Aipotyj lite ' topics intrcxl need Jnto 'fesme'trf 00V agncultart aul Lorticnl t and'eoii ( V tnponirie, is' that orchards, to makVbwprbaactir, - mast be nbeltered do at least wo sfdes from the cold blasts of wf rite?1 This shelter is oTJo'sisr of hedges of erergreen tf 'brffSrtUBeotv beiguari J.aeairty, !tq tn&ka a secure . defense. ; . TbeiibiDg. in par, judgment, is a fallacy. Instead of proriDg adrantnge oa to lao orchard; e bt-liefe a hedge, r6r protection of anylcjnd, wo ild be a Kwfcita ipjary .Planting apple orch -l nrda in valleys and sontbero ' expos ures fiti bblV" V rnle, 60 : as ' healthy Uf'yUU crops' at all to, be compared to orchards planted in elevated positrons, opened Jhe. wiqd wn. e rery.quarter. Indeed, if wa'were about itu et out an orchard ta-daywe should select h high nortbero exposure.! All oor t-xperieiie acd. fbservation goes to show such a position to be the best. Those tfbont settiogpot orchards the coming spring -should avoid what they will be likely to find it serioas error. ' It is a noton dtis'faet tliat even in Maine and other extreme cpjd States northern ex posure'a are selected for apple orchards, twUerePibey stand the everity of; the aihl6,n3atmelTetuAif in' iUy?,'$r wJifeVe tbey.'fiave southern exposure or ara aholtered. A Maine farmer say, "Were-I JLo plan orcbarL--nd tiacl two locations, one in a valley sur rounded by bills except on the south 8ide; and the other a big'.i elevation ex poaii to Jb&eold MfiudJwonli" choose thelaUer m preference to the former. Tlie sametuoda good as regards peach orchards. " A great object is to keep r back blooming aa long as possible, and this can best bedoue in northern exposures withotrt " shelter. Qerman town' Telegraph. Drain flic Soil. ,hIs Ed gland the value of underdrnin ing bas long been acknowledged, arid there is probably no oouutry where ft ia 'soi systematically practiced. They understand that its beneficial action is two-fold; it drains the superfluous watef' friira' the soil under excessive rains, and during drouth couserves moisture, through tlie admisHion of air into- tbe-'tttl Jto beH condensed, but more particularly into tbe pores of tbe 'aftu'ft be tftlry . f is a is bo n stahf I) robbed of Its mointiire,' awf is aVcoii stantlvrepjaced,.ftudjthus the conserva tion golffon indefiriitely.'Ou r the' conti nent of Europe, especially in Germany, draining is now systermutically carried on and "witbont reference in many cases to the relative wetness or dryness of ihesoil, jimd it is said," with beneficial resulta. Tbe Hollanders have long been persistent draiuera of the coun try, principally from the fact that much of it was so wet as t preclude cultivation until drained. Hence they have invented many curious means of freeing the laud of surface water. Tbeyiue. sp-cially noted when em igrating to the West for selecting lauds uaually regarded as of little value, for want of drainage. In Michigan, Illi nois,! Iowa and in other States where they have settled, they have rendered aiysh fands amon the most valuable in their plates. It is the result of a well digested ay stern of drainage aud thorough cultivation, and the lessons thus taught have been appreciaied ty their neighbors. It is to be hoped that tba iooipetaa given t j drainage of late years wdl not be allowed to flag, if some dry seasons should intervene, Tbe nex4 beat time to drain, except when crops are suffering from water, is when . tbe soil is dry'. n . -r v CUurnins. thought I learned bow td chqrn years ago, but guess I did not. Auy bow l hare had such a time this sti;a- mciti ' V have churued in the dash churn from three to sir hours with only pauses for refreshment, and when at last it camv I felt as if the rest of the day ought td be devoted to refreshment. I bike work, as I do churning, in mode ration; but snch churning as that I can't say I enjoy.' I borrowed a star ctinrn, 4 barrel cliurn,s and it was no Eiatter. 4 The water flew and the butter vouldn't come. At last I divided the cream,' forit was an undersized affair, ltidnt g6t its' full growth iu fact, and goj ifc at jast V; But by that time I was mad enough to well to hire some body to swear for me. ' Then nsed the aashaln;utin3trintrrre Jblltt IQiA niS longgrnd began to Cx)lHuinG 1 thegl-f a four cornered aflfait fiunj ffyfnpYyiae.' X lasliecf ''iVt'. the cream and turned the' other half over and 6ver in rtbitt ! But it was no good. PMkgroane:' asdlded and threat ene'ali to io pucpose. Churuing waa aJtefroK and life almost a nightmare witba ebcrrn for a horse as a " prom 1 nent feature. The hot' water flew but old .gnrgled rf in? ream8.. I: i?wished rKSTBroytiad coroiritb it,' uT wished Veragelit'wbura rtitf lbht eWIn hJai- YH,?ftil'lt.rui Hw Jigniging rpft m the first: shdwej.aleep. on ht own spring'-bedsil 'and churn -ownth hi bwfrutnsiqitKst got it ad-. ifistedPtg nt-rhedThe1 -hahg of tue' BchooVboixsas wa-nsed to - 8;iy, and rd7Uec6:;,wnrMo8tfe ntphn'aax will cojna , aud V tmng bis, and prota it any batter, I will tell of it Bnfe ptisaetitimy