the NOHffcieaiaiEE jit ,rii C ' ait ft - ; : i gn j rU-dd. IqiSerK-laUfeditor of 'km'w,xiJL- atj. ixx-rti'i-uf ' ive areinioToaeu tuak &Mrrv? caotpwfciatt rejjeta i4i JUr ptysrs, wju -muuu tVitfDteit!J oi iai beta ;lf a elected to thai8rnatebf 0i United pointmeol enaor.Christianxj'tab Minister ifkVefB. ! ob ,q .a!? qc sense to see toe lolly or, ana we conr age tt? flftftosi qbreY&ntacrUns of tke earaGy ?&WrWfotifo mmm y. r- I 'nety ordtbti i Ijf ng ill at tbe Everett House in that city. This cannot ;be said to be newj''Tb'oieVpebpfe''wbp heard relton's testimony before the Potter committee, were of the opinion that ho was 1ying ill n on that occa sion also. -rTbe people would like to be in? formed wheiber Gen. ' James Madison Leacb, the U'Retrencbment and Be? fori'. Senator from EUvidson, draws his pay as Senator, while he is absent in WaSbiBgton' endeavoring to lobby f 1 some 'of his private schemes through Congress , Iet ra bear about it. -CoL P. Ponan, the. manufacturer o sesquipedalian epithets, and at one time editor of the Raleigh Senlivet, has been kicked down the steps by a lawyer in Arkansas. Donan, while editing the (Jauciqn," advised a resort to the re volver tq get rid of Grant, bnt be does nqtBeem to have thought of bis revol ver while "scooting" down stairs un der tbe impetus given bv a No. lOboot. --A Raleigh dispatch to the Char lotte' Observer, speaking of the appoint ment of Secretary of State, flays "the grada oiiappointtnents under this ad ministration will 4e high." Te under stand tbis ; "Buncombe" to mean that GOTis will appoint the man who of i the most service to him in securing the nomination for Governor i ul 880. Onlf thiH and nothing more. The,, Charlotte ; Observer makes a ds8pariDg, effort to impeach the acenra cjrf HAm- TrOmntis translation of tbe cipher 'dispatdbes ,:by stating that tbe W?.B hcji efA.jtranslates " m.eytcb," .;wa i JiOt .J t 'Jtnatcb 9 i but " wretched' The -case canst be 'pretty deptsfate-'bentbV 'O&seritff wastes its crjqcaXqcumennuQb trivial. matters a&tbist Bat il'a drowning man will grbsp at a straw and though be she--ceed in eatcblng .old of tbe straw, he wmdroWn deSfThe same. , L t'.t I in ii t -1 ;- ! Among the' rhanj ''retrenchments" pwSosedi the pr'esent Reform' t41fTaF-sp"8j-3?e?Pt011; 9 ba ap.- propriation for tbe snpport -of ? the ?in-t sane, Thirts truerDembcratic'econc-, mji'Wbich takes deligh t In cur t ailfn tbgfuW!tfes: V;'eIieveTth5 bejTOjHrngmbre or less ' than : a cpn-j temp.tibla assault on Dr.",. Griaaom, for th' purpose of getting him on t of thw ay. to rna)1 rpfibi Ji f or 'so m e . IJe mocral ic f5pni .j has kooekedU the bot- totequtJof thiai niae kittle fDemocratio i fcalattiref MicM&kn, icy fcadseu by tbeap-, Weaent tUa aumatesbftbe tiittDeLn,fTTninin iWiiUfid V-i" .B49feiva.uQrers! emptoyea lUcraaraiimaiDUuaea at a : daily cost leavtbsn 4hat'whicb;tbe''present iJe trficHpienrmdRefomisrarur WtPnir.foI "M3j1ii 64."9xW0BllBeem?ytOi bei place,' and PTfifctgncy and eforfatdy Wnftbi-pall? TaHOiiniel bzi sdgJ Lj , ,:tJ auj eagbWcsaUsfyajieAioatae person S?5TO0r 7 maae . Llina fo WpitS5 .JtSFfSa. oienfs, among manufacturers, .ot!New islo put a Demoferar uii&riWto's Euglaod' bayeUoweTeV: "aerVed m a uu auoaai-'oi W l.Ur ailB i KU EHHlIb.' 1 Mi HrfTl I ifimOw I Hll I IIH . WPII W Nl II llM II SI VM II fit VOl JlOun HA latttfactbsfearoiwd tewMUre toni y9HijWHe baste 6lowf; ,243 MtfA-" 7375?. ; danger jpf. an fxtra fcessmn of Congress. WFiraSaBf Jfe Wd- hvel also served 8 .disqnfatiqgflo;' wjuiijoiLUttUlow. itiBji arecoas6iea4Dces, wqiie.iua proiongauon foi ,in odsj tyotkttiaadcotint SLtgrtrabtdi nary biliiyjba solely f bicJp beV Uca-GXa-past more olorioaWitfriibti fotmSrHof prjiteal?ospiimrib(ycBep3ibUcaxfca T ijMPik..dl. Jitu 5 it- It taCSBdlesssrjeafc acfr of 4hbbpesf .OirAa TriUswJ,V"ii tezite ,i -f i . friz: nt, . t7 v 4 t iao tutj jtsa' g r4 t Jw tz.tJL gl tbASibpeaje.lniliqrly poih'tsd ana ibi lie as bpn3ioDtof ' tha Ulnd'llbfe'raf fehicbtk safW ttP IbaFiP tSeeb'utlicaii mmmmm - - v r 1 1 ' T - ' I support tne .vS2 are in sotaaaortre tms county were caxieti op fo cuoqse i bilvreerf hitii -an d'bol.dafest ! he woutd I A Boston lady baa made a model wax of King. Solomon, temfle. ijie Jewish Fair. It ic wftf ftDpf feet bigb, and composed Mil !v wax nowers ina whii wax, twenty three thousand jioxoera pfdjfferjgnwieti construction rThfl largest liaw gatbereO." tyvJ00? ?ff E been.sioV darinf theWbl leUo as on. work mt barw btrnxTi m ployejii al4o 832 horses and 97 Steanrengines, and be- orer rnu- lions oftons. bad been stored in. tbe lehoQef aJop&tbensoxv,8 jnteatipnto-ataekoaaida Ue laU baoaas abontJDothei" illW !of toni tWeen:! iAibahy ' r an d Troyj Tb er-' Is probably 'inoref ice taken ' irom1 Hndsoo, River than from any other bodjfjOij water, in, tbe, jworldgetween Albany anA Newburgb -there pre about 70 different ice-honse;ca'Dable?6f bold- in jgrtyi- rrbe intense -and