t Tle 8eci(5or. f Nationals at Chicago. The National Army. A teleg.am from CoL "Winston, dateel last night, Bays: M-iny Green backers are coming in from all the I States The greatest enthusiasm pre vailed lit the rrrliirinai-v inf-tinr. nml the cause was never so strot-g or the leaders more hopefal. Only 50Ct. for the Beacon, From this il.ite un il the Presidential election. Send in your names arid the money either singly or in clubs. The People Shall Rule. A rpr rt-d btVrUs Ej21 Acvd. toy of Powerfully ia tho National arm? moving ' on. We hve abont ii hundred newsp.-1 Correspondcncs & Extracts frcrn Lcit.rs Di9covorios of Minoral Lo pers that are lotting tho light into th-dark- CQlitloS and MinorolS In etas Rni arousing the p.pjitou 8n.ieoij .'or t!i iuc n l j Wostorn North Carolina the grin ling opproRoion ff the bond i.r.d ; A Wortl to the leOl 1 tx .-,, T hki-:ih u. t. bathing corporations. Independent and T, . , IV. ,-. ..it- ''. AiVu ' il thinking men trc coining or. r by tbou- Dd8. In the NottU, in BMi.e S'a'.'h, it alre.-.dy polls more votes than the old Dcni-' ocratic party. Iu the Soi.tb. particularly in' Texaf AULma and Tenucss. , th-j N.v.ioa- j a'.a are already a power. The late Tena-- I see State convention had on hundred ai.d If whit t-t D uocr-tii -j i ( !; I lica-i i.n trn. . the lb-pal heir, "arty ".aM to he ir. d oat. If wtal ihj l"-- un nay ol ih- 1! u.i ir..t i tru-. :'. I) ai ..:i p rty uh; to Lc :p-d on'. 1. th..- iu:s- siou ci t:.- :s .tr. nai p.r.i to '. . :Ln i..-k 1 Vi'tS? l'tb the nil .rir: '', Ai'u'-j ' . I v4. '.r. . .1 I..IW b GREENSBORO, N. C. June 1880. The Future of the Democrat ic L'artv. twenty delegates. In the Wtst, ail the S'tca have full ticke's for Suto cfTio-.-is in the fi Id. The honest heart and br.in of tho ! couiitrv is with 113. 1 j A Nr Wortirrt Gun lr"t , K.l-rr 1 J. Hale ni froa Xr-r I V-rk t ).: too's rpr. HaVa Wk I It. co .; rt.it g a rj rraarkb! 4 j it-.p--.r'it t ".r.c'iT. !! t: ' II xa v.'ir r .'! t-n at!rc'. !o !" v nr -f ow r r v! (rio ii h. N'c . V. T:n.fe cf SnrlsT !i I If ?1 f 5 t r tf-l ! tro. x '.r 'rrj'r li .1 to Kar at ' f c .1. f r it ill sp-' : I' cr "- M -r. r .J :ts j . of rlt. '.rr ! l llt.l t It, ff. t t ii other cra r . n th r-'rt lrJ, We are not dt :u n lf-.t The Demo, ratio p;rtj camo into power in on any man or nt of mcti's n.fl .enco Hot Congress bee inso the U -pnblicaa re.rty in has Cary gone, without h ating a lipt.le. 1 Congress had driven the people to bank- Prftr C.ioper. a ncble n:i;ij but ovi rct"-e j ruptcy and dtyperation. And now tie Driu- by the inflruiiiiea r.f mow than furs. o;e ' octatic Congress has bitraytd the people ycurs, h..s no longer tho si i;ht. t hold. of lx)th ft t i i l l p.:ti n ij tho 1,4 ; h r i.f th l'...-t. Ml th- cly .nit .!.tit. u-, poUtiol a. 1 :U.a'ci. ;:.: ritl thur l.un.'.t in c-1 o ni:l s; 11. n w, : li 1 d irar: the war. that -m lo:. 1. . k p a . ..uth a:, 1 . Ht l. l N r.-i . I- n !.-::.: c -t ' '. A 1. .J 1 : ; u : 1 : i.fid th. .r p I! 11 1 t. 1 1 to r .,!,- i t :. 