hpea are wt on the tune of a baieL-T-Fitod and Tribuhey .0Mc3U2a.TThe bject of ( fnniejing 5a tworfold forat, to Tetaio? moiKture ia thd rotxnd and prevent itfrott being paithed tiy-aummer , baat; secorxatu protPrtt-the5iiooU of1i vegntaldeBifrtrn th( oy er kjuaiia at VwintcirJnlinle bat matertals! for' muleliinjQrraelaEL Jjarb. aaasr;t(tiiirc fi&xe&ttlHwi or any IighlT porous aubV UncerwhichWinjcaep J the abil f loose and; mpiat,; By.pivger;, mulching we ukfBL .uaeen .polAtbiaa, peaa, o beaui 3tbriiol3the Vegatbliis inalntain their : growth) ' ;tiroughr" tbe driest sammer. - '..wir-'j M SI igQPUUQMui say; iibjati altar 1 o9in ope band red cbickpns - b vcb ol-f soda .ciixed mtb& quart'Wuf 'tntlk nuil iy en. -with JJi,w4 M'Af a cure. jH' 7 r Ktrikeslnt the root of disease by1 purifying the Unod. restorina: tbe fiver snd kidneys ta heal- V EGETlHfi: lg not a rile. nanseouY.conjpound which simply purges Ibe bowels, but a safe,1 pleasant remedy, which f sure to purity the blood, and thereby estore tbe. health, . v VEGETilSE I now prescribed, in csnsea of Scrofula nixd oth er diseMesi of the blood, by many of the best pbysicUns, owin to it great socoew in curing all dieae of this tatarek ' . 1 - - " VBGBT IK E 1 Does not deceive inrali Jh into fcdue hopes bj parking uh1 creatiug fictitiotm appetite, bat aisU nrtttre in clearing and purifying the whole ytooi, Ifeadiug the pivtieut grudoiiily to perfect health. ' l I 1lS V f ' ntwnAit nil infnnaeut for some time by some of our best physicians, but those raOMt iDrrertftlotiH in regara 10 res mem are uu itu'nohturilrfnt friends and uapporters. , eg sn.v r Instmd of being rmffed-np medicine, has worked its wy up to it present astonishing Kuccfcss by actual merit in curing idl diseases of tbe blood, of whatever nature. , V EG ET IN Suys a BoBtonYbyticiAn, "IIm BO equal as a blood purifierj Heariig of its many wonder ful cures, after alt other remedies had failed, I vroited the laboratory, and convinced inyself of iis genuine merit. It is prepared from barks, toots and herbs each of which is highly: effect ive; (ad tbey, are compounded in sqcli a aian ucr k to produce astonishing results." , VEGET1 N Is aelcilotrtedged and recommended by physi cians and- aprjthecaries to be the beht purifier and cleanser of the blood yet discoTered, and thousands sioak in its praise who have been re stored to hc-ultu. '. , ; , PROOF. WHAT IS NEEDED. Boston, Feb. 13, 1871. Mr. II. E. Stevens. Dem; Sir, About one vear wnce, I found myself in a feeble Jeouditun from general de bility. Vegetine was strongly lecommended to me by a friend who lmd been much benefited by its use. 1 procured tbe Article, rind after ung seveml bottles was restored to lueolth , & discon tinued its use. I feel quite conident that ihere is no medicine superior to it for those cotn plaiuts for svhich it4is especially prepared, and would cheerfully recommend it to those who feel that they need something to restore them to perfect health, liespect fully yours U. L. l'ETTINGILL, Firm of fi. M, rcttiugill & Ca, 10 State St., Boston, M:ss. I HAVE FOIXO THE RIGHT MEDICINE. - i Boston. Mass. Mr. II. II. Stevens. - Dear Sir, My only object m giTlnpf yon this testimonial is to spread valuable information. Having been badly iifiiioted with Salt lihtum, and the whole nrfaoe of my skin being cov ered 'with pimples and eruptions, many of whioh Oiiused me great pain and annoyance, and knowing It to be a lIood disease, I took raony of the : advertised blootl preparations, among which was any quantity of Sarsaparilla, without obtaining any benefit Until I cont mencHxl taking the Vegetine; and before I com pleted the first bottle I saw that I had got tbe right medicine. Consequently I followed on with it nutil I had taken seven bottles, when I was pronounced ft well man; and my skin is smooth, and entirely free from pimples and eruptions. I have never enjoyed s o good health before, aud i attribute it all to the use of Vegetine. To benefit those afflicted with Ithehmatism, I will make mention also of the Vegetine's wonderful power of 'curing me of this scute complaint, of which I bave suffered so intensely. C. H. TUCKER, I Pass. Ag't Mich. C. It. It, No. (59 Washington St., Boston. VEGETIXE Prepared by R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. H. regctiue is sold by all Druggists. Ca the moot cenlal baUain evrr used by HnfTcrerd from pulmonary dieae. ' It la coiniei of herbHl prixlnrta, which hare a Mclfie effect on the throut and ' luii?; detaches from tko ir cell all ir ritatlns matter; caime It. to te expt'fto atoned checkn tho iaflmmation -v!ilcli produce tliO coucrli. A tinfrle duso relieves the most distressing paroxysm, oothf nrrvou units i and enables tli nf ferer to enjoy quiet rest at niht. lleimr a pleasant cordial, it tones the weak e Um and is speci&Uy rocommcuded for What others say about TuWs Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty Years, " I hTe had Asthma thirty years, nr.d never lound a -ncdicine Uiut surh a hapnv rfTi-cU" W. F. HOGAN, Charles