TT7TT7" DbrA MENT. 11. fTftfriSSi-b buint-5 man ' r .-ill hereafter h ihif jf-! I 5fnf(W48edfloorW 'OSe tJronenbe'rger - btuldihir cweithepTintftgaiceV' Airpereuus havingb'usiness with the paper will please cJl ' AtPrfnrick. at nis office. I ! Ar nthtnn, Esq., is authorized, to contract for advertisements, nnd surjscnptions to the North Statb. He has full power to receive and receipt for monies due thin paper. We are sorry to team that' little Nt HA, an in teresting cttW fji 9:1? mrMda" gerously ilf Vrflh dtphthena. Capt. Alltn i np digging a Jounclat ion pre paratory to building a tt celling oh his lot on Asheboro atgect.- u 1 ,I( 1 -- A bill hfw been introduced in the Legisla ture cf this Stated the ptirpose of changing the time of holding the courts in thin (the filth) district . tyman Bennett, founder of the colored Academy in this city,' known -iaa the' Bennett Seminary, iedon Sunday last. in Troy N. Y., x-f which place he was a prominent citizen. Three convictB, from Kockingham county on their way to the penitentiary, were lodged in our jail lftBt BIchday night. Tbey were Kent one for 3.0 years, tne for 7 yearn and one Sot 1 j ear. . t In Odell & Cb'a hitching lot, eri Tueaday, a ticking epree occurred between two horses, one the property of Mr. J. D. Holder and the other belonging to Mr. John Freeman the former receiving u broken teg- W refer fruit growers to an advertisement In another column, of George W. Albright, who has a limited number of Peach Trees which produce the bt very late fruit ever seen in this region of country.' The La-w School in this city, under the charge of Judge ick 38 Pil,,ar W?'! fair to rival the famous ??iool of, the late Chief Jtwtic Pekwoi:. Quite a number of students we in attendanc this cessJ n, ana the personnel tl the clan is of a. high order. We call the attention of our lady jreadeW to the advertisement to be fonnd in another col umn of this issue, of Madama Murphey, who baa opened a school for the purpoae f teach ing lessons in Art Her school will open on the 18th insL, and we bespeak for her the pat ronage of the ladies. Mr. Charles Wilson, of this county, who is well known as 1 the rubicund officer in charge of the grand jury at every term of our Superior Court,' haa earned the title of "Champion Partridge Hunter. " On Saturday lost, whilu Deputy Collector Worth was taking an inven tory at Hoskins factory at Summerfild, tlie rubicund Charlie got on hi horse taking his partridgemet with him, and rode seven miles along the main road to John King's, aud caught nary partridge. Charlie is awjul smart, but not quite as smart sm he thinks he is. In reference to a local in this paper on the behavior of the audience at the concert given by the Mendelssohn Quintette Club the Patriot says: " It is getting rather late in the day for styl of writing, as unfounded in fact as it is uncalled for." We insert that the audience cheered when Dixie was played and were as silent as the grave when the "Star-spangled Banner " was performed. We defy the Patriot , to deny this charge. We did not expect the Patriot to relish our remarks, and we regard its disapprobation as the very highest compli ment which it could possibly pay us. But when it waltzes off bn its "indignant Southern ear it is simply an object of ridicule and nothing more. To-morrow will be the ft-stival of St. Valen tine, the patron s lint of lovers. On this day according to popular ideas the birds pair, and lovers aro expected to follow suit or trump. The day is speci illy devoted to the, sending of tokf-ns. which in the. average small boy usually assume the comic form. The book store is amply provided with means to supply the wants of all, and there Valentines nny be had of all sorts and sizes, shapes and colors. Tle love-lorn youth may breathe his vows in the most cloying of sentimental doggerel, and bis rejected rival may gratiij' his spleen, by in venting five cents in a 'comio" which woulc' scare the crows out of the fit-Id. Dr. W. H. Wheel r, Internal Revenue Col lector of the Fifth District, has furnished us with the lollowing figures as collections for each of the days of the week ending Saturday List, February 8th, 1879. Monday; $3,319.21 Tuesday, 2,409.00 Wednesday. 1,99a 21 Thursday,. -; 1,187.31 Friday 3,023.67 Saturday 2,723.26 Total for the week, : . . $ 1 1, 061. (36 Of. the above anfount $13,930.54 a as for stamp tax on manufactured tobacco. On Tuesday night Kevenile Agent Kellogg returned from a raid through Chatham, Moore and Montgomery counties. He aud his force succeded in destroying 21 stills, 15,000 gallons of beer, 831 tubs 9 bushels of malt, 202 gallous of low wines, 90 gallons of whiskey, and cap tured one wagon and a pair of horses. The blockaders resisted to the best of their ability and fired on two of the men. but bcinir Liken unawares could not organize in time to do much harm. They, however, took two horses belonging to Mr. Pngh, who wa acting as a guide to the party, out of his stable and delib erately flhot them, while he was away. CoL Kellogg says that the citizens treated them well and expressed their desire to have blockading broken "up. One woman came to them while they were destroying a still and said, "God blesa you, boys ! Go ahead. I hope you will cut up every one of them." Yesterday morning, about eleven o'clock, Mr. Robert Lindsay, one of our most estimable citizens, came near being dreadfully injured if not killed on the rail-road, near the foundry in this place. Mr. Lindsay is an officer of the Railway Company, and was walking on the track with. hi head bent low, in an apparent study, w hen one of the engines was pot in mo tion by the engineer fcr the purpose of shifting cars The engine was going forward with a sleeper in front of .it at the time land but for the information given the engineer by John Fetzer, a young man employed at the depot, the car would no doubt have been hun so that it would have crushed Mr. L., who was thrown in t be, ditch by the motion of the cam, and mere ly scratched. Mr. Lindsay is quite deaf and could not hear the motion of the cars. The following is the score of the shooting Club, at its meeting on the 8th inst. It wifl seen that the shooting on that day far sur passed the former efforts of the Club. It will also be noticed that Levi Houston has made a -decided improvement on hie former i fforts, and, should ha persevere, the time may come when he would make a good match for the celebrated Bogardus: .... Names. TUals. FZBST fiOOBE. , 011100 01 1 101 111111 ! 