r H E G L E AN E R GRAHAM N^C., OCT. 24, 194? ISSUED EVEV.Y THURSDAY J. It. KERNODLE, JR., Manager %\ UO A YEAR IN ADVANCE J?c .ered at the PcatofOce at Graham, N. C.. as seccnd-claas matter. &\LOOKING frj AHEAD Jkfft GEORGE 1 BENSON KSflk PraUft-Miriiii Criltp H Sttttf. JkrkiMiu In Europe Leaving New York at eleven o'clock A. M., I flew to London in just 20 hours. A flight to London shows how the world is growing smaller. Our relations with other countries are becoming much more intricate as the globe shrinks, and our great need is better understand ing which will beget wisdom. For 20 years I have had a great personal interest in studying the secret of national prosperity, which of course is the sum of each indi vidual's prosperity within the na tion. This interest was first awak ened when in 192S I observed the poverty of China for the first time. More Than Resources Countries having equal resources are not always equally prosper ous. That is an axiom most of our people accept readily. They have come to know, sometimes subcon sciously, that our democracy is mixed of more, and perhaps finer, ingredients than statistical reports of national resources will show. Surely, what makes one nation happy, peaceful, wealthy, need not make another nation troublesome and ripe for revolution from within. Truly, there are many ingredients in the recipe for national well-being. V Ik-. n i_ lilKV UUVU 1/CMX Today, when the popular catch word, even internationally, la 'se curity," we know that one of the moat valued ingredients is prosper- | ity. If people everywhere could un derstand and achieve the conditions necessary for prosperity, every home-neighbor and every world neighbor would benefit This is like a good deed that pays off for every body. Currently, the writer Is concluding a stay of eight weeks in Europe, the full benefit of which the readers of this column will have opportunity to share. On the itinerary are Eng land. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzer land, and France. What Is the Secret? The objective is to study political, economic, social, and religious con ditions in each country, with a hope of arriving at definite and signifi cant conclusions regarding the se cret of Individual and national pros perity. If we can be sure why it is that American wage earners and farm ers can purchase with tlqjir earn ings two times* as Tnilchjfood, cloth ing, shelter/ and transportation as the workers on any other, continent can purchase with their weg|s. we shall then understand the flutters we, must preserve as Vital to all of US'1 in our period of reconstruction. For awhile, I would like to be your European observer, for it is my con viction that some important lessons can be pointed up by studying our continental neighbors. Ours Is a great economy. If we in America can have enough foresight to co operate for the sake of production, our land, can long remain the land of freedom' and plenty. Beginning next week, this column will survey postwar England, and will then .proceed with some signif icant observations of continental na tions. Uncle Sam Says JHHI 1*1.1 IM ll? Any number of my toou neph ew* today dream ef banging the hall eat of the park la a World Series. A big league baseball ca reer la a tne future for any Amer ican boy, bat ao Is a career as a lawyer, a doctor, aa engineer or some other profession. The big leaguers among dads know that it costs money to give their sons tba opportunity for a great career. By investing every pay day in United States Savings Bonds, any dad can give Junior a good start la life. Yes, Savings Bonds are in the big league class. Bay aa extra Saving* Bond today. V. S. Irmrj Dilmlmrml % Beechnut* la Bread Making Tim earliest form of bread was prepared from acorns and beech nuts. ?. h ii 1 i The cost of tuberculosis among veterans of World War II, in terms of compensation, vocation al training, insurance and hospial ization, has reached a billion dol lars. SHOULD CHILDREN BE TOLD FAIRY TALES? Do you encourage yoifr children to read about the "bis bad wolf and im aginative tales of cruel witches and ogres? You will be Interested inr what a well-known psychologist has to say on this Interesting subject. Onfe of many Interesting Illustrated features in the November 3rd Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's i-avoritc Magazine W'ltli Tire Baltimore Sunday American Order From Your Local Newadraler Subscribe For The Gleaner ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Isaac Newton Andrew? deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this 1? to notify all per sons having claims ayalnst the ?aid es tate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Liberty, N. C., on or bufore the 15th day of October, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, the 7th day of October, 1946. YORK TEAQUE, Administrator, estate of Isaac Newton Andrews, deceased. T. C. Carter, Atty. