rr ; :" r ... - .r1 .twvu.m.i ' - -r' .. & . : XX' v.v- And Greeesborom VOL. I I. GREEXSBOROUGH JV- ?. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 22 82? NO, 35.J r 'I' ' . I y 4 gh I r i THE PATRIOT, Is printed anil published weekly by T. EARLY STM.YGE, Jt Two Dollars per innum, pijHhle within throe month from the receipt of the first number, or Three Dollars after the expi ration of that time. J9o ;xtr iobr discontinued until all arrear tts are paij, unless at die option of the Rditor; and a failure to notify a d'nconiin- . . . . . . iance will oe considered s new engage ment. jmVEIiTISEMr.XTS, Sot exceed.nR lfi Imes, neatly .nserted thr rpceivf ( London papers" of the C -h l.n.es for one dollar, and 25 cents for ere Oc'oher, and Paris journals to with ry s..cceedr.gpubUcaiont thoae of ffrea jn tw (,r fhrer ,lavs offhaf ftr.te. :-Ii-ntrth . In the. aanru nronnrt'um I. f n. : . i. " . . , r -i :j.fmp.m Rdior mtrstiJC ppst.TaJ;rr.: V.ik r-L KKPOUT o Tiip Post Master General, .M . ,1... j w, Post OrFtci' Departmf.nt Aor. 15ffc, I82r The Receipts ol thi Deait ttier.i lor tne year eiiu'i.jr i i juiV !., m unted to 1,473.551 00 TJurifig the s.'upe peri nl the expenditures were 1,573 293 00 u . , i i., . Xieavms one hnndred tlnuatid -m r ... turf lus f receipts. P e receipts of tiie last vrar ex Mkn a IhnA llm lili lirn aaaiI ... . , - ' J ' 182G. 134 18 1824. 3(14 ,3,5 C '!".) 1625. 359 203 88 If to the afcve sums tl ei e 'e add"' thp air ' unt of thp reduction of expen 'dituie. upon sKb'UhtMl routev. with out lese' itig the public accommoda tion, and due allowance be made f increased services, at a rate f com pensation below what had usuallv been paid, th condition of ! De- parunent will be f und to have been Improved, within four years ending 1st July lasti tnore than a million of nollars; and the ust year, in cmpa- Yison with tlie ver peeCtdinj; 1st Ju 1y 1823, near half a million. Within the last year an augmented transportation of the mail has been atrhnnzed, of four hundred and fif teen thousand two hundred and four teen tiles aunually in stages, and on rorseback or in sidkies five, hundred thousand and thirty two miles. Under the contracts recently made 'grrat additional facilities hare been fpven, by accelerating, the mail on eading routes, increasing the num ber of trips, and establishing lines "which connect important districts of country. There are faw towns or til lages in the Union which are not ac-l trommodated with mail stages. The post office! have increased to deven thousand. In the last fior years there' has been added to the mail operations of the country, in revenue, transporta tion jot the mail, and post offices, more than one third. The mean of the Department are now ample to tmef the reasonable wants of the tVuntry, and a vigilant administra tton of its affairs, for a few years to tnime, Ul pacP at the disposition of the Government an annual surplus of moie than half a million of dollars. This sum will be augmented as facjl Sties of mail interoouise are roulti- oiiu van ur uiomi au vuniar pous-. ly applied, if deemed within the Con oMium-ua. powers 01 congrens, in the t..t ..... I a- .auinmucHi nu repairs ci mail roads. Uy the the last annual s'atcment, lnete was shown to lie ill flprtucit oiwl iue from post masters, including judgements obtained on old accounts w sum ot 8270,631 87 " o this sum may be ad. -de4l--'the-aarp(rtitTttfittt'WK-"'i:!'" Jer! 100,312 00 ..iio5is'. ' ' . S7C,6o5- 87 repairs latelv dli )- - !'!