undisguised am- jetrr r of -Democratic, members , of, Con 69 td repeal Jhe; tet oath, for jarprs 1 in, the. fruited tates, .Qourfs and the law authorizing fSupertiiora ol Elec tion cannot 'be fully bhderstdod except by those, who closely watch tbe current events. Iu prder to understand this our readers must bear in mind that Hull, Democratic Lieutenant-Governor of Florida and member elect of the next Congress, has been ndicted in the United States. Courts for procuring false election returns. His companions in guilt have been already J tried, con victed; and sentenced to Albany Peni tentiary. A similar fate awaits him unless a jury ca.n be papked to acquit him. This cannot be dpn while the present law is in force. Therefore the Democrats are exceedingly anxious to repeal it, so that a jury of Red-shirt bull-dozers may be selected and Hull may be acquitted. There are several other Democratic members of the next Congress who will be indicted, King of .Louisiana and the notorious Chalmers of Mississippi and others. Hence the qrgeut need of haste oti thq part of their fellow Democrats to save them from the Penitentiary. " Those, w ho can make tbe affidavit necessa ry tp collect ft war claim, do not .deserve to have it, an d this should be an end of the mat ter ns far tut Democratic Coigret8men are con cerned.Vr Charlotte Observer. That is to sny, that where a man, who; lived in the South during the late war, can truthfully swear tbat be was loyal, to the Union and the government of the United StateK, ha does not de serve to have pay for any damage done to Lia property. Tula Is In perfect accord with the recent apeecb of Ellis, ;f Louisiana, who denounced allSouth rn Union t men as traitor. ' There can be nodoobt that this is now, and bas dl wayif been'tfae 'realfeeling btbe Demo cratic, party towards the Union men of the South. Joring the war every known Union1 man was persecuted witb: fire and 'sword)- It is true that1 just after the, surrender, when their , necks and their property, were thought to . be in danger, the 1 Democrats suddenly began to1 treat "the Union men with considera tion and beg for their intercession with tbe government to, preserve their prop erty from confiscation. But now, when there is a Democratic majority ':Jn the House, and 'a prospective Democratic majority in the Senate after. the 4th of March, there is no longer any aieed to concenl the rancorous hatred for Union men which burns in, every Democratic bosoia(ar hatred which has been only intensified byfthe1 hnmiliatidg necessity for ita temporary1 concealment If, in the Democratic party, wa can Lqnly say that ba will I richly deserve the ' treats iheat:wbfieb1be wSirre'ceivei-1 s Business W'swToi-Fair pro- lit ?af uo iUW1,L, coimueuce ana Pffi'aLbeck. .to a .too rapiddeTelop- nie?t, eforcipgf ,tbj Suggestion,; which isboold re.generaHUcwptedtrtbat'as Strikes atfljiyerpooi threaten to dimin; ,i8lr our exports temporarily )?y diepriv I roorn'nn Lhik rflnnirrr nf InUiTd rvi. gatiOnJ eTtoeanixetenAjSrenstbioii the OHUJIUUtt I'HUTIP, -iUQWaren UK WQiUk tlo tfiitt prodnctedibyibsainfiafencsft. it;Gpft BrjriVBu).il. .NeNvVJtotc 1 lot for Gro-,"UAn TtntlA.rd V. A. T K1 WVtklPctf jPIP the House that "tbe.iime., would come when, the covernment would spav.Gin- , .... "it.'- ' ' - , . r . i in tbela&. warj nte - peted by Iie.ffIurJjticus as a H4.rP TOWM. Iklbd b-iTE3ilpVctfrvmpyiP ,:nTtnd tbttJaacl part of If we baWanyoada imtbui part o iho State :ikTferdble at thi rkbie iTsof tL jWtjeq attriboted eitirelSN to l ie ferpaiin of Pnni 4? or fore sight of onr own. Oar rbadsare simply nearer the truth to say tuat our enurah lack of toads is n cfYiuu umc . vug rtr andr.ot I oTlbe mor important questions ot tbe d.rarktjwwaeidilla. . bearing a preeu,t,VBv$m t;biyi6g!9ntland t pairing, pftbl)Oildgh-wiov.if saob cha- . - ': i . A: ki X 'id-ui.. .l.fcA-hPPaW0 i-rJ ? hoi 2' .t '-'tY !'.t nt J p .maiutij.da W jgo4 qrJ dttkiii ja oh i iguotniniomi ifaihire--- " Boned mbe-? ? speecL e&oo retrencH- I ifDcnt-'anirireforbi ttf 'Mteb'd tq a Utile praViical businesa wb'ich is of Jmp.oV- ftanca Utbeii oouatUnppJtij vf a TTha 1 bill . provd8 .that each i; county shall be divided into road d,intricLs by the'C6uhty'Cmniis8iBner8,and tLat at the next November, election, and every two years thereafter the people of each township shall elect a supervisor of highways for each road district, the said supervisor to give a bond to tbe County Commissioners for tbe faithful performance of his duties; that it shall be the duty of J bis supervisor to cause to be opened all such roads iu' jbis dis trict as may be laid out and to keep these and all other roads in repair; , that all able-bodied males bIiiiJI be required to perforin nnnnaby fpnr daje service upon h$ public roads or pay to the supervisor the sum of $4, to be applied to tbe keeping up of the roads, and in case of failure or refusal to do either, shall