r. r "r i nfii ... . i "IP-., -i.. . . 4 ' ... : ,.,tJ ...... JJ LJII 111,' ' mono ( ou' ) i.. i. l ii' iW' k ' -I'll I' H'i !' t l Ik to ' i It h(I 'ii Buncombe. I .1 l.iiil limn ynfl order VI'' r H" ",T ' - - (it be engrossed. . Ml Sbobrr presented the follow !u t ii. which was adopted: it revived 'hat a select joint rolli ip,! .. in- appointed, to inquire into Hi, i xi ediencjr f establishing a pen iff.iii.iij, in connection with an Asy turn f iclifts and Lu alios Resolved, Thpt aaid Committee prep;i nd repirt to the Legist tun-, the most approved plan, wi-h n ruiimale of 'he probable coot of socii an inaiiiuiiuu. DiiDg j Mcurs Gaston, end IltlUf W, ti, ;. or the Dcf syeis n oi u ern-j()ii,fon w-p ft(,dd (0 ,bo j,;(Cjr.r, But. f r Che same. 'Committee. Hrulxed, Yht ih n'd proper in- r M0rtf fubciiJfd a resolution f in. i n be within he reach of (be bib was ntivd, dirretinr; ihe Co ini fe, that they submit a plan, Governor to hire ili sta:ti- of Wtsh- by which lie necessary view itf the inyten la upoa wheel, to ho ...... , . . . . i emh rvKi n ease . ur- Oc molieu of Mr. C'enu. t!- J- d ciiry eioniiUe ware i!tpt(1 m ei ijuife as fa lor xpe!icnej r pat tainiDf. whintt.Uff ofarplui pro-'coUJiililteo oti Public builiCngs were reqi'(l o " rtquie lino 'or rir liii ncy "f procur nf? a contnt up ply i f water for the use of the Cap- ( . it t mr'i rount) m I"' oikikrl i' ii rr ifd, nd ubat it ll' pinenip of r- 'hit to market. 1 he -I -' -co , Henate refused to eooeur id Hie po poniiji'Ci. On motion of Mr. (lux the Judi niarr Committee were instructed to enquire as to -.he expedieorj, of. unr-niliog tbe exiiitiu; law reipeet ing Kxcutora and Adminiatrrtorn o thnt po utnelt hill be affeeled un til they have bad reasonable lime t eolleet f uch ametd a may arie from the tale of (be psriihnble JT'ipert? sf their fettators or inteirite JlJomhy J)re, 10 irol, by (he process ol boring r otb ' .. e m n .11 ,fixinlhe turn hereafter to be paM On motion of Mr. Perry, the Ju-Nr rie- of vaeait ,ftnlf WM eld air.arycommm HerBiriMrm ieuioithe 2nJ linit and indeCoitely pii enqtiitr what alter ni ions are n oes- peneij 60 to 65 sy in the law of las, .esiio., con- m 4 runu.fl MA Iraiidnlont Tiarlmrv nl J . " Mr Moreheaq pr-a nted a bill, to i i . ineorporata tbe New Harden Library Mr. Cooper submiltrd a resolu. Mr gtImooB ft . 0 i.onwmcn was rejecieu, propoamg fc he fc er of he por oor to purcLse large Clock, to be p,a- in u... rro,n e.r,.in nublie duti.i. i -i r . ' . . ' r'.i in mi- nous- t iM'nin. paaned tbeir Gmt reading On mo'vicn f Mr. W. W. Sted- Mcmm. Morebaad. Alexander, man, the Tudiciary committee were Scott, Brevard and I.tttU, wera ii -jtrncted to enquire into the cxpe- named at a committee on tbe part of rllency of astiicg a law, to prevooi this Iloaap to lake into consideration Ho resolution from the Senate, rela tive to a Penitentiary 4 amtndin eiiillas; lavrs, pro hund b o to 11a eoontry, to reaH ft tjibiticg ilieeniry of neani Whdi Lund in fhi Stale, aa to meiud t oaaonly which it ii possible, .the Stat will drain The bill repsalieg the aet of 1818, 8uit t may be obtained in ruer to be ft.bmitte! to a ruture Li eititure. Messrs. Shober. Owen, Fiacklin, W'ihon and Davidanii were wpfioint cd, ;n the part nf