St A Child's Idea of Merit, Nr. O sttAxn, J'trvember 11, 170. Tntt'sItxpectiraiit is ;i t-iiinli:ir n:nuc ia my hcni--. Jlywt'.c thinks it the best medicine in the World, nl the children sny it i nicer than niohts' candy.' " NOAH WOODWARD, ICI N. Pcydras St. "Six, and all 07." ; I m the mother of six children 5 all of thcmhrivf. tcenroniTV. "Without TuttS Kxpectoratiti I !:- t tUinH t!ey "crmldi have survive J soiuu pi' liie aiUcki, , MARY STVENS; rranVrart, Ky. T i Doctor's Advice, ' In my practice, I ltdvise ail fainilks to keep Trts Ilspcctoraut, in sudden crnergeucies, for vuujUs, troup, diulitheria, etc." - ,, r r. M.D., Ntwark, N. J. Sot A tTf all itruggttt. ' Prlre $1.00. OjJlc4 Hurray Street, Jftw X'ork. "THE Jlg:ISOTil BT. ITS tRAlT." .TtUsF4U ssra fsorgi their w-ijht in grii 0 -if al' U '8IMPS0N, LcttisaisLICy. Taft'slPilU are a poTTThlersr of the in--IrcqUx cery,r,-iTEV. F. R. OSGOOD. lUw Ycrk. . "'t bAt'c bscc! "tutC k'uU for torpor oTthe Tix-rpr TfieT re sttertor to any medkjmc tor biliary d.- ., . CAR, Attorney stjw, Awgasta. Ca. ' " t h csed Tntt V live Years in mr faniilr. Tiwry are unvquaied tnrCosttvencssaid hiUuust-.exsl" i F.- B. WILSON, Georgetown. Texas. . VI hare n?ctl Tntt's Mcuicmc wiih arreat benefit. , - i i 1, Wf MANN, Ejrter Mobil ReoitterC ;MV''ef, ffOr'bos. Ymt s'Pilf te" Krc of all plhotttSAYRr CO., Cariervat Ga. i 1 Tkntlt Pill bav o be. tact, lei e&tabS&h i Tejc V no fnediciiie so well adnpticd 0 tke eae ' fm-ivi tjo; BRUMMCt Rkhmond, YIriBi.1! tfnrwejrwtl. - r a 6Aar.;.OfiIoa , .. : from thr fjcrFrcjoriiXMX; : bas bee-j made ly 1R. Tutt. f New TnrkJ "r". ? Tmwuo via- taeaeiorsway Jrtrm $1.00. OJflc SS HTurmy St., OJTeW lari U by all druggist, W-i" " - Vji '.sjr 11 " " ' 1 mm IMA pihe sew luim -miLs: r urisrsrT New Yukx. Time will -ooatiHue to prove a - - . a : a l $w if l V. . V. a a - MPnd of t r rr , 1 l?jfJtrnn KriMmnrvf tt a. '. - the ' ClMiinlrti-, n In tbe frtsre, In bmj. it will be inde pendent iu it republicanism i ns flinching in its advocacy" of Bipobm; L Rtejuii't snpijorter cf UoHtjit Money. lUmtsl Publfe iyervvx, and Eiual Rigid; and tW ie-Klnte Fu jf Subsides. Cut Leybtlalion. liace J'roMtriplUj, and every form of Corruption or Iajuxlice. , Vbfclhw rtrded aa a -ablic educator or aa a mirror of enrreut new, : literature, science, and agriculture, THE WEEKLY TIMES u in its own upbeat witiiont a rivaL Special attention ia directed to tbe fact that the Wctldy Tbmr I now offered to all subtjrribers in the United HtAtes at i OXK D0LL4H A YEAH, FUSJAUX tTALU. The following lire the terms to mail nubscri bexa of all the iwues of :2 he Tmnes: In every caae postage 11 prepaid by the PaMiahera. TEJIMX.TQ MAIL tWBSCRlBErJS. Puetage will be prepaid by the pubbbtiera on all.EditoiiH ctf TILE sent to Sabticrib- ers in the United States Tbe Daily Times, per annum, including the Sunday Edition, i - - 512 00 The Daily Times, per annum, exclusive of Sunday Edition, I - -The Sunday Editiou, peri annum, TUE SEMI- WEEKL Y TIMES: Single Copies, one year - . -Five Copies, one yc-ar, f, -Ten Copies, and one Iree for Club, THE WEEKL Y TIMES: Single Copies; one year, -Ten Copies, and one free for Club, -Subscriptions for six months, 60c; 10 00 2 00 t2 CO 12 00 iS 50 $1 00 10 00 three months, 40o. -The.e prices are invariable. We have no traveling agents, lleinit in drafts on New-York or. Post OlHee Honey Orders, if pojibl; and, where neither of these can be procured, send the monej- iu a registered letter. Address THE XEW-YOUK TIMES, Nov. 28 ; New York CUy. LAW SCHOOL. GREENSBORO, N. C. Fob infobsiation as to Tebms, &c.-, Apply to ' JOHN H. DILLARD, May2-tf ROBERT P. DICK. RATHBONE'S CORMCOOK. M 'wTthof wRho Portable Hot Water Reservwr and Closet Soa't ty aa oll-faiMoned Store, fcrjt get ens With all latest improYemente. Largest Oven and Flues. Longest Fire Box far tag woa Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Box Bottom in sures a Quick, Sweet and Even Baka and Roast Swing Hearth and Ash Catch. Won't soli floor or carpet, Durable Double and Braced Centers and Ring Cover, Burns but little wood. Has Mica or Solid Iron Front Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings. No Old Scrap Iron Nickel Plated Trimmings. Tin Lined Oven Dec Ground and Silver-like Polished Ed?esand Moulding: Veavy. Bestrew Iron, Won't crack. 7TA22AHTED SATISI-aCTOSY. Manufactured by RATHBONE, SARD & CO., Albany, N.Y. Sold by an Enterprising Dealer in every Town. J. F. O'SULLIVAN. OLD, TRIED, A2TD TRUE. People are getting acquainted ami tuvae wbe are not ought to be with the wonderful merits ol that great American Remedy, the MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, PPE HAN AND BEAST. Th liniment very naturally originated In Ameri ca, where Mature provides la her laboratory such surprising antidotes for the maladies of her chil dren. Its fame has been spreading for 35 years, until sow it encircles the habitable globe. The Kexioaa ilustang liniment Is a matchless remedy for ell external nmi f mm and beset. To stork owners and farmers It is Invaluable. A single bottlo often saves a human life or re stores tho asefulneMt of aa excellent horse, ox. cow, or shecm., j ;. ( If esres TooVrot, hoof 11. hoUow hora, grub, scrs-ve-worrrv, s!iouldot, aasgc, tho bites and stlxgs cf poleoaeus MpUs and lasoeta, and every sch 4?JX e4 a bash HflaJ rtaeca ariaxSaaat tobU of homes, such as laraeness. eoetches. swlaay, sprains, founder. "TJ'bTCJl.'rh 25iitan3lJalment U the Qulekest CUT4 In tho T.