be liable to prosecution; that the supervitor shall cftuse foot-ways to be built over all running streams and sign boards to be put up tb .t the County Commissioners &hall furnish-the plows and scrapers ut ctssary 4 to be used on the roads; that the County Commis sionerM of the several counties are au thorized to levy road and bridge taxes as follows: " Iu counties where the tax able property exceeds the yum of six teen milliou dollars, not less than two tenths of u mill ou the, dollar, nor more than two mills; in counties where the taxable property is less than ten mil lions and over live millious of dollars, not less than seven-tenths of a mill, nor more tbau 3 mills, in counties where the txuble property is less than five millions of dollars, tbe levy shall not be less than seven-tenths of a mill, nor more than five mills on tbeidollar;'' that all persons confined in the jails of the several counties shall be available to the Commissioners thereof for ser vice upon the public roads, and for such service shall -be allowed such sums as the "supervisor rosy, deem equitable; . that , the right of way ; of4 all public roads shall cot be less tbau 22 feet wide, and of all public roads that may be hereafter laid iff the rlgh'j of way shall not be less ..than two rods wide: tbat it shall be the doty of each super-. visor t have ditches cut on each side of all public roads in his district The Leislatni-e. Most people who read the proceedings! so-caiieaj oi tuo present ".itetprm Legislature will look in, vain, Jor,, any progress wbicb , they have : made ; in healthy-and needed legislatiod. That body appears to"' be constructed npon tbe princfple, oi ib'e crUwfi jand ad vances in no way except backward. The following picture of the present con di tioirof that body -within 'less than three loeefajof ikhend of tb session is taken from tlie Charlotte Observer, an it may be. wafebjp asseredjtbat it is not colored too highly. : !i'i-tt '5i L ! . -j " The majority of -tire legislator iuur "no idea except retrenehment-ond Tto-jAtaufat ac complishing thia., There are, bundred and more bills m the hands of the committees and on- the 'Calendars, and ' a flood of new ' ones is tuiaed loose' upon the1 boas vrr ' motning. The committees are prooeeding wita Ahe "xxt 1 most dehbexaollCTLBnnleinefyt bas not beejhtd-uerJf,biU4mppr tance, whic has been introduced, awaits ac tion." rmire ate leTT now only three 'weeks' of the session and oSitha legialatiob ?yet remains to. be done. JXhipgs are ; u, much of a measi t Kaleigb7and everybody iathe IjegisLitare. is driving at 'crosatuposes. 'According to the wayHhiegs- look now, Governor Jarris will have ' to call the Iisiatare together fa extra session before n.etanuna's firat ftost falla.7 d'Jtr t 11118- is very plain j taikund "perfectly tme.ld Heretbis 8preciWs"ixVif6rm:,'i Leistature" bW' 6t:JmorebithaV,aa monlh n , talking Jpf retrenchment' atxa Uie.real. wort i oi., the, session still remains tdbe- dona, d Lba people ttttist fii!arael?r?j.PrLeannSt spaafomtteixextcbisent.abd .Teform. Thappropriator for tbo-pibtirbaH tieu W'cneown7'iW orderlnaV in a r'arMi iui With the view of remedying existing ievVf'lSfs AHcferrrnAlxadeK the Senator, Iyps pcklenurg bat jo-. ttroaacediaumw uxe preaiiigrrhnr vl M k -Uutbrfeak' when the anum,-wrnea-coveTa xuv poana pren-yi uear irom tue sun snap nave Decome effeUtUflji Uticr U "idifie'mirn ! Weill sumcieqUy.int4nse! io'af6Wse the latent TCu-v 5-. T...r ri.i. ... - ' ,,rj".-. -T placl? Iff. iataT activity1 IJobe of the can spare time enough from., mikingr .t pay.the piper for all ibis -noDsehse, arid frJfifithey mnst, pay this legislature wf wedts jthe Legislature before PalL, By all I means let the ibsanVand-the deaf and dnmb iwrf '?v$f' don t d,nn .tne people pz an aw a j aession oi the Le&ns xtnre. 1 We caiinci Oar Washington Letter. Cmimiuunteucm cf STorta State .7 v, ttt Miri2jJLl,rlfyL close rfgemb lance lO reiiow lever (hat nave been reported every fefl(tbat ibbo weatbari 1 iot 1 next sbmmeri is likely nto srof its desolating invasion. .With no bedextlla 'irtnedesary alarb.'We foocht not to sbnt our, eves to tbepossi- ri--i'iiiiiij ikt in fa 'as kscrtained Jrelati the' disease, Hve an f assttrahce that the col3 'Weather 'bas destroyed the vitality td strengthen' the disquieting impres-1 sioandeed, ttat tbey tfre'ohly'" await-j ins the ripening rays of the sun on its return northward, to begin a harvest to which that of last season shall ab pear as a, mee bagatelle. The meaus of rapid transportation "furnished by our rail-road system which covers the more populous sections of the country, like net work, precludes any hope of an effectual laud quarantine. Isolation' can only be effected by a rigid embargo on all the running of trains to or from infected localities and the absolute dis continuance of 'all 'other,' means of inter-communication. This seems almost, if not quite, impracticable