3 . i i and violated its pledges, and :t w.U n.ect Tbo yi nng, tho scl tho bold anil the i with tht s;imo fate. Tho Democratic party vigorou thinkcrx. writers id! iio?r, i. ' n I is in the miserable condition that nt boly who are desperately in earnest, :.iid wh ti I has any confidv tjce or trust in it. It bus not "play injj" pc lit. cs. uro th w. rk-r I:. cried "wo!:" onco too macj' titiiiS. Theou- ti.is cani-. We have force 1 th- as ; vi.it . I .. , ,.. ... .. ,, ', lv two parties with defined and oiipoiui press, that t:xd of tho ccrpor .tiu . to !a!.e jMauonai party in ion.a wrouaa, a suiuioie . - , , ,. , , , , , . , , . , issues are tho licpuba an ..nJ National rar- n tice of our do.nir. The 'V-.it citv y- iCH D'ai.i iu n jrn l,i ,1111 1 u lj i lain,.! vi Political Editor: Col. JOHN K. M IXSTON", Milton, N. C. To the Nationals. In undertaking the organization of t'o i ' The ties. Tho mongrel .D.tiiocracy, l)lowi!g now per" first iguor.d our iit. th-n ii'.- i t ntil nnw ohl. exriti!:.? tl;n t rinn!r nn ..1 na lnniti.-.: avl r rc t) v .- Beacon it-ps forward to perform that high ; .. , . . . v. ., , , ' , ' s' is not merely a ., ,., i i 1 i -i --.i ..mF.li;u - Hove with these same "Y mkees and votitig er.cs; the p rcf mon.v; th- r.-.vt-r of albeit s jamuy ntxcsjx'jitr. u uiau c-tiu iu a that p;irty, was absolutely necessary. Beacon it- ps forward to p duty. Bat The Beacon 1 i.--. l:.n er.cs; the p r ci monry; tto p vt r with thf m to continue the ininuitous bur- f.mhionnhlt k eirtr. Iho r.iil:ea Is. th.- I good eitizeu unless he n informed at lea. t as ; , , .. .. , . ,. .. . , ....... b L. , , .... . T, den of the National ctbt v.pcu tho a.reaoy theCon.-rrs. and S:..t L,.-isl tar. ,., -.. to essenha's of current politics. The Bea- . . , ., , .. . , r (severely tnv,.d bouth, deserve 1 to hse con- riel ofte-idl-, the rea. hrJ of iiTh-e re. x- cos will aim to lty before the reader this .. ti,-( .-. ;.. .1 . 1 J : fidence. lhe next census win win i up ti.is ers, the lis pv preachers - . vcur information. And while it will discuss po- OJjCO glorious bat nQw deceit til au-l n.ori- r,,chers and Tahu ds, n-and v !-.-. i Mr-:.. litical subjects from a National (standpoint. buud otz ltiou it is estimate I that the K r than all, th, pr.judu-fH of tl.. , I . it will at all times be liberal to opponents. ncXtct.0ias ((Lis year; w ill give the K,Pot B it what l,a be e u the history of hum .:,tr The well known qualifications of our as-, Ucan BtilUs frosu co t0 ...a-.titioaal t-lector- How have ail Huso psiacn cf tho P aer'. f sooiate, Mr. Albright, justifies the hope that al voteil Rsd lho corr spending additional tho air van.-hd hke smoke U fore th iu-x- The Beacon will fill the position of a citi- members of Congress. The onlv partv that orahle advance of truth a-,d jusUcc ? Tnrh zm s family neicspay.cr. That will be enough. ' C;in 6Cccessfully- opp0SC n,e Kepuhlican par- ftD1 jastice which never crw old. but arc J'0. R. W IXSTON. ' .. V,,rl' Mill ir. t)i.. V. -;.-.. t nnl .1 . . 1 . .. . . J ..... I . . so nertheDrm cr .t. ala-u'.ou their party . . organization the better forr t: e:u. Parties 1 hiWe their il.-.v and c ase to be. Where is the o'd Federal par y her. I d by Wssl ir.g'on li:der this he ad the f )! and John Adams? Wh re is the eld lie; lib- pr.-nsul i!t d: i-t pi't. -! ; th.