( The t pc jBiiie en tho mail roacs rrora Coiumbus to l);ik4 in the Stite of Mississippi, and fro-n Fort M i'c'iell to Line ('reek, in Alabama, are near ly ( ompieted, under contract- which require the work to Lie done mi the u , manner, and at a price that Mrini,t f;i; tw meet t(,e u5jc h;it:on. I have (he honor to be, with great respect, your obedient servant, JOHN M'LEAN The President of the United State. FOR K I UN. Since ur la r mimnnrv. 10 hr i ncrr ia ijoi ' iiiir in triese .nurnaiS :?eilTier '"ii? cvufifm or cohdtet the statement jriven in our laf of '.he course of events in Constantinople 't W be reridlected bv -ur raadera ..UUll!veaa.viccUronj CmtaHmtle which were 8 iid to have ben receiv ed in Iridon Dy a government t press, were of the 17tl of S?ntc:.ib t. Thor is a paragraph in the last Ga zetie de Frjnce, dated at Conslinti nop'e the lCth of September, one day later; bat t!:e only sta ement cootairi led in it i that the ci y wan trant-uil, ;and tfyat " in consequence of the nieaure what masurese1 takan bj the Seraskta. many French and Kn- glih subj-cts have resolved to remam i. J , . f n t 1 under the protection of Curon Often- fels aod not to quit the cardtuf. even in case oi nipiH-e." i r.e't i io- Turksh quadr',i , - fift ara the bloc kauin -lit rue Uazette deKiancc. th- l" h .r,,.. ,. ,.. , ... .r . w 'i.i hum 'n- ' "'in,; at , ; Triesft Oclohtt 5 Lexers fro . tii eek i;iec idii', t ie criteiits d w'dch we canno' guarantee is au'hc:? tic, i" the fodowin Ueclarati -n.s.a.- i having, been inde to the G ive.rume.a ! of N r.oii di .ll'inian'M, by t ie Ad.iu- . i i- .1 i. '. rais e inuDaoinn tne tnglisii an F - Tci squadrons in the Lrvaiit: 4 I. I he treaty between thf three Powim s. Kr.iiic, K'lglan !, and Russia ha been sent to the Anihassadors ar Constantinople. 2 Tuey arc ordered to present it to the Sultan. , '5: Whicheterofthe three Powers s'tall -ucceed in ouUinin the consent of the Sultan, h";s C'in, ji,t -iii.'l o binding with respect to th: two others. "4. An armistice soail be prelini nary of this negotiation '5. Greece must see clearly that the Powers favor it. 6. The Vice oy of E. ypt has been informed of this resolution of the Powers. "7. Twdve ships of the Ihe, four for each Power, guarantee the Treaty. '8. Tne Greek Government will withdraw from Napoli di Roimnia. 9. 1 he .Deputies of three Island , Hydra, Spezzia. ml Io.ara shall ac company tne Government, and shall support it, of whatever persons it may bo composed. "10. The Deputies of the Catho lics are ulso to be called to the G i veriim;nt 411. The Government must seek to maintaia tranquility and good or der, and to punish, in time, every person, island, or province, wliicii may refuse obedience to it. "12. AU he bandits who oppress the islands of the Arcnipelago, must quit them, or submit to the laws; if liiey do not, tuey will be compelled to do so by the forces of the three Allied Powers. "13. The Goveinment must take measure thjtLord Cochrane roav not commit any act of hostility during the negotiattou and ttie armistice. 14. The two Admirals are author ized t ign in the nine of the'lius siaii Admiral, who has not yet arriv ed v A private c mmunication, publish ed in the New York papers, states that an ag eement has been made be tween Russia, Frame, ano England, Eu opc and Africa, and to partition them among thtma Ives. Ve pre sun e this i no' proposition of a very recent u, ' It is well known ti.al viewa ol .hta cnaracceif harp t?ee3 cr.