1 . . ' . . . wr- - BTOTHIT boron 3alI&diora. rfeen VOL II UKEEXSnOllOUGlf, vV. C SATVlllhlY .tf.J'i-j. i8.r NO. 8. J J bI 4&. THE PATJUOT, fj p . I bt)(l Jl.l)lisllt U U'.iLlj by 'J. r.UtLY XTIM.YCJ:, 4t Iv. I.'ollurk ht aiiiiiiin, i:t)kbie w.tlnn tlirte im-t.thj tiom tht receipt ot 'tit ii rt. t number, u- 'Hire Ddlais aac-r ll.e txpi i ..lion i'i that lone "o .; i to Li tl4di, limit '1 un'.il uil nrnur" a. -iv pu:vl, unless at Wit tuition ot the lull- r; ..iiU teil'iirc !.'.! iv ;e v.ll bTTCviisukic.l n n : klisconnii' new cniraiie iren'- 5rof ex.i(.'Jiri; 16 lines, .'. ly inserted thrte t mi"- !ur oik tiullar, ainl i?5 ti nts eve 1) tucctedi!-iJ J uLl:eiii.i tliost l j;reu. ler in il' i" MiO t-snie prof.orticr. Lti- i.i;. tic l.ditor tntiii bf )o-.t pan!. .. .:' ' - lm Ikt I atrial, - . i. In Rditi r.: Whilst yoti .in- y.nr tr Ha nudmn. i mI., Iitm ei ai r tiee Usiim-i..ii, n will be .1. t i i tl,:it tit fiin usMMih blio d be conducted with s tn levari tt j ebgai.! i l Kitigoiit ami cmnmss et astf. It u,iiiv iwapu tb obrvatiun f y'Ui ms Miprr f,. , iradi i?., tl.at the reputl:c of lit .is" has id late suffered a violent ot. age 1mm the nnw arrant U at-tj- k8 .if.nc nf your mntiibutors, ovtr the si-nntilvc of Dudley Ilia fir-- number is so ontiadu to;y , al he inles i.l nchtc coi-iposiuon. Ill so "uaviiMM- ol inn i . i . : . : . it t fsnvcs to undergo a critical an ai. is I 'Preliminary rep.aiks pnd a kind nf rlf mnoi ant ridiiule constitute rt- prr rt - f t . III.' V h t lil ed. II' li st srts out II. i(Hi e i. I- l.v htrain. .s u piririwy wnit n ne wonoi iniorm iv.;i;u t rr ts' nlieil nt t!:e vvoriliisoI'llieDCi. ;cliii! kieu l.ef e) Mi t Mif aspect t . i . ro g ; tulniirg bis n ai i rs on the re iv i 1 1 cl:i aliy ; lid at lant g;v ; In a-' "be cause t I bis ast'irisl nn-i.t, th- hair orussd f a stiirtte . n the (v vcihoi'h Messagi'- Oil' voud ! lie ini linen to con Itiib tliat Dudlev ! van 1 eh! fully rxpoKcd to ibea-! jmnsida dia-ftud inag nation op that ! hfid lull ( or fid' nee Ins a tilty to ini-e M r cud laugh, l.y re pr set ting his ndvuary . 8 the kniul t ot the inefnl counipnance,'' ftl a'-ld, Ii8 knryrd modo ol lidi iinr vlirh has Imig since Insi its effi ty.) Attir flaying that his atti mjds at wit have been wofully weak, and that his words are H8 linking biass,' I shall attempt to tot.fi in my previous remarks by rcl nince to ihewriteis own pirn. ! he first sentence, w hit h no doubt c t 1 to1 y much pi-inlu lab , and af'erwarda excited a vast ileal ol vanity, contains more defects than you -ould be willing lo msrrt in yum paper. Indeed it has baffled the wits of the most acrut. , to una Iyi and understand its meaning. If I iiim venture an opinion on it, I would judge, that the author had rcMoxeo in his fnind every phi use win b is apt to plean- by its sninsd, and alter having filh-d !iis pcric ru tin m v;th In clinic s f id's ot Ins lab -ins, he determined to astonish hi ii overwhelm his rendeis by his splcnded diet ion and musical icriods. One ran haidly help entering, in Imagination, his clumber when he Ier uses the harmonious coHcdioi:. lo ut e birr) dash aside his pen Mid rise sjs'i.l a full cliavzc i pr tit stnn lit-'r wiMi conscious, dignity, and r.nttci iaiing the admirations ol be ..sion-inl-ed render. Intlcttl, .M r Editor, th s -.ngl- titeiif coe'ui'"- tin tlia tii mulshed ( linractei istic nl ilus w : i tt-r. H' ganll . hbtA 'fit iist " lie (it i'i;is oi ly nnxioiis to produce such a con CM.rse ol mellifluous si.untls as will cou,.u tiTitte. , I he v,a; - .sojidjtj u IjH . "tir tenders r,u to I'ihI. jmoiiH collection cf so-inds y.ill'out IHei.se, Hid tlien if wy s( ml urea arc iioMrue I submit ti ir. imif;eoi in-tr