THE GLEANER j - i GRAHAM, N. C- DEC. 19.1946 WSUED EVERY THURSDAY I J. R KERNODLE, JR., Manager $1 AO A YEAR IN ADVANCE ?b ered at the Pistoffice at Orafrara, N. C.. u seccnd-daaa matter. C\ SHOPPING ) [ 1 WEEK LEFT ~?wlS Folks % ? I The snouman will fade as the weather warms, and too toon we forget the joys of Christmas and its mellowing effect upon our lives. It is our hope that this Christmas of 1946 will bring you many a blessing in the weeks and months ahead. DIXON-LOVE Hardware Company T f If phone 814 The cost of tuberculosis among veterans of World War II, in terms of compensation, vocation al training, insurance and hospial ization, has reached a billion dol lars^ Bronchial Coughs i Due to Colds Spend 45 cents today at any drug store for a bottle of BUCKLEY'8 CAN ADIOL MIXTURE?triple actio*?acta promptly to help loosen up thick, sticky phlegm ? soothe Irritated throat mem branes and ease hard coughing spells. Try it the very next time a cold results In a wracking, stubborn cough?And out for yourself how good and effective It Is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCK LEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE?made In the U.S.A. ? TODAY ? all druggists. Protect Your Homo from TB Buy Christmas Saals? ^ mekiot; May i countless blessings bring true joy to you and yours at Christmastime. OWEN ESSO SERVICE Telephone 11 78 and 2975-M "THE FACE OF CHRIST"? PICTURES IN COLOR Two pages of beautiful color portraits showing the sensitive, haunting image of Christ that has passed unaltered from generation to generation. One of many Christmas features In the De cember 22nd issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Vatiuua Favorite Magazine With The Baltimore Sunday American Order From Your Newsdealer Evidence of tuberculosis of th | bone has been found on th? miimified bodies of early Egyp tians. j ley Chrtitem teals? ?ScratchintS, Far quick relief from itching caused by eiw. athlete's foot, acabtea. pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PKltcmrriON. A doctor's formula. Greaseleas and auinleas. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms interne itching. 35c trial bottle proves 11, or money back. Don't suffer Ask your drugs* today for D. O. D. PRUcatmon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualifiel as Executor of th# estate of Dr. J, A. Pickett, deceased! I late of Alamance County, North Caro ? lina, this is to notify all persons hav | ing claims against the estate of sald< deceased to exhibit them to thje un dersigned at Rt 1, Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of December, 1947, or this notlne will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of December, 1941. HOWARD A. P1CKE7TT. Executor, Estate of Dr. J. A, Pickett. W. I. Ward. Atty. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of S. F McBane. deceased, late of Alamance County. Ndrth Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hir ing claims against said estate to ex hibit theni to the undersigned at Snow Camp, North Carolina, on or before th^ 15th day of December, 1947. or this no lice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. ARE YOU JUST A PIAYTHI NG'NATURE ? Nature may endow you with breathtaking beauty, a lovely curvaceous figure. She may be stow gifts on you that make you a brilliant actress, a leader In