, I 1. n"d.- ! 0 71 aTN sboroiigh FalladioM. GREEJrSliOROUGU .V. (7. SATURDAY. ? NO II v . Vas PATRIOT. ..I ,. r .t iin!.!iu)io.t ueui.lt I , i ; rs pt r finnum, pvble within , ..,.! I m ti.e receipt of the firnt l ;v l'olLrs at'ici- the xpi , ; ,ii..t ' ne. 1 . - 1 A "I II tn nc iii'Cfiir.nuu (i unit! nil arrear ,r: imk-ss at the option of tht .... J a !. l iir to notify dticoitin; .t v... ' "-.iJcrc I u new engage. 5t" ! jpynirisi .VKATS', ,,iti!iiif' iMiirs, neatly in.se rted lire. i.-,.n.. f'nllur. nnil i r rnU fiir t'U ' rfffiin publication; those, ct grea h. ingth in t he same proportion Let ,(f1 tn tl.e ' ''or rtuist be pit paid. yliM i ADAMS. " 7 . . 1 f tsi tin Jjailiixicj'sLJliLlrhL. Tt. iJL v- i: r: : The following let-' .u .ishvdin "the: 'Baltimore- ? n,t of Hip !.Vh Octobei , 1 v:u ie4 i In'- lav or of you i te tri.i, i! ! r t!;c inhumation ol your Jitfr teadets. The wmcr I IliV, :-Ii. Ilaker, pastor ol the !.i i'it ij '('t'Uti Cliurrli, in the,1 ( iul ir!i:;.LriiN f'f ma) ca's, j: ' . !i ki ii in Hait mure a9 a ;,'s; tiiid )!.h:m tliviiie. AV . , , ' i i- 'i-.- ipi'ii a i iih'y respcr.'able r .. 1 1-: thr c md li ' vterian church : '.. astin i'"i ,tJ ,,1!t trieii'l in l!.illiinore. WASHINGTON CITT, 1 till October, t2l. J Vt Di ai: ih: Your fetter has i, 'u :;! !t etvetl, atnl I can and do i; it 'rheerfu!iics. Ilav- ii . (iV-iv'.n- ol In h qtwitued t(, Ul.ir.i-:', I vvnly b ln-ve I I!, i, ,! t Mi di'-ii'!' to liisi tal rliaiar m, iid ilienf tie, ;i:i vpe.ik w ith im fiiiifirierro. Y-:r tell me that -r ite tt mt a liberal nHn" f.Mh''"' U r't whether this f!iarc y V'.h further say, )tuhave I. tt. tijut pcfed a Inerahy part iisauN tLe b'-coi il l'resbyferian II, iir,,in N i-shint. ru" You vuyti i kn n M.n.til.ii)tu abotii this, and lit utl.s pneial lihtrality ofrliar-fci-rVI will reply soijii what at Up. Uith rtgard to the charge B'l' i!)!iineer was a rhurge more h;wi:(!.(I. In this fUv Mi. Adams Mtll km vtii to be a man of uucora ti'i, fil ala;oat tmbounded liberality Md ii-t it he remarked, his bcncvo- hft ih lilfuive, it is not corifinetl iiciic (ibjtct or set of objects, but fJDias eer obiect which can be ifiriin Lluistian, a Tatriot. a I'hr 'imliropist. This will be u-ade man tsiintlie srijul ol this letter. In '"lini to Hie Second I'rcsliMri ian !;'"li in this City, Mr. A! s Tu!y proed himself to be. lis :'""', ;.n:l a .!m al one, too. Let "tl-iak: About two ears aj;o, ' 'K'.urcb, beieu' then recently or- Pwd, wsh, by leasons of debt, Kwl) embar lasted, so much so. ";iitl)ad willnigli passed under iiainmcr. At I lit' eai nest renuesl es, the Pastor wei.t on " North soliriting aid. TUv Nt3 of IW xei tii ra amounted to tf.OtJ. This num. ralthousli. iirolly received, and really of ' "'',) by no means icdccim d I lie fl;(Mu)in iis iliinrolties: Ntill. in- u!rmlv of debts due to two ''iii this ritv. the sum of 561. 200 ,iH!uett) Mr. Sandfortl, the cat- . tr;rie Ijat! bt en very indulgent, 11 n ii( umsihnr i a t nnelhd him M, , f - a pun nn un m iiru 'I'ruMres met. Mm. Adams, - ' IHUtJfl BIIU lilt IHUI I II "wrtj, was i resc nt. After much P'n j;.mt)r)gst the Trusttea, ra .riey could be re-paid. The prop osition was politely declined, until furthei efforts should be made to ob tain the u.oney in some other way. All efforts failing, a note.for 600 was drawn, endorsed, and handed to Mr. Adams Ufing asked whether the names were sullicient, Mr. Ad am looking canlcssly at the note, replied, lt is well enough to