the Senu'e. On motion of Mr. Sh bor. the Ju diriary committee were in?tru ted to enq-iire into tt;e expediency id a jiiei fling W "fXph MtX'ir 'dtflWeaf art of Assembly, liinitioj; the time uithWi wbigb judgments may be re- l' il eiiner in mil- lyiiuini or ou pr ior Courts, by v.rits tv- error, pr ci dings; and ili ca;d cummi'i tee I rther enquire into the eS".'ii ncy ofliniiting by an act of Ai lembly, the tini" in which dccrcc of th-Ca.t of .luiry may be ra Tersed by bill f review op v'Vrr Vise. Friday Dec . Mr. r e'wett from the JuJiciftry Couroi!ti-e, to whom wts rrfcried 1h" i quiiy Wiethe- it was exwdt' rfcf.t to amend the Wreck laws, te pur d a bill to repeal thf kc d section of an set pussed n isOl, s far an regards su'vage, whic-fi p;i'S ed v first reudiri'j. A me89go was received from tbe H i-eol Common! and n'ecd tov ps posing to ballo: on t. m'Tow. foi 'Councillors of State, end a Board r Internal Improvements, and sts tin.; iliat " Thomas ' JCe.ian, G."W. Teffvs. Gideo. At n. . B L 'khait, liliam SVarklrdgr, A. M"Hr)de, J. M'DwiH, Mhatii F'f.t kliu, W. L. Davidson. Alexan dt i KUiuit ai.d Alfred Jnrs arc io nomination for Councillor and Cidwallader Junes, Ardrev Joiner, and James M'Ky -f -Meiul.eM.of tbe B- Hrtl of Internal lnjott merit. Mr Bailey, from tht Liuiry 115 ao act to subject ihe mrerainnirr riht in 8la- I be cofd by execu tion or other prea On moti'ioor r iJutibe. Lie Jj- thc eilucati'in off laves. - Mr. Gary presouted a bill to rc- real nil the acts concernine; gricj- ur .".nd lamily domestic manufac- tU'PR. M-.F. l'"yt a bill prescribing Mie duty of tho Committer of Fi n.iiir. which bilh wre ren! the Jirct time. (n uotion ot ivir baimom. tne c;uni..itep on Intprr.;'! Improvime!iti rh iifo:le Ke noo'ee frm hifk our institu'inno eaitoal-d, fr .d. means which are oeeesiry to pro tee.t them from daoger. Your eommitteo eo Gad no laa puage strons; enough to xprets ibeij depredation of tbe eooseqqoooaa of bitterly contested eanrans for the firesideney. It severs aneient and ong established friendships, oof on. frequently causes breaches between members of the same family, direa the pnbtit Attention from matters of loeal and national importance, and endangers the very ii(eoee of tbe onion itself II is sincerely to bo winbrd that oar rspobfit may be ner. petual But if a dissolution sball tTer tak plae , it requires no phophei to predict, that it will proceed frou some violent eontentiou for the pres idential chair. Your committee Oa moiion of Mr Cox the Judieia therefore, think thai public feelline ry Caaimittee were iostrceted to en boold not be harrow., up, and eiv4 rjuire it.to tbe expadiouey or making ""acwra exciieo, unless ii oe required all the debts doe by an intestate or,by bsolcto ueeessity; and with all ff'cary !P'rrii'.te wrrt-i isfru-trd to .-'C ir.stca' ted lo eii"uirr iato the testator, oitherfcy aeeouot or assump sit, of as high dignity as a boud or note; and that assets shall bo sub jest to judgement u-at obtained with out reference tn dignity of elatoi the Jightt by wbieh . they ara aided thej eao perceive ns lash necessity at present. The termination of the late contest. wnien naa oeen waged witb a bitter On motion of Mr Ilouh, the arae ness and hostility almost suffieien to Committee wcrr directed ta enquire have raised the bands of brethren a,- eri ;u9 fr tti?