your class at college, sought after at dances, pr a charming wife and mother. Tea. Nature may do all this. And yet you may find your face mockingly slapped if you suffer ' these distressing symptoms, which so many unfortunate girls and women do. Something Yew Should Not Mm About! So If female functional monthly disturbances are causing yoa to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel weak, resile, so cranky and Irritable that you almost turn Into a ?she-devil ? on such days?na a sasnmo too sscrcxnjrT rows about. Start right away?try Lydla B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve euch symptoms. It's fa mous for this pwpoea. And dont tenet ? Plnkhem's Compound ton hou than relieve such monthly pain. This great medi cine aiao relieve* accompanying nervous tension, irritability, those tired-out, mean "pick-on' everyone' feelings?when due to this cause. Taken regularly thruout the month?Plnkhamb Compound helpe build up resis tance against such distress?a very eenslble thing to do. Just eee if you. toe, don't remarkably benefit! All drugstores. 'IL'l . . All (tfioni Indebted to enM estate will pleiM make Immediate payment Title 12th day of December, 1HI. MRS. 3. F. McBANE Administratrix. c.t.a, of the eetate of 9. F. HcBane. dooeaeod, W. I. Wart. Atty. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified aa Adminlatratrlx of the eetate of C. L. Snipe*, deceaaod. late of Alamance County. Nc$th Caro lina. thla la to notify all persons hale Ins clalma asalnat aald eetate to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Oka ham. North Carolina, on or before (he 16th day of December. 1(47. or thla no tice will bo pleaded in bar of thefe1 recovery. All poreona indebted to aald estate will please moke lit mediate payment. This 12th day of December! 1(41. ETTA WOOD SNIPES, Adminlatratrlx of the eetate of C. L. Snipes, deceased. W. I. Ward. Atty. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Havlns qualified aa Executor of the estate of E. C. Edwards, deceased, late of Alamance County. North Caro lina. thla la to notify all peenu (tak ing claims against the eetate of aald deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Rt 1, Burlington. North Carolina, on or before the 20 th day of December. 1(47, or thla notice will be pleaded in bar of thefir recovery. ' All pereons Indebted to aald eetate will please make Immediate payment This 14th day of December, 1(4(. ERVTN EDWARDS. Executor. Estate of E. C. Edwards. Deceased. Notice of Re-Sale Under authority of a Judgment of the Superior Court of Alamance County In a special proceeding entitled '*C. P. Williamson, Docle McBroom, and others, vs. Hattle Lea. widow, Cath erine Lea, and others," and ujgder authority of an order of re-sale In said action, the undersigned Commissioners will, on Tusesday. December (let, 1(41. at 11:(( o'clock, a. m. " at the Courthouse door In Oraham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follows: The following lota or parcels of land lying and being In Haw River Town ship, Alamance County. North Caro lina, and being Lots Numbered Four (4). Five ((). Six (I). Seven (7). Ten (10). Eleven(U). Seventeen (17) Eigh teen (II). and Lot No. Three ((), of the property known aa the Brown Lex Eetate. aa subdivided by 3. Hark He Adams, Surveyor. July, 1(4(, plat whlct la duly recorded In the office of the Reg later of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina. In Book of Plata No. 4, at page 124. and a reference to aald plat Is hereby made for a complete description of aald real property by motes and bounds. Tills Is a re-sale and bidding will be gin on Lot No. Three (t) at 2268.60: on Lot No. Four (t) at 1268.60. on Lot No. Five (6) at (2M.20: on Lot No. Six (() at (144.