. W A :.l mi 1 fallacuuiii. orou - s " T3 O ,.' b 4nd I" vol. 'i.f- - -J!lJ'J Li,! . r r.iin.rsTR.ixcr., ' t Tvn !..!lr per annum, pblc wit!"" lV... ,.,.lh,irom the receipt if the hrf.t r Tlrre hilars al'tor tie Pipi- rs n ! th.it limp. s-n j.. j-r .ob- tlisontmucn t nui ana.-. -rs arf.pa.il. l the opt'"'1 fthc m r.t. jnrr.FTisKMEjrrs. K(,t .TrrcdinR f filings wt1y UroleC Hiree fj., !vr one dollar, ard 55 cents fw ve ryM.rri'pdiflTpubacitioPi tl"e offfrw lrrc(l.rU. int!e name-proportion-Lcf ,-r, t.Mhe Kditor-Tii!it be pot p'i. "i-vilReWTfli'lt't'toiirt'fr. a .....x'b rlcAi-jtrier may M learn 4..tWJt"-''""'J-'-""- ' . , 1 , vs. that he knows now i Nav,' even wh J"iin Smith Joi'n ll-!!prt1 rr.ake thrir inarks. w;l vb3-ve. character-tir iV.Mnce. J' Hn Smith is a bnld, roiii'e.- Pt?a'sl' IWwanl- nmn I. mlt.a rrnjfS it is i iirii in .K-.rtuiS lii.ee. which fit end., at riht a lf's. l"hn Tiiompson, on the i ontra.M, is a tinml. wavoiii i;, un stefly man; wWipr and unsJeady arv 1 he linrs which form his cross--it Rrtis, a if vveie p v,,ile ht-Kitatinc, doUD'ful whether what It- ,t. i..f hMl Harness Kritii of! ' (I'H III ' ...1 ..oi ', 1', ! . S" Vlss the rentier -Ver rr.n the fac " .,:',c;nr t!- .vri-iHi ) ui iUz -';'n.M.lre.tntl:V IkcUralMU a: hi. ,Jr-f Tiifeiictf 1 'hrrr -he- t -y- cfa'irtera trvm chin-gra- hy. L-.U M Mm llamwk's H.-nuM i,,'.ir. hold, and nYCH-icd-like his .1 L ... : niul ' vaid 'There it is Ir! the KmS -fj n,i,u iwx.w.. . . t K.'Clv.i'd make ihe must i it '.' -nu th re is the p,.li4al cm.. My ' 7" . ... .,;.;. Corv.dL of Carroll- ' ' .1 1 1 - .... w.. lso is that of KutUdge. f the two ifM. A Lynch, of Harmon, and JYelson. How calmly Z,t"w5 .'rr- "x ".. .s'.?". u" ; m aernis to mtw. nimu - m arrms to hsi sip.ed ...1 mstru- . .,...1 i,.c ntU',i. t,ive i-Kternal domains h - Ids, we wee the naibe 1 Francis Lewis, ,r..ir.f,i nnd vet 8triR ami I'hilip ' . .. " ... ....... 1 ,.... o-cfin nlmVP IPin Hiaiiun III tale.'y pi KiC. nai a iiiiiian Franklin inak? under his name, h9 if lni klms at sun rssfnl result of ili.iv wlitntes ( which lie had been c ... .. .. . 111.. - 41 ..... ir.1. a priwpal roiitj icr. prnicpai coiu ilt. ' One irrneral ch.ira. ler, pcrades all -cnatorea. i'Xn?i7f that of Ste- s en Hopkins who was palsied ; it i that nt easy and dihtincl chirogra phy.' ().ir (a hci i were not. fcshafia td of their r. sines,' end therefoie w infe them letrihly. 