-ar! J tc.r eMmi l I. . .j'i - -; r " . . .r i? pmyya lissonee of a paysteiaV aufh as ! 1 krtsi44 teracuts, eta.-kad ft rhwi. f I Ksta,adTt BtUCnC2X encendered by exposure. Par. engendered by exposure. Par- tlcularJy rs. to Hirers. Ik Is tboe pest1 remedy In the world, for it pesatrates t) muscle to the bone, and a ainsrl application y snfadeat to cure. sTJnlmeat Is put up la three sizes of bott: tho larger ones betng pre -portion. stely mucH the cheapest. si -wi'jn: .1 l-J f XL i i n GET THE BEST. ' f Dally, one year, , f ; v $5.00 zzj-oena "rosiar uard or Sample Copy. Address THE RALEIGH NEWS, r-rr" i- M)n e Raleigh y.'CL I Aavertlsla Agent can fiwert an dTertise tueoUn our list of tweatyU Standard Weeklies It ten dollars a line withoat losuig mosey. Those ad vertisers Tho want to obtaia the best possibl ctrcala tloa without expending more than frvni i3U to- $100 should address GEO. ROwXlX a: CO.. 10 Kprupa y j, - . June I3r3fn J3EST ousineas you can engage in. f 5 to f20 per day made by any worker of either ex. rigbt iar tbetr own localities. Par. tinlars and atmrlea worth 5 frea . Improve' your pare time at this business, ?ortju.d;auief -; t . ' Address Snxtn k Co. I to ve. Tin, Sheet-Iron , STOJyZ, O W- WAKE; i A GOOD COOKING-STOVE is a household treasure. "No family ought to be without one. We advise all who have none and contemplate getting one, to call and look at the Emerald Coolt-Siovc, the largest and best in the market Every stove warranted as represented, or money refunded. Cooking and Heating Stoves always on hand. Also, a full assortment ol Tin and Sheet-Iron Wire, Japanned lyare. Hollow-Jf'are, and various H o u s e-Keepinn Articles. LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS GAS FITTING AND JOB WORK promptly executed. I have also made arrangements wiih one of (he largest estatAishmenis in the Uniitd Stsries, bi which I ean furnish ZKOJV RAILING for CEMETERIES, BALCONIES, FRONT YARDS, 4c., at FACTORY PRICES. JNO. E. O'SOLLTVAN, south Elm street, (opposite J. Sloan's Sons,) next door to Odell, Ragan & Co., Greensboro. N. C. 300-1 y. THE ! SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT 2 SUES INCREASING YEAR BY YEAR. Following these remarks will be found a Ta ble of Salt s for 187G. Those who are familiar with the announcements inade iu this journal for many year, will remember that the Tables of Sfdes published year by year show that, ol nil kinds of Sewing Machines claiming atten tion, the SINGER has proved most popular. For several years al ter Sewing Machines were first introduced, it was the luibit of most mak ers to speak in praise of tbe Singer Manufac turing Machines, but in the same breath to depreciate THE SINGER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. In this respect they were mista ken, for while the Manufacturing Machines still sustain their high reputation, THE SINGER FAMILY SEWING MACHINE has outstripped all competition. Indeed it is the high esteem in which that Machine is held that the vast sales, shown by tables extending over many year-1, are to be attributed. While adroit meas ures sometimes fasten public attention on in different things for a little time, prolonged suc cess is due to merit onlj . To re-publish all the sales of past years would be too long a story. We wHl, therefore, briefly glance at them, by way of showing the 6trife for pre-emimence among manufacturers. V e will not go farther back than 1S71. Iu that year there were about twenty-five different companies, each busy in presenting the merits of its own wares. The Singer Manufacturing Company sold, in 1871, 181,260 Machines, being 1,896 more than were sold by its two principal competitors during said year."" In 1872, The Singer Manufacturing Company sold 219,758, or 45,670 more than its principal competitor. , In 1873, Tbe Singer Manufactur ing Compicy sold 232,444 Machines, being 11 3s 254 more than were sold by its principal competitor, and as many as were sold by all its othe competitors combined. The sales of the Companies generally in the j-ear (1873) fell short of those of 1872, but the sales of the Singer Manufacturing; Conipanr were largely iucreased. In 1874, The Singer Manufacturing Company sold 241,679, being 148,852 more than were sold by , any other Company. Now we como to the sales of 1875, which, of the Singer make, amounted to 249,852, being 140,112 more than were sold by any other Com pany, and, notwithstanding the depression in every branch of trade during the past year, the annexed table for 1876 shows a still further in crease in