(5; on Lot No. Seven (7) at (1(2.60; on Lot No. Ten (10) at !2i(.((; on Lot No. Eleven (11) at IKI lt; on Lot No. Seventeen! (17) at ll((.((. and on Lot No. Eighteen (II) at $142.(1, The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of their bid wtien the same la knocked down to him. and the balance upon confirmation. Thla, the Ith day of December ,1141. LOUIS C. ALLEN and CLARENCE ROSS. Commissioners NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate for 1945 County Taxes Notice la hereby given that pursu ant to an act of the Oenakal Assem bly of North Carolina, (see chapter 541 Public, Local and Private Laws, 1*15) the undersigned Tax Collector of Alamance County will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Graham, N. C? on the first Monday In January, this being Moadajr, Jaoury 6th, 1947. at 12.-00 o'dock, mom, the Real Estate listed by (he taxpay ers hereinafter named to satisfy the amount due the County of Alamance for principal, penalties and advertis ing coat will be added to 1*41 taxes. Names will be deleted from list as taxes eta paid. The property to be sold, and the names of the taxpayers who listed the same sis as follows: GRAHAM TOWNSHIP Allen. Mrs. Jet tie. 1 L James Williamson Ld. t 4.11 Andrew* J. Ernest . I L 4 H Burl-Ore- Rd 1?.I0 Andrews. John R. HAL Hoy ST. 14.11 Boswsll. W. B.HIL Holt Ld. 14.T4 Cole. T. H-. HAL Sidney Rd. . Coleman. Julian A, H A L Adj. Mrs. C. A. Piper 11.41 Comb* B. ?, L Ward It- 1.1* Dixon. R. W. HAL Marshall St. 11.11 Ellington. J. B.. L Grabur Hts. 1.74 Fogleman. E. A.. Est., HAL Market 8t 4 96 Fouet. C. L. H * L. Adj. W. F. Foust 12.6? Fouet. George R., H A L 2nd St. I.Z5 Fouet, W. F? IIA4 Home ... 11.14 Prick, Orady. HALS. Main St. 24.00 Falter. S. T.. H A L Market St. 14.44 Falter. Lee. HAL Mill St.. ... 12.27 Gates. D. P.. H A L Marshall St 4.70 , Olbeon. Mre. W. A.. L Blk. E. Brady 1.42 Olllte. J. B.. H A L Harden St. .14.42 Guthrie, lire. Effu HAL Hwy . I No. 44 12.10 Oathrte. Ira. H A L Pine St ... 21.44 Hanford. Marvin, 4 A. Baecom Moore Prop 2.44 Harris. John W? 10 A. Fouet Ld 12.10 Harvey. B. E.. 4.42 A Old Sel lers Mill *lVect 1 93 Henderson, Albert, HAL Pop- I Ur St. 14.48 Heritage. Mrs. A. K. L Wash- I lngtoa St 11.70 mil. C. T... H A L Back Fill. Sta 4.40 Hill, Mrs R. L.. L Hwy 87, 2.20 Holt. B. C- H A L MtAden St 11.45 Holt. D. D . 122 A Monroe Holt Ld. H A L Belmont Rd 39.24 Homewood, Roy M.. 50.74 A Near Hanford Brick Td 11.00 Hufflnee, W. V.. HAL 8. Main 8t 11.23 Hughes, Heenan. Heirs, HAL Wbitaett Ave 22.00 Hughes, H. F? H A L Banks St 33.90 Irey, Charlie. HAL Banks St . 22.19 Johnson. Jesse, Vac. L Adj. W. W. Rich. 15 A N. of R. R? 10 Lots Adj. R. R 14,00 Jones, Lee Roy A wlf$, HAL First St 24.90 Jones, Roger, HAL Qlles Longest Place, 11.10 Lesley, T. D.. 4 A Aloha, 10 A G&ntz Prop 14.52 Lemons,. J. E., L L B. Holt Ld 1.88 Loy, D. v., 43 A Near Swep sonvUle. 