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Admknistr&trtx of the estate of Harry F. Phillips, de ceased. late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this is to.notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 101 Carolina Avenue. Ruriington. N. C., on or before the third day of OctobeF, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded1 iti bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 26th day of September, 1946. HAZEL PI11L.LIPS. Administratrix of Harry F. Phillips, Deceased. C. C. Gates. Jr., iUty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified aa Administratrix of the estate of Oule HanfoTd Johnson, deceased, late of Alamance County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit Chem to the un dersigned at 300 Whitsett St. Burling, ton, NX?., on or before the 27th day of September, 1947. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All oersons indebted to said estat6 will please make Immediate payment. This 23rd day of September, 1946. OLIVIA HANFORD. Administratrix of Estate of Ossie Hanford Johnson, deceased EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of R. B. Martin, Sr.. deceased, late of Alamance Ccunty, North Cliro lina. this Is to notify alLperson* hav ing claims against tho estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at' Graham North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of Sept.. 1947 g^tbis notice will be pleaded in bat of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please rr.&ke Immediate payment This 14th,day of Keptcfcnber. 1946. MART MADDEN MARTIN. Executrix of th? Estate of R. B. Martin, Sr., deceased. W. I Ward. Atty. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of O.W.Mc. Thompson, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Caro lina. this Is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Route 1. Box 96. Haw River. V. C-. on or before the 25th day of Oc tober. 1947. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 17th day of October. 1946. DEWTTT THOMPSON. Executor of the estate of G. W. Me. Thompson, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a? Administrator of the slato of O". 7- Ward, deceaaed, late of Alarqence County. North Caro lina. thin la to notify all persons having rial ma against the estate of aaid de ceased to exhibit rtman to th# under signed at' Oraharv Worth ' Carolina, on or before the liUhftay of October. 1**7. or tlda nottdt mill ba pi ended In bar of tlihlr reeotady. All defaona ladrbt*4 to aald eetao will plaaar make Immediate payment Thla tha ltth day of October, lltl W ERNEST THOMPSON, Admlnlatrator of the eetate of O. T. Ward, deceaaed. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION north Carolina alamance county in the general county court Etta Pel ton Brltt. Plaintiff, _ va ? Lou la Oliver Brut, Defendant. The defendant. "Coola OUver Brltt, will take notice that an action eiftUled as above has bean commenced In the Oennral County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the par POM of securing a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation; amd the said defendant will take notice that be Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County, at the Courthouse In Oraham, North Carolina, not later than thirty (It) days after the 14th day of November, 1144. and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff filed In said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded fc said complaint. This, the list day of October, 1141. F. L. WILLIAMSON Clerk General County Court C. C. Catea. Jr., Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA AIAMANCE COUNTY IN THE OENERAL COUNTY COURT Uene E. Breedlove, by his next friend, Irene M. Taylor, Plaintiff. ?? vs - Mildred Loman Breedlove, Defendant. The defendant. Mildred Loman Breedlove. will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce on the gtrounds of two consecutive years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court in the coifrthouse in Graham, North Carolina, within twen ty days after the 2 lot day of November, 1144, and answer or demtlr to the complaint In the said action or tha plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded la said action. This, the fist day of October, 1444. P. L WILLIAMSON. Clerk of General County court, of Alamance County. Barnie P. Jones. Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL. COUNTY COURT Guernla Dae Jones, Plaintiff, - va - Benjamin Franklin Jones* Defendant. The defendant. Benjamin Franklin Jones, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Ala mance Couhty, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County at the Courthouse in Graham, N. C , nbt la'ter than thirty (80) days after the 1st day of November. 