1 his is moie tb'in can be .said of their sons, for nine out t1ftr.11, iiow-a-dayH, write ws if they had the pen between their toes itiMt nd of their fingers. Lord By ion's it.ar-d writing was tnnM aliomitii-hJcVi alter ''Scutes n h'.d li"js;race a firlx-ul boy, and, teH"M-8 has Imij; been the subject - nt exuration lo pj inters and iheir f'evils. Yet ecvi in thene voti tnay read .the character. of the wri'ere, (eXvfpt Scidt's which has ikj char acter, or rather is a mixture 01 all chaiacters,) the cairn smiths ol Ry ron, anil the hui riul thuj;h of Ji f . frey . t hey haVe set a had exam ple ; many .a would he tiixhnue thinks it a diagnostic of of e;fi;ius 10 v. ire si that it would puzzle Idi pu-. t. fleciphe. his words. t is a :mI misiaki' a man ol p'nius is ?:otie the worse fr wearing the ap- THi Xut! "ijiiiji t K 'ir 'lTriviiTltittT'!i yol, for cl"tioii'his weds iu mce I'd ;mI ;fer!irrDanl charciers. GjiEFxsnonouGii v. c. sxnmihtY, orrtwnn r. This trn-t mjii spcbs Mranr iwu w a.i. i. - - . . . . r ifiii!.Fii ntiii ii'iii'ii ill : r i .1 1 n.v. m w ,easc ....! pleasure. " easy !.a:n! is . ih. gn T ; ch ,! at -n0man,wh..8cr.!nrr witl An that the man means 10 ...cr , - us we'lurn over hit i-'tr distrust ami contemplate Ws signA-r- with RHsniriun. Viro. verna. . . ... .I We can tell .by the superscription of J t., a nar.icrvl:ip that is Nvar.h li.ree. h partnervhi; . 1 .. ,....r i.pi-aiwo nesiir:n'i ' IIUIIHini n j sed lii'ifor.iltimr (his -''m, in e fry othfr ri.spivl) 1:1 l:s htnul lr.Vh.i) kliiilt ucn.f rri-! ivi-rt "n'o ihr.T .Husanu a i-..i.. , la a year we hope. CUIVALRY. Extract frM.MUi'i niAtorjot hiv a!ry. Two parties ol Ftotic'i oc KnRtish met by atlvrnture near Chrrbnurg. nd. like vslian? Il'ii-Ms. earh tie iiTil td ficht wito 'r They . , . , . .11 .!,.. ..v-fnt Sir I ;iinrr:.)t 01 L..frys. v,h- cut firm ni tin l Mk on In" Ii . hi a pear n his ham!, ani hia-shieltlauii t-e He th mm.de.d a t -nurse jd Iff. f r Iws ldy h sukt. 1 m n ' , mnny pivnent whonRht we.lund r i Hto.rtJ hio; fr tUcie k:uL& ;squirrs -f the Inhpart .n hre as II l.t. R'!IJ YHN ;i H I every ia" rnn to Ins horse, anx - - ,. .i., p-nve ins Kai.nii.iy Srti..a. n.HiIe l'rrn hvaan. Sir .l-ho Ce I land wis the firat who iva.red , 1 r .1,. . v. ... .1 .m. I in ! iniiltl: 11' !n3. :v : , i. ,i wew-pnin ru nnifn iaiuu j..kvi chrou'n the side of Lorry s, iHid wunded him lo t!at!i. I'rry one . t.iinritpil hin fAte. f .r he Ws a l;ar ..... : ,v L.iip'ht. . iiin?. !' T. a tin 1 itiil j ammnus ; ar:d the death of n gallant 1 ! ravalit.r was always lamentetl h;j his brethren in arrr.s; for the R-fu! ; :..-!.: ..P rlm-ilrtf u ;iJ til 1 'linilillll'ni"'!' ... '...j 1 1 1 perior to national tlistinctioas. j Tt:- . ..hu i.ii.imiii ni imi i , I'.riiu r ciretinist;Miccthat r.anpenra mr 1 nnce ; ui'i's-. j of llritany nmfited by. the weakness , d'.ifim; the ye.-r 13S0. I he iini;e ...iC.n.i.iT, rntmcdtipiit on the i nun 1 ii'i " ' . ... j ".' 