, 11 will sell for cash at the Court House door of Alamance County in Graham, N. C., on MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1946, At 12.00 o'clock, Noon, the following described property in the Town of Graham, N. C., to satisfy the unpaid taxes due the said Town for the year of 1945. \ndrews Dean A Walter Lots Climax A Oakley fcts $ 1.50 Andrews. H&ssell, II g I. off Side view, H & L no <le.\ Stole Bld^. no d?s 47.60 Andrews, Mrs, J. L , 'Well*. H & L no des 5.18 \| pie. C. M. H A L Apple St. 19.50 Avant, Raymond R & Douglas Lot W Him St 3.00 Black. John P. HAL Oneida St 6.00 Briles. Mrs. Ivey Black, HAL Market St 28.28 Carraway, Bruce H.. Lots noi dea. 2.25 Cates.M. E.. HAL Oneida St.. 6.00 Cathey. W. W. A wife. HAL Travora st 18.10 Clapp, Geo. T. L E. Harden St 1.95 Cole, T. H.. HAL Sidney Rd,.. 12.00 Davis, G. F.. HAL flYavora St 8.65 Elkln-Terrell Motor Co., Lot | Border St 1,50 Fogleman, Jerry D., H AL Market St 6.75 Fou&hee. lYicsnae, HAL Man"n St. Lot Poplar St, Lot no de? 12.49 I Freeman. Leonard, HAL I Water St 10.15 Frlck. Grady, HAL S. Main St. 31.00 Fuller. J. T., HAL Market St. 17.88 Fuller. Lee. HAL Mill St 16.73 Gates. D. P.. H A L Marshall i A Travora Sts 11.50 ' Cilley. J. G.. H A L E. Harden St 18.81 . Guthrie,, Ira. HAL Pine St... . 29/26 ? Guy, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Lot Border St 8.01 ? Hancock,H. D.. HAL Poplar 8t 20.6? ! Henderson, Albert, HAL | Poplar 8t 23.91 Heritage. Mrs. A. R . H & L < Washington St 16.06 ! Holt, B. C.' HAL Mcaden St... 11.75 Holt, Mrs. Ben B.. HAL 8. Main St.. 2 HAL McAden St. 57.21 1 Huffines, W. V., HALS. Main St., 15.51 Hunter, J. E..HAL Seymour st 7.55 Ivey. Chas.. HAL Banks St.... 25.61 Ivey, Mrs. Fern, HAL N. Main St 65.10 Jeffreys. J. Heenatv, HAL ! Providence Road 2.65 I Ring. Mrs. Ida Pearl, HAL Poplar St 11.66 i King, O. D? HAL Mill St 25.57 Klvett, Geo. L..HAL W. Elm St 64.24 Lovette. Herbert, H A L W. Harden St 10.50 Loy, John H? HAL Maple i St.. Ext 26.25 Mann, C. R , HA L Washing ton St., HAL Market St., .. 22.52 Martin. L. M? HAL New St... 16.51 Martin* R. B, Jr., Lot New 8t. 1.12 Meachum. J. V.. HAL West over St 66.55 1 Moore, G. A., 2 Lots no dee... 2.26 Norwood. C. N..HAL Railroad. 7.50 Okey. J. A.. HAL Albright ave. 91.62 Pack, Haael, Lot Banks St., .. 6.00 Pience, J. W., 2 Lots no des. . 1.16 1 Prltchette, F. N., HAL Sey mour St., 7.00 ' Quails. J. M , L West over* St., 64.56 Ralney. R. Q . HAL Poplar St 16.66 Rich. Alton B? HAL Poplar I St. 64-26 i Roach. M. D.. HAL Poplar St 6.66 Russell, Naomi. HAL Hollow ;|FREE!? Ladies ? FREE!l THE MOST AMAZING OFFER , EVER MADE BY A NEWSPAPER i TO ITS SUBSCRIBERS! j ? ? ? ? THIS BEAUTIFUL BOX OF STATIONERY CAN BE YOURS * AS A FREE GIFT! \ READ HOW TO GET IT! ^ YOU MUST ACT NOW! OFFER LIMITED THREE WAYS TO WIN THIS BEAUTIFUL GIFT / . . 1?Renew Your Subscription To THE ALAMANCE GLEANER For 1 Year! 2?Pay One Year's BACK SUBSCRIPTION DUES! 3?GET A FRIEND TO SUBSCRIBE FOR ONE YEAR! (All Subscriptions Are $1.00 Per Year In Advance) WHAT YOU GET BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS AMAZING I OFFER TODAY: 1?A Regular $1.C0 BOX OF LOVELY STATIONERY! 2?One Year's Subscription To Alamance County's OWN WEEKLY PAPER Published in Graham. * ALL THIS FOR ONLY SLOP ? ACT NOW! FILL IN ORDER BLANK TODAY and Bring or Mail To ALAMANCE GLEANER, Graham, North Carolina. NAME ADDRESS , J Please stan my subscription to THE GLEANER for 1 year. Find enclosed $1.00 for a year's subacription. Also please mail my box of stationery by return mail. NOTE: This OHer Will Not Be Repeated! Act Today! ALAMANCE COUNTY'S OLDEST NEWSPAPER ? BC 4.81 launders, M V.. HAL tfykes- | Green Development, Ml Smith. D. G., HAL Sidney Rd. 81.4* llemchter, J. HAL S. Main St.. ,v 47.88 Self, J. T., HAL Poplar St, Lot Poplar St., Store House, CB.61 Jharpe, J. W.. HAL Mill St. .. 