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plain tiff filed in said cause or* the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This, the 1st day of October, 1946. F. L. W1LL.IAM8GN, Clerk of General County C^urt C. C- Cates. Jr. Atty. NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION north carolina. alamance county. in the general county court Matthew Dixon, Plaintiff, - \e - Roxle Ann Wither Dixon. Defendant. The defendant. Roxie Ann wither Dixon, wtll take notice that an action enltied aa above hoe been commenced In the General County '\vrt of Ala mance Count) . for a dlvo: to baaed up on the grounde of two year* reparation, and the defendant will further take notice that ehe la required to appear at the office of the Cleric cf the General County court of saJU oc .nty In the Courthouse in Graham. North Caro lina. wllhlh twenty days after the 7th ^y of Novembw. lttf, and answer or demurrer to the complaint of the plain tiff In this action, or the plaintiff w.ll apply to the Court fur the relief xsksd t<fr In the complaint. This, the Ird day of October, lttf. w h aldrTdoe. Asst. Cteyk Oenerol County Court atomancd County, North Carolina. WHBam C. rerdue, At y Notice of Re-Sale 4 Under authority of a judgment of the Superior Court ofrAlamanee . County. In a special proceeding entitled "Annie C. Wood, widow; George H. Wood and wife. Hud Farrsll WAod. ?t al. n. Mary WoM Pouju and husband. R. L Foust. Respopd|Ma" ntjd - under au thority of ^rurairtof-rq-aale in sold action, the uMers&ned Commissioner Wednesday. OetlW; ???!, ???. Ot:ll:Molfl at the. Courtouee ^rfobr .In' ,flr?ha?. North Carolina sell at public'auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described es follows: A parcel of land in Albright Town hip, Alamance County North Carolina, adjoining Q. H. Wood, V. T, Wood, and others, and Beginning at a stake, corner with O. H. Wood; and running thence East with the line of Shelly Coble, 6.70 chs. to a rock, corner with V. T. Wood; and running thence N. 2 deg. W. with the line of said V. T. Wood. 15.76 chs. to a rock, corner with V. T. Wood in the old road; thence again with V. T. wood N. 86 deg. W. 7 chs more or less to a rock, corner with O. H. Wood;! being a point in the old road; thence S. 2 deg. W. with the line of O. H. Wood. 16.78 ch. to the beginning, containing 10 acres, to be the same be there more or less, being a part ot the real property described in deed from C. R. Marlette and wife, to J. H. Wood, dated May 21. 1111, and being known as the Clen denin property. This is a re-sale, and bidding will be-> gin at $1,165 00. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten (10) percent of his bid when* the same is knocked down to him, and the balance upon confirma tion. This, the 11th day of October. 1946. LOUIS C. ALLEN. Commissioner. NOTICE BUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA aLAMANCE count* IN THE GENERAL count* court Edith Pillow. Plain tiff. .' va Luth.r Pillow. Defenoant. The Defendant. J.other Pillow, will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced In the Gen eral County Court of AlamaMBe Coun ty. North Carolina, for the purpose of eecuriac a divorce absolute on the (rounds of two years separation; and the aald defendant will take notice that he b required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk ef the Oeneiuf County Court ef Alamanc, County at the CouBtboUse In Orphan) North Carolina not later then thirty days from the date hereof and answer or demur to the complaint of the pl&Lntiff filed in : said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This, the 10th day of October. 1946. , F. L*. WILLIAMSON, Clerk of General County Court ; W. L. ShofTner, Atty. , NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Laura Martin", Plaintiff, vs. Jesse Martin, Defendant. The defendant, Jesse Martin, will 1 take notice that an action entitled as 1 above has been commenced In the Gen eral County Court of Alamance Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing a divorce absolute on the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will take notice that he i? required to appear at the of fice of the Cleric of the General County , Court of Alamance County at the , Counthouse in Graham. North Carolina not later than thirty days from the < date hereof and answer or demur to the complaint of th? plaintiff filed In said cause, or the plaintiff will apply , 1 to the Court for th0 relief demanded in said complaint. i This, the l?th day of October, 1946. F. L. WILLI A M SON, Clerk of General County court. 1 W. L Hhoffner, Atty, { Notice of Sale. ! Under and by virtue of a Judgment of ! the Superior Court of Alamance Coun | ty, In an action wherein C. P. William - . eon and wife. Mary Clnda Williamson. I Docle McBrooni, et al. are petitioner*, and Hatlie Lea. widow of Bruce Lea; ' Catherine Lea, et at are respondents. 