22 A Near Swepson vllle A IptP 31.48 Loy, John H.. H A 1, Maple St. Ext 19.25 Martin, L. M., H A L New St... 1*1.08 I Martin, Wayne. 10 A Bascom Moore Prop 3.08 May, Tyrice W., Vac IjOt L. B, Holt Prop 2.26 Mayton, Clarence, 1 Vac. Lot V. F.W.Lake 2.44 Mills. Thomas O.. 214 A. A H Hopedale Rd.. 14.10 Moore, D. H.. L Near G'ra Depot 3.20 Modre, G. A.. 2 L No Des, 1.65 Moore, Grimes. HAL Pine St., 29.47 McAdams, Dalton, HAL Hope dale Rd 4.40 McAdams, E. L., Lot Banks St, 2.45 McPherson, C. H.. 7 A AH. 18 A F. E. McPherson Ld 23.84 O'Bough. Mrs. B. A.. 5 A A H Highway 54., 15.57 ?key, J. A_, 122 A L. C, Fount I LA., HAL Albright Ave. ... ?1.S4 ?ayne. Q. Q.. HAL Oneida 8t. 47 4.40 I tuakenbush. W. 2 A Hwy I 64. M A Wilson lxl.. 14 A Wilson Ld 1176 I leece. 8. U. Lot Hwy 67 1.14 llch, Alton B., HAL Pop- S lar St 26.17 tich, Vance, Lot Ward St, ... S.20 1 toberson, Harvey L.. HAL Hwy 87 19.14 Russell. Naomi. HAL Hollar St 3.58 5harpe. H. T.. H A L Hwy 87 . . 19.94 ( lharpe. J. W.. J*.. HAL Mill St. 6.40 Jharpe, P. D, H A L Scott St. 8.60 Slaughter, J. H..H&L S. Main St 95.67 , Smith, D. G.. HAL Sidney Rd. 16.96 Smith, L. L.. Lot C. L. Ivey. ... 1.10 . Stadler. C. E.. H A L Gantz Ld. 9.92 Phomaa James F.. 8 A Bel niont Rd 4.40 rrollinger, Mrs. B. R.. 1 Lot , Marshall St 1.10 Underwood, Charles B., L 4th St 9.95 Walker, J. E.. 2 L Oakley St.. 4.21 Watkins, Robert. H A 5 A Hwy 49, 5 A A. J. Capr* Ld 8.80 Wiggins. A. D.. HAL C. P. Thompson Prop 8.13 Williams, W. Ashley. Heirs. H A L Mill St., StoreAI AdJ House 16.95 Wright, B. H., Store Bldg. Washington St. A I . 33.58 COLORED Carter, John, H A L Haw River Rd., Lot Adj. Rich McAdoo. H A L, R. N. Cook. Lot Haw River A Travora ltd., HAL Haw River Rd., L. H. R. Rd, 12.85 Carter, W. A., L R. L. Walker Land, 2.55 Chandler, Preston. Heirs, H A L Marshall St 1.65 Chavls, Hattle T. Est., Lot Near Providence Rd., 1.87 Donnell, Dolph, Lo* Near Jef fries Brick vn.rd 3.30 Everette.E. A., Est., HAL Haw River Rd., HAL H River Rd. 4.68 Freeland. Alice, Est. H A L Col lege St 8.70 Freeland, Jim, Est. HAL Haw River Rd 6.50 Graves, Martha, Heirs. H & L , Haw River Rd 2.75 Hunter, Luther, Hefrs, 1 Lot Nicks Farm Rd 1.43 Latham, Haywood, HAL Near Brick Yd., L Near Brick Yd. 4.97 Long, I. F., 7 A Haw River Rd. 5.67 Long, Mandy, HAL Haw River Rd 2.20 Long, Nathaniel Tobe, HAL Near R. R 3.80 Miller, Charles A., L off Oakley St 3.55 Mitchell. Mary P.. H A L Oil breath Rd. H A L Gilbreath 20.39 ! fewlin, Carrie (Holt), H A L Washington St. 3.85 ' logers. Henry. 3 A St. Car Ld. <.40 1 togera Maggie. 4 Lota J. W. Walker Land 1*38 togers, Roxie Lot Corner Wat er A Pomeroy Sts 1.28 Hade Rebecca. HAL Haw. River Rd 5.2 3 Taylor. Rosle, Harden Land >? 1-55 GRA.-BCH. TOWNSHIP Took, Mrs. Lillian S.. H A U L No Des 19.80 "rawford. Jaa. M. L Border St. 1.27 Davis, P. J., H A L Old County Home Prop 11.43 F'ayne. H. O., HAL QUeen Ann St Bal. 3.03 Dover, C- L., HALS Queen Ann St 13.03; fCeck, W. O., Lot Bur-Qra- Rd Lot Smith Ld? R & L Cen. Hwy., Border St, 43 35 Kizziah. James, HAL Queen Ann St. Lot 4 Blk. A 10 95 Riggans Marlon S., H &L Queen Ann St. Lot AdJ Home, .... 17.89 Riley, Mrs- W. L., H & L Woods Ave 7.87 Staunton. W. Q., Lot Co\inty Home Prop 7.17 3t. John. W. D., HAL Whit sett St 10.86 Stockatd, Lee R. 2 Lots Whit sett St Near Pinetop 4.21 Suggs A. L-, H & L Queen Ann St 8.31 Talbot, Carolyn P. 5 Lota Near Pinetop School, ...... 