-.t f ..i: , t-s l-f p.- r: i ;. .! y . t,p . f i.d 1... : -.U a- 1 L " is -.: 1 ' -rv. .i i l!.t , ; ;:. 1 .-i-. W-iuti-il in the !a. r. :s t.;:.e f -r a !.. w '.. ... .t t i ; r- 1. 1 . t a: o is '. u". 1. at..l t e co-op. ra iv i.i, .1- Milton. N". C, March 180. CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTKE: Col. Jxo. It. Winst-ix, Chair'u. Caswell Co. H. R. Davies, Cleavo'and. Capt. F. M. Wooten, Now Hanover. Ja!5. WAlisright, Greensboro, Sc'y. Western ll.ulroatl AlTairs. To the Voters of North Carolina. licau party founded bv J t fh r-u ? W,:cro the old Whi party with th.- Lti.li.-.t.t iieti ry Clay iu the lead ? Vi'luTo is the- .--ec.: -,cu wing of the:-" Democraoj ? All h.-.ve b.ni c-OLsigu.d to history. In U:o lacTiage oi ; the able corre-poudent, of liaii's We. kly. At the Greer sboro Convention cf ihe Na- mtnen-.ne, ttkt', uj-hars'.,i, ia writu-n o:. the tional party of N. C, the undersigned were wall. The Deinocratid p-.rty v ill. of co-:rs-, elected t'.e Central Executive Committee for ! survive in neighborhoods, as in Xi-w Y.uk the State, with instructions to organize the ! city and in sorne.of ihe States awhile 1 -n-Party in tho several Counties and Congress- j er--as lor.gns h erd oface can be? Lad un.'.-.-' ional Districts as soon as practicable. ; it; but it will cease to fijurc ia the poiiti-.-s The Ex. Com. was, also, instructed to pro- . of tho i.atiou. A tLousand young men who are 1 v-kifg for oflle-e when to-; D. aie-e rats come in r.n-y as well turu their att-n:ion to .some ot..er Tho sr. :.t. of f. V"fs,.-r, N rth Cir Hn i Iladr i lhav- -rai.4.z I in . -or ! .-r--e. :-.h tl e . et ( f - i, y bcti- j . . rd - f dii f c-?.,; s r .loj-s.? 1 . .t :!:o f-.'.l i M. ; I. .!a r. i.'l.-uv ,,: W. .1. B.st. T. M. I.. V V M i ii. r, T -b 'i H-, W. i n-:t.-h. i:. ; Va io, A l;. ." A. At- iv .1 1 W. E- An n. Hi y ho; paid ! Trr .--r.'- r ) the i : -t .-n th- first nu rt; h n "! the oe i-.. ,m", ci .ri-i.t I by the S-a". whi.h they n r.- to ) iy .1.1 1 avc l.: id fr.uu th-; ra' if:--u- i f tt;-v act. Tliy l.a.. r.lo d- pj-i'.d wit :r.c to th. f i: '.-.strv po i'. " to ui; tl r. i.nd it e .r.Mr - c-vtiy to it.l if 1- . 1 . Wt2 th : 3 I. J t U.Ci ll pi-s'j.i m. lct t,H (;r .1 .t i. u ou l.tla.. :i l.omoty ii.d corrupt i : . tit- i I. i i f p- ac. r.v 1 tl.. burjir.j- of p. l.t.rl t r.i-inj. 1M 4 f.Verrd ni. l tt.o - is 1. w.-.ui ! ut it-cl' ; ji i Ut! itru Ui & h l'.'. Cy d I. a. a .arty co .al M .u.l t .c jum l.s'.. te ou i thr -f th.o UirL.L'ft cf : !i- uu N' ' ' v . . q !K-r. win 1. r, t:.ir! y, tu-.tt : .;. at. I i: ,r.i -- :-;.. W! a cot.-; '. r ti ,: t i I ' t on to ti.i- gj. ,' r..K p as u;l ,M ' th.r it a ! tl. 1 t!..t tl. I -. ! i ' It ! T, 4 r. -tl -i f. ..f It :, r .!'.- I "j. ir -f," "rir mb.' .- i : . : r "K Tpistii '-f." Tr - it i .. . t. j iwr- hf.ojbt fr ta l t . a-l.-rr. f: -i t - I r. t . to n' i- - , th- c i'".l cf tts prais, " - ur.- ;'.2ir to j-': r4;x rnv uB ' rt ;jtjn": f.r t?nt f -1 tot tiT to. : r k' 1 cj ';t. n iT I t lb ' -l'.-.'c .;''?. :!'j'S-;-. r . ! " tj". r '.. z. ' , ... ..fi tj ,n , . tr -y -T;a ' 5 -j ! " .f l ..rl I i!'. ' let la- is,! tj. .-. f -' r-I ' '-r N -rf. CrV. r a . . r- f ."