- terfained by thnv powers l o-since. and we have freqi-nMy taken oc ,a- nion to advert to tl'ero. and to tprn late on (hp m-niiam itv nf thpir hi'in ultimately carried into efect Cut it n umiKcijr, cru ii n iirw ajrrcmciii of this character had b-'eti mail?, that it would have been uhbrej to trans pire at the very moment v hen at tempts aro making to induce the Sul tan to recede to a proposition, on the p t cf the-e powers, to mediate be tween him nd Greece, since the very edVct of such a disclosure v.ould be to cut Mflfever- chatic-2 of that medi ation btng acce;iteiT. Indej endently of this, ve hare been told that the Sultan erplicitly demanded whether the Allied Powers had any ulterior view, bttore he woold ctisent even mlifiUSo tiaiuinjand il it V;5r itpres.-io!! that the reply of th. Allied Mu'isters vas a negative. Suppo- t tb!t7 the f.r.ister.c-e of any agree- f hraeler, : nf -jt-rerent Lite, it n tist. have been kept a pro lotiitd secret, even trom the Anbii 5adoi liieniselves; ami it is, therefore, very improbable tnat it should have escaped through the medium o a pri vaie correspondent , in a New T.iik paper. 1' ib wfj.ile is probably rmthmj; lnore t iati a Stocl: h:. change rumor. 1'be atouut- from 8pain are tin to tn. Tth ot Ocuber, It: jrive statements of Ms cooditiuu of the it;suren,s ivfncti it ts diir,cu!t to reconcile. "Ac cording to wu.e account, the pre sence of the '-ing ha entirely restor ed tiaiJf t'lif; v. nile other., inlo.-m i u iLi the iiisurents aro-yet in jreat l irc and aie dany perpetrating jrrtat The following regala'ioij reecntly ini ia by ui rin nl rrusna iu itii. II ler.ish province , uia loterost nihnj oi our readers. B?rh tl. Gel. 1 In tonsequence of ' tw of March '7 :32'., (lis Via- ! ,,,, .1: . J'y im-My issuoa - wu o.uiuances for the ortva:.ation of the States in the provinces on theUhine, and io osipbalia: and a tnrd ordinance rela:ive to the Assruhlte of the Circle in the sme ciuifies In the llneiiigti Provinces -lh crder of Prin ces who uavo a fuli vn'.-.. eonsisti of tho Princes of Solmi Brauo!l, r'otms ilohensolin Ijici. Wiod, tatz feld, and Snlms-Ueis'jrcheJ Dye.k. To be a member of the , Equestrian Older, the person rnum possess an estate in the country formerly kelong n to the immediate nobility of the empire, and which pays at leaat 11 e owns per ya' as land tax; itiZi is to be tbe year for tbe eoinmnc- mrnt. Several small properties united will n t give the right which belongs to one united property. According to these principles, the Royal C 'minis sinner of the State is to draw- op a paper, in which are to be inscribed the noble es'.ates, to the possession of which his Majesty ban attached, by pariieuUrjprmlege, the right of being a A . a r . ariemoeroi ine states, i re eques trian Ordee has 13 representatives; the cities have the same uuir.hfr. Colog e alone has two. The parish es also nominate 25 Deputiej, select ed from five electo'al Arroodisements in that of Col igne, faur; Dassnldorf, six; Aix-la-Cliapelle, four, Cob.'entz, six; and PrevM. , f.ve. In the large towns a Deputy most pay ' at least thirty crowos taxes, including at least eighteen on nceoun: nf trade. A De puty of the third oru'er must pay at least twenty erwn tares. The De puties of tbe Stctes receive three crowns a day while assembled, inelu-jand uiog the time ntcssary for travel- i reverse. Although do decisive ad linr. and one crown ten erreiehoo ner 1 tantare has been obtained by us b- mite 'German) for travelling eip6o- i --s. In vvestnliwlia tne Urder of Princes with a full vote;, consists of the Duke d'Aremberg, tbe Princes of Salm-Salm ayn-Wittgensteio-Bet -lebourg, Payu Wittgenstein-Wittgenstein, K unit. Ilittberg, de Henthe-im-Z iklenbourg-RLeda, de Denthe im Aieinforth, and Salno Horstmar, '!