1.60 NEWLIN TOWNSHIP Albright W. J.. Heirs. 60 Acres Marys Creek .'. 5.12 Allen, Hugh. 2 A A II No Des .. 9.35 Brown H. L., 83 A Cane Cneek, 7.32 Dixon, C. D., 1A&H Snow Camp 7.50 Durham C. G1., VfcA Saxapahaw 1.28 Hinshaw. A. A 136 A J. M. Griffin Ld 36.30 Holmes S. E., 1 A Eliza Cog gins Ld 2?.10 NfcBane, J. F., 82 A Hwy 87 ... 23.32 Mansfield, William 3 A Alfred M. Shaw Land 4.96 Marlette, R. G. Est., 40 A Saxa pahaw, 3.52 Moore, J. D. 70 A Cane Cfreek, 9.63 Moore, Wlliam J. B, 11 A Major Hill 2.10 Norwood, William J., 51 A Reedy BVanch Bal. 4.30 Perry, Bruce T., 115 A H. River ?3.39 Perry, Diffie P.,24 A Cane Creek 14.21 Pickard, Robert, 160 A Mandale 34.67 Quakenbush, H. T., 4 A Old Saxapahaw Rd., 2 A Sax a. .. 15.10 Ray, Oliver Eat 66 A Cane Creek 8.25 J Stockard. G. P., 287 A Haw, River. 35.84 rhom&a. Joe, 2 A & H Saxapaha Williams, Paul, 30 A. Ed Wil liam* Eat 20.12 COIiORED Alston. Eultaa, It A, EsteVy Al ston Ld Bal. 3.25 Pouat, Kizzlah, 23 A. Long Br. i.18 Newlin, iHenry, Eat., 55 A Home PI. A Eldg., 5 A Holt Ld, . .. 10.<2 Newlin, Sam G., 18 % A Hat wood Land, 2.04 Parson. Joe, 18% A Long Bt... 10.05 Willis, Ed. 12.8 A Mai >*8 Creek, 1.35 ALBRIGHT TOWNSHIP Coble. Fred M.. 23% A Home PI 20.88 Coble, J. A.. Jr., 30 A Isley Ld., Eurika Rd 17.8C Duffer. Maylon H., 30 A Hwy 87 17.43 Parrell, Herman, Vac L no des. 2.82 Griffin, W. H.. 2 A Clapp Ld, .. 1.36 Holt, T. C., 2 A C. C, Parrel 1 Ld 17.02 Lambe, O. K.. 1 A No Des. G. L. Williams Land. 10.42 Love, R. L., 45 A Hwy 57 20.27 Patterson, D. W... 24% A no dee 8.82 Sharpe, Levi, 9C A Hwy 87 .... 14.69 Coi.qred Banks, Coland. 1 A Woods Chapel Church 7.87 Banks, Daniel, Est., 20.5 A Hwy 87. 4.32 Capps, Ed Heirs, % A No Des. Bal 1.90 Degraffenreldt. C. T:. 8 A, D. M. Holmes, 8.12 Holt, Mrs. J. A., 20% A no des. 5.94 Isley, Edward, 1 A H&L no des. 4.35 Trollinger, A. C.t 4 A no des, 10.6 A no des, ... 3.29 Trollinger, Julius T.. Jr, 4 A. .. 4.03 Trollinger, Mrs. Willie, 8.75 A Holt Land 2.20 Warren, Julius E. 105 A Hwy 93 13,94 MORTON TOWNSHIP Barber, Robert C?# H&L Burl, Mills 3.76 Ireland, Miss J^ydia, 103.1 A Old Home Hwy 87 21.35 Younger. Robert, 3 A E. P. Lowe Land \ 13.72 COLORED Michael, John Mac, 19 A Home Place 4.40 Slade, Dewey, 2 A Shaw H. PI. 18.52 Turner, Pearl. & Helen Gale, 2%A Hwy. 87 3.85 M. A. COBLE, Alamance County Tax Collector. Look who's riding the Southern! Sore, it's Sam* Clans. He's traveling all op and down the Southern Railway System these days. He may not be a jolly old fellow dressed in crimson red, but we know he's there. We see him in the smiles and friendly faces of folks gome home for the the mail cars bulging with greeting cards... and in the freight cars piled high with holly, mistletoe and Christmas trees. We see him, too, in the boxcars loaded with toys and gifts ... in the refrigerator cars carrying turkeys and I other good thing* to eat..-.and in the long trainloada of coal to keep homes warm and cozy. Yes, jolly old Santa Claus is riding the railroad. And the SO,000 men and women of the Southern Railway System are taking mighty good care of him. Because that's our way of saying "Merry Christmas" to all the boys and girls ... and their mothers and dads ... who live in the South we serve. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM (M) --

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