- oi passina; a taw gamut brethren. shood have been, in eraainc; t!. tn .n li Oatss erected d-'iitg the sever il acts of ssernbfy J 10 prevenf flib"Ws?t'o'ctt,n"5' "of !esatl"t1ii ptnin'-'f ytrr'aHe-' ci 08 re-jccunf; public rmdc, w tit such i iys and froai puhlij M;!Ij I aaoo of congratulation to all paries. '"''(hrKZiiw "f"TrT N'elTi a cdmaiir Hmeru-.-'nts as t1ie v de''Thlitret?irv I Th ns rlved- rtie4f- iaH -a- II- was-lo- Lave beta hoped. that - thai . tec wua cppninteJ to erri;rs in'i iKc rrnpriety u' neeTiaioinn 'I.o iifTit ir- b!".ture, li e annun' jjih' bv entb ai T f; nder9 "aiat (Ne ?!c Tursu'aj, 7Vc t On motion f M' Ch-iuetit, th Judiriary committee nsi iost orr'l t inquire as t the -xp-rdienry f j tasndi' the -existing I ii, rIhtivc to the notice it quired to he given Uy f.'iey de'':n nere.r,ry i cli.,.igj t?:e i.M.'tcer in viii;:h aiil i" ds r.iM ni picseif ,';ef.i, in re tii. ih rji-tion f '. r'li"n, Mie : u '!'(' -ry c Tii'c w ifi i!:?'!t'd to . qt'irf into the practicability of a r " i tY. i , i!ie !av now in fuif, to .'j C; c- f iTertLHlly t prevent shve f"im hiring thMr own tnw ami nu. ki i; t ii i - ouu bar " .ma to Itu'ioai. Mr. IjPtitien pr. rented a rsd;i ' ion inh.'rorJjti.' the "ufJicta'V Com IT i'ii '.,, In ei ntitre !;i.ofl;e exnerlini Conimi'tee ot' tLo iv!;ole. M Da: i i the CK .ir,en tise i !.:rHl" bill, ter some tiLc, ipe;;t therein, fJ mmitb'o ripcrietl pregre:; and ob tained l-e.v-' ; s; aain 1'rov. 'he I':ll.ibrroy Ktoritf ADM' X I STRA I l( N M Yr. VI M G. ! ArjroOiiuly it prevfU nctieo, a nqmb'jr f fh-. c.ttsew f Or.oce ta- QUI NOV y a ' ,o unpie.aant feelings which bad b-e Af- xeiied would hare been suffered to tbe stilmde, and that the sentiment of a diitinuiabed statrtmaQ should lve b-.?en adcp'ed, 'that lbs adminiaira ticn of the federal goveromen oubl to be judged by its measures " But there is no longer any soeh hope. & ner'esnvass commenced at an early period; the sluiees of contention ara p(r op,n,d ; and litroat.ve UINCV ADAMS to the Pre.iden- ?7 e"abut t0 tbow bi , atMabled at the Court Honae in V9 Jwb.B r F'Veo their havin-; q-i.'l. j J, .v t :; (U , J ?b 1 , 1 hJacbo.. lo making this e The Hocse took up too iuler of! t!ie dav. ntid rrsolved itself in'o i c:imn:itte of tbe who! , M. Lotis hi ir t!i, Cliiiir, on th Sb- f iTV IJiil. A'tcr n 'i&ht CcL-aic, llie c... niruc rose ehiced leave to sit a,r,eiti. Mi. (Jir.'on ptesen'.ed the memo, ri .1 of r:aiy i itK;ei:3 'jfthr trwiis of Nwbeiit, VVii.iiii:;toii, :iiavj.t(li. : in.: ol any ?n to publish , j r.V.?; Jan-n Webb wm called to iho chair ir. :ur Asp;1.;!?! ir. ?he;r C'Unly; j and Jo" o P. Sn--d egq up ioint oi tf the be no paper in iucir cn ty to .sl up copie ; rn pu tc p.a.t i ir tS- ."'unty. .M -. Jonr or arK'n, fiita the Juilrinry Comnittc, to whom a r Edentnn. .Muifiesboru HertfrirdJ, rd secet 'Jieohie1.' f.'ihc oseet iiarin heen bri- Hy "ts'ed by ifae ehairjiinn. ou r..(ilion ol O' James Sc.ilj if-,e f 1 1 v-J t. r0n(!ineD wore afr joint so a timrnittoe to prepare re .tn. ;aoi5v.;ni iiinuai porc'ise. viz v m. 1 . tlul I .n.tn. ran. I 1 . 