have this, as an evidence of thu fact, bntf added he, fo-iilin;;, 'if this note were never p,ud, I should never think ol silting ih gentU rn n." liut, con.in ued be, Mi. B. this is only S60O ; how will you pay Mr. Sandfoid the balance ? I tna sure sir, 1 know not, was the reply. lI a3kcd the que8 tion'retiwned Mi Adams, becau9e 1 am willing to advance the wholo amount. InmiioMy f..r Mr. Suml- foid and thjnli it a pity he should be l;ejt ou' of his money ho long " A nexiiate-aAjdi:a.vv .u..thc. muiity ..vt.jia. pt'nd ;Mr. Siotlhiil was HUirtHigty phased, and ver sii (hat 'perf"d w. have heard no ui.re about the "tribulations" of the church. You ria) thi'ik me ttm minute, but you will obse- ve that it it not merely the nerou.s act, but the manner of doing it, tin! c con-iiner. Hence thm dd sayi'.isr, "His da I, ijm cilvdat.1 Now f'T this innnuer of 'doiu a giiud thing Mr. Adauis isnb eil and In re 1 ai y state, ibat, in giving, Mr, Adams i the most unostentatious man I ever knew. I tin verify believe his 'mo intimaterier.!3 are ignoru'.t of th extent and of Sii.4 charities. llu: I muit not forget to mention a little circumstance connected wi;; :h aforesaid loan to our thurrfi. I' nv.is nrojvncfj to pay Mr. Aii.'? SlOO rut), three months. To m inep quarterly instr.linetits, the.pl an ad ijiied wai t!iis: to ri culate a tiiib Hcrtption p-ap m the Congregation, and to ottai;i 1G0 Aubscribetn at 2 j cents per m nlh. It -succeeded most admirably, and much to our hui p- ise, Nli.Adiiux uiianltCited, NuDiii.iibed .'vj ren!t per momh, and his lndy the miip. And yet Mr. Adams is not a liberal man ! There is i case relating to the Eu taw "street Church, in Halimor which ought to be mentioned. Ymi may recollect that some C or 8 months ago, Mr. W- all we must needj forget some of jdigiifioi reco inoeiiiiiu . their them. Io thiscity, such has been Mr. partisans to publish and cii culate Adams' benefactions to individuals the genuine documents in ordr that and institutions of almost every kind, the puhlh mty see how grossly the if that I could wiah no better income have been imposed upon by mo o! than the annual aiiount of his chari tU agents and Friends ot Uie Mmin ties ; and yet Mr. Admus i not a lib- istralion" the tinders gned cannot eral man ! It is wll : soroy said that but i-x iress their rant profound as Washington was not a patriot, nor toinslnnent. For they do most pos Bonaparte a brave nun J If asser- itively assert, that no such Pamph tlnrt9 are made contrary to matters let has been so circulated In this of fad', which crowd upon us, which State. It was. therefore, through stare us in the face; such assertions gross igoorauce or will misrepresen are of no account, they arc beneath ta'ion, that the bold assertion was notice, beneath coutemju. j ventured. The challenge is given to lIu all that I have said, I have been produce the Pamphle:. There is, actuated, purely, by a regard to us-. there has been, none such. ticc. You may make iust what u W 9 of this letter you please. I place iii limited confidence in your pdesce.' From the Faijelleville Obsttrer. The Adminisiraiffln Committee of Variance for this county hae re quested the publication of the follow ing Ileport and Proceedings. I'hey have a richt to be heard, arl we therefore, thouglibn the otbtr side : some of the H'-porr of the Jarks or-the'rpiestion, teadily com t with iheir're'.ie.st, leaving it to thtii- who have made the assertions cotilaiu d of, to, defend I hem. It