--" 1 ur: I r-ct r-' t- L-o ".. i- L 1 :t J-'-, I--. J I;-, r;- -i!-t . h ...... 1 . tt!! trith t . a- v s'.'ir, p'.l.c ! l et, in cii -c - - --- r'h- f ' ' j : " iT. . r. T. . r j i ! crt- b rf cr t " r V , nt. I li.c rsa'in i.2a't- h"b it ft-tt l r -re i? a'icn on tt t-iSjo- al ' 1 s 5 : it I t Stt- Iz-n ita-M. h n ! '. ;r. ! r. iw of alrrs A Ujf2e . ;n i - s. -l.s t; o ll.--t a y-.-nr" ;4 -.. s ... t ' -in ..i. r ;t-- n J - r. .!h t it": - t; t s. r ro:ft; --..;: .,-rr t"ti n. 1. ar.l .i ii.ee '.1 '. :..".;: try n t r. ! a 5 , to r. :.:-1 iL- '.1 r. f- r .L' ru-tr . r; :.. r.t I .!'. l- . W. l-.-.r. 1 p. Li ar. I ii r-ii! o . tf IV e v.! bj 5 ... . f ail 'I t - ! r:.. t I I l :: , .-. t - 1 I r .-! sl'-.Otl. tl.e Tr- a- v. hit-li is tii'- rn than -uiVioi mulgate the principles of the party, as tlic- j ited at t-he convention: 1. The general government should isstte all money, whether specie or paper, and ' qntvrUr. Thos-whs are c-vea v crdly-wis.-make it a' legal tender for all dae., aud ' wiH soon b gin to see that th-y must cot iu should control its volume -. with us cr With- tire Repuvhcas. for th-. 2. CotDoratioiiS should be undersuch cou- i middie-groi.nd of D.mocrcy cannot ::iie-h trol as strict justice between them and the ; i.d frt lonaer endure. The Roi u'e iicaL.s L:uo a ptine it le; tho Nutionals have- a' j riuciple. The Democrats have none. A party without ' a principle is a nondescript . n oar-ntiiy. a : Don-lhiUg. i ho loaves oi tha tr; e li;a i pear green lor uw hue, but it .j gir. ; the gTouu.l. I It requires but very Utile intt'.'.ii-.c i:Co mi l j knowledge of 1 istorv to see that : ft-'i., born, giow and d;. The Nati. nul p .:ty U , no hot-house plant of fcr.-ed gre".vt. It sprung up spr.iitancous.y, e.n.1 it was 1 orn out of the necessities cf the tiuun, and ihe protection of the mai:y against the usurpa tions and oppressions of tho few. And it has rown move rapidly in the past f ,ur years tism the Republican psr'.y i'.i.'. in il quarter of a century. Iu tin so four jear.- i people may require. 3. Ci il Service Reform. Government em ployes should be s.-kcted for fitn- 3d; should be removable for cause only, and should be forbidden under sufScient penalties, from using their influence to control the votes of others. 5. Laws should aim at en equitable dis tribution of tbje profits arising from the pro ducts of the industrial classes. Vie invite the attention of the reflecting people of N. C. to these opinions held in common, by our party North and South. 1. The first proposition requires but lit tle discussion. It is admitted by all t: at , ., . . ,, : . , i has nneen member--of C.n:;r:s, (,Le mil- gold and silver were origiaally seleotea as ,. , . , , , , : lion of voters, several hundri.l t!Hf;:rn. money because they had no intrinsic use of i , . , 11 . w , , . ., ... i ana sn orgsntzitiou more or 1-ss cfj;i..-t :n theirown. We also refer to the writinc3.ol ... . . , . every oiaie m ine) ii.:onaui :t :s moii" i ihetat-- 1 Stit.s. to lull y u.t cr -i-n' :; '.iov t. ,. . . . . , " every auie m the Lr.:onaul :t r. tue best political economists of Europe, and i ., , , ,. . . ,, , , , . . , . - i the probabilities th a this .ait v v : to the nrofoundst statesmen of America,!., , , , T r , . ,r ' i the next prcsiaeut of the hmte l tsnch fla .TArrVirsriTi vVphcrp l;utionn o.irl t r.