1 ..r 1 1. . t imh. . in iii liiv.u nil ini' si:.t ri n . - ... and Kliznh-th Cltv.cn the subieftl ... . ,, L, ..r- ,:T.Jfci..i A b-nhan, esq. .!. lamer - t . ' t mi 'cit.iaijn-; iiiiSvi B ,rT ut .ten Tl, . vr,,..,i . Willi- ..f n.a ri.- i.f i - 1 . ' ,' Jnuo iNorr,ood. eit Willie in iiuiji ins 1,11 , i .... .1 ... abort On acoeke Inlet I, .uW.i:U mV"- . K r,in ' 5hw' hu U "-,"J3'. i : r..f. Mr. L-o?:. I oTa tue Kv lect Com The eemmlttee, a.'ler having retir u v... ...ra( to whom th- rnrury was rc-led far -oue time returned with the tcade an eh quen speei h, :n t'"-!-rerr(;, .eprted llmt no R! erati ;iks ; auacd report which was ajreed lo iuuisv 'i 11.1.1... v .. nrriKN.-irvl'. lh Mm Imvt nniimnmu v. powerful argut'icnts and facti pn.ve the necessity of Ihe ;ir opot:d ImprovrcQeiit. I w referred to a select committee of thirteen mem- It Committee, made a leiiort ad omiia nied by a resolution, directing theibers, and ordered to be printed Governor and his successors u nUjre, shall appear in our next to exchange copses of our laws with other States. On motion of Mr. Wilson, of REPORT It is a high privilege guaranteed to the freeutMi oi linrth-Cerelioa, lo The bid to c mpel Q-ikers He nonis s. Dunkaidw, U . t. beat arms, was tuk; n up nd. af rr some Camden, ihe Jud cifcry Committee debate, in which Messrs. Moivhr ad vere instructed to inquire wheth and Wheeler opposed, J"d Mr er any provision is iD8de und-i Iho Smith of Chatham, adfcattd i;, cxihtn g laws, concerning bastardy, ; was indefioiMly puiiponcd on r.iu to thmgu the estate of the reputed tion of Mr. Morehcad. Those who father (who may have died before ; voted lor its i eject ion were th bastnii d chargedjs swum to him,) Messrs. Allen, (Buncombe ) Ba iiii the maintaiiiHnce of the same, ker, Baniaid, BHt nlunH Baroei', On motion Mr. Walton, the Battle,' Bltcklrdgr. Bi:rke, Bla k eame Committee was directed to en wood, Bloun', Boon, B-'doji. Burns quire, what amendment can be made B) num. Clayton, .Conrad, Dickiu in i lie laws, comerning th War son, Dmioho, Enoch Fnder dei:s of Ihe Poor, so that the mo irk y, Gary, ,neiie, ijlasgow cty exprndi d in each dis iict. shall Gold, Gaston, Hampton, Hardy, f a 4 a air . k ! ft If Ml 11.. T . . 1 u Conciried in Thin sdntj, Dec. i ,i ' i. ' Wtl to rthcr end consult for the puli ej ' v i . .! ,i in Annrnrinilv with we have asem i . a i ay to eonsiuer me sun jeet of tho next pieaideiitkil election Such meetiBc; are io strict accordance with the true apirit of our republican to enutre . he expediency ot eo th;- pri jlcdge, that 8..ei.dm.? the Cnm.mvl Law, to bled here to day to m ke thi brcHliiDj; nh(j mtrrini; oot h-uses, n't vi:Ui, . r he curtilage, and tiikin; go ds thr .efi oiu, felony Lc b older r.fthe Warden living in (bji diHiiict. ! he Sena'e resolved itself into a cntttt. iilee o the whole, Mr. tipaight of Craven in the Chnir. on the Dili ciiik eiiting he Pii'iiiv T ei-surer, A afu i speeding some time iluein, the rnn mittee rone aid obtained leave to sit again to morrow M Pit ke t horn the select joint cumtiMiire, apointed to ei quire in to the txpediency ! accepting fiom the hi.ii d fhe late .)oh.' II ywood piopeity, uuder the limitation' lb 1 1 in spiiifn-d, oiade u report uc . .flaiing thnt it is inexpedient. p. ',t;b4 of Gn eiie inuvrd to reviuh. the