0.0 ...I.kl me;l . 1 1 11, 1 .1- Ledford, A'Court, Grettet. 0 1 0 0-4 .1 i-a 1 1-10 D,0MDO .1; 110 1 Houstor 0 0 Gregory, Til, .1 uoason, Barringef, 1, 1 1 0 1 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 0 r 1 1 1 . I 0.04 Dili 0l 1 1 0 I O-Lt 4 ,0, 0 0 0-3 SECOND SCOBS. Ledford. A'Court, Gretter, Hoofiton,. Xlregory, Dodson, -Barringer, 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 o- '1 , 01 0 '0 i ffs 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1- 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 I 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 0 ' 1 1- 3 1 9 0 4 1 2 rarrar tjwyn 1 0 .0 1 1 On to-morrow i FridaVl nftXJ - i-oi. wiU shoot for ajoue. The Ltdu are invited to witness th hfttiiuT.v ? . . . ? &m the rbyl fbe : welL1 Li l!t"' 4 .-J1! $?9&fi?p atrtb ri . . . 1 1 11 ' i 81eep w absolutely necessary for health and dually -robs; one' of :kWU nervine babv. ns tW rtc . - -- -nmm, ill w-s -rr.i Twin r --i i"Tm W ' imiimii .i ' . , . ... , ... ...... - - - - - - : : - -- - - 'mm J n uniminn u -r M m..i u. mi. .. i. -: - i r On Saturday last, 8atot :CLJweU, of thl place introduced a bill tat be: Senate te. emend ' the art to incorporate tbe Lfrusters o Greens? boro. Female College, it was rtocrrea 10 we committee ftnf Education.! m' HJ..irf un tfce same aay senator rauea maae motion to take np tfce UUtim .,t&tfte State debt, have t printed and made Speeiil oruer lor it truDeaoay, ivui urn u wuuv. Adopted. A Hxkesom Inoomx Fb Ax Ese&oexic La pyjoa GxsTViMX3i.l-rTte OLicj Scale AVorks of Cincinnati have just completed and are&ow in troducing to the public a Handsomely nnibe l Family Seal1, an article that. Los always bn needed in every, household, an4 in a communi cation addressed to the publishers of this papr the propriefors ask ns to reler thrm to ooje re liable party, to introduce it for them to thepeo pie of this County. It is very seldom, that a new article steps so maidenly into universal fa vor. Housfcketrpjs are loud, in ita praise; it is always ready, there are no weigLt to get 4 lost or' to be hunted up, i reliable, and will not g.t out of trder. The description of them is a handsome base surmounted , by a column in which works a spiral spring so sojentifically ad justed as to weign anything up to tfelvt pounds with perfect accuracy, on the top of the col umn is the pLttfoim tb whith the articles to be weighed are placed, and tLey have an ad justable indieulcr so that ycu can take the tare of any vessel you may ,ns in weighing, giving you the exact net weight.' Housekeepers at once see their value in weighing fruits, sugar i and other ingredients us.d in preserving, cook ing, etc., or iu teaLng the weights of purchases from others. The Scales are made cf all Br&ss, are highly polished and are finished in a skillful manner. Tbey are very attractive and take the eye of every one who sees then. ' , Ii seems to us that nearly every "family in this county will want one, and it is Certainly a rare opportunity for some smurt and energetic party to pick up quite nice little income dur ing the next few -moot ba Xne, Company has agents in other comities who bra easily making from $5.00 to $6.00 per day selling tutni, and we would recommend pnrties hi pwd ol em ployment tor drop the1 Ohio Scale Wobis, No. 125 and 127 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, O., a Postal Card, and all information, etc., will be cheerfully given them by mentioning our paper. ScEiBii kb fok Fjcbbt? ABi. r-The February or .Midwinter Scribner opens with a frontis-piece pQnj-iit from life of R. W. Emerson, the fourth 0 the series of large portraits in this magaziue, drn by Wyalt Eaton and engraved by T. Cole, the a'i6 of tbe others being Lincoln, Bryant and LC'feUo'V. Twenty-two pages are awed m thw num ber to the long-promked advennreB "Ihe Tile Club at PUy," the occasion ot J,e paper being the excursion of the club to EastiP ton, L. I. The second of the "Johnny Beb Papers" is devoted to ' The Fortunes aiid of Co. 'C,'" being the narrative of actual ex perience in the Confederate army. The pathet.c interest of this account will be bet appre ciated by those who, like the members ot Co. 'C,' were amcug the last to capitulate. A half-numerous, half-serious paper on "Aerial Navigation," by the poet Stedman, contains a review of the history of the , snbjeci and many practical, suggestions toward the working out of the problem, the writer ventu ring the sanguine prophecy that the world is on the eve of its successful solution. Kusswll Sturgia, the New York connoisseur, and the author of the paper 011 Cruikshauk in tue July Scribner, writes of another English caricaturist, Johu Let-ch, and a variety of his best drawings (from Pwwk aud elsewhere) are reproduced in illustrations. The lourth of John Muir's studies in the Sierras is printed this mouth. In fictiou , the number contains the fourth installment of Mrs. Burnett's "Haworth's," with illustrations; the seventh of Mr. Boyesen's "Falconberg," which will end in April; "Pott's Painless Cure," an ingenious short story by Edward Bellamy; and "The Doom ot Claudius and Cynthia," a curious experiment in romance, by Maurice Tboinp oa. The uoetry of the number has great variety, embracing Mr. B. H. Stoddard's epictdium on Bryant ("The Dead Master,"), and pocins by T. W. Parsous L. Frank Ti-oktr, Charles d . Kay, Joel Benton, It vse H iwthorue