the sales of The Singer .Manufactur ing Company. The statistics of sales, on which these remarks are based, are from returns made to the owners of the princinal Sewincr Machine Patents.' If the figures given do not prove the superiority of the Singer Machines in general, and especially of the Singer Family Machine, of which the sales mostly consist, they, at least. prove mat tney are the most popular in the market -u and we think it fair to infer, that pro longed popularity indicates the merit essential to a really useful Sewing Machine. SEWING MACHINESALESfor 1876 -f SiifiER'HiiVg Co. Solo 262,3J&lUacHius. now jiacnine uo. iww Wheeler A Wilson, 108,997 Domestic, American B: HV'Jkc, Weed, i" Wilcox t Gibbs, Remington, Gold Medal, Victor, 23,587 J17.93WT it:423r " 12,758 -. 12,716 17,185' 5,750 Florence, 2.978 J. E BrannsdcwffJt Co (jEtna) .707 McKay S. M. Association, - '- 102 The sales of the Singer for ;1877, numjtered 282; 812 machines, being 20,495 more than any jieJrrMarhinea sold on ihe eoaa w infttiuanent plan. Persona paying f io flown, and $5 per monUT0DtilpaidXor, will be randshed rwilh a machine. Each and every "machine" is folly warranted to be perfect Instructions givn to all purchasers, ' and satis fivetion , guaranteed is! all cases.. Call , and see the' Singer before pur chasing. Yon will find it to yonr interest to do so. v. -..:-. ' ; ..- ' i ,"' -i OfSce on South Elm street," u the lower sto ry of Benbow HalL " ' . , '.;" ' ' ., " . -'. F, G. CAITTINT. GenT Agent1 ' Greensboro; X. C. ' -" ; . JLy 2-tC' ' A r.WELI. SELECTED - STOCK OF DRY X. GOODS and GROCERIES, will be sold at bottom pices by . ' . -;- . ,4 . J. L. KEELING. All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken La exchange, - - , . , yMa23r3m. Farm. Garden, and Ecud&old. rTIV SalWwtaiaj Valaaal fradlMsl Us will POST-PAID etlret ear rtsdm aa reeolpt sf U rearaOasr prter, W stick ta stsvaae4 aarstlat estelfe Allen's (R- I I F.) New American Fanu book -$2 50 50 50 50 Allen s (L. F.) American Cattle Allen's (R. L.) American Farm Book. ... 1 Allen's (L. F.) Rural Architecture 1 Allen's (R. L.) Diseases pf Domestic Ani mals..... 1 Amateur Trapper sad , Trap Maker's . Guide, pa., 50c. bda. ............ . t American bird .Fancier,.. ... 75 30 30 75 American uun vytuiutust. ................ American Weeds and Useful Plants. ... Atwoods Country and Suburban Houses Baker's Practical and Scientific Fruit Cul ture Barry's Fruit Garden. ............... , . 50 50 SO 30 25 Dements Babbit Fancier. Bommer'a Method of Making Manures. . . Boussingaulfs Rural Economy. 1 Bracketts Farm Talk, paper. 50 eta. ; cloth Breck's New Book of Flowers 1 Brill's FarmGardenicg and Seed-Growing. 1 Broom-Corn and Brooms, .paper, 50 cts. ; 60 75 75 cloth 75 i m aviiiarntiwr a Kiiinrini . . - . i ... mar - a Bruckner's American Manures Buel's Cider-Maker's Manual Buist's Flower-Garden Directory Buist's Family Kitchen Gardener Barges' American Kennel and Sporting Burnham s New Poultry Book Burns Architectural Drawing-Book. . . .. Barns' Illustrated Drawing Book ....... Burns' Ornamental Drawing Book. ..... Butler's Family Aquarium Butler on the Dog Caldwell's Agricultural Chemical Analysis Canary Birds. Paper, 50 cts. Cloth. . . . Chorlton's Grape-Grow ex's Guide ....... . Cleveland's Landscape Architecture Cobbett's American Gardener. . . Coburns Swine Husbandry Coleman on Pathological Horse-Shoeing . Cole's American Fruit Book .i....; Cole's American Veterinarian Cooked and Cooking Food for Domestic Animals. ... .. Cook's Manual of the Apiary ... Corbet! 's Poultry Yard and Market, .pa., 50 cts.; eloth . Dadd's Modern. Horse Doctor, I2mo. Dadd's American Cattle Doctor, 12ma . . Dadd's American Cattle Doctor, 8vo . . Dadd's American Reformed Horse Book, 8vo cloth Dana's Muck Manual De Voe's Maiket Assistant Downiug's Lndscape Gardening Downinu's Rural Essays Dwyer's Horse Book ... Eastwood on Cranberry. Eggleston's End of the World Eggleston s Hoosier-Schoolmaster Eggleston's M'stery of Metropolisville . . Eggleston's (Geo. C.) A Man of Honor. . Elliott's Hand book for Fruit Growers. pa. 60c ; cloth. Elliott's Hand-book of Practical Land scape Gardening Elliott's Western Fruit-Grower's Guide. . Enfield's Indian Corn .-. Every Horse Owner's ' Cyclopaedia .,,.... Famous Horses of America Field's Pear Culture Flax Culture. Seven Prize Essays by practical growers. ........, , . Flint (Charles L.) on Grasses. French's Farm Drainage j Fuller's G rape Culturist . J. . . . Fuller's Illustrated Strawberry Culturist Fuller's Small Fruit Culturist. Fulton's Peach Culture Gardner's Carriage Painters' Manual Gardner's How to Paint. ..... . Geyeliu's Poultry-Breed ingT. .. . Gmnt's Beet RootSngitr Gregory on Cabbages. ........... . Gregory on Carrots, Mangold Wurtzels,ete Gregory on Onion Raising. Gregory on Squashes . . , Gueuon on Milch Cows. Harlan's Farming with Green Manures. . Harris's Insects Injurious to Vegetation, Plain $4; Colored Engravings Harris on the Pig , Hazard's Butter and Butter Making Hedges' on Sorgho or the Northern Sugar Plant Ilelmsley's Hardy Trees, Shrubs, & Plants Henderson's Gardening for Pleasure Henderson's Gardening for Profit Henderson's Practical Floriculture Herbert's hints to horse-keepers , v 50 60 50 75 75 75 50 75 75 75 75 20 30 75 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 75 50 25 50 25 50 50 75 50 25 30 2 50 1 50 1,50 20 50 50 25 25 30 30 30 '30 75 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 75 50 60 Holden's Book of Birds.. pa. 25c; cloth Hooper's Dog and Gun .pa. 30c.; cloth. Hooper's book of Evergreens . 