7.0 J j iharpe, P. D , HAL Scott St.. 10.00 j 3win*. J. P.. HAL 8. Maple St 9.00 | rhompson. Charles P.. HAL 8. Main St.. 15.38 /Zollinger, Mrs. B. R.. Lot Marshall St 1.S0 Walker. Mrs. Dan. HAL Clim ' ax St.. HAL Providence St.. 10.50 Walton. L. L.. HAL Parker St. 13.00 Watson. Miss Mat tie. HAL W. Elm St 36 93 White. Frank. HAL Tr&vora St 7.53 Wilkerson. Clarence. HAL Travora St 7.53 Williams. W. Asli'ey, Heirs, HAL Mill St.. Store no des. 21.75 Wilson. Hansford. HAL Hol low 8t 13.75 Wright, B. H., Store Bldg., Washington St 4 3.3i COLORED Chandler, Preston, Heirs, H A L Marshall St. .. . 0 2.25 Ccwnpton, J. W., Lot Borded St .75 Davis. Henderson, Lot near Brick yard .? 5.18 Freeland, Alice, Est., H&L College St 10.50 Freeland, Berter, HAL near Brick rarer x.ov Graves, Les A wife, Lot Mar shall St 4.5 3 Haltfc Clifton", Lot North. St.. . . 1.05 Holt.Novella L Haw River Rd. .75 Latham, Haywood, HAL near Brick Yd., L. near Brick Yd. 5.05 Newlir* Mrs. A. E., HAL Col lege S., HAL Water St 36.23 Holt, Carrie Newlln, HAL Washington St 5.2S Newlire, George, Lot North St. .75 Newlln, Henrietta, Lot Wash ington St 2.2E Nixon. Laura, HAL Gilbreath 10.5C Rogers, Lena, HAL near Providentee 2.55 Rogers, Roxie, Lot Water A i Pomeroy St .11 Senior, Handy, Sr., Est., HAL Gilbreath Rd 6.11 Senior, Handy, Jr..HAL Mill St 5.5C Slade, Charlie A.. Lot, no des. .75 Stone, Elmer, Lot Border St. . 1.75 Teague, Elmo, Lot no des- . .. 2.95 This, the 16th day of May, 1946. FRANCES U. BARRETirr, Tax collector. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents Ma/ Come?Greeting: WHEREAS, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited In my office, that the Tar Heel Motorcycle Club, Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office la situated at No street in ins Town of Graham, County of Ala mance, State of North Carolina Kenneth Evans, Jr., being the agent therein and In charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements ol chapter 66, General Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the Is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I. Thad Eure, Secre tary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that th? said corporation did, on the 18t|h daj of April, 1948, file In my office a duly executed and attested consent It writing to the dissolution of said corp. oration, executed by all the stockhold ers thereof, which said consent and thi record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on tile In my said office aj provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my offlcla seal at Ralelgr, this 18th day of April A. D? 1948, THAD EURE, Secretary of Otate (State of North Carolina) (Seal) Recorded In Corporation Book No 7. at page 888. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having Qualified aa .Administrator of the estate of Juliue Q. Warren deceased, late of Ala Trance County North Carolina this la to notify al persons having claims against the ea tate of said deceased to exhibit their to the undersigned at 707 tt Fayette ville street, Durham. North Carolina 01 or before the 10th day of May. 1147, oi this notice will be pleaded! in bar oi their recovery. All persons Indebted to said est at will please make Immediate payment. This, the ISth day of May. 1I4S. E. R. AVANT. Administrator of the estati of Julius O. Warren, dec'd C. J. Gate*. Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix o the estate of J. M. Shaw, deceased late of Alamance Ccunty. North Caro llna this Is to notify all person* haV Ing claims against the estate of sal< deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Route 1. Burlington. Nort] Carolina, on or before the 4th day of b* May. 1947. or this notice will be plead- w ed In bar of their recovery- h All persona Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment P This, the 27th day of Aprtl, 1949. p MRS. ALLICE SHAW. a Executrix of the estate of J. M. Shaw, deceased. a Lou la C. Atty. * d NOTICE TQ CREDITORS n a Having: qualified aa Executrix of v the estate of J. L. Patlllo, deceased late of Alamance County, North Caro lina, this ia to notify all persons ha(v Ing claims against the estate of said n deceased to exhibit them to the under- q signed', at Route 1, Meb^ne. North Carolina, on or before the 4th day of May, 1947, or this notice will be plead- r ed in bar of their recfrveTy. t All persona Indebted to said estate f will please make immediate payment This, the 27th day of April. 