Lathrop, Afidrew B. Saxton, R. W. Gilder, and H. C. Bunner vers de societe). In "Topics of the Time," Dr. Holland dis cusses "Onecks aud Balances," and "lloyalty and Loyalty in Cauada. The Bric-a-Brac" department contains an ac count i f the singulr will of Kosciuzk , tiled in Albemarle Co., Va., but never executed. St. Nichoias fob Febhtjaby.I contains the first installment ot "Eyebright," Scsarf CooLdge's new serial story, which will be il lustrated throughout by Federick Dielman, aud will end with the current volume. Julian Hawthorues bcwilching. la'ry tale "Rump y-Dndget s tower"-,tDl continue1;. The number opens with "A Stry of Stone," a lively short artic le- written by Professor D. S. Jordan, of -Wisconsin. ir - . :.t . Fa ui ous violinists, and the maXe aad history of tlialvolin' are treated of in 4 two graphic, fully illustrated articles. ? f . Lucrelia P." Hale tells how her funny JPeter kin t'ainlly bravely but blunderingly met disasters jthat cams td them,. through having several. 'Moderri lprbvemEnts"ia their jiew house?' There are seven fine short- stories all finely illustrated,- some bright and full of "adventure, some pathetic and touching in the extreme. . As helps to, pass a long evening , pleasantly, some interesting faNOTr'DoiainOr Games' are laid down by Arlo Bates, and a curious domino-puzzle is presents i in the Riddle-Box. Lisi or Lkttees remaining id the Post Of fice nt Greensboro. Fbrnary 12. 18734 1 Ellen S. Baker, Chn. Brady, Miss s Jinriie Cupper, J. M. Clapp, E. W. , DonntdL Fannie Davis, colored, G. W. Divinney, -Mary Fur ness, Itiao Fouutaiu, J. R. Gruten, J. J. Nissen, Thoe. Rankin, ML-s Yioie Rogers, Frank Snedeker, Geo. Taylor. D. M. Thompson-; W. WiisonV Amelia WiQiams. Persons calling for any of the abofe will please say they are advebttrkd and give date of;list. a f j J. J). Whitk. p. m. It is certainly a blessing to have a safe, re liable and cneap remedy for coughs and colds near at hand at this season of the year.' 1 Dr BulIsCough Syrup has eminently proved itself to be such a remedy. ,., ! 1812 Peksxoks. Under this act, any person who served fourteen days or participated in one battle, in - the War of 1812, is: entitled-to a Pension of $8 per month from date of approval of act. v. Widows of sneh'Boldiers as have die4 after similar, service, . no matter what ,was the data ot marriage, to the. soldier, are entitlexTto the same Pension,1 ! r. -av i . -a m All l8ia'PeosirJDers dropped from the Rdtls because qCalleged .disloyalty ; are restored.rjy tbi8aie!WiNxii-.?,4rs V '" ' -? I No other parties are entitled. .v t Parties en titled to Pensions. ..under this act cant have their business attended o by Messrs Ksooh. S2 BAM:iKi"n, whose office is lover lh "North SUite;printmgroffice,jdiere.alU formation or blanks needed can be obtained., - a- CossTncriojt CrBiaxAn old physkiui, r tired ;fro& practice, having bd placed in- "his hands by an East India mionaiyeoiwiuhi of a simple veeetable emedv. fori th sneedv and peruiarieat cure' for -consumptioa, broiv i ct, catarrh, asthma, -and all throat and lahg afiie4ioo8, tdstf a pdsiUve..rid; jamdaljcnre fogt l ueouily a"a all nervous compLunts, after having tested its wonderful enrarive pow ers im jauds a oissf -urreH this aty to mite Itwn to tol uerifelM a '.ctd ated by itus motive, and , a desire to relieve hu man suffering, I win seD free of charge, to all who- ds5re-,it,, tbia.Tfecipe wITh full -direc-honsptparms-and -nsfngT intJeTnian, with stamp, naming this 'paper. W. TV. Sherar, 149 Powers Block, Rochester, New York, t y v r.r,a; s:' 7. 'T A 1 w I "Wlien yon want anything in, the gQcery jbieJ oood aud cgyyoaW tScpTT &' Co. On and aftefloffi fhsCrihT Polttiffice will close-at 7 p. . m. instead of '8 p.1 m? ! ' 1 :a A y...-. . ' t ; Jf D.JWaig, p m We ' Wish la'Surchiisfi ano ' ftnia'''"- -...- , . . l-Mii .1 HoitoB Tor Faftott n Mothh. Bsoraza " a . kwe ?, eras . ser a wi w Jnfin f 1 1 a ns iwi in I jW.JTIJtiWStiflaonorAbtaK -and in Lxnaagr wrswea bring habonor not-only to Mbe ImtttdeWrves. "Weirm bakbxnrt ' An, church twice a week ask .the xuLui,ter aud claat mates borne fth o- trefittt.m as kindly a we can eneyurage ihem all .we ,'cau--and try to be as near ' like them 'fis we know how," when they a!re at ottt 1005 'otr. we Will ask ourselves, bow do we net when, we are in church? A few faotTery-weiL I'ftar.'4 Here is where we bring dishonor to,our God, to our church and to those who are1 trying to. be loiiowers Christ. Not only to ' them but to our parent- who brought us up, and, above all others, t oarselves, by our wnduct while in churc pasirrg 6ut nni'm,' bispering, chewing and spittrn,' shuffling the"leet, writing aud passing notes during-service.? ' "All this is very annoy ing to those who are trying to worship God. I am sorry to say that some of our young gen tlemen not only them, bat a few.of our young hidy Iriendshave indulged a little too freely in some of those habits during some of our meetings. Wevould ask them or the aakeol the influence,-if nothing rndrej to leave such coydirct at home,' or stay at'hbme Mth it. 'A. liaaurapt Cunjrt.. - ') . Before Register Keogh: John Wilkerson, of HillsborOi : Orange coun ty,' bankrupt en his own petition, has applied to the court for a final i discharge from alibis debts prior to August "28, 1878. A meeting of his creditors will be held before Mr. Register Ktsogh, at Greensboro, on tne 28th day of Feb ruary, at 10 o'clock, A.- M., when and where persons interested are notified to attend,' and show cause, if any they have, why' the prayer of the petition should not be granted. Robert Laws, of Hillsboro, Orange, county, bankrupt on bis own petition, ' has applied to the court tor a discharge lrom all hi debts prior to Jane 1, 1878. A meeting of his credi tors will be held before Thomas B Keogh, Register, at Greensboro, on the 1st day of Mitreh, at 10 o'clock, 'A. M., when and whtra pt.rous interested are notified to attend and show cause, if any tuey have, why the prayer of the petition should not be granted. Just received some Ladies Shoes, at Feb. 13. nxs Philadelphia made Schulhoeb A Co. 