uitv. Tliis lir9 hfiiicnce h such h roniai kitble HTv rioii ol 'htvle" tl.nMliiH nfiiill lie my mlj exaifl for dwelling up-m it. Al'er h jim r ..ni.ivi i' 'I.i- lo i linfr xstitcv ol so pimnhil ah t ft it o! genius, we would bariliv stipptst', Mint In ''in valK'Os siiiit wnttlti 11 a i; belore it had ustiM iiaietl Dmi Qnixotte, and atiacked a wind mill. Ai l fiute e non h, lie begets a Don and a S n elm, and tuts f tln ir v.nndci fnl ad-" i vein u res wiMi as murh eMilfation as j f he had been tilling a ni'W la e.) Dudley will no donbi ex Uim .that; I am repiescnling bis burlesque a j if i i was 'all in good ni i.i n, but L would ask Dudley what In is lidi rnlitg?'" It rs 4r lie - iJ us in ibt. j course of bis rem:; t Ich? tliai lie is a- j bi'tit to oppose Amiru-, but Ko j sunpse that rilit down i noting! ' I i tioiiesi-tise can Ii ' c n m.u:li7.eu uv to nifonn us thai Iihs n ul itna e ubuct in iici? tie ought t' n mb i t!i;i- Me do not all rntert; I'M (Mii, p.,rP(ji aMro-hment to his ver jlP iiitell iIock. AUci taking leave . his ktitglit, ne pro tuises to reveal his objer t by pro posing to tr eat of things which di maud our afiention." We wi nl hero h. pe, that Dudley hns len.v. i edl'om bis Quix.tir cn thus asm, bu how are vvt s id disappointed fn,d him still soaring. and aitmz ;ire. UiJ a, tl(. UOnd iH ..f be .li.lit.!aJ r t III nis tot met- continence, ,je nones . j,.w old, wi n.ut ideas, in a rplrnttin Ki'd sublime t ire. v Meh eiu. c in p-iiely t. have captivated hisow imasinution. What a te"ions and - "ff -taL ii itf to follow Inm lnough tin- circuitous nn-zes bv l. i ..ll;r 1 of aff'iurs is n.feresliii I n the r u sr oi Ins uni ilerous li ght he becomes io powei lutiv w. n;ght upon li the str.'mgi nesn ol cvrn;s .-.(tnt the cnii cal (siuialion nl a(T ns, llia be a ( lairin Ir. the lancuatr'- - f '7C ilt lime whit h reti ics men's wnilb." IM Dudley's a l dor has a little idmtcd be will find by reperusing a lew ol bis seiitem es in regard to Stan- lights.' "national niachim ," uiHt nus prep'ins gladius" nnd the like, that he has well personal' d his fa vori'e hero, D n. He Iihs ni itle a wonderful displ y I words and setinds, but lia-f forgotten ibat all y iiir readers ate not cat iliers Up- on the wlnJe, be bus jumbled figures,; wicldtd 'SVvons antl sickles'' and mtlstirc Sin ! a '.uinidabl. array ol ..(knev((l ernressions without i a 'niinidabl. ai i y ol ernressions with.. or i xpressi. deas that bis mature would well compare, with IT. race's I'aniiiian compound. ' We next congratulate one friend on the reltfrr. nfhis:;ober judgment; I n h has at fast descend ed from his lofty station, and tie elates that another phenomenon lias been of late witnessed, viz: thai your paper has received a cnminnui- cation in regard lo the (iovcrnoi's Message.'' Alii) is it possible' that all this array of words, these hold flights o( imginalioii, in a word,, this perfect revival of chivalry, has all proceeded from 1 1 a i r miiion ot:-. cutrenci? Like Ic old woman wh" was deprived of the advantage of news-papers because r.he lived in ' the backwo..d:t ami who had not ; then-fore heard tliat Jchis (lied for bet. Dmll y seems tti- have lovn perfectly nmazed at the new-of. i communication from , Ainie:(.s. Thete is one odier supposition which will explain Dudley's nttatk upon common w-hse, but I forbear to ineii tion it, ns I know In would not like to he thotizh' vain, ! ' 1 nardiin.) f have tie fai rI n. cd ut bis pre imaries, but st i i.. i ;de wiihotit f-B-.wTiig bfiii ' to f'T' " ITi sT i.i"isct wliere po'jr fcancho g.