is evident, however, that refer ence was intended to a Pamphlet, o rigiually published at Washington, and by the suggest im, direction und aid of your Committee, republished Ht Iluleii'li. M.me other thn the pamphlet o iubli&hfsdr Uie averred, I to discilmtrtiO-4 esv- have been circtdaied i this Stale, bnving any dce-muentary 'evidence relative to tho case of those unfortu nate, much defamed and injured nirrican Vrizens. uniesi. neinaii.. Military Committee of Cong-ess may have been sent to a favored lew Tim Pamphlet publihvd at Ka etgh has been, it is well kn w ii, lrr At averting of the Comini.tee of; !y and extensively circulated bv "'' '"'Or of hope was opened, Mr. ' ' aiid f,if, (jcntlftnenif til a,,v uirvire. I wiU'litid l"i Sriifi n -. 1' .... l lie propofiirion ns a '' tit in, i In nlai lv r;i). i.a it ,BWicult to 8V how, oi when, the , came to ur citv in solicit aid. Having heard of Mr. Adams' character for liberality, he came to me, and requested that I V"i)ld introduce him to Mr. Adams. When I understood liis object, alt ho' a warm friend to. hirmelf and his ob ject, I positively rcfuncd, telling him that M1.' Adams was no uncommonly grnerou, it was really a ohatne to impose upon him. I lis went away, made vigorous exertions, obtained one subscription of 10 dollars. With his bggaily list," he went to Mr. Adams, presented his paper, with out any complaint q fvevkutnl (ai," Mr. Adams immediately gave him Lj. And yet Mr. Adam is not a liberal man ! 'You have heard, it may be, of his liberality to the Columbian College; besides large (lunations, he took stock to the amount of a thousand dollars, when he could not believe that the stock would bp productive. It is cur rently reported here, that-Mr. Adi ams has advanced a certain mechanic iu this city, SS000; I believe it, and I moreover believe Mr. Adams must have considered the 'pay day" very remote. The Female A-ylum, Uow- ard Scie.ty, and I -believe, alt charit able Institutions, in this city, find in Mr. Adams a munificent' Patron. When spfaking oftbe Second Pies byteriaii Church, I ought to have mentioned, that Mr. Adams;had giv en 100 to the church, buf a short lime before the seasonable and gen erous advance of S1200 alrtady sta ted ; I forgot the rii cumstance; it i$. not remarkable, for hi dnnjuions are so numerous, it wo were (old them- vti;;.s.ni ani lrrespondeit e ol 'iiiiibe'rlaMd County, opposed 'o He h;e.f-n of .Gen. Andrew J$xks(,j yl'rcsideid ! (lie United stale-. onvVned pursuant to notice, t o ty.ohrt Ilotiso in Faye trevdie. Jut. if, 1S, the following Ueport wan lirc ientj J : ' I'n the'Ctjinrnifree or Vigdanre and Cui resp indeiice of Cuinbeihio C( unly opposed t tl election of (jJen. Jackson ai l'ieidcnt of the United States. 1 The rsigncd, members o." the suh-coiiimit'' -r, to vvliotii was t'elega ted full power to arl in I he reces of the (ieueral Committee, Report, Thai tliey have embraced every lair opportunity and used, to the extent of their ability, every honorable means, to advance the cause in y-Mi CoiniiiitEee, and is en i:!cd Vn Odiciul iiecord Iimoi tlie V,n Department of the Proceedings lie Cmi t Martial which tried, and she oiik'is uf tien. Jirksiri foi lii io'mg i!:esix vlililia Men, togrih -r with tlliicial Celt Vis Jnnn t!i VtW 1). jMrtinent, (orde ed - to he printed by Cougiess) shewing t.'i it e-:e Inieiii io ciii.ei.s vve;c i:i!i i m.mly nod ill a!ly m;Haf-ed." father Me nee.q S 't-eh 'u' Mi nl d in the Pamphlet. In