1 death of Ivi'i' J-!m, & easily mado1 to forbid the fm-iher jniiMiey til, his peace with thf court of the ner;, F'.iti ;h:nen while the deed of arms monarch. The Duke f B'.n kSug-' remaiued unan orncli'died The con ham, uncle- of Richard I I. l livs- stah'o re.c.twl th? strs:i.;ers Ktf.etly, l.wl li ul ln'i'ii nclinir as vdlv mwl tun . fsf'pr m:" tha harsh- i.iufi nt... " . ' j ....... of Ihe Duke of Britany : hut now m'S nflns wordd 'by the chivalrii as the war was over, he prepared to courtesy id his manner, he said tn conduct most of his army home.' them, Sirs, 1 arrest you all, so He had been joined oy some Kni-nts from Cherbourg, then an Kii'llsl) town, nntl4 in th niaiiial arrange- ments it was, agreed that they should return to iheir gairi-on ; but they were not allowed to wear their liar- ness duriu.t; their march. 'The Con - ni.ikli tA KraiiPO- who was tlmn at the castle of Josselyn, gave themi .... ... . . ..I afx?.ciriduet. Alter einbraciu;; their good'eompanions at Vannes, they mount d their 1 alfres and com men ceil their course. An hour's tiding brought tln in to -.fossi ly n, and they irsted Hwhile in the town, without tin castle, intending merely to dine there, uud then depart. While 'bey were at therr lodceing, certain c-in panions of the castle, knights and 'x-nri'esw--.toiici.ut;lovmvas:.w,as. 1 , t(ie wont of men of war, particular ly Englishmen and frenchmen. . 1 t n,4' s'M-'.i Mi-angrr nana n squire i-iy ; hllt ;ry tin,7hi, -,as U.ir,, . w j homn - .month, cl,r, occasnns, he hid .,Un ch-, 1 , l . ry fr pn rt annj wef(, ann(,(1 ,ook .ncr - tI,,jr wpMP,; M(, a,va inst aim,, , i'll'T ,lo each o.hor on lout. On approncl. in" - - - rAMtiM,nn. f mt iiirs, n:ivr; iuiru !,'" Willi sturp p-ar9, W-h 01 us u .... , n,iiaf ft It MAt Ni.-ii !:s rypl.1, . J nn. .... 1 - re, I w .u.il wulm;ly . ;!)idc, but wt n " I'.if L;-')r!i re-oi" i Yon glia'l m.t VOHMitlf th.;4 men:- V'.u;' -or,ip.;tHy !'', n ! . it Key l'sr iM I i '.nisc yo!i tha: when the arsi -ire i ,''', bv- ' 1 VM -l.inf, i wii vtfi.is 'J ,i Chcihtii'- xvtt'i ii. p-wil. Mcu you no liil)t of tli.it.'1 NTirho!a-i Hiisere(!t!i?.t he (iid not m- i-.i to sny h;s rn-irtasy. Inr that he could, not li;;;t, as f:f nnd he rest oft e F.ns;!!s!i were j. n"vri5 vi,Ii'H!t I heir nrtii'itir. I'll s .jjncri o was i-e-idily e.; vf ; ' hy thf IVr-nrh 0 n, who pn.: loceil hi-i 'iwn t ns of harii.-s:; :i- , V,.-hn;4 lUuu'l i'X''i,:n'ly in. p I-'-'', I )! .1 J iMSl. "rti. ;-'! I" th'tif f.'.e lorii.i wn t-n acrompt th r-. f;e :r Ti;vi l.ui, m slui as in- ; , . ..... ,..:-. .' .irsived i ("ler'ouui'r, aivd was an- nrisn! at T .Iiu'mu :iv,ilP' 0 lulnRUf, i" wr-l I ro.-i-. to ''.in. r.nd deliver ,:i ui h.-i rr-;'. ,-!-. . , N ,y. ,uv..' rj J .U, ,o.,n. n.i crsp-le : ! h.avc taf a;..l v.- 'i.nif. t.i i.UVr. mi fllltnV tfliil'l MO hoiVMirahle, that y-.u r.tnnit di'tirt. am preserve your r'd nanie.-wiMt out i!oiu deeds of anus with me." I'lie Fretr h.