when au thority and responsibility are divided and subdivided under oar Government. All the facts, circumstances and proba bilities seem to indicate that our only hope of making a successful fight against the recurrence of tbe disease is by attacking it in its undeveloped form in its chrysalis state, so to speak. But pre-supposing tbe germ theory correct, the time is far spent in which we could have waged an active war agaipst this invisible enemy while his armies were j-et unorganized, and lack iug equipments. Hence the plain dic tates of common sense 'would seem now to be for National, State and mu nicipal authorities to at once settle on some definite line of co-operation for a delcnsive warfare, so that there shall be uo closing" between the efforts to ac complish all that may he done in the way of quarantine and in putting ev ery exposed point in the best possible sanitary condition. While every one is in doubt as to the'best measures to be taken, it would be manifestly unjust to have expected Congress to devise a certain means of protection. But the waste of months on partisan schemes, while this terrible spectre hovers daily within the shadow of the Capital, looks not only like inefficiency but like crimi nal recklessness orindifference. "What has it done nnder circumstances that would have justified giving a good por tion of tbe sepsipn to this 'one matter, so ;great Ms "its relative importance in a sauitary and' commercial point "of view? Ihe xellow 1 ever Commission sums bp, practically, all that the collec tive wisdom of both Houses has yet been able to 'decide. Its report, admi rable in its way ,: will prove about as ef fectual as the Pope's bull ''against the cornet, .if U& 'suggestions' lead to no lurtber positive action. "What may be expected of Congress in the few days of the session still re maining? 'TNvill 'not venture to pre dict. But if it hak to work ten hours out of each twenty-four, each member totally oblivious of everything but the public good, it could not begin to get through the ordinary routine work be fore it, saying nothing of special mat ters wbicb as imperatively demand ac- littlebfle at bnVpoTn!awitL1iif CM 4 area. ravagad by, tbatjdesUcy er. Iastf aU, bhrincr with it . rnMHnr&'of'' tbft Destl' lB'n'and,'l Wa! 'nlanVoo'Hibus' W ttie TconntrV'beretpWre 'ekempt from its vis- itaiion may ue mciuaeu wnuiu iu um it of. the germs wbicb are. bidden away in ybblterd'places all'oVef that region desoTatedfri The'deathw' alluded tion. ' But as they have divided up the An8 lllien ..i.ij..'J:n. '.ii. i. Y-i -"ii Bep.l heard you wgh- biauonery allowances, ana goi ine rivef and harbor steal on its way, the tu'anv reformers rgoing to make op the two Hbuses 'will probably return to their homes, felicitating themselves on their splendid winter's work." 1 ' Tilden and 'his gang of fellow-reformers lately before i thePbtter ' sob- Com mittee have tempbral,ily''dep,resaed the spirits of their part friends Tiere. The opinion seems to jgaitr ' that enough of the more level-beaded democratic Sen ators will oppose the ' r volution arv at tempts of 'their party 'associates to de feat their scheme to force kiVtextra ses-sion- ni 1 kl H Jx-ta utii -.-s The Vbte'bb1 tbe;afat!-Cuihese JbilJ in thef Senate 1 seems likelv U6 defeat an v atteuipi by either party to-make much capital ont of 'it on tbe Pacific coast. 4 Every dtltt' Here- wlrerealrs; Lock wood 1 is" favorably lrn6wri; ,fgj Ves ber Credit for forcing Congress to take tbe longest stride jt'bfur'yWt takerf towards a'praietical recognition 'of m Woman's rigbisl' 11 i!- itixwKix. t'J ' , , ' . , , , ' . Th New t Yokk -Dkt 'Goom Trade. i. Bnsiness has been less generally active the past week witb' f mannfactbrers' agents but afairsggregits distribution of both staple and 'department' goods wasUffected In 1 moderate' lots. West ern jobbers are operating j cautiously; add Northwestern buyers are purchas ing eery lightly,' because f tbe wretch ed eondition of the roads in gome parts ofnbeyNortuest dJnrobbetsfrt)m other sections of thei to'unlry bre "mak iog'iJrepara'tiens'fdf'the comtn tpring trada'with fafr degree? of libenility.i-. The jobbing-trade has 'shown 'a Hurt her slighuimirrovementi'and a fair business waocbnfpliihed Krifb feobtberil retail ers, of whom a good many have appear e44b XbtuktkeliiAmericatt Iriht Woits,bf Fall Rierl bave fcbeti tfbtoi pMleU'.tida sik the 'ifldttTgWhfeft-ef' their creditors, Aafrlt J brdbablei IbatP tby fvill be enabled to obtain an extermfoii pt4woiyearsts tAtiie4KJn- qnncial Crontcfl.jai9iao3 lo and For tbe North State. iTok: Whenever any crime na pf sitTvB rwrsnn l,irL0 enmt ss a general ruiea -at tii a door oi a-niimer.