fne, vv aain rrpea'j that all that ptiip'irtn to ifce ffirial D euments contained in !ys much ahused I'amnlilrTt, i trvk c Cokbect ; and upon 'his point, wc pledge Qiirsclva tathe community. ga n, i ii usserteit tli' iti ni'i iiciioi t manih'o z Unau thorized.' WhH" i- in en ' d h, t'us word? I it tint the conduct of mn aspiring to hi b office, is not 'o be exmiied anti eve i reiisui'i-d theniigli the p ess, uiless nerunt m ' lin ed from some iperet reu;u;at ir ip m-idern reformer?' Cannot an oGfi cial rerunl fro n a llepa tmetH of me Government bo presetted lie pu'i lie, unless wi'li the superscrtptio i of a C ingress C jtatoittew? Shall tiifl scvanta -f rlic people dictate to their sovereign masters Ihr- urrion f liglit and i if miti n with which 'hey id iy be f.v(ril ? Or is i in'eiided herelore, that h -illegi exereise of high funded mnttary p wer .h ol nit even now. be pr mutated mi less jiermiited by a 0ne. ai 1? I t from tTead Quarters at the H-roit a ? Tin' publicnti nt however, was n it u i .ii h : izfl. v Y'ur Com ill t e li.ve d'ea ly a"v iWi'i thei tie i. y m .'latioii to it, ;t'nl mu d iir 1'ee;nin tiofi to pe fvretn e-rcnLi-ttnit. I'ljey beltc-i hrt the ti ll, a- ii cor iM folly warrmts h- r - narks which re u. ed ; and toy -k'lo not any reas i .- 1 1 . li- iomiI parti'til vrs nftiie h!oo li 'mfC d'l ho jhl a receive full r. en v. L ur F:'lo v Citieos) ead 'ie p i!i!'catni!i with atten'i'Mi. a"d b sj tli ess aid t!ie a of h - x ;li- ani' M homr o ;tn,meUrs. lie x I'his ii the i ai.sk and wiautlio ?- I' ill- son is nadr i w 'r ; i ''la ted puh'ici i rf al'tided to, t-i.conn- he vtlFalnes- or ign ri f trtart wliti h, tbf genuine deuments j t , j ,u Geu.T-,1. ft a son o are t.i be circulated and to fix up in the frieud uf the Adminioti ation" the htigrn.a of having ;'roi mipo iCiC upon the public. Under su( h accusations to remain silent, would admit a baseness f principle and coo uct, the imputation of which, no which wo are engaged, the good i honorable man would a low. cause of true Rtnnblicanrsm.. As friends (yielding m nonf in their at n turns a ra h-'N -u ", ' ti- ihe 's I'lessiog hi 'st d, h :t e- iti us mar'ail judg n nt w e- pi', i "approved fshc '-a brother ie . li dils toe golden chat o? wr. : ru'hlesslv orike ito mike an i xii i lk, tin guiltless o li ' I su I" ' preveif fntu e crime. Lt every man make ucb a case his own, and he vVl then t iqu; who has bcn thus tfi .- s" ov'f f our CrtuiiuiMee 'hen, unhesita tingly affirm, that the said Pamph tarhiruuiO to our rominon cnuntrv. let. so lar as it purports to contain they havo persevered in exertions to! official documents, does contain the my hopes, tho executio-ie- of my kio avert from thai country a gri 'vous cknuine documents'' transmitted dred, the cause of the des latMo of calamity the elevation of General! jrom the IVar utpai tment at the call ; my domestic happiness I lie will Jackson to the Presidency. of the House of Representatives, (ex- As in the exercise of their rights ceptmg certain inusier and pay roll, pciccive the author to nave been no . other than a subordinate, but n t - as Freemen, and in (he discharge of voluminous and unimportant tobejrious Commando, now aspiring to a trnst reposed in them by a respec- published in extrnsn.). And they able portion of their fellow r iti ens, further afbrm, after an examination, they spurn any dishonorable act, e-j that the said lloauncnts are therein ven to effect a desirable end, they do printed