-ts nccJy Han. ArfJ. Lp me enlrrar ynuproi-.jow n-8Mnnenf i mm hi ncrv imag na- fion. At no M , Rallop lifaiilonj ovet lholHvtti8ofrrfts .il L t Jiim icmfm her t fiat the Knlihlt lani;uap;ft roust nuITt r nn inrpaiable disadvantage from mic i iiimi ovnki-d &fiark. I unpiovnkiil attark. I nni are every true re nine sanestate .d fuoting any ot UJf Prvat:on, and therefore oj the t mder tin- hope that 'a rJ'T .,, Mlf ,-. , : :it i. ,..r...:... rntfttr Mitchell OmI fell m vtitli , have avoid sniterues urn word to tin wise u ill he siiITk ient,1 roidd liowe'er, mukr Dudley liim- selfsfari, b) collecting ome of bis pin aeon but 1 must liti liim adieu. N POLE AN. T Fnrmtlie Jlaleizh Re -'i tier. Jlge of the low country. Profenor Jlitchelt ii.akpn .e tidlotving quota liin. frnn. Cvnybeare I'tuMp'sUe olop f Ertflsnil m d W ales, ontbU uUfi-rt. .. , , i f wrwH--rapiil-r-tew ver the plienoncna of tl.it iliRlnbulioo, the l'i' t taunt apprui to pipenf, ome ill' I If! Ill Cinwlll o.W Vipr.Klm u; l km ..... -u.v.. itCeulioii f the en j?, of Primi;iv(, K u v bare u ck druti- tute if tbee remaintt ; ii ihe next HI CITIUIII!' O'OIIUS in i rauii II lll j ii r .i t -, onerinile and le-!acin. differ cet however from il:oe cow known, . .1 : - . i . ' r . ..:. i appear at first fparinly; the fnmit reuiniiii it (Iio tarhmiiff roui Iitne t ne. uml nearly of the Ba.ne nature t K ih in ibo Trautilion Untkt. b-.it mure ubuiolani; the eiiiil mean u re low. v'r ttn-mirlvw which repoif on i hn .Hin t-rie Bcaieely prrnent a io il hht ll or . oral, Uit i.n ihu contrary t -tinuri 1 il!i vpjetjlile ter?iaioa, ferns, 1 rpP'N of unkiniwn vpce.iei, and tr-' tiiiiiLn of succulent plttll!, riniiT t!n' ce-nl j;iube Upon I e ciil rem Iio, Is uji'.io rontninin narine rrniuiiu (the Liugtittian lime "on" ) I'.u ii a lon' is.eival of new redgnndtnnoin!rTvaiest ilmtitute iTnio't If nut er.'firelv. nToratilc rt- mun, preparing a it were tho way f'tr a new rIe.r of tbint Thianr d -r cum nens in llii iiund iv e.oti ti hi dio th o'lie- i-cn ttt.1 irou ai .da and flt-.e.lk A!! tbeiti t eJt cr.:i tain rorals, eoerioisct, i i-';initef, tes i:tcia, cruvacm, e . t . U d ! lislien, and irino ovipamus (jiiadniied, yet ilixtiti'rotitie'l from tin faioi wuit lfi) liea contained in the lier t;ct! of t tie -t rti iMit i oil and cirbon.l'er-iii class itud pa nally diitiiiguihf.l ainuu I'i invlve Mi-enrdi'i in the bed which they ncupy. Hitherto I If remains ure iilway pMr'li d (i. e. impregna ted i Iio mineral mlnUncc in vvh'C'i Miey ar iuibnirei! ; hat last ly in I'i- atra' which cover the chalk we find lb" shell merely preserved, un.l in 1 inch it tlhic tl. :t wlirti the cUv " fm in which they lie wash d nil", they mitM appear to be recent, hod tliey not Inst tbe culoor no. I hecome iivve hntHe. Here we li 'd bsl of miritic ahel!' alternaiely become iivve h li 'd bsd of m ' iuc a .vt h mlieri p'-euhur (o 1 1 esh water, s - t i ll tht-y seem in have Inii d p hi c I 1: 7 reciprneating intiailAtinns ol f eV. and st 'I w .ter. In the bfight cat of i Ii" r. ular strata, the ci a. we at en? h fin I cn id-iiiy with t'.e u- Is at present cxitin on tbe same j C i st ; and hsMy. o ci a" thewt stra ta, i;i(liseiiiniiiaiely, there is sjireau at ovcrinc of ffravelseeminffly form ed by the action of a delude, which has detnebed and roimded by ctlr iiiou frugmenls of tbe rocks over which it e,n, co-au... ,.,' re. m " uieni.u- laid (iiiadruneiN, many ol ., p. . : ilmni i.l ii'iKiinwn fitiprnl r Rnec.tes (I he liiitatudeit, mid the faiiil ipecie cf elephant or iu.minolh, hear, ill no- ' c ni una elKJ Minified wi'h otno s, cijua'-y slruners to the clifiw.Us w :i e tliev are now foend thjteoa, ic ) yet associated with many t prevent occupying the sauitt eun in s." T wn i pply thesp facts to the elii-e-d itinn of the lieolny of the lie country , it w ill appear that the grenl oinss i elny, Kami and peliblcs, that eons' itutes the soil ol ilmt section of tbe S ate, is not 'ohler, :hua.'b new .at hut mi, of the sttiila of llrtL'ljii ! i ni. i it, !