- V as a general roleis-aid If a colored person chance to breathe anything in regard to the transaction of Zlbe. de0d;bia breatbing5con"strned VKJYir3 - liS - - - .t a ucomzaivea in ims wjwd, or in act. iu i jlo MMF lhe Soolk. and S31to1U f m .mnn 1 1 I iih fvnu 111 will,, tuu 11 il l. v.? is s riimiiH juuiii : I r'lT1187a4lte::resnt ia-PPrebeiidedland thrust into jail.. ur- 1 -Seme- Arrobtfis igo attempts were TtradebQro-areTtai nHliveTybleHin: tbis place. When tbe first attemptw&s made ftksf'boi 'aeftniieryfchbwii wbo l'n k 4.i Lar?-. j swer for, the crime, liuas TVdyideDce woaianave il wnen ine secona aitempji was un crertaken;nhe-realpjrpetrafor1 was caught, who happened 'to be a K.1UC It IUI I. """b 1. f i A murder was recently coramiJted nt oar city; a colored naan nappened to make some casual remarks in regard to it, and nponfthe!" nncertain and ques tionable evidence of some childrenjlie was taken up and'pul iutp prison. 'Not many Mays elapsed before he" was re leased, and having i-equesied areisbn for' his jiricaVciration 'be was told' ft ws merely 'for' a blind td'eatcb'some ofae -T f 1 5 I ' It is true the colored bopnlatioucom mit a great 'deal of tbe4 crime in' Jtbe SoUvb, but there oright' to 'be' more dis- . - : ' ? ' ' 'i ." J ' : . ; J creuon ana juagrntDi useu iu uppre hending persons, especially when tbe real offender is not for s a 1 certainty known, for it is barely possible th,at ,.a' whUe man mav now and then commit a crime, When the public sentiment of the people, both white and'colored, is prop erly educated then and not till then will justice cease to become a mockery. " C. H. Moore. - From the National Republican.) Comedy of Ciphers; A BCEiiE fTBOH THE LATEST FABTISAK DB4.MA. Dramatis persona: 1. S. J. T., (Lord Gra mercy.) 2. Reporter of daily paper. , Scene II.. Act IV. (S. J. T. at his office. Has jost returned after giving his testimony belore investigating committee.) - S. J. T. (soliloquizing.) "NVhat do I sigh for ? Nought. What's Nooght ? A cipher. But cipher are not always naught Their being so depends on how they're used. Enter Reporter. Mep What ails you, good my lord, you seem cast down, And sigh for ; , S. J. T. Ciphers! They have dene me brown. My mem'ry is a total blank. I know Nothing about them. ' TeJ the people so. I'm sick and tired of all this talk and fuss. And wish the devil had those who raised the muss. Bep. I meant, my lord, why do you sigh & J. T. ' I hear And tell you sirrah, that I have no ear For such converse. 'Tis scarce as sweet as honey, This "cipher" talk, and that d d "bar'l of money." Besides the language used is rather graphic; Coparceners' and such 'the cipher traffic" I tell you, sirrah, that I' ve had enough Of this infernal cipher. It's d d rough That I can't have a single moment's qaiet. Unless I "gobble" it, which means to buy it. Hep. One moment, good my lord, you do mistake, ; ? 1 I prithee hear me for your conscience sake. I do mean a cipher, thus (0), a nought, But "sigh" for blessings, or from heart o'er wrought -v. . 1 S. J. T-i I tell you ciphers are the same to me Whether from heart o'erwrought or Florida, I have no knowledge of them. I am dead To all dispatches : under such a head." Rep, (Aside. ) 1 (He seems determined not to : understand. ' .: it- . I'll try again. ) . My lord at your command I called to-day to have an interview Concerning matters pertinent to you. I saw you looking sad, and heard you sigh t. J. T. My nephew did it. . All the rest's a lie, ... : I'm ignorant of what he, Weed,, and Marble, Did in the case. The papers only garble. 'Tib said they sent dispatches to the Park, Where I reside. If srt, they kepi it dark. I was the one most deeply interested The one whose "bar'l of money" was invested I was the President that was to be, And so they kept those matters" all from me, I never heard a word of hopes or fears. Or what was being done. The truth appears Nay, more, when those d-d telegrams were sent I was in "liuss.ia" purposely iotent 1 On keeping dark, till each "Returning Board" Should make report and tell whose "01 was gored," .1 . - ,. . j How, then, could I know aught of this new "Moses," Or "Gobble," and the others truth discloses?1 It is impossible howe'er you view it. ' Thus say I, Tilden, so says Abram Hewitt. , j I tell you 'twas agreed Between my nephew, Marble, me, and "Wee3, That I should nothing know. That in my breast No.U'cipher" knowledge e'er should find a rest; rhereiore my mem ry s gone clean gone away. The people won't Relieve me but good day. Exit Exit Rep., sighing "Oh, I sigh for the rest. &c : . J. S S. iMlNOEITY HePEESENTATION A. SUCCESS, -r- Mr. WilUam Med ill, of the Chicago Tribune, has ..written .a brief fbut in teresting and valuable letter on the workings of the . minority.' representa tion clause in the Illinois constitution. He says in reply, to tbe question, "Does it fulfill the hopes of its . advocates?" "It does, since it secures fairrepresenta tioa . to, j minorities.; t Previous to its adoption ,the eonthern,portion of the State, knows as 'Egypt rarely elected a Republican, and the . northern porV tion, kno ws as 'Canaan as rarely chose a Democrat. At present one third of the Egyptian, representatives ; are ' Re--publicans, and one-third , of . the CaV naanite representativesare Democrats." The advantages not only to the people of the several districts lut t? 