-nsn linn re'ired to ... tine rtistle. leavine l.s'.imcn ;(, dine in their hding. ( v After dinner Che tr.iveiiius kniglit.s repaired t the r.,t!., u, reqmre f... . I h a P 1. vf V.! ( m 1 ; , ..UI nf C t at - kth to condtif t t!ie?;i through hrit- n '" w.- ...... . . -. ..., .... 1 tint' nrn .iifm'irnw i' m i.m v . n nsurii aisc.us'-i uv in' f n-u.n- (r.en, and as tlie x Tu:iii 01 r. r,j pea red tn be with: 1 ili.M" ow, power, 1 hv rninsflf rpritirs'd Iheir iHUt't that ye shall not ucp.ri una uay , and to-morrow, after .mass, you shall-seu deeds of arms donu between o'ir i-irjuire and yours; and y m fhall dine with me, and after dinner ynu hIikII depart vvtfh jour guides to , Cherhntf"!;." I . Tim t-'.u -diiS co.re rir'it clad' tn be Mtmnioned to a (bivdric sport, an I. after drinking of thu Consta 1 hle'e wine, thoy to.ik their leave, returned to their lodging. -O'n the next morning each squire heard mass, and was confessed. Thev then leaned on their horses, and, with the lords of France on : one nart. and the Englishmen on i the other, they rode altogether to a fir plain, near the castle of Josso- John -unucmeu Iiatl prepiireu, ac cording to his nroruisc, two suits of o. tr ir and 0il.tll. Alt(t oTfrtl . .j, ,ill hri'ier cuinesy, as 1 to aim. Tl, French- fi . , .m tQ (,H1 thY thev rurhrl 'h.ir spArs. ami ilto line rontrunci.c.nnnM.neuminem.K., anl sui n wn in ui r,M,j nn or a p-oorof tuaai 1 1 I'.AI MAI - . . I ... ... 1.. . lkdir 1 1 1-1 1 Wfrtixo until tinnaif'ii irsirwu-n frMirlim;ul appar"tl irao-hted j tnjiiahin q nk i- oT "i?ht f one of Up sp it, a'ul Iih rooip.ini 111s hiraitp iaw. ie flu:rred lo be luo.e, 11 ... ... 1. ..ir i.i lul.i 1 .1 . ' . 1. . 1. ,1 1 1 wrr" rti " 10 as an:i ii'i 1 'lK . :I-.M,m il.M' .,,;!! I,.,d U . l.i.uimir. rho I'.oisi -ihie s,..ke ;UI thi v.r!. f r:"if -.rr to 1 his -noole r.M t.i. a :i hi kMc!io-i I 1 1 ' I pr ifnpt. ;wid tlirn made-the l;rtthtly f .. ... u ... ii nr rr 1 he rasTU'. in .''..a.. hi:ifhle hall everv diii "i . n -.. . ion t je! hiv'him! revet ' was Q had a'fti'hl of tn re lhai. ai.mile,'" ilisra-drd tier t'.inn.'r th Kn; wtisa the Uiih.trii aliiied, 'arid,wai !i,h Vn. i'b,d - fa;e.vell to the n i'.i.eUiile.l hy aether Ci.erkb, who at- ;.,osf,hKs anl ipi-It the gr!e.ke.l '.i.n on the gr.und .This biri . . . .. n .!., .vih- I tun n U'uln. e killed nev- 1-.. ..1.. 1 i'..tri'iiii4 1 ii.ii 11. ii.xti ;:i-se to Chr'j i i!:m''.i nr.M'pi d i'j a'lr;' nl.vin i--.lhT-de.Kri. n-.r l!e tea t "t"-; '':--Y bi k in I S'fV j :i nncts: 'li i'.in-.'-r fnil in the 11 j ail iO't1r .'x! hnr-1 I .. ...i-.. i- i' 1 1 . i- 1 u in 11 ut 11 1 . . 1 . 1 ..... 1 ...... . .. 1 --- ' .-j;,. ,ijC mini; W...O cnci tf" ms, neiit un-? l - -t - hi:, ; '.-! 'I:' anin.'il, tb'' nu.'