1 the undersigned Commimtoners will, on ' Friday. November 1st, Kit. ^ at 1.00 o'clock. P. If. , oa the premises, near Haw RlvaT. offer < i for sate to the highest bidden for cash, I the following described real property. | Certain tracts or parcels of laind ly ing and being in Hawi River Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, and being described as Lots Numbered Two (2) to Eighteen (18), inclusive, of the subdivision of the Brown Lea Estate, as subdivided by J. Mark McAdams, Surveyor, July. 1946, plat for which is duly recorded In the Office of the reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in Book of Plats No. 4, at page 126, and a reference to said plat is hereby made for a complete description of said real property by metes and bounds. These lots will be sold separately and not as a whole. , The purchasers will be required to deposit ten per cent of their bid when the same is knocked down to them, and the balance upon confirmation. This 30th day of September, 1946. LOUIS C. ALLEN and CLARENCE ROSS, * Commissioners j Notice of Sale. NORTH CAROLINA &LAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Sriffin McClure, as Administrator of James E. Carrigan, Jr., dec'd - vs - Iosephine Carrigan, infant and Mary Louise Carrigan, infant, by Mrs. Jo sephine Hill Carrigan. Gc-nen&l Guardian. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance Coun ty. North Carolina, made in the above entitled special procadlng, on the 5th lay of September. 1346, the under rigned. Griffin McClure a?d Josephine Hill Carrigan, Commissioners, are. on Saturday. October, 26th, 1946. at 10:90 o'clock, a. m., >n the premises of the property herein >elow described, offering for sale, to he highest bidder, the following de tcribed real property. i A certain tract or parcel of land In Surtlngtnn Township, Alamanc? Coun? . X North Carolina, adjoining the lands A other properties of the subdivision hereinafter referred to and fronting on j he West side of Trail No. 9, and bounded a-nd described as follows: Beginning at an iron bar corner with lot 27 in the Western margin of Trail No. 3; and running thence N- 75 t. 35 min. W. 200 ft. to an Iron bar corner with lot 12; thence S. 14 deg. 25 min. W. 200 ft. to an iron bar comer with lots 16 and 32; thence S. 75 deg 35 min. E. 200 ft. to an iron bar in the Western margin of Trail No. 3. thence N. 14 deg. 25 min. E. 200 ft. to the be ginning point and being lots 23, 29, 30, and 31 of Block "L" ->f Grove Park, as shown by drawing Xo. 598 made by A. C. Linberg, C. E. and recorded- in Plat Book 3 at page 98. HFhe terms of the sale shall be cash on date of sale. This sale shall remain open ten (10) days for advance bids and confirmation s provided by law. This 25th day of September, 1946. (MUFFIN McOLURE, JOSEPHINE HILL CARRIGAN, Commissioners. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT James C. Moore, Plaintiff, i v*. Effle Landry Moore. Defendant. The defendant. Effle Landry Moore, will take notice that an action entitled as above ha. been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, N. C.t for the purpose of se curing a divorce absolute on the grounds of two yeats separation, and the said defendant will take notice that she Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Genera. County Court of Alamance ccuuty at the Courthouse In Graham, North Caro lina. not later than thirty (30) day, after the 24th day of October. 1(40, and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff filed Id said cause, or th* plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This, the 1st day of October. 1040. F. L. WILLIAMSON, Clerk of the General county Court. C- C. Catea, Mr. Atty. ' '-??jm,, ?^rawos? ' i Man with a 32-track mind j He's moved upstairs . . . this Southern Railway yardmaster! I Yesterday he ran his legs off in all kinds ol weather trying to be all over his yard at once. Today he sits in a glass-enclosed, air condhioned tower sixty feet above the ground acres ol tracks spread out before him. Through the magic of electronics he gives ? i orders sad instructions to switching crews arid others throughout the yard ... and the mtn can report back to him over this two-way communi cat. ^ sys.em.. thus speeding the "making up" into trains w of as many as 5,000 freight cars a day. Progress? You bet! Always on the alert for new methods... never taking anything for granted . we're doing our best to provide the kind of mass transportation service that is so vital to the continued growth and prosperity of the South. Whether it's pioneering with the first Diesel freight locomotive or building a tower ftr the "man With a 32 track mind," the Southern Railway is...and will continue to be... a railway that is always looking for, end finding, better ways to "Serve t.ie South." President SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM i

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