-it..b,T,i.e the Stat f r th? o'V i tur-'6 -,i.,-e thi r .tiilcuti- :i oft! Col. A '. Andn'M-? m V Pr S ip -rii t-' .1 -. it ii b I t. run in tie i.ttr. :' f i".o 1".. A IV lT-.j Fr.nh ll .'..hi .s. f D-.v. ' g od I'v'fficri'i .i' .p' -th a' l . ' be'tr o .C ut V. ; kii 'jl.v.i cof.r' tv, pVn-'-.t ar-'. t-(----.:,r ;,: 1 Beut- :h i--shail 1 -ra ci u'.s rule ? As u t 1 1 ou risk him . f V. is t - '. o- '. . cy, h-i r. p'.i s. i f 1-. if ! r !. : : ii- s.js : .-.!. in ,; l for ..",! s r !.e is taut.-; f ' -. I ih or 1 .ir r.: . st o a m n- y, ho s:.l- :.t ; i at the ui..vi..: lv...li. : i, i ; tr.aa whoja's hij o .'-:i a:.J t oi'd tax. h;. r-( li-" Lo . - ; ; c ' us ikin: :.'.! 1; ' ci , "i . -t ;. " that Na,i,-s,.i.- -ire C i,,'!. :-.i t. he L consistent, lie- is a li:. ivt tj" rii:. Lik.- a lawyer, 1 o farty rph. 1 r vp1 tr. d- si. e .'.!y.' 'I he ro i-c:.c . . '. .o 1 so f.r as known) tt h.t. pur's dcmi'-', i. e., :?kin up lior.ie .; 1-7 J. IL- :.-.!d th is w as h.t : :. p:cciiECa.usure ; it :us pulicy. I h- d i.ever .siuce f It ti.e . .iu ". -1 ' A t : .i r S'? ' i3t - V. .3 . - ..?y.-t, -;t t li I . t c .b t t t' it :l.-r - .j i V j:'.. y ! n- o., a to -ci-.. !.' 1 ;.r :a I tr.rT, '.- r . 1.:. 1. I 1 U i it. I 1 t . I . i ! . ! t . t . ; ; ; r. j t rj ': n S'.rta-.u t.itJ . !i..t( ffc r, t r f rtv jail ; : s f -.-. ! rd .:.: .1 1 an .:. .L .- a stir t t'. - r. !. I fc-rti.? ? ' : . 1 1'. ( " a in V. ti' t-tb. v . r . - i - ar". t !. . , j- . 1 ". fcl '. t . r .r . - i ! - - t. t t p . r. w m .n : . i ,-.'. r S -:t., n ii I l! v r . . i s"l yl .t.. I-,i t t i . r tr. . i.r t; ;.t. 1 - :r v-u j v . I-rucr tb c th s . .1-. . i t . . 1 1 '. tsj ij.rvrl -..-t-l o :ci cb. to t ' 1 N I v i lid i ti r ( ... T. . . . . . . i Thoso whoso rang? of vi.-ooa is limii j. miisuii, ii is eiujuai iu (Jive intj national .. . , , . , , . , ' the confines uf th.ir own t -.v:;-:-:'. banks the power to expand or contract tiie , , , . . .,, . . who--o feeble trains bav-3 m oth--r iih.i.. volume of currency at their will. This is ... - uu v u v -jv- lUp va -ue ii . Mil. l ijj. i be l ot -. certain, the government must either control the volume of cQiTeucy or else the national I banks will control the industrial classes and ! the government. j 2. Corporations receiving thejk functions , from the people, could a.-k no more, the : people should demand no Us3. "j 3. This proposition is too obvious to need discussion. It is estimated that each office holder, and there are about one hundred thousand, influences, upon an average, ten votes this woulel make one miilioa an ad ministration party could always count on, out of the eight millions in the United But that will probably not belie-, e th will not alter tho case. Tho moral to be drawn is. that as the De mocracy is going has gone the wis-) la-an will '-stand from under." States. Thus a minority may over-rido a tue w-,oi0 sjtate C.l. L. L. Polk h:i3 temW.l Li rtdgntiti.jn a Conitiiii-sion'-r uf A:i culiurt', nnd it. w;i3 accc-pi il 1 y tLt; Esccuiive Com tui: tee on IV i-la v. Col. Polk h.ss ably at.d f :i:Yfuily C03eiucie.il the Dcp.ii iiuoiit, which 1 e hiel succcssfallv org-iLiz ! for i:sj- fulness, atiol his Ioes avi';1 bo felt t;v that he th t lo-t.