'a. ' :'- t Just received the Quakkb Crrr Shtbt (unfin ished) at $1.00. , &CHCLHOFEB & Co. . Feb. 13. ' v ; . 'i : : t M. Stbatss, under the Benbbw House, will 83i this week: Good Caijco at 4 cts, per yard, Baows ilrsLiK 2h " ' " Bleached " 3i " .' " Dbess Goods only 7 cts. per yard. Very nice. t Don't forget to call at Stbauss and see his Nice Stock of Clothwo, , Shoes and Fubxishio Goods. Nice Working Shiets, 1 (' r j ouly 20 cents. j Jean Dbawsbs at 2 J cents. A good Hat for 40 cents.' : Feb. 6-4w t Oranges, Banauas, Lemon3, Figs, Raihins, Dates, and Northern Apples at Post Office- I -' Stabb Co. Married..' At Leaksville, by Rev. C. L. Miller, Mr. W. D. LEWIS to Miss. BETTIE WILLIS, all ot Laksvillv'. ; t ART SCHOOL. M ADAME ANNIE M. E. MURPHEY, re- b-L'ecllullv announces to the ladie.s ol tirtensboro that sLe will be ready to receive pupils lor instruction iu the VARIOUS BRANCHES OF ART, at her residence over Sikes fc Barker's Stori-, on and" after MONDAY, February 17th. Terms of tuition: Twelve lesions lor Three dollars. Penmanship, and ( Genebai. 4 Assistance iu advanced studies Twelve' Lessons f r One Doixab. ' Feb. 13-2m. PEA v.II TREK. The advertise has ou hand a limited number of one yrar old TREES ol the best variety ol the latest peqdi tier arpuvt in the Uitcl States. The peach pfo'tuced oa" this tree is. regarded by those wno have seu it t be lh& best late pedci euer grown. Address GEOGE W, ALBRIGHT, Feb. 13-4t Greensboro, N. C. NOTICE OF SEIZURE UNITED STATES INT. REVENUE, ) Collector's Ofiiqe, 5th Dist, N. C, Wiuston, February 12, 1879. j .. 1 hereby give notice of the following seizures of property under the Internal Revenue Laws oi the United States, viz. : - 23 boxes TOBACCO about 920 pounds, seized as the property of J. N. Stevens; 8 boxes TOBACCO -about 320 pounds, seized as the property of Richard S. Smith. Any person or perous cl liming any of the said property are notified t& appear at this of fice and make such claim within thirty days from publication hereof, or it- will be forfeited to the United States. W. H. WHEELER, Febtl3-4t 1 ! Collector. Teachers 90 PER )IO?V $30 to ftlOO or MONTH, during the Spring and S nmmr. ; ' for,' fill particular Address j . C. McCTJKDY- CO FhiUdelpaia. Pa. Johnion AnodyjieLluimrnt vU poeitiyfr j prevent thi terrible disease, and win poeittvfefy cure niu cases in tell. Information that will ears many lives tout free toy mail. Don't dlay ai moment. Freventioo is better thaacure... 8old JETftrywIiere. . I. 8.JOHSSOV &CO., Bngor,Malnc, PPVCAVIQjlDriVPi, i UUilttVil O VAI Vlilti Temales rafferine from pain and weakness ' will! lerivo jrreat torafort and fiirtb- rm theftae-on iBensoo's Capcine Poroaa Plastei.; Whecs child Bare affected with whooping oough. ordinary eoorhM Ror cplda or wc ak lungs, it t tiie one aad nly treat-ti Hinrai uicy raoiu reveiTe. xaia arueie coouiuw new mAdiclital elements soell as ta fbmid la tio of fl-l: e remedy, in the sams lorm , It iaeu superior tot ucemmon porous plntnr,.JiniTniDa, .evectneal ap-i pliances and, other external remedies. . It relieTeel Bpam at once, strengthens and cures where other! ; piasters tm not sven reiiere. - xoc Mmtm- mma Weak. Back, Kheuntatuim, Kidavej rttswsB and 1 local acnes ana pains is is also tne best kxtownlj ik eery., asc your urnKKiss soruenson s osncinei Plaster and take- bo other. ' Sold by1 ' & Orusststs J, JA CX9. . . c Ili U W S U U V f W ilAttH Ol;' Till iTHROATV AND V. LUNGS DR. T'A. SLOCUMS GREAT REMEDTg " " PSYCHINE".i ' . ,; taken in conjunction with his , f -t COMPOUND EMtLSiO.V OF pureccod; -mtEttlDiKi 'IilME.n.SQRA ,pr8S t each suffering applicant sending their rmtne :F.jO and txprf es addrea ta Di T. X. tlM;um.l; I 4k thiNort Stail ' rmai isuoi inienaeaiorus weooey ourpareuis , h .ii.. ii j. ii.i,J iti"i vlt t.. it- ... I l dcTaJl eyioj ns,d9,and. Iam.suxe we, boa-1 for the cause of Christianity. Why, we gj to j SiPllTIi IbiR'IAii BANKRUPTCY. - . r a -r w m . . . .- ..... U'the matter J0UX riLKER60X, b'lc'l Crodator,in please-UWnouce that a peti tion has been filed m the District Cuart of the United SUteir. for . the Wfr4ern : Distnct of North Carolina, by John Vt llkdrson, of Hills boro,' in the county of Orange, in baid district , who has been' hereto! r duly de- chtrrd,biikrnt.jiid(t;tihcAct of Congress entitled "An Act to estal dish a Uuif rm ayt- m of Bkuikruptcy throughout the United, tafe-," approved March '2, 1S67, for discharge and ctjrtiucate thereof, from all hi deblj and other daim provable 1 fader mid Ac, itttd that the 28th day of February, " 1879, at 3 o'clock. P. il- t the !RegLter' office iu Greensboro. N. C, in theriSM und place for the hearing of the same, when; and where all interested may'' at tend and fchow cau-e, if auy th-y have, why the prayer uf Baid petition thould not be gaaaed. j t. . l . The cond and third meeting? of the credi tors Of said bankrupt, will be held at ' the aama time and place. The assignee, will : file hi final accocut on that day," and will then apply to the Court for a settlement of the same, atwi for a discharge tromT all lutlnlitids a a ignevebf tne est:ite'"ot saiff 't'ankrupf fuac cordance with the provisions of tne Umkmpt ActLi: 1 ' ..." Dated at Greensboro, February 11-h, $7&. ' Feb4 13-2vr ' JOHN W. PAYNE xAijg DIi5TRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES. Westebn District or Xobth Caboxina.. In the matter of BO BERT LA VS, Bankrupt Creditore will please hike notice that a peti tion ho been filed in the District Court of the United States for "the Western District of North Carolina, by Robert laws, of H.lls boro, in the county, of Orange, in tud dis trict, who bos been 'heretofore duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congrejia eutitled "An Act to establish a Uniform system of Bankruptcy throughout the United Statex," approved March 2,. 