repor. , and debate tnsfi.tng there on, (lie SiiiaUi nd lUfned bCk're th joucs.h.u a tken " HOUSKCiK n'lMONS. i &itur.day- tkt. . flpi4f-aV..iWLIUiUU ie. quire into the expedieoeai ot aicer- Hastings, Hill. Hough Jackson, Jones, Kerr. King, Lawson, Lewis, Mann Murrhead. M'Lcan. M Mil lao, McNaii, NewUnd P tins, n Perry, Pool, Plumer, Rullln, Rid diik, Salmons, Sco.'t, Shine, Sirup .n, Sprutll, Stephens, Stewa t, Taylor, Thomas I'illett, I'my, Walker. Webb and Wheeler 62. Those who voted against tho re jection of the hill, were Menus. Adams Alexander, Al len, (Montgy.) Ball Batem 0, Ban ners, Rozman, Brevard, Busbee, Cherry, t lement. Cooper, Cox, Oiivenport, Dizier, Ellis, Falls, Gilmnre Gliison, G'ird u, H per, Hodges. Jasper H. II. J irif. Kil p ni . ickr, LdiVy , Lit t le Al arshail Mitchell, McDejvmid, Nelson, Pur i ell, Roberts, Simmons, Smith, W. W. Stedman, N. A. Stedman, Stock aid, fityron, SumnirH. Underwood, White, tVhitaker, WillUma. Wilder d Wilkinson.-48 t'y'ednesdan, Dee. 12. a a a . . ii. . Mamp'on presented a b.ll re- inatitutions It is only in primary quiring Mint Jerri of the Gospel and assemblies of the people, that their Justices f the Peace, t return mar- will can be truly ascertained, and uaffc Lp cures lo the Clerks issutner 1 their wishes fully and fairly expres- them. A"d Mr. Hill, a bdl to an "eJ- A more frequent convocation of pcopriatp fi6.2S2. for the purpose of ,bc,e eablies would not only tie- improving -he Cape 'ear, bel-.w rnrfl rotiniz-n? .pr.t of in- WilmingVon.-wh.ch pasml their ' great body of ibe - . , . r , people in matters or public eoneern, G st reading. Mr. Nels,,,. pre,en- Jw afrMt the f ted a resoluti-in, directing the Judi-. whi h Leen nraB ciary Committee to enquire as to th t,i(.i in ftnr n-li(mfti Hri .tAto et. j: ! .1... I .i --0-- eM'uieii y oi amenuir.g mc law rei a'ive to the Treglstei ing of grouts from the State, in the county in flat nr. which .he land lies, so eo to prevent individual: from being injured hy entering lands which have already been patented; also, to prevent. the State from beiug defrauded by the loss of taxes on lands so patented. Mr. Rrevard submitted the fid lowing resolution, which was adop ted: Whereas, by the 19!li section of the Constitution of this State, the Governor is empowered to grant pardons and reprieves, except when the prosecution shall be carried on ny the General Assembly, or tbe law otherwise directs. llesolved That the Judiciary com mi tee -ettqm re r how that po WeTTias generally been exercised sim e the formation of the Constitution, and endeavour to ascertain the expedien cy of legislating on the last cause aforesaid 0 motion of Mr M'Dearmid, Ihe Judiciary committee weio direc On molten ol IrV ifaher, " tlioteillo eotn In the early ye rs if the republic, such meetings were often Wld In deed our history inform us that it was in one of them within the limits of our own state, that national inde pendence was first proclaimed. By chief magis-rale, and Gen. Andrew unco your committee hesitate not to ex press thoir preference for Mr Ad s. Not thai they believe bim ent rey wi'houl blemish, or that they indis triminatelj approve every aet of hia admioisiration ; bat beeause thej he--live him to be aineerely