'the State at large,' and, in reality, to " the,' great political parties,' are ' obvious. "Mr. Medill denies " that1 tHe'xtew provision enables a minority to "rnlel He1 says tbat 'the politicians' by trade- 'are op posed to tbe provision, and would like to get it repealed bnt tbe mass ot the people will not consent .thereto, and it wiU sttend-' " V " y 3 m I r,f tills ; On'tbe 20tUay,rbrJnlvi777V Waigb i still A very, William Sharp,' Jo seph .Winston and Robert; Ianier," of Nortnr Carolina; made a treaty with the Cherokee Indians, kno tra ks the treaty of ;tbe JLpngIslaijd of Wlitonl4 Ttis treaty wasJmade'wbontianioath,, and wa never violated.!,41 Tbemenfwbb made tbis treaty are, dead nownd the rofuia to? Violate trestles' 'vitbt Indians. , I -id tjH ..w . 1 1. ,!' i,i i i ' ' ",'," n - tji-ia-taTii t K'Amori those to be bromoted. ta the grade of JSnsign.ui tbh XJJ SJ Hary, ia tUghanl lIeoder8ontp North; CaUoa nipJab bandied 1,176 bales of cot-1 ?V - menferbipf the State Grange bas just sent fonr colcred cbnvicts 19 tbe Penitentiary. i iWnUectibns in the Fourth Strict laaULeek $4,G48 59. Jadga presiding over Ala mance Superior Court. Another. unaeccesfnl attempt to. break" JalT was made at" Monroe. ThedBbl ofdayetteTMe ri 0d,000. Th wnty dnbt 18 $ l(Xl,l WW I Miks Jennie Davia, pf aYnecp ty. - aKJentallv . f.Lli W A oos f a manner that she 5 Jikely o diei uurueu aaa : Thos.lsoi.farmandWacismth, banged bltaself io Transylvania county xfra. f,riF1....Millarj . tlia cranti- mother o j. r, Stnart,liedib Gates county a 1!ri,Tt H.B. Ragan, Esq., aerk of the So- J ; SQQ hnfydied on the 7tb insf., aged 40 years., J'adge lM,cKoy will fill tbel vacancyi .i . Diphtheria' Is prejvaitng id i and about Asbeboro. Mr. , Benjamip,, Scott Jost three children there-by it two iri one day. iL.,L , v s-.i -Jr -f r A man named JUariin; tvbo tried to cross tho,( use'riverjnear;1 the other' nighty' was sweptl o4 aT; rook where be remained until he waa rescued, nearly frozen., ' " : ?! ;f fi''-- A man nliHftnsley and instantly killed ?n Mitchel copnty by a son of Rev.5lr;iIartin:1lHansley bad pursued ifhe-latter i to his honsaiahd swore be would take bis life. Ou Monday night last; a burglar at tempted to gain entrance to the work shop of E. H. King dyer, In, Wilming ton. Mr. King fired two shots at biin, with what effect is not known. : 7 Three dogs with hydrophobia havj been killed in tbe '-neighborhood of Table Rock post-office, Burke conn ty,! daring the past few weeks;' Many others have been bitten. Also a child of Mr. Thomas Kineaid. On last Sunday' night Dick Brogden, white, and Pete Fries, colored, got into a difficulty in which Brogden was badly cut with a knife by Fries, who was lodged in jail oh the next day. Whis key was the cause. It is estimated that about one-twentieth of the tobacco crop of Madison county, grown last year, has been sbip ped, op to the present time, and from present indications the crop of 1878 will put $76,000 into the county. An incendiary fired . the residence occupied by Mr. John Northrop, "of Wilmington, Tuesday morning between 1 and 2 o'clock. The flames were extinguished before much damage bad been done. The dead, body 0f an nnknown white man was fouud in a dtcb on the line of the Wilmington arid Weld on rail road, on ,Mouday morning last,, He was well dressed, except that his , hat and shoes wer gpue.T vi . . ? . It is reported at Lunrinburg that the negro, Eli Bethuue, who committed a rape upon a Miss McDuffie, a respecta ble young lady, near that place "about ten days ago, baa been arrested, at Clin ton, Sampson county. ' i A diflScnltr occurred1 last 'Fridav uight at a dance given at the residence of Mr. Bell, in Cartetet county,1 between Mr. B. Frank Sanders and ;MrrD. S. Weeks, Jr., which resulted inHbee'atlV' of the former, who was shot by the lat; ter with a pistol.' Mr. Weeks escaped. A difficulty occurred last t Friday night at a dance given at the residence of Mr. Bell, iu Carteret county, .be tween Mr. B. Frank Sanders and Mr. P. S- Weeks, Jr., which resulted in the death of.the former, who was shot by the latter with a pistol. Mr. Weeks escaped. " ' : . " . " Last Saturday night, iu Ruleigbr the store, of Woodward Bros, was- entered, and robbed of.