-h" d Ail the h Us-. Ti.e 8V. iu an 1 !:!'... i - . .; Ic;n !. tics is ( .;: i'.i v. tr . Ii- c:s the I. a ", s r n w ,-i is ;in 1 r- ,p-..t -, of rr;ed ili. g w ilh priL.-ii . .. ! .j I; is r.n able I u- r.t ni.traziime'. th crampu g n llu.-nre of l...-i ; irty. be of ,;t.l'. Bervi.--.. to hi. tru try. V.'t havo !'t. a f r ..- cv tia:o tr . r. vi ta- t ictios cf the 1-mocr .t:c 1 l'r. in th.ir hi'-h "Ix-pe-." w ha 1 t .Vi. e i to b. 1.. ve th. y hi-1 a mashtd I rr wo'd 1. sprit) s a mi:.-. ki b id been 1 -it. Sta'-.- nf;.-r Stat s' rth, till next t I0t'..i; re:., i.ii it; .s-.ut.. :s :t.v o'lt low th- ir p.-in y .t l!'C 1 i . ..t DON'T FORGET IT! THEMCSMLTH 1 iiy. un i,y MUSIC HOUSE IN THE UP-COUNTRY! - t 4.1- th' ir-r I ., 1 1 Tiro'., t ! - --iit- If. Lu.l "large majority. Tho Kx-o I Cotumitlee in accc-p'ing his 1 .-.-: r. i;.it It..-, h .if s--:.t th .r h. sts ho a;t- t r: cruit. 1 heir g :. huve adopted the I"..'i i in ;:: 1 !c o; warf ,r-. t i y entif-iic: r 1 beh;ud tho constitution 1 a maiihuntisc: '.hen the currency and in iTJ p'. y. d v. ill, Rcpul '.i.-.,..-ia. IWat.-d allulngtho !ia, ra their i..-uts ia 1ST1', they took 1 ov.li u bt Li. 1 "Til it n a: I Hendricks a:. d R lorm.' R-. f- rm h'sbeta n'can ioi td, Tild-. a th y "di.so--n" at.d Hondiicks is forgotten. This '. i-.t tick, t w is tie :' i n. ! h Id the fie! 1 would n. 1 be carry ia, t ut th. I a bian policy. Hence ti;ey r. tr. it. d thnttgii Victorians. They m au t )v..ir cut tle.r ert mii s byhavi:.g theia every conte-te i caseuiiai 10 u x.epu on- . jqj Lil3 urgt nt request, IX.IO-S can government. E;cb citizen's ballot ; their deep BC-Cs-e of his services ! the Bhould be as tacred as his honor. Individ- Department and the e anse i f v. jvi ua's, political parties, associations, -and c-.r-1 cukure, and their repret thtit his il- -poration, should, by law, be prohibited : termination .to quit cllici.'.l life to 11 from using undue influence over the elec-: gago in other bminess is litiul. l.i tive fraachise of those under their control. . leih Observer. 5. Statistical and other official infoima-j "Wo consider tLi.s re.sigtuit ion a puu tion from Washington (and the fact is patent ' lic Cal tmif y. Xot that ad f-ble ue-u on all sides) shows that a few men are ab- .- . , .. miy not be found in tne Stat. ; bti!, sorbing the wealth of the countrv, while , the great industrial classes are growing ' W0 kU0W L'n'4a iu 1,10 Slate h 's poorer. This state of things can be rem-! ua-- 6a much the work at heart. Col. edied, and the National party demands that Polk not only had the ab.li'y, but his ful-- wlj- ther lost or gained it shall be. whole bouI was in the work. Were- -. We do not favor a re-distribution of pro-: gret the causo that lod to this re;s:rr. perty this is communism, tho tyranny of j nli jOE the many over the few nor do we favor the 1 tyranny of the few over the many, as at i Dental Association met ia Rah-igh present. We arraign both the old political ' last week. The following oflict-rs were parties, in that instead of legislating in the : fcCCted: Isaac-S'.mpsoi), Pres't; J. 1 interests of the people, their great struggle ! Griffit j lst yice preav j. D. C1;ll k 1 for the spoils of office. To this end they' . . T. Tr , have, as in 1861, arrayed one section against ' 2 J 1CC VvCB L ' " IL Huff-nan, bee y ; .the other; and to accomplish their purposes. J H Cr.ivffortl, Trer.b r. i - . would again drench the land in fratricidal j blood, as they came near doing iu 1877. - r r; of M v.-.- 1-n P.' I.- I-! .-. 1 bar, -rtion f-t t a-.r c t ?.' th it the -!i:t re: r n'.'.y rr lutf 1 t IV. .' .'.it- . t vi hi -h the r-: rl 1 .r.-l '.:.: to 1 rins t!.- 1.1 r !o W. ko in a!ra ; cr. ry I' tr.i-' in th- Stat -ta. t'.i:: ..U nt ll. -'"il " It tr. f:'Ti's- 1 r ': tip ii -v. 1 r r "- r 1." v :'. i: ' a- ii i on- -!v. Halt ft r i sfIlitr"'o Wit dctfi: 1 o( 1 a:-tir!.: in '.f:a:t "I:.t. i b it jv-.iroli, ..-.,1 t:r pr t .'. war r cor i" cf nt.v mar.. l! I I! 'o fvria'. n. ; ii.."c tr- .tji 1 u t 1 ! t ' --Th- il IU-piihlican National Coiiimi tion. This body of wire-puller?, ring men, oCice-holeh ra and boiiel-king", met in Chi ago last Wedr.es.itiy, ntiel have yet " aelo no nominations. Ti.e 3-Vh ballot w:ts taken to-day ut 1 p. m., with this result Crauf, GKh Y. M. C. A. will meet in Raleigh, uWiue, 2."i7; Sherman, lnl. .' t 1 1. t '..0 editor of tloj !',. ii.v I ?: th V m-x-r -..-pvrty lo "::.'.! R j ut p,- -.i.-, i.-t N .-.;-.. a!s." V.V kt w t!.i. cl. ."k-s . f .'11 l.ci'y ag.iii f t u ; ih 1 v 0, un 1 0 1. !y the v.'i.rof.. c'o I brine n"C .ru.ti'la rf j r- f t1 .'i- lair, it. B'ltr.hy tl.l I l.r-!.:. fii! l;p in Ik' -.111 ho r M .t. -.1 an a ficl, tut th.o !".;. Ccr.-rts Lit l.sB I Sth bad If it i nr, has a' liti loa-d futh - . & nti t'an thr :r. si.' w it. W;.o '1.7. :l 1 the I I. . i ratic party T(r !iLI .t-i .i ti" I"t.A-r Ih ti" tsi 1.-- can piitiu? We earnestly invite those who are in ae on 17th June. Chaiiman cannot control tho cou- ' Tho Greenbackers, of Tennessee, vtu ion, everjbo ly ou llu ir feet, have nominated R. M. Edwards for latu governor and are sanguine of succecs. 1 MO p. m. The Greenbackers of Maine- havoi Garfield, of Ohio, nominated on SO cord with us in those things, to correspond with us through the chairman at Milton, N. C. i It is said we are weak and will not be able t n flpnftmnlich nnr nnmoupa Wr vpnlr a-n 7 are just organizing, and rapidly mcreasing ' nominated Gen. H. M. Plaisted for ; ballot. our numbers, while the ReDublicans are not 1 governor, anet the Democrats have ; increasing theirs, and the Democrats arc -t'. 1. A S B n.ct oapatlo Ih R. si.t.it time t- o w for 1 i.i i-t ! ia. n. - iUst U.n TOil (.kinircii . ur but a nb-.T-' T. r. I ii. .ic'tt : - . 1 ' a .ft rt.'-'. 1 t f ' : ! r 1. '. -k it : d.:!- rt:.l ! r. - rr.'.l - 1 1 ti n ! i 1 ' 1 SI". ' " S, s, J rttld ii-1 til.- 1::..-.: sr. I ll. s : lt.trlii piH-it:t o .f It i.i-i il. i 14 it. b ai iiscov . r. !. 1 In tl. r.inl1 - '. 1 '.y a-i ! n-;tt t f tiii O' .rilsT'I.li-. . t it. i.f w bi--iat ill liar-, r.ni.i' .. 1 t I 1 '.- . . ipiiti. lhro 1 m 1 -to-. . f.r s--i-.-. uii l ro'd n c -. i, laljlt.' t- f:i-w l.