19*6. MRS. &LLA B. PATILLO, Executrix of the estate of J. L. Patillo, ddceased. j ' Louis C. Allen. Atty. ' ADMINISTRATRIXS' NOTICE i Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Mrs. A. P. York, late oi j Alamance County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agrainst said estate to present 1 the same duly verified to the under- ( signed on or before the 25th day of April, 1947, or this notice will be plead- . ed in bar of their recovery. ah persons jhuhuicu iu wuu c#i?vs will please make Immediate payment, i This. the 19th day of April, 1946. ( ALMA YORK THOMAS, Adininistratrix W. I. Ward, Atty. ' ] EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE ??? 1 Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Kate Compton, deceased late of Alamance County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav- 1 lng claims against the said estato to ' exhibit them duly verified, to the un dersigned at 128 Parker street, Gra ham, N. C., on or before the 5th day of April, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. > All persons indebted to said estate will make prompt payment. This, the 29th day March, 1946. MISS FLORENCE FOWLER. ' Executrix of the estate of Kaie ? Compton. deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE j Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. M. Stout, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Caro * lina, this is to notify all persons having I claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under- i signed at Route 1, Siler Citiy, North Carolina, on' or before the 20th day of May, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in box of their reccvf ry. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This, the 15th day of May, 1946. W. A. STOUT, Administrator. L. P. Dixon, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Charles H. Whitaker, Plaintiff, r Effie McErath Whitaker, Defendant, TThe defendant, Effie McErath Whitaker, will take notice that an axa 1 tion entitled as above has been com mented in the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing a divorce ; absolute on statutory groumdb and ? the said defendant will take notice I that she is required to appear at the ? Office of the Clerk of the General n.# Alamanna Pn,in?? qt { the courthouse in Graham, North Caro t Una, not later than twenty (20) days ' following the 20th day of May, 1946, ' and alnswer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed in said cause, or . the plaintiff will apply to the court ft for the relief demanded in said com L plaint. 1 This, the 7th day of May", A.D#, 1946. F. L. WILLIAMSON, 1 Clerk of General County court , C. C. Gates. Jr., Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION \ NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Alamance County, Plaintiff, vs. Edgar Jaley, Arthur Isley and wife. Mrs. Arthur Isley; Allthia Isley Murphy and husband. John Doe Murphy. Defendants. The defendants. Edgar Isley. Arfch-, ur Isley and wife. Mrs. Arthur Isley; Alithia Isley Murphy and husband, e John Doe Murphy, will take no tice that an action entitled as* above has been commenced in the b Superior Court of Alamance. County. ? Nonh Carolina, for the purpose of foreclosing property tac liens in favor of the plaintiff. Alamance County, for the years 1920 to 1945. inclusive, upon -? a tract of land In Graham Town' , j ship. Alamance County. North Caro " j llna, adjoining Washington street, and ~ ' others, and being Lot No. I, of