-Duls"'of''littrtr,"lnd'Xr2isr,iitid'; Baron Stein; in all 11 votes. Tbe Equestriau order has twenty pepu tes, ths towns the same number; Monster has two; the; country din', trietj aeadj th nimn fan?rter of De,. , puiict to t:-e Aiipmbly. Phe rega- latij reittive in tl.o noble ett&tM are the same no in th Uhnnink riinfla In tK imm. .1 . t. I clai. a Depaty tiutt pay wenty-fd'ir ' i r-ri?w i inoio ct thtrj and lonrth data, sixteen eronas er.pita- lion. The DBiltiea fram ihe nfta. auts, must pay twenty-five erowni land tax The Deputies reeeiva the same diet money as iu tue Ithenleh provioc-'i. It it aidj that t' e Lord High Ad miralof Balaad has resolved apoti .'iMins; oat another expedition to Ihs Nrth Pole. I From Ev.r oj, c Knclish aeeouLts to th- sdult. have hn r-eeived by the Manchester at 'New ik. No- thing eertaiir hodliefcu hoard ' from (irocio o Turkey. 4paia continues in a state of great a gilttiio.Qt. ae d, Ike 1 ovai.jttLaJuiarevi s:ttSi-f''-'f"l' ""TV ""' -"-. STili'lBTiitf aoitiitiViiea (tea ting t ide royal lron;i aent to r;uP. :heoi. Ths i tn daspntehes fiom Vienna represento that the Legociations for tho reiurn oi' Don Viiijuel t'j Lisbon were proeedin satisfftctordy. The iiftot is to visit ..oodon in hii way o Porlu,;r.!. 'ihel&tt of the Steam-boats coa- tru;;ad in LonJon for the Greeks wa. accidentally horot in the river Thamea, tod the previous one, the Enterprise, i said n the Times to have fautider?d at sea A nist sin guhr futality seems to bars at ondod the fhjKna ir, foreign eountrtea of tb uuappy Greeks. Tho Gi -de tf Tuesday ?d Oet i i i... . . . o'ui ..;iru no umer or nis .'iaje'-iy in (iiuoil parntittin vessels of the FT tales to -nter p;rt of the hvhamn (ulcudc, in iialUit, 'or the'purpune of expn.'tiag thenct- Jruil :ui salt, .-the produce ct' those iilaii.?c. From Rio Janeiro. We learn says the New Yo'k Enquirer ;f th" 3-1 inst by the Wm. fell, Captain R&s sett, arrived at this port yesterday from ttio, that tho Emperor was eol lectin all his forces, their destina tion to be for Rio Grande. , The country was iu a deplorable condition; no mnQy in circulation exeept paper, and that at a discount of 4U per cent, The market was very dull, nd eof fee high. Ths Pro.'.iUi'in frigate Polar, wis lost about ib- id Oct a small ditneu from Cape Fro, and! all hands suppo ied 10 he lost, in con ser ii nee of a mutiny on boord. From the V'v Y k "viqoirer. Fr 'titc L hrt-d V'.Ptl CrUZ W 4tl, t:.'37 , Dkar Sti:: I tako tlie liberty nfi farwardin tn you tbe ooelosed mani-j fss'o of tie Federation ofpure, Itoy- ! alist of Sotin, both in th ori-rinal' and in tbe. English translation: I he . Government of xio feels an inter report, accoraianied by a bili, c m est in giving il as mneh publicity as cemiug the. Public Treasurer, which) possible; ai.d I know not how 1 an was lead tlie find time ami .1. eB'ect this object better, than by ob- Uining y.ur consent to its iosertion in full. ,0 your widely creu lated new.