.H'ut il i.'uv.'VPi iSfm, us dV at rivtfl i'it ssa'-mi snifior than the :;! ; the leg-!) vi ar intki1y at f.wt anued t;av;utf It:';"'! ho dors 1 If it na "!;'" -di'jr. thv at ihe same li n Ur -thft'-hawkf; -hut if h hfrd;t thWwYit till lh? d'5 have fixed on a ptrt..-.!il;ir aotftMie, ili hawk ski .itiiij il'! near t h ro'id. hqoii racb tT! deerl at w'.xiie hen-l they p iiinctj in siiccr-asi-j:. and i.nt times iih r. vinlnee !i it knocks it over ' ' p.! I event, t'v enfu9le Biiinil s iniih ? to t,,.o i' optsed in wueh a I T: 11 1. the an rnme up; !.! in an iiiJff.nl man, lor.in des;, - i ,',cr. r.3,i.. n,ch ttw.r .n.uo ci- t ,,1,,., Fronr1iuia is character f(rU lir.v Seen coaibiaeu ihe part! 1 . . . . , r . ? f (!, cUnn th-at .arprU.! r.,e L.t S "mR ) J5 f ' 1 1 w!s tho ex'.rai'dirarv C'tnhinalio of lllH h-vk Hid ihe dogs, which thro' (iut sc'nd to liok to each other for ni l This, I wis told, wf Iho result of Iw. aa-.l skilful trfiiniai. 'Tht antelope i noppcsi'd to he ihe (Jet p.t quadruped on rnrth, and l!ie rnpidity of the firit hunt f. the chase 1 tinv described i astoniahin;. The run aaldom exceedi ihreo or four mjlea and oflen is not half 10 much. A rmvn is an easv victorT : the doe ol"ln runs a goi'l ebas, and the huek i seldom taken. The Arabs art indeed afraid to 11 7 their hawka at the latter, l as theae line birds in notineine fre t qtiently ioipalo tbecmelves on It sharp horna " ' 'The hawk used in this sport are Ufa npcips that I have never seeu I' .. . 'I'l. !......!... I. any other country. Thi breed, which i Cherkb, in r.ot Inrr-e, but of Srettt I. aH o .- t.i u t ru ' Sometimes the onttlopo m liunteil - . . by d'g ooly .everaTuf which nr. lii(I to uo tilil in a loni: inikia leasn. "I'l" - - - - . ' : - ..... I,., I .ti.iiin I ho 1 .iinnu.i ui c ii iik h 1 n 11 iir.in ifie' . . . .1 .: n . . " . cime in idii cuv.u ut ijh"i. llubara, on the other hand, i pursu- . 1 1 only ty nanim. Hillj iij umiun. .i ..n.ic in it vttl in f t"iCUIIIJIHIIll 11 ."J V .. ni.)jv UbonWiw-M.iiy iils iM L . .r 1.....1. ...,.!;. l It IJU-l-ic in in t j 11, jin n-' in I Relieve, Iho tamly plains of trstr, on vrVirh the lubara4 a nejil.t.ipi- ''jivJi -ci c of btrt. find . aJmoit . . ,, bare plain, where it has io shelter T, t A r hut a mall ahrub eallo'l 4-uek. ' f V-- Whan we vvtit in que t. of Maem we hail a pirijr of abm Iwenlf, all well mounted Two kinds of hawk are neceMarv for ihii iport; the the -.1.1. it... a&.na utlllofl l fl IWO lit anelnpp,) attacks th""ifn nn the . . .. .1 1. .at imriii . nnr in nw i ' 1 1" in ulm. : hwk v -" known in In. 111. is uvra mr- fint ho :lobra rii; A r- rod- ato? an fT'en the men who carried h Chetkha urnry nw and ten u'lhunded and yihpftj thlltMh m g)lt ,,ok ; - .... 1 1 , 11 ...:,k .:. U..t ,r..l mi l vt'Kilr - ntf . 