18G7, tor a discharge and certificate thereof, lrom ail his debts and other claims provable under said Act, and that the 1st day of March, 1879, at '10 o'clock, A. M., at the Register's office in Greensboro, N. C. , is the time aud place for the hearing of the same, when and where all interested may nttend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitiou should not be granted. The second and third meetings of the credi tors of aaid bankrupt, will be held at the same time and place. .The aaignee will file his final account on that day, and will then apply to the Court -fora settlement of the same and for a discharge from all Liabilities us ussigaee of the estate of said bankrupt in accordance with die provisions of the Bankrupt. A .t. Doled at Greensbor o , February 11, 1879. Fet 13-2 w. JOHW. PAYNE. Cl rk. 'V FOR RENT. rpHB BUILDING on the'eofner of DAVIE I and pEPOT a large rtwo-tory and Man sard one can. now he rented at a LOW RATE to a prompt and reliable tenant. Apply to , . W. H. .MoCORMICK, tf ' - North Sfate office. A. W- TOUBGEE, G, Grsensboro. N. C S. Bbadshaw, Ashebtri N. C. 7 TO URGEE. $ BRdnSRjl W, ATTORNEYS. "TTTILL PRACTICE IN ALL the COURTS VV "of Rrindolph County, the Supreme aud Federal Courts.- Judge Tourgee will attend to all busines-i entrusted to us iu the Federal and Supreme Court and will regulirly ; attend the Superior Conrt'of Randolph. ' '' Jan. 16-tf WORTH $25 TO $50.- EVERY FARMER should have my beceipt for making manure. No one who has it would be without it for ten times its cost. It is made at httle co-.t, in fact $5 of time and money will make you $25 to $50 worth of manure, equal in strength to Peruvian Guano. I will send the receipt to any address for $1 cash; or fi receipts for $ 1 Register your letter, and address it to Feb. R-5t. '"FARMER," Raleigh. N. C. WATERS' ORCHESTRION CHIME ORGANS are the most beantif nl in style and perfect M tone ever mnde.Tbey have the celebrated Concerto Stop which it a One imitation of the Human Yoice,and 2 octaves o'Bel ia tvnea in perfect harmony T-fth the T9dnnd their c fleet u magicaj and electrlfyinflc. VA TEH.s' OltODESTKlAL BELLS CONCER TO, VESPER, CENTENNIAL CHIJIEM, ORCHESTRION CHIMES, CHAPEL, FA VORITE, SOUVENIR, DULCET and BOU DOIR, ORtiANS, in Unique French Cases combine PURITV of VOICING with erreat volume of touc; suitable for PARLOR "" CHURCH. WATERS' Superb Mirror Top Souvenir Organs The cases of these beantifnl Orsrans are UICHLYFINI8HED in SOLID BLACK WALNUT, nnd re markable alike for parity of tone and : perfect mechanfotn. EXTREMELY LOW for CASH or on install ments. Will sell better Instrument at a 1 lower price than any other house in the TJ. S. H'lflTCPC D I ft MHO GwsH,Squnre, lift I L.IIU riMllUU, andLpriKht, are U BEST MADE, 1M Tone, Touch, Work manship and Durnbillty Unsurpassed. War ranted for SIX YEARS. PRICES Extreme ly Low for Cash. Monthly Installments re ceived A liberal discount to Teache'ttMiniter, ChurcheSchoolStLodtps, te.AENTS WANTED. Special Inducements Illustrated Cataloswes Mailed. Second-hand Pianos Ss Organs otU BEAT BARGAINS. Sheet Music at Half Price ; some at 1 cent a page. HORACE WATERS fc SONS, MauPrs. and "Temler, 40 East 4th Street, New Yorfc Levi il. Scotx. AYaxiTeb P. CxuvfKU SCOTT & CALDWELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, : Greensboro, N. G. TTTILL PR ACT IE VV In the Superior Orarta of Guilford, Alamance, Randolph, Davidson, Forsrth. llowan. Iredell and Mecklenburcr. - - CAlso'in the Supreme Court -of- the State; in the Federal Courts at Greensboro and Statesvillei in Bankruptcy; and . in ( Courts., at Special Attention given to loans of Money on Mortgage ana oiner secanues. MONEY!! We pay cash for old Bounty Land Warrants they are scattered all over the South ; send them bv registered letter to GILMORE & CO., 629 F. street, Washington, D C. . ' ' People's Saying Bajtx. TTosJitwton. D. C. Nov. 20, 1878. Knowing well Messrs Gil more & Co. ' I take pleasure iu recommending thorn as reliable and trtLitworthy agents ana attorneys. , . . . ; , . "t. Ij. Van Dzexip, Cashier. , SNCOUEAijE V. HOME:. I1TDUSTSY. . Saddles. Harness; &c : hfl EVt H6TJST6? Manufactures SADDLES,' ALt HA.RNES&: BRIDLES, ire. , at CHEAPER J RATES and of BETTER QUALITY thaif can be bought 'elsewhere." ' " fi, REPAnilNG done neatly and quirjfly. : . ' 1 "'He atrto'serLs'at wholesale and retail all kinds of HARVESS MATERIAL. ' .,'' ' ' ' Call and rexamhie' his ' slock; over; stor qt HOUSTQNIiliRa. fsocra XiStreeL Oct. . 2i3n. . . . t , n't - - - -7 j inUXJUARTERS SARilY UNDJNAVY, Fourlrbti Fire E-wk pes. XL CWlLLARDvr Proprietor, March J-Cpx, j I BANKRUPTCY; TAIBTRICT COURT OF, UNITED STATES, Westeejt DiKnucr qt Xokth Cxsovau. la Binkrnptey.3 !ToWHoa rr JIat Coxcxa ! The underslgn ed hereby give notice of hi apomtment aa assignre of the esUte of ' " - . , ' ' T7T03IAS IL SAPP, f Cbxeord. ,: in the county of Cabarrus, in said district, and who was, to-wit. on the 27th dar of Ahsnnl. i 1878, adjudd bankrupt upon the petition rt fhiiri elf, by Thoxjw B. Keooh, Register iu uiuanipivy w bHiq U13 nCT. D.i ed Ht Gr-nMioro September 30tb, IS78. WM1 IL McCOlIlCK Aeslgnwr Ja: 30t t x -ail Greensboro, N. CL' ris i-jacx court of united states, We3teks District or Nobth Cakouju. Xi the mtatUr cf CALVIN M00&T, BamlcL In Bankruptcy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That pe tition had been- nkd in the District Oourt of the United States for the Weetern District 'of North Curdlina, byCalrta! Moody, of Sugar Grove, in Watauga county, In aaid District, duly declared a Bankrupt auder the Act of Congress ot March 2d, 1857r for a diHcmcrge aud c-rnticaU tbvreot, lrom all b hi dMs-ud otlniciainn rovLLs under aaid Act, aud that the 2Lt dy of February, 187a, at 10 otlxk, A..M., at the office of R. 1L Buoadfikld, Register m limkraptcy, at Salisburj, N. ,U, is asgu.d Sox the hearing of the same, when and where all ' creditors who have proved their debts, and all other persons interested, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not "be granted; and that the Second and Third Meet ings of Creditors will be held at the same time and place.. i ' Dated at Statesville, N. C, on the 30th day of January, A. D., 1879. Feu. C-2w. H. C. COWLES, Clerk. DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES, Westebh District or North Cab-.lina. In lite wilier of JAMES VV. McLKAHD, Bunk't. In Bankruptcy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a pe tition has been filed in the District Court of th Uuited States for the Western District of North Caroli ua, by James McLerd, of Siiull's Mills, Watauga county, in aaid District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1367, for a discharge and certifi cate thereof, frem all his debts and ot ier claims provable under aaid Act, and that he 21st tUy of February, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of R BOAX)fXRXX, Regis ter iu Bankruptcy; it Salisbury, N. C, is lissigned for thehvi"iug of the same, when and whera all creditors who have proved their debts,- and all other persons interested, may attend and' show caus, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should nofc be grauted; and that the Second and Third Meet ings ot Creditors will be held at the same time aud place, ,r Dated at Statesville; N. C, on the 20 d;iy ol' Janu.jry, A. D., 1879. .-. -. - Feb. 6.w2w. H. C. COWLES Clerk. T DISTRICT CO URT15F UNITED STATES, j Western District of Nobih CXbolina. W f In Bankruptcy.. ! Li the nvdler of HOLLAND 1I0Q.QE8, Bnnk't. NOTJCE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, ,TMt, a pe tition lias been.file4 iii the District Courfpf the United rifea fortlie WeSterADUtrictf forth CarbltuSl, ' by TIolfand"Ho3ges, of Boone, in the county of .WaUiuga, in said district,1 duly declared a Bankrupt nnder the Act ot Congress of March 2dr 1867, for n discharge, and cnle thereb'', from all bis debts and gther claims pi-ov&ble Gilder said Act, and that the "j 1st day of February, 1879, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the office of R H. 3330AUTIEX.D, Register iu Bank ruptcy Salisburj'," N. C, ia assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all credi tors who have proved their debts, and ail other persons interested, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be grauted; aud that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors will be held at the same time and pluco. D ited at Statesville, N. C, oa thj 37lh day of January, A. D 1879. - Feb. 6-2 w. IL C. COWLES, Clerk, j TISTRIOT COURT OF UNITED STATES, WSTEEN DlSTEICT OF NOKTU CAKOL.INA. . In Bankruptcy- . . In the matter oj JOHN IWRTON, Bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a Peti tion has ben filed in the District Court of the United States for the Western District ot North Carolina, by John Horton, of Boone, iu Wa tauga county, in said District, duly declared a liunkiupt under the act ot Congress of March 2nd, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereby from alibis debts and othr claims provable under said Act, and that the 21st d.iy of February, 1879, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at tbe office ol R. H. Bkoadfield, Register in Bank ruptcy, at Salisbury, N. C, ia unsigned for the heaiiug of the same, wbeu and where all credi tors wLo have proved their debts, aud all other persons interested, may attead and suow cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted; and that the Second and Third Meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Statesville, -N. C. on the 30th day of January, A. D., 1879." Feu. 6-2w. IL C. COWLES, Clerk. ruSTBICr COURT OF UNITED STATES, Westeen Distbictof Nobth Carolina. In the tnaiU of A. IL UEXDERSOS, B'k't Creditors-will pleise take notice th it a peti tion has been filed in tlie District Court ol the United State for the Western Districtof North Carolina, by A. : It. Henderson, in the county of Gaston, in said district, who has b-.ea heretofore duly declared bankrupt under the Act of Congress entitled 'Au Act to estab lish a Uniform system of Bankruptcy through out the United States," approved March 2, 1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof, from all his debts and other claims provable under said Act, aud that the 20th day of Februry, 1879, at '10 o'clock, A.LM., at the Register's office, in Charlotte, N. C, is the time and place for the hearing of the same, when and where all interested may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. . The second and third meetings of the credi tors of said bankrupt, will be held at the same time and place.. The assignee will file his final account on that day, and will then apply to the Court for a settlement of the same and for a discharge from all liabilities as assignee of the estate of said bankrupt in accordance with the provisions of the Bankrupt Act. Dated at Grjensboro, February 17, 1879. . Ftb6-2L JOHN W. PAYNE, Clerk." . Died .Z- , v V- TO THE EUBEIC Mew Firm in. Greensboro ! 1 LfJ New Store. -New Goods. LARGE AND CAREFULLY SE LECTED STOCK of GROCER IES, HARDWARE. CU1V ;': ,;;LERYv.'