$10 worthof goods; Sun-? day night C. D. Heart's shoe store was robbed of $40 worth of shoes, and the same night thieves, were frighten edi off whild endeavoring to enter the store of Mr. Cohnr .w "J? wii'- Mrs. Cotten, wifel of CoU John : W.l Cotten, of Tarboro, and daughter . Dr Ii. Frinkn of Brnuswicticoanty, died ou.Tatn i-day night, i Culij Cotten and Mrs.; En gel bard . are a brother J and j sister and thus were they both terribly bereaved oil the samo daym u-'i The assessed valuutiotr of property iu Winston and Salem s is $2,000,000, and each, separately, abont equal.1 The number oftizeus sulgect to poll1 in: Winstou is 640 while in5 SaleiuUhe number is only about 160. Ttie,?tw6 towus consolidated would make a city 01 over 4,OUO inbabitants. -j- " "It is' stat'e'on relfable nutbority that six-tentbs of tbe losses by fire that have oucureu in tuia otaie since ipo, .uave been caii sed by pver insurance; and so fearful '-'were tb ldsseW'Iti' 18 a that about twenty' c6 m panies ' retired from tbe Stite'Kayiug';, Us! tt'reasonf tbat they" were tired of building np- the waste places in Kortfi ' Carvliua. ' -. ,wuwo was r jouna . aeaa on me -..r' T f ' a.. S.tri'2 k v armwere gone and tue'jflesb" was torn mc, nun, ,out) was tv) uisngureq by 'decopj posli um T h a J, it . was r Tin p'ossi- ble to'iurtaiutvbether sbewas wbite , fJQ tbe tvi-nin.ui, lbe lb anst. the reideice , -of Dr; James t Hicks04 'jjear, WilliatiJ8borp,.caught tftu Jiej froia the chimney, an'd ( wquld moat 1 probably have been bnrned to tbe- ground bnt for .,tbe, j opportona.presjncco;ildi'. Wm. rJepkiqa, of Ileuderspnvwb was passing alqpgj the road at tbe tiipew,Hf climbed tou tbe .top and isncceeded in pnttiog pat the fire afldipso-doingia n a n rl a ava A I 1 I. -t I lTbd workmen employed iin this tion of the tbirteeu new lifA.savin erec rteeu new liffi-savinT sta. tions between Cap'eaHatteraa'andiHeii ry, ordered by CorigresalasK year, have complete tbeirlabors.i Tbbiis?ffimaU ter c great -importanca at tbis point; Tb 9 stations Are1 now -only five miles pn on me WottlnXJarblinm nrl Vir Iginialcoasti between bfl capes :menv !tionea,i;vJ b.jv! J.i-Joiil ix-.U . jpf jtrAWTlJry jnanac leioclc, the awt-uiufj nonse of Sheriff McCall at LenoirrCalWell countv. was destroyed by fira,AMrailIcOfcl Qc. c ceeded in savirigVitrmonTUnere'wM in "Jba'boase." bieverjthinglsT ia. about two thousand dollars ifl county clairus, nlof rjtbe furniture, clothing, provisions, fccVwas burned It Is supposed tbat the roof of lhtf hotise cangbt from sparks- fronf be ? kitchen cbimnT. ; Tr !2"w?m f" CENERALTCZnECTOnY.Vs, f utatt. GnimnwrT.-p' . ........ J, VAAAy.,,,, .'V" 'I - ' "TO TIm ThrMsA ltttluu NwrtAi, Arttrmi st except Monday. - TkDMUra 111 Attits StSlf VL SIS h. .J -f , r Th Southern Mall AitIto dily M axl a. aa. T1m Salem and Wiaatoa Uail Xmrm at T.4J p. a . except Sondaya. , DEPASTURES. r ; J Tne' Loeai Mah karth.' Clcwee at T.45 ml ta.-&aQjJ The Through Mail North. Cloaca at S.00 p. aa , eimye . n Sundar Jo -r- .- rf : t .,.f , Tbe Eaatera IaU Cloeee at T.4 a. pa itj , .. , Tbe Southern Hall Cloeea at 7.U p.' m. daily. 1 1 - 1 The Salem and WinstonMail Cloee at 7.4S p. m.-excep gusdar. r. f -ti. xmt Sunday HOUSE-BACK -The PilUboro Mail mM thia office ererj Hatarday moraine it It. and ar riree erery' Fnday at ia.ia.i' tnn-m n.-t Tn Aesebevo Mail by th frayvf rrankHnemie iw arriTee daily except Sunday at 6 p. m and learaa dai ly, except Sex day, at a. nx. . . J. D:WirTTK.PoeimateT. Ojjlciat BoartlCity of Green4uro . -r If - t,.fif, , 8. C. Dodaon .Mayor. ' C Or Yatea. ........... . ....... . . JTreaaurer. ' A. P. lick el. . . ..'i. .'A..'.'. . 4. . . . ..Clek i I. M. SCOtt, ! W. K. Eldridr. Scbool Committee: J. C Cunningham. W. Sikea, : ' Street Cominntee JLP.EcW. . 1 1. M. Soott. Chief of PoUoe, R. M- ; Begular meeting 1st and Srd , Monday nights of . v try month at Mayor' oftice at 8 P. M. - . " COUJITS. ' SUPREME COURT. Meeta ta Raleb on tbe flrat Monday of January and user W; If. H. Smith, of Wake, Chief JuaUcej Edwin O. Beade,. of t eraoa, William B- Rodman. oX Beaufort. W. P. Bynom. of liecklenbnrg and Thomas Settle, of Gnllford, Aaaoeiate lusticea; X. E. Hargrove, Reporter; W. H. llaKley. vlcrk ; D. A. Wickec Atarabal. J I i T i S T SUPERIOR OOURT. SEVENTH DISTRICT. John Kerr, of Rockingham, Judge? F.N. Strudwiek.of Or ange, Soliciter. Randolph, February 7th, and Augnat 7th. Alamance, February 21at and Angnat Slat, Ouil--fbrd, Match Stb, September 4th and Itocenbor Uth . Chatham, March 20th, and September 18th. CaaweU, April 3d, and October 2d. , - Peraon. April 17th and Oc tober 16th. Orange, May let, and October 30th. Bock ingham. May 19th and Korember 13th. '. t : .. ; I i , J J...-"f i U. S. CIRCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS, Weetern District of N. C H. L. Bond, U. 8. Circuit Judge, ree idence, Baltimore, Md. Rob't P. Dick. U. S. Diatrict Judge, residence, Oreenaboro. Rob't M. Dooglaa, Martshal. oflloe at Oreenaboro; Virgil 8. Enek. Diatrict Attorney. Aaheville: Wm. a. Ball, aaaiatani. Circuit and. Diatrict Courta in the Weatern Diatritt are held at the came time, (oreenaboro, 'flrat Monday in April and October, John W. Payne, Clerk ; Staiee Tille, third Monday in April and October, H. CCowlea. Clerk ; Asbe villa, tint Monday after the fourth Monday in April and October. H. C. Cowlea, Clerk. : ClIUJiCJIES. i . 