-,. .vrnoi. it i cnf. d crn" Thl?tityriirvd'forthr"fif& that the infinite i'n:ll u '.Lh li." ; i:ii: i , i in it ndentical, at least in most case ir-fA l )se nott, inhabit n; the Allan tic Const and that the "whole nf it deposited, if not at 'metttie.at U"(tst icith'n a very short fer od. is Prved by the cirrumsranre that these -w are every tchere n t fie sane state th ahll. n,,n .h ni.nt.Hnn nf' Samuel liobe.on in BUden county,1 Prhaps a few ros-9 tw ned in -ho 12 miles above Klizabeth. Tti. first ! hr- When the mo m is Inning, shell observed was a species of Pru p"r'"ct "insularly beautiful, tiireulua. Thia was traced down the' On one ide of the square is tho Hiver, quite to Wilmington, and in Post OlBre Correo, i -cupi'-d for a was fi.u. d at internals of 10 and 10 variety of purposes besides the ono miles, throughout the whole distance indicated by its nam . The front on Major Owen's pl&utation, io the, 0f tliis building is n t very unliko bed r the River at Klirnbeth, at tha' of th government house. Walker's Bluff, in three or lour places xne building occupied by he offi. abou Major (Jillespics, on o brtDch cng f ,h(. CUHlom, HrP 9ma H),d tL IV, r.,?ifl1; 6 ii " which there are sever d passages! tlie natural well io Dunlin county ... , 9 Specie. ofo.bergcneral-Veuus, Area W "1 b n,If , Pirten, ce. were found in most .f article-" of produce of the Island uy these places nnd a more aeeurate ex-" export duty vfleee i lvy atninar on w tntd prtibfltbtybB-rewardt t,pi tliere o jirevent any wett- . -ed by tbe digcovery in them all. They band. A IU . ..iu are alik- in their appea-ane . wbelb 'the AtamMa, overl edcs lie hay. er taken from one or another fil.. it i a'p"' " hundred rds io above mentioned Idealities, so that if length, and Wo in width, with a W t a person were present ed vv it a mast of four feet high on the side or htt of half d-enyed shells frum the tipper waer, built of alone; and a Htn l.tr parr f Bladen, 'lom B:niwiek,ion0 about three feet high, next Mitt Afw-iianover or uuptm, ne wnmo unable to tell froifi ubicb plaee .! ei me The appearance of the shells is also such, as to carry conviction at usee lo tbe mind, that they have ne ver been loused by the waves upon the seashore bu' that the animal iuh&bitin; them were suddenly de stroyed, atid they piled up by some jrcal eatasiropti n uf tho rv--liitioHs in tbe condition of tbe lobe, reg'peetiiig tbe causes of which we lmU prMJUyfttfevcx-reii,ajJl.7inr dAikiieM. Mirii (..at are tusseu tij the iviivm, soon have ail their angles worn oil' by ll.e attrition of the mud, but they have as many sharn angles and dciica! t fun ow and projections as are to be found in those which con luiti living tui i in al This fact lap nears to nio. sais the Professor to prova decisively, that the soil of the lo- country is not tbe result of a gra dual rncroacbiiieal of tbo luuJ upon lb'-' soa. rromtbtf ew York Daily dvcrtisr. CU IN 187. The streets of the Havana are ve ry narrow, and lowest in the cen tre. The side walks are of course in ptoportion; and. as little atten tion is paid to keeping any part of tbe pavement in repair, it is difficult to walk with ease. In adddion to tliis, the part of the city near the wharf is usually crowded with mules, carts, and ncgrm-. I he most prominent public, build ing that meets the eye alter lauding is tin- (lovenir.U'nt House (Cass tie (jobierno.) This fronts on a ..square c.