&c,:; i-,v; We most respectfully inform oar friends and the Public generally, throughout this and ad joining co an ties, that we have purchased .and are now receiving and offering, si LOW FIGURES FOR CASH, AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL at our LARCJEakil j33tf&OIl6TJ& BRICK STORE on-outlEla street, opposite Odell, tylgftb'MQos, cWtlMtoost carefuliy-s- lecteajissonmeuts of . .... r Goods, of - EveryDescriptiort; PirstrCUss Grocery-Store, and t we respecUjally ; invife all -who may have occasion so purchase anything in oar ! line, to 4 call and examine' Tor themselves, 'as we feel confident we can make it to their .interest to do sV '.,:;-, FIELDS & CAUSEY: - , Dec 19-3m. ncsn make mouey faster si worji fur 4 thsa at tiling else. . CspiUl not reqaired; wp will start too, 1 -J$i3 per j3Tt nonA, nade pj tlxfl iudoittrioua. J Mev,. (uiutA, 007s sua Riris wsuiea eirwiier ID work for ns.' Now Is the Uma. Costly outfit and teruis free. Address Tuvx & C.O., Augusts, llauie. Uch 7-ly - ... TKEKOTICE WE "ARE SELLING OUT OUR FA LI and WINTER CL.OT11IAO at greatly JlEDirCED FRICE3- .TheM good anust be sold to make room foe our larg atock of bPRlNG and . SUMMER GOODS which Lara been selected with care, ta aait the tastes of our patrons. ... v, Oar Cu-Ttoa Department is supplied with a (mod variety of FINE . CLOTHS and CASSI MERES to be sold by the yard or made to or der by . the of workman, and all oar work guaranteed to give mtiafaotioa . " Oar stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS were selected from the. bet in the market, and if SHIRT. CUFFS,' TIES, UM BRELLAS, or in rct anything in the way of GENTS CLOTHING ia wanted yow will do well to ll on CARTLAND BROS., -u- nnder Beobow Hall, Greensboro. T Jan. 30-tf ; ; - . NOTICE OF SEIZURE UNITED STATES INT. REVENUE, Collsctok's Orricx, 5th Dot., N. C. 1 Winston. January 22, 1879. I hereby dve notico of tho followinir ore of' property wader tb Internal Itorotrao Laws of tho United States, viz: : .-. 1 HOUSE, 1 MULE. ,? 1 aett DOUBLE HA.KNESS. - DOUBLE WAGON, , , 73 gallons WHISKEY, s. . 31pilloo8 BRANDY. J 1 MESS CHEST 1 SYPHON aDd I KEQ. -Seized as the property of Jasoa H. Tbonpexm. Any person or persons claiming any of the said property are notified to appear at this office and make such claim within thirty days from publication hereof, or the said property will be forfeited t the United States. W. IL WHEELER, Collector. Jan. 23-3t. NOTICE OF SEIZURE UNITED STATES INt! REVENUE. Collector's Office, 5th Dist. N. C. Winston, February 4, 1879. y' 1 hereby gire notice of the following seizure of property under the Internal Revenue Laws of the United States, via. : 2 COPPER STILLS & FIXTURES, 16 BUSHELS CORN, 2 BUSHELS MALT, 6 GALLONS SPIRITS, Seized aa the property of Jesse H. BeviL - Any person or persons claiming any of the ssrtd property are notified to appear at my office and make such claim within thirty days lrom publication hereof, or the said property will I e forfeited to the United States. , W. H. WHEELER, Feb. 6-41. Collector. NOTICE OF SALE. UNITED STATES INT, REVENUE. CoUector's Office, 5th Dist. K C- i Winston, January, 22, 1879. S Notice is hereby given that, on SATUR DAY, the 15th diy of February, 1879, I Iball sell to the highest .. bidder, for Cash, the fol lowing described property, as forfeited to the Uuited States, nnder Section 3460, U. S. Re vised Statutes, viz.: 1 Gray HORSE, 1 Black HORSE, 1. MULE, 1 Tvvb Lorae WAGON, 1 Single WAGON, I 1 Set Doable HARNESS, 1 " Single HARNESS, aud about 110 Gallons WHISKEY, Seized as tho property of M. AL Welch, Moses Teague and Duiiel Thorn berry. The above Sale will take place belore mv Office iu Wius:ou, at 1 o'clock p. nx, on the lay nbovsj inntioued. W. IL WHEELER, Jau 23-tt. Collector. 1 CHAS. D. YATES, Books, Stationery, &c GREESSBOftO, W. C. I T NOTICE OF ACTION. SUPERIOR COURT GtrruroBD Cocstx. 1 ; John Carman J- against 4 . ' WiUiam C 0b, Eliz ibeth Cobb, Dudly Stone and wife Susanna. THE PURPOSE OF THIS ACTION IS TO remove tha cloud from plaintiff's title to a tract of land described in his complaint, and for a deere of title from the' defendants. It appearing' to the Court that defendants, Dudly Stone nd wife, are non residents, tbey are hereby notified aud required to appear at the Court House in Greensboro, M the Spring Term, 1873 of the Superior Court of Ouiliord county, which begins on the 1st Monday of March nexy aod uswer or demur to the com pi. lint filed in this action, during said term, or judgment wifl be'; granted according . to prayer of coinpLuut. 1 This. 16th day of January, lbi'J. J. N. NELSON, Jan. 16 6w. . C. S. C. 'NOTICE John L Jones, Guilford Superior Manfred Csll. ) ITrI& ORDERED ' ON proof, as shown by the art TIS FACTORY vit of John L. Jones, that publication be mad for six sacces- sive weeks in the XtoarrK atx, s . news- paper published. in the city of reensboro, N C, commanding the said defendant, Manfred Call, a non-resident of this StaV, to appear and answer or demur, to the complaint of tbe plain tiff which will be filed in said Court at the next term thereof,, to be held at the Court House in Greensboro; N. C. , on tbe 1st Monday inllarch, 187?. within the three first days thereof. And let said defendant take notice that if he fails then and there to answer said complaint, judg ment 'will be taken against him for the relief demanded, that is, that an account be taken of the mutual dealirgs of plaintiff and defendant and ths surrender and cancellation ol all con tracts between -them damages for breaches thereof and fcr usurious interest taken. And for sacifpLher P J Xnr.hPT relief as may. seem meetto-tieGourtr Tel.; January 1 iS7y.' "J? ' "'L'ol GtrRfori ttjantyi . - Jan. 6-ftr CJUPERIOK COURT GUrLFORD COUN- TY.Peliiio to U . Ileal Estate for AeseU to pay debts and also for Partition.- mi. J. D. Hunt and JAi DjpfrM alihVi of Stephen Hunt, deo'd, and Aon Hunt, IJ D. Hunt and hiswife Ellen,' in their own rjgbt,' plaintiffs, " 'u , ayettnsf ..... -. ; - Asael HariClonnlleeJsJt )is wife Lydia,Til- man Hunt, Issayi.. rotter and bis wife Alary. John Hunt std Stephen HoaiVdrfaodants. Upon affidavit fihia. it appears ta tha Court that the defendants. Asael HonL John Gleww an bTs wife LYdL, ToLnan Hunt, Isaarf Potter and his 'wife Mary. John Hunt and .Stephen Hunt arw non-reudents. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication bemadaJn "Ths Nobth Sfxx"s. newspaper published In the city of Gwensborb, " N, S, for six suecesdve weeks, notifying all of said defendants aboTe- named "to be and appear tae nacnoi tne Clerk eU the-Superior Cartof said: CotmfynJ the,7h, day of March. -JS79,nd answer or de. mur to, the petition fitaiin this prooeedingi or judgment mill Jbe takea afpusat, yoaXor the re lief : denianduLLa th ptituHi fJ Ex-officio Judge ofProbate of Guilford Cwuntyj O KQ $100,$200. $500, $1000 ; OiiJf ALEX YBCnBUSGUAU & 00, jprokers, Ko. 13 J'aU StreeJ. New York., make -jdoirafcle f nveMmcnts In locks, which frequent ly lajr from Ave to twenty times the amount in irmM. fncTrsfcflTPtsndcarrtedjt'lorseadasJ tiresl On deposit of" three per cent Explanatory "Circular and weckly.reports sent free. 60 8A affidk 4 sx G -SCOTT, ftfAT.T. Co.. kotjo:, fanOic goodsqlate4: eut j H f lCAS. iAWLStiA5JDitJ J LT ESrECTFCXXX JNTQ39Tm:ar23- JL - c tiaurs ff ths Stats Uut Ihrv carry a IaARG B and WELL SELECTTD STOCK OF GOODS i their line, purchase! from 5IandfictotrtitiaJ Importers, and tear cozspetitioQ atiet at twaav or abxo&l ,ti : utvottj Vi iitial -, aIiJ 4o charge for VRouncr aud DryaevTt t,. . Orders soficifed from dHTCRClUSIA and from racTchants in good cnsd.t. J i ' Our trmjsnae asiaay CCt-cit4s-lobes fa Ksw.Tork.j-.j'ini i I on T-sHfi ni vln-i , .XT, Oood crdersd of ,na riot watte- C( mtailtjf or price can bejrtfsrnsj at'oitr crpsue. Your orders soCclted: lui rS.,. w j. W. SCOTT-eV'OOl " ti : GIlEENSrX)IlOrN.JCV nl iiti.i .n : vv, . vsMtiMssa it--' rat i Li 3L to GROCERIES OF! ALL. KIKItTI2? AfARB " CROCKERY, G LARS" WARE, TTTLXd ;H4-!'' WARE, OILS, tcope; tc.;.;'" EESPECTFULtt irNT0Eil iTSXZ -Itt chants of the J Stats that tbeyi Yanls FLOUR, and CORN- .i .large qnaatUies. 1 li t) Ordew solicited for car loads or smUef qusn- All Vinds of M.dlKETABD5 TEODT'CS TAKEN FROM MERCHANTS El PATSENT of GOODS., ,H yon save anything! Jaaa&sw wnt . to boy or exchange anything for roexia call on ' V J. VT. 8TTCOT ; inayioiy - ooutn iom bireei. lm.. - ' Dsalsr Is atspjs'wsf rsscr ;x ' SOOA o e jt a SOOBT esoAsr- DRY- GOODS, SHOES." -s T : lints. IVotloiis. GENTLEMEirS FTJRNISHTNG dpOD3.j I cordially, Invite . ray. manT 1 friends aasl former customers to call' ana examine my ENTIRELY NEW stock of Dry Goods cSoes. Hats, Notions and . Gent's Fcrnfadngr.Qoodk, which are niiw ready for ,iMrtioa r,t I shall receive every week fresh goods is which your attention Will be called fax the local column of this newspaper. J;: a i-iji.J ii u Respectfully, : -f,?.. , , j, WMHB.jjqjOAIsTv 227-ly. , r r y, . n. h.d.wilSoN,!l; IIISURAUGEYAGUnT IIEPRESENTS FIESTLASS jCOAJfTES Vitb an aggTegU CsrMUl nf pvex a - (if I 30 000,000 DOLLARS 1 and can carry' a Fttll tine at Eair Raei tes. , 1 , j 4 f , 1 m)iiw 4ii '--'j.i , 1 : ' . 1 j n ji in ifsfi:ir! Office over Wilson k Shober'a Psnk, no&mr ths tffl eientsapenrtHiAnofW. t HILL, vtM wfll Mall times gUd to wsit en aL wbe eeire sihr LMf H Fire Insurance., , . --yr . .it- 1 VICE'S FLORAL"GuTD&, A BEAUTIFUL WORK OF IOU'pXgES? One Colored Flower Plae, end 800 IIIbs trations, with Descriptions of the best Fhvwers and Vegetables, and. liow to grow them. JUl for a Five Cent Stamp. In English or. German. The FiiwER akt Teoxtablx Gabcx. 179 Pages, Six Colored Plaies,' imd many hundred : Engravings.' For 50 cents in ,rPr 'botMA; $1.00 in elegant (doth. - In. German or Eaglisht YlCK's IlXUsTBATFMotfTBXX MwJAXOfm-f-32 Pages, a ' Cotore4 Plate In everjr n timber and muny fine Engravings. 1 'Price tlJiS' k yesr) Five Copies fur $5.00. specimen Kuxnbtr seni . for 10 oents. it nt ttw U -h ' tt Mvh tii n Vjck s Sxeds are the best in the world. Sent , Frve Cent Stamp for a Flohal, Gcidjl contain . ing List und Prices; and plenty of informarload Address; , JAMES iVICUL,; Rochester, 3 ; Jan. IC-tf .li oJJ TIIE SCIENTIFIC. AMERICAN. "nilRTT FOURTH TEAR. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PAPER tun Eil THE WORLD. vJ rrrar ' , ry'-.i , ' ".' v nd JL.1rrd ' Only $3.20 a Year, including Postage,, Weekly. ; 52 Numbers a year. ' 4,000 look pages.1 . t ,i . : j - 1' ji iilrtii Thjc Scxrirnric Awbicii is large FlrxU Class Weekly Newspaper' of Sixteen pages. rioted in the most beautiful style, profusely U- I istrated with splendid engravings, repTesemuns the newest Inventions and the most recent Ad " vanoes in the Arts and Sciences; i nclnd inn Ham aud Interesting Fact hi Agricu-lturs. ,f iiorti-) culture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History,' GeoloigyJLvf tronomy. The most valaable pf ictical papers, by eminent writers in all departments bf Scasnoi will be found 4a the Scientific American. tut " . Terms, $3. 20 per year, $1.60 half rear, which includes postage. ' Discount to Agents, Eingle copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers.-, Remit by postal order to MUNN 1 Ctt; Pob lisbers, 37 Park Row, New York. .-. 1. 1 1 ni DATCMTO eottatioo-5ii I A I Clt 1 0iScUnUfic Anricai' emt Mux& Co., are Solicitors of American, and Foreign Patents; hare had 34 years experience.4 and now have the largest esUblishment in ths) , world. : Patents are obtained on the UKtterxnsv A special notice is made in the defyiev.Aeri can of all Inventions patented through jthh Agency,' with 'the name and residence of the Patentee. 'By the immense' circulation ithosJ -given, public attention is directed to ths merits of the new patent, nnd eales or itntrodaciioii ollen -cosily effscted 'f;,ifi i-r4,.' :4iXix''' Any person who has made a new disooyery or invention,1 can sst!rtain,'freeJ'ot-icharge, whether a patent can 'probably be ota?3fd. by writing to the nndetsignedi; S?oi oho ssdrl our Hand Rook about he Patent Laws, pajeat, ' Caveats, Trade-Marks their cokU and ljr-v enred.'-with bints forrocariiig adv&aeas caf inventions;; Address for ths Pspr,br cooirni ingPs4ents.a u '' iruMPSlai OXva titto r 31 Park Eowt New Xor r, Branch Office. Cor. P 7h Bts.i' P.c: ' " ' - TO iMAGAIZNE CLUB-GETTER I 3-rT-j Tojr Kn; XJurrts, French arid Hz V CasxxeW and Elesaat SILK DEEC3 ' 1'AT lTERNS, given in. ptumsXor. soltsetfbers' st Club Rates, to ARtli,Uii 'WiXf iUM ZINEl-wr . 'LJ!'"1'.f;ivr', V:'n?H Tebks: S2.25 a Tear, with nlarge reaacilba for Clubs. 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