1 . h. X AIeUadlat. Weet Market Street. KtJD. R. Bra ton. Paator; Sunday School, 9 A.M ; Preaching, 11 A..M. and 3.00 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wedneaday night at 8.00. Sunday School Concert, S p. u. every flrat Sua day. Sunday School Prayer Meeting every third Sunday. Ireabyteri a.n, Davie Street, nead of Church. Rev. .Henry $mith.D.D., Paator. 8undy Service: Preach ing 11 a. m. and Hp.m. Sunday Scbool .30 a..m. Prayer- Ueeting every Wednesday night at ft.00. t Baptist, South Elm St. near Depot Rev. H. Petty.. Pastor. Services, 4th and 1st Sundaya 11 a. af. and It Sunday School a.m.. Prajrer Meetine, every Thursday Bight at 8.0OV--1 "" - CatliolIesUAgnei Churctt):' baTorbei street Services the fourth Sunday of every month at 100. . f . , . m Kpiseopa.liain,CornerOf Greene and Q as ton Street Rev. V. S. By num. Pastor. . Sunday Servicea 11 A. at. and 5 f. m. Sunday School 9.80 A. M. 1 . ., . , .... ',: " . AfrlciAn 91. S. Eaat Market StreeC east 'of Rail Road. lUv. Oeorg Hnnter, Pastor. Hunday Servloa 11 a. m , 3 p. x. and H.O0 f. if. Sunday School.. 9 a Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night at 8.00. ( ( M. IB. Colored) Wai nersville and Lee Streeta. Rev. IE, E. Chauiplaiu. Paator,- Stmday Servieea, 11 a. m. a. r.m. aod 8 p.m Sunday Hchool V. a. ml. Prayer Meeting every b flfi SC ft 0 1 1 W Presbyterian, (Colored) Forbes Street,' Rev. J.1; Creafleld. Pastor. Sunday Horvieea 11 oauusj wuum v a.- m. rner nwung every Wvaata. day night at 8.00. 'r" . ' - ..... nv .,. f..afawiiric:i-i-1.i. . Uxcentbnro Council No. 8, B. and S. M.; T.J.. Sloan, T. E M., 8. E. Alleot Recorder. Regular meet ings, fourth Wedneeday f eaoh-asonta M thoraiin Cbatpter Korlt?B5 A. MVf T J; Koanf H. P.; J. V . Nelson. Sec..', Regular meetiaga, third m A AAM J VA UV1 . Greensloro lAOdaxe No. 16: 8. C Dodaon. W. vJ .3 ft. J. W. Dick, Sec'y; Begulax meetinga. flrat Saturday of each month: boura of meeting. i 10. a. m. in May andU 8 f.m. iu June, thua alternating eich mpathn jT KImwood XAOdge No. 246; J.. i... Odell," wf M5..' J. Chamberlain, Seo'y. Regular meetings, second 8at nrdayofeaxoallnjd DHO Si400iJ odd roLOvt: Palaley Encampment No. 10; rWiU.StailHr.t C. P.. John Chambertain, 8erfb... I Begular. meetinga second and fonrth, Friday a of each month t t Bnena Vista iAodge JHo. 21 ; w7u. 8tinwW: G., John OiamberlaiB, Seo'y Begular aneettnga. every Greensboro Lodge No, li t C. Tovnaend. ' w: C T. ; Joa. H. Fetoer, Sec'y. " Regular meetings, every Monday night, at Bogart Hall. ' ; ' ' " OHil .S.JTU1.) r.f Y. M. C. A:.Begxi tar meeting every Friday nighiv at 7 p. mV Prayer meeting every- Sabbath' afternoon at 4 p. m. All are invited to attend our prayer meet inga, and to viait one Reading Rooms. , . - nulhlina at Ixmn ulssoclat GREENSBORO. Organized July, 1870. Meeting first Friday night ia each month. rt Di W. C. Benbow, Preaident; R. M. Sloan, Jr., Seo-yj1 H.H. Snow.Treaa. MECACS.Mrg4hIzed rebraary. 1872 Iteetinga. firat Monday night in each aaontli. W. C. Doub. PraaW dent; W. R. Murray Secretary; W. B. Bogart. Trea. AU meetings of the three Aseoeiationa are held. a Law office of Ball le Oregcry " OUTLFOBJ. Organised Jnne, 197ft. -! ood 1 Uuradav nieht in each- month. It- Tkf. Mln. mr. Ueetlnga, aee Preaident; R. M. Sloan, Jr. 8c'y; W. BV Murray, Traaa EmArnjfleJd.CbairaaaB -raaaewyraTartf Sechreat, R. St. Denny, L. C. Winchester, . f. ". u30ARl10FiX)MMISS10XIloT Guilford. Cwaty meet in the Begiater'e oOm, Ooort Uouae. the first Monday tn eaeh-month. ,r.5,t. , ,A , f riTein5bbrbIr.farl4oKi.(J CorrecUd , br x. vt. scott t ca J jahouldera,..t.....i.... us. i. . s . & Port, per b.. A .Vrf. . . .. .M . . AH tits' 6 ta -i. Butter, per lb.,.. l3 l Candles, per Ibn . W..??.lJ'..i.te .Vi.I 20 lams... .. j,. .f;.;iAifc.-T?f r -, 1.00 Sheennga t) 9 7 leathern, per lb i. s5a4o, Flour Family. Beat. .-. ;. , f .o -ia .Super. .... ,'mmi, . . ... , ..wba..0Q ,0t . GraAn,CorB..,...M.......M 60, ; wheat... ..;...:..,v:!, : Oata...i..t..:.i. ...... ..,'....... s 40 0 4 Praa.....;. v.'.M-.i...j.M.f raflafisi pilea. Drj.s...;....,,,.,,.. ;..f ... treen.....,....4. ...... ..w....-..- . f ' - Lard, perib.....;..:..;...'.:..-. ; - 13V Molaaea. or ral. .i'.. - ... . 2 - 3 JaUa...r.A.I........u.i .4. 8ait,; coarse v ........ ... . . IPS. . Sugar brown. ... . . .w. ?. 16 & 11 " .fine'...'...- :...' i.. - " - I Aeruahed..i.....j....;.......)fcI -; Irish Potatoes, per buhel. 3 14 Agga, psr uz. . ...... 4 nay. per ewt.. . Mm A .A . .'-' . ' AO OniAnfl nAhn.l..l MA. .... S' VVf ......W o4 apptes, green. ...... 100 U3 Dried Apples, per pound. , ied Apnlee. vernmni) . Li,l:.i .r1- t 4 Dried Peaches, uerlow I f 1 1 S Rice, per b. ...... ls Keroaeuo, per Chickens. . . t . v 6 Flax Seed, par bushel Soda, ner lb . .1 . ' ; . . . abuu. nor V.t..4,,u,,,.,,,i,,fi.r., ..a " . . . t . - a

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