- pper. In eotdplym? with this re qaest.you will further oblige me by sendioimeafew napersin wliichit is published, as 1 should wish ts transmit them to the seat of govern ment. Should you discover any er rors in the translation, you will, hope, use tho freedom of correcting them ' We have returned from our long ernise in tho face of a superior force, without haviog eapeiieoeed any ynd the capture and destruction of thirty sail of merchant vessels, ne vertteless. the Uovernment is psrteet ,j - - ! Lsen effpfiteil that tli rf mr t of i- o..:.r....i ti... .1.. ..... , ' 1 r ...m " . "sT". f I mvc . u 1 ii rv,ii,i. in a nui llulc, however. I trust .that wa shall be plaeed in a position to strike a more effective blow. - 'T-ami-Tery'jresneetfnlly;"'--':-' rr your obedient servant, DAVID POUTBtt. M M bab; Esq. New Tork C7" Hie deemn ot n'fuded to U a vary eariovs oee, bsiiig a f ircQl pro-j position U elevnte to tht Sd h Thrnn, Don Carlo- fi',the mink r.i .. . . ...... u . a U rilll .the present year Etiqu rer Legislature of N. Carolina. IN SEN ATE. Saturday Dec 9. 0" Motion of Mr. YrKichin 1 Raolvcd. That tbe M lnary Co'nW mittee be instructed 1 1 etiq.n e mttf th- expediency of amending he litia law. (hit every cmunaud rig of. f cr of ti cotnpa., shall have dis 7 7- V HS U j keenK men tinder cretionary power aa U, ihe iu. 0f arrni ; t v&nv tftrXKetftenff ,; "Hfe't' e'-?1 sdmc vsp'nption irora M Utary daiiea ti all o0x era, is now giv l Jj; Pfl til rnninn..l lir ?" -' wiesara. speigh- of Greenes Spaight of Craven. Owen, Ward, od Davcnpor', were named as CotntDittcc to join that of Ihe other .. IT .. . a.- . . - T r. use, in relation to the con'empla- V ti d meeting oi the Storkholdeta ot the Dank .f Cape Fear. Mvndatj, Bee to. Mi. Parker submitied a resoiffi firm directing the CmninitUe of F&T nan c, to enquire into tbe proprie-f ty ot withh- Iding any further appro! priation, for the education of Misst' K'Rkely. Mr. Ward submitted a res dufi ni which was adopted, m.king it the duly of the CjtDiitrollet , t tike 4 ' list d.'all tho p operty beor,g(K td tho Stklo m poflsesston, nf thv tl .v erna., at the ex.tira ion of cac, o rial ttvm and fi-e the Ham in his f fi v, to take 11st also ,f the furnit ure of the Capit d and fil.. tha . , I'ne eiigrtivted bnl; to alter n Met passed in 18O fixing tb ti ne f,n paying the puube tn,ney i.,to the 1 reasuty, -11 entries of land, waff read die third Uoi". Tuesday Dec ii. Hie bill to amend an r!i tii.;aprt in 1815, kins further pruviniun in Ihv .r of owners of gfravs, wan re jected on its second reading. The Senate resolved ifsel l,t a c.tmmitree 0f (bo wh de, Mr. Oteen m the chair, on the bill f,r iIk di. wsion ol Haywood C unty. After sbine, tim.-spent therein, the Com oaiitee rose and reported the bill, with an amendment to strike out the first section. Mr. Speight -tf Gr ene moved for the ind-frute puofp ,De mem of the bill ar d amendment which wan carried. 3S to 29. ' Mr. Pickett, from the Com mi 'tea n iho treasury,' made a rUt il.-rf the order of the day for Thurwlar f The bill provide in 'what sum the rrea9ut.er 8Ba glve bond Im what tima lt 0 . ' wnas e' a,ter PP0"meit and 10 . Hbata,anocr-J ' v Wednesday, Dec t2. Mr. Speight of Greene, submit ted a Resoluti m, which was concur red :n by tiie Senate that the Stato accept of the surrender made by G V. Haywood, Executor of the Es tate of his father the late John H ,y. wood and the other heirs, of the pn. perty belonging to said father, to save the State from loss, under Hm tation9 therein anerifi'd. Thursday. Dec. Mr. Smith presented t, ;i tl a mend an act passed In 1809. to a . r iow, mi a mn, the aeveral acts h f Clor TA passed relative to tlie removal 0r ob structions to the passage of fish up the several rivers of this Stt. sr, far. as relates to tUcKedee aii4 ,YaiW, kin, which was readtne fira! time and subsequently the; second and thinl 'imv J T" bill di.-eclne 'Ihe manner in which H uds shU beroaitor kes&r m ,:'s: : -..n't ,WV., . .4 5s ' i ,.A ' 1 r

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