3 Hop Culture. By nine experienced culti vators. . , , , Howard's Grasses and Forage.pkints at the South , . . , How I made $350 a Year by my Bees. . . How to Make Candy How to Use the Pistol : . . . . Hunter and. Trapper. .It . ; ..... . I. j. 1 Hussey's home building , , 5 30 30 25 50 50 Jennings on Cattle and their Diseases , . . 75 Jennings' horse-training made easy ...... I 25 Jennings on the horse and his diseases Jennings on Sheep, Swine, and poultry. . Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey Cow. . . . John Andioss (Rebecca Harding Davis) . Johnson's How Crops Feed Johnson's How Crops Grow , . . Johnson's Peat and its Uses Johnston's agricultural Chemistry Johnston's Elements of agricnlt'l Chemis try King's Beekeepers' Text Book, pa., 40c; cloth Klippart's Wheat plant Lakty's Village ami Country houses. . . . . Leuchar's how to. build hot-houses Lo ring's Farm-Yard Club of Jotham .... Lyman's Cotton Cultureir. 75 50 50 25 75 1 50 75 75 50 50 50 McClure's American Gentleman's Stable1 Guide I McCltrre's, diseases of the Am. horse, cat- tie and bheep Maynard's Naturalist's Guide .......... Miles on the horse's foot. ........... Mohr on the, G rape-Vine Mrs. Cornelius's young housekeeper's friend. . .'. My Vineyard at Lakeview . . . . . ; . ..... Nichol's chemistry of tle Farm and Sea, Noma American Fish Culture., . .. . . . Norton's Scientifio agriculture Onions how to raise them profitably. .. ; 3Q 2 75 50 25 25 75 75 20 CO i'aroes on Strawberry Culture. ........ 75 PHTstsia oat SLs Kcfca'. Z'Z ''ni-ri-TSG. Feddert Land UBasawtJf- VA....i. tSO Percherc Horse, . . . . . 1 Fhin a bow, ta uss the. Miorosoope4 Phin's Lightning Bods, and M4eix,copstruo "1 tion.,.4,. . . ... . ........, Plummer s carpenters builders' Guide Potato culture. - (Prize Essay.) , Pretty Mrs. Gaston (J. Esten CookeK... Quinby's Mysteries of Bee-Keeping..... Quiucy (Hon. Jotaah) on Soiling cattle. . Quinn's If ooey in the Garden Qninn's pear culture for profit Randal r Fine Wool Sheep husbandry . . Randalls Sieep bnsbandry..... ... . Earey and Knowlson's com plete' horse 1 r?5 . , 50 1 2 50 50 25 50 50 - .. ............,....,.. Kegster Bmrai Affairs, bound. 7 vols.'. & eaoh;.. t., 1 50 50 BegwtCT t lttrral Alfidrs f 1878.1 liirhartlmn otxthaDog.psu, 30c ; loth 60 JiUey-s potato pests.. pa., 50a; cloth.. River's iUniature Fruit Garden. .V J d Roe's i Manual Son thtv jrulLnja tofj amn f ' fiuita. i-,;1; .-TT;-., 7. -.VrT. Vifeo Roe's play asd profit ia my garden .c C.lJ 50 Samuels' Bird of New England and ad- r i jaoent -States. . . i i. f . i 4 . .i.. -. . -" 4 Saunders's dotnestie . poultry. tpa., 40c; .1 cloth . . .v. err.'-? r? . . . . 75 Sehenck's Gardener's "f ext-Boolr: .... 5 Schley's American parWdge and' pheas- Shooting on heWhgf. 4lHrt75 SkiUfuJ boisewife?rL .:....,:..- ..'.. 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Warder's hedges and evergreen's. , . ; 1 1 Waring s Draining lor profit and health . . 1 Waring Earth 3osets and Earth Sewage Warmg'8 Elements of agTkruUiire;r. , . Warings Farmers', Vacation I:..'. ; ; : .'. I 3 Waring's handy-book of husbandry, 8vo. . edition:. ;;iV.T.:.,t..:.... 4 50 50 50 50 50 Waring's Sanitary condition in taXf ana ecjantrr houses. I . . . . : . '. . . aS0 Warinffs Sanitary drainage of houses and Towns. .. .....I..,..- ..-;-- 2 Waring's Village Improvements and Vi- lags Farms. . . : . . ...... Weidenmanns beautifjing country homes. A superb quarto Toluxae. -2i litho h elates, in colors . ; . .' .'. . . 15 75 White's cranberry culture,.; . V . . V . White's Gardening for the' South'.. . , , WwrrnfTB Trottinff horse of America. . ." Wrigiit's Brahmft Fowl. ......... . Wright's praclical roulUy-awCper, , . . ,:, , . Youatt and Spoouer pn the boras. vr. Youatt and Martin on cattle. . . .. , , . - Youatt and Martin on the hog. . . . . Youatt on Sheep. , , .................... Youatt on the Dog. 1 2 2 2 s 25 50 50 1,50 1.50 1 50 New York Weeky Herald. -ktS3 nnt s t a xrK n " The 'circujiVtion of thW popular ne'spaper has more than trebled during , the past yeir. it contains all' leadinc news containea in the Daily and is arranged in handy de partments. The . FOREIGN , NEWS .7 embraces special dispstehes from all quarters of the globe, .together with unbiassed, fAitlitul and graphic pictures of the great War in 'Eu rope. Under the head of . ' ' ' ' , ' k AMERICAN NEWS 7 , 1 are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This: feature alone makes """' ' r? l J ' THE WEEKLY HERALD1 the most valuable newspaper in the world,3 as it is the cheapest. Every week it gives a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS, embracing complete and comprehensive dis patches from Washington, including full re ports ot the speeches of eminent politicians on the questions of the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT ' . of the Weekxy Hebau gives the latest as well as the most practical suggestions and discover ies relating to the duties of the "fanner," 'hfhta for raising Cattle, Poultrt, Gbjuks, T&ees, Vegetables, c, ic, with ' suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in re pair. This is sunclemented bv a well edited department, widely copied, under the head of TJiJS HOiLE, v giving recipes for practical dishes, hints for making clothing and for keeping up "with the latest fashions rtt the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London correspondents on the very latest fashions. The Home Department of the Wevklt Hebald will save the housewife more than'one hundred times the price' of. the pnpr, There is 9 page devoted to all (he latest phases of the-business markets, Crops, Mer chandise, Ac, &c. A vahuible feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of TrlK rliOUULr! MAKK13T. While all the news from the last fire to Jhe Discovery of Stanley are to be found in the Weekxy Hvrald, due attention is given to SPORTING NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Stobt ev ery week, a Sekmon by some eminent divine, Litebaby, Musical, Dramatic, Personal and Sea Notes. There is no papef iu ; the world which contAins so much news matter every week as the Weekly Herald, which is sent, postage free, forDne Dollar. You may sub scribe at any time. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weeklv form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. 4 Papers publishing this prospectus without being authorized will not nect ssurily receive an exchange. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Address Wew York Herald, Broadway & Ann St., New York. BLACK WELL'S TOBACCO n.DUTTS Ho. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis. Mn. rbo..a tTf iwleuee n the treatment of tbe r?4 ? awue and malc thaa any nhytieisa tn the VeU gives the results f ais Iom snd suosassnU arscuca in kls in j.j-.Ki uiJ The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRIAGE Ihv,f,RIVMEO,CALAOVISCR Stli-.t'i"! VJ rr yr-1-tre.tsi. ta an net. tessrtinlnf to i. sad WmsM. and sapply wsMloag aVa.neysresMMir.tty I lUrt r r sd tapis SI kuueeMity amlrrrtood. The two books emfanMS suucle mipk mil Uwiimnnaims ta mini tmfc a eota snnrifdaaa . SMtiiiiwaininiiHnHTiaTii.k.UA.iAii aefetr. but is twfauaiMiwtf sssHinniMa sfcn itt&T aealthy maybe,Vnt with wmntnet wentweTmr rnthwe . uw maa tmm waara from the aoaay His as to-" StLoui .nHi rorciAS nucsa coth in oaevoroane, SI i silt,.2Sets. extra. Smai seaapt of pries taseoaej STB AM ENQLTTES," i A AAlLflla, lerk. ra. i Cheapest and best for allpur pones atmpie. acrong, rani. JUao Tractxot Mw fit for common roads. , Saw, Osist aro Bica Kills! Oivs, - Psesses avoMacsist cenef vl any. Inquiries promptly J Vticai3Sn4as,w orwltbout g j ii wu nvaoisiau ana " m mi h J L wmpluereryda. k g-fi 1 i -a SStsMaV 1 , f 4kB if a vat nu ciieapartVcrt I leal in tbe XT world. FJf. yl la engine ra use. Fir. ' f,2ready Utt The Farquhar Separator rS3&a, f fr IU trsf i tlaJeine. , J. P. : HARTMAN & SON,' ;.' MAxry sfiu sans ajto iicpobter ot .r.t an- - ,197 Baltimore Street! IMPORTIKO OUR OOOpS DIRpCT,-wt are enabled to ofler goddT tardy Iq be obtained at any other boose. 1 ' r: " ' ! . ,;V';'-.- liaalJ ., . ...... MADE TO ORDER fit and vcpricman.ip ' guaranteed. 1 1 Wense none but he besf matfirials. i 35"Directions for seif-measurement sent nrw u aptlcaiKSl. ' 313m Stewart's Stable Book. . . IT7 f:;- Ms Ponnraylvartlq ,T.inrdiT.pany . 0cmtaVilm etreel,! Greenaborav H. c. Information as to all trains for Ncrth, and West on this road can be 6ubvlncd at above ofSca from the Soulhern Agent, t t , . - fi. D. KENNEDY. BK8T ROOTS iTO TH - AND JSOJJTH-WESIV " DOUBLE TRACK, STEEL-RAILS, SPLEX -DID 8CENER1V MaOKIFICENT J EQUIPMENT, QUICK TIME. . ' PULLMAN - PAIiACE-ANI) SLEEP- .'."'i JSC dARS OH - AJJ. TSAJXaV l 1 Tickets far sale, by this peerless -tin, at Bj principal ticket offices on the N. C. H B..B.S D. R. R-, and all principal ticket offices ia tb SontfaHeast. . A tor, and purchase your tickets via GREAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE Persona desiring to puTchse iEMIGRANT .TlCKffllS, to any point West, will find it to their advani agetooullon, orau'ress, ' V.' ; ;" ",x 8 & 'kekxedt;;. . : ..pusaeuger Agent, ' , ',. -r ..; Oreeuabor. N. C, t .(Office near Depot, y t a. I En. S. .Yotoo, ; A. G. T. Agent 3l9-ly -r L. P. FABvxm, G. r. Agent. GREENSBORO TO NEW YORK , i ! ..IVUiVut Chang of Ovs. NEW YORK AND, WASHINGTON TJIR0UOHvLINEt VIA BALTIMORE & POTOMAC R. R. ' to RATjTTXfOTtE. PHILADELPHIA. t ' , NEW YOKK. ... , - -x BOSTON, And all Cities and Towns in lbs NEW ENGLAND STATES"., f . ' '' .. ' . AND . , .. 