the dl . vision of the Monroe Harden lands, be h longing to the above named and do :iibe<l defendants. and ln> whjeh the Ud named and described defendants ave or claim some Interest- the pur. oee of the action being to foreclose roperty tax Uenh held by the plalntlfr gainst the property mentioned above nd described in the complaint free nd clear of any Interest of said defen ants, the defendants having or claim ig soma Interest therein; and the bove named and described defendants rill further take notice that they are equlred to appear at the Office of the 'lerk of the Superior Court of Ala nance County, at the Courthouse In Iraham, North Carolina, on the 29th lay of May, 1946, and answer or de nur to the complaint fllod herein; or he plaintiff will apply to the Court for he relief demanded In' the complaint. This, the 29th day of April, 1946. W. I*. WILLIAMSON Clerk of Superior Court. joui8 C. Allen, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT 3eorge W. Shambley, Jr.. Plaintiff, - v? - France* E. Shambley, Defendant. The defendant, Frances E. Shambley ivill take notice that un action entitled ft* above ha* been commenced In the General County ? < urt of Ala mance County, North Carolina, for the rmrnnSA nf ?Acurlnc a divurce ahaoluta cm the grounds of two years separation and the said defendant will take notice that she is required to appear at the Office of t'he Cleric of the General County Court <X Alam ?nce County at the Courthouse in North Carolina, not later than thirty days from the date hereof and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff fll?l in said cause, or the plainJtiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Tfcis, the 25th day of April, 1946. F. L. WILLIAMSON, Clerk of the General County Court. W. L. Shoffner, Atty, NOTICE / SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Aubrey L. Massey, ? vn ? Elizabeth Watson* Massey. The defendant, Elizabeth Watson Massey, will take notice that an actum entitled* as above has been instituted In the General County Court of Ala mance County, North Carolina, it be Lng an Action brought by the plain tiff against the defeadant for abso lute divorce on the grounds of adultry; that the defendant is a non-resident of the State of North Carolina, and the plaintiff is a reai ent and domiciled in the State of North Carolina, and tfris is one of the causes of action in which service or summons may be made by publication as provided by law. The defendant will further take notice that she is requir ed to appear at the Office of the Clerk uf the Superior Court, ex-ofllcio Clerk of the General County Court of Ala mance Count\, Ndrth CaioUna, in the Covrthous? ir? Graha u. X ?!.. within twenty days from and after the 25th day of May, 1946, and answer or demur to the con.plaint ir said actio;* or the plaintiff will apply ic the for the relief demandal in the ctrn plalnt. This, the 25th day of April, 1946. F. L WILLIAMSON Clerk Superior Court and Bx-offlcio Clerk of the General County Court of AlamanceCounty, North Carolina. Robt. T. Wilson. Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROL1W*. I AliAlQAn^D V-VUil X JL. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Sam P. Harris, Plaintiff, - V* - Joella Harris, Defendant. The defendant, Joella Harris, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of securing a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation; and that the said defendant will take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County, at the Courthouse in Graham, North Carolina, not later than twenty (20) days after the 10th day erf. May. 1040, and answer or demur to th complaint of the plaintiff in said caM*e, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said complaint, ed in said complaint. This, the 10th day of April. 1940 SARA MURRT Asst. Clerk General County Court C. C- Cats*. Jr. Atty.

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