-.lled Pleza de Annus (t is two stones high, tmpportrd in front by ten heavy pillars nnd ar dies and occ upies a square ol near- Iv 300 feet. The lower apartment! is used for the various civil and mili - tary ofliees of the government; in t'ic c-'nt'C is a la go g op -..io : t ro,,rl. and I he lippif slot is OC i . . . . , 1 ituiiieu uy ine ,a main vuort.ii kiu i ,r . . 'i'i.. .... . . . i ns o ice i in ntioiic orisons is I tM ..ll on one. side, ami the military on tin- other. The Plaza de Armas, in front of (his budding, is a square of equal size. Formerly it was a grass plat. but the present governor has erect- ed a small ;-.ton w ill of abou tw led higli il 'iu-i it, i d plac 'I on t liu Mil I'i t tl I'tl I i I ri t f I rt 1 1 ;t of j I 1 1 ii I I iimiu,, a vi mi I S r subdivided it. int v.mtdler squaiis, by stone walks t unning through it; aiitl around each of the divisions, in the t entre, is now erecting an iion railing. Such of tho heiU r.s an: ahejidv fin's'" d aie fi ed with vai'iay.aC.Ottcj.! the t'!-:':i"-r: eat-p.""' " X(i-i place is U9ed as a jitibl c walk for the Indies at evening. Oo Thursday evenitis; of each w ek, tho roval band musicians parade on ooo si le of the square, while the centre is occupied by the 8iectattrs xnd listeners, usually comprising 'Us jsteerH Usualli y.iuthrul' w 0f so h o.raaion- Xh . ... both sfxes Oo drss of fbe la-'ics white, with no head dress, exempt .ri,ai. xbe walk is entirel ofsto ic, niMt(.rpii AnA rendered as sm . dh i - as a marble hearth It rs frequent ed by the ladies and gentleme i, o venidgs onVy, as the h -at here is in-4 tense, during the day and besides, it Is not fashionable for a Udy seen in the streets ut any the ime 'x ept in a volant. If is g oeral-y thronged hr!ft ra .,-dih . iois, when the reflections of light from the hay , the music oi the i.. ., ami the,4isiilay ill ..UejulJ dL IhQ. u Idness of the Cuban sky, give a peculiar sensation of pleasure. At the head of this walk is the Theatre, of which nothing can bo said, except that in its appeamnco it is a decent building. The per formances of the slae;c at e generally characterized by decency. In the opposite side of tho bay ij Regla: the spot about which ho tnjehj has been s i(l. as the resort of ho pirates. At present there is s Ut ile pteary. Hist 'he llegla is occupied f ir other purposes. Undur he id minis ration of Mr. Monroe, they had d nners there, and used t drnk his health as the ''friend of pirnes!" Boats are constancy crosdog intl recrossing to tliis place and par icu larly on feast nays. They are ao numerous, that the government luvo licensed 'hem and -o'noetled 'hem 1 1 i;o by turns, and required iio pui n passtiges. I he w imie num ber of these nd other sra Ii row boats, in and about Havini, is up. vads of 300. ll are covered Witl an awning over the st en. From the Sandwich Island hr ng Mie puli'encss .l a,it. William 11. Bowers, win left San BI is on the 1st of March last, and j came through the imcri'i'- of M xico .o Ve a Cruz, we have the hdlowi ig 1 co-n iitmicalioii givi iC I it" inf to ti .... f oil h United SHtCH sloo) of , , . . war i e:ii ui u, nun iatc an 1 K ' il I . .II. . S ' ! i-ll.. p mir ine Hire n-e i m rne aioKvirh sinds. From Vera Crux. Cjit. H'vm s came passenger in the b ig Kliz.i, arrived his morning fV:in .that port. S one interesting ma-ino ', intelligence will be found under tho prope- liead. ij Capt. Bowers left at Sm Bias the Uo cd Sta'cq sloop of va Pm- f,rr T -s I it '1 l n a A n T.mi.io t Ol lit U'l'l 1 li'MIHIl ;il V sf ' ' ' ' ' Ztf tn e il lor Lima io May. ;86 on a cruise, among (ho 8'iu'h Sea s hii h, in (be coiirHe of w'lich she visited ! Martjuesas' (iroupe, Otaheite, anil ; cither of the Society IsIhihIs, the - a S lodwi !, and s me "her i t a i Is --i'li ol'mio - .: ra'" TTTTo'WiWfl'rt io the N'jrth