1 V. 1 BRITISH PROVINCES LIMITED EXPRESS: The only train from Washington to New York composed entirely of Pullman Parlor , Can thiough in Six Honrs and Fifteen miuates; is run via BALTIMORE & POTOMAC RAILROAD ' j -' COJfDEJCSZD ,TTOE TABLE. Greensboro Leave, Richmond, . .r Washington,' . Arrive, Washington, Leave, Baltimore, Arrive, Philadelphia, New York, n" 8.21 A. M. 11.28 P. II. 8.00 A. VI. , 1.10 P. M, All! 6.50 ,5.00 P. M. !d.55P,M, lttlS 12.00 night 3.35A.U. 6L45 " 10.05 " Trains leave Washington at laia A. M., , and 7.40, P. M., (City time) , for Pittsburg, Chicago. Cincinnati, SL Louis, Rochester, Niagara Falls and Bufialo. - - Tickets by this favorite route are oa sals at all principal Railroad Stations on the N. C R. R., R. & D. R. R. ctnd aUprincipl ticktt office in the South East. ,;; Ask for, and Imrchase tickets BALTiiORE POTOMAC In. R. - , - AND . 1 t i- ' PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE.' Ed. S. Yonto; , L. p. Fasker, A. . T. Agent Q. p. Agent , H. D. KXSITEDT, Passenger Agent ' 319-tf Greensboro. N. CL. C, VIRG. MIDLAND A G. 8. R. Ji. JOHN 8. BARBOUR, Receiver. On and after SUNDAY, December 1st, 1678, Passenger Trains will run as follows: south bocsd. Leave 7.00 a. m. 7.25 " " a 31 " KOSTH BOUXS. Washington.. r. 9.40 p. m. ..Alexandria... ,9.15 ..Manassas.... 8.10 ..Warr'n Juuct'n" 7.34 " . .Colpeper. . . : . 6.44 .-.Orange. :;:... S.63 . .Gtirdi.nsville. 5.25 " . .Charlottesville 4.35 " " ao5 " 9.52 10.30 - 11.05 11 55 1.27 p. m, .Loviugstou.. 3.13 - 2.06 ..Amherst. . " 2.34 . Lynchburg.. .. " L55 .Staunton River " 12.16 p. m. ..Chatham;.,..." 1L25 " .DanviUe. .. .. 19,44 .Nor. Danville 1're 10.40 a. am. Arrive 2.43 4.09 " 5.05 5.44 " 5.48 Connects with -Ches. A Ohio R. R. East and West At Lynchburg with Atlantis, ktiasu A Ohio R.. R. , to snd irow Soathwest Yirgiaia, Chattanooga, Atlanta, New Orleans, NashvtUs, Memphis, Li tile Rock and all points in Texas. At Danville close connection with Richmond and Danville R. R. to snd from the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida and,' via Atlanta, with Mobile. New Orleacs and Southern Texas. For MANASSAS LINE leave Washington 7.00 a. m., and Alexandria 7.25 a. m.. -daily, except Sunday, arrive at Strasburg at 12.25 p. m., connecting w ith the Valley Road East and Wet. Leave Strasbqrg 3.20 p. m., connecting at Manassas with North bound mail train to Washington for the North and. West ;, . , s . "Fur Maddltburg, daily connection at Plains station. -. v - . . . .. . For Upperville, mmlar connection at Dela- plaue. ' ..... . . : , .1 . , For WARRENTON -leave -Wahin crton at 7,00 a. m. daily. ;. ,:jst.i ..ti ft.: All trains make good connections, at wash-. mgtoa, to and from North and West . New Orleans sleeper leaves Washington at 7.00 s m., J running through, without change, connecting with through sleeper to Florida. : Excursion tickets . to Jacksonville,- Florida, good to Mty 1 $h, 1879, at very low rate. Anroogn ticxeta sold at tbe lowest rates. t .f--.v t.ttotJj M, HROADUtt, Q.-T. A, V OK Jt WtXlX)rlpB COM?A3rf7 It : - l ' v i I' Jt,' i' ij.' tui i ..:.'. " OTnc x OrvxxAL Syrf sisisspf st , . - ' " CBANOE or- HcmTntrt T- Onaadaner Tbtiretfsy March 7th. 1ST . rasssaee Trains on the W. W. llailroad will ran as CoMowst LfiIAX MAIL ASP KXPBE88 TtUIXv-XMly v - trriveat Wrldon st. ... $.m t. II. Leave Weld. daily at. ,,,.13. i.S, ArrtTest Wilmington:..,,.. f -". SIGHTM ATX A3TD TXTKZSS JRAI3r. ' 1 I '''" Daily except Suaday. i - 'f ' tesva Yilrstcctoa. .. ... .t.i. :.3.;T. T. If TOTfrt'--i" Tueara Weldoa daily et....,... ,.14 aV.Mv Arrtre st Wingt...?..;...;f::..V::i(.je T.V 31- day Train auakea close conaectioa at ' Walden for aU pointa Xorth via Bay line, daily except 8vai day, and daily via Bicbmond and all rail route. Kight Train stakes close connection at Waldo for 11 pott ta north via Biehaaoad. c" bleeping Cars attached to all Sight Trains. -- -J- r 1 A. POPK. oC-rVA, JOHN T. DITKEL Oeaeral Superintendent. sm I. J Xlareh 4tfl. T . - . . , . r , ?Ne w Gardenl Nturssnss, - " i BSTAjiuwipni a- x; lias .T JOSHUA flilNBLEY &S0NJ t- - t?f v. t iPneHstsr. -l OVii 1VCK OF TEXE8, PLANT8, ate.. . are larger, and of , superior quality to that of former years. (In many departments :W have .made considerable additipus, and shall send out products true , to name, weU -estabUsUtl. and in everry .way satisfactory.! ; 'jU'l ' srSend 'for descriptive i Catalogue,, asdj: pnee list f st tl -x . , - !, rf' , v!t&.Address all orders to oor General Agent, CoLJNOiJL T SLOAN, GreensboroN, XV n j Printiag J)Ztp ftrfSdc. : THE PR0PIUETOR.S OF THE WTLKES BORQ WITNESS, having gone into other business propose to sell the OSes, CHEAP FOB CASH, i This b a rare bargain ia aprfnt ingofice. Persons wisMng to embark ia the newspaper business would do well to communis cafe with xts. Address THE WITNESS, ' , Jan. 2.1m, , V : -.T. T a Yjesbcj p.

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