attached to our republican institution, profound ly learned and highly skilled in tbe various duties which appertain tn tier presidential office, ef unspotted roral character, and distinguished by sx tensive litera y and scientific acquiror meots He eorameneed his. earoee io th public servieo near forty yearar mgo, and has ever since discharged) the duties wbieb have devoir d ot Mm with mueH ability lis has rep. resented hia country at almost every court in Kurope ; was for sometime) t senator in.eonirress from tbe Mate of Matsaehuse'ts; stood at 'he head! of ibp department of state for eight a a a . a . years; anil in an meie various oat' ployments has reeeivod ihe approbsw- tion of bis country. His public scr vies were begun under the admiaio tratioa of tbe illustrious president Washington, who pronounced him Mho ablest of our diplomatic corps," and whose confidence he enjoyed in fa hi eh decree. Under the administra tions of Jefferson, Madisea and Moov roe, we find him rising still higher io the grades of office and in the eoutv lence of tbe ex entire a d or the na- tioo. ISor shou d itbo Torgotten that those by whom he is now reviled have at various times expressed tbeir con fidence in bis ability aod faithfulness as a put) lie servant nven nia group rival, in his letter to president IVloa me on the selection af his cabinet, concurred in the uniform opinion wbieb bad been entertained by tbr country. i?ur committee imequivo cal'y declare, that they perceive no? alreiiui. their aarenev iho nublie sentiraeat violation of any principle of our ;ov was united, and the f.iree of tb emtii-1 "fnn nl in the election of Mr. Adsoiav try embodied, in defeoee ofour IjW mi i tliftt they have waited to no par ties The valour and ' pal ri.it - ( iof.ir proof of tho charges of io-- our forefathers, io them acquired thai triune, bargain and corruption, which lidvc oeen preierrea against me prer h ideot rud aeerelary of state, wbieb have beeu so ingeniously palmed o pon tile peopla, and tu the propagation of v hic.ii tbe dittinguiilii'd eotnpatilor for ih preidecey has condeaeendedi to let d bis nid-. The policy f Mr. Adams ii that which was pursue ! hy) his predecessors long before he era, to tbe bead of offirs, aod w cbj wiold be pursued by general Jack" osj should he be mado president, if any opinion can be formed from hit re corded votes. If a different paliey ba proposed, these who advocate it rn lit look elsewhere than to Gen. Jaektoo or a president of their eboiee Mr Aifans ha 'ntrodneed no new Uco coniiiienea in their own which enabled them at last to e- noti'iee their vasalftge tn a foreign mtsier. Bui when tbe st uarL' whs over, and the destinies ef our country were committed to the sages of the revolution, who enjoyed the unlimit ed confidence of the nation, meeting of (his kind within the bounds of our state became rare atrd almost useless Now, however, since half a eentury has rolled away, sweeping from a moig us tboe long tried public car nnts, and a new generation has ta kca the reins of government, diseon tents and sectional jealomieo have arisen, vhie are calculated to alerm tbe e4'm and efl et:n! i i'izn aoij stt itorim i i-I iii .'I i f r. r ..A

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