4(1vers'irv - CherU make .ever- . -....r.i . .1 .in.naniili t,l I l II II ( . Vlflllt Wt-frt , r,.nt,i,.(l hv llir bk . . . -d I t V a ifiiit' U hiell Ml isIL ( 1 a., (1,ip.,f iin;i'iuiii'T ol riii.tf, wneti a .a I? lyre wv i'M'atittv fl iw.,-and the vh.rt ,.ir v w e aR at full callop. 1 !-al Mth-T, bnl w-re not always uc painful, having 'tnr hwka lwice p.'iii.ilvt I v Ii'iii 'ii, during ihe twe ,i w fuM'iwe.i the line sport. 1 1 ja ISubaru uUxIlv weighs (mm ,.-.. t- 'v,t pn;::i.ts. O; it head .,, a i yf ?hite ctH iilirk t?i hera ,( h irk of ihe hi a t aid deck are ...1 1.'..!,. . 1... ...1 ..r.i... i.... 1 uuUed hltek : 1 ii md of the head. .iir I ihror.t nre while as well a the m l r pan-of ih1jijdr ; the breast is i' ': . id j coh r'd ; ilu' leatiier of ihe . wi-j are 'r.-ivniaH br,wn npiek'etl -- wil l hiitel; ; the liill of a Vry dirk v; jrey : uau on ac!i side of ih nek it - ' a late and hmdo n tuft of feathers black and white aUeroaely.'' .-.-f " , ' V- : Fro nvfAck1rrr ft rfc Statesman, ir- Literary. Tlie New Monthly , Magazine for July, contains a no. tire of the two I ate talra of Indian v life from Ihe respective pens of the Viscount Chaleaubriand and our . countryman Coop-r ; mid in draw- , in. a contrast between the two cu thors, the latter ia warmly, ye', at the name liint". very judiciously com- cal romance that of the -Amertecn as prcsrnti an instance of prarti- t cal truth, literal almost to coarsen ? ncis ; the first as giving the pictuto, not indeed divested of its nVriN characteristic attributes, but as ficen thtoucli the medium ol a sennitiv'o ' rasnti, coioreu wiui hk- nur, 01 ih, ry, and embnsscd with illu3tratinB derived from the stores of observed lion and learuine -the last as pre. sentinc: the naked and healthful as- A'' ' vl prcte of ntfure, set only " farther Ijgfit y f f of corpmni day. full of vigour,-.nilrl'r ; I mttino and ruile greatness, - l-" After droppinj; the contrast, how ever, Mr. Copera peculiar merit" . re Urc more minutely and critic ally ex- v - I ' in ! nmii.nil llii iniM'i'r 11P aimnlit lnu.. . . V i ( , rription is cojisid'M'ed to he n J t al 5 j i hd. su nss'si nir even that of Sir'' - ) ! arf I. it I 1 I I !::'"'. , , J l Wiilur Silf : tr.d uhlh he is mi- '" j.. Jill - v - : : 1 . i l. . .;,l;ll -,uUim,igl, with Hip hoa-i. " n 1 Jl v f , - ; - f, y hfl- , 1 .... ...i.:.i 1 r.-. :ur rinvairouq e rr, wnun ocni" 1 t I1 to the i)1 viii ,t 't bi'oii.'tnti. n:- mcr'i- lures of Bcei:ory are prnrriupced ta ihe mure vast iii're ived. sv d m-irn ', .1 . . '.I '.' 'Imip. vv,,i!, i inn fhn f fl'iiaiina . ..... " - i". ...... ..j "j,. i. ....... r ..... ..... r... . 1 . 1 .t . j d nn 01 lit ,.l' l-5-lj!M tor HUT PhO.' of any ? wk'ch U:c fomy kha V;- v.;" ,vi,v 1 ," i t' - 4L f "4 n A . 1 1 Vr 7 ' k'I