-il !:M I. r 1 Ll t r w In: ilily ' r "I'll a I '-r-b r ! !". r ', -.nl:.cl I in Hii-wr. '1. r",,i.f. ::- :-. ', - A ill 1 ( ;, r. : it rtiii.", n - m ! . l.'j f r .. , o. ir o- .1 tiicoi j-iucti ti tiita Mr . I". 1 1 -.Wi' I . I. i : i-.s-... I V it !' !et't - i . - t r r.t . i- hi i. : .1 ! . - V.. vki-, ! t ' f r-- I- i' r. r r I.r .! t-r-..-c t ".ir I " n -' r t 1 J' in ci't .r't ' i Pi . ! i.l -e-.-ibi.- li.o We buy Organs and Pianos by the Hundred and we defy the World to sell better. We are the only Factory Deal ers in North and South Carolina. We can discount any small dealer or agent 10 PER CENT and still be happy. H:3I!H HUHC EODSE, Cll AULOTTi:, X. C. 1 .1 1 1 t- r..i c?ji't.l". r'iti - i-i c J i t . Th, d -rr r, 1 ! ll... iri s. f ti.e .I.l.l-.- . N II S: j -k i. tr i T-tt t .ri'.mi. m I M.i.t S i. t. ( 'i.t S .t . ".or (' --ir'. ( 1.- nj. is "r Chickering &. Son's Pianos: - rs. Mathushek A. Co. nn Cui,d & QQ Hallot &. Davis s, c rf,T. Mason &. Hamlin i i iv. r- tt Peloubet &. Co. .ith. rt i. f Stcrlino Organs; Pav. t th? toad'td 'n-cciv. r tho tl.v Lri:o Mr r I. M I .. IS rr-.m- f . n hr i li . r-.Lip . f : S- tri.. rn H iu crti-rt- I 11 !ifT.-r. i-.t n ii.. r . ill a It w uc' .n I I. 'n I.. .:rrr. Ul lir II If HiJ us m'ir-irr ti f lir:.. -I, ,.,11 . i 1. I t. . k .. . - . . ' . ' l.r-t aa 1 titf.t fu.Ut rtr . 1 ..bout-' per cot. Ai! ..t ctico :t -tart-, tip I u u 1 l ctso n.,o 1- u c v.u..u -ti n cl decreasing. Jno. K. Wixstok, F. M. Wooton, H. R. Davies, May 10, 1880. iTOK, 1 Ex. Com. Vote stood Garfiehl .'51)7, Grant fused with them and are conlident of ; 311, Blaine 42. carrying the State. i Grant men blank ar.il bill" ! No I John Williams shackleford, of. Onsl w, a single cheer heard here. has Deen nomiuated i.r- Congress t-y the ; No tLird-termers but the blackest ia:ui ra,lronl Yio to cutabLuh ihcir Democrab- of the third Conpresfiionnl dis. j.ih .uoo, evj iiinuu-u iu-.it trict. and ruin up rer!y bi ptr a:. I ii, rf...r.-taia- it- po-iti.n at a very L:.-U Cjitr V.'hen ao aiauv ll. Ih-i are -mccria.bit ;; thi leal tihotti a 1 i;U ordir of tai nt. AVii sV. n v .trel rtl ty fr a -ub scrijition t f loii'tt to tho Va. Mi 1- u.. i-r;-Lrt 1 -ii.t ! I of the black hatera of the South. graded bcuooLj- 1 il i:.niiu, litaiiil-. , V. ..cee-ultr, Kutllr, An ila-.. iVUh. l:i:-. lira. ni'r. r.rookito, I roii. LriUlOUi'. itrn, 1 . i l. iOI. i . -.pi.-.:--. vr iiti 1 uuj thitl d . do A.l(, bit,.-. ..-.'-). ; ycilv it . - n i.r ll..- I . el?r n. r ! l.. p .per. ' . '. j-t tr' vm ctiht :t I-at. li.-. r. M -t! !v 1 -1 . t-tt-ji'.v i:.chc i; i. i'h -i.. t-i !vo 1 1 rirrnnifrcr.r,. "e 1 .r.. fr:u lLo Il-p.-rtfr. Th Car. l.nt l"t r.trl I'. ... a n-ji-l at .r ti-tt- t rdiy, ar.-l Louj-tit in lv ti.e l-oiiJ LoiiU-ra at tLo pr.cv of Just One Word: Oor prior at. far a- c know, th loat in Vis.cr.ra; I ut if Toq -il c-fTtT -abicb rfpiutlL fad. axel at. 1 p.! nt wi'.I ilhr dctaonatrato lo the con trary, or -nuke too Sr-wal OfiVraibat mx) tr-ito tonr ordr. WK WILL mt nr. i ndeiisold. n0 mo Ininy ctj bay I-r I b an w ol in tjilirij.' t.!t I itT.llit I t III VE-., And Don't You Forget It I AdJrct H. M. .SMITH. Ci-ulotte, N- C. jul 12. X 1