in the okdek arranged uy fearlessly appeal to the candid of all the Jackson MiLiTAiiv; Commit parties, that, in no publication which the uf the House, and appended to they have been instrumental in cir- j their report ; and no person, who has e lating, have they, directly or indi- coinpan-d jhc publications,, would rectly, impeached the motives, vili-J hazard his veracity by a deuial oftbe ificd the actions or traduced the cha-1 truth of this assertion. The under racters of their opponents. And j signed, therefore, indignantly repel truly, the cause needed, no such aid;; Hie slander and cast the reproach and if it did, a regard for character Where it is justly merited. and respect for public decen -y would The Documents a he tuup. ; & have forbiden its adoption. They : now let the people judge who inten- had hoped and determined, on their j ded to affect injuriously," the cause part, that the courtesies and charities of Liberty and l'i uth ; and let th; m also declare who they arc, wh should ' be met with indignation by all candid-and impartial persons." They arc TRirii ; let the Jackson of life should not bo v iolated. The Bptenette cnaUa tin. juL jlisappointed uinhi'ion, when confined to nitre Ed itors who cater for hungry office see i kers or feverish partisans, have been , Central Committee circulate their noticed only as tho idle windj Out when, at' a public organized meeting of pur opponents, mfln, some bidding, and others desiring honora ble office, and all havingJ beside their Individual characters, a stand inga? a Committee of a portion of the community, deliberately! resolve and publish to the world "IThat the Pathp!ileintitfe7t"-irnwf) of i he Trial and Execution of the six militia me" is an imposition on the public, is false and -junauthori stan iart! copy and on o nparnon, the public will thus see how grosn ly they have been imp osed upon by some of the agents and friends" oftbe Military Clnelu'u. The official record of thes Doni mcnts, it is true, are accompanied by some preliminary remarks, illustra live notes and subjoined statements aud,cflcciious.but the most rcfinrd stupidity' itself, could not mistake these for part, of the official Docu ments, the commencement end tertni- cd, and ought to be rejected with nation of which arc distincly noted be Ciiirv over all; and lie never can, lie never will consent to ent: ust additional powers to one who baa shown himself tbus prodigal of hu man life. These considerations sh mid a rouse u to more vigerous exertions, encouraged by a conviction that the cause we advocate is rapidly exie d ing itself in the community. Let no man be diic mraged by the loud ooastingi of a zealous, but alarmed ppnsiti on : let all b fi u, be active, and WB H II ALL PREVAIL. Subiuitletl by Axr.trs Tayxob, Jessk I'ikusvll, Ksek Armold, Jeremiah hieeETT Eo. L- Wiv-iLow, Tikimas J. Cuariv. Fayetlevillc, lime lGtb. Hcio'ved, That t!ie forc ing Ue ;iort be received and adopted. Resolved Ttiat the OIH i tl D iru ments coutai icd in the Pamphlet therein referred to, are true, and en titled to the entire confidence of the public. That this Committee app' ovo of giving the same die ra if cxt isivo circdation. That they repfli with I sd iti t. all -assertions, from whatever sroenirylnayrocTTd, rhirrTia same ace false nnau'h nzed